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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Renen kan inte äta pengar. En gruva påverkar allt.” : En idéanalytisk studie om gottgörande rättvisa och samers rättigheter i fallen Rönnbäck/Rönnbäcken och Gállok/Kallak

Linder, Olle January 2022 (has links)
This thesis scrutinises the state plans for future mining operations in two specific areas in northern Sweden, namely Rönnbäck/Rönnbäcken and Gállok/Kallak, and how these plans have become issues of intense dialogues and debates nationwide during the previous years. This is partly because of environmental reasons but the primary matter is because these two areas have traditionally belonged to the indigenous Saami people where they are pursuing reindeer husbandry. Despite the many voices of the Swedish society as well as the Saami people that have been raised against the mining plans in these two specific areas, the Swedish government still approved the mining companies to start pursing their activities in both cases. Because of this, several human rights issues have been invoked against the Swedish state in terms of the directly affected Saami’s rights as an indigenous people. Some of these invocations have been made by referring to the ICERD and UNDRIP. Therefore, on the basis of the Saami’s right to fair rectification as an indigenous people, the aim of this work is to further examine how state actions for rectification, because of previous state conducted human rights violations, are being perceived by different actors; in this case the Swedish state and the Saami people. By applying the theoretical framework of rectificatory justice, and conducting the method of analysing the arguments and perceptions of the Saami people as well as the Swedish state, the main focus of the thesis is to further examine the two cases of Rönnbäck/Rönnbäcken and Gállok/Kallak. The thesis’ main finding is that there are many discrepancies between the Saami people and the Swedish state in terms of their views on fair rectificatory arrangements as well as the rights of the Saami as an indigenous people.

USA - ett föredöme eller skräckexempel? : En kritisk analys av strukturell rasism i samband med mötes- och demonstrationsfriheten i USA

Nygårdh, Lukas January 2021 (has links)
Police brutality is a problematic feature of the American society that has caused civil unrest among the vast majority. The excessive use of force from American police forces sparked off a wave of protests during 2020 in which people called for the abolishment of unnecessary and unethical police violence against civilians. The importance of the Black Lives Matter movement has been highlighted by the authoritarian response to the protests and the inhumane treatment of ethnic minorities in the United States. But given the strong protection of the freedom of speech and the freedom of assembly in the U.S. constitution, the problem seems to be intertwined with inappropriate attitudes of officials rather than written shortcomings in the law. In this thesis, I investigate how structural racism has affected the freedom of assembly in the United States, which is done through a critical review of relevant literature and documents concerning contemporary challenges for the Black Lives Matter movement. Various reports have addressed the mishandling of Black Lives Matter protests from American police forces and their arbitrarily use of the law to disperse them, e.g., by classifying predominantly peaceful demonstrations as “unlawful assemblies”. This is the kind of dishonest behaviour that I scrutinize further in this study, which is of great importance since it affects peoples’ human rights and ultimately threatens the collective well-being of the American people.  I also investigate and critically discuss the components of a sustainable understanding of the freedom of assembly, which is done through a theoretical analysis of the views of Ronald Dworkin and Jeremy Waldron. From this analysis, I learn about substantial problems that may arise from different theoretical understandings of this right and about the importance of spreading awareness of different forms of racism. Only by acknowledging the existence of racism in our societies, we can protect vulnerable groups from derogatory behaviours and together achieve social justice.

En studie om europeisk identitet : Utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik i EU

Asllani, Donika January 2021 (has links)
This study examines the European council and its connection to CFSP and the European identity. It will give a perspective of the change in common foreign-security policy from the Maastricht Treaty to the Lissabon treaty. The study will reproduce a perspective through time and describe the main ideas in CFSP and make a connection to how it created a European identity. The empirical material will conclude the European council results. To give more perspective, an idea analysis will be operating to capture the ideas of the various materials describing European identity and the CFSP. Henceforth using the empirical material to conclude a result for the analysis. For the analysis to be complete subjects such as normative power and actorness will have a part in the work in CFSP. Social constructivism as a theory will help to understand the power that European identity has in international cooperation. To conclude this, abstract the study will structure a difference in the work of the CFSP and its strategy to promoted democracy, and peace.

Unwanted Returnees : Legal Aspects of Sweden's Non-Repatriation Policy of Detained Women and Children in al-Hol and Roj Camps

Al-Kohaili, Aws January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Kränkningar av yazidiernas rättigheter efter ISIS attacken 2014 : En kvalitativ fallstudie om kränkningar mot yazidiernas rättigheter baserad på Kymlickas teori om mångkulturalism. / Violations of Yazidi rights following ISIS attack in 2014 : A qualitative case study on violations of Yazidi rights based on Kymlicka's theory of multiculturalism.

Kajil, Haibet January 2022 (has links)
In 2014, the terrorist organization Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) emerged and carried out a brutalattack on ethnic minorities in Irak, especially northeastern Iraq. Several minority groups fell into thehands of ISIS and were tortured. One ethnic minority group that this study focuses on is the Yazidis.  The aim of this research for bachelor's degree in POLITICAL SCIENCE, is to draw attention to how therights of the Yazidis were violated after the ISIS attack in 2014 until today. The main question of thestudy is structured as follows: How were the rights of the Yazidis violated in connection with theemergence of ISIS in 2014 and onwards? The question will be answered based on Kymlicka’s theory ofmulticulturalism, which is based on three main pillars: self-government rights, polyethnic rights andspecial representation rights. The method used for this study was a qualitative case study that collecteddata to thoroughly and nuanced investigate the study's cases. In relation to the theoretical framework,method and empirical analysis, the purpose of the study has been achieved and the question has beenanswered. The results of this study are consistent with previous research that noted that ISIS had committed seriousand systematic human rights abuses and including war crimes. The Yazidis demand autonomy becauseof the prevailing circumstances in Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan, which are struggling to control the Yazidis.This has hampered the Yazidis' opportunities for employment in economic and political institutions,integration and political representation. Yazidis are in a vulnerable situation in Iraq where they areforced to assimilate or identify as either Kurds or Arabs in order to gain their rights. The ISIS attack leftan open gap that has not yet been resolved, and tensions between the groups are rising. The decisions ofthe majority society must take into account the views and interests of minority groups in order to reducethe barrier. Hard work by international bodies is needed to ensure and guarantee the survival and identityof the Yazidis in Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan.

En rättssäker process? : Enskildas processuella rättigheter i kvalificerade säkerhetsärenden / A due process? : Procedural rights and the Act concerning Special Controls in Respect of Aliens

Forsberg, Sanna January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Etiska dilemman och avvägningar mellan smittskydd och sekretesskydd

Flodbring Larsson, Olivia, Skillryd, Anna January 2023 (has links)
Due to their contagiousness, communicable disease require healthcare staff to not only see to the needs of their patient, but also to the protection of themselves and other people from getting infected. Ethical issues and dilemmas tied to the patient’s anatomy and confidentiality arise as interventions to prevent further spread of the disease necessarily involve informing others about the risk of infection. Knowledge of and about communicable disease is necessary for acts of caution to be taken by both the person carrying it and those who are at risk of becoming infected. The Swedish communicable disease control system is regulated mainly with the Communicable Diseases Act (smittskyddslag, SFS 2004:168) and confidentiality within healthcare is regulated by the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (offentlighets- och sekretesslag, SFS 2009:400). In this thesis we identify dilemmas and concessions in the taking of measures to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, focusing especially on these two laws. This is done from the perspective of social work in healthcare settings with some focus on healthcare counsellors. For this purpose we have used content analysis with a deductive approach, produced a coding schedule, and analyzed relevant data in official documents. To discuss identified dilemmas and concessions further, we have used a theory of care ethics and utilitarianism. In our results we describe dilemmas consisting of situations where it is impossible to both maintain secrecy regarding the patient’s status as ill while informing others about their risk of infection, situations where differing interests arise, and situations where several principles which need to be followed differ from one another. These dilemmas are ethical in nature rather than legal, although professionals must make decisions regarding what information to share and what to keep secret. This makes for situations where practical answers to ethical dilemmas are necessary, and the contagious nature of the patient’s disease makes work more difficult. / I arbetet med smittsamma sjukdomar ska hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal inte enbart värna om patienten, utan även andra människor. Sjukdomarnas smittsamhet medför försvårande omständigheter och medför andra etiska frågor än andra sjukdomar. Inte minst uppstår etiska problem kopplade till patientens autonomi och sekretesskydd vid smittsamma sjukdomar på grund av risken för att också andra kan bli sjuka. Vetskap om sjukdomen är ett måste för att rimliga försiktighetsåtgärder ska kunna vidtas av både den smittade och osmittade personer. Smittskyddet i Sverige regleras främst genom smittskyddslagen (SFS 2004:168) och hälso- och sjukvårdens sekretess genom offentlighets- och sekretesslagen (SFS 2009:400). Vi identifierar dilemman och avvägningar i det praktiska arbetet med att besluta om och vidta smittskyddsåtgärder utifrån lagstiftningen, och diskuterar sedan dessa. Vårdetik lyfts och appliceras. Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är socialt arbete i hälso- och sjukvård, och delvis rollen som hälso- och sjukvårdskurator. Metoden består av innehållsanalytisk bearbetning, kodning, av lagtext och förarbeten med en deduktiv ansats. I resultatet redovisar vi hur balans mellan olika rättigheter och skyldigheter genomsyrar smittskyddslagen (2004), vars primära syfte är att tillgodose befolkningens behov av skydd mot smittsamma sjukdomar. För att uppnå detta görs flera avsteg från sekretessen som annars gäller i hälso- och sjukvård. Vi identifierar och beskriver de dilemman och avvägningar som uppstår som situationer där det är omöjligt att både hemlighålla patientens sjukdomsstatus och skydda andra från smitta, då det råder skilda intressen, och situationer då skilda principer behöver följas. Dessa dilemman är främst etiska och praktiska i och med att den som fattar beslut om och vidtar smittskyddsåtgärder måste besluta vilka uppgifter som ska röjas och på vilket sätt. Etiska riktlinjer är inte irrelevanta och kan utgöra både vägledning genom olika dilemman och avvägningar, men också försvåra det praktiska arbetet i och med de verkliga konsekvenser smittskyddsåtgärder har för människorna de berör. Dessutom väger alltid lagen tyngre när det gäller att instruera professionella i hur de ska agera. Skyddet mot spridning av vissa sjukdomar prioriteras över skyddet av patientens sekretess.

Toxisk kolonialism : uppfattningar om globalt ansvar, rättvisa och mänskligarättigheter i processen av en ändring av Baselkonventionen / E-waste colonial desposit : perceptions of global responsibility, justice and human rights in the process of amanding the Basel Convention

Kalén, Lise January 2018 (has links)
Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this study is to understand the meaning of global responsibility and toxicwaste control. The Basel Convention is the UN's international regulations on the import, export andtransport of hazardous waste. According to the Basel Convention, the export of electronic waste todeveloping countries is fully legal if the recipient country has given approval in writing. Is there a linkbetween toxic colonialism, global responsibility, justice and human rights?Material/Method: A qualitative case study of what delegates from three African countries think abouttoxic colonialism and global responsibility.Main results: The essay gives an explanation of the concept of toxic colonialism in relation to the BaselConvention and the Ban Amendment, from three African UN delegates, furthermore an analysis of theimportance it can have on global responsibility, justice and views on human rights.The essay results show that the Ban Amendment of the Basel Convention is in line with Rawl'sdifference principle and the principle of freedom and would contribute to increased justice on electronicwaste coding if the amendment goes through and is used in symbiosis with human rights: UDHRArticle 25 and ICESCR Article 12.1-2.

Barnets rätt till sina föräldrar : En kritisk rättsdogmatisk analys av rättsligt föräldraskap i relation till Barnkonventionen / The child’s right to his/her parents : A legal dogmatic analysis of legal parenthood in relation to the convention on the rights of the child

Jeppson, Veronica January 2019 (has links)
The Convention on the rights of the child (CRC) stipulates a set of rights for all children and declares that all national legislation should be in compliance with the convention. The CRC states that the best interests of the child shall be of primary consideration in all actions concerning children; that every child has the right to protection of their family relations as well as the right to know about its parents. The purpose of this study is to investigate how well does the Swedish regulation of establishing legal parenthood comply with the child’s family oriented rights stipulated by the CRC. The study uses a critical legal dogmatic method and is analysed from a theory of the best interests of the child principle. The result shows that the Swedish law strongly protects the child’s right to know about his/her genetic origin. However, the findings illustrate that the mentioned right is often seen as synonymous for what is best for the child, and therefore leaves no space for questioning other aspects that may affect the child’s well-being. Furthermore the results demonstrate that the Swedish family law mainly protects hetero normative families where none of the parents has changed their legal gender. The further away from this norm that the child’s family is, the more complicated it is to establish legal parenthood and therefor harder to protect the child’s right to its family relations. The paper argues that the Swedish family law hence leaves little space for what could be seen as the best interest of a specific child in a specific context, and by doing so diverges from the CRC which advocates contextually when analysing what is best for the child. The paper concludes that a more flexible law where the best interests of the child can be taken into account in greater extent could secure the rights of the child more effectively.

Har EU det som krävs för att skydda de mänskliga rättigheterna? : En studie om artikel 7 i Fördraget om den Europeiska Unionen. / Does the EU have the power to protect the human rights? : A study about article 7 of the Treaty of the European Union.

Svensson Dunberg, Paula January 2019 (has links)
The European Union (EU) is based on the inclusive core values ​​of democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights enshrined in article 2 of the Treaty of the European Union. If there is a risk that these values ​​are systematically threatened within a member state or when breaches are a fact, the EU may act by applying legal and political mechanisms. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the problem with EU member states abandoning the democratic principles in favor of the illiberal, as exemplified by a case study on Hungary whose constitution and national identity are based on exclusionary values, which consequently has implications for human rights. The main focus of the thesis is the article 7 procedure which has a sanctioning mechanism that may result in the member state concerned being wholly or partly deprived of its voting rights in the Council of the European Union. Article 7 has been criticized for being ineffective and too political. In September 2018, the European Parliament adopted a resolution which activated the preventive mechanism of the procedure against Hungary which is about deciding whether there is a risk of breaches of article 2. The main ambition of the study is to discuss to what extent article 7 can protect the EU's core values. For these purposes, a jurisprudence method that examines EU law has been applied and, through a political science approach, the application of article 7 against Hungary has been investigated. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the procedure, a field study trip was made to the European Parliament in Brussels, where interviews were conducted with people with insight into the work of Parliament and the Council. I was also given the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Committee of Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European Parliament, in which representatives of the European Commission and the European Union Council also participated. The theme for the discussion was the article 7 procedure against Hungary. The findings of the survey show that, due to the political nature, article 7 is not sufficiently capable of protecting the fundamental values ​​of the EU. What is needed is a new independent mechanism to review all member states' compliance with democracy, the rule of law and human rights.

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