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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stadens sopor : Tillvaratagande, förbränning och tippning i Stockholm 1900-1975 / The garbage of the city : Resource recovery, incineration and dumping in Stockholm 1900-1975

Sjöstrand, Ylva S. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with perceptions of refuse as an asset or as a liability and the questions of waste management practices. The aim has been to gain new insights into Stockholm’s waste management in the period 1900–1975 by studying change and continuity in municipal practices and the notions that governed the municipal actors’ actions. The central questions are what factors determined the city’s waste management, and how an urban and local (environmental) problem was formulated and addressed by local authorities and political bodies. In answering, I have applied a theory of inertia in large technical–administrative systems and an analytical framework based on the concept of waste management regimes. During the period a resource recovery regime was replaced by an incineration regime. At the turn of the last century, the quantity and type of refuse produced by Stockholm’s rising population was compounded by increasing consumption. In order to modernize the capital’s waste disposal the city invested in resource recovery by introducing source separation. The fall in demand for fertilizer and a changing composition of the waste in the 1920s made it more difficult to get rid of refuse and led to an end of waste separation. Incineration came to be seen as the modern option and in 1938 Sweden’s first modern incineration plant for municipal waste was built outside Stockholm. The amount of waste produced by Stockholm nearly tripled between 1922, when it was at its lowest levels, and the mid-1960s. The late 1960s saw an even more dramatic increase. In the 1960s waste was discussed as an important environmental issue and in the 1970s recycling was implemented in small scale. At the national level recycling was adopted as a waste management aim in 1975.
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Views of Nature and Environmental Concern in Iceland

Árnason, Þorvardur January 2005 (has links)
Environmental concern in contemporary societies is a complex phenomenon which is shaped and influenced by a host of different factors. One of the most important of these is the interplay between culture and nature that has taken place during the course of a nation’s history and the various ‛views of nature’ that such interplay has generated. Such views can e.g. manifest themselves in aesthetic judgments of natural scenery or, more generally, in the values that nature is seen to contain or carry. They form the base from which contemporary ideas, conceptions, and evaluations of nature are generated and debated. The five studies that together comprise this thesis explore the socio-cultural background of Icelandic environmentalism from a number of different perspectives. The first study concerns the depiction(s) of nature that can be found in the oldest literary works that have survived in Iceland. The second study deals with the first attempts by an Icelander to visualize nature in his homeland, using photographic media. The third study seeks to compare contemporary views of nature amongst Icelanders, e.g. concerning the appreciation of natural beauty, with those of Swedes and Danes. The fourth study reports the results of an extensive survey which probed the environmental values, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of present day Icelanders. The fifth study builds on this same survey but focuses on the public understanding and perceptions of sustainable development, and also on the connections between attitudes toward environmental and developmental issues. This overall thesis project was multi-disciplinary in nature, combining theory drawn from environmental philosophy, especially ethics and aesthetics, with the theories and methods of environmental sociology, politics and history. The empirical studies employed, furthermore sought to operationalize certain key theoretical constructs relating to views of nature, such as environmental value orientations and aesthetic appreciation of nature, and thus ‛build bridges’ between the concerns, theories and methods of the humanities, on one side, and those of the social sciences, on the other.
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"Utbrytarkungen Tämnaren" : En aktör-nätverksanalys av ett svenskt sjösänkningsprojekt / Lake Tämnaren, the Escape Artist : An actor-network study of a Swedish lake lowering project

Holmgren, Klara January 2023 (has links)
During the first half of the 20th century, lake lowering was a common practice for agricultural drainage in Sweden. Although this phenomenon led to drastic changes in the Swedish landscape, it has been remarkably understudied. Furthermore, previous research on lake lowering, and on the adjacent subject of hydropower, has mostly taken a social constructivist approach. In contrast, the aim of this study was to generate a posthumanist, symmetric account of a lake lowering project, where the non-human actants involved in the network were seen to act. This in order to better understand the driving forces and power relations emerging in a large technical project. The study took the form of an actor-network analysis of the lowering of Lake Tämnaren in the south-east of Sweden. The analysis consists of a chronological account of the project between the years 1923-1967. During the years predating 1950, investigations into both material and social matters were carried out by two engineers who became spokespersons of the many collectives of actants affected by the lake lowering. In the years between 1950-1953 when the project was carried out, the spokespersons’ accounts of reality were challenged, with varying results. After the works had been completed, the question of maintaining a suitable water level in the lake remained controversial and concerned managing the newly built dam. In brief, the conclusions of the study highlight the role of material agency in transporting and changing power between actants in a network. Forms of material agency were for example: the lake flooding, the hardness of soil, or the floodgates of a dam remaining open.
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Examining Conservation Narratives : An Environmental Discourse Analysis of WWF Madagascar / Granskning av miljövårdsnarrativ : En miljödiskursanalys av WWF Madagaskar

Rubin, Félice January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines the conservation narratives of Madagascar the ambiguity of forest cover and deforestation estimates, and the difficulty in deconstructing the narratives linked to the idea of a once fully forested island. In particular, shifts in the conservation debate are related to the discursive power of a large-scale international NGO, the WWF. A diachronic perspective is provided both through a discussion of earlier research and discourse analyses of selected texts, published by WWF Madagascar between 1991–2020. The theory and method are developed from Dryzek’s environmental discourse analysis with some modifications. The categories used in the conservation discourse analysis relate to baselines and intertextuality; underlying narratives such as problem representations and metaphors; the different values given to biodiversity; and possible hegemonic discourses within the conservation debate surrounding Madagascar. The discussion on WWF Madagascar also connects with the progression of environmental movements and conservationism, as reflected through shifting conservation priorities in both international contexts and local community conservation efforts. The conclusion demonstrates that shifts in WWF Madagascar’s conservation work reflect global perceptions and assumptions of what has protection value, and vice versa. It is concluded that the role of NGOs in creating and disseminating environmental narratives affects the conservation discourse on all levels and inmultiple contexts – such as media, academia, communities, and politics. In this discussion, the diachronic perspective on intertextuality presented here, especially regarding baselines and estimates of forest cover, illustrates how environmental history is key to conservation, and how at the same time NGOs can play a role as intermediaries in reshaping environmental narratives. / Denna avhandling undersöker Madagaskars bevarandeberättelser, oklarheten i uppskattningar av skogstäcke och avskogning samt svårigheten i att dekonstruera berättelser kopplade till idén om en tidigare helt skogbevuxen ö. Framför allt är förändringar i bevarandedebatten relaterade till det diskursiva inflytandet hos en storskalig internationell icke-statlig organisation, WWF (Världsnaturfonden). Ett diakront perspektiv ges både genom en diskussion av tidigare forskning och diskursanalyser av utvalda texter, publicerade av WWF Madagaskar mellan 1991–2020. Teorin och metoden är utvecklad med några modifieringar av Dryzeks miljödiskursanalys. De kategorier som används i diskursanalysen relaterar till skogsmätning och intertextualitet; underliggande berättelser såsom problemrepresentationer och metaforer; de olika värden som ges till biologisk mångfald; och eventuella hegemoniska diskurser inom bevarandedebatten kring Madagaskar. Diskussionen om WWF Madagaskar hänger också ihop med miljörörelsens och naturvårdens utveckling, sett genom växlande bevarandeprioriteringar i både internationella sammanhang och lokalsamhällets bevarandeinsatser. Slutsatsen visar att förändringar i WWF Madagaskars bevarandearbete återspeglar globala uppfattningar och antaganden om vad som har skyddsvärde och vice versa. Slutsatsen som dras är att de icke-statliga organisationernas roll i att skapa och sprida miljöberättelser påverkar bevarandediskursen på alla nivåer och i flera sammanhang – såsom media, akademi, samhällen och politik. Särskilt gällande uppskattningar av skogstäcke belyser denna diskussion det diakrona perspektivet på intertextualitet som presenteras här, hur miljöhistoria är nyckeln till bevarande, och samtidigt hur icke-statliga organisationer kanagera som förmedlare i omformningen av miljöberättelser.
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A QUEST FOR ENVIRONMENTAL SOVEREIGNTY : Chicana/o Literary Experiences of Water (Mis)Management and Environmental Degradation in the US Southwest

Perez-Ramos, María Isabel January 2017 (has links)
The U.S. Southwest is a semi-arid region affected by numerous environmental problems. Chicana/o communities have been directly affected by such problems, especially ever since the region was annexed from Mexico by the United States in the mid-nineteenth century. From this moment onwards they lost their environmental sovereignty, mostly through their dispossession of the natural resources.   This environmental humanities dissertation focuses on the ethics, politics, and practices around water (management), for water is a key natural resource and a central element of Chicana/o cultural identity. It explores the ways in which Chicana/o culture is interconnected with environmental practices and sites in subaltern literary works about the Chicana/o experience. It investigates how the hegemonic Anglo-American environmental, political, and economic practices have challenged and undermined Chicana/o culture, identity, and wellbeing, and how this has been addressed in fiction; and it questions whether establishing such a connection adds any useful insights to the larger discussion on the global socio-environmental crisis. This dissertation also analyzes the writer activist character of the subaltern narratives of the corpus, with attention to the relevance of rhetoric in subverting and constructing environmental discourses and ethics.   By examining regional and border narratives, as well as fiction and non-fiction narratives about the socio-environmental struggles of other ethnic minorities in the Southwest and in other parts of the world, this dissertation puts literature about the Chicana/o experience in a regional, national, and transnational context. It moreover explores the pivotal role of literature in reclaiming environmental sovereignty, in asserting cultural identities, and in countering the environmental crisis by imagining alternative managerial practices and socio-environmental relations, as much as in challenging cultural hegemonies. / <p>QC 20170508</p>
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Full gas mot en (o)hållbar framtid : Förväntningar på bränsleceller och vätgas 1978 - 2005 i relation till svensk energi- och miljöpolitik / From Hydrogen Societies to Hydrogen Economy : Expectations regarding hydrogen and fuel cells 1978–2005 in relation to energy- and environmental politics

Hultman, Martin January 2010 (has links)
I föreliggande avhandling undersöker Hultman hur bränsleceller och vätgas underolika tidpunkter beskrivits som delar i ett framtida energisystem 1978 – 2005. Detempiriska materialet som analyseras är statliga utredningar, böcker, rapporter,tidningsartiklar och riksdagstryck. Syftet är att undersöka vilka aktörer sombeskrev tekniken, på vilket sätt tekniken konstruerades samt hur dessa förflyttadesoch förändrades under olika tidsperioder. Avhandlingens empiri undersökstillsammans med teorier om utopier och förväntningar på teknik samt tidigareforskning om svensk energi- och miljöpolitik. Avhandlingen är indelad i kronologiskt strukturerade kapitel vilka länkas sammanav analytiska platåer. I slutkapitlet diskuteras resultaten av den historiskaförändringen från visionerna om vätgassamhällen till en vätgasekonomi i treteman. Inom det första temat analyseras omdaningar över tid med fokus påaktörer, argument och teknik. I det andra temat fokuseras hur föreställningar omtekniken byggdes upp till nya höjder mellan 2000-2005. Bland annat diskuterashur tekniska, ekonomiska, miljörelaterade och säkerhetsmässiga förväntningarskapades med hjälp av starka metaforer som vatten, vägkartan och marknaden.Dessa förväntningar gjordes på olika platser och lånades mellan lokaliteter. I dettredje temat diskuteras vätgasekonomin som en ekologiskt modern utopi. I ensådan extrapoleras framtiden utifrån en ökning i takten av teknikförändringarna,men samtidigt ska samhällsstrukturerna konserveras. / At the turn of the millennium, high expectations were connected to a technologycalled fuel cells. It was said that it could contribute in a significant way to solvingthe problem of increasing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere andreverse the greenhouse effect. But this was not the first time fuel cells andhydrogen has been described as a technology for the future and connected todifferent kind of utopias. On the contrary, this technology has a history ofexpectations connected to it and in this dissertation the period 1978 – 2005 isanalysed with focus on reoccurring arguments, main actors and how descriptionsof expectations move between different locations and different periods of time.These questions are answered with an analysis of empirical material that containsgovernmental reports, mass media articles, scientific reports as well as field notesfrom an participatory study. In this dissertation the analysis is read together withprevious research regarding Swedish energy- and environmental politics as wellas international research about fuel cell and hydrogen. The investigation is alsoinformed by theories about utopia and sociology of expectations. The main conclusion to be drawn from the historical period 1978 – 2005 is thatthe utopia hydrogen and fuel cells are said to be parts of change, from differentpossible hydrogen societies to one hydrogen economy. This change can beexemplified with changing roles of science, technology and the state as well ashow former environmental activists and political parties change their values.
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Ranstadverkets uranbrytning : Utifrån riksdagsbeslut 1959-1970 / The Swedish uranium mining at Ranstadverket. : Based on parliamentary decisions 1959 - 1970.

Brandin, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
Abstract The studies purpose is to acknowledge if there are some differences between the decision against Ranstadverkets uranium mining depending on event that occur and affect the project. 1959 - 1970 is the years that are examine. The Swedish uranium mining was a hot subject between the political parties. Nearly half a billion Swedish kronor was invested in the project. Nonprofit organizations like environment groups disliked the project and tried to stop it. Events like the when the mine where put in pause in 1969 and how that affected the mine. The study analyzes how the events affected the Swedish governments decisions against the mine and how the Swedish people responded on the decisions. / Den svenska miljöhistorian består mestadels av forskning om kärnkraften och vattenkraften vilket är bara en del av Sverige miljöhistoria. Den svenska uranbrytningen är en del av den svenska miljöhistorian fast det finns knappt någon forskning om ämnet, speciellt inte utifrån riksdagsbesluten. Vilket gör ämnet mer intresserat att studera.     Ranstadverket under åren 1959 - 1970 kan uppfattas som ett hett ämne vilket har blivit påverkat av omvärlden och dess förändring. Vid starten av Ranstadsprojektet var budgeten för verket cirka 115 miljoner och verkets byggnation kostade cirka 140 miljoner. Efter alla kostnader och arbetstimmar blev kostnaden för hela projektet nästan en halv miljard svenska kronor. De två frågor som har diskuterats i riksdagens dokument är ifall det är gynnsamt att utvinna uran vid Ranstad samt kostnaden för projektet. Ranstadsprojektet var ett diskussionsämne för alla svenska partier för att det var väldigt ekonomiskt krävande men också för att det kunde minska importkostnader.
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Historisk myggplåga vid nedre Dalälven : En miljöhistorisk granskning av myggproblematiken vid Tärnsjö, Heby kommun, mellan åren 1985-1995.

Åslund, Jonathan January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att utreda ett område som tidigare forskning inom miljöhistoria inte har utforskat rörande myggproblematiken vid Nedre Dalälvsområdet mellan åren 1985-1995. Tanken var att utreda de möjliga myggbekämpningsmetoderna som föreslogs, vilka aktörer det var som förespråkade dessa, samt naturens påverkan på närområdet under samma tid. Forskningsläget beskriver tankesättet bakom miljöhistorisk forskning, ger en bakgrund till myggförekomsten i Nedre Dalälvsområdet från år 2000 och framåt, och belyser relationen mellan människa och natur. Länsstyrelsen Västmanlands rapport från 2003 täcker hur invånare i Heby kommun lyfte frågan om myggproblematik till kommunal nivå år 1985. Hebys kommunarkiv erhöll två samlade ärenden rörande den aktuella perioden. Undersökningen utgår från en förklarande kvalitativ analys av två kommunstyrelseärenden hos Heby kommunarkiv namngivna som KS.1985.292 och KS.1991.552. Källmaterialet omfattar 95 sidor av sammanträdesprotokoll, inbjudningar till informationsträffar, forskningsrapporter,informationsdokument och diverse övriga handlingar som ej kan kategoriseras. Undersökningsresultaten visar att Heby kommun under den aktuella perioden av 1985-1995 inte vidtog åtgärder i form av myggbekämpning, även om flertalet förslag fanns representerade i kommunstyrelsens sammanträdesprotokoll. Anledningen till varför myggbekämpningen uteblev har troligtvis flertalet faktorer som exempelvis kommunens ekonomiska begränsning, kommunstyrelsens motvilja att bruka kemiska bekämpningsmetoder, eller att kommunstyrelsen inväntade svar från andra, större samhällsorgan.Bekämpningsmetoderna som förespråkades var dels biologiska metoder som inplantering av inhemsk fisk och groddjur, eller kemisk bekämpning i form av besprutning med insekticider.
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