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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Verordnung von Schlaf- und Beruhigungsmitteln: Ein Mixed-methods-Ansatz zur Exploration einer Drucksituation / The prescription of hypnotics and sedatives: A mixed-methods design to explore a pressure situation

Weiß, Vivien 19 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Practice mentors' attitudes and perspectives of interprofessional working, and interprofessional practice learning for students : a mixed-methods case study

O'Carroll, Veronica January 2017 (has links)
The demands on health and social care organisations require professions to work more collaboratively. During pre-registration training, health care and social work students learn within practice settings, supported by practice mentors. These settings are rich learning environments to experience interprofessional working (IPW) and for students to learn together through interprofessional practice learning (IPPL). There is, however, evidence that students' experiences of both are varied or limited. The value placed on IPW, and IPPL, is therefore of interest. This thesis will investigate practice mentors' attitudes to IPW and IPPL, and explore their perspectives of the enablers and barriers to these occurring in practice settings. A mixed-methods case study approach was used to measure the attitudes of practice mentors from health and social work, and to identify enablers and barriers to IPW, and IPPL for students. Online surveys and semi-structured face to face interviews were carried out with a range of professions within one Scottish health board and associated local authority. Results showed that attitudes to IPW, and IPPL for students were generally positive. Attitudes were not significantly affected by governing body, gender, area of work, years of experience, or prior experience of IPE. IPW was perceived to be enabled by shared processes and policies, IPPL for staff, effective communication, established teams, and shared processes and policies. Proximity to other professions and shared spaces encouraged informal communication and positive interprofessional relationships. Regular structured IPPL opportunities for students were limited. However, where opportunities did occur, this was linked to areas where practice mentors perceived that there was a strong interprofessional team identity. Although attitudes to IPW, and IPPL for students are positive, further work is needed to identify systems for improving IPW, to strengthen professions' identity as interprofessional teams, and to increase IPPL opportunities for students.

The childcare practice of children’s daytime sleeping outdoors in the context of Northern Finnish winter

Tourula, M. (Marjo) 22 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of the study was to create a comprehensive view and add understanding about the childcare practice of children sleeping outdoors in the context of Northern Finnish winter. A general view of the topic was described, the thermal insulation of clothing of infants sleeping outdoors in northern winter climate was evaluated and the relationships among thermal environment, infants’ skin temperatures and daytime outdoor sleep duration were described. Mixed methods research design was used. A questionnaire was distributed to the parents (n=116) of children under 2 years of age in the city of Oulu. Skin temperatures of about three-month-old infants were recorded from seven skin sites throughout a daytime sleep outdoors (n=34) and indoors (n=33) in the families’ homes. The duration of the infant’s sleep was observed and air temperature and velocity of the outdoor environment were recorded. Clothing data of infants were collected and microclimate temperatures and humidity inside middle wear measured. The insulation of clothing ensembles was measured by using a baby-size thermal manikin. The required clothing insulation was estimated according to ISO 11079. Mothers (n=21) from Northern Finland were interviewed. A fit can be found between family – cultural outdoor sleeping childcare practice – and Northern Finnish winter environment, but also factors that decreased the fit existed. Winter environment was seen as an affordance for the child to sleep outdoors. Infants usually slept outdoors in the daytime once a day in different kinds of environments, the best temperature being -5 °C. Outdoor sleeping was a self-evident and common culturally bound custom. Guidelines and encouragement were given to mothers from different sources, and by sharing their own experiences, mothers participated in the cultural knowledge-building processes. The outdoor sleeping practice was commonly accepted collective behavior. Many risk factors also existed, but when all security perspectives were first taken into account it promoted family well-being by creating rhythm and strengthening the fluency of everyday life. The optimal thermal insulation was difficult to adjust systematically and both cooling and sweating existed. When ambient temperature decreased, the cooling rate of Tsk increased. Children slept longest outdoors when the cooling rate of Tsk was minimal. The basic idea was that outdoor sleeping promoted children’s health. A comprehensive view of the phenomenon was gathered into the evaluation model, which can be utilized in nursing practice. The findings give detailed information that is utilized when updating guidelines. This study also creates ground for international comparative studies. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli muodostaa kokonaiskuva ja lisätä ymmärrystä lasten ulkona nukuttamiskäytännöstä pohjoissuomalaisessa talvikontekstissa lasten ja perheiden hyvinvoinnin lisäämiseksi. Tarkoituksena oli kuvata lasten ulkona nukuttamiskäytäntöä, ympäristön ja ihon lämpötilojen sekä unen pituuden yhteyttä ja arvioida vaatetuksen lämmöneristävyyttä. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin mixed methods -lähestymistapaa monipuolisen kokonaiskuvan tavoittamiseksi. Pilottikysely tehtiin alle 2-vuotiaiden lasten vanhemmille (n=116) Oulun alueella. Ihon lämpötiloja mitattiin seitsemästä eri kehon osasta noin kolmen kuukauden ikäisiltä lapsilta (n=34) heidän nukkuessaan kotona päiväuniaan sisällä ja ulkona Pohjois-Suomessa talvella. Unen pituutta havainnoitiin ja ympäristön lämpötilaa ja tuulen nopeutta mitattiin. Lasten talvivaatetuksesta kerättiin tietoa ja lämpötiloja mitattiin vaatetuksen eri kerroksista sekä kosteutta välivaatetuksen alta. Vaatetuksen lämmöneristävyyksiä mitattiin lasten kokoa vastaavalla lämpönukella. Vaadittava lämmöneristävyys arvioitiin ISO 11079 – standardin mukaisesti. Pohjoissuomalaisia lapsiperheiden äitejä (n=21) haastateltiin kulttuurisen tiedon esille tuomiseksi. Yhteensopivuus perheen, kulttuurisen ulkona nukuttamiskäytännön ja pohjoisen talviympäristön välillä voidaan saavuttaa, mutta toisaalta myös tasapainoa vähentäviä tekijöitä löytyi. Talviympäristö nähtiin tarjoumana lapsen rauhalliselle nukkumiselle sen puhtaan ja raikkaan ilman ja luonnon sekä hiljaisuuden ja rauhallisuuden takia. Talvinen sää vaihteli auringon paisteesta kovaan lumipyryyn ja lämpötila muutamista lämpöasteista lähes kolmenkymmenen asteen pakkaseen lasten nukkuessa vaunuissaan. Paras lämpötila ulkona nukkumiselle oli -5  °C. Ulkona nukuttamista pidettiin itsestään selvänä kulttuurisena tapana. Äidit saivat ohjeita ja kannustusta lasten ulkona nukuttamiseen eri lähteistä. Vertailemalla ja jakamalla kokemuksiaan he osallistuivat myös itse kulttuurisen tiedon rakenteluun. Lasten ulkona nukuttaminen talvella osoittautui yleisesti hyväksytyksi kollektiiviseksi käyttäytymiseksi, joka toisinaan aiheutti paineita äideille. Lapsen ulkona nukkumiseen liittyi monia riskitekijöitä, mutta kaikki turvallisuusnäkökohdat ensin huomioon ottamalla se edisti perheen hyvinvointia luomalla säännöllistä rytmiä ja vahvistamalla arjen sujuvuutta. Optimaalisen vaatetuksen lämmöneristävyyden löytäminen systemaattisesti eri lämpötiloissa oli vaikeaa; sekä jäähtymistä että hikoilua esiintyi. Ympäristön lämpötilan laskiessa keskimääräisen ihon lämpötilan jäähtymisnopeus lisääntyi. Lapset nukkuivat ulkona pisimpään silloin, kun ihon lämpötilan jäähtyminen oli hitainta. Ensisijaisesti ulkona nukkumisen ajateltiin edistävän lapsen terveyttä. Lasten ulkona nukuttamisen arviointimallia voidaan hyödyntää käytännössä ohjauksen yhteydessä ja tutkimuksen tuottamaa yksityiskohtaista tietoa ohjeistusten päivittämisessä. Tutkimus antaa lähtökohtia kansainväliselle vertailevalle tutkimukselle.

Love ain't got no color? : Attitude toward interracial marriage in Sweden

Osanami Törngren, Sayaka January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the geographical area of Malmö, the third largest city in Sweden, and examines the majority society’s opinions and attitudes toward interracial dating, marriage and childbearing. The dissertation is driven by two theoretical frames: the theory of race as ideas constructed through the perception of visible differences and the theory of prejudice and stereotypes. Mixed methods have been chosen as a means of exploring people’s attitudes toward interracial relationships. Quantitative data was collected by means of an attitude survey and the qualitative data was collected by means of follow-up interviews with some of the respondents who participated in the survey. The study shows that although their attitudes vary depending on the different groups in question, the majority of the respondents and interviewees could imagine getting involved in interrelationships and would not react negatively if a family member got involved in such a relationship. The quantitative results address the importance of intimate contacts, in other words having friends of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds in having more positive attitudes toward interracial dating, marriage and childbearing. Age, gender, education and the place of upbringing also affects people’s attitudes. The qualitative inquiry probes the reasoning behind the survey results and points to the complicated relations between individual attitudes and the sense of group position. The interviewees’ words depict color-blind ways of talking about attitudes toward interracial marriage and different groups. Ideas of race emerge in this color-blind reasoning and the role of visible difference is highlighted both through the quantitative and qualitative inquiries. / Denna avhandling granskar majoritetssamhällets åsikter och attityder till “interracial marriage and relationships” (blandäktenskap och annan blandrelation). Populationen för denna granskning är ett representativt urval av befolkningen i Malmö, Sveriges tredje största stad. Studien drivs främst av två teoretiska inriktningar. Den ena är teorin om “race” (ras) som innebär att race är tankar och idéer som väcks utifrån fysiska och synliga skillnader hos olika grupper. Den andra är teorin om fördomar och stereotyper. Metoden som använts för att undersöka befolkningsmajoritetens attityder är “mixed methods”. Den kvantitativa enkätstudien följs upp med kvalitativa intervjuer till en del av de svarande. Studien visar att även om det finns variationer i val av preferenser beroende på vilken grupp det handlar om, kan majoriteten av respondenterna i enkäten och intervjupersonerna tänka sig att leva i blandäktenskap eller i annan blandrelation. Majoriteten svarar också att de inte skulle reagera negativt om någon i familjen väljer att leva i ett sådant förhållande. Resultaten från den kvantitativa undersökningen tyder på ett starkt samband mellan att ha vänner med olika etnisk bakgrund och i att vara mer positiv till blandäktenskap och blandrelation. Ålder, kön, utbildningsnivå och var man är uppväxt påverkar också attityderna. Den kvalitativa undersökningen utforskar resonemangen bakom resultaten från enkäten och avslöjar en komplicerad relation mellan individers attityder och känslan av grupposition. Intervjupersonernas ordval och uttryckssätt reflekterar ett “färgblint” sätt att tala om attityder till blandäktenskap och olika grupper. I resonemangen bakom färgblindhet framkommer i både enkäten och intervjuerna tankar och idéer om “race” (ras) och betydelsen av fysiska och synliga skillnader hos olika grupper.

Students’ Affective-Motivational Research Dispositions

Reichow, Insa 05 May 2021 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation wurden drei zentrale Ziele mit einem Mixed-Methods-Ansatz verfolgt. Ein erstes Ziel war es, ein umfassendes Modell affektiv-motivationaler Forschungsdispositionen für Studierende der Sozialwissenschaften zu entwerfen, da sich existierende Konzeptionen von Forschungskompetenz ausschließlich auf kognitive Leistungsdispositionen konzentrieren. Mithilfe von Experteninterviews und einem Expertenrating wurden neun affektiv-motivationale Forschungsdispositionen identifiziert, die notwendig sind, um die Anforderungen eines sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschungsprozesses zu meistern. Ein zweites Ziel lag in der Entwicklung und Validierung von Testinstrumenten zur Erfassung der identifizierten affektiv-motivationalen Forschungsdispositionen. Basierend auf den Standards der psychologischen Testkonstruktion konnten Selbsteinschätzungsskalen für alle neun affektiv-motivationalen Forschungsdispositionen erarbeitet und Validierungsnachweise erbracht werden. Diese Arbeiten bildeten die Grundlage für das Erreichen des dritten Ziels: Es sollte getestet werden, inwieweit die Teilnahme am Forschenden Lernen zu einer Entwicklung kognitiver und affektiv-motivationaler Forschungsdispositionen führt. Das Forschende Lernen ist ein didaktisches Format, bei dem Studierende eigenständig einen Forschungszyklus durchlaufen, um eine Forschungsfrage zu beantworten. Bis dato lagen zwar theoretische Postulate zur Wirksamkeit Forschenden Lernens in den Sozialwissenschaften vor, aber kaum empirische Befunde. Im Rahmen einer Prä-Post-Studie (N=952) in Veranstaltungen des Forschenden Lernens zeigte sich, dass Studierende sowohl positive als auch negative Entwicklungen verschiedener Forschungsdispositionen aufweisen. Als zentral erwies sich die Rolle der begleitenden Lehrperson. / This dissertation addressed three central goals using a mixed-methods approach: The first goal was to develop a comprehensive model of affective-motivational research dispositions for students of the social sciences since existing models of research competence concentrate on cognitive dispositions. With the help of expert interviews and an expert rating, nine affective-motivational research dispositions were identified. The second goal was the development and validation of test instruments to assess the identified affective-motivational research dispositions. Based on the standards of psychological test construction, self-assessment scales were developed for all nine affective-motivational research dispositions and evidence for their validity was generated. These previous steps formed the basis for addressing the third goal: To test whether research-based learning is a suitable format to foster different cognitive and affective-motivational research dispositions in the social sciences. Research-based learning is a didactic format in which students complete a full research cycle to answer a research question. So far, there are many theoretical claims on the effectiveness of research-based learning in the social sciences but a lack of empirical evidence. In a pre-post study (N=952) in research-based learning courses, it was shown that students benefit from a favourable development of some of the research dispositions, whereas other dispositions decreased. The role of the facilitating instructor proved to be central.

Peerbeziehungen von Jugendlichen im Kontext inklusiver Ferienfreizeiten

Röhm, Ines 15 March 2022 (has links)
Peerbeziehungen wirken sich maßgeblich auf die Entwicklung im Jugendalter aus. Aufgrund von alltags- und behinderungsspezifischen Lebensbedingungen stehen Jugendliche mit Behinderungen dabei vor besonderen Herausforderungen, die die Möglichkeiten der Anbindung an andere Jugendliche erschweren. Angebote der Kinder- und Jugendarbeit können behinderungsbedingte Barrieren nicht immer auffangen, allerdings stellen inklusive Ferienfreizeiten dabei eine besonders geeignete und zugängliche Ausnahme dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden 46 Jugendliche, die an zwei inklusiven Ferienfreizeiten teilgenommen haben, hinsichtlich der Entstehung, Qualität, Quantität, Funktionen, Intensität, Bestand und bedeutsamer Wahlkriterien von Peerbeziehungen befragt. Im Fokus stand dabei die Differenzkategorie Behinderung, weitere Differenzkategorien wurden in die Befragung einbezogen, um Wechselwirkungen benennen zu können. Im Rahmen eines explorativen Mixed-Methods-Designs mit zwei Sequenzen erfolgte eine Auswertung in den vier Teilen deskriptive Auswertung, soziometrische Analyse, Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse sowie Fallauswertungen. Als zentrale Ergebnisse über Bedingungen für die Entstehung und Erhaltung von Peerbeziehungen von Jugendlichen mit und ohne Behinderungen konnte ermittelt werden, dass vertrauensentwickelnde, ähnlichkeitsbezogene und erlebnisbasierte qualitative Aspekte, die Persönlichkeitsmerkmale Extraversion und Offenheit sowie die kognitive Reife im Vordergrund standen. Dabei zeigte sich eine große Spannbreite entstandener Freund- und Bekanntschaften mit eher geringerem Bestand. Vor allem für Jugendliche mit Lernschwierigkeiten ergaben sich in Bezug auf die Entstehung und Entwicklung von Peerbeziehungen Wechselwirkungen ihrer Behinderungen mit höherem Alter, Introversion, Kommunikationsbarrieren, der gemeinsamen Anreise mit einer bereits bekannten Person sowie den Einstellungen der teilnehmenden Jugendlichen ohne Behinderungen. Sie haben dadurch zwar Bekanntschaften, aber eher keine Freundschaften entwickelt, was darauf hinweist, dass von einer sozialen Einbindung in die Gruppen nicht ausgegangen werden kann. Die Ausgestaltung des Settings inklusiver Ferienfreizeiten wird im Rahmen eines sozialraumorientierten Gesamtkonzepts der Jugendarbeit und Behindertenhilfe sowie einer stärkeren Fokussierung auf Gruppenprozesse inklusive begleitetem Kontakt und damit einhergehenden Einstellungsänderungen diskutiert. Es werden konkrete Hinweise für das pädagogische Handeln gegeben. / Peer relationships have a significant impact on development in adolescence. Due to everyday life and disability-specific living conditions, young people with disabilities face special challenges that make it difficult to connect with other adolescents. Child and youth work services cannot always compensate disability-related barriers, but inclusive summer camps are a particularly suitable and accessible exception. In the present study, 46 adolescents who participated in two inclusive summer camps were interviewed with regard to the development, quality, quantity, functions, intensity, continuity, and significant choice criteria of peer relationships. Besides the focus on the difference category disability, other difference categories were included in the survey in order to be able to identify aspects of intersectionality. Using an explorative mixed-methods design with two sequences, an evaluation was carried out in four parts: descriptive and sociometric analyses, qualitative content analysis, as well as case evaluations. As central results, trust-developing, similarity-related and experience-based qualitative aspects, the personality traits extroversion and openness as well as cognitive maturity emerged as conditions for the development and maintenance of peer relationships of adolescents with and without disabilities. There was a wide range of friendships and encounters with a rather low continuance. Especially for adolescents with learning difficulties, interactions of their disabilities with higher age, introversion, communication barriers, travelling together with someone they already knew, as well as the attitudes of the other participating adolescents without disabilities emerged with regard to the development and continuity of peer relationships. As a result, participants with learning difficulties developed encounters but rather no friendships, which indicates that social inclusion in the groups cannot be assumed. Concerning the design of inclusive summer camp settings, a community-based concept involving the systems of youth work and disability support as well as a stronger focus on group processes including guided contact associated with attitude changes are discussed. Practical advice for pedagogical action is given.

L2 Academic Writing Anxiety and Self-Efficacy: A Mixed Methods Study of Korean EFL College Students

Yoon, Hye Joon 18 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Alter(n), Diversität und Stadtgesellschaft / Eine räumliche Perspektive auf die Vielfalt von Lebenssituationen im Alter am Beispiel Berlins

Enßle-Reinhardt, Friederike 10 December 2020 (has links)
Die Dissertation befasst sich am Beispiel Berlins mit den Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Alterung der Gesellschaft und wachsender Diversität. In sechs Fachartikeln werden methodologische Zugänge zum Zusammenspiel von Alter und Diversität entwickelt und neue empirische Befunde aus qualitativer und quantitativer Empirie vorgestellt. Auf Basis der empirischen Erhebungen wird gezeigt, inwiefern gängige gesellschaftliche Altersbilder den komplexen Lebenslagen im Alter nicht gerecht werden, und entsprechend auch der institutionelle Umgang mit Diversität im Alter vielfach nicht adäquat ist. Daran anknüpfend schlägt die Arbeit eine räumliche Perspektive als methodologischen Zugang für die Analyse des Zusammenspiels von Alter und Diversität vor. Aus dieser räumlichen Perspektive werden drei empirische Beispiele analysiert: Die Nutzung öffentlicher Parks durch ältere Menschen, Umzugspläne und Umzugsmotivationen im Alter, sowie die Bedeutung der räumlichen Nähe für das Entstehen von sozialen Netzwerken in der Nachbarschaft im Alter. Die Arbeit leistet damit sowohl auf empirischer als auch auf analytischer und methodologischer Ebene einen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag: Sie vermittelt zunächst vertiefte Einblicke in die Lebenslagen älterer Menschen mit unterschiedlichen Hintergründen. Auf dieser Basis hinterfragt die Arbeit die implizite Normierung der mittleren Lebensjahre als objektiven Beobachterhorizont und unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit, Diversität mehrdimensional zu denken. Die Arbeit plädiert insofern dafür, die Konzepte Intersektionalität und Superdiversität zu verknüpfen, um auch innerhalb sozialer Gruppen genauer differenzieren zu können. Dabei erlaubt eine räumliche Perspektive einen offenen Blick auf Diversität und ermöglicht es, die bislang getrennten Forschungsfelder der Diversitäts- und Altersforschung zu verbinden. Die Arbeit schließt mit Handlungsempfehlungen für Politik und Planung. / The dissertation deals with the interplay between the aging of society and growing social diversity, drawing on Berlin as a case study. In six papers, the dissertation develops methodological approaches to scrutinize the interplay of age(ing) and diversity and presents new empirical findings from qualitative and quantitative empirical research. Based on the empirical findings, the dissertation shows that prevalent societal images of old age do not do justice to the complex life situations of older people and, accordingly, the institutional handling of older people’s diversity is inadequate. In addition, the thesis develops a spatial perspective as methodological approach to analyze the interplay between age(ing) and diversity. Employing this spatial perspective, the thesis examines three empirical cases: The use of public parks by older people, relocation plans of older people, and the importance of spatial proximity for older people’s social networks in the neighborhood. The dissertation thus makes a scientific contribution on an empirical as well as on an analytical and methodological level: First, it provides in-depth insights into the life situations of older people with different backgrounds. On this basis, the thesis questions the implicit norming of middle age as an objective perspective and underlines the necessity of thinking diversity in a multidimensional way. In this respect, the paper argues for linking the concepts of intersectionality and superdiversity in order to differentiate more precisely within social groups. A spatial perspective allows an open view on diversity and makes it possible to connect the previously separate fields of research on diversity and gerontology. The work concludes with recommendations for policy and planning

Då äldreomsorgen inte räcker till : Om rutiner för arbetet med missbrukare inom äldreomsorgen / When eldercare isn't enough : about the work with addicts within elderly care

Jannehag, Hanne, Syrén, Martin January 2022 (has links)
In recent years alcohol consumption among the elderly population in Sweden has risen. While cooperation between elder care organisations and addiction and substance abuse organisations among individual municipalities has increased, only a fifth of Swedish municipalities have revised guidelines directed toward elder care, describing how social workers are supposed to process this part of the elder population. Meanwhile, New Public Management has caused a fragmentation in social work where organisations have an increased focus on their own areas of responsibility as well as standardised aid increasing the risk of clients not getting the aid they may need. The purpose of this mixed methods study is to understand how social workers within elder care are expected to work with elders who abuse or engage in risk-filled use of alcohol. In order to accomplish this we have chosen to study guidelines for social workers specialised in elder care. The documents are developed by 30 different municipalities found through Socialstyrelsens “Öppna Jämförelser 2021” and in addition to these guidelines, the study also aims to analyse a survey directed toward social workers in the same municipalities in order to generalise the results. In conclusion, New Public Management has provided Swedish social services with specialised social workers. Working from different offices within a municipality creates cause for cooperation to which, in some municipalities, there are not sufficient guidelines describing clear proceedings when it comes to processing elders with addiction or substance abuse.

Det strategiska ledarskapets betydelse för etablering av evidensbaserad praktik i socialtjänsten : En analys av chefers och medarbetares erfarenheter och uppfattningar / The importance of strategic leadership in the social services for establishing an evidence-based practice : An analysis of social work managers and co-workers experiences and perceptions

Gärdegård, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att beskriva och analysera chefer och medarbetare syn på sina organisatoriska förutsättningar att etablera evidensbaserad praktik (EBP) i socialtjänsten. I uppsatsen läggs ett särskilt fokus på den organisatoriska förutsättningen strategiskt ledarskap och dess betydelse i en EBP-kontext. Frågeställningarna behandlar huruvida det finns en tydlig riktning kring hur verksamheten ska utvecklas, om konkreta förutsättningarna skapas för genomförandet, ifall kontinuerlig uppföljning och återkoppling ges på arbetet samt om det finns uthållighet i utvecklingsarbetet i organisationen. Skillnader i uppfattning mellan chefer och medarbetare undersöks. Empirin har hämtats från två barn- och ungdomsenheter i Stockholms stad i form av en enkätundersökning och fyra fokusgrupper. Materialet har analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning om ledarskap kopplat till implementering av EBP samt Scheins ramverk om organisationskultur och ledarskap. Resultaten från enkätundersökningen visar på statistiskt säkerställda skillnader i uppfattning mellan chefer och medarbetare: cheferna svarar genomgående i en mer positiv riktning än medarbetare. Resultaten från fokusgrupperna visar möjligheter att skapa tydlig riktning, flera likheter i uppfattning om konkreta förutsättningar samt möjligheter att utveckla arbetet med uppföljning och återkoppling. Faktorer som påverkar uthålligheten i organisationen lyfts fram. Sammanfattningsvis visar undersökningen att det strategiska ledarskapet ännu inte finns fullt ut i de undersökta organisationerna men viktiga steg har tagits för att skapa denna organisatoriska förutsättning. Resultat från undersökningen pekar också mot att man framöver bör arbeta mer systematiskt med att inkludera medarbetarna i arbetet med att etablera en evidensbaserad praktik. / The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze social work managers’ and employees’ views of the organizational prerequisites to establish evidence-based practice (EBP) in the social services. The thesis has a particular focus on the organizational preconditions of strategic leadership and its importance in an EBP context. The research questions reflect whether the strategy for development is clear, if conditions are established for implementation, if continuous evaluation is used and feedback given, and whether there is perseverance regarding the developmental work in the organization. Differences in the opinions between managers and employees are examined. The study has a mixed-methods approach. Empirical data were derived from two children and youth units in Stockholm city in the form of a survey and four focus groups. The material was analyzed based on previous research on leadership related to implementation of EBP and Schein's framework of organizational culture and leadership. The results from the survey show statistically significant differences in the opinions between managers and employees: managers consistently respond in a more positive direction compared to the employees. The results from the focus groups show opportunities to provide clear direction, several similarities in opinion about how to create concrete conditions for implementation, as well as possibilities to develop work on evaluation and feedback. These results further highlight factors related to sustainability for strategic leadership. To conclude, the investigations of present study find that the strategic leadership does not yet characterize these organizations, but important steps have been taken in developing this organizational condition. Moreover, the results indicate that future work would benefit from systematically involve employees in the developing efforts to establish an evidence-based practice.

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