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Vid krisens vägskäl : Kontinuitet och förändring inom det svenska krishanteringssystemet mellan 2004 och 2018 / After the Crisis : Continuity and Change Within the Swedish Crisis Managment System Between 2004 and 2018Swedenhammar, Marika January 2020 (has links)
Frågan om och hur kriser leder till förändring är relativt outforskad, särskilt i en svensk kontext, men även inom internationell forskning som präglas av vitt skilda uppfattningar om relationen där emellan. För Sveriges del, väcks frågan till liv i samband med kriser som drabbar landet. Denna policyanalys av tre kriser som har inträffat under de senaste åren: tsunamin 2004, skogsbranden i Västmanland 2014 och skogsbränderna sommaren 2018, visar att samma brister med och kritik mot krishanteringssystemet, framför allt gällande dess decentraliserade karaktär som både står och faller med självständiga myndigheter och kommunalt självstyre, påträffades i respektive fall. Därutöver analyseras fallen som fokushändelser utifrån teori om agenda-setting. Hittills så är det bara tsunamin som genom ett öppet policyfönster har lett till förändring gällande systemets karaktär och gjort det lite mer centraliserat. Inget av skogsbrandsfallen gav samma resultat med förklaringen att policyfönstren stängdes. Andra typer av förändringar bekräftas dock i alla tre fall och därför kan det, i en svensk kontext, konstateras att kriser leder till förändring. Resultaten indikerar också att det svenska krishanteringssystemet, efter ytterligare kriser, troligen står inför en vändpunkt av centraliserande karaktär baserat på färdigställda lagförslag med syfte att åtgärda bristerna med det decentraliserade systemet.
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På spaning efter läsande förebilder : En studie om den statliga synen på läsande förebilder / On the look for reading role models : A study on the state view on reading role modelsInsulander, Moa, Zejlon Schild, Louise January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Från beredning till utfall : En policyanalys av apoteksmonopolets omreglering och den nya privatiserade apoteksmarknadenLindhe, Anna January 2024 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis is about the reregulation of the Swedish pharmacy monopoly that occurred in July 2009. The study is examining the intentions of the reregulation, the Swedish pharmacy market as it is today and if there seems to be a correlation between these. The theory used for the study is the policy process and it serves as a way for the reader to gain a deeper understanding of the process between the preparations of the decision, and the evaluation of the solution that was implemented. Through a policy analysis and by looking at documents carried out by government authorities the analysis lifts the intentions of the reregulation by interpreting its goals. By reading evaluating documents regarding the reregulation, it is possible to create a perception of the pharmacy market today. In the discussion the question regarding the correlation between these two is brought up and looked at. The result of the study shows that the outcome of the reregulation is not fully correlating to the intentions that was once written in preparing material for the decision. The reregulation was looking for efficiency, availability, lowering costs and creating a safe drug use for the costumers. After looking at the combined material not all goals have been achieved to its fullest.
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Föräldraskap - en falsk tro på jämställdhet? : En diskursanalys om det gemensamma föräldraansvaret / Parenthhood - a false belief in equality? : A discourse analysis about shared parental responsibilityEliasson, Sonja, Kröjs, Madelaine January 2024 (has links)
The study examines a selection of guiding documents published by The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare and how they portray shared parental responsibilities when domestic violence take place. The aim is also to analyse the possible consequences of discourses about parenthood responsibilities when violence is involved. The thesis is based on discourse analysis, a feminist perspective and uses Bacchi’s “What’s the problem represented to be?” as a policy-analysis method. Two discourses were found. The discourse of gender-neutral parenthood tends to downplay violence by portraying it as a conflict between two parties. The discourse of shifting responsibility instead places the responsibility for the protection and welfare of children onto the abused parent only. In conclusion, the policy document under study frames shared parenting responsibilities in domestic violence situations within a social psychological understanding of violence, hence leaving a structural perspective out of the equation. / Denna studie granskar Socialstyrelsens kunskapsstöd som är vägledande i arbetet med våld i nära relationer med syftet att undersöka hur kunskapsstödet framställer föräldraskapets gemensamma föräldraansvar när det sker våld i nära relationer. Syfte är även att analysera vilka möjliga konsekvenser framställningar av ett gemensamt föräldraansvar kan få när våld förekommer. Med en utgångspunkt i diskursanalys, feministisk ansats samt Bacchis angreppssätt ”What’s the problemrepresented to be?” som metod identifierades och analyserades två olika diskurser. I diskursen om ett könsneutralt föräldraskap tenderar våldet att tonas ner till en konflikt mellan två parter. Diskursen om ansvarsförskjutning visade att det gemensamma föräldraskapets ansvarsskyldighet för barns skydd och omsorg förflyttas till enbart den föräldern som blir utsatt för våld. Studien visade att när det sker våld i nära relationer framställs det gemensamma föräldraskapet i policydokumentet utifrån en könsneutral socialpsykologisk förståelse som utelämnade ett strukturellt perspektiv på våld.
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Hur använder man digitalisering för att uppnå hållbarhet? : En fallstudie om hur arbetet med digitalisering tillämpas på nationell och lokal nivå i ambition att uppnå hållbarhetAroka, Annabel January 2019 (has links)
Today, Sweden's ambition is to be the best in the world to use the possibilities of digitization, while at the same time aiming to be a leader in the work for sustainable development and Agenda 2030. The study aims to study whether there is a clear connection between how the theory of how one should work with digitization to achieve sustainability applies in the practical work at national and local level. Furthermore, one can use the result to identify how one should use digitization and plan for a more sustainable society. The aim of the study is to be able to see what differences and / or similarities there are at the different strategic levels, where the study is limited to comparing Sundsvall's municipality with the rest of Sweden. The parameters examined are supported by the theory that William Mitchell has written in his book "e-topia", which describes the connection between digitization and sustainability and answers the question of how to achieve sustainability with the help of digitization. The report is based on a qualitative method, in which the result is gathered from two interviews and two policy documents, respectively, in order to be compared and discussed in the report's concluding discussion and conclusion part. The result shows that it is the human transformation that is of significant importance both at national and local level, but that there is no clear link to the sustainability work in the national digitization strategy. Instead of focusing on what abilities that are required to be able to use digital techniques or technologies, one should instead focus on how digitalization contributes to the sustainability work in order to eliminate unnecessary processes or steps.
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Politiska ideal kommer och går, men kärnfamiljen består : en diskursanalys av riksdagsdebatten om vårdnadsbidraget 2007/2008Larsson, Jennie K January 2008 (has links)
This thesis takes as its point of departure the Swedish governmental family policy and the debate on the proposed reform ‘vårdnadsbidraget’. The supporters of the reform present it as something that will increase the freedom of choice for families and benefit the children, whereas the opponents warn for decreased equality and a return to the male breadwinner-model. From a constructivist perspective, language is closely related to power through defining and ascribing meaning to reality. By applying a feminist political theory on the debate within the Swedish national parliament 2007/2008 and conducting a discourse analysis, the aim of this paper is to analyse which concepts are used and how they construct to what makes a family within the political debate – is there any difference or similarity between the view of the opponents and the supporters of ‘vårdnadsbidraget’? The main conclusion of this paper is that even though the political ideal and rhetorical concepts differ between the supporters and the opponents, they still constitute the heterosexual nuclear family as an obvious norm in family politics. Even though the opponents of the reform are critical to the nuclear family as a ideal, their strife for gender equality contributes to reproduce the heterosexual nuclear family as the family norm.
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Om aktörer inom svensk arbetsförmedling. : En studie om intressekonflikter mellan medverkande på den arbetsmarknadspolitiska arenan.Herslow Deijenberg, Anna, Lundin, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att synliggöra intressekonflikter som uppstått mellan kommun och branschorganisation när en kommun ansökt om att få bli leverantör till Arbetsförmedlingen för en tjänst som tidigare endast upphandlats med privata aktörer. Vidare är vårt syfte att undersöka huruvida demokratiska eller ekonomiska incitament ligger till grund för Karlshamns kommun respektive branschorganisationens ställningstagande i denna fråga. Karlshamns kommun har med bakgrund av SOU 2020:41 Kommuner som utförare av tjänster åt arbetsförmedlingen - en analys av de rättsliga förutsättningarna, skickat in en ansökan till arbetsförmedlingen för tjänsten Kundval Rusta och matcha. Karlshamns kommun var den första kommunen i Sverige att skicka in en sådan ansökan. Genom att analysera primärkällor i form av texter från Karlshamns kommun respektive branschorganisationen Almega med hjälp av Bacchis metod WPR analys avser vi att synliggöra hur problemet representeras från respektive part. Genom att koppla dessa representationer till politisk styrning, offentligt etos och makt visar vårt resultat att Karlshamns kommun drivs av både demokratiska och ekonomiska incitament medan å andra sidan branschorganisationen nästan uteslutande drivs av ekonomiska incitament. Vidare är vår slutsats att nuvarande politiska styrning av den Svenska arbetsmarknadspolitiken inte gynnar ett gott samarbete mellan medverkande på den svenska arbetsmarknadspolitiska arenan. Fokus bör vara den arbetssökande och reformer behöver komma till stånd. Det är Arbetsförmedlingen och därmed staten som besitter ansvaret och makten. Närmare bestämt den strukturella makten att fördela vem som ska få tillgång till kunskap och därmed aktörsmarknaden. I våra referensländer har ansvaret för arbetsmarknadspolitiken decentraliserats till lokala kommuner, vilket är ett alternativ som denna studie föreslår att Sverige bör undersöka närmare. / The purpose of this study is to make visible the conflicts of interest that have arisen between a municipality and one of Sweden's Trade associations. These conflicts arose when the municipality applied to become a provider for the Swedish Public Employment Service regarding a service that so far only has been procured with private actors. Furthermore, this study also aims to investigate whether democratic or economic incentives form the basis for Karlshamn's municipality and the Trade association's position regarding the conflict of interest. Based on SOU 2020:41 Municipalities as providers of services to the employment service - an analysis of the legal conditions, Karlshamn municipality has submitted an application to the Swedish Public Employment Service regarding the Kundval Rusta and matcha. The municipality of Karlshamn was the first municipality in Sweden to submit such an application. By analyzing texts from Karlshamn municipality and the Trade association as primary material through Bacchi's method WPR analysis, we intend to make visible how the problem is represented by each party as well as analyzing the incentives behind the representations of what is perceived as a problem. By linking these representations to political governance, public ethos and power, our results show that Karlshamn's municipality is driven by both democratic and economic incentives, while on the other hand the Trade association is almost exclusively driven by economic incentives. We also conclude that the current political governance of Swedish labor market policy does not favor good cooperation between actors on the Swedish labor market policy arena without reforms having to take place. It is the Swedish Public Employment Service and thus the state that possesses the power, responsibility and more specifically, the structural power to distribute who should have access to the player market. In our reference countries, this responsibility has been decentralized to local municipalities. Which we, after this study, consider to be an alternative that Sweden should investigate further.
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En nations bortglömda mödrar : En analys över problemrepresentationen i tre policys, och deras konsekvenser för svarta mödrar i USAIngels Lindqvist, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
As the statistics for maternal mortality have declined all over the world, it has also been rising in the US for the past two decades. The data clearly shows that the group with the highest risk for maternal mortality are black women, whilst white women are the group with the lowest risk. This study aims to investigate three policys related to maternal care: Affordable Care Act, Preventing Maternal Deaths Act and Improving Access to Maternal Care Act. By using Carol Bacchi's What’s the Problem Represented to Be-method of analysis, the study looks deeper into what underlying presumptions and assumptions the policys carry, and what consequences these have. Together with intersectionality as a theoretical framework, the study was able to uncover issues between the policies that are currently in place, and the categories and power positions within the people involved in the policy process and the people affected by the policies. The results show that the underlying assumptions and presumptions is that women work as a homogenous group and that the policies are focused on low-income individuals within that group. This results in continuous disparities in maternal mortality for black women, with concerning consequences. There is a great need for research, not only for accurate data surrounding maternal mortality (on deeper levels, not for women as a homogenous group), but also for development of policies and health care.
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"En kugge i krigsapparaten" : Bibliotekens roll i svensk kris- och krigsberedskap / "A cog in the war machine" : The role of public libraries in the Swedish total defenseWallin Lämsä, Camilla, Joyce, Marie-Louise January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis we explore the idea presented in the Swedish National Library Strategy (2019) to tie the public libraries closer to the nation’s total defense system. The purpose of the study has been to understand which problem this idea was formulated as a solution to and how the suggestion is problematized by information science professionals, using critical discourse analysis methods developed by Carol Bacchi. Our material consists of the finalized National Library Strategy, its first draft from 2018, and the referral responses by various interested parties, as well as interviews with 15 public librarians, library directors, and scholars of information science. We discuss how the psychological defense relates to the librarian’s statutory duty to facilitate citizen participation in deliberative democracy and to counteract misinformation. We also ask how the library professions might be affected by an active involvement in future civil defense efforts. Our results show that the National Library Strategy construes the idea as a security problem by portraying our society as affected by growing political tensions, rapidly spread misinformation, and chaos, making the total defense suggestion into a meaningful solution. In our interviews with information professionals, some respondents viewed the total defense as an extension of their work to advocate democracy and intellectual freedom, whereas others perceived ethical tensions and incongruity between the two missions, referring to traditional library ideals of political neutrality and independence. All respondents based their reflections of the total defense idea on the importance of deliberative democracy and the library’s prominent place in promoting it, but with differing perspectives of its relationship to the total defense system as either problematic or emblematic. Drawing on these results, we argue that a total defense mission is compatible with librarians’ professional ethics and statutory democracy advocacy, as long as libraries can continue to foster free opinion formation and unbiased information evaluation independent from state interests during wartime and times of crisis. This is a two years master's thesis in library and information science.
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Hur hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck framställs samt de potentiella effekterna av det : En policyanalys av kommunala handlingsplanerSturesson, Karin, Ekström, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Våld i nära relation och hedersrelaterat våld och förtyck är ett samhällsproblem där det finns en kunskapslucka kring analyser av policydokument på kommunal nivå. Kunskapsluckan gäller främst analys kring hanteringen av ärenden gällande hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck inom kommunens socialtjänst. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck framställs i kommunala handlingsplaner och vilka de potentiella effekterna av detta kan bli för individ och samhälle. Resultatet i studien bygger på analysen av tre kommuners handlingsplaner gällande hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Metoden som använts för att analysera policydokument är Bacchi´s kritiska analysmetod (WPR). Handlingsplanerna som analyserats är från tre kommuner med olika befolkningsmängd i olika delar av SVerige eftersom det finns skillnader i kommuners uppbyggnad, resurser och deras arbete med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Skillnaden gäller främst hur mycket resurser kommunen har till förfogande, befolkningsmängd samt möjlighetet till samverkan med andra myndigheter. Studien visar på att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck framställs på liknande sätt men att det även finns viktiga skillnader i kommunernas policydokument. Resultatet visar att hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck framställs som ett patriarkalt normsystem, kvinnor och flickor beskrivs som målgrupp och gärningspersonen som man. Det framställs även att HRVF till viss del beskrivs som ett kulturellt och kollektivt problem. Det finns vissa skillnader i handlingsplanernas framställning av HRVF, tillexempel i kopplingen mellan HRVF och det kollektiva. / Violence in a close relationship and honor-related violence and oppression is a societal problem where there is a knowledge gap around analyzes of policy documents at the municipal level. The knowledge gap mainly applies to analysis of the handling of cases concerning honor-related violence and oppression within the municipality´s social services. The expectation with the study is to be able to contribute to filling part of this knowledge gap and to generate even more research on this current topic in society. The purpose of the study is thus to investigate how honor-related violence and oppression is presented in municipal action plans and to discuss what the potential effects of this can be for the individual and society. The results of the study are based on the analysis of three municipalities action plans regarding honor-related violence and opression. The method used to analyze policy documents is Bacchi´s Critical Analysis Method (WPR). The material analyzed consists of three municipalities with different populations in different parts of Sweden because there are differences in the minicipalities structure, resources and their work with honor relate violence. The different mainly concern how much resources the municipality has at its disposal, population and opportunity for collaboration with other authorities. The study shows that honor-related violence and oppression are presented in a similar way but there are also important differences in the municipalities policy documents. The results show that honor-related violence and oppression is presented as a patriarchal norm system, women and girls are described as the terget group and the prepetrator as a man. It is also stated that HRVF is to some extent described as a cultural and collective problem. There are some differences in the action plans presentation of HRVF, for example in the connection between HRVF and the collective.
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