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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Separatism : En fallstudie av Quebec

Urge, Kajsa January 2009 (has links)
<p>This essay is focusing on separatism and nationalism in the Canadian province Quebec. The study has been conducted by using theories concerning nationalism and separatism and later on applying them to this specific case. The aim was to investigate the reasons why separatism has emerged in Quebec and to find out the relationship between Quebec and the rest of Canada.  This is to be done both through a historic as well as current perspective in which both literary resources as well as the internet has been used to find reliable information. The essay is also investigating whether Quebec has any real basis for their will to succeed by taking a closer look at international law and relations.</p><p>The conclusion of the essay showed that language and resentment are two of the most important reasons to why separatism has arisen in Quebec. Nationalism has been strong since Canada was a colony and this shows a deep historical abutment. The study conducted also shows that international laws available are extremely hard to interpret making it hard to ponder upon the question whether Quebec has the right to succeed or not.</p>

Estado de Santa Cruz: o separatismo no mosaico baiano, (1930-1980)

Neves, Maricélia Cardoso Matos January 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-22T18:29:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Maricelia Nevesseg.pdf: 1169440 bytes, checksum: 4989c03967df0376441a2bc6d6b4bc44 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Valdinéia Ferreira(neiabf@ufba.br) on 2013-05-07T15:38:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Maricelia Nevesseg.pdf: 1169440 bytes, checksum: 4989c03967df0376441a2bc6d6b4bc44 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-07T15:38:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Maricelia Nevesseg.pdf: 1169440 bytes, checksum: 4989c03967df0376441a2bc6d6b4bc44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / O objetivo específico desta pesquisa foi analisar historicamente as manifestações separatistas ocorridas dentro da sociedade cacaueira da Bahia, entre 1930 e 1980, bem como, investigar quais as origens desse sentimento separatista. Buscou - se perceber em que momento e de que forma as lideranças da região cacaueira passaram a elaborar um projeto de desmembramento do Estado da Bahia, concretizado no projeto de criação do Estado de Santa Cruz. Coube perceber, também, a gama de interesses dos grupos políticos adeptos ou não do ideal separatista, bem como, as relações políticas e econômicas que essa região manteve com o Governo do Estado da Bahia. / Salvador

Bolívia: crise de coesão territorial no coração da América do Sul / Bolívia: crisis of territorial cohesion in the heart of South America

Eduardo Maganha Freire 06 October 2008 (has links)
O estudo leva em consideração acontecimentos históricos da conformação territorial da Bolívia, sua estruturação, dinâmica, bem como a atual situação de sua coesão interna, implicando no aprofundamento dos estudos relativos à intergovernabilidade, territorialidade, nacionalismo e identidade. Também abarca a questão relativa aos grupos dentro do arranjo democrático liberal, e da ativação política de clivagens de cunhos étnico, regional e econômico, tratando a questão separatista da porção Oriental boliviana. / The study considers the historical events of Bolivia\'s territorial arrangement, structure, dynamics and the current situation of its internal cohesion, resulting in the analysis of major studies on intergovernability, territoriality, nationalism and identity. This research also takes into account the demands made by groups inside the liberal democratic arrangement, and the activation of political, ethnic, regional and economic divisions, addressing the issue of Bolivias Eastern portion breakaway.

"Det är aldrig vi som får vara i fokus" : En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxnas deltagande i anti-rasistiska forum för afrosvenskar

Ndayambaje, Sandrine January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker varför unga vuxna som vuxit upp i Sverige väljer att delta i anti-rasistiska separatistiska forum för afrosvenskar. Syftet har undersökts genom att ta reda på hur unga vuxna som deltar i forum för afrosvenskar identifierar sig, vilka argument som unga vuxna framhåller till att delta i separatistiska forum specifikt för afrosvenskar samt hur de menar att separatism kan bidra till anti-rasism. Genom kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med fem unga vuxna afrosvenskar har datamaterial samlats in. I intervjuerna framgick det att respondenterna utsätts för vardagsrasism såväl som strukturell rasism i samhället. Respondenterna upplever att rasistiska händelser ofta ifrågasätts och tas inte på allvar av icke-svarta. Detta bildar ett utanförskap bland afrosvenska unga vuxna och påverkar deras identifikation då de ständigt förhåller sig till deras hudfärg och ursprung. Av denna anledning upplever respondenterna att de inte passar in i föreställningen av svenskhet och väljer därmed att delta i separatistiska forum på jakt efter en gemenskap med andra afrosvenskar. Denna gemenskap bygger på ett igenkännande av rasistiska händelser som afrosvenskar utsätts för i vardagen. Separatistiska forum ger afrosvenska unga vuxna en plats där de har tolkningsföreträde över hur de påverkas av rasistiskt förtryck och kan på det viset ifrågasätta orättvisa maktstrukturer i samhället.

Tjejgrupp - systerskap eller tjejsnack?

Andersson Franek, Linn, Arcos Silva, Clara January 2013 (has links)
Studien baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer som utförts vid tre olika organisationer i en större stad i Skåne. De fem informanterna som deltagit i studien är samtliga aktiva tjejgruppsledare vid sina verksamheter. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur arbetet i tjejgrupper bedrivs samt varför behovet av tjejgrupper finns ur ledarnas perspektiv. Intressant för oss att undersöka var huruvida tjejgruppen ansågs vara ett jämställdhetsprojekt, och om dessa grupper arbetar problematiserande med könsnormativitet. Under studiens fortskridande har det framkommit att begreppet tjejgrupper och vad dessa ska innefatta är komplext. Dels ska det råda demokrati för deltagarna i gruppen, vilket kan innebära att tjejerna bestämmer all aktivitet, samtidigt som det finns ramar och mål för hur en tjejgrupp ska bedrivas, till exempel det normkritiska perspektivet. Svårigheten i att skapa en grupp som ska arbeta aktivt mot maktstrukturer i samhället och samtidigt genom demokrati ta tillvara på tjejernas egna intressen har visat sig vara en svår kombination. Slutsatsen och vårt resultat visar på att normkritiskt perspektiv eller inte, så stärks tjejerna av gemenskapen av att umgås separatistiskt i en grupp, tjejerna själva behöver det kollektiva systerskapet och det bidrar till att synliggöra tjejer som grupp i en övrigt killdominerad verksamhet.

Nationalism and Modernization: A Comparative Case Study of Scots and Kurds

Turker, Ahmet Tolga 25 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Kunskap, gemenskap och motmakt : en studie av den separatistiska gruppens betydelser för unga kvinnor med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar / Knowledge, community and counter-power : a study of the separatist group's significance to young women with neuropsychiatric disabilities

Lundmark, Pella January 2018 (has links)
I denna uppsats intervjuas fem unga kvinnor om sina erfarenheter av att delta i separatistiska grupper av och för kvinnor och icke-binära med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF). Studiens syfte är att bidra med kunskap om vad unga kvinnor med NPF kan få ut av att delta i en separatistisk samtalsgrupp, för att på så sätt synliggöra deras erfarenheter samt öka kunskapen om målgruppens möjligheter att förbättra sin livskvalité genom att stärka sig själva. Forskningsfrågan handlar därmed om vilka funktioner deltagandet i en separatistisk grupp kan fylla för kvinnor med NPF, givet deras livssituationer samt den position de befinner sig i som kvinnor med icke-normativa funktionssätt. Studien bygger på fem halvstrukturerade intervjuer som analyserats enligt tematisk analysmetod. Det teoretiska ramverket byggs upp kring utgångspunkter och begrepp inom fälten intersektionalitet och empowerment. Resultatet visar att informanterna har delat känslor av utanförskap och avvikelse; både i relation till sina könsroller och i relation till sina funktionssätt, vilket också kan förstås som maktlöshet. Denna maktlöshet förklaras genom intersektionalitet som att informanterna, i egenskap av att vara kvinnor med NPF, tillhör sociala kategorier som underordnas i jämförelse med andra sociala kategorier, vilket också tycks få en negativ inverkan på deras liv. Mot denna bakgrund har informanterna därför sökt sig till separatistiska grupper med en förhoppning om att finna en förstående gemenskap samt öka kunskapen om sina livssituationer. Informanternas deltagande i grupperna kan även förstås ur ett empowermentperspektiv. Dels som empowerment i egenskap av motmakt och dels empowerment som emotionellt stärkande process. Vad denna studie visar är således att deltagandet i en separatistisk grupp kan fylla olika stärkande funktioner. Dels möjliggörs, genom deltagandet, empowerment i form av motmakt - då den separatistiska gruppen blir en arena för reflektion, lärande och handling samt en trygg och stärkande gemenskap och samhörighet. Dels möjliggörs emotionell empowerment, genom att samhörigheten bidrar till ett ökat engagemang för målgruppen, till förbättrad självbild, till ökat mod samt till en lust att fortsätta engagera sig - det vill säga till en högre nivå av emotionell energi. / In this paper, five young women are being interviewed about their experiences of participating in separatist groups for women and non-binary with neuropsychiatric disabilities (NPF). The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge of what young women with NPF can gain from participating in a separatist conversation group; thus to visualizing their experiences and raising awareness of the target group's ability to strengthen themselves. The research question is about addressing the functions of participating in a separatist group, given the target group’s life situations and their social position as women with a non-normative way of functioning. The study is based upon five semi-structured interviews, analyzed according to the thematic method of analysis. The theoretical framework is built around terms and perspectives in the fields of intersectionality and empowerment. The result shows that the informers have shared feelings of exclusion and deviation; both in relation to their gender roles and in relation to their ways of functioning, which can also be understood as powerlessness. This powerlessness, explained through intersectionality, points out that the informers, as in being women with NPF, belong to social categories that subordinate to other social categories, which also seems to have a negative impact on their lives. Against this background, the informers have searched for separatist groups, in hope to find an understanding community and to increase knowledge about their life situations. To participate in these groups can also be understood from an empowerment perspective. Partly as empowerment in the meaning of counter-power, and partly as empowerment as an emotionally strengthening process. What this study shows is therefore that participation in a separatist group can fill different strengthening functions. Through participating in a group, empowerment in the form of counter-power is made possible; thus the separatist group becomes an arena for reflection, learning and action as well as a safe and strengthening community and togetherness. Secondly, emotional empowerment is made possible by the fact that the togetherness contributes to increased commitment, to improved self-image, to increased courage and to a desire to continue to engage - in other words; to a higher level of emotional energy.

Éclatians Assemble! : Trygghet, kreativ utveckling och hierarkier i ett separatistiskt rum för musikproduktion / Eclatians Assemble! : Exploring Safety, Creative Development, and Hierarchies in a Separatist Space for Music Production

Ström Fahlqvist, Edvina January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker deltagarnas upplevelser av ett separatistiskt tryggt rum för musikproduktion, specifikt för tjejer, transpersoner och ickebinära personer. Målet är att förstå hur deltagandet i dessa rum påverkar individernas självkänsla och kreativa utveckling. Genom intervjuer och deltagande observationer utforskar studien vad ett tryggt rum innebär för deltagarna och hur det bäst kan skapas och upprätthållas. Vidare analyseras hur hierarkier manifesterar sig inom detta rum och hur de påverkar gemenskapsupplevelsen. Fältstudien har baserats på material som insamlats genom öppna, löst strukturerade intervjuer med tre deltagare samt en organisatör av det Berlinbaserade, separatistiska rummet för musikproduktion Éclat Crew. Intervjuerna har kompletterats med öppna deltagande observationer av två workshoptillfällen i rummet som undersöks. Resultaten presenteras i tre huvudavsnitt: analys av Eclat Crew som ett tryggt rum, problematik kring teknisk kunskapsutveckling och kreativitet, samt interaktioner och hierarkier inom Éclat Crews kollektiv.  Materialet är tolkat utifrån Focaults teorier om övervakning och självkorrigerande beteende samt Judith Butlers teorier om genus och performativitet. Studien har en teoretisk grund baserad på feministisk teori, queerteori och intersektionalitet. Begreppet tryggt rum undersöks och sätts i förhållande till resultatet. Studien lyfter även fram tidigare forskning inom teknik och komposition i förhållande till makt och genus samt forskning kring rum, kollektiv och subkulturer. Deltagarnas berättelser betonar vikten av en gemenskap som stödjer deras olika identiteter och kreativa uttryck, samtidigt som utmaningar identifieras. Upprepade positiva handlingar och regler, såsom introduktionsrundor och positiv kritik, bidrar till att skapa en lyckad och inkluderande atmosfär. Eclat Crew framstår som övervägande uppfyllande av deltagarnas kriterier för ett tryggt rum, men kan inte klassas som ett rum helt utan hierarkier. / This study explores participants' experiences in a separatist safe space for music production, specifically designed for women, transgender individuals, and non-binary persons. The aim is to understand how engagement in these spaces influences individuals' self-esteem and creative development. Through interviews and participant observations, the study examines what a safe space means for participants and how it can be best established and maintained. Furthermore, it analyzes how hierarchies manifest within this space and affect the sense of community. The field study is based on material collected through open, loosely structured interviews with three participants and an organizer from the Berlin-based separatist music production space, Éclat Crew. The interviews are complemented by open participant observations of two workshop sessions within the examined space. The results are presented in three main sections: an analysis of Éclat Crew as a safe space, issues regarding technical knowledge development and creativity, and interactions and hierarchies within Éclat Crew's collective. The material is interpreted through Foucault's theories of surveillance and self-correcting behavior, as well as Judith Butler's theories of gender and performativity. The study has a theoretical foundation based on feminist theory, queer theory, and intersectionality. The concept of a safe space is examined and related to the results. The study also highlights previous research in technology and composition in relation to power and gender, as well as research on spaces, collectives, and subcultures. Participants' narratives emphasize the importance of a community that supports their diverse identities and creative expressions, while challenges are identified. Repeated positive actions and rules, such as introduction rounds and positive criticism, contribute to creating a successful and inclusive atmosphere. Éclat Crew appears predominantly fulfilling of participants' criteria for a safe space, but it cannot be classified as a space entirely without hierarchies.

Geografické a socioekonomické aspekty separatismu ve Španělsku - případová studie Katalánsko a Baskicko / Geographical and Socioeconomic Aspects of Separatism in Spain - a Case Study of Catalonia and the Basque Country

Lepič, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The subject of research of this presented diploma thesis is the evaluation of the factors that influence the genesis of nationalist aspirations and separatist tendencies on two scale levels: the level of Spanish Autonomous Communities, and between comarcas in the Basque Country and Catalonia. Emphasis is placed primarily on the differentiation between the influence of economic aspirations and ethno-national identity. On the theoretical level, the thesis discusses approaches to nationalism, its typology, resources and activation, as well as the development of social organization and the asymmetrical division of powers in Spain. For the purposes of analysis, two indicators of intensity of expressed nationalism are used - constitutional preference and voting behavior - and then each are tested in relation to socio-economic characteristics, ethno-cultural manifestations, or relevant demographic characteristics. The thesis also evaluates the system of set fiscal redistribution between regions and central government.

Paulistanidade e racialização - o caso nordestino / Paulistanity and racialization: the case of Brazil Northeast

Rego, Marina Chaves de Macedo 13 August 2018 (has links)
Apresento nesta dissertação a pesquisa que realizei sobre as relações entre a paulistanidade e o preconceito contra nordestinos. Exponho como o ideal de superioridade paulista foi historicamente acompanhado por uma narrativa racial, econômica e política que aponta a racionalidade, a branquidade e o mérito como virtudes diferenciais desta população. Apresento, da mesma maneira, a estigmatização dos nordestinos como um fenômeno social de grande alcance, associado à ideia de inaptidão econômica, política e racial imputada a este grupo regional, que aparece com frequência como contraponto da moralidade paulista. Analiso como noções de progresso e civilização, restritivas e racializadas, se adequam e se relacionam de formas distintas a identidades regionais variadas. Trato os regionalismos brasileiros de modo que seja possível investigar a ascensão da questão regional como um processo de racialização e demarcação econômica das populações brasileiras, notadamente simbolizadas por uma gama de marcadores sociais da diferença. Interessa-me entender tanto o caráter homogeneizador das narrativas regionalistas quanto as mobilizações em torno de raça e classe que estas possam abarcar. Focando no caso paulista, apresento o histórico da paulistanidade em torno de uma superioridade que frequentemente se apresentou como questão racial. Da mesma maneira, empreendo uma análise comprometida em averiguar as continuidades e descontinuidades deste regionalismo. A ascensão do discurso da democracia racial com seu consequente padrão de preconceito e discriminação que se estabelece de forma velada é, portanto, um marco importante para esta análise. Para destrinchar estas questões, focalizo a corrente crise política brasileira e os grupos separatistas paulistas que surgiram nesta década (2010). A tese que orienta esta pesquisa é de que a paulistanidade não somente recrudesce em momentos de disputa política, como aparece enquanto perpetradora de uma hierarquia nacional marcada por assimetrias raciais, regionais e de classe. Defendo, deste modo, que a contraposição histórica entre paulistas e nordestinos pode se apresentar como uma narrativa eficaz do conservadorismo nacional. Esta narrativa seria capaz de extrapolar o plano discursivo, possuindo materialidade política notável. Torna-se importante salientar que o regionalismo paulista é pensado de forma relacional aos outros regionalismos brasileiros. / Here, I present a research on the relationship between the paulistanity (ideology which states the existence of a superiority of the people from the Brazilian State of São Paulo i.e. Paulistas) and the discrimination against people from the Northeast region of Brazil. I show that the idea of a Paulista superiority was historically accompanied by a racial, economic, and political narrative that points the rationality, the whiteness, and merit as sources of this alleged superiority. In the same way, I present the Northeastern stigma as a pervasive social phenomenon, constantly associated with the imposed idea of an economic, political, and racial incapacity of this regional population which is often shown as an opposite to the Paulista morality. I analyze how narrow and racial-based notions of progress and civilization differently conform and relate to a variety of geographic regional identities. I analyze the Brazilian regionalisms in a way that allows me to investigate the rise of the regional matter as a process characterized by a wide racialization and an economic delimitation of Brazilian populations, notably characterized by a range of social markers of difference. I try to understand the racial and class aspects of regionalist narratives and I try to understand how regionalist narratives homogenize human groups. Regarding Paulistas case, I present the history of the paulistanity and the associated sense of superiority that has been frequently presented as a racial matter. In the same way, I analyze the permanence and the discontinuity of this regionalism. Accordingly, an important issue for this analysis is the rise of the mythical racial democracy, accompanied by its pattern of prejudice and discrimination, which are stablished in a veiled way. In order to disentangle these questions, I incorporate to my analyses perspectives on the current Brazilian political crisis and perspectives on the Paulista separatists groups that were founded in the 2010s. This research is based on the thesis that the expression of paulistanity would not only enhance during instances of political dispute, but it would also promote a national hierarchy characterized by racial, regional, and class asymmetries. Therefore, I propose that the historical contrast between Paulistas and Northeastern Brazilians can be presented as an efficient narrative of national conservatism. This conservative narrative is not restricted to a speech level, but can also reach notable political materiality. Additionally, it is important to highlight that, in this study, I relate Paulista regionalism to other forms of regionalism found in Brazil.

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