Spelling suggestions: "subject:"självstyrande"" "subject:"självstudie""
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Kommunalt mottagande av vissa nyanlända - Ett gemensamt ansvar eller ett tvång? : En beskrivande idéanalys om fyra riksdagspartiers syn på det kommunala självstyret i samband med Bosättningslagen / Municipal reception of certain refugees : - A shared responsibility or a coercion? A descriptive idea analysis of four parties in the Swedish Riksdag views on municipalself-government regarding the Settlement ActWelin-Berger, Ella January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe the view of the Sweden Democrats, the Moderates, the Social Democrats and the Green Party on local self-government associated with the establishment of the Settlement Act and how the view of local self-government associated with the Settlement Act has changed over time. A descriptive idea analysis was conducted over two parliamentary debates regarding the Settlement Act from 2016 and 2022, and by applying Strandberg's (1998) analytical framework with six different dimensions on how to study ideas about local self government in the analysis, different ideas about local self-government could be identified in the debates. The results show that the Sweden Democrats, the Moderates, the Social Democrats and the Green party both expressed different and similar ideas about local-self government regarding the establishment of the Settlement Act. Furthermore, the results also showed that the Green party's ideas about localself-government regarding the Settlement Act had undergone more changes compared to the other three parties from 2016 to 2022.
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Fysisk aktivitet : Hur påverkar det den mentala hälsan?Borg, Robin, Bohlin, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien är att undersöka mentala effekter av fysisk aktivitet bland en grupp gymnasieelever. Hur upplever gymnasieeleverna att den fysiska aktivitet de ägnar sig åt påverkar deras: 1. Sociala gemenskap? 2. Mentala hälsa? 3. Förmåga att vara självstyrande? Metod Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer. Vi intervjuade fyra fysiskt aktiva elever på en gymnasieskola där eleverna spelade fotboll, innebandy och gymnastik på fritiden. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med hjälp av en intervjuguide. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades utifrån en teoretisk modell bestående av tre kategorier som relaterar till studiens tre frågeställningar; social gemenskap, mental hälsa och förmåga att vara självstyrande. Resultat och slutsatser Det resultat vi kom fram till var att fysisk aktivitet ansågs ge en förbättrad mental hälsa, en bidragande faktor till att ha förmågan till att vara självstyrande- och en tydlig aspekt till social gemenskap. Gymnasieeleverna påpekade även att det var viktigt att ha en balans mellan den fysiska aktiviteten och resterande delar i vardagslivet för att den fysiska aktiviteten skulle leda till något positivt inom de ovan givna områdena. Vid en obalans, oavsett om det förekom för lite eller för mycket fokus på den fysiska aktiviteten så kunde detta resultera i en försämring av de givna aspekterna snarare än en förbättring. / <p>Ämneslärarprogrammet, Specialidrott</p>
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Finns det några skillnader mellan Socialdemokraterna och Moderaterna? : en studie om kommunalt självstyre på lokal och nationell nivå / Are there any differences between the Social Democratic Party and the Moderate party? : a study of municipal self-government at local and national levelBjörkman, Emma January 2002 (has links)
<p>The Social Democratic Party and the Moderate Party are two parties with different ideological background. The parties have different opinions in issues of public and private matters. The Social Democratic Party profiles it self, through the local and national party programs, as a party for solidarity and security. The Moderate Party, on the other hand, profiles it self through their programmes as a party with a possibility for the individual to shape his or her own life. Through a survey on members in the local government, and two key persons at national level, the view of municipal self-government has appeared. The party programmes constitute a platform for the parties´ views on municipal self-government. These views have been put together with the result of the survey. Urban Strandberg has designed an analysis frame related to municipal self-government. His concept, municipalities’ basic character, board of directors and administration, is the theoretical foundation of the thesis. The content of the Party programmes and the results of the survey are thendiscussed within the frame of Strandbergs concept and Demokratiutredningens rapport SOU 2000:1. From the collective perspective of the theory, the content of party programmes and the result of the survey an image of the parties’ views on municipal self-government starts to grow. Within each party respectively, they keep a common strategy in important issues, which the local governments and the parties’ basic characters have raised. There are dividing lines due to the administration of the municipalities. Civic participation unites the parties in ideological issues. The opinions, in the issue of municipal self-government, differs between the Social Democratic Party and the Moderate Party. The reason for that is because of their fundamental different views in the fields of social order and ideology, as it is described in the party programmes. In reality when the parties shape the politics they cannot profile themselves as much as in the"vision"in their party programmes. The parties have to find a middle course, which is reflected in the answers from some of the respondents.</p>
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Lokal näringspolitik som nationell angelägenhet : - en teoriprövande studie av implementeringsproblemet i en näringspolitisk kontextSjöberg, Josefine January 2011 (has links)
This study aims at contributing to the studies of political implementation. The theory of implementation claims that local implementation that meets the demands of national policies is close to none existing. By examining the implementation of industrial policy in two Swedish municipalities that differs in location, prosperity and political believes I am putting the theory to the test. If the test were to show that the implementation is rather well executed in these two cases, where the risk of failure is great, the questions about whether the theory is valid or not will rise. By interviewing the two local government employees in charge of the work with industrial policy, and studying their strategic documents I got my answers. This by looking at their work but also their attitudes towards the national policy in terms of understanding the policy, being able to work with it, and wanting to work with it. The study shows that the implementation is rather well executed in both municipalities. However, it also showed that this was not an intentional aim from the municipalities who are mostly interested in working with their own agenda and consequently I could not find adequate proof that the theory was incorrect.
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Skolresultat och tillit : En analys av Järvaområdet och Östra Göinges arbete för bättre skolresultatJohansson, Teodor January 2023 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis examines how local governments in Sweden can improve the academic results of students in primary school. The thesis will focus on the impact of implementing trust-based governance in the organization. The thesis will examine two examples in Sweden, Stockholm and Östra Göinge. Since Stockholm is the largest school administration in Sweden the thesis will specifically look at Järvaområdet in the western part of Stockholm. Trust-based governance refers to an organizational form of governance and management. It emphasizes trust, collaboration, as well as a joint decision making between the administration and profession. The research method used in the study is a mixed approach. The study will combine quantitative data gathering as well as a declaration of the results of students in year 9 over time. By analyzing the characteristic of the management and the correlation to the definition of trust-based governance we can draw conclusions on whether or not it has had an impact on the results. Furthermore, the study will evaluate certain specific local reforms that have had a positive impact on the students’ results. The interviews aim at giving the researcher a deeper understanding of the school, its challenges, the students as well as the organization as a whole. This can provide a deeper understanding of how trust-based governance can influence the academic results. The study will underline how the organization of local government affects the students’ and their academic results. Those conclusions can later be used to create a blueprint of an effective public administration both when it comes to economic resources as well as the satisfaction of the students, teachers and the public. The results of the study finds that trust-based governance will create an engaging school setting as well as higher results, motivation, satisfaction from the public and overall knowledge acquisition. The findings can help local Swedish policymakers adapt their policies to further increase the students’ results. By implementing trust-based governance and promoting collaboration in all the levels of local administration they can support academic success within the municipality. Finally, this thesis contributes to further studies of the organization of local government in Sweden. The findings disclose different problems within the administration of local government as well as provide solutions to those problems. Keywords: local government, Sweden, trust-based governance, academic results, education, educational policies, educational systems, policy implementation, school governance, municipal self-rule. Nyckelord: kommun, Sverige, tillitsbaserad styrning, akademiska resultat, utbildning, utbildningspolicy, utbildningssystem, policyimplementering, skolstyrning, kommunalt självstyre.
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Ny betygsreform-Lpo94- En implementeringsstudie om två kommuners erfarenheter av den nya betygsreformenGustavsson, Karin January 2003 (has links)
Riksdagen antog 1990 regeringens proposition om ansvaret för skolan. Beslutet innebar en klarare ansvarsfördelning mellan staten och kommunerna när det gäller verksamheten inom exempelvis grundskolan. Denna nya mål- och resultatstyrning innebär att riksdag och regeringen anger nationella mål och riktlinjer för arbetet i skolan. Målen skall gälla för alla skolor och skall garantera att utbildningen i landet blir likvärdig. Inom dessa ramar som staten anger är det kommunerna som har huvudansvaret för verksamheten. Kommunerna har stor frihet att avgöra hur verksamheten skall organiseras för att de nationella målen skall uppnås. En av de centrala delarna är att svara för att skolan får de resurser och de förutsättningar i övrigt som behövs. Denna uppsats belyser hur två kommuner har implementerat samt bearbetat den nya betygsreformen vidare diskuteras vad för orsaker som ligger bakom det stora antalet elever med icke godkänt i ett eller flera ämnen. Kan implementeringen av det nya betygssystemet ses som en förklaring till detta och hur skall problemet bearbetas. För att belysa detta har intervjuer med lärare och politiker genomförts i de två kommunerna
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Arktiskt självstyre eller arktiskt självintresse? : Begränsad frigörelse för den arktiska ursprungsbefolkningen inom nationalstater / Arctic self-determination or Arctic self-interest? : Limited liberation for the Arctic indigenous peoples within the nation stateWilson, Isabel, Andersson, Clara January 2019 (has links)
Den här flerfallstudien har som syfte att undersöka hur den arktiska ursprungsbefolkningen ges regionalt inflytande i intressefrågor som direkt eller indirekt påverkar deras traditionella livsuppehälle i de arktiska områden som tillhör Ryssland, USA, Kanada, Danmark (Grönland) och Norge. Studien tillämpar metoden Ethnographic Content Analysis och utgår från teorierna liberalism och realism inom internationella relationer för att analysera ländernas arktiska policys och institutionella processer som berör deras arktiska ursprungsbefolkning. Vikten av inflytande i staternas institutionella processer är vital för ursprungsfolkens fortsatta överlevnad i Arktis, och eftersom Arktis beräknas bli en ny global region för utveckling så är det viktigt att identifiera farorna som dåliga strategier, policys, rättsliga ramverk och samarbeten skulle kunna skapa i relation till välbefinnandet hos regionens ursprungsbefolkning. Resultatet av studien visar på att Arktis som område är väldigt viktig ur ett geostrategiskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv för länderna, och resulterar i att ursprungsbefolkningens inflytande blir begränsat eller försvårat av staten i vissa sakfrågor som berör båda parter. Flertalet länder erkänner den arktiska ursprungsbefolkningens mänskliga rättigheter, men hur rättigheterna implementeras och vilken utsträckning ursprungsbefolkningen får medverka i implementeringen skiljer sig åt mellan staterna. Skillnaden ligger framförallt i hur maktstrukturen är fördelad mellan staten och ursprungsbefolkningen, där vissa länder uppvisar en stark centralmakt medan andra ger större utrymme för självbestämmande och självstyre. Generellt har staterna därför en betydande roll för beslutstagande influerat av både realistiska och liberalistiska värderingar. I den mån som staterna agerar efter liberalistiska värderingar så arbetar dem aktivt mot att samarbeta med ursprungsbefolkningen och bekräfta deras rätt till inflytande för att generera en representativ bild av samhället. Å andra sidan visar nationalstatens centrala roll i beslutsprocesser på att realistiska värderingar fortfarande väger tungt i samhällsstrukturen samt utformandet av nationella intressen och policys. / This multiple case study has the purpose of examining how the Arctic indigenous population is given regional influence in issues that directly or indirectly are affecting their traditional livelihoods in the Arctic areas belonging to Russia, the United States, Canada, Denmark (Greenland) and Norway. The study applies the method of Ethnographic Content Analysis and uses the international relation theories of liberalism and realism to analyze the nations’ Arctic policies and institutional processes that affects their Arctic indigenous population. The matter of influence within the states institutional processes is of vital significance for the continued survival of the Arctic indigenous population, and since the Arctic is believed to become a new global area of development, it is important to identify the dangers that bad strategies, policies, legal framework and cooperation could create in relation to the well-being of the Arctic indigenous people. The result of the study show that the Arctic is important both as a geostrategic and an economic perspective for the countries, which limits or obstruct the influence given to the indigenous peoples in issues affecting both parties. The majority of the countries recognize the Arctic indigenous peoples’ human rights, but the countries differ in both how the rights are implemented and to what extent the indigenous population are part of the implementation. The difference lies especially in how power is distributed between the state and the indigenous people, where some countries showcase a strong centralized power within the government and other states devote a greater space for self-determination and autonomy. Generally, the states’ role for decision-making is therefore of great importance, influenced by both realistic and liberal values. When acting upon liberal values, the states actively work towards cooperation with the indigenous people and recognizing the indigenous people’s right to influence, to generate a representative depiction of the society. However, the nation state’s central role in decision-making display that realistic values still are paramount in the structure of society and in the formation of national interests and policies.
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Finns det några skillnader mellan Socialdemokraterna och Moderaterna? : en studie om kommunalt självstyre på lokal och nationell nivå / Are there any differences between the Social Democratic Party and the Moderate party? : a study of municipal self-government at local and national levelBjörkman, Emma January 2002 (has links)
The Social Democratic Party and the Moderate Party are two parties with different ideological background. The parties have different opinions in issues of public and private matters. The Social Democratic Party profiles it self, through the local and national party programs, as a party for solidarity and security. The Moderate Party, on the other hand, profiles it self through their programmes as a party with a possibility for the individual to shape his or her own life. Through a survey on members in the local government, and two key persons at national level, the view of municipal self-government has appeared. The party programmes constitute a platform for the parties´ views on municipal self-government. These views have been put together with the result of the survey. Urban Strandberg has designed an analysis frame related to municipal self-government. His concept, municipalities’ basic character, board of directors and administration, is the theoretical foundation of the thesis. The content of the Party programmes and the results of the survey are thendiscussed within the frame of Strandbergs concept and Demokratiutredningens rapport SOU 2000:1. From the collective perspective of the theory, the content of party programmes and the result of the survey an image of the parties’ views on municipal self-government starts to grow. Within each party respectively, they keep a common strategy in important issues, which the local governments and the parties’ basic characters have raised. There are dividing lines due to the administration of the municipalities. Civic participation unites the parties in ideological issues. The opinions, in the issue of municipal self-government, differs between the Social Democratic Party and the Moderate Party. The reason for that is because of their fundamental different views in the fields of social order and ideology, as it is described in the party programmes. In reality when the parties shape the politics they cannot profile themselves as much as in the"vision"in their party programmes. The parties have to find a middle course, which is reflected in the answers from some of the respondents.
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Gräsrotsbyråkrati - en biståndshandläggares vardag : Konsten och svårigheten att navigera mellan tolkning av begrepp, lagar och resurser och de äldres bästa. / Street-level bureaucracy - the everyday administrator work : The difficulty of navigating between the interpretation of concepts, laws and resources and the best interests of the elderly.Bull, Anna, Berg, Jeanette January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka om biståndshandläggare inom äldreomsorg upplever att kommunens egna riktlinjer försvårar deras möjligheter att följa aktuell lagstiftning och nationella regelverk, samt i vilken mån detta kan skapa hinder för uppfyllandet av en skälig levnadsnivå. I studien har fyra biståndshandläggare blivit intervjuade från två olika kommuner. Uppsatsens insamlade empiri är det som ligger till grund för uppsatsens resultat, analys och slutdiskussion. I resultatet av studien framkom det att ibland kan kommunens riktlinjer uppstå som ett hinder, om kommunen inte erbjuder en insats. Resultatet visar också att biståndshandläggarna i båda kommunerna var överens om att begreppet skälig levnadsnivå är ett luddigt begrepp och att det saknas en tydlig definition av begreppet. Det framkom också delade meningar gällande om kommunens ekonomiska situation påverkade biståndshandläggarnas beviljandegrad. Vi vill genom vår c-uppsats belysa att det som framkommer som resultatet i vår studie, kommer vi inte att kunna dra några generella slutsatser. Vi kommer däremot att på en mikronivå belysa likheter och skillnader mellan en kommun i norr och en kommun i syd.
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Kommunalt självstyre och regional fysisk planering i Region Värmland : En studie om hur kommuner kan påverkas av regional fysisk planering i Region Värmland / Municipal self-government and regional spatial planning in Region Värmland : A study of how municipalities can be affected by regional spatial planning in Region VärmlandWelamsson, Thea January 2023 (has links)
What is studied in this essay is how municipal self-government and the municipal planning monopoly can be affected for municipalities in Region Värmland if physical planning were to be regionalized in Värmland. There is a power shift going on in today´s situation, where the local is being moved more and more to the regional level. It is also a power struggle between who should control different thing. The purpose of the work is to find out how municipalities in Värmland will be affected if the physical planning were to be regionalized. Also how civil servants and their work regarding planning may be affected. This can be seen based on two dimensions that are applied in the study, the dimension of power and the dimension of activity, which can show differences and similarities exist between municipalities. The questions to be answered are: - What effects and perspectives (pros and cons) do you think the working method can have for the interviewed municipalities if spatial planning is regionalized? -Does it matter if it is a smaller or larger municipality? -How is planning affected by this, what would be the consequences/problems for the businesses from more regional physical planning in Värmland? Through qualitative interviews, respondents from eight municipalities in Värmland have been interviewed to answer how they think they will be affected if regional spatial planning were to be used in Värmland. The respondents work with relevant professions within community planning. The results show, based on four themes, divided unconditionally based on the respondent´s answers, how the municipalities and their respondents would be affected. Among other things, the respondents lack responsibility from the region, resources and the municipalities conditions look different and depending on whether it is a small or large municipality it can look different. The local knowledge a municipality has is also important for municipalities, and municipal self- government is also something that municipalities think is important. Politics and democracy are important parts of how things should work. The conclusion shows that different effects and perspectives with pros and cons will affect the interviewed municipalities if spatial planning is regionalized. An important perspecitve is that power between municipality and region plays a role and also that municipalities today work in different ways and are therefore affected differently depending on their size, small or large municipality. The planning and activites will have several different consequences, both good and bad, knowledge and cooperation is something that will be able to improve the planning.
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