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La Forme-Evénement : le cinéma révolutionnaire mozambicain et le cinéma de libération / The Form-Event : mozambican Revolutionary Cinema and the Cinema of LiberationSchefer, Maria Raquel 06 October 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les représentations filmiques de la guerre de Libération(1964-1974) et de la Révolution mozambicaine (1975-1987) et vise à analyser les enjeux esthétiques et politiques du cinéma révolutionnaire de ce pays. La compréhension de cette problématique passe dans un premier temps par un examen des différentes logiques qui ont présidé aux positionnements de la théorie anticoloniale à l’égard de la culture pour ensuite interroger la politique du cinéma d’État et ses contradictions. Les représentations filmiques de es deux processus historiques furent un instrument essentiel pour la formation de l’identité nationale, à l’intérieur d’un dispositif épistémique historiographique. En reconstituant les principes d’une culture de libération transnationale, cette thèse envisage de considérer les conditions politiques, idéologiques et technologiques qui conduisirent à la fondation de l’Institut national de cinéma mozambicain (INC) en mars 1976 et l’orientation que le Front de libération du Mozambique (FRELIMO) tenta d’imprimer au cinéma.La délimitation des trois phases du cinéma révolutionnaire mozambicain mettra en exergue les déséquilibres entre la coexistence d’un projet de production cinématographique collective, l’expérimentation formelle et les postulats du programme étatique. La notion de «forme-événement » nous permettra de concilier deux dimensions de la production esthétique :celle qui envisage l’art comme reflet ; celle qui le considère à partir de ses effets. À travers l’analyse esthétique formelle et historique d’un ensemble de films singuliers réalisés entre 1966et 1987, nous chercherons à mettre en évidence les positions prises par les cinéastes, les résistances et les rapports successifs et contradictoires entre le cinéma collectif, d’auteur et d’État. De l’étude approfondie du film Mueda, Memória e Massacre (1979-1980) de Ruy Guerraet de son histoire matérielle émergera une connaissance archéologique et critique du programme politique et culturel mozambicain.Cette thèse envisage également une insertion du cinéma révolutionnaire mozambicain dans son contexte historique et culturel en élaborant une cartographie du cinéma de Libération en relation avec la conjoncture politique des années 1960 et 1970. La notion de « cinéma de Libération » se trouve dans un cadre historique, géographique et catégoriel par rapport à l’histoire du cinéma politique, d’avant-garde et expérimental et de l’histoire du cinéma en général. L’étude d’une série d’oeuvres filmiques nous permettra d’établir une cartographie extensible du cinéma de Libération, englobant le cinéma révolutionnaire portugais (1974-1982)et l’« état de la forme » de ce cinéma. / The dissertation focuses on the filmic representations of the War of Liberation(1964-1974) and of the revolution (1975-1987) in Mozambique, and aims to analyse the aesthetic and political issues of Mozambican revolutionary cinema. To understand this question,the various logics that guided the positions of anti-colonial theory with regard to culture are examined in the first instance, while the State cinema policy and its contradictions are reassessed in the second instance. The filmic representations of these two historical processes were an essential instrument for the construction of national identity, within an epistemic historiographical apparatus. By reconstructing the principles of a culture of transnational liberation, the dissertation intends to consider the political, ideological, and technological conditions which led to the foundation of Mozambique’s National Institute of Cinema (INC) inMarch of 1976, and the orientation that the Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO) attempted to ascribe to cinema.The identification of three phases of Mozambican revolutionary cinema will highlight the discrepancy between the coexistence of a project for the collectivisation of film production,formal experimentation and the premises of the State programme. The notion of ‘form-event’will allow us to reconcile two dimensions of the aesthetic production: one, which considers art as a reflection; another, which considers it in terms of its outcomes. Through the formal aestheticand historical analysis of a set of singular films produced between 1966 and 1987, we will seekto problematize the positions adopted by the filmmakers, the points of resistance, as well as the succession of contradictory forms of relation between collective, auteur and State cinema. Anarchaeological and critical knowledge of the Mozambican political and cultural programme will emerge from the comprehensive analysis of Ruy Guerra’s Mueda, Memória e Massacre(1979-1980).The dissertation purports to replace Mozambican revolutionary cinema in its historicaland cultural context by drawing a cartography of the Cinema of Liberation in relation to the political situation of the 1960s and 1970s. The concept of ‘Cinema of Liberation’ is sited in a historical, geographical and categorial framework with respect to the history of political, avantgarde,and experimental cinema, and to the history of cinema in general. The analysis of a selection of films will allow us to extensively map the Cinema of Liberation, including the cinema of the Portuguese Revolution (1974-1982) and the ‘state of the form’ of this cinema.
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La question de la prostitution à la lumière du Lumpenproletariat et des rapports entre les sexes chez Marx / The issue of prostitution in light of the Lumpenproletariat and gender relations in MarxBoussedra, Saliha 27 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d'étudier, dans le cadre d'une exégèse des textes de Marx compris entre 1844 et 1867, la manière dont ce dernier a conçu la prostitution et les rapports entre les sexes. La prostitution se présente tout d'abord de façon double : elle est associé au mariage et à la propriété privée familiale et elle désigne une activité sociale proprement dite. Pour éclairer le rapport de Marx à ces questions, il est nécessaire de faire retour sur sa conception du prolétariat et des classes sociales. L'analyse suivie des textes de Marx montre que c'est à partir de 1845, lorsque Marx pose sa propre conception des classes sociale, qu'il pose d'une part, la notion de Lumpenproletariat et d'autre part, le concept de la propriété privée familiale. L'activité sociale prostitutionnelle est alors définitivement rangée dans le Lumpenproletariat et l'association entre le mariage et la prostitution n'est plus valable que pour la bourgeoisie, la famille ouvrière ayant été dissoute. L'évolution théorique de Marx le conduit à réintroduire le concept de la famille pour la classe ouvrière, concept qui lui permettra dans le livre I du Capital d'envisager les rapports entre les sexes de manière contradictoire au sein de la classe ouvrière. Les rapports entre les sexes, envisagés d'abord d'un point de vue générique et du point de vue de la propriété privée familiale, conduiront Marx à mettre en lumière le processus d'individualisation des « membres » de la famille ouvrière après l'entrée des femmes et des enfants dans le monde social du travail. Ce travail s'inscrit dans l'histoire de la philosophie, il a donc pour ambition une lecture interne de l’œuvre de Marx qui permette de mettre en lumière sa position sur la prostitution et les rapports entre les sexes mais il a aussi vocation à permettre d'ouvrir un dialogue entre les courants du marxisme et les études de genre dans une perspective interdisciplinaire. / This dissertation studies, in the framework of an exegesis of the texts of Marx between 1844 and 1867, the way in which the former conceived of prostitution and of the relations between the sexes. Prostitution is presented in two ways: it is associated with marriage and private family property and it designates a social activity, as such. To shed light on Marx's report to these questions, it is necessary to review his conception of the proletariat and social classes. An analysis of Marx's texts shows that this begins in 1845, when Marx conceived of his own conception of social class. He proposed, on the one hand, the concept of Lumpenproletariat and, on the other hand, the concept of private family property. The social activity of prostitution is thus definitely included in the Lumpenproletariat; further, the association between marriage and prostitution is only valid for the bourgeoisie, as the working class family had been dissolved. Marx's theoretical evolution led him to reintroduce the concept of the family for the working class, a concept that would enable him in Book I of Capital to envisage relations between the sexes in a contradictory manner within the working class. The relationship between the sexes, first considered from both a generic point of view and from the point of view of private family ownership, will lead Marx to highlight the process of individualization of the "members" of the working class family after the entry of women and children into the social world of work. This work is part of the history of philosophy, so the ambition of this dissertation is to read internally the work of Marx that highlights its position on prostitution and gender relations; it also aims to to open a dialogue between the currents of Marxism and gender studies in an interdisciplinary perspective.
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Elementos para uma teoria política kaiowá e guarani / Elements for a political theory of kaiowa and guaraniPimentel, Spensy Kmitta 30 November 2012 (has links)
O trabalho busca compor uma teoria etnográfica da política kaiowá, o que significa dizer que, a partir do trabalho de campo, elabora um modelo de compreensão dos movimentos coletivos desses indígenas de língua guarani e de suas formulações a esse respeito as quais, na tradução proposta aqui, corresponderiam, em parte, ao que nós, ocidentais, entendemos como política (estabelecendo, ainda, conexão com o que se vem denominando cosmopolítica). As formas políticas em análise aqui estão agrupadas em torno de três figuras de maior rendimento para a exposição: tendotá, johexakáry e aty. Por vezes, as formulações dizem respeito também aos Guarani de MS (falantes de ñandeva), uma vez que parte da pesquisa os alcança, e parte não. Para que sejam mais bem compreendidas, mostramos como essas formas podem ser postas em diálogo com relatos sobre diversas experiências políticas ameríndias, de grupos como os Tupinambá quinhentistas, os Iroqueses e os Maya de Chiapas, México. O trabalho também discute como a noção de redes sociais pode ajudar a repensar a versão canônica da história da região hoje habitada pelos Kaiowá e Guarani, o sul de Mato Grosso do Sul. / The work aims to compose an ethnographic theory of kaiowa politics, which means that, based on the fieldwork, it formulates a model for understanding the collective movements of this guarani speaking group and its statements about this subject which, in the translation proposed here, correspond in part to what we Westerners understand as politics (also establishing a connection with the so called \"cosmopolitics\"). The political forms under review are grouped around three characters of greater yield for discusssion: tendotá, johexakáry and aty. Sometimes, the statements also concern the Guarani (ñandeva speakers), as part of the research involves them, but not all of it. To promote a better understanding, we show how these forms can be brought into dialogue with accounts of diferent amerindian political experiences, among groups like the Tupinambá of sixteenth century, the Iroquois and the Maya of Chiapas, Mexico. The thesis also discusses how the notion of social networks can help to rethink the canonical version of the history of the region now inhabited by the Guarani and Kaiowá, the south of Mato Grosso do Sul.
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Kamp för bygden : En etnologisk studie av lokalt utvecklingsarbeteForsberg, Anette January 2010 (has links)
When collective action for community is defined as local development or as a struggle for survival different understandings are in focus. Politically, this kind of community action is defined as local development and understood in terms of growth and economics. An economic approach to community action is also emphasised in the EU-programmes that support local development groups and projects. On the other hand local groups describe their activities as a struggle for community and community survival. Inspired by feministic research approaches and with an interest in human aspects and values this study investigates meanings of community action as experienced and expressed by rural inhabitants and activists. The study is based on fieldwork that was carried out in a small rural community in the northern inlands of Sweden: Trehörningsjö. Since the middle of the 1990s, the women in Trehörningsjö have driven collective action to uphold the community. With its point of departure in the community and expanding into the arenas of reserach and politics, the study takes on the form of a reflexive research process in which the researcher's former knowledge and new understandings are made visible and discussed parallel with the interpretations made. The main focus of the study is the activist's demand of voice, visibility and worth. The first chapter presents the local community and provides a background to the study. The chapter includes an account of the reflexive approach that widened the field of research from a local to a translocal study of community action. In chapters two, three, four and five the struggle for community is reflected through fieldwork experiences in Trehörningsjö and other arenas beyond the village. Situated events and instances of collective action such as the fight for the local health care centre, are analysed as symbolic expressions of community values and rural importance. From chapter two and onwards, the study follows the footsteps of the leading female activist in and beyond the community itself; that is, the day-to-day work, meetings, conferences and other places where community action is acted out. The struggle for community is proven to focus on translocal rather than local action. In chapter six the fieldwork experiences - that tell about resistance and a struggle for community values and perspectives - are placed in the wider context of the rural development movement, local development research and governmental rural policy in Sweden. On all these arenas community action tend to be interpreted as local development in line with a growth perspective, rather than as community protests and struggles that expresses other meanings. Chapter seven takes the analyses and discussion further, and relates community struggle to concepts such as civil society and social economy. Anthony Giddens concept of life politics and Alberto Meluccis concept of collective action are used to deepen the analysis on how humane meanings and relation based aspects of community action are made invisible on the political "growht and development" agenda. Community struggle presents a possibility for rural inhabitants to (re)define and reclaim their community and themselves as important and valuable. However, to be able to understand what the concept of community struggle expresses, and demands, it needs to be acknowledged as a form of action that has the potential to challenge established bureaucratic and political defintions, which, in practice, proves to be difficult.
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Theorising women: the intellectual contributions of Charlotte Maxeke to the struggle for liberation in South AfricaApril, Thozama January 2012 (has links)
<p>The study outlines five areas of intervention in the development of women&rsquo / s studies and politics on the continent. Firstly, it examines the problematic construction and the inclusion of women in the narratives of the liberation struggle in South Africa. Secondly, the study identifies the sphere of intellectual debates as one of the crucial sites in the production of historical knowledge about the legacies of liberation struggles on the continent. Thirdly, it traces the intellectual trajectory of Charlotte Maxeke as an embodiment of the intellectual contributions of women in the struggle for liberation in South Africa. In this regard, the study traces Charlotte Maxeke as she deliberated and engaged on matters pertaining to the welfare of the Africans alongside the prominent intellectuals of the twentieth century. Fourthly, the study inaugurates a theoretical departure from the documentary trends that define contemporary studies on women and liberation movements on the continent. Fifthly, the study examines the incorporation of Maxeke&rsquo / s legacy of active intellectual engagement as an integral part of gender politics in the activities of the Women&rsquo / s Section of the African National Congress. In the areas identified, the study engages with the significance of the intellectual inputs of Charlotte Maxeke in South African history.</p>
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”Man vill ju klara sig själv” : Studievardagen för studenter med Asperger syndrom i högre utbildningSimmeborn Fleischer, Ann January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Sedan början av 2000-talet har det skett en markant ökning av studier gällande barn och ungdomar och Autism. Dock är det så att den mesta forskningen fortfarande är inom det medicinska området. Endast ett fåtal av studierna rör vuxna med Asperger syndrom (AS) som studerar på högskola/universitet. Samtidigt sker en ökning av personer med AS som söker högre utbildning såsom högskola/universitet, vilket gör forskning gällande personer med diagnosen AS högaktuell. Antalet studenter med kognitiva funktionshinder, dit AS räknas, som sökt pedagogiskt stöd på högskola/universitet i Sverige, har ökat från 1 427 studenter 2010 till 1 943 studenter 2012. När man studerar på högskola/universitet så finns det pedagogiska stöd att tillgå, och till vardagen finns Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade (LSS) och Socialtjänstlagen (SoL) som personer med AS har möjligheter att söka stöd genom. Personer med AS kan ibland ha svårt att utnyttja stödsystem som kräver att man själv identifierar och uttalar sina behov av stöd. Denna avhandling fokuserar på personer med AS i högre utbildning och stöd. I doktorsavhandlingen ingår två studier: Studie I som är en fallstudie och Studie II, som är en enkätstudie. Bindningspunkten för studierna är studenter med AS som fått pedagogiskt stöd i sin utbildning vid högskola/universitet. Studie I Studie I består av en fallstudie (Merriam, 1994, 2009; Patton, 2002) som innefattade tre fall. Studien redovisas i artikel I och II, där artikel I bygger på studenternas berättelser och artikel II på anhörigas och samordnares berättelser. Insamlandet av data har byggt på berättelser genom samtal (Doecke, Brown, & Loughran, 2000; Hydén & Brockmeier, 2008; Johansson, 2005; Skott, 2004). Valet av berättelser som metod, innebär att man som forskare fokuserar på att få möjligheter att lära känna en annan person, få kunskap om denna persons erfarenheter, känslor och förväntningar. För att säkerhetsställa undersökningens validitet, användes triangulering mellan tre olika källor: intervjuer med studenter, anhöriga och samordnare. Urvalet av högskola/universitet gjordes med avsikten att inkludera högskolor/universitet från olika delar av Sverige, olika stora högskolor/universitet med olika studieinriktningar. Syfte med Studie I är att undersöka hur studenter med AS i högre utbildning beskriver och förstår sin livshistoria och sin studievardag, vilket redovisas i artikel I och i kappans resultat. Anhöriga är en central resurs för personer med AS. Därför undersöks i den andra artikeln hur anhöriga uppfattar sina barns eller syskons studier och det stöd de tidigare fått i skolan och på högskola/universitet. I artikeln redovisas även hur man upplever det pedagogiska stöd som högskola/universitet erbjuder. Samordnare för studenter med funktionshinder har en central roll i vilka pedagogiska stöd som beslutas att students ska få, därför är det också av vikt att undersöka hur samordnare beskriver den stödverksamhet som finns på högskola/universitet. Även detta redovisas i andra artikeln samt i kappans resultat. Vid insamling av data var fokus på studenternas berättelser om sin studievardag och hur de beskrev sina skolerfarenheter, från förskola fram till högskola/universitet samt hur de såg på sin framtid (Hydén & Brockmeier, 2008). Vid samtalen med anhöriga och samordnare använde forskaren sina yrkeserfarenheter som berör AS, diagnossättande, mediciner, lagar och forskning samt personliga erfarenheter. De anhöriga som intervjuades bestämdes av studenterna och bestod av en mamma, en pappa och en syster. Samordnarna bestod av de som arbetade på den högskola/universitet som studenten studerade på. Samtalsmanual har använts som stöd vid varje samtal. Totalt har tolv samtalsmanualer använts. Samtalens längd för studenterna varierade mellan 1 timma och 4 minuter till 4 timmar och 50 minuter. Samtalens längd varierade mellan 1 timma och 10 minuter till 3 timmar och 23 minuter för de anhöriga. Samtalens längd varierade mellan 1 timma och 13 minuter till 3 timmar och 40 minuter för samordnare. Varje samtal anpassades helt efter varje anhörigs och samordnares intresse av att vilja samtala. De tre fallbeskrivningarna omfattade femton transkriberade samtal: tre vardera för varje student, en för vardera anhörig och en för vardera samordnare. Första steget i analysen var att forskaren läste igenom det transkriberade materialet kring varje student upprepade gånger så att en känsla för helheten uppstod. Vid tredje genomläsningen gjordes noteringar i form av nyckelord som beskrev innehållet. Därefter plockades de meningar ut som innehöll information som byggde på nyckelorden och var relevanta för frågeställningarna. Den omgivande texten togs med så att sammanhanget kvarstod, det bildade meningsbärande enheter. De meningsbärande enheterna i samtalstexterna kondenserades i syfte att korta ner texten men ändå behålla innehållet. De kodades därefter och grupperades i kategorier som återspeglade det centrala budskapet i samtalen i relation till studenterna. Samma process gjordes med de anhörigas och samordnarnas transkriberade material. I Studie I framkom det att studenter med AS ofta behöver stöd i sin studievardag, det vill säga både i studierna och i vardagslivet, för att klara sina studier. Personer med AS har en kognitiv funktionsnedsättning som kan ge svårigheter i deras studievardag, och de har ofta en nedsatt förmåga att beskriva sina svårigheter och kan därför inte alltid redogöra för vilka behov de har. När man söker stöd bygger ansökan på att man själv kan beskriva sina behov av stöd och framför allt välja bland de stöd som finns utifrån det behov och de svårigheter man har, det vill säga man ges en stor valfrihet. För studenter med AS kan detta bli till en stor svårighet då de ofta inte själva vet vilka stöd de har behov av och vad de olika stöden skulle innebära för de studiesvårigheter de har. Studenterna i studierna angav att när de fick stöd hade de svårt att förstå hur stödet skulle fungera och hur det skulle kunna förbättra deras studier, och att det pedagogiska stödet i stället blev till ytterligare ett hinder, som tog tid och fokus från studierna. Stödinsatsen med vidhängande valfrihet kan ses som ett uttryck för en ekvifinalitet: stödsystemet har designats för att ge olika funktionshindrade samma möjlighet, och utgångspunkten är att valfrihet är bra för alla. Många av studenterna har beskrivit att de känner sig socialt begränsade och har kommunikationssvårigheter och de upplever att de är stigmatiserade och känner sig alienerade. I analysen av studenternas beskrivning av sin livshistoria och studievardag framstod två teman, Kamp och Utanförskap. Anhöriga beskrev att kraven på fokusering, både på vardags- och studentaktiviteter, blev övermäktiga för deras barn eller syskon. De kunde se att deras barn eller syskon hade svårigheter med att planera inköp av exempelvis mat, att laga mat, att tvätta och sköta andra vardagsrutiner i hemmet. Samordnare för studenter med funktionshinder utryckte att även om de kunde se att studenter hade problem med vardagsrutiner i hemmet, kunde de inte ge något stöd för detta. De hade också svårt att erbjuda stöd i vissa studietekniska frågor. Samordnarna beskrev att det är svårt att ställa frågor om en students funktionshinder, diagnos och livssituation och att det är svårt att få grepp om vilket stöd som skulle kunna bli bra för varje enskild student. Sammantaget så har det framkommit att studenter med AS har behov av både pedagogiskt stöd och stöd i vardagsrutiner och det framkom också i studierna att de olika stöden behöver samordnas så att studenter med AS erhåller stöd i hela studievardagen. Det framkom också att det finns behov av ett kunskaps- och kommunikationsverktyg för framför allt samordnare och studenter. Detta verktyg skulle kunna användas av samordnare och student så att en tydlig agenda upprättas och följs vid samtalen och beslut om vad eller vilka pedagogiska stöd som studenten skulle kunna få som stöd i studierna. Studie II Studie II består av en enkätstudie, bestående av 55 frågor med både öppna och slutna svarsalternativ, riktat till studenter med AS, studenter med rörelsehinder (RH) och studenter med hörselnedsättning (HN). Även i denna studie står studenter med AS i fokus, men med mer generell frågeställningar: Hur beskriver studenter med AS, RH och HN upplevda problem, erhållet stöd och upplevt stöd? Finns det skillnader och likheter mellan dessa tre grupper av studenter? Resultatet redovisas i artikel III samt kappans resultat. Syftet med studie II är också att undersöka vilka karaktäristika för studenter med AS som kan identifieras och bedömas som så viktiga att de med stöd av Internationella klassifikation för funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och hälsa kan behöva ingå i ett code set. Resultatet redovisas i artikel IV samt i kappans resultat. Under arbetet med Studie I uppkom funderingar på om det fanns studentgrupper med andra funktionshinder som har samma erfarenheter som studenter med AS. Därför utökades urvalet till studenter RH och HN. Studie II var beskrivande med en mixed methods design. Den första delen hade en huvudsakligen kvantitativ ansats med data insamlade via en enkät. Till enkätstudien tillfrågades alla högskolor/universitet om de var intresserade att delta i undersökningen. Det var 14 samordnare på 12 högskolor/universitet som tackade ja till att medverka och de tillfrågade sedan de studenter som kunde vara aktuella att medverka i undersökningen. Respondenter blev 34 studenter som studerade vid 12 svenska högskolor/universitet, 16 studenter med AS, 11 med RH och 7 med HN. Eftersom endast 34 studenter kunde rekryteras betraktas detta som en pilotstudie. Den kan ge en första antydan om hur studievardagen upplevs av studenter med funktionshinder och om det finns någon skillnad mellan de tre undersökta grupperna av studenter när det gäller svårigheter och behov av stöd. I den andra delen av studie II togs ett första steg till ett code set, en början till ett kommunikationsverktyg, det vill säga en samtalsmanual mellan samordnare och studenter, samt som information till anhöriga. Analysen hade en deduktiv, kvalitativ ansats. Data från flera olika källor, bland annat enkäterna, analyserades och jämfördes genom att innehållet länkades till ICF-koder. Avsikten var att identifiera preliminärt innehåll i ett code set. Analysen av enkäterna var kvantitativ så långt materialet medgav det, och grupperna jämfördes genom så kallad korstabulering. Nästa steg i analysen (Code set förberedelsen) fokuserade endast på studenter med AS. Information i enkäten länkades kvalitativt deduktivt till ICF tillsammans med information från fem olika källor som representerar olika perspektiv: 1) Studenters egna beskrivningar, 2) Internationella diagnosklassifikationer, 3) Nationella policy-dokument för högre utbildning, 4) Hälso- och sjukvården, 5) Brukarorganisationen Autism och Aspergerförbundet. De fem olika källorna innefattade tio dokument som valts utifrån inklusionskriterierna målgruppen AS, åldersgruppen unga vuxna, undervisning/utbildnings-krav för högre utbildning, insatser/behov av stöd samt nationella/internationella källor med anknytning till målgruppen. Syftet var att integrera flera olika perspektiv på behov av stöd i studievardagen för studenter med AS. Därmed kunde en första lista med ICF-koder identifieras som underlag till ett code set för studenter med AS på högskola/universitet. I Studie II framkom det att även om studenter med AS verkade rapportera samma svårigheter, varierade förklaringarna som gavs till problemen mellan grupperna. När det gällde förklaringar verkade det för studenter med AS vara kopplat till kognitiva svårigheter medan det för studenter med rörelsehinder (RH) och hörselnedsättning (HN) var kopplat till fysiska svårigheter. På ytan kan de olika gruppernas svårigheter alltså se lika ut och de kommer då att erbjudas samma pedagogiska stöd från sin högskola/universitet. I enkätsvaren framhölls att det var väldigt viktigt för studenterna att kunna få ett arbete efter avslutade studier för att därmed få möjligheter att kunna försörja sig och leva ett vanligt liv som alla andra. Innan dess måste dock studierna genomföras och i den studievardag som beskrevs, talades det om kamp och utanförskap. Några av de erfarenheter som lyftes fram av alla grupperna studenter var, stress och koncentrationssvårigheter, trötthet, och social begränsning . I Studie II framkom alltså samma problem som i Studie I med att tydligt uttrycka svårigheter och behov. Det indikerar att det finns behov av ett kunskaps- och kommunikationsverktyg för samtal mellan samordnare och studenter. Ett ICF baserat code set för högre utbildning för studenter med AS skulle kunna vara ett sådant verktyg. Ett code set består av ett antal kategorier från ICF och beskriver de svårigheter som studenter med AS kan ha och som kan bilda en checklista att arbeta utifrån vid samtal, planering av stöd och information till annan personal. Det ska vara så tydligt att det kan ges till studenten i förväg så att studenten får möjligheter att förbereda sig på vad samtalet och mötet innebär. Avslutningsvis har det framkommit att om studenter med AS ska bli inkluderade i högre utbildning och om uteslutningsmekanismer såsom stigmatisering och alienation ska motverkas, krävs det troligen tydligt strukturerade individuella lösningar: Stödet ska ge en öppning mot en multifinalitet istället för den ekvifinalitet som idag råder vid erbjudande av stöd. Lösningar och stöd ska inte bara vara baserade på en diagnos, utan på en analys av varje students upplevda svårigheter sett ur perspektivet hela studievardagen. Först då kan stöden bli till de verkligt frigörande möjligheter som är avsikten. / Summary Since the beginning of the 21st century there has been a significantly increased number of studies on children and young adults with Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD). Most of this research falls within the domain of Medicine and only limited number of studies focusses on adults with Asperger Syndrome (AS) as students at university. Considering that there is an increase in numbers of individuals diagnosed with AS attending tertiary education researching this group of individuals is both timely and opportune. The number of students with cognitive disabilities, such as AS, seeking assistance to help their study efforts along at universities has increased in Sweden from 1427 students in 2010 to 1943 students in 2012. It should be noted that support in everyday student-life is guaranteed by legislation (that is, by Social Service Act (SoL) and Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS)) and that this same guarantee is valid also of studying at university. However, individuals with AS may at times have difficulty using available support, since they must identify their own needs and also communicate the nature of their need. This doctoral thesis is focusing on individuals with AS in need of such support in tertiary education. The thesis is comprised by two main studies: Study I, which is a case study, and Study II, which is a survey. Their common denominator is students with AS who have received legally guaranteed support as university students. study I The first study is a case study of three cases. This research is reported in the two first articles of the four articles comprising the entire thesis. The first article focusses on student narratives, whereas article two rather focusses on the accounts of next of kin as well as those of university coordinators I charge of assisting students in need. Data were collected through conversations. The particular choice of method allows for the researcher to acquire more intimate knowledge of the participants learning of their experiences, feelings and expectations. To secure validity the data from students, next of kin and university coordinators was triangulated. Number and type of universities included in the study were sampled on the principle that there should be included universities from different parts of Sweden, of different sizes and with different academic profiles. The aim of Study I was to investigate how students with AS, as students in tertiary education, describe their life history and their everyday student-life. This particular focus is reported in the first article. Next of kin are central to individuals with AS. In the second article therefore, the perceptions of next of kind and how these understand their children’s or sibling’s university studies as well as the available support for them are accounted for. Also university coordinators in charge of study assistance at universities are of considerable importance. They decide the manner of support provided. It is therefore important to also describe how these outline and assess the existing support. This too is the focus of the second article. During data collection the focus was on students’ narratives of their everyday student-life at university as well as how they experienced their entire education experience from pre-school and to tertiary education. The views of their own future was also an issue that was addressed. The conversations with participants were facilitated by the researcher in terms of conveying previous research results on the nature of AS individuals’ experience of university education; of the researcher’s professional experiences of the situation and also of herself being next of kin to an individual with an AS diagnosis. As a means of helping conversations with next of kin and coordinators along the researcher used her own professional experience in relation to AS individuals, diagnosing, medication, legal framework, previous research and personal experience. Which next of kin to be interviewed - a mother, father and a sibling - was decided by the participating students themselves. For each university there is generally only one coordinator. These participated in the study. A conversation manual has been used as support for each data collecting conversation. In all, twelve such manuals have been used. The length of the conversations with participating students varied between 1 hour and 4 minutes to 4 hours and 50 minutes. Conversations with next of kind varied between 1 hour and 10 minutes to 3 hours and 23 minutes and for coordinators the duration varied between 1 hour and 10 minutes to 3 hours and 40 minutes. Every conversation was entirely adapted to each participating individual and their willingness to converse about the subject matter. The three cases were comprised of 15 transcribed conversations: three for each student, one for each next of kin, and also one for each university coordinator. As a first step in analysing the data the researcher read transcriptions multiple times to lay foundations for an understanding of entirety. During the third read notes were taken in the form of key words significant to content. Extraction of sentences containing these keywords followed. Key words were always significant in relation to the research questions. The surrounding text was taken too in order to preserve context. Together the keywords, the sentences and the surrounding contexts constituted meaningful units of text. These units, in every transcribed conversation, were condensed in order to shorten texts but still maintain the essence of its meaningful content. The condensed text units were coded and grouped in categories that reflected the essential and meaningful content of the conversations. Data culled from the next of kin and the coordinators were submitted to the same process of data analysis. Results showed that students with AS often do need assistance at university both in terms of studying as well as in their daily life off campus in order to manage an existence as students. Individuals with AS however have a cognitive disability that may challenge their efforts as students. In addition, they have difficulties describing their problems and often find it hard to define which needs for assistance they do have. When applying for assistance students are required to specify their special needs of support, and more importantly, also choose what kind of assistance they require. In other words, they are given a considerable freedom of choice. To students with AS this presents an obstacle. They often do not know what kind of assistance they require and what a certain kind of support would entail. Participating students reported that it was difficult for them to grasp how the support would actually function and how it would improve their studying. Instead, the possibility of acquiring support became yet another problem which made studying even more difficult for them. The availability of support with the accompanying freedom of choice as to the manner and content of the support may be seen as an expression of equifinality. That is, the support system has been designed to provide each disabled individual with equal opportunity of attaining support. The basic value underpinning the support system is that freedom of choice is valuable to each and every one. However, many students with AS have reported that they feel socially limited, alienated even stigmatised and that they communicate poorly. In analysing the narratives of students’ life histories as well as their everyday student-life as students two themes emerged: Struggle and Alienation. The next of kin described the demands of focus, both on and off campus, to be overwhelming for their children or siblings. They observed difficulties with planning ahead to shop for groceries, to do laundry, to cook or to do sundry domestic chores at home. University coordinators understood that students had such problems off campus but could not offer assistance relating to off-campus difficulties. However, they also found it difficult to offer these students assistance pertaining to certain aspects of student life. They found it tricky to pose questions regarding students’ disability, diagnosis and general life situation. It was thus a problem for them to acquire an understanding of what kind of assistance that would be suitable for each individual student. In all, the research clearly showed that students with AS are in need of both educational support and everyday student-life support and that these two aspects of assistance need to be coordinated. Results also suggested the need of a tool for knowledge and communication, especially for students and university coordinators. Such a tool would facilitate the communication and would serve as a basis in deciding what kind of remedial action that needs to be taken for the benefit of students with AS. Study II The second study was operationalized as a survey study employing a questionnaire consisting of 55 questions of which some were open-ended. This instrument was administered to students with Asperger Syndrome (AS), to students with mobility impairment (MD) and to students with impaired hearing (HD). Note that abbreviations relate to the Swedish nomenclature for these disabilities. This study also focussed on students with AS but addressed more general questions: How do students with AS, MD and HD describe problems, provided support and the experience of being given support? Are there similarities or differences between these three groups of students? This research is presented in the third article of the doctoral thesis. The aim of the second study was also to explore what characteristics of students with AS could be identified as particularly important in an effort to classify them as a code set with the framework of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). A code set consists of a number of categories derived from the ICF classification system. It describes the type and nature of difficulties that for example students with AS may experience, thus constituting a checklist from which to work when university coordinators and students discuss the nature and manner of support needed and then succinctly be able to convey such information to other relevant staff. Such a tool will need to be straight-forward and given to students prior to meeting the coordinators in order to help students prepare for the meeting being fully informed of its content and purpose. The result of this exploratory second study is presented in the fourth article. As the study of AS student cases progressed there arose questions regarding other students with different kinds of disability also. Do they have the same or similar problems? For this reason a second study was launched and mobility impaired students (MD) and hearing impaired students (HD) were included also. This study was descriptive but operationalized as a mixed methods design. The first part of it consisted of a quantitatively based questionnaire. All Swedish universities and higher education institutions were invited to take part. Fourteen coordinators from 12 universities accepted. They in turn asked students to take part. In all, 34 students decided to participate. These were divided into the following categories: 16 (AS), 11 (MD) and 7 (HD). Due to the relatively low number of participants the study is best considered to be a pilot study. It could be suggestive in reference to how everyday student-life on campus might be experienced by students with different disabilities and whether there are differences between the three studied groups in need of support. In the second part of the second study a first step was taken towards creating a code set; the beginning of a communication tool serving as a conversation manual between coordinator and students. The analysis of the data was qualitative but deductive. Data from several sources, including the questionnaire, were analysed, compared and linked to ICF-codes in order to identify a tentative content of a potential code set. The data culled by the questionnaires was first cross-tabulated. The next phase of the analysis was the code set preparation, focussing only on students with AS. Analysed data were linked qualitatively and deductively to ICF together with information from five different sources: 1) Student narratives, 2) International diagnosis classifications, 3) National policy-documents of higher education, 4) National healthcare and 5) The Swedish Autism and Asperger Syndrome Association. In all, 10 documents were included on the basis of the AS target group, age group young adults, education and education guidelines for higher education, remedial work, need of support as well as national and international sources relating to the target group. The aim was to integrate several perspectives of needs of support in reference to AS students and their everyday student-life on a university campus. Results of the second study showed that even though other groups also reported problems similar to those of the AS students their explanations varied. While the problems of AS students appeared linked to cognitive difficulties, the problems of mobility impaired students (MD) and hearing impaired students (HD) were linked to physical difficulties. The difficulties and each group would appear similar at first sight which in practical terms means that they also would be offered the same kind of support as students at university The analysis of the questionnaire suggested the importance of students acquiring a job after graduation, to be able to earn a living and lead a normal everyday student-life like most others. However, prior to such a possible future studies must be completed and participants’ experiences of being university students appeared not the best. They spoke of struggle and alienation. Some of the experiences common to all three groups were stress and concentration difficulties, fatigue and social limitations. Hence, the second study, just like the first study, clearly showed both problems and needs, which suggested the necessity of a knowledge and communication tool for coordinators and students. An ICF-based code set for students with AS in higher education could serve as such a tool. In conclusion, results also suggested that if students with AS are to be included in higher education, and exclusion mechanisms such as stigmatisation and alienation be overcome, then clearly structured solutions - individual to each student - are also needed. Offered support must conform to multifinality rather than to equifinality as is currently the case in Sweden. Individual support cannot be based entirely on a diagnosis but also on an analysis of each student’s experienced difficulties in their immediate university environment of studying. Then, possibly, the available and legally guaranteed support would become as empowering as it was intended to actually be.
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Theorising women: the intellectual contributions of Charlotte Maxeke to the struggle for liberation in South AfricaApril, Thozama January 2012 (has links)
<p>The study outlines five areas of intervention in the development of women&rsquo / s studies and politics on the continent. Firstly, it examines the problematic construction and the inclusion of women in the narratives of the liberation struggle in South Africa. Secondly, the study identifies the sphere of intellectual debates as one of the crucial sites in the production of historical knowledge about the legacies of liberation struggles on the continent. Thirdly, it traces the intellectual trajectory of Charlotte Maxeke as an embodiment of the intellectual contributions of women in the struggle for liberation in South Africa. In this regard, the study traces Charlotte Maxeke as she deliberated and engaged on matters pertaining to the welfare of the Africans alongside the prominent intellectuals of the twentieth century. Fourthly, the study inaugurates a theoretical departure from the documentary trends that define contemporary studies on women and liberation movements on the continent. Fifthly, the study examines the incorporation of Maxeke&rsquo / s legacy of active intellectual engagement as an integral part of gender politics in the activities of the Women&rsquo / s Section of the African National Congress. In the areas identified, the study engages with the significance of the intellectual inputs of Charlotte Maxeke in South African history.</p>
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The impact of forced migration on women in northern UgandaKemirere, Babugura Fidelis 31 December 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to analyse the impact of forced migration on women and
development in northern Uganda. The armed conflict in northern Uganda, which started in 1986,
led to gross violations of human rights against women forcing them to flee their homes and ftnd
refuge in overcrowded resettlement camps. The main objective of the study was to critically
analyse the causes of displacement and the experiences of internally displaced women so as to
contribute to available knowledge on women and development Qualitative and feminist research
techniques were carried out in Erute Camp located in Lira Municipality among intemally
displaced women, using observation and interviews. The findings reveal that forced migration
was caused by the armed conflict between the LRA rebels and the government solders. The
conflict destroyed in:frastructw·e and socio-economic service delivery systems. This consequently
par·alysed the northern Uganda's development as many civilians were forced to abandon their
homesteads due to traumatic experiences of killings, torture and abductions. This resulted in
human disintegration and the collapse of economic and social development in the region that was
based on agriculture. The prolonged insecurity disrupted education, health, communication and
commercial activities resulting in absolute poverty and underdevelopment Despite effo11s by
government and some humanitarian agencies to provide the needs of the affected civilians, peace
and reconciliation seems to be hard to achieve. Insecurity continues to spread making normal life,
relief and economic activities impossible. Due to lack of effective implementation, coordination
and monitoring of programmes, the situation poses great challenges to government and
international h\Unanitarian agencies present such as: WFP, UNHCR, WHO, World Bank and
others. Therefore, forced migration has a significant impact on women's social, economic,
cultural and environmental development. However, a positive impact regar·ding women's
empowe1ment and gender equality due to changed roles was eminent. I conclude by
recommending that the stakeholders need to increase the capacity to restore peace. There is need
to coordinate the development projects and programmes through increased flexibility and
transparency. However, the need to involve women in the reconciliation and reconstruction
processes to restore peace in northern Uganda is vital / Development Studies / D. Litt. et Phil.
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MILITÄRISCHE METAPHORIK IM CORPUS PAULINUM: EINE UNTERSUCHUNG ZU VORKOMMEN UND BEDEUTUNG / Military metaphor in the Corpus Paulinum : an investigation into its occurence and meaningNell, Mathias Werner 09 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Die vorliegende Studie setzt sich mit der militärischen Metaphorik im Corpus Paulinum im Blick
auf deren Vorkommen und Bedeutung auseinander. Es zeigt sich, dass sich die militärische Rede
und deren Anwendungsbereich im Corpus Paulinum über alle dreizehn Briefe hinweg, die der
Reihe nach ihrer wahrscheinlichen chronologischen Abfassungsfolge entsprechend analysiert
werden, zu entwickeln scheint: dienen militärische Motive anfangs noch vorwiegend als
Vergleichsmomente, so werden sie im weiteren Verlauf der Briefchronologie zunehmend
identifizierend eingesetzt. Thematisch verwendet Paulus militärische Redeweise insbesondere zur
Schaffung und Wahrung von Einheit in der Gemeinde auf Grund gemeinsamer Identität sowie um
sich und die Gemeinde als »Mithineingenommene« in den transzendenten, eschatologischen
Kampf gegen Satan zu verstehen und praktisch zu verorten bzw. anzuleiten. Das Evangelium
selbst ist umkämpft, was daher auch die Missionstätigkeit des Paulus bzw. der Gemeinde als eine
geistlich-militärische Mission verstehen lässt. Als »echte Metaphern« können die militärischen
Metaphern bei Paulus weder verlustfrei ersetzt noch aufgelöst werden. / The study deals with military metaphors in the Corpus Paulinum with regard to their occurrence
and significance. It turns out that the military speech and its scope of application in the Corpus
Paulinum seems to evolve across all thirteen letters, which are analyzed in sequence according to
their probable chronological order: if military motifs serve as comparative moments at first, they
are increasingly used identically in the further course of the letter chronology. The use of military
speeches in particular serves the purpose of creating and maintaining unity in the community on
the basis of a common identity, and in order to understand and guide the community in a
transcendent, eschatological struggle against Satan. The Gospel itself is contested, which also
explains the missionary activity of Paul as a spiritual-military mission. As »real metaphors«,
Paul's military metaphors can neither be replaced or dissolved without loss. / New Testament / M. Th. (New Testament)
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Rachel Isabella Steyn, 1905-1955Truter, Elizabeth Johanna Jacoba 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / After taking her severely incapacitated husband to Europe immediately after the cessation of hostilities to obtain specialist medical treatment, Mrs Rachel Isabella Steyn (Tibbie) in 1905 brought the partially recovered Pres Steyn back to South Africa. She joined forces with her husband to revive the defeated Afrikaner
socially, spiritually and materially. Tibbie assisted her husband with establishing the Oranje School for Girls in 1906, and in 1907 the Oranje Association for Women (OVV) was formed with Tibbie as
chairperson. Although she was English speaking by birth, she openly identified herself with efforts to promote Afrikaans as a cultural language. Alongside her husband she worked for the building of the National Women's Monument to commemorate those who had died during the war. During all these activities she conscientiously cared for the health and spiritual needs of Pres Steyn. After Pres Steyn's death in 1916 she emerged more forcefully in public life. After the First World War in co-operation with Emily Hobhouse she collected money for the needy in Central Europe. She was constantly occupied with alleviating the needs of people, e.g. by collecting small donations from her people who had been impoverished by the war. In this manner a home could be acquired for Emily Hobhouse and Mrs De Wet, widow of the famous war general, could be assisted in
her need. In 1926 Tibbie also arranged the burial of Emily Hobhouse at the Women's Monument. As a leader among her people Tibbie experienced the tensions of the Rebellion and two world wars without becoming involved publicly. Despite sharp political differences between the two language groups and amongst members of her own
fam~ly, she successfully maintained her role as binding force. She preferred acting behind the scenes. She was the patroness of many organisations, and while she was often involved in ceremonial situations she always performed her duties with grace. Among both English and Afrikaans speaking peoples she was held in high esteem and among Afrikaners she spontaneously became accepted as Volksmoeder. When she was 83 years of age the Government asked her to act as South Africa's official representative at the abdication of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. She was accorded a state funeral at the Women's Monument when she died on 3 January 1955. / Nadat sy haar ernstig ongestelde man na die einde van die Anglo-Boereoorlog vir gespesialiseerde mediese behandeling na Europa geneem het, het mev. Rachel Isabella Steyn (Tibbie) die gedeeltelik herstelde pres. M. T. Steyn in 1905 na Suid-Afrika terug gebring. Sy het haar saam met pres. Steyn beywer om die verslane
Afrikanervolk op maatskaplike, geestelike en stoflike gebied weer op te hef. Tibbie het pres. Steyn bygestaan met die oprigting van die Meisieskool Oranje in 1906. In 1907 het die stigting van die Oranje-Vrouevereniging (OVV) onder haar voorsitsterskap geskied. Hoewel sy van afkoms Engelssprekend was, was sy een van
die eerstes wat Afrikaans tot skryftaal verhef het. Aan die sy van haar eggenoot het sy gewerk vir die oprigting van die Nasionale Vrouemonument om die gestorwe vroue en kinders van die oorlog te gedenk. Te midde van dit alles het sy nougeset gewaak oor pres. Steyn se gesondheid en sy geestelike welsyn. Na pres. Steyn se dood in 1916 tree sy sterker na vore in die openbare lewe. In samewerking met Emily Hobhouse samel sy na die Eerste Wereldoorlog geld in vir noodlydendes van Sentraal-Europa. Sy het haar voortdurend beywer vir die
verligting van die lot van haar mense, o.a. met die insameling van halfkrone by 'n oorlogsverarmde volk. So is o.a. 'n huis vir Emily Hobhouse bekom, en is die nood van genl. De Wet se weduwee verlig. Tibbie het ook in 1926 die leiding geneem met die begrafnis van Emily Hobhouse by die Vrouemonument. As leiersfiguur het sy die spanning van die Rebellie en die twee wereldoorloe sonder enige omstredenheid deurleef. Te midde van skerp politieke verskille tussen die taalgroepe en onder haar eie familie tree sy met sukses as saambindende krag op.
Hoewel sy geweldige invloed gehad het, het sy by voorkeur agter die skerms opgetree. Sy was beskermvrou van verskeie organisasies en waar sy dikwels by seremoniele geleenthede betrek was, het sy haar pligte met groot grasie vervul. Onder sowel Engelse as Afrikaners is sy sonder voorbehoud geeer, en by die Afrikaners het sy spontaan die eretitel van Volksmoeder verwerf. Op drie-en-tagtigjarige ouderdom is sy in 1948 deur die Regering afgevaardig as Suid-Afrika se gesant tydens die plegtighede verbonde aan die abdikasie van koningin Wilhelmina van Nederland. Sy is 'n staatsbegrafnis by die Vrouemonument gegee toe sy op 3 Januarie 1955 oorlede is. / History / D. Litt. et Phil. (Geskiedenis)
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