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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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趙鈞浩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的樣本資料來自2006年台灣地區第二次產業創新調查,以及後續追蹤調查所建立的資料庫。主要目的為探討政府資助廠商進行創新活動的政策,對於廠商的附加性程度。 在變數的選擇上,本研究以「在民國97-98年獲得政府資助」作為應變數,而以廠商創新能力、廠商技術來源以及前期(民國93-95年)是否曾獲得政府資助,作為本研究的三構面。本研究的分析分為兩階段,第一階段利用Probit迴歸模型,分析三個構面與政府資助之間的相關性,第二階段則是使用Multi-variate Probit模型,分析廠商在無政府資助情況下,對於其創新活動的因應措施。結合兩階段分析結果,定義出四種典型的情境。 實證結果發現: (1)廠商規模愈大、創新能力愈強、技術來源為自行研發或取得外部知識,具以上特質的廠商,與獲得政府資助具正向關係,且廠商規模對於獲得資助具有顯著正向影響。在無政府資助的情況下,具有以上四種特性的廠商較不會改變其創新活動的行為,因此資助政策之附加性低,屬於情境3:所補非人的情況。 (2)技術來源為購買機器設備則與獲得政府資助具有正向關係,當無政府資助時,會「選擇風險較低的創新活動」。代表政府資助對於此類型廠商具有附加性,屬於情境1:雪中送炭的情況。 (3)委外研發對於獲得政府資助具有顯著負向影響,且當無政府資助時,廠商不會「照原訂計畫進行創新活動」,因此資助政策能為此類廠商帶來較高的附加性,屬於情境4:嗷嗷待「補」的情形。 (4)前期獲得政府資助對於後期獲得政府資助並無顯著正向影響。而廠商在無政府資助時,較可能會改變其創新活動的行為,尤其對「縮小創新活動的資金規模」的選項為顯著正相關,因此政府資助對於此類型廠商存在附加性。 本研究著重於廠商成本面的考量,來詮釋補助政策之附加性,然而若要依此制定政策方向,僅以附加性為依據將顯得不足,為此,本研究最後依據建立的架構與實證模型結果,提出若干後續研究方向的建議。 / The study provides insights into the additionality of government subsidy on firms’ innovation activities. Previous research has focused on the relationship between government funding and private R&D input and output, but no consensus were made. Using a sample of 581 observations in the database of Taiwan Technology Innovation SurveyⅡ, the study contains a two-stage analysis. First, the Probit regression model is used, and the dependent variable is "whether a firm gaining government subsidy in 2008-2009 or not". The explanatory variables include firm size, innovation capacity, technology sources and subsidy history. In the second stage, we used the counterfactual scenario about what could happen if there existed no government-sponsored programs intervention. Firms could choose from four alternatives:1. Abandoning innovative activities. 2. Choosing projects which contain lower risk. 3. Downsizing the scale of capital and 4.Keeping the same project. If firms choose the first one, then the additionality of government subsidy is the highest. If firms choose the second or the third one, then the additionality is in the middle. If firms choose the fourth one, then the additionality is the lowest. In this stage, the Multi-variate Probit model is used. The empirical results show that there is a significant positive correlation between firm size and gaining government subsidy, and a significant negative correlation between outsourcing R&D and gaining government subsidy. In the second stage, we find that subsidy toward the firms which "outsourcing R&D and "purchasing machines" have the highest additionality. Besides, subsidy toward firms which received subsidy in 2004-2006 has median additionality.

Energieffektiviseringsstödet till kommuner : Utfall & framtidsutsikter / The energy efficency subsidy to municipalities : Outcome & outlook

Berntsson, Amanda, Lager, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: Environmental and climate issues are constantly on the agenda. At the climatechange conference in Paris, it was decided that the global average temperature shouldnot increase more than 2°C. This means that the energy consumption must be reduced.With the EU's 2020 targets as a basis, national goals have been set, which means thatSweden will achieve a 20 %increase of the energy efficiency by 2020. The public sectorshould act as a role model, therefore the Swedish Energy Agency was handing out asubsidy between 2010 and 2014 as a contribution to local governments for improvingenergy efficiency in its own organization. The goal of this study is to analyze how theenergy efficiency subsidy has helped municipalities in their work to reduce the energyuse in its real estate, and what remains to do to reach the 2020 target.Method: To reach the goal both a qualitative and quantitative study has been made.The data collection methods was interviews, a document analysis and a literaturereview. A case study has been made together with Herrljunga municipality.Findings: The energy efficiency subsidy has several positive effects. The energy usehas been reduced by 8% between 2009 and 2014 for the whole country and the casestudy object has been reduced by 12%. This can be refer to that the municipality hasprioritized the issue of energy higher. Other positive effects include improved indoorclimate and user behavior and that they have better control over energy consumption.The energy work is proceeding in many municipalities after the subsidy, the work willbe financed with own funds. To achieve the goal they should continue the work thatthey began but also complete it with other actions. This may be, for example: replaceheating- and ventilation systems, train the user group and renovate energy smart.Implications: The study shows that the subsidy has provided a push to energy issuesin the municipalities, the subsidy has resulted in a decreased energy use. After thesubsidy stopped many municipalities continued to work when they have seen thebenefits. The study also shows that it is possible for Sweden's municipalities to achievea reduction of energy use by 20% by 2020 in their real estates. To reach this Swedishmunicipalities needs to continue to work actively with energy issues and make newenergy efficiency measures.Limitations: This study has been limited to the municipality's own real estates. Theresult of the study is not valid for all the municipalities that received the subsidy asindependent but it provides an overview of the outcome of the municipalities together. Every municipality can learn from this report. / Syfte: Miljö- och klimatfrågor är ständigt på agendan, vid klimatmötet i Parisbeslutades att höjningen av jordens medeltemperatur inte får överstiga 2°C. Dettainnebär att energianvändning måste minska. Med EU:s 2020-mål som grund har ettnationellt mål satts upp som innebär att Sverige ska öka energieffektiviteten med 20 %till 2020. Den offentliga sektorn ska agera förebild därför delade Energimyndighetenmellan 2010 och 2014 ut ett bidrag till kommuner och landsting förenergieffektivisering i den egna organisationen. Studiens mål är att undersöka hurEnergieffektiviseringsstödet har hjälpt kommunerna i arbete med att minskaenergianvändningen i sitt fastighetsbestånd samt vad som finns kvar att göra för att nå2020-målet.Metod: För att nå målet har både en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie utförts.Empiriinsamlingen består av intervjuer, en dokumentanalys och en litteraturstudie. Enfallstudie är gjord tillsammans med Herrljunga kommun.Resultat: Energieffektiviseringsstödet har gett positiva effekter i de kommunalalokalerna. Minskningen av energianvändandet har sjunkit med 8 % mellan 2009-2014för hela landet och fallstudieobjektet har minskat med 12 %. Detta kan hänföras till attden kommunala verksamheten har prioriterat energifrågan högre än innan. Andrapositiva effekter är bättre inomhusklimat och brukarbeteende samt att de fått störrekontroll på energianvändningen. I de flesta kommuner fortlöper energiarbetet efterbidragets slut men med egen finansierade medel. För att nå målet bör man fortsättaarbete som påbörjats men även komplettera det med andra åtgärder. Detta kanexempelvis vara: byta värme- och ventilationssystem, utbilda brukargruppen, renoveraenergismart.Konsekvenser: Studien visar att bidraget har gett ökat fokus till energifrågorna ikommunerna har bidraget lett till en att energiförbrukningen minskat. Efter att bidragetslutade delas ut fortsätter många kommuner med arbetet då man sett vilka vinster detger. Studien visar också att det är möjligt för Sveriges kommuner att nå en minskningav energiförbrukningen med 20 % till 2020 i sitt fastighetsbestånd. För att nå hela vägendit behöver Sveriges kommuner fortsätta arbeta aktivt med energifrågorna och göra nyaenergieffektiviseringsåtgärder.Begränsningar: Denna studie är begränsad till kommunens egna fastigheter. Resultatetav studie är inte giltigt för varje kommun som mottagit bidraget men ger en översiktligbild över utfallet för kommunerna gemensamt. Alla kommuner kan lära något av denna studie.

Second-best climate policies to decarbonize the economy: commitment and the Green Paradox

Rezai, Armon, van der Ploeg, Frederick 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Climate change must deal with two market failures: global warming and learning by doing in renewable energy production. The first-best policy consists of an aggressive renewables subsidy in the near term and a gradually rising and falling carbon tax. Given that global carbon taxes remain elusive, policy makers might have to rely on a second-best subsidy only. With credible commitment the second-best subsidy is higher than the social benefit of learning to cut the transition time and peak warming close to first-best levels at the cost of higher fossil fuel use in the short run (weak Green Paradox). Without commitment the second-best subsidy is set to the social benefit of learning. It generates smaller weak Green Paradox effects, but the transition to the carbon-free takes longer and cumulative carbon emissions are higher. Under first best and second best with pre-commitment peak warming is 2.1-2.3 °C, under second best without commitment 3.5 °C, and without any policy 5.1 °C above pre-industrial levels. Not being able to commit yields a welfare loss of 95% of initial GDP compared to first best. Being able to commit brings this figure down to 7%.

Les règlementations environnementales et leurs conséquences en matière de croissance et de bien-être. / Environmental regulations and consequences in terms of growth and welfare

Rongemaille, Cécile 09 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse en essais propose une analyse des conséquences de différentes règlementations environnementales sur la croissance et le bien-être des agents économiques. Nous considérons trois instruments de régulation, correspondant à nos trois chapitres: les accords volontaires, les taxes pigouviennes et l'utilisation jointe taxe-subvention.Le premier thème de travail s'intéresse à la profitabilité de différents types d'accords volontaires visant à réduire la production d'un bien non-efficient en utilisation d'énergie. Nous définissons un accord volontaire optimal pour la société et analysons les effets de cet accord sur le marché de l'énergie. Notre conclusion est que l'accord entraîne une baisse de la quantité d'énergie d'équilibre et du prix. Cependant, un effet de détournement estimé à 30% se produit.Le deuxième thème de travail valide l'hypothèse de Porter, selon laquelle une règlementation environnementale stricte mais bien pensée peut engendrer des bénéfices sociaux et des bénéfices privés pour les firmes qui y sont soumises. Plus précisément, nous analysons les effets de l'instauration de différentes taxes environnementales dans le contexte particulier d'un lac superficiel. Nous montrons que l'instauration d'une taxe peut amener les agents économiques à converger vers un état stationnaire supérieur au sens de Pareto.Le troisième thème de travail s'attaque au paradoxe vert, qui énonce que les politiques de lutte contre le changement climatique peuvent provoquer, au contraire de leur objectif, une accélération du phénomène de réchauffement. Nous utilisons un modèle de ressources, combinant une ressource exhaustive, dont l'utilisation engendre des émissions polluantes et une ressource renouvelable, non polluante. L'équilibre sur le marché de l'énergie définit un temps d'arrêt endogène de la production de l'énergie sale, si le stock initial de cette énergie est faible. Si ce stock initial est important, l'économie converge vers un état stationnaire où la quantité produite d'énergie polluante est nulle. L'introduction d'une taxe sur l'énergie sale et d'une subvention à l'énergie propre entraîne une prolongation du régime d'utilisation jointe des deux énergies. A tout instant, la quantité d'énergie exhaustive consommée (et donc la pollution) diminue avec la règlementation environnementale. Nous réfutons le paradoxe vert. / This essay thesis proposes an analysis of the consequences of different environmental regulations on growth and on the economic agents' welfare. We consider three instruments of regulation, corresponding to our three chapters: voluntary agreements, pigovian taxes, and the joint use of tax and subsidy.The first work theme is devoted to the profitability of different voluntary agreement types, the aim of which is to reduce the production of the good which is not efficient in terms of energy use. We define a voluntary agreement optimal for society and analyse its effects on the energy market. Our conclusion is that the agreement leads to a decrease of the energy quantity and of the price. However an estimated leakage effect of 30% is likely to occur.The second work theme validates the Porter Hypothesis, in which a strict and well-thinking regulation can produce social benefits and private benefits for firms which are subject to the regulation. More precisely, we analyse the effects of the set up of different environmental taxes in the particular context of a shallow lake. We show that a tax set up can make the economic agents converge to a Pareto-superior steady state.The third work theme is concerned with the green paradox, which states that policies against global warming can cause an acceleration of the rise phenomenon, contrary to their objective. We use a resource model combining an exhaustible resource which creates polluting emissions, and a renewable, non-polluting, resource. The energy market equilibrium defines an endogenous stopping time of the dirty energy's production, if the initial stock of this energy is relatively weak. If this initial stock is high, the economy converges to a steady state in which the consumed quantity of polluting energy is null. The introduction of a tax on polluting energy and of a subsidy on clean energy leads to a prolongation of the joint use's system. At any time, the consumed quantity of polluting energy (and so the pollution) decreases with the environmental regulation. We refute the green paradox.


Crist, Pedro 07 April 2017 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:15:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pedro Crist.pdf: 5042145 bytes, checksum: 916185eee8a769866b7eaa3b2e456c15 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-04-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The essay on screen versifies about the geomorphology of Vale do Codó State Park, located in Jaguariaíva-Pr municipality. This unit of conservation was created by means of state decree in the year of 2007. Although it have past some years since its creation, it hasn‟t actually implemented because it does not count with advisory council, plan of handling and physical structure. The general objective of the research provided in the geomorphologic characterization of the studying area, emphasizing geomorphologic features with potential to develop imprint pedagogical activities, ecotourism, leisure and nature contemplation. The methodological approaches used were the Geosystemic Theory of integrated manner considering the physical, biological and anthropic aspects. The methodological procedure involved literature revision, analysis of topographic map, geologic and morphological and fieldwork to identification in loco of the geomorphologic features, obtaining UTMS`s coordinates and photographic register realization. How results, stand out several micro and meso features geomorphologic sculped by rainwaters on the sandstone of the Formação Furnas, such as dissolution basin, the wells, the ruiniform reliefs, the flutings, the limpest and features originated by erosive processes associated from waters in the kettles and waterfall. Also are notables the macro features like canyons of Jaguariaíva river, Lajeado Grande and the Escarpa Devoniana. / O trabalho em tela versa sobre a geomorfologia do Parque Estadual do Vale do Codó, localizado no município de Jaguariaíva-Pr. Esta Unidade de Conservação foi criada por meio de um decreto estadual no ano de 2007. Embora já tenham se passado alguns anos desde sua criação, ainda não foi efetivamente implementada, pois não conta com conselho consultivo, plano de manejo e estrutura física. O objetivo geral da pesquisa consistiu na caracterização geomorfológica da área de estudo, evidenciando feições geomorfológicas com potencialidade para o desenvolvimento de atividades de cunho pedagógico, geoturístico, de lazer e contemplação da natureza. A abordagem metodológica empregada foi a Teoria Geossistêmica com intento de estudar a geomorfologia de maneira integrada considerando os aspectos físicos, biológicos e antrópicos. Os procedimentos metodológicos envolveram revisão de literatura, análise de carta topográfica, geológica e geomorfológica e trabalhos de campo para a identificação in loco das feições geomorfológicas, obtenção de coordenadas UTMs e realização de registros fotográficos. Como resultados, destacam-se as diversas micro e mesofeições geomorfológicas esculpidas pelas águas pluviais no arenito da Formação Furnas, como por exemplo, as bacias de dissolução, os alvéolos, os relevos ruiniformes, as caneluras, as lapas e feições originadas pelos processos erosivos relacionados as águas fluviais no leito dos rios que drenam a UC, como marmitas e cachoeiras. Também são notáveis as macrofeições como os canyons dos rios Jaguariaíva e Lajeado Grande e a Escarpa Devoniana.

大眾傳播媒體營業稅徵免研究 / The Business Tax Law and Mass Communication Media

須文蔚, Hsiu, Wen Wea Unknown Date (has links)

國科會補助科學志工團隊計畫之機制檢視:非營利組織的觀點 / Examining the subsidy mechanism for science volunteer teams of national science council: from a perspective of non-profit organizations

蘇美玲 Unknown Date (has links)
國家科學委員會(簡稱國科會)於志願服務法推展下,自2002年開始啟動科學志願服務工程計畫,是我國具原創立意的創新性志願服務,其以跨領域的科學普及與社會關懷為目標;並自2005年開始,設立補助機制與管道,邀請民間單位共同參與志工培育與科學普及服務工作。面對全球資源短缺下,跨部門治理合產以及志願服務促進公民社會發展之重要趨勢,本研究以國科會補助科學志工團隊計畫為探討情境,瞭解國科會與民間非營利組織之資源交換下,其形構之政策網絡與服務內涵,以檢視補助機制是否回應非營利組織需求。 本研究主要採取深度訪談法、次級資料分析法、參與觀察法,應用鉅觀之Marsh & Smith政策網絡辨證途徑模型非營利組織觀點修正架構,嘗試釐清該補助機制之運作與困境。研究發現科學志願服務乃回應志願服務法規,透過層級委辦與補助途徑,跨部門輸出科學知識轉譯、科學知識建構之服務,交構科學志工之公民知識權內涵。而承辦之國家高速網路與計算中心應用行動者優勢,發展線上平台,提昇國科會科學志工補助機制效率。對於整體資源配置與運用而言,審查委員背景以及其對於科學性之詮釋、團隊計畫書內容品質、以及財務管核體系等,皆影響非營利組織推展科學志工計畫。此外,在公部門有限資源下,團隊組織展示了其專業力、聯結力、培植力優勢;然而,跨部門之間網絡互動連結性弱,對非營利組織來說,整體機制之政策參與度空間有待拓展。 因此,本研究建議應採取策略聯盟行動,強化網絡緊密性,並藉此提昇服務效益,擴散全民受益。最後,則應回歸政策參與管道之建置,以孕育互為主體之跨部門協力溝通場域。 / With “The Volunteer Service Act”, National Science Council (NSC) has developed original Science Volunteer Program since 2002, which is applied to promote the development of science, education and humanities. In order to expand the science volunteer effect, NSC drawn up the subsidy policy in “The NSC Executive Plan for Promoting Science Volunteer”. The subsidy process of Science Volunteer Program practice cross-sectoral partnership between NSC, National Center for High-performance Computing (NCHC), and Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), and the research takes the perspective of NPOs to examine the subsidy mechanism for Science Volunteer Teams of NSC. Applying the method of in-depth interview, secondary data and participatory observation in the Marsh & Smith Dialectical Approach of policy networks theory, the research finds that science volunteers are both science knowledge interpreters and makers, which devotes to citizen scientists in Taiwan. About the subsidy mechanism and resource dependence, the plan book, reviewers and financial management from NSC affect the development of Science Volunteer Teams. Besides, the network between NSC, NCHC and NPOs is not strong; and policy participation is also expected to improve. Thus, the research suggests that NSC could modify the interactive manner and take strategic alliance to enhance the beneficial result of interdisciplinary collaborative from different excellent NPOs.

Svängningar på bostadshyresmarknaden-en studie av hur kommuner arbetar med höga vakanser / Fluctuations in the rental housing market - a study of how municipalities act to reduce high vacancy rates in residential property.

Grehn, Anna-Lena, Nordlund, Katrin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Under 1980-talets andra halva hade bostadsmarknaden sin storhetstid, många nya bostäder byggdes och antalet vakanser var nästan obefintliga. Till följd av den stora fastighetskraschen som inträffade under tidigt 1990-tal fick många bostadsföretag ekonomiska problem. Många kommunala bostadsföretag fick höga vakanser att arbeta med. För att komma till rätta med dessa problem behövde bostadsföretagen vidta åtgärder och dessa kunde bland annat vara, hyressänkningar och rabatter, marknadsföring, försäljningar, rivningar, ombyggnad och att lägga fastigheter i malpåse. För de mest utsatta kommunerna fanns i slutet av 1990-talet även möjligheten att söka statligt stöd.</p><p>Som en bakgrund till studien ges en förklaring till begreppet vakanser och naturlig vakansgrad, här beskrivs även hur vakanser i vissa fall kan ha uppkommit. Vidare ges en översiktlig beskrivning av hur bostadsmarkanden utvecklats under åren 1986 till 2006 – vad som har påverkat utvecklingen hos de kommunala bostadsföretagen och vad som har inträffat under perioden.</p><p>Syftet har i studien varit att reda ut hur kommuner med höga vakanser har arbetat, om åtgärder vidtagits och i sådana fall vilka. För att undersöka detta har ett urval på 10 kommuner med höga vakanstal gjorts. Dessa kommuner är Arboga, Bräcke, Eda, Fagersta, Karlsborg, Munkedal, Skara, Skellefteå, Surahammar och Överkalix. För att få en tydlig bild av utvecklingen i dessa kommuner har ekonomisk och demografisk statistik noggrant bearbetats.</p><p>Studien visar att alla kommuner som undersökts har vidtagit någon typ av konkret åtgärd för att komma till rätta med sina vakansproblem. Det har även visat sig att alla de kommuner som fått statligt stöd valt åtgärden rivning medan de kommuner som inte sökt stöd haft större benägenhet att även välja andra alternativ. Få kommuner har använt sig av åtgärder som exempelvis olika typer av rabatter och ökad marknadsföring för att fylla de tomma lägenheterna, utan de har istället vidtagit åtgärder som lett till minskning av hela bostadsbeståndet.</p><p>6</p> / <p>During the late 1980’s the Swedish housing market was booming, there were almost no vacancies and the construction of new housing was substantial. The big real estate collapse that occurred in the early 1990’s left many housing companies with economic problems. Many municipality-owned housing associations faced high vacancy rates. To solve their problems the housing associations had to consider a number of measures, including rent reductions and discounts, marketing, selling, demolishing, reconstruction for alternative use and to put properties in mothballs. In the late 1990’s the most exposed municipalities could even apply for Government subsidies.</p><p>As a background, the concepts vacancy rate and natural vacancy, are explained as well as the cause of vacancies in some cases. Furthermore, there is a description of how the housing market developed from 1986 to 2006, what influenced the housing associations and what happened during the period.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to investigate how municipalities with high vacancies have acted to dealing with their problem, if any measures have been taken and if so; what measures? Ten municipalities with high vacancies were examined. These municipalities are Arboga, Bräcke, Eda, Fagersta, Karlsborg, Munkedal, Skara, Skellefteå, Surahammar and Överkalix. To get a clear image of the development in these municipalities economic and demographic statistics have been carefully analysed.</p><p>The study shows that all the municipalities examined have taken some concrete measures to deal with their vacancy problems. All the municipalities that were given Government subsidies have demolished housing properties rather than tried other measures. Few municipalities has used offered rent discounts or applied marketing activities to fill empty apartments. Instead, measures that lead to a reduction of the number of apartments have been used.</p>

Special and differential treatment for trade in agriculture :does it answer the quest for development in African countries?

Fantu Farris Mulleta January 2009 (has links)
<p>The research paper seeks to investigate the possible ways in which African countries can maximise their benefit from the existing special and differential treatment clauses for trade in agriculture, and, then, make recommendations as to what should be the potential bargaining position of African countries with regard to future trade negotiations on agricultural trade.</p>

Svängningar på bostadshyresmarknaden-en studie av hur kommuner arbetar med höga vakanser / Fluctuations in the rental housing market - a study of how municipalities act to reduce high vacancy rates in residential property.

Grehn, Anna-Lena, Nordlund, Katrin January 2007 (has links)
Under 1980-talets andra halva hade bostadsmarknaden sin storhetstid, många nya bostäder byggdes och antalet vakanser var nästan obefintliga. Till följd av den stora fastighetskraschen som inträffade under tidigt 1990-tal fick många bostadsföretag ekonomiska problem. Många kommunala bostadsföretag fick höga vakanser att arbeta med. För att komma till rätta med dessa problem behövde bostadsföretagen vidta åtgärder och dessa kunde bland annat vara, hyressänkningar och rabatter, marknadsföring, försäljningar, rivningar, ombyggnad och att lägga fastigheter i malpåse. För de mest utsatta kommunerna fanns i slutet av 1990-talet även möjligheten att söka statligt stöd. Som en bakgrund till studien ges en förklaring till begreppet vakanser och naturlig vakansgrad, här beskrivs även hur vakanser i vissa fall kan ha uppkommit. Vidare ges en översiktlig beskrivning av hur bostadsmarkanden utvecklats under åren 1986 till 2006 – vad som har påverkat utvecklingen hos de kommunala bostadsföretagen och vad som har inträffat under perioden. Syftet har i studien varit att reda ut hur kommuner med höga vakanser har arbetat, om åtgärder vidtagits och i sådana fall vilka. För att undersöka detta har ett urval på 10 kommuner med höga vakanstal gjorts. Dessa kommuner är Arboga, Bräcke, Eda, Fagersta, Karlsborg, Munkedal, Skara, Skellefteå, Surahammar och Överkalix. För att få en tydlig bild av utvecklingen i dessa kommuner har ekonomisk och demografisk statistik noggrant bearbetats. Studien visar att alla kommuner som undersökts har vidtagit någon typ av konkret åtgärd för att komma till rätta med sina vakansproblem. Det har även visat sig att alla de kommuner som fått statligt stöd valt åtgärden rivning medan de kommuner som inte sökt stöd haft större benägenhet att även välja andra alternativ. Få kommuner har använt sig av åtgärder som exempelvis olika typer av rabatter och ökad marknadsföring för att fylla de tomma lägenheterna, utan de har istället vidtagit åtgärder som lett till minskning av hela bostadsbeståndet. 6 / During the late 1980’s the Swedish housing market was booming, there were almost no vacancies and the construction of new housing was substantial. The big real estate collapse that occurred in the early 1990’s left many housing companies with economic problems. Many municipality-owned housing associations faced high vacancy rates. To solve their problems the housing associations had to consider a number of measures, including rent reductions and discounts, marketing, selling, demolishing, reconstruction for alternative use and to put properties in mothballs. In the late 1990’s the most exposed municipalities could even apply for Government subsidies. As a background, the concepts vacancy rate and natural vacancy, are explained as well as the cause of vacancies in some cases. Furthermore, there is a description of how the housing market developed from 1986 to 2006, what influenced the housing associations and what happened during the period. The purpose of this study is to investigate how municipalities with high vacancies have acted to dealing with their problem, if any measures have been taken and if so; what measures? Ten municipalities with high vacancies were examined. These municipalities are Arboga, Bräcke, Eda, Fagersta, Karlsborg, Munkedal, Skara, Skellefteå, Surahammar and Överkalix. To get a clear image of the development in these municipalities economic and demographic statistics have been carefully analysed. The study shows that all the municipalities examined have taken some concrete measures to deal with their vacancy problems. All the municipalities that were given Government subsidies have demolished housing properties rather than tried other measures. Few municipalities has used offered rent discounts or applied marketing activities to fill empty apartments. Instead, measures that lead to a reduction of the number of apartments have been used.

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