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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perspektivy českého průmyslového sektoru / Perspectives of the Czech industry

Dytrych, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The thesis describes and analyses the evolution of the Czech industry since the beginning of the economic transformation in 1990 till today and it forecasts it's likely further development. The chapter one presents a brief description of the Czech industrial sector in the 19th and the 20th centuries. The chapter n. 2 is dedicated to the evolution in 1980s, the last decade before the collapse of the centrally planned economy. The third chapter describes the transformation process in the beginning of the 1990s. It focuses on the privatization, which was the most important constituent of the economic transformation from the perspective of the Czech industry. Chapters n. 4 and 5 focus on the evolution and restructuration of the Czech industry in the 1990s and in the first decade of the new millennium. The biggest attention is paid to the international trade, foreign direct investments, industrial production, industrial workforce and changes of the industrial structure. Chapter n. 6 is devoted to the evolution in the past 1,5 year and it describes the evolution of the Czech industry in the context of the global economic recession. The last part of the thesis outlines the probable evolution of the Czech industry in the future.

Functional proof of a flat slide valve as a 4/3-way proportional valve

Aengenheister, Stefan, Liu, Chao, Broeckmann, Christoph, Schmitz, Katharina 25 June 2020 (has links)
With a flat slide valve concept, when compared to conventional piston spool valves, reduced leakage and increased service life could be achieved. In order to achieve a reduction of leakage flows and guarantee the adjustability of the valves at the same time, a correct design of the pressure compensation is essential. The magnitude of force depends on both the operating point of the valve and the position of the slider. Due to the design of the flat slide valve, it is possible to use ceramic semi-finished products for the main stage, which consist of control plates and a slide plate. The geometries are simple enough to be inexpensively manufactured with sufficient accuracy, using a ceramic pre-product using laser cutting technology. This article introduces the concept of the flat slide valve for a proportional 4/3-way valve. The design of the valve, including the design of the metallic main stage is presented. This includes the design of the flow channels, which have to be suitable for ceramic materials. Furthermore the design of the actuator and hydraulic circuit for testing is presented. With the shown design, the function of a 4/3-way valve, known from piston spool valves, can be implemented with a linear behavior between slide plate deflection and opening flow cross section.

Valorising Organic Waste using the Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens), in Ghana

Joly, Gabrielle January 2018 (has links)
Ghana as a rapidly growing and urbanizing middle-income country is facing a number of challenges, including (1) implementing a sanitary, environmental-friendly, and economically-sound waste management system; (2) increasing its agricultural productivity in a sustainable way to meet the growing domestic food demand; and (3) providing livelihood opportunities in both rural and urban areas. Using the black soldier fly (BSF), a particularly beneficial insect, to locally and cost-effectively valorise abundant, high-impacting, and nutrient rich organic waste streams, such as food waste (FW) and faecal sludge (FS), into affordable and sustainable farming inputs like organic fertilizer and animal feed products, could tackle all these challenges at the same time. Therefore, this study aimed at (1) providing a comprehensive overview of BSF technology; (2) investigating the technical feasibility of valorising food waste and faecal sludge using a low-tech BSF bioconversion system; and (3) assessing the economic viability of such system in the Ghanaian context. First, through an extensive literature review and field visits of BSF units, the different dimensions of the BSF technology were discussed, BSF waste treatment method was compared to other options for organic waste valorisation, case studies of implementation were documented, the status of the research was highlighted, and research gaps were identified. In a second step, a 10-week field work consisting of establishing a BSF colony and recording rearing performance in the one hand, and running two waste treatment trials using a low-tech BSF system on the other hand, enabled demonstrating the technical feasibility of co-digesting FW and FS with the BSF, as well as artificially rearing the BSF in Ghana using a low-tech system. However, further research is needed to characterize the bioconversion products, determine the optimal FW/FS ratio, and optimize the rearing performance of the system. Finally, a costbenefit analysis was conducted to compare three scenarios: (1) co-composting FW and FS into fertilizer; (2) co-digesting FW and FS with BSF into only animal feed; and (3) co-digesting FW and FS with BSF into both animal feed and fertilizer. By building financial models for each scenario and performing a sensitivity analysis, it was established that, in the Ghanaian context, scenario (3) was the most likely to be viable, as well as the most profitable, followed by scenario (1).  On the other hand, scenario (2) was associated with a much lower likelihood to be viable. Eventually, the choice of the optimal valorisation option for FW and FS should consider the local context and priorities. / Ghana, ett snabbväxande medelinkomstland med kraftig urbanisering, står inför ett antal utmaningar, bland annat att (1) införa ett sanitärt, miljövänligt och ekonomiskt avfallshanteringssystem; (2) öka sin jordbruksproduktivitet för att möta den växande inhemska efterfrågan på livsmedel på ett hållbart sätt, och (3) erbjuda möjligheter till försörjning både på landsbygden och i städerna. Genom att använda den svarta soldatflugan (SSF), en särskilt fördelaktig insekt, för att lokalt omvandla rikligt förekommande och näringsrika organiska avfallsströmmar, såsom matavfall (MA) och fekalslam (FS) till prisvärda och hållbara jordbruksinsatsvaror, såsom organiskt gödselmedel och djurfoder, skulle man på ett kostnadseffektivt sätt kunna ta itu med alla dessa utmaningar samtidigt. Därför syftade denna studie till (1) att ge en övergripande översikt över SSF-teknik; (2) undersöka den tekniska möjligheten att skapa värdefulla produkter av matavfall och fekalslam med hjälp av ett biotekniskt system med lågteknologisk SSF i Ghana; och (3) bedöma det ekonomiska systemets bärkraft. Först, baserat på en omfattande litteraturstudie och fältbesök, diskuterades SSF-teknikens olika dimensioner, jämfördes SSF-avfallshanteringsmetoden med andra alternativ för organiska avfallsvalorisationer, dokumenterades fallstudier, redovisades forskningsläget och identifierades kunskapsluckor. I ett andra steg genomfördes ett 10 veckors fältarbete som bestod dels av att etablera en SSF-koloni och dokumentera uppfödningsprestanda, dels att göra två avfallsbehandlingsförsök med hjälp av ett SSF-system med lågteknologi. Därigenom visades att det är tekniskt möjligt att sambehandla MA och FS med SSF, liksom att föda upp SSF i Ghana med hjälp av ett lågteknologiskt system. Det behövs dock ytterligare forskning för att karakterisera slutprodukterna, bestämma det optimala MA/FS-förhållandet och optimera systemets uppfödningsprestanda. Slutligen genomfördes en kostnadsnyttoanalys för att jämföra tre scenarier: (1) kompostering av MA och FS till gödselmedel; (2) sambehandling av MA och FS med SSF till endast djurfoder; och (3) sambehandling av MA och FS med SSF till både djurfoder och gödningsmedel. Genom att bygga modeller för varje scenario och genomföra en känslighetsanalys fastställdes att för Ghana var scenario (3) mest sannolikt livskraftigt, liksom det mest lönsamma, följt av scenario (1). Scenario (2) förknippat med en mycket lägre sannolikhet att vara genomförbart. Till sist bör valet av det optimala behandlingsalternativet för MA och FS ta hänsyn till lokala förhållanden. / Le Ghana, pays en voie de développement connaissant une forte croissance et urbanisation, est confronté à un certain nombre de défis, parmi lesquels (1) la mise en place d’un système de gestion des déchets performant du point de vue sanitaire, environnemental, et économique ; (2) l’augmentation durable de sa productivité agricole afin de répondre à la demande alimentaire croissante dans le pays ; et (3) la création d’opportunités économiques pour ses populations rurales et urbaines. Utiliser la mouche soldat noire (MSN), un insecte particulièrement bénéfique, pour valoriser localement et à moindre coût des déchets organiques abondants, riches en nutriments, et responsables d’importants dommages sanitaires et environnementaux, tels que les déchets alimentaires (DA) et boues de vidange (BV), en intrants agricoles écologiques et bon marché, comme des produits alimentaires pour animaux ou de l’engrais organique, contribuerait à relever tous ces défis à la fois. Ainsi, cette étude visait à (1) réaliser un état de l’art de la technologie liée à la MSN ; (2) étudier la faisabilité technique de valoriser les DA et BV à l’aide d’un system à faible technologie reposant sur la MSN ; (2) analyser la viabilité économique d’un tel system dans le contexte Ghanéen.  Dans un premier temps, un examen approfondi de la littérature scientifique et des visites d’unités de recyclage utilisant la MSN ont permis d’analyser les différentes dimensions de cette technologie, de la comparer à d’autres options de valorisation pour les déchets organiques, de présenter des études de cas, de donner un aperçu de l’état actuel de la recherche, ainsi que de d’identifier les principales lacunes et besoins en matière de recherche. Dans un second temps, dans le cadre d’une étude de terrain réalisée sur une période de dix semaines, un système d’élevage en captivité de MSN a été mis en place et son efficacité analysée, tandis qu’en parallèle deux séries d’expériences de traitement des déchets ont été réalisées. Ces différentes activités ont permis de démontrer que le co-traitement des DA et BA, ainsi que l’élevage en captivité de la MSN à l’aide d’un system low-tech est techniquement réalisable dans le contexte Ghanéen. Toutefois, des recherches supplémentaires sont nécessaires afin d’analyses les propriétés des produits de valorisation, d’établir le ratio DA/BV optimal, et d’optimiser les performances d’élevage. Enfin, une analyse coûts-bénéfices a été réalisée afin de comparer trois scenarios : (1) co-compostage des DA et BV afin de produire de l’engrais ; (2) co-traitement des DA et BV à l’aide de la MSN débouchant sur la production d’aliments pour animaux ; et (3) co-traitement des DA et BV à l’aide de la MSN pour produire à la fois des aliments pour animaux et de l’engrais. La construction de modèles financiers et la réalisation d’une analyse de sensibilité ont permis de démontrer que dans le contexte Ghanéen, le scenario (3) présentait la plus grande probabilité d’être viable et était le plus rentable, suivi par le scenario (1). En revanche, la probabilité que le scenario (2) soit viable s’est révélée beaucoup plus faible. Ultimement, la sélection de la meilleure méthode de valorisation devrait tenir compte du contexte et des priorités locaux.


郭若蘭, Daphne J. L. Kuo Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在以Spence和Robbins(1992)工作狂熱建構中的內在驅迫因素和工作樂趣因素為基礎,並加入外在驅迫因素,來探討高科技研發人員過度工作的不同因素對於工作時數以及健康生活工作等層面變項的預測力或關聯性,最後由因素劃分出過度工作者類型,並比較不同類型過度工作者的差異性。本研究採問卷調查法,以249位台灣北部地區的高科技研發人員為樣本以及52位高科技行政人員為工作時數的對照組。研究結果發現:(1)研發人員與全國製造業工作者及高科技行政人員相較下,有顯著的過度工作現象。(2)外在驅迫因素意指源自專業工作環境而迫使個體長時數工作的各影響因素。針對研發人員,包括工作負荷過重、產業特性、組織文化酬賞等外在驅迫因素,以及內在驅迫因素,皆對過度工作具有顯著的預測力。而外在驅迫因素對研發人員過度工作的相對預測力高於內在因素。(3)對於健康生活工作三層面的影響性而言,內在因素中的內在驅迫有廣泛不利於三層面的顯著影響性而屬於健康生活工作的危險因子,內在因素中的工作樂趣則相對地於三層面皆有顯著助益而在三層面居於保護因子的角色;外在驅迫因素中的工作負荷過重,對於生活層面有顯著的不良影響,但對健康和工作沒有顯著影響。(4)辨識出三類型的過度工作研發人員,其中內在驅迫高工作樂趣低的「被驅迫狂」在各層面皆有最不利的行為表現,屬於積極的健康定義下的高危險群,內在驅迫高工作樂趣高的「幹勁狂」則較「被驅迫狂」有顯著較高的生活滿足,內在驅迫普通而工作樂趣高的「幹勁者」雖然長時數工作,但各層面狀況反而有優於全體研發人員平均值的傾向。最後,本研究針對上述研究結果做更深層的探討,並說明在個人層次和組織層次實務上的意涵。 / Two internal factors, “driveness” and “enjoyment of work” from the workaholism model of Spence and Robbins (1992), and “external force” factors were adopted to investigate the phenomenon of excessive work (defined as long hours of working) in the population of high-tech R&D professionals. The purpose of this study is to clarify the effects of these factors on high-tech R&D professionals’ working habits, as well as on their health and life styles. These factors were used to categorize high-tech R&D professionals further. The results showed (1) R&D professionals worked significantly longer hours than high-tech administrative staff and workers in manufacturing industry. (2) “Work overload”, one external force factor, compared to other factors, predicted best to R&D professionals’ hours of working. Moreover, the amount of variance explained by the external force factors was relatively larger than the internal factors. (3) Driveness was constantly found to be a risk factor for one’s holistic health, whereas the enjoyment of work was found to be a protective factor. The third factor, work overload, influenced one’s health only on one’s social life. (4) Three types of overworkers were identified: the nonenthusiastic workaholics (NWs), the enthusiastic workaholics (EWs), and the enthusiasts (Es). Among these overworkers, the NWs acted most consistently with the indicators of unhealthiness, showing that the NWs may be most vulnerable to health complaints, unsatisfied social life, and inefficient work habits. The EWs, though acted similarly as the NWs, were not as extreme as the NWs and had higher life-satisfaction than the NWs. As for Es, who also worked long hours, their health complains were the least of all workers and they had relatively healthy life styles than the other two kinds of workers. Implications of the internal and external factors on the high-tech R&D professionals, as well as the typology of the overworkers, were discussed.

Mediální obraz "šílených" střelců: jsou média pouze zdrojem informací nebo spolupachateli? / Media image of "crazy" shooters: are media only the source of information or accomplices as well?

Pálková, Šárka January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on searching for relationship between school shootings and media coverage of these tragedies. The theoretical framework is based on media effects theory, especially on the theory of media violence, and it reflects significant empirical research in this course of study. The thesis describes the case of Columbine High School shooting in connection with so called copycat effect problem and it brings the concrete examples of such an influence. The crucial part of the text determines the three problematic areas of school shootings media coverage, which are explained by bringing out the concrete examples from around the world. Moreover, the thesis shows a solution how to better deal with these problematic areas of coverage. The thesis also concludes partial content analyses, which show the way how chosen Czech media coped with these problematic areas of school shootings media coverage. To be concrete, it analyses Lidové noviny, server iDnes.cz and Czech television news.

Underprissättning, en investerares dröm : En kvantitativ studie av underprissättning beroende av branschtillhörighet och bolagsegenskaper

Eriksson, Kristian, Jonsson, Jesper January 2017 (has links)
Underpricing is a subject that is well documented, there is a lot of different theories that claims special traits of companies that affect underpricing which some of these are age, growth and size of a company. There is also a difference amongst industries and especially the Tech industry which show a higher percentage of underpricing. Baker Mckenzie reports that the number of IPO: s in Sweden will grow in 2017, further one can see that under the year 1980-2011 there was an average underpricing of 27,3 percentage in Swedish companies. The study aims to analyze if there is a difference in underpricing within the first day when it comes to the Tech industry and the markets as a whole. The study also intends to prove that there is a significant relationship between underpricing, age, revenue growth, revenue and number of employees. Data was collected from databases and was analyzed through a regression analysis and comparing underpricing between the Tech industry and the other companies in the study. These analyzes was used to accept or reject the studies four hypothesizes and answer the questions of the study. The analysis and research showed a higher underpricing amongst the Tech industry then the rest of the companies but the study could not prove a significant relationship between underpricing and age, turnover growth, revenue and number of employees. / Underprissättning är ett ämne som är välstuderat och väldokumenterat, det finns många teorier som hävdar vilka egenskaper hos ett bolag som påverkar till underprissättning. Några av de faktorerna är ålder, tillväxt samt storlek. Det finns en skillnad bland branscher enligt tidigare undersökningar som hävdar att Tech branschen underprissätts i högre grad jämfört med andra branscher. Baker Mckenzie rapporterar att börsnoteringar i Sverige kommer öka under 2017, vidare kan man se att under åren 1980–2011 var det i snitt en första dagsavkastning på 27,3 procent på svenska börsnoteringar. Syftet med studien är att analysera om det finns en skillnad på första dagens avkastning inom Tech branschen jämfört med marknaden som helhet, studien ämnar också att påvisa om det finns signifikanta samband mellan underprissättning och ålder, omsättningstillväxt, omsättning samt antalet anställda. Information har samlats in från databaser och analyserats genom en regressionsanalys samt en komparativ studie av prissättning mellan Tech branschen och resterande branscher. De genomförda analyserna användes för att acceptera eller förkasta studiens fyra hypoteser samt svara på studiens frågeställningar. Analyserna och forskningen påvisade en större grad av underprissättning bland Tech bolagen än övriga bolag men studien kunde ej påvisa ett signifikant samband mellan underprissättning och bolagets omsättning, ålder, antal anställda samt omsättningstillväxt.

Shaping school culture to transform education : an ethnographic study of New Technology high schools

Denton-Calabrese, Tracey January 2016 (has links)
There have been numerous calls for the radical transformation of public education in the United States. Reform initiatives are fuelled by the need to prepare students to meet the challenges of the networked knowledge society. This thesis examines the shaping of school culture within two public non-charter high schools, in different regions of the United States and with different socioeconomic characteristics, that are implementing the "New Technology" (or "New Tech") model of education: Pacific Coast High, a well-established New Tech school, and Midwest High, a school that recently transitioned to the model and is still in the process of culture change. This rapidly expanding school reform network includes 168 schools in the United States and 7 international sites in Australia. The New Tech Network, the organisation that provides training and support for these schools, explicitly emphasises the goal of changing the culture of education. They describe themselves as a network of schools that promotes a culture of trust, respect, and responsibility and uses project-based learning and "smart use" of technology to redefine teaching and learning. I employed an ethnographic multisite case study design to gain an understanding of the everyday experiences and practices of teachers, students and school leaders as they work through the process of implementing and maintaining the New Tech model. Fieldwork included six and a half months of participant observation of secondary classrooms, school meetings, professional development sessions, and New Tech training conferences as well as semi-structured interviews with teachers, students, and administrators. My analysis provides an understanding of the influence of local context, including historical background (local and national) and economic and political structures. The research findings indicate that a deliberate focus on 'culture-building', with particular values like trust, respect and responsibility, underpin and shape relationships, behaviours and educational practices, including the extensive use of ICTs. A multi-faceted approach to socialisation and enculturation, which includes extensive peer-to-peer support, is involved in inculcating values and shaping behaviours and practices. The New Tech model shifts the focus of education from a primarily individualist competitive endeavour (reflecting the broad cultural orientations of modern society in the United States) to a more collectivist approach, with students working in collaborative groups supported by the use of ICTs. Schools operate as learning communities with collaborative partnerships with the wider community. Pacific Coast High is an exemplar for the model in its fully implemented form, while Midwest High's transition to the model has been fraught with tensions as they navigate numerous context-specific challenges. I argue that real reform requires an intentional effort to change the culture of education and that pedagogy and culture have to necessitate the use of ICTs to more fully integrate them into the education process. I characterise the culture I observed in New Tech schools, particularly at Pacific Coast, as an 'ICT-facilitating school culture' with (1) a collaborative project-based focus and encouragement of students to communicate and find information themselves which pushes them to use ICTs, (2) a system of cultural values that, when internalised, operates as a means of social control, keeping students on task as they work independently and collaboratively, using ICTs, including social networking sites, and (3) an ideal classroom layout and technology infrastructure that facilitates the use of ICTs. I characterise the New Tech Network of schools as a revitalization movement, addressing the needs of a changing society by changing the culture of education.


鄭恩仁, Jeng, En-Ren Unknown Date (has links)
1980年代以降,「產業群聚現象」為各國在發展高科技產業的歷程中,極重要的趨勢與特色,美國的矽谷模式可謂其濫觴並成為仿效的成功典範。透過在特定的地理區域中,結合產業界(私人部門)、學術機構、研究機構、中央與地方政府(公共部門),建構有利於高科技產業長期發展與繁榮地區經濟的「科學城」。   產業群聚的優勢在於群居成員可分攤基礎建設成本、共享所需的生存資源;更易因地理上的便利性,形成上下游或關聯性產業的合作網路,使產品、技術、資訊與情感的交流更密切,演化為利害與共、共存共榮的「命運共同體」。本研究以產業環境、研究環境與居住環境所組成的共生環境作為形成高科技產業群聚的中心假設,採用組織生態學、資源依賴與合作網路的觀點,以「環境資源共享」與「產業網路互補」為經緯,剖析不同群聚的共生型態與綜效利益,釐清不同的產業特性對群聚利益的呼應,與對整體產業與企業競爭力的影響。   本研究發現共生環境資源的多寡,決定高科技產業群聚的形成與長期發展。產業環境的優勢反映在生產效率與利益的增強,研究環境的優勢反映在技術與研發實力的提昇,居住環境的優勢有助吸引高科技人才加入。而高科技產業專業分工明顯、產品生命週期短、時效性要求高的產業特性,使得合作廠商需要頻繁的溝通與協調,而這些工作卻必須透過面對面的互動才能達成,這也是形成高科技產業群聚的主因。   產業群聚的利益在於地理上的接近性,使群聚成員共享生存環境資源,便於建構合作網路關係。「環境資源共享之經濟性」與「產業網路合作之互補性」兩構面,決定高科技產業群聚的共生綜效利益。共生綜效利益高低,會決定群聚的長期發展與演化。共生綜效利益越高,則產業群聚會趨於成長、擴張;反之,將逐漸萎縮、解散。而合作機制的建立,是提高群聚共生綜效的關鍵。合作網路體系中的核心廠商,則負有建立合作機制的責任,政府(公共部門)也可主導合作機制的建立。   不同的高科技產業特性,搭配「適合的」共生綜效利益,可提高產業與企業的競爭力。環境依賴程度高的產業特性,對環境資源共享之經濟性的需求就會較高;專業分工程度高的產業特性,對產業網路合作之互補性的需求就會較高。

中共軍事思想之研究 / China's Evolving Military Theory

郎錫恭 Unknown Date (has links)
中共軍事思想之形成,主要受毛澤東軍事思想、全球戰略形勢與周邊戰略形勢、及中共自身條件等因素之影響。從毛澤東時期「早打、大打、打核子戰」的人民戰爭思想與積極防禦,轉變至鄧小平時期「和平時期建軍」、與「打贏一場局部戰爭」的戰略思維,以至江澤民時期強調質量建軍、高科技建軍,打贏一場高科技條件下的局部戰爭等,突顯中共在不同形勢變化之下,軍事思想所強調之目標,對其軍事發展的過程,皆有重大的影響。   本論文的目的在於瞭解,對中共而言,什麼是軍事思想,其「軍事思想」的發展階段為何,其演進過程的內容及影響軍事思想發展的因素等。 / Clearly,China's military theory was largely shaped by Mao's military theory of people's war concept, perception of global and regional strategic environment, as well as China's own capabilitiy and priority. Mao Zedog has emphasized to fight "a early, large and nuclear war" under the context of people war.Deng Xiaoping changed Mao's policy,emphasizing a military construction under peaceful environment, and fight a local war. Jiang Zemin made further change, switching to emphasize fliilitary buildup based on quality and high technology,and to fight a local under high technology condit ion.These changes reflect how Chinese military theory has adapted to changing environment. This paper discusses what is junshi sixiang means in Chinese military vocabulary, the evolution of China's military theory, and factors influencing its development.

台灣GPS廠商創業的經營管理之研究---以新禾航電股份有限公司為例 / A study of a Taiwanese enterprise GPS Firms' operation and management ---A case of San Jose Technology,Inc.

陳明發, Chen, Ming Fa Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主旨在探討一般新創公司在創業前期及創業後期所面臨的經營管理問題與對策,給有心創業者作為參考,以降低失敗的風險,進而能一舉成功,避免傷及創業之鬥志與勇氣,減少財務的損失。 首先藉由文獻的整理,蒐集專家及學者之菁華,找出與創業有關的學理,再將學理套於個案公司之經營管理,深入暸解創業成敗之關鍵因素,從實務中發掘學理之依據,進而整理出成功的創業模式,得以印證學理之正確性,讓有志於創業者加強對文獻之信心與認同。 本研究之個案雖屬高科技公司,但經過學理之印證後,可發現其經營管理之方法也離不開文獻之範疇,主要是採用Timmons及 Shane之創業模式來加以剖析,雖然研究者將Timmons之模式運用於創業前期,而將Shane之模式運用於創業後期,或許有些牽強,但目的是為了方便敘述,好讓讀者容易理解。 針對本研究之主要問題可區分為下列兩期,將籌備到創業後三年歸納為創業前期,第四到十五年則歸納為創業後期,雖然期間有點太長,但經營者自認為規模還小,仍應秉著創業期之衝勁追求更完美: 一、 新創公司創業前期的管理作法為何? 二、 新創公司創業後期的管理作法為何? 從本研究中可獲得以下之主要結論: 一、 新創公司在創業前期會善用其核心能耐以尋找商機,同時以外部資源取用補足內部資源及能力之不足,並加強創業團隊成員之專長互補與共識,提高創業成功的機會。 二、 新創公司在創業後期之技術管理上會著重利基性及差異性之思維,在行銷管理上會以客戶需求為導向,在組織管理上則會特別重視風險管理並適時網羅人才以增強組織的陣容,並以創新來提高報酬。 / The newly start-up company will face the different management difficulties during the starting period. The study distinguished the start-up period into Earlier Period of the Start-up and the Later Period of the Start-up. The selecting company of the thesis is classified as the high-tech industry. We use the Timmons Model to analyze the Earlier Period of the Start-up, and use the Model of Scott A. Shane to analyze the Later Period of the Start-up. The main research questions of the thesis are : 1. What’s the right management method in the Earlier Period of the Start-up Company? 2. What’s the right management method in the Later Period of the Start-up Company? The conclusions of the research are: 1. In the Earlier Period, the company must (1) make a good use of its core competency to catch the good chance, (2) use the external resources to strengthen the lack of the internal resources or capability, (3) strengthen and increases the complementarity of the abilities of the start-up entrepreneurial team. 2. In the Later Period, the company must (1) focus on the niche market and attach importance to the differentiation on the Technology Management issue, (2) take the customer demand-oriented method as the principal on the Marketing Management issue, (3) pay attention to the risk management, recruit the talented person or team on the Organizational Management issue.

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