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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paul Piccone’s Providential Moment: Phenomenology, Subjectivity, and 20th Century Marxism in Telos

Ulmschneider, Jacob A 01 January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores the intellectual history of editor, writer, and philosopher, Paul Piccone and Telos, an independent journal of contemporary critical theory, which he founded in 1968. Born in Italy, Piccone lived most of his life in the United States, earning his Ph.D. in philosophy at SUNY-Buffalo in 1970. Piccone served as Telos’ editor and a major contributor from 1968 to 2004. This thesis follows the trajectory of his thought by contextualizing his writing within the broader world of Marxist, and eventually post-Marxist, political philosophy. Telos also concerned itself with modern interpretations of historical dialectics and early 20th-century Marxist philosophy. Piccone himself predicated much of his philosophy on Husserlian phenomenology, which stresses concrete experiences, and his writing therefore stands at a unique confluence of Husserl and Marx. Piccone ultimately became a leading exponent of anti-Liberal philosophy and the theory of artificial negativity, which examines capitalist hegemony in both material and socio-historical terms.

The Care of the Self in The Duchess of Malfi, The Roaring Girl, and The Maid of Honor

Hsu, Liangfong 27 July 2006 (has links)
This dissertation aims to explore the practice of the care of the self in three Renaissance plays by means of Michel Foucault¡¦s theory of the technologies of the self derived from the Greco-Roman ethics of the care of the self. Foucault asserts that the Greek ethics of the care of the self offers a beneficial viewpoint to the modern investigation of freedom outside of sexual liberation. This study first constructs the guiding principles for the possible realization of the Greco-Roman ethics of the care of the self in other epochs, especially the early modern era. The technologies of the self are interconnected with the technologies of power, and their contact point resides in governmentality. The subject is shaped by the governing schema of the ruling authorities while concurrently being modified by the self through self-government. The subject must comprehend the governing tactics of the authorities in order not to be governed too much and can further govern other people for personal purposes. To be able to do so is to be equipped with a philosophical ethos of critique, which can be executed in three perspectives: thought ¡V an attitude of criticism, action ¡V the plebian quality, and words ¡V the practice of parrhesia. The study then applies the aforementioned guiding principles to discuss the three heroines in terms of the four aspects proposed by Foucault in the relationship to the self: the determination of the ethical substance, the mode of subjection, the means of ethical works, and the telso of the ethical subject. It investigates how the three heroines of different social statuses ¡V aristocrat, citizen, gentry ¡Vfulfill the practice of the care of the self through various strategies and unconventional life styles.

"Fidelity and Ripeness": The Telos of Milton's Mature Christian Learners

Hansen, Steven McKay 07 April 2020 (has links)
In this paper, I argue that Milton envisions a long view of education in which continual encounters with evil allow created beings to prove themselves and gradually approach a state like God’s—a state marked by constant righteous habits and by a dilation of subjective time with increased access to past and future knowledge. I discuss the roles of opposition in Miltonic education, illustrating how non-examples may result in apophatic revelation about the divine. Acts of rebellion in Paradise Lost demonstrate, however, that the timetable for introducing opposition proves complex, since created beings, the devil among them, act on their own initiative and tinker with the orchestration of Heaven’s agenda. Obedient beings, meanwhile, begin to approach God’s own course of time as they solidify holy habits and respond with constancy to persistent, recurring evils. By establishing a contrast of temporalities experienced between the wise faithful who grow toward God in reason and the foolish fallen who move against him at every turn, Milton’s epic poem suggests a spectrum model of Christian time—intricately ordered for those nearing God and utterly disorganized for those who distance themselves from him. I argue that in Milton’s work, those who obey develop toward the stability of eternity, participating in both cyclical and linear wholes: as the righteous obey with ever more precision, their lives revolve around their King more perfectly even as he marks a sure course onward. Those who oppose God, meanwhile, become subject to extremely chaotic and volatile experiences of time that resist organization into meaningful trajectories. My conclusion analyzes the way these claims might upset some constructions of Miltonic education in existing scholarship and outlines principles for ongoing improvement to the ways educators approach questions of challenge, assessment, repetition, and habit formation.

Une autre théorie critique : l'histoire intellectuelle de la revue Nord-américaine Telos 1968-2001 / Another critical theory : the intellectual history of the northamerican journal Telos, 1968-2001

Himeur, Emilie 17 November 2014 (has links)
Notre thèse d’analyse des idées politiques retrace l’histoire intellectuelle de larevue de pensée critique étasunienne Telos de 1968 à 2001. A travers notre travail denarration critique, nous cherchons à comprendre, au sens wébérien, l’évolution idéologiquesignificative de la publication-organisation, qui est passée en moins de trente ans d’unpositionnement néo-marxiste affilié à la Nouvelle gauche américaine à un populisme prochede la Nouvelle droite européenne. Notre hypothèse de travail est que le rapport que Telosentretient avec la Théorie critique de l’Ecole de Francfort est déterminant pour comprendreson évolution et écrire son histoire. Nous défendons ici la thèse que Telos constitue unorgane dissident de « théorie critique nord-américaine » (Mooney, Calhoun) qui s’exprimesous la forme d’un « traditionalisme critique » qui tient lieu de synthèse entre différentesbranches de théorie critique contemporaine. En tant que synthèse, la théorie telosiennedépasse l'héritage de la vieille Théorie critique francfortoise, dans un double rapportd’intégration et de négation. In fine, Telos produit sa propre critique, une autre théoriecritique. / Our doctoral dissertation traces the intellectual history of the American criticalthought journal Telos from 1968 to 2001. Through our critical narrative, we intend tounderstand, in the weberian sense, the significant ideological evolution of the publicationorganization,which, in less than thirty years, moved from a neo-Marxist position affiliatedwith the American New Left to a populism related to the European New Right. Our workinghypothesis is that the link between Telos and the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School isdecisive to understand its evolution and write its history. Our thesis is that Telos is adissenting organ of “North-American Critical Theory” (Mooney, Calhoun) expressed as a“critical traditionalism” that acts as a synthesis between various trends of contemporarycritical theory. As a synthesis, the telosian theory overcomes the legacy of the old Criticaltheory in a dual relationship of integration and negation. Ultimately, Telos produces its owncriticism, another critical theory.

Delad närvaro : En essä om poängen med muntligt berättande

Hemberg, Göran January 2021 (has links)
Den här essän avser att ur ett praktisk-filosofiskt perspektiv utforska hur delad närvaro, en unik kvalité hos muntligt berättande, är kopplad till en slags oförställdhet som en god berättare uppvisar. Utifrån egna berättarerfarenheter och Alasdair Macintyres begrepp ’praxis’ analyserar jag ett material från en internationell berättarkonferens ägnad att etablera professionellt muntligt berättande som en egen konstform. Jag jämför berättarens praxis med författarens och skådespelarens, utifrån Peter Goldies teori om narrativt tänkande samt begreppet ’ram’ hämtat från Gregory Batesons teori om lek. Medan en författare är fri att utforma sitt narrativ ur vilket perspektiv som helst, måste en god berättare hålla fast vid sin egen personliga synvinkel – berätta som sig själv – vilket kräver en specifik berättarkompetens: en slags simultankapacitet. Blir narrativet på så vis inramat på rätt sätt och berättandet dessutom är oförställt, kan berättaren dela sin närvaro i berättarrummet och berättelsens värld med åhörarna. Kanske denna delade närvaro kan upplevas som en slags resonans. / This essay explores from a philosophical point of view a connection between ‘shared presence’, a unique value that oral storytelling can attain, and a certain unfeigned quality exhibited by a good storyteller – a form of authenticity as pictured by Alessandro Ferrara. By applying Alasdair Macintyre’s concept of ‘practice’ to a material presented at an international storytelling conference, intended to establish oral storytelling as an art of its own, I compare the practices of a storyteller with those of an author and those of an actor. In so doing I refer to cases from my own experience as a teller. These comparisons are also based on Peter Goldie’s theory on narrative thinking and on Gregory Bateson’s theory of play. Whereas an author is free to construct his narrative from any perspective whatever, I find that a good storyteller must stick to his own self. This calls for a specific competence required for entering into play mode with the listeners. If the narrative is well framed in this sense, and the telling is unfeigned, the teller can simultaneously share his presence in the taleworld and the storyrealm with the listeners. This could be experienced by the participants as a form of resonance.

Outside the Wire: Foucault's Ethics and the Canadian Military / Außerhalb des Drahtes : Foucaults Ethik und das kanadische Militär

Bondy, Harry Joseph 01 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Prefix ex- u latinských sloves a jeho aspektová funkce / Latin Verbal Prefix ex- in Regard of Aspect

Vaníková, Martina January 2019 (has links)
Prefix ex- u latinských sloves a jeho aspektová funkce Latin Verbal Prefix ex- in Regard of Aspect - disertační práce - Mgr. Martina Vaníková Summary The proposed thesis titled Latin Verbal Prefix ex- in Regard of Aspect is a pilot study that deals with the ways of expressing aspect in Latin, which is based on the detailed analysis of the functions of the verbal prefix ex- as one of the important components of this category. It also tries to find the method for the future research on the matter. In the theoretical part of the thesis the author gives summary of existing theories on aspect in general, with special attention given to the theories on aspect in the Czech and Latin language. The author defines the terms "aspect", "Aktionsart" and "situation type" at great length, and she particularly sets light to the term "telicity", distinguishing the "inherent telicity" from "maximizing". The practical part consist of: 1. a detailed analysis of all the occurrences of the indicative imperfect of the verbs with the prefix ex- from the corpus, which comprises of all well-preserved Latin texts from Plautus to Cicero; 2. an analysis of the indicative future and present tense forms of the selected verbs with the prefix ex-. Based on the analysis of the imperfect, the author verifies her hypothesis that the prefix...

論萬有與變動:亞理斯多德《自然學》B卷1~3章之解釋與論理分解 / On Beings and kínēsis : A Commentary to Aristotle's Physics B 1-3

黃哲翰, Huang, Che Han Unknown Date (has links)
在「有」與「意見」對立的傳統背景下,那些「萬有」如何與「意見」區別?如果「萬有」涉及了「多」和「差異」,那麼「多」和「差異」要結合成同一個,並且當失去了這個結合後,同一個不會再是自己。以這種關於「結合而成為一」或「結合而是」的問題,就涉及到以「生成」為主的變動的處理:所有「結合而是」的東西通過「進入存有」或「生成」的過程,成為它自己,那麼,要通過如何的觀照、要如何地把在「進入存有」或「生成」的過程中表現出來的許多差異的內容,把它們關連到作為「有」的「萬有」上,而不是作為「意見」的「萬有」上? 這些萬有若要被帶入認知,則「自然」將被談論為這些變動的原因。此即是亞理斯多德的《自然學》卷前三章所面對的問題,亦即第二哲學作為「知識」而被建立的問題。 亞理斯多德從「physis」這個字的多重意涵著手,開始了把「生成」關連到「有」的策略:「physis」在傳統上所帶的「生長」(das Wachstum)和「本質」(das Wesen)的意義下,他把「自然」標舉為對於生長之「驅力」的擁有,使得擁有這種驅力的東西被看作它們既是生成的、又是自己有能力生成的,並且這種能力被包含在這些東西之作為它們自己的本質裡。據此,對運動變化的內容的觀照,得到了一條途徑可以通往「自然」,「自然」則作為一種活動的能力在本質上,就是本質自己的實現。亞理斯多德轉而把運動變化視為自然或本質自己對自己的某種揭露,並且能把整個觀照轉向到對擁有活動之能力的本質的掌握。隨後他設立一種「目的的視野」而以「相」來觀看如此之本質:他一方面通過對數學家之觀看的評論,批評了柏拉圖學院對的設定,亦即他們不觀看生成,卻分離地設定了生成之能力的實現;另一方面則藉助了與技術的類比而論證了「目的的觀看」——正如在技術的活動裡,質料和相結合地被帶到「為了目的」的瞭解上,在自然的活動裡,本質之能力的活動的結構也完整地在這樣的視野中,以「為了目的」的觀看而被掌握。因此,「目的」就作為某某之活動能力的「界定」,作為其活動能力之展現的諸差異的「共同擁有者」,由此成立「必然」的意義。最後亞理斯多德將「相」作為本質之存有的以及能力的結構,從中分解出原因的途徑,並透過這些而與變動的內容關連起來。如此一來完成了將生成帶入對本質掌握裡,進而把這些結合而是的萬有以如此的觀看步驟關連到「有」而排除了與「意見」的關連。根據上述步驟,第二哲學以「看起來的善」而非「自身善」為條件成立了其限定的知識,據此界線而與第一哲學劃分。 本論文帶著一個仔細分解上述所有步驟的意圖,針對這段文獻進行逐句解釋的工作,最後期望在一個完整的意義上建立亞理斯多德之談論的論理程序。

Transforming the Brute : On the Ethical Acceptability of Creating Painless Animals

Mittelstadt, Brent January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><em>Transforming the Brute</em> addresses the ethical acceptability of creating painless animals for usage in biomedical experimentation.  In recent decades the possibility of creating genetically decerebrate animals or AMLs for human ends has been discussed in scientific, academic, and corporate communities.  While the ability to create animals that cannot feel, experience, and are more plant than animal remains science fiction, biomedicine may now be able to eliminate or significantly reduce the capacity to feel pain and nociception through genetic engineering.  With this new technology comes the opportunity to vastly increase the welfare of animals used in biomedical experimentation, yet this possibility has largely been ignored by the scientific and academic community.  This work seeks to reveal the moral necessity of creating painless animals for usage in biomedical experimentation for animal welfare ends.  Intrinsic objections relating to animal integrity, rights, companionship, the alteration of telos, humility and virtue are considered.  The benefit of eliminating nociceptive pain in experimental animals is addressed, and differences are examined between biomedical experimentation and other usage of animals for human ends which makes the proposed creation of painless animals ethically unique.  Finally, an argument is presented for the moral necessity of replacing normal animals with painless animals in biomedical experimentation with consideration given to genetically decerebrate animals.</p></p>

Transforming the Brute : On the Ethical Acceptability of Creating Painless Animals

Mittelstadt, Brent January 2009 (has links)
Transforming the Brute addresses the ethical acceptability of creating painless animals for usage in biomedical experimentation.  In recent decades the possibility of creating genetically decerebrate animals or AMLs for human ends has been discussed in scientific, academic, and corporate communities.  While the ability to create animals that cannot feel, experience, and are more plant than animal remains science fiction, biomedicine may now be able to eliminate or significantly reduce the capacity to feel pain and nociception through genetic engineering.  With this new technology comes the opportunity to vastly increase the welfare of animals used in biomedical experimentation, yet this possibility has largely been ignored by the scientific and academic community.  This work seeks to reveal the moral necessity of creating painless animals for usage in biomedical experimentation for animal welfare ends.  Intrinsic objections relating to animal integrity, rights, companionship, the alteration of telos, humility and virtue are considered.  The benefit of eliminating nociceptive pain in experimental animals is addressed, and differences are examined between biomedical experimentation and other usage of animals for human ends which makes the proposed creation of painless animals ethically unique.  Finally, an argument is presented for the moral necessity of replacing normal animals with painless animals in biomedical experimentation with consideration given to genetically decerebrate animals.

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