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Specifika japonského managementu na příkladu Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Czech, s.r.o. / The specifics of Japanese management on the example of Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Czech, s.Nováková, Anna January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis certain elements of the Japanese management model are examined in the context of Euro-Atlantic management model. As a single integral model of Japanese management does not exist, firstly, two groups of selected elements of Japanese management are explained in the theoretical part. The aim of this thesis is to analyze whether selected approaches of Japanese management have been applied at Mitsubishi Electric Automotive Czech s. r. o., and or how they have been modified in the Czech Republic. The first group of selected elements includes approaches in which active employees allow the organization to achieve high quality products and services - the strategy of kaizen, the activities of quality control circles and total quality management. Japanese management features that are included in the second group lead to the organization cost minimization. Particularly, this paper describes the just-in-time production, total productive maintenance concept, the technique of 5S, the technique of systematic elimination of wasting and the phenomenon of employee loyalty. Having realized a qualitative survey with seven respondents, the analysis showed that the chosen approaches in the organization have been applied, except for the quality control circles. The kaizen strategy has been narrowed down...
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Myndigheters kund- och leverantörsrelation : En relations- och partnerskapsanalys mellan två försvarsmyndigheterVirolainen, Heikki January 2016 (has links)
Som utveckling inom kvalitetsområdet är ett förslag att titta närmare på kund- och leverantörsförhållanden och hur de arbetar kvalitetsmässigt. Frågor som väckts är exempelvis hur man involverar kunden som en naturlig resurs i kvalitetsutveckling och hur nära man vågar släppa in kunden. Studien väljer att titta på de komplexa förhållanden som uppstår när myndigheter har en kund-/leverantörsrelation till varandra. Syftet med studien är att åskådliggöra kvalitetsarbete i relationen och partnerskapet mellan myndigheterna och föreslå framgångsfaktorer och ev. förbättringsförslag. En fallstudie genomfördes med två myndigheter som studieobjekt. Studien inhämtade ett triangulerat underlag via enkäter, intervjuer och styrande dokument för att analysera parternas relation, partnerskap och kvalitetsarbete mellan varandra. Det inhämtade underlaget stärktes av en kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ data. Resultatet visar att relationskvaliteten är till mestadels hög mellan parterna och partnerskapet som finns mellan dem är uttalat och strategiskt formulerat. Studien visar på en styrkepositionering mellan parterna som i kombination med de bindningar som finns mellan dem ger ett utfall på att en av parterna har en dominerande roll inom partnerskapet. Studien åskådliggör befintliga strukturer för kvalitetsarbete mellan parterna och lyckas utvinna framgångsfaktorer som föreslås kunna gälla även för andra myndigheters kvalitetsarbete i liknande kund-/leverantörsrelationer mellan varandra. / It´s suggested, as development in the quality area, to look closer at customer and supplier relationships in terms of how they´re working with quality in the relation. Questions raised, is as example, how to involve the customer as a natural resource in quality development, and how close suppliers dare to let the customers in. The study chooses to focus on the complex relationship arising when governmental agencies have customer/supplier relationships and partnerships with each other. The purpose of the study is to reveal how the governmental agencies work to improve quality in their relationship and partnership, and to suggest success factors as well as areas for improvement in the relationship/partnership. A case study was conducted involving two governmental agencies. The study retrieved a triangulated information base through surveys, interviews and governing documents to analyze the two parties’ relationship, partnership and quality work between each other. The retrieved information base was supported by combining quantitative and qualitative data. The result of the study shows that the relationship quality is mostly high between the two parties, and the partnership between them is strategically phrased. The study reveals of a strength positioning between the parties that, when combined with present bonds, gives an outcome that one of the parties hold a dominating role within the partnership. The study illustrates existing structures for quality development between the parties, and is able to extract success factors that propose that other governmental agencies might be able to use in similar customer/supplier relationships between each other.
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Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling i verkligheten : Förbättringsarbete ur ett chefsperspektiv / Total Quality Management in reality : Improvement work from a manager perspectiveNorborg, Therese, Henegård, Linn January 2019 (has links)
Världen och samhället utvecklas snabbare än någonsin och organisationer behöver utvecklas i samma snabba takt för att vara konkurrenskraftiga. Med syfte att bedriva framgångsrikt utvecklings- och förbättringsarbete är förhållningssätt enligt Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling att föredra. I en optimal verksamhet kan tänkas att både tid och förutsättningar för att strukturerat bedriva Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling prioriteras högt. När författarna började ana att verkligen inte ser ut så intresserade de sig för att studera ämnet ur ett chefsperspektiv. Syftet med studien är således att undersöka tillämpningen av Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling, redogöra för chefers kvalitets- och förbättringsarbete samt ge generella förbättringsförslag till chefer och organisationer som vill utvecklas mot ett förhållningssätt i linje med Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Studiens teoretiska referensram baseras på fyra fundamentala perspektiv: Chefens roll och ansvar, Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling, Struktur och ledning, Arbetssätt och verktyg samt Förbättringsarbete. Datainsamling har gjorts genom en kvalitativ metod där personliga semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med 12 chefer från olika branscher, organisationsstorlekar och varierande erfarenhet. Studien fastslår att Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling inte är vedertaget. Författarna kan dock konstatera att chefernas förhållningssätt till kvalitetsutveckling varierar och att några av cheferna besitter kunskap inom området, utan att de själva definierar det som offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Något som verkar vara vanligt är att kvalitetsarbetet utgår från att kvalitet är något som i efterhand kan justeras, istället för att aktivt arbete förebyggande. En generell slutsats är dock att det i samtliga organisationer ändå förekommer enskilda värderingar, arbetssätt och verktyg som går att relatera till offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Vidare konstaterar studien att cheferna anser att förbättringsarbete är viktig, att de ser det som en del av sitt ansvarsområde samt att de anser att de har bra förutsättningar för att bedriva förbättringsarbete. Resultatet visar däremot att enbart ett fåtal av cheferna arbetar strukturerat samt att det finns en generell förbättringspotential att gå från Adhoc till ett mer strukturerat arbetssätt. Studien indikerar också att det är svårt för cheferna att prioritera förbättringsarbete, vilket fastslås relateras till framförallt två faktorer: Den komplexa chefsrollen och ledningens förhållningssätt. Utifrån slutsatserna konstateras två olika perspektiv intressanta att framhäva och således även ge förbättringsförslag utifrån. Dels vad högsta ledningen kan göra på organisationsnivå för att skapa förutsättningar för Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling samt vad cheferna själva kan göra. Förbättringsförslagen presenteras i det sista avsnittet utifrån hörnstensmodellen och berör både värderingar, arbetssätt och verktyg. / The world is evolving faster than ever and organizations need to develop at the same rapid pace to be competitive. With the aim of conducting a strategic and structured method for development, Total Quality Management is preferred. The reality might be different from the theory, which motivated to further analyse the subject from a manager perspective. The purpose is to investigate the level of usage of Total Quality Management, describe the manager´s work with quality and provide general suggestions on how to develop towards Total Quality Management. The theoretical frame is based on five perspectives: The role and responsibility of the manager, Total Quality Management, Structure and management, Methods and tools and Development. The study conducts that the concept of Total Quality Management is not well known by the managers and the manager´s approach varies. There is a general improvement potential to go from an Adhoc way to a more structured way of working. Based on the conclusions, two different perspectives are interesting to provide improvement suggestions from: what the executive can do at an organizational level and what the managers can do themselves. The suggestions for improvement are presented in the final chapter.
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Med kunden i fokus : Förbättringsarbete inom en av Migrationsverkets förvarsavdelningar / Customer focus : Improvement work within one of Migration Board's repository departmentsEhn, Millie January 2019 (has links)
Sickness absence in society increases, which implies that organizations must find internal factors in the work that may be contributing factors to this. In an associated pilot study, a lack of structured work towards the organizations objectives was identified as a possible cause for perceived deficiencies of employees in the studied organization. Therefore, an action based research with a deductive approach was chosen for the conduction of this study, based on a study that suggests that work based on the principles of Total quality management creates efficiency while at the same time promoting health in organizations. The purpose of this study has been to identify and enable implementation of identified opportunities for improvement, with the aim of the studied organization achieving set goals. As support, the following questions have been used (1) What does management need to improve in their work so that the organization can achieve set goals? and (2) how can management implement principles of Total quality management in its work for consisting results? Through mainly workshops and observations the results have been collected in order to identify, together with the participants constituted by the department's management, a current situation with improvement opportunities, and a desired location with an associated action plan. With the help of quality technical tools, four basic causes have been identified. These root causes need to be solved in order to then allow changes in structure followed by a supportive culture in order to achieve changed behavior with a focus on original assignment. The root causes identified are: (1) management's lack of knowledge in customer-centered quality work (2) management's priorities, (3) that management does not identify basic causes of problems, and (4) that management does not evaluate their own work in a systematic way. An action plan proposes concrete solutions to the identified root causes to enable implementation. The solution proposals consist in part of a general improvement model with proposals for the development of a relevant toolbox. Furthermore, the solutions consist of management needing to acquire knowledge and at the same time develop learning in order to broaden the scope within which knowledge acquisition takes place, and to evaluate their priorities and create time for tasks that enable behavioral influence. The conclusions are that (1) the management needs to improve work on structure by starting from the original assignment, which needs to be followed by a formal culture that supports the work. When the management has designed culture and structure based on the original assignment, the management can implement a trust-based approach and management (2) The management can implement principles from Total quality management by designing the culture of the organization drawing from these principles. In order to achieve lasting results, a unified design of structure and culture are needed, and in addition that the management must first handle the identified root causes. / Sjukfrånvaron i samhället ökar vilket ställer krav på organisationer att identifiera interna faktorer i arbetet som kan vara bidragande orsaker. I studiens tillhörande förstudie identifierades en avsaknad av strukturerat arbete mot verksamhetens mål som en möjlig orsak till upplevda brister hos medarbetarna i den studerade organisationen. För genomförandet av studien valdes därför en aktionsforskning med deduktiv ansats med utgångspunkt i en studie som föreslår att ett arbete utifrån offensiv kvalitetsutveckling skapar effektivitet samtidigt som det långsiktigt främjar hälsa i organisationer. Studiens syfte har varit att identifiera och möjliggöra implementering av identifierade förbättringsmöjligheter för att den studerade organisationen ska kunna nå uppsatta mål. Som stöd har följande frågor använts (1) vad behöver ledningen förbättra i sitt arbete för att organisationen ska nå uppsatta mål? och (2) hur kan ledningen implementera principer för offensiv kvalitetsutveckling i sitt arbete för bestående resultat? Genom i huvudsak workshopar och observationer har resultatet samlats in för att tillsammans med deltagarna, som utgjorts av avdelningens ledning, identifiera ett nuläge med förbättringsmöjligheter samt ett önskat läge med tillhörande handlingsplan. Med hjälp av kvalitetstekniska verktyg har fyra grundorsaker identifierats. Dessa grundorsaker behöver lösas för att sedan möjliggöra förändringar i struktur återföljt av en stödjande kultur för att åstadkomma förändrat beteende med fokus på ursprungligt uppdrag. Grundorsakerna som identifierats är: (1) ledningens bristande kunskap inom kundcentrerad verksamhetsutveckling (2) ledningens prioriteringar, (3) att ledningen inte identifierar grundorsaker till problem samt (4) att ledningen inte utvärderar sitt eget arbete på ett systematiskt sätt. En handlingsplan föreslår konkreta lösningar till de identifierade grundorsakerna för att möjliggöra implementering. Lösningsförslagen består delvis i en generell förbättringsmodell med förslag om framtagande av tillhörande verktygslåda. Vidare består lösningarna i att ledningen behöver tillgodogöra sig kunskap och samtidigt utveckla lärandet för att vidga ramen inom vilken kunskapsinhämtningen sker. Ledningen behöver vidare utvärdera sina prioriteringar och skapa tid för arbetsuppgifter som möjliggör beteendepåverkan. Slutsatserna är att (1) ledningen behöver förbättra utformningen av strukturen genom att utgå ifrån ursprungliga uppdrag vilket behöver återföljas en formell kultur som stödjer arbetet. När ledningen utformat kultur och struktur utifrån ursprungligt uppdrag kan ledningen implementera ett tillitsbaserat arbetssätt och ledning (2) Ledningen kan implementera principer från offensiv kvalitetsutveckling genom att utforma kulturen i organisationen utifrån dessa principer. För att åstadkomma bestående resultat behöver utformning av struktur och kultur följas åt samt att ledningen först måste hantera de identifierade grundorsakerna.
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Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:29:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
FERNANDA RODRIGUES BANDEIRA.pdf: 1587982 bytes, checksum: 894321815af951f54d99dfd6ebdce646 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-02-10 / Aims to present a way to measure and evaluate the organizational maturity for
the implantation of a Total Quality Management System - TQMS, having as a case to
study ITPAC Pharmacy School, that qualifies as a traditional business, which does
not have a Quality Management System - QMS. This study is done as a quantity
research with the directors and helpers of the organization, through questions,
getting to know the opinion of all the inside workers of the Pharmacy School,
achieving this way, through the answered obtained, the intensity of the active factors
that stand in the way of a Total Quality Management in the developed activities. The
parameters of the items in the questions made is calibrated by the research The
Impact of Just-In-Time Implementation and ISO 9000 Certification on Total Quality
Management by L. Paul Dreyfus, Sanjay L. Ahire, and Maling Ebrahimpour (2004).
The method used applies concepts from the Item Answer Theory (IAT) to evaluate
the maturity level of successful critic factors in the development of the activities in the
Pharmacy School ITPAC: one related to the actions of implantation of a Total
Quality Management System (TQMS) and another related to the Results obtained by
the Pharmacy School Administrative Management ITPAC in relation to the quality
of the products and services offered. The research also supplies lines of direction to
help with eliminating the factors that interrupt Total Quality Management System in
the Pharmacy School ITPAC according to the results achieved. These lines of
direction allow the Pharmacy School to improve there processes and consequently,
achieve higher levels of maturity to the implantation of a Total Quality Management
System. It is important to emphasize that a Quality strategy planning, valuing the
relationship with the clients, giving more strength to the capability of the processes
and human functional links and the supplier, is a successful critic factor to any
business. / Objetivou-se apresentar uma forma de medir e avaliar a maturidade
organizacional para a implantação de um sistema de Gestão da Qualidade Total
SGQT, tendo como estudo de caso o ITPAC Farmácia Escola, que se enquadra
como uma empresa tradicional, ou seja, que não possui nenhum Sistema de Gestão
da Qualidade SGQ. Este estudo se fez por meio de pesquisa quantitativa junto aos
gestores e colaboradores da organização, através da aplicação de um questionário,
visualizando o ponto de vista de todos os setores internos da Farmácia Escola,
obtendo assim, através dos resultados encontrados, a intensidade dos fatores ativos
que inibem a Gestão da Qualidade Total em suas atividades desenvolvidas. Os
parâmetros dos itens do questionário aplicado é calibrado pela pesquisa The
Impact of Just-In-Time Implementation and ISO 9000 Certification on Total Quality
Management de L. Paul Dreyfus, Sanjay L. Ahire, and Maling Ebrahimpour (2004).
O método utilizado aplica conceitos da Teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI) para
avaliar o grau de maturidade de fatores críticos de sucesso no desenvolvimento das
atividades da Farmácia Escola - ITPAC: um relacionado às ações de implementação
do Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade Total (SGQT) e outro relacionado aos
Resultados obtidos pela Gestão Administrativa da Farmácia Escola - ITPAC com
relação à qualidade dos produtos e serviços que oferece. A Pesquisa também
fornece diretrizes para auxiliar na resolução dos fatores que inibem o emprego da
Gestão da Qualidade Total na Farmácia Escola ITPAC pautadas nos resultados
encontrados. Essas diretrizes possibilitam a Farmácia Escola, melhorar seus
processos e conseqüentemente, alcançar níveis mais elevados de maturidade para
a implantação da Gestão da Qualidade Total. É importante destacar que um
planejamento estratégico da Qualidade, valorizando a relação com os clientes,
potencializando a capacidade dos processos e dos vínculos humanos funcionais e
dos fornecedores, é um fator crítico de sucesso para qualquer empresa.
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Gestão do conhecimento organizacional baseada em evidências: uma análise do uso de indicadores para avaliação de desempenho em serviços hospitalaresVignochi, Luciano 25 July 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-05-20T18:38:42Z
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gestao_conhecimento.pdf: 1698916 bytes, checksum: 5bbb640f2ba3b32a953bb3ed12a5bcb9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-20T18:38:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-07-25 / FUNDEPE - Fundação Universitária para Desenvolvimento do Ensino e da Pesquisa / Esta dissertação visa contribuir conceitualmente através da análise das relações entre os campos conceituais de Avaliação de Desempenho (GQ) e Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) baseada em evidências (EBMgt), sob a perspectiva da Administração Estratégica de recursos em serviços intensivos em conhecimento. Para tanto, foram realizados três estudos exploratórios em organizações hospitalares brasileiras com o objetivo de analisar como estes serviços podem ser qualificados a partir da gestão do conhecimento baseada em evidências utilizando indicadores de desempenho. O referencial bibliográfico sobre Avaliação de Desempenho (Gestão da Qualidade), a aplicação de Sistemas de Informação em hospitais, as contribuições teóricas da Gestão Baseada em Evidências e os constructos à aplicação da Gestão do Conhecimento em serviços hospitalares foram revisados com vistas a realizar uma posterior análise de conteúdo a respeito deste tema. Tratou-se de um estudo essencialmente fenomenológico no qual a estratégia de aplicação da metodologia foi composta por três momentos. (1) Estudo Exploratório A em nove hospitais participantes do Sistema de Indicadores Padronizados para a Gestão Hospitalar com a intenção de qualificar o referencial teórico do projeto de pesquisa, aprimorar as perguntas de pesquisa e desenvolver uma estrutura de analise ajustada a serviços intensivos em conhecimento (KIBS). (2) Etapa Exploratória B: Estudo de Caso (J) em um hospital que atua sob o controle acionário do Ministério da Saúde e destina cem por cento de sua prestação de serviços ao SUS. (3) Etapa Exploratória C: Estudo de Caso (K) em um hospital filantrópico, que por força das regulamentações governamentais tem o mínimo de sessenta por cento de suas operações destinadas ao SUS e os outros quarenta por cento destinados a convênios e particulares. Os dados primários foram coletados através de entrevistas em profundidade realizadas com gestores hospitalares. Dados secundários coletados de relatórios publicados pelos dois hospitais estudados em profundidade foram utilizados para reforçar as análises das entrevistas com pessoas chave, conforme o tipo de arranjo organizacional de cada um dos dois hospitais. As duas instituições estudadas representam a maioria dos serviços hospitalares historicamente relevantes no Brasil, confirmando a relevância deste estudo para o campo aplicado. As análises de dados das três etapas da pesquisa de campo foram realizadas com o apoio do software NVIVO9®. A etapa Exploratória A originou a proposição de uma Estrutura de Análise de Indicadores de Desempenho para a Criação do Conhecimento Organizacional. As associações e conteúdos que emergiram do Caso J mostram como uma organização de saúde pública utiliza-se da avaliação de desempenho, do conhecimento e da pesquisa como recursos estratégicos. O Caso K, por sua vez, revela a primazia do modelo da Gestão da Qualidade com vistas à sustentabilidade assistencial e econômica dos serviços estudados. As conclusões apontam para a influência da pesquisa científica e de critérios de sigilo, confiabilidade e credibilidade quanto à mensuração de desempenho hospitalar através de um sistema de indicadores (A). Além disso, é possível supor que a problemática de hospitais ligados exclusivamente ao SUS direcione o debate teórico para questões assistenciais (B) enquanto que a problemática de hospitais privados e sem fins lucrativos dirija o debate teórico para a redução de custos e eficiência de processos (C). / This thesis aims to contribute conceptually to current literature by analyzing the relationship among the conceptual fields of Performance Evaluation (Total Quality Management TQM), Knowledge Management (KM), and Evidence-based Management (EBMgt), from the perspective of Strategic Management of Resources in knowledge-intensive business services. Three exploratory studies were conducted in Brazilian hospital organizations in order to analyze how these services can be qualified with an evidence-based knowledge management approach using performance indicators. References on Performance Evaluation (TQM), the application of Information Systems in hospitals, theoretical contributions of EBMgt and constructs concerning the application of KM in hospital services were reviewed for the purpose of performing further content analysis on the subject. This was an essentially phenomenological study based on a three-stage strategy for implementing the methodology. (1) Exploratory Stage A: a study was conducted in nine hospitals participating in the System of Standard Indicators for Hospital Management aiming to develop a qualified theoretical framework for research, to improve survey questions, and to develop an analysis framework adjusted to knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS). (2) Exploratory Stage B: a Case Study (J) in a hospital that operates under common ownership by the Brazilian Ministry of Health and exclusively serves the Brazilian public health system. (3) Exploratory Stage C: a Case Study (K) in a charity hospital that, according to government regulations, allocates 60% of services to the Brazilian public health system and 40% to private patients and health plan/fee for service programs. Primary data were collected through in-depth interviews conducted with hospital managers. Secondary data were abstracted from reports published by both hospitals under study and used to strengthen the analysis of interviews with key people, according to the individual organizational arrangement of each hospital. These two institutions represent most of the historically relevant hospital services offered in Brazil, corroborating the relevance of this study to the applied field. Data analysis was performed using NVIVO9®. Data from Exploratory Stage A provided a basis for the proposal of an Analysis Framework of Performance Indicators for the development of an Organizational Knowledge. The content and associations resulting from Case J showed how Performance Evaluation, knowledge and research can be used as strategic resources by public health organizations. Case K, in turn, revealed the primacy of the TQM model targeting health care and economic sustainability of the services investigated. The conclusions suggest the influence of scientific research and criteria of confidentiality, reliability and credibility on the assessment of hospital performance using a system of indicators (A). In addition, we may assume that issues involving hospitals serving exclusively the Brazilian public health system direct the theoretical debate towards welfare issues (B), whereas issues involving private and nonprofit hospitals lead the theoretical debate to address cost reduction and process efficiency (C).
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A Measurement of Total Quality Management in Selected North Carolina Community CollegesCouch, Gene C. 01 December 1997 (has links)
Many of the colleges in the North Carolina Community College System have embarked on a "quality" journey to continuously improve the educational programs and services that they provide to their communities. The primary focus of this study was to determine the level of Total Quality Management (TQM) principles implemented in selected North Carolina community colleges and to determine if there was a difference in the perception of its implementation between administrators and faculty. Additionally, this study examined the influence of the following variables on the implementation of TQM in selected North Carolina community colleges: personal factors (age, gender, ethnicity, and length of employment) and organizational factors (length of institutional involvement in TQM, institutional service area, institutional size, and institutional participation in the Carolina Quality Consortium). Furthermore, the study also gathered data about the positive and negative outcomes as a result of TQM/quality. Data for this study were obtained from a survey instrument that was based on the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award. The survey instrument was mailed to eight full-time administrators and eight full-time faculty members from 29 North Carolina community colleges. Twenty of the institutions belonged to the Carolina Quality Consortium. The remaining institutions represented a convenient sample of the 36 North Carolina community colleges that were not members of the Carolina Quality Consortium. Four hundred sixty-four surveys were mailed and 368 were returned. The overall percentage of survey return was 79.3. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used for the analysis of data. An alpha level of.05 was used for all statistical tests. The major conclusions were: (1) there are different levels of TQM implementation among! the community colleges identified in this study, (2) there is a difference between the perception of TQM between administrators and faculty members, (3) the length of employment at the institution is a factor in the perception of the implementation of TQM, (4) age, gender, and ethnicity are not factors on the perceptions of the implementation of TQM, (5) the length of involvement in TQM, the service area, the size of the institution, and participation in the Carolina Quality Consortium are not factors on the overall quality ratings, (6) the positive outcomes perceived as having resulted from TQM/quality initiatives included improved communication, improved support systems, customer service, and increased involvement in planning and decision-making, and (7) the negative outcomes perceived as having resulted from TQM/quality were incongruence in philosophy and practice, too much time wasted, work overloads, and endless paperwork.
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Towards an effective supervision model for total quality education in some selected secondary schools in the Northern ProvinceMlangeni, Simeon January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D. (Education)) -- University of the Limpopo, 2001 / Refer to document
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轉換型領導對警政服務品質之影響研究 / The Influence of Transformational Leadership on the Quality of Police Service陳譓森, Chen, Hui Sen Unknown Date (has links)
然而欲使警察的各項作為從「破大案,捉要犯」轉變為以探求民眾切身的問題為主的策略,等於是要警察從注重績效數字的文化轉變為注重品質的文化,在本質上,這是一種 「外部變革」(external change),以滿足民眾的需求為目標,此與近年來歐、美各國公共部門所推動的「全面品質管理」(total quality management)以及警政部門所實施的「社區警政」(community policing)的理念與目標均甚為一致。學者們研究指出,欲達成此-「外部變革」的目標,必須要先完成組織的「內部變革」(internal change),對警政領導階層而言 ,他們必須實施「品質領導」(quality leadership),才能澈底改變員警對於警政服務工作的態度與滿意度。易言之,警政領導階層必須具備品質遠景、堅強的信念、以及採取行動的決心,積極扮演品質策略的發動者角色,才能引領所有員警澈底轉型,從自利的追求,轉而關注於公共利益的追求,此一理念就是Bernard M. Bass所倡導的「轉換型領導」(trandsformational leadership)與「交易型領導」(transactional leadership)的綜合運用。
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我國服務業推動全面品質管理之實證研究-以百貨業為例 / An Empirical Study of the Implementation of TQM of Domestic Service Industry - Taking Department Stores for Example趙建彰, Jaw, Jiann Jang Unknown Date (has links)
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