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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Höga skolprestationer om feminiserande kapital : En etnografisk studie av högt presterande tjejer på gymnasiekolans språkliga inriktning

Frisk, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Högt presterande tjejer i gymnasieskolan erbjuds positioner som ger dem ett högt feminiserat kulturellt kapital men att de presterar bra behöver inte betyda att de är fria från sitt könshabitus och därmed mer jämställda. Jag har följt tretton tjejer på gymnasiekolans språkliga inriktning och studerat deras vardag i undervisningssituationer samt lyssnat till deras egen syn på sina prestationer. De aspekter jag särskilt lagt vikt vid är hur det feminina kapitalet reproduceras genom könshabitus, symboliskt våld samt det androcentriska synsättet. För att studera deras livsvärld har jag använt den etnografiska metoden och presenterar min empiri i form av en narrativ berättelse. Mitt resultat visar att tjejerna är framgångsrika och kompetenta men eftersom de erbjuds vissa subjektspositioner utifrån skolans förväntningar och utifrån det androcentriska heteronomin är deras höga prestationer dock ett feminiserat kapital.</p> / <p>High achieving girls at upper secondary school are given positions that give them a high feminized cultural capital, however, their high achievement does not translate into a position free from gender habitus. I followed thirteen girls at upper secondary school with language as major in their lifeworld in the classroom. I have also been listening to their own stories about their achievements. I have especially put notice into how the feminine capital is reproduced thru gender habitus, symbolic violence and the androcentric heteronomy. Furthermore, I have used the ethnographic method in order to study their everyday life in school and I present my data as a narrative story. My result shows that high achieving girls are highly competent and successful in the discourse of the school, however, the expectations of the school and the androcentric heteronomy offer them certain subject positions which make their high achievements a feminized capital.</p>

Spindeln mellan teknik och människa : En studie om hur interaktionsdesigner beskriver sitt yrke / Interaction Designer – The Linkbetween Technology and User : How Interaction Designers describe their profession

Mohamed, Ali, Kjäll, Felix January 2010 (has links)
In this bachelor thesis we have studied how interaction designers describe their profession. The research material is based on nine interviews with interaction designers. Questions cover areas such as interaction design tasks, what abilities they consider important, how they describe their relationship to the users, and cooperation with colleagues. We have analyzed the results using key terms such as habitus, field, and capital, as described by sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. The interviewees express humanistic views, and ask for more cooperation between interaction designers, as well as other people within the field of IT production. We suggest possible solutions, like design patterns, with the goal of sharing knowledge within the IT field.

Göteborgs-Posten och Sydasien – konflikten på Sri Lanka

Hasselgren, Tomas January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Det generella syftet med denna studie har varit att nå en kvalitativ reflektion angående skillnader i framställning av en konflikt i två mycket skilda publikationer med mycket olika ekonomiska förutsättningar under två tidsperioder. Material från dagstidningen Göteborgs-Posten och tidskriften Sydasien är analyserade för att undersöka dessa skrifters behandling av konflikten på Sri Lanka under 1983 och 1998/1999. Teori: Diskursteori utifrån Norman Fairclough och Teun van Dijk. Sociologisk teori utifrån Pierre Bourdieu, genom begreppen angående produktionen av tro, kapital och fält som han arbetat fram. Metod: Kvalitativ kritisk diskursanalys (CDA) utifrån Faircloughs tredimensionella modell: text-diskursiv praktik-social praktik. Resultat: Genom den kritiska diskursanalysen nåddes en djupare bild av olika dimensioner i den problematik som framställning av ett komplicerat skeende som konflikten på Sri Lanka tillhör. Det korta svaret är att - ja – tidskriften Sydasien ger totalt sett en djupare, mer mångfacetterad och bredare bild av konflikten än Göteborgs-Posten. Detta kan man se under båda tidsperioderna som analyserats. Men – detta resultat kan man problematisera: för att få denna mångdimensionella bild så krävs det att man läser alla texter som Sydasien publicerar angående konflikten, om endast en artikel här och en där väljs ut, så riskerar man att få en begränsad bild likt den i Göteborgs-Posten. Stora krav ställs med andra ord på publiken.

Smaken och kapitalet : En analys av kulturpropositionen Tid för kultur utifrån Pierre Bourdieus teorier om kultur och makt

Laxén Di-Zazzo, Denise, Jansson, Sofia January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att synliggöra och problematisera vad kulturen sägs vara i svensk kulturpolitik, hur kulturpolitiken är utformad och för vem. Genom kvalitativ textanalys av 2009 års kulturproposition Tid för Kultur visar undersökningen att det i propositionen inte finns någon tydlig definition av vad begreppet kultur innebär. Det finns en uttalad medvetenhet om att kulturbegreppet är svårdefinierat men eftersom kulturbegreppet inte definieras i propositionen medför det en inkonsekvent användning. En viktig utgångspunkt för uppsatsen är att kulturen – liksom kulturpolitiken – kan utgöra en arena för maktspel. Av den anledningen är sociologen Pierre Bourdieus teorier om kulturella dominansförhållanden viktiga för undersökningen. Analysen påvisar att kulturpropositionen genom att avgränsa de kulturpolitiska åtgärderna till att endast omfatta de klassiska kulturformerna, ofta kallad finkulturen, reproducerar dessa kulturella maktstrukturer. Exempelvis ifrågasätts aldrig den förgivettagna ståndpunkten att det finns god och dålig kultur. Genom att relatera kulturpropositionens mål om allas möjlighet att ta del av kulturlivet till Bourdieus teorier om kulturellt kapital framkommer att målsättningen i sig är en omöjlighet, eftersom alla inte innehar samma kulturella förförståelser. Uppsatsen betonar att ett ökat fokus på att göra kulturens innehåll, snarare än formen, mer tillgängligt skulle medföra att fler kan ta till sig kulturen. Detta är dock beroende av att begreppen kultur och underhållning tillåts närma sig varandra.

INTERNATIONALIZATION OF CONTEMPORARY ART : Case studies of three Finnish artists who have exhibited in Sweden

Tuomaala, Outi January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the internationalization of Finnish contemporary artists. The focus is on their exhibitions at contemporary art institutions in Sweden, covering the period 2004–2013. The aim is to investigate what makes these exhibitions to materialize. The main question is: How do different actors, networks, collaborations, and the field of artistic production look like when art is exported for exhibition purposes from Finland to Sweden? Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory and the Uppsala internationalization process model are used as the theoretical framework. Information is collected via interviews with three Finnish artists and three Swedish curators. The main result is that the artists do not actively impact the internationalization process themselves. Rather, the internationalization occurs through an international network of professionals, some acting on behalf of the artists, and some acting in their own interests. The main driving factor for internationalization is that the Finnish art market is small. Consequently, young contemporary artists are oriented internationally. For internationalization to occur, the artists must be available to foreign curators through the international networks. Finland is aware of this and promotes international art contacts through the foundation Frame Visual Art Finland. Important contact surfaces, where curators can learn about the artists, are art events, like European art biennials.

Twilight of the pollsters : a social theory of mass opinion in late modernity

Ostrowski, Marius Sebastian Jacek January 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines how the occupations people hold, and the social classes in which they are situated, affect the way in which they form and express opinions. At a theoretical level, it unites the 'deep-structure' macroanalysis of social theory with the individualised microanalysis of how subjects form and express opinions in opinion research, reviving an approach that has not been pursued since early-20th-century social research. At a practical level, it responds to several recent and prominent failures of prediction by the opinion polling industry, and asks whether a broader understanding of 'mass opinion' can help avert such failures in future. The thesis argues that opinions are subjects' judgments about their social conditions, based on mental pictures they have of these conditions that combine the values and attitudes they hold with the information they have about their environment. Subjects form opinions based on these pictures via three 'means of thinking'-personality-traits, emotions, and reason-and express them using two kinds of 'means of articulation'-bodily organs and media. The thesis shows how the variety of occupations subjects hold, and the extremity of class differentials between them, introduce substantial plurality into their values and attitudes, the way they acquire information, how they think, and how they articulate themselves. In particular, it highlights the considerable asymmetries between higher- and lower-class subjects regarding: which parts of their social conditions they are experts about, and how far they are influenced by others; whether they think about their conditions more emotionally or with reasoning; and how great a range and quality of opportunities they have to articulate their views. The thesis closes by suggesting that these findings offer opinion researchers and social theorists clear directions for measuring 'mass opinion' in new ways, and potentially emancipating the voices of subjects whose opinions are suppressed in late-modern society.

Pierre Bourdieu e o culto cristão : diálogo entre a sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu e o culto cristão : em busca de um conceito herético

Felipe Gustavo Koch Buttelli 27 February 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho procura pôr em diálogo a sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu e sua crítica às instituições, que simbolicamente propiciam e fomentam relações de dominação, e o culto cristão. No primeiro capítulo se procura agrupar diversos conceitos de Pierre Bourdieu em torno daquilo que se denominou gênese das relações de dominação. Após um pequeno esforço por aproximar Bourdieu e teologia, formula-se, a partir de elementos dispersos de sua obra, uma idéia do modo através do qual surgiriam e se reproduziriam relações sociais de dominação. As relações de gênero são apresentadas como exemplo onde se verifica a tese de Bourdieu. Posteriormente se aponta para as instituições que promovem este processo, indicadas no percurso pelo próprio Bourdieu: a família, a igreja, a escola e o Estado. O segundo capítulo traz uma aproximação à história de vida de Pierre Bourdieu. Constata-se que seu caráter parece aproximá-lo à teologia. A parte conclusiva deste capítulo reúne elementos da obra de Bourdieu que permanecem como um saldo crítico a ser contabilizado pela teologia. O terceiro capítulo aproxima aspectos da obra de Pierre Bourdieu ao culto cristão. Neste trajeto, faz-se uso do conceito de performance. Trata-se de uma tentativa de construir uma ponte, que coloque na mesma sintonia a reflexão crítica de Pierre Bourdieu e as discussões sobre o culto e a liturgia. O último capítulo concentra-se em reunir argumentos a favor de um culto que seja essencialmente contestador de uma ordem social baseada em relações de dominação. Busca-se oferecer uma idéia de culto que tome conscientemente seu aspecto sócio-político de construção da sociedade e o utilize com a finalidade de transformá-la em uma outra, livre de relações de dominação. / This work tries to bring into dialogue the sociology of Pierre Bourdieu and his critique about the institutions, which symbolically provide and promote relations of domination, and Christian worship. The first chapter tries to group various concepts of Pierre Bourdieu around that what is called genesis of the relations of domination. After a small effort to approximate Bourdieu and theology, will be offered an idea, from scattered elements of his work, of the way in which social relations of domination arise and are reproduced. The relations of gender are presented as an example where will be verified the view of Bourdieu. After this, it will be pointed to the institutions that promote this process, indicated in his work: the family, church, school and State. The second chapter provides an approach to the life story of Pierre Bourdieu. It seems that his character bring him closer to theology. The concluding part of this chapter brings together elements of the work of Bourdieu that remain as a critical balance to be accounted for by theology. The third chapter brings aspects of the work of Pierre Bourdieu to Christian worship. In this way, the concept of performance is used. This is an attempt to build a bridge, which puts on the same line the critical reflection of Pierre Bourdieu and discussions on worship and liturgy. The final chapter focuses on gathering fundaments for a worship that is essentially refuter of a social order based on relations of domination. Seeks to provide an idea of worship that consciously take its socio-political aspect of building the society and use it in order to transform it into another, free of relations of domination.

The Instrumentalization of the Arts: Congressional Aesthetics and the National Endowment for the Arts in the 1990s

January 2015 (has links)
abstract: This thesis is an art-historical inquiry into the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) and its controversies in the 1990s. A socio-economic model of instrumentalization of the arts based on Pierre Bourdieu's and David Throsby's conceptualizations of cultural capital is first developed. The model is then used to explore the notion of "congressional aesthetics," or a particular brand of arts-instrumentalization adopted by the U.S. Congress for post-WWII federal projects involving art, and two cases of its implementation. The first case is the successful implementation of congressional aesthetics in the instrumentalization of the arts in Sino-American cultural diplomacy during the Cold War. The kind of American art in the 1950s enabled the successful implementation of congressional aesthetics. The opposite case is then investigated: the failed implementation of congressional aesthetics in the operation of the NEA in the 1980s. Specifically, the NEA controversies of the 1990s can be traced to the agency's failure to conform to congressional aesthetics. Failed congressional aesthetics also results largely from the type of American art being produced in the 1980s. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Art 2015

Universidade e educa??o ambiental

Chao, Cheg Hsin Nery 19 January 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:35:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ChengHNC.pdf: 1636461 bytes, checksum: 0f882c36ecdf1bbe5ef4e2d85f90deea (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-01-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The society consists of the inter-relations between diverse symbolic fields of performance, where some agents if identify for values, habits and goals. The present thesis analyzed, taking for base the Theory of the Social Field of Pierre Bourdieu, the ambient field and the university, leaving of the principle that the university is one of the propitious places for the quarrel, study, knowledge elaboration, and that the ambient education is one of the ways of dissemination of knowledge and action in favor of the ambient question. It was looked to contextualize and to identify the main factors that configure the university while a social field, and to evidence the conflict and connector links with the ambientalism. It is perceived university as space of tensions, whose produced capital stock in the academic scope must be enough convincing in the direction of the social transformation, of the expansion of conscience, the critical matureness, and thus to appear as agent of social transformation. The joint between the diverse social fields, promoted for the university, will be able to contribute for knowledge formularization that can consist base for elaboration of politics and programs to answer to the problems of the society contemporary. It has the inter-relationship between the two fields, however, this relation still is fragile, needing that a continuity practical social that they make possible that the ambient question is part of the culture of the university. This will be able to give with the intensification of the actions and the inclusion of the ambient questions in the communication mechanisms and administrative management. To surpass discontinuities caused for changes of groups leading and for interests politician conjunctural are necessary that they create habitus, what passes for the institutionalization of practical and the constitution of a culture that the agents allow if to reorganize defending the interests of social transformation front to the economic interests, as much in the university how much in the ambient field / A sociedade constitui-se das inter-rela??es entre diversos campos simb?licos de atua??o, onde v?rios agentes se identificam por valores, h?bitos e metas. A presente tese analisou, tomando por base a Teoria do Campo Social de Pierre Bourdieu, o campo ambiental e a universidade, partindo do princ?pio que a universidade ? um dos locais prop?cios para a discuss?o, estudo, elabora??o de conhecimento, e que a educa??o ambiental ? um dos meios de dissemina??o de conhecimentos e a??es em favor da quest?o ambiental. Procurou-se contextualizar e identificar os principais fatores que configuram a universidade enquanto um campo social, e evidenciar os elos de liga??o e conflito com o ambientalismo. Percebe-se a universidade como espa?o de tens?es, cujo capital social produzido no ?mbito acad?mico deve ser suficientemente convincente no sentido da transforma??o da sociedade, da expans?o de consci?ncia, do amadurecimento cr?tico, e assim figurar como agente de transforma??o social. A articula??o entre os diversos campos sociais, promovida pela universidade, poder? contribuir para formula??o de conhecimento que pode se constituir base para elabora??o de pol?ticas e programas para responder aos problemas da sociedade contempor?nea. H? o inter-relacionamento entre os dois campos, contudo, essa rela??o ainda ? fr?gil, necessitando que uma continuidade de pr?ticas sociais que possibilitem que a quest?o ambiental fa?a parte da cultura da universidade. Isto poder? se dar com a intensifica??o das a??es e da inclus?o das quest?es ambientais nos mecanismos de comunica??o e gerenciamento administrativo. Para superar as descontinuidades causadas pelas mudan?as dos grupos dirigentes e pelos interesses pol?tico conjunturais ? preciso que se criem h?bitus, o que passa pela institucionaliza??o das pr?ticas e constitui??o de uma cultura que permitam aos agentes se reorganizarem defendendo os interesses de transforma??o social frente aos interesses econ?micos, tanto na universidade quanto no campo ambiental

Perstorpsbordet och Miss Blanche : Designföremålens representationer samt sociala- och känslomässiga värden

Ku, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken funktion designföremål har utöver den praktiska användarfunktionen. Jag har utgått från två designföremål, det så kallade Perstorpsbordet och Miss Blanche som studieföremål. Mina frågeställningar har varit att undersöka hur dessa föremål representeras utifrån webbannonser samt designföremålens sociala och känslomässiga funktionsaspekt.   Materialet som har använts i analysen har varit webbannonser, blogginlägg, artiklar och instagramminlägg som beskriver dessa designföremål. Som teoriska perspektiv har jag utgått från Jean Baudrillards objektteori, Pierre Bourdieus fältteori samt den populärvetenskapliga filosofen Alan de Bottons resonemang från ”Happiness of Architecture”. Varje kapitel utgår från varsin filosof och som metod har jag bland annat använt mig av semiotik för att tolka tecken och symboler i designföremålens.

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