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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

City branding krajských měst v Česku / City branding of Czech regional capital cities

Jenček, Lubor January 2020 (has links)
Lubor JENČEK: City branding krajských měst v Česku Abstract This thesis deals with city branding of Czech regional capital cities. Its goal is to compare city branding of Czech regional capital cities and reveal a functional mechanism of city branding in practice. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on the concept of branding, which is first discussed in general and later theoretically and practically expanded. Its functions in general are discussed. In the empirical part, the main research attention is dedicated to concepts of place branding and city branding on the case of the contemporary city branding of Czech regional capital cities The thesis aims to answer six research questions divided into three thematical groups - interpretation of Czech regional capital cities' brands, motivation for their creating and use, and the ways how to manage them. Answers to these questions should reveal actual condition of Czech city branding. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is used in this thesis. Data were acquired by questionnaire survey targeted at all Czech regional capital cities' representatives, and semi-structured interviews with representatives of four selected cities (Ostrava, Zlín, Plzeň and Ústí and Labem) as case studies. The results of the thesis can be applied in...

Compete Globally, Lose Locally? : The effects of Rio de Janeiro ́s hostesship of FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games on residents in informal settlements - A case study of ’favela’ Santa Marta

Olsson, Hanna, Klarberg, Renée January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis project is to investigate how cities strive to be globally competitive affect local residents in informal settlements, generically called slum dwellers. This question is approached trough a case study of one of Rio de Janeiro’s informal settlements ‘favela’ Santa Marta. The favela’s public spaces have been studied in order to reveal how Rio’s search for increased global status has affected the management of the spaces and consequently the favela dwellers. Rio de Janeiro is using a well-acknowledged strategy towards global competitiveness, the hosting of international mega-events. Within the near future the city is presenting two of the world’s most well-known events: the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games. The games are being used as a tool to attract tourists and foreign investments, which are expected to help the city to Compete Globally. However, our findings show that this is happening at the expense of the city’s vulnerable slum dwellers and that Rio to some extent is Losing Locally. For example, slum areas that can contribute to presenting Rio as an attractive city, or have an unexploited economic potential, are increasingly integrated to the formal city. The residents of these areas are affected in several ways, for example through being evicted on behalf of more economically beneficial establishments. Remote slums with no interest for investments are however still separated from the formal city and left without support for its residents. Trough our research we have found that when a city set out to be globally competitive, it uses neoliberal market strategies, like hosting mega-events, since that is apprehended as the only trajectory towards development. Although, we suggest that the known strategy for development should be revised in order to not violate human rights. / Målet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur städers strävan efter global konkurrenskraft påverkar de lokala invånarna som bor i informella bostadsområden, så kallade sluminvånare. För att besvara frågeställningen har vi utfört en fallstudie av det informella bostadsområdet ‘favela’ Santa Marta i Rio de Janeiro. Santa Martas allmänna platser har studerats för att få en förståelse för hur Rios strävan efter global status har påverkat hanteringen av favelans allmänna platser och följaktligen dess sluminvånare. Rio de Janeiro använder sig av en internationellt erkänd strategi för att bli globalt konkurrenskraftig, nämligen att anordna internationella mega-event. Inom en snar framtid kommer Rio vara en av värdstäderna för fotbolls VM, och två år senare ska staden vara värd för de Olympiska sommarspelen. Sportevenemangen används som ett politiskt verktyg för att attrahera turister och internationella investeringar som ett steg mot ökad global konkurrenskraft. Resultatet av vår studie visar dock att detta sker på bekostnad av stadens utsatta sluminvånare och att strävan efter global uppmärksamhet kan ha negativ inverkan på lokal nivå. De slumområden i Rio som kan tänkas bidra till en attraktiv bild av staden, alternativt innehar outnyttjad ekonomisk potential, blir integrerade i den formella staden. Invånarna i dessa områden blir negativt drabbade på en rad olika sätt. Exempelvis har ett flertal människor blivit vräkta då området de bor på kan användas till mer ekonomiskt lönsamma ändamål. Avlägsna slumområden utan ekonomiskt intresse blir dock ignorerade. Resultat från vår studie visar att när städer planerar för en ökad global konkurrenskraft använder de sig av neoliberala marknadsstrategier, som mega-event, eftersom detta anses vara det enda tillvägagångssättet för ekonomisk utveckling. Vi föreslår dock att denna rådande strategi behöver utvecklas, uppdateras och få sällskap av alternativa vägar mot utveckling då den i dagsläget leder till att mänskliga rättigheter bryts.

La transformació de territoris en marques: el reconeixement i la diferenciació d'identitats espacials en temps postmoderns. Un estat de la qüestió

San Eugenio Vela, Jordi de 04 April 2011 (has links)
La competició de països, nacions, ciutats i regions per captar recursos, talent, infraestructures o esdeveniments, entre altres aspectes, ha provocat l’adveniment d’una lluita renovada per la singularitat, pel reconeixement i per la diferenciació, per una hegemonia simbòlica que cotitza a l’alça en el context d’una emergent economia de la identitat. En aquest context, els territoris cedeixen les seves projeccions habituals d’identitat territorial a una nouvinguda identitat simbòlica, gestionada, en part, mitjançant la transformació de territoris en marques. La determinació d’un estat de la qüestió amb voluntat holística, que endreci i alhora ordeni el que s’ha dit i el que s’ha fet sobre això, per tal de situar en perspectiva les implicacions inherents a la construcció de marques (branding) per a espais geogràfics, esdevé un dels objectius principals d’aquesta investigació, al qual s’hi arribarà amb l’ajut d’una triangulació metodològica d’investigació. En primer lloc, mitjançant una revisió amb voluntat interpretativa i crítica de la literatura existent vinculada a les marques de territori, en segon lloc per mitjà d’una consulta a un panel d’experts (mètode Delphi) i, finalment, i en tercer lloc, a través de l’estudi de tres marques de territori implícites (el Lluçanès, el Priorat i la vall de Camprodon) analitzades per mitjà de l’organització de tres grups focals de discussió (GFdD). Així mateix, la concreció d’un model teòric d’anàlisi per a la marca experiència individual amb el territori des d’una perspectiva transdisciplinària coincideix amb el segon gran objectiu que pretén abastar aquesta tesi doctoral. / La competición de países, naciones, ciudades y regiones para captar recursos, talento, infraestructuras o eventos, entre otros aspectos, ha provocado el advenimiento de una lucha renovada por la singularidad, por el reconocimiento y por la diferenciación, por una hegemonía simbólica que cotiza al alza en el contexto de una emergente economía de la identidad. En este escenario, los territorios ceden sus proyecciones habituales de identidad territorial a una recién llegada identidad simbólica, gestionada, en parte, mediante la transformación de territorios en marcas. La determinación de un estado de la cuestión con voluntad holística, que incorpore y a la vez ordene lo que se ha dicho y lo que se ha hecho al respecto, con el fin de situar en perspectiva las implicaciones inherentes a la construcción de marcas ('branding') para los espacios geográficos, resulta ser uno de los objetivos principales de este trabajo, al cual se llegará mediante una triangulación metodológica de investigación. En primer lugar, a través de una revisión pretendidamente interpretativa y crítica de la literatura existente vinculada a las marcas de territorio; en segundo lugar, por medio de una consulta a un panel de expertos (método Delphi); finalmente, y en tercer lugar, a partir del estudio de tres marcas de territorio implícitas (el Lluçanès, el Priorat y la vall de Camprodon) analizadas mediante la organización de tres grupos focales de discusión (GFdD). Asimismo, la concreción de un modelo teórico de análisis para la marca experiencia individual con el territorio desde una perspectiva transdisciplinaria coincide con el segundo gran objetivo que pretende alcanzar la presente tesis doctoral. / The competition between countries, nations, cities and regions to attract resources, talent, infrastructures or events, among others aspects, has caused the coming of a renew struggle for singularity, recognition and differentiation, for a symbolic hegemony that is rising in the context of an emerging economy of identity. In this context, places transfer their usual projections of place identity to a newly arrived symbolic identity negotiated partly by the transformation of places in brands. The determination of a current status of the issue with a holistic wish that organize and at the same time arrange what it is said and is done about the topic, in order to locate in view the inherent implications to the building of brands (branding) for geographic locations, becomes one of the main aims of this research, which is going to reach through the help of a methodological triangulation of investigation. Firstly, through checking the existent literature linked in the place brands with an interpretative and critic wish, secondly, by means of consulting an expert’s panel (Delphi method) and, finally and thirdly, through the study of three implicit place brands (el Lluçanès, el Priorat and the Camprodon’s valley) analyzed by the organization of three focal groups of discussion (FGoD). Likewise, the specification of a theoretical method of analysis for the individual experience brand with the places from an interdisciplinary perspective coincides with the second main aim that this doctoral thesis expects to reach.

Common city attributes and contact employees : a case study of Indianapolis, Indiana

McBride, Jordan Ray 03 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Indianapolis is considered by many a competitive, large population city with incredible resources for business conferences and event tourism. The city’s flagship event, The Indianapolis 500, has paved the way for the city’s success. With initiative, planning, construction, and implementation the city’s tourism prowess has grown over the past three decades. Indianapolis has become host to a plethora of mid-size and large conferences every year, a regular on the host circuit for the NCAA Final Four, host of the annual Big Ten basketball tournament and most recently the host of the 2012 Super Bowl. Indianapolis continuously attempts to bring in more events every year. Not many residents get to see, or are even aware of, the associates busy at work attempting to fill hotel rooms, conference centers and stadiums. The Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) of the city are constantly working and tweaking strategies to increase exposure and get tourists excited about visiting Indianapolis. However, it is difficult to identify what truly separates Indianapolis as a tourist destination from any other competitive, second-tier population, landlocked city. Centrality within the country and the tourism infrastructure may be argued, but a representative from nearly any city in competition with Indianapolis may make a counterpoint to most resources. Instead of running in circles with this argument, this thesis looks to probe into a resource for Indianapolis that could be turned into a strong marketing tool for tourism: its employees. The overall purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of resident contact employees in the food service and lodging industries concerning Indianapolis’ tourism attributes, and their relation to Indianapolis’ destination marketing and managerial strategies.

Virtual reality in tourism. Opportunity or pitfall? : Explorative case study of a place-based virtual reality experience of Mariebergsskogen / Virtuell verklighet i turismen. Möjlighet eller fallgrop? : En explorativ fallstudie om en platsbaserade virtuell verklighet upplevelse av Mariebergsskogen

Kubitzek, Barbara January 2021 (has links)
To what extent can virtual reality be used to induce real-life tourism? This question becomes even more relevant in these covid-19 times. However, research on virtual reality concerning tourism has not engaged substantively with this question yet and thus this study seeks to address this question. This thesis is an explorative case study of the development of the prototype of a place-based virtual reality experience of Mariebergsskogen in Karlstad, Sweden. The purpose of this study is to investigate and show how a place-based virtual reality experience can add value to the experience and promotion of Mariebergsskogen. This thesis goes beyond ocularcentrism highlighting the involvement of senses, the whole body and emotions in experiencing a destination. How can a deeper emotional connection to a destination be evoked through virtual reality revealing the characteristics, uniqueness and rootedness of the place? A geomedia approach is taken that combines a sensitivity to place with media to arrive at a multi-dimensional view of Mariebergsskogen considering place representations, engagements and its roots to history. Place is conceptualized by recourse to Lefebvre’s (2011) spatial triad: lived, perceived and imagined that are in a dialectic relationship. The methodological model created has been informed by the project on place-based digital experiences (PDU) at the University of Karlstad in Sweden. Tourists are considered active agents in creating tourism destinations and this study emphasizes their engagement as co-creators in the prototype development process. A methodological model is proposed that combines a place analysis with workshops consisting of a user study and a co-creation workshop supplemented with insights from interviews with virtual reality developers and stakeholders from Region Värmland and Karlstad Municipality.

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