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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sjuksköterskors möjligheter till självreflektion inom psykiatrisk vård : En litteraturstudie / Nurses opportunities for self-reflection in psychiatric care : An literature study

Bergström, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Självreflektion innebär att kunna iaktta sig själv, sina reaktioner och att kunnasamtala med sig själv om sina handlingar och om sina upplevelser. Det är ett medvetetsökande efter förståelse. Reflektion ger möjlighet att utveckla yrkesmässig medvetenhet omsitt eget sätt att fungera och reagera. Genom systematisk reflektion kan individen utvecklasoch koppla teori till praktik. Individen måste medvetet utvärdera sina erfarenheter för attkunna dra lärdom av dem. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskors möjligheter till självreflektion inom psykiatriskvård. Metod: En integrativ litteraturstudie användes som metod. Data inhämtades från databasernaCinahl plus, PubMed och PsycINFO.Sammanlagt sex artiklar ligger till grund för resultat. Material har analyserats medWhittemore och Knafls (2005) analysmetod. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor behövde skapa utrymme för självreflektion. Studier visade attarbetsgivare behövde möjliggöra att självreflektion kunde utövas på arbetsplatsen ochmedarbetare måste värdesätta att självreflektion kunde fungera som ett hjälpmedel i denpsykiatriska omvårdnaden. Det var också viktigt att lärare och utbildare, i enutbildningssituation, var intresserade av individens lärande och hade kunskap om hur man lärut självreflektion. Slutsats: Möjligheter till självreflektion är tid, kunskap och en tillåtande miljö därsjuksköterskan eller sjuksköterskestudenten kan och vågar ställa frågor och där det finns engemensam norm som värdesätter självreflektion på arbetsplatsen. / Backgound: Self-reflection means being able to observe oneself, their reactions and beingable to talk to themselves about their actions and their experiences. It is a conscious search forunderstanding. Reflection provides the opportunity to develop professional awareness ofone ́s own way of functioning and reacting. Through systematic reflection, the individual candevelop and link theory to practice. The individual must consciously evaluate theirexperiences in order to learn from them. Aim: The purpose of this study is to elucidate nurses ́ opportunities for self-reflection inpsychiatric careMethod: An integrative literature study was used as a method. Data were obtained from thedatabases Cinahl Plus, PubMed and PSYCinfo. A total of six articles form the basis for theresult. The material has been analyzed using the Whittemore and Knafls (2005) method. Results: Nurses need to create space for self-reflection. The study showed that employersneeded to enable self-reflection to be exercised in the workplace and employees needed toappreciate that self-reflection could serve as an aid in psychiatric nursing. It was alsoeducators, in an educational situation, were interested in the individual ́s learning and hadknowledge of how to teach self-reflection. Conclusion: Opportunities for self-reflection are time, knowledge and a permissiveenvironment where the nurse or nurse student can and dare to ask questions and where there isa common norm that values self-reflection in the workplace.

Psykologers kliniska färdigheter att arbeta med hbtq-personer : En kvantitativ studie med utvärdering av ett självskattningsformulär i svensk hälso- och sjukvård / Psychologists' clinical skills for working with LGBTQ people : A quantitative study with evaluation of a self-assessment form in Swedish health care

Frimodig, Linus, Tenglid, Kajsa January 2020 (has links)
Syftet var att översätta och påbörja utvärdering av självskattningsformuläret The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Development of Clinical Skills Scale (LGBT-DOCSS) i ett urval av psykologer inom hälso- och sjukvården; detta för att kunna undersöka deras kliniska färdigheter att arbeta med hbtq-klienter/patienter. Översättning av LGBT-DOCSS genomfördes, och påståenden relaterade till queer lades till för att inkludera denna grupp. Bakgrundsfaktorer som undersöktes inkluderade utbildning, relationer till hbtq-personer och professionell erfarenhet av arbete med hbtq-personer, social önskvärdhet och förekomst av normkritiskt förhållningssätt. 218 psykologer verksamma i svensk sjukvård besvarade en webbaserad enkätundersökning. Resultatet visade att faktorstrukturen för LGBT-DOCSS reviderades från originalversionen. Deltagarnas kliniska färdigheter gällande hbtq var måttligt hög, med mycket låga nivåer av negativa attityder. Utbildning, privata relationer till hbtq-personer, erfarenhet av att arbeta med patienter ur hbtq-gruppen samt normkritiskt förhållningssätt hade positiva samband med utfallsmåttet, inget samband fanns med social önskvärdhet. Förekomsten av hbtq-relevant undervisning på psykologprogrammen var låg. Studien bidrar med kunskap om psykologers kliniska färdigheter att arbeta med personer som identifierar sig som hbtq. / The purpose was to translate and begin the evaluation of The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Development of Clinical Skills Scale (LGBT-DOCSS) self-assessment form in a sample of psychologists in health care; this in order to be able to examine their clinical skills to work with LGBT clients/patients. Translation of LGBT-DOCSS was performed, and items related to queer were added to include this group. Background factors that were examined included education, relationships with LGBTQ people and professional experience of working with LGBTQ people, social desirability and the existence of norm-critical approaches. 218 psychologists working in Swedish health care answered a web-based survey. The result showed that the factor structure of the LGBT-DOCSS was revised from the original version. Participants' clinical skills in LGBTQ were moderately high, with very low levels of negative attitudes. Education, private relationships with LGBTQ people, experience working with patients from the LGBTQ group and norm-critical approach had positive correlations with the outcome measure, no relationship was found with social desirability. The presence of LGBTQ-relevant teaching on the psychology programs was low. The study contributes with knowledge of psychologists' clinical skills to work with people who identify themselves as LGBTQ.

Planwagen vs. Hefeweizen: Ein Marketingkonzept für den Elektrotechnik-Studiengang der TU Dresden im Rahmen des OSA-Projekts

Burkhardt, Birgit, Meyer, Lisa, Lüken, Malte 28 May 2018 (has links)
Der vorliegende Vortrag dokumentiert die Entwicklung eines Marketingkonzepts für den Elektrotechnik- (ET) Studiengang der TU Dresden. Das Konzept wurde im Rahmen des Studienerfolgprojektes Online-Self-Assessment („OSA“) erarbeitet. Das Ziel bestand darin, Faktoren zu definieren, die potentiell erfolgreiche Studierende für das Studium in Dresden anziehen können. Zu diesem Zweck wurden verschiedene Informationsquellen gesichtet und eine Literaturrecherche durchgeführt. Insgesamt ergab die Recherche elf Faktoren, die drei Clustern zugeordnet werden konnten. Die gefundenen Faktoren entsprachen inhaltlich dem Anforderungsprofil eines erfolgreichen ET-Studierenden aus dem OSA-Projekt. Limitierungen der Rechercheergebnisse werden diskutiert. Die Metapher „Planwagen vs. Hefeweizen“ wird zusammenfassend verwendet, um die Botschaft des Marketingkonzepts zu transportieren. Weitere Anwendungen des Konzepts werden abschließend dargestellt.

Assessment in English on the Upper Secondary Level : Teachers' experiences of formative assessment: a comparison between theories and practices / Bedömning i engelska ämnet på gymnasietnivå : Lärares erfarenheter av formativ bedömning: en jämförelse mellan praktik och teori

Quach, Melissa January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was to compare practices of assessment with theory. Three teachers on the upper secondary level in English were interviewed. This study contains three research questions, namely, how do teachers work with assessment? To what extent do teachers work with formative assessment in the subject English? In what way do teachers’ perception and experiences of formative assessment relate to current research in the field? The results indicate that formative assessment is an established method in the classroom, which differed from a collegial aspect since most collegial collaborations relate to summative assessment. Teachers used formative assessment to a varied extent and in various ways, which entail a high usage of mapping, defining goals, formal and interactive feedback from teacher to student. The results also indicate small or non-existent usage of peer-assessment, feedback from student to teacher and, self-assessment. The analysis showed that some perceptions between teachers were contradictive, but support from each viewpoint could be found in recent studies. Finally, the results of my study pointed to that formative assessment in practice and theory is a quite ambiguous research field. Some other interesting findings which were not a part of this study’s aim showed that all teachers mention how distance studies due to the coronavirus make summative assessment more challenging. In comparison to summative assessment, formative assessment can somewhat proceed as normal whereas teachers give students formal feedback, but the teachers highlight that the interactive part of feedback disappears. Teachers gave examples of interactive feedback as when students ask for and receive direct feedback in the classroom when working on a written assignment. Teachers reported that students perform better in oral production ever since school had to switch to digital learning, which is also another interesting finding. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka lärares bedömningspraktik för att kunna jämföra dessa med forskningsläget. Tre lärare i engelska på gymnasienivå intervjuades. Studien ämnar sig åt att besvara tre frågeställningar: hur arbetar lärare med bedömning? I vilken utsträckning använder engelsklärare sig av formativ bedömning? Vilka kopplingar finns mellan lärares uppfattningar av formativ bedömning och forskningsläget? Resultaten visar på att formativ bedömning är en etablerad metod på klassrumsnivå, däremot tillbringar lärarna ur ett kollegialt perspektiv huvudsakligen åt summativ bedömning. Lärare använde formativ bedömning i varierande grad och på varierande vis, det visade sig att lärare frekvent använder sig av kartläggning av elevers kunskaper, synliggörande av mål och formell samt interaktiv återkoppling från lärare till elev. Resultaten visar på att kamratbedömning, återkoppling från elev till lärare och främjande av egenbedömning används i mycket liten eller ingen utsträckning. Analysen påvisade att lärarnas uppfattningar skiljdes åt sinsemellan men det visade finnas belägg för varje synsätt i forskningen. Slutligen påvisar denna studie på att formativ bedömning i jämförelse av praktik och teori är tvetydig. Några andra intressanta resultat genererades från studien även fast det var en del av studiens syfte. Lärarna beskriver att distansundervisningen som råder på grund av coronaviruset försvårat den summativa bedömningen. I jämförelse med den summativa bedömningen, kan den formativa bedömningen fortsätta som normalt där lärare kan ge elever formell feedback men lärarna understryker att den interaktiva delen av feedback försvinner. Lärarna gav exempel på interaktiv feedback, ett exempel är när elever frågar och får direkt feedback i klassrummet när de arbetar med en skrivuppgift. Lärarna i denna studie beskrev även att elever presterar bättre i muntliga förmågor i engelska sedan undervisningen har skiftat till distansundervisningen, vilket också är en intressant iakttagelse.

Zavádění formativního hodnocení na 2. stupni základní školy v přírodovědných předmětech / Embedding formative assessment in ISCED 2 in Science

Navrátilová, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with possible ways to implement formative assessment into education at the second stage of primary school at science subjects, particularly at natural history and chemistry. The assumption for successful implementation of formative assessment is healthy climate in the class and the support of mutual help between pupils meaning their awareness of synergic effects of work of the whole class such as collectiveness, full of mutual respect and awareness of the desire to achieve a common and successful goal. Related to this is the strengthening of cooperative learning, group work and also the way pupils' self-assessment to strengthen their growth thinking, create and strengthen their ability to think about their learning, thus metacognition. Formative assessment enriches not only the students but also the teacher himself. Based on the information obtained, he thinks better about his teaching. However, this presupposes the professionalism of the teacher, his openness to the feedback of the pupils. If the teacher accepts this as a chance to improve, then he is a person in the right place who has more prerequisites for serving students and their education. Demonstrations of formative assessment procedures in the practical part give a chance to a larger number of students to feel the joy of...

Proces hodnocení zaměstnanců v organizační složce příspěvkové organizace / The Evaluation Process of Employees in the Organizational Body of Funded Organizations

Březinová, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
The thesis consists of a case study and focuses on the processes of assessment, training and remuneration of employees in the organizational component of a budgetary organization. The introductory part focuses on the opinion of experts on human resources management with emphasis on the areas studied. Special emphasis is placed on the evaluation process, its methods, evaluation criteria, classification, evaluator's personality and the course of evaluator's meeting with the person who is being assessed. We also focused on training and remuneration - processes following the evaluation. Concerning educational issues, we were interested in the opinions of professionals focusing on identifying the needs of training, its planning and results evaluation. Remuneration was viewed as one of the most effective tools to motivate employees in connection with the transfer of assessment to the remuneration. The application part of the thesis introduces in-depth analysis of the current levels of the evaluation process and the processes connected with it - training and remuneration of employees in the selected organization. Two methods were used to obtain relevant data: the analysis of documents and interviews. The data obtained from written documents and interviews were compared with the findings obtained from the...

Gymnasielärares arbete med elevers självbedömning och kamratbedömning i den svenska skolan

Grimm, Sarah January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe and analyze the ways Swedish high school teachers deal with self- and peer assessment which can be defined as arrangement for learners to consider and specify the level, value, or quality of a product or performance of other equal-status learners (Topping, 2009). Products to be assessed can include writing, oral presentations, portfolios, test performance, or other skilled behaviors. Self and peer assessment can be summative or formative. This study has drawn on data from semi-structured interviews with five teachers. The results cast light on how students help each other plan their learning, identify their strengths and weaknesses, target areas for remedial action, and develop other personal and professional skills. Findings indicate that teachers think that the formative assessment is a successful way of working, that they can see that the students develop on many different levels. Finally, this study gives an illustration of how formative and summative purposes is perceived and understood by teachers and is a contribution to further discussions about (educative) assessment.

Exploring Designer's challenges in working with digital self-assessment tools for mental healthcare

Petersson, Joel January 2022 (has links)
The digitalization of the healthcare sector has expanded and changed how actors in a healthcare journey experience mental healthcare. One significant change is how symptom assessment is conducted, specifically the digital transformation of self-assessment tools and models. New ways of assessing symptoms elicit challenges for designers working with digital mental healthcare. Challenges exist in developing and transforming self-assessment tools to fit a digital environment. This study takes a qualitative approach to explore what challenges designers might face while working with digital self-assessment tools. The study method consists of seven open interviews where thematic analysis was used to interpret themes representing design challenges. The identified themes are immutable tools and models, limited user involvement in design, regulatory barriers and official requirements, and multiple actors in design work. The themes highlight design challenges working with self-assessment tools and are represented through data extracts and discussed with identified relevant literature. Understanding design challenges could help designers make informed decisions while working with digital self-assessment services and tools

Dispelling inertia towards behavior-driven development : An assessment tool for development practice readiness

Petäjävaara, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a development practice focusing on behaviors and requirements from users and stakeholders. It is designed to develop behaviors which contribute directly to system outcomes. BDD encourages multiple stakeholders to collaborate by minimizing communication gaps and create a shared understanding of the project between technical and non-technical speakers. As a result, the development process becomes faster and the cost lower. Although BDD has many benefits, there are teams who feel inertia towards using it as their main development practice.This thesis work took place at a company with a strong agile foundation. It had the goal to investigate reasons why teams feel inertia against BDD, and thus contribute to BDD research and assist the company. The assumption that positive motivation would help in dispelling inertia was the idea behind this thesis work, and that a stronger motivation for a practice can be achieved by assessing a team’s suitability for it. To reach the goal of the thesis a qualitative research methodology was used, with a focus on obtaining a better understanding of opinions and behaviors that exist, with rounds of interviews and forms as the main method of data collection. Interviews were also consistently used throughout the thesis work to validate that it followed the right track.The inertia which teams at the company have experienced was clustered into different dimensions. These dimensions were used to develop a self-assessment tool intended to help people starting a project to assess how well BDD might fit their context. It allows people to assess their inertia in the different dimensions identified, and as well as attempting to give an overall guide to readiness, also giving some recommendations where gaps could be identified.The deliverable of the thesis work is the tool for managing inertia against BDD. It was developed in a spreadsheet-format for quick development and easy access for multiple users. However, it is important to highlight that this tool focuses on agile autonomous teams. The tool is not about forcing the development practice on someone but rather acts as an aid in giving insight into how well BDD could work for a specific project and team. Finally, to grasp the validity of the tool teams who had previous success developing projects using BDD at the company were able to try it out to see how well it reflected their project reality. The tool also got tested on teams who felt strong inertia towards BDD, to verify whether it helped them manage it or not. / Beteendedriven utveckling (BDD), är ett arbetssätt som fokuserar på beteenden och krav från både användare och intressenter. Det är utvecklat för att främja och skapa beteenen som bidrar till det önskade målet. Några av BDDs fördelar är att arbetssättet uppmuntrar intressenterna till tätt samarbete, att minska luckor i kommunikation och information samt att det skapar en delad förståelse för projektet mellan teknisktoch icke-tekniskt kunniga intressenter. En positiv konsekvens av detta är att utvecklingen tenderar att bli snabbare och kostnaderna lägre. BDD ser till att alla inblandade är eniga om vilket resultat man kan förvänta sig från ett utvecklingsprojekt, redan innan utvecklingen börjar. Detta gör att de missförstånd som är vanligt förekommande mellan intressenter och utvecklingsteam reduceras. Trots att BDD, som nämnts, har flera fördelar finns det team som känner motstånd mot att använda BDD som sitt huvudsakliga arbetssätt.Antagandet att motivation kan bidra till att minska motståndet och att motivationen kan skapas genom att påvisa för team hur lämpligt BDD skulle vara för just dem var ideén bakom detta arbete. Det utfördes på ett företag med stark agil bas. Målet var att identifiera och utreda orsakerna till att team känner motstånd mot BDD, och på så sätt bidra till forskningen och samtidigt hjälpa företaget med en ökad insikt i detta. Syftet med arbetet var att utveckla ett verktyg för att hjälpa team förstå sitt motstånd mot BDD och guida dem till hur de kan hantera det. För att nå målet användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med fokus på att få en bättre förståelse för åsikter och beteenden som finns angående BDD. Olika rundor av intervjuer utgjorde den huvudsakliga datainsamlingen. Intervjuer användes också kontinuerligt för att validera att arbetet höll rätt kurs.Det motstånd mot BDD som påträffades på företaget grupperades i olika dimensioner. Dessa användes för att utveckla slutprodukten av kandidatexamensarbetet, ett självskattningsverktyg. För att underlätta utvecklingen valdes ett spreadsheet-format på verktyget, detta även för att enkelt kunna dela det mellan flertalet intressenter.Det är viktigt att understryka att verktyget fokuserar på autonoma team. Det har inte som mål att tvinga någon att använda BDD, utan att agera som hjälp för att visa hur arbetssättet skulle kunna fungera för ett specifikt projekt och team. Slutligen, för att kunna verifiera kvaliteten på verktyget, utvärderades det i samarbete med team som tidigare på ett framgångsrikt sätt utvecklat ett projekt med BDD. Detta för att se om självskattningsverktygets utsägelse motsvarade teamets helhetsupplevelse. Verktyget testades också av andra team för att se om det var till hjälp för dem eller inte.


IRLAINE DE ALVARENGA CIDADE 14 March 2017 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo da dissertação é propor um modelo de autoavaliação de desempenho de Centros de Difusão de Ciência, Educação e Cultura (CDCEC), na perspectiva da sustentabilidade e com base na Norma ABNT NBR ISO 9004:2010. Busca-se demonstrar que a ferramenta de autoavaliação proposta na Norma ABNT NBR ISO 9004:2010, se adaptada, pode ser utilizada de maneira efetiva para medir o nível de maturidade dos sistemas de gestão de CDCEC. A pesquisa pode ser considerada aplicada, descritiva e metodológica. Quanto aos meios de investigação, a metodologia compreende pesquisa bibliográfica e documental; construção do modelo de autoavaliação de desempenho de CDCEC em sustentabilidade; uso do método analítico hierárquico (AHP) para definição dos pesos dos elementos de avaliação; estudo de caso da FPCRJ para demonstração da aplicabilidade do modelo de autoavaliação; análise e interpretação e análise dos resultados da autoavaliação da FPCRJ; e formulação das conclusões da pesquisa e recomendações. Destaca-se como resultado principal um modelo inovador de autoavaliação de desempenho em sustentabilidade para CDCEC, compreendendo oito elementos-chave e 40 elementos detalhados. O estudo de caso da FPCRJ demonstrou ser viável determinar o nível de maturidade do sistema de gestão de um CDCEC, a partir de adaptações na ferramenta de autoavaliação definida na Norma ABNT NBR ISO 9004:2010. Permitiu ainda identificar oportunidades de melhoria que poderão ser objeto de ações por parte da alta liderança da Fundação, visando alcançar níveis superiores de sustentabilidade. / [en] The objective of this dissertation is to propose a self-assessment model for evaluating the sustainability performance of Centers for Diffusion of Science, Education and Culture (CDSEC), based on the Standard ABNT NBR ISO 9004:2010. The research seeks to demonstrate by a case study within the Fundação Planetário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (FPCRJ) that the self-assessment tool included in the in the referred standard (if adapted) can be effectively used for assessing management systems of CDSEC. This research can be considered applied, descriptive, and methodological. The methodology encompasses literature review and documentary research; development of a self-assessment model for evaluating organizational performance of CDSEC, from the perspective of corporate sustainability; application of the hierarchical analytical method to define the weights of the evaluation criteria; development of a case study within the FPCRJ for demonstrating the applicability of the purposed model; analysis and interpretation of the FPCRJ results; and formulation of conclusions and recommendations. The main result of this research is an innovative self-assessment model for evaluating performance of CDSEC, from the perspective of corporate sustainability, encompassing eight key elements and 40 detailed elements. Particularly, the results of the case study of the FPCRJ could demonstrate that the purposed model can be effectively used for assessing sustainability performance of CDSEC and allowed to identify improvement and innovation opportunities towards high performance of corporate sustainability.

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