Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS"" "subject:"[enn] SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS""
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Food habits and environmental awareness among adolescents in Västerås : A study of neighborhoods with different socioeconomic status based on the NESLA studyHakopian, Ani January 2018 (has links)
Människor med hög socioekonomisk status har bättre matvanor och är mer miljömedvetna jämfört med de individer med låg socioekonomisk status, vilket bland annat beror på högre utbildningsnivå och inkomst. För att etablera goda matvanor krävs att det finns goda förutsättningar, till exempel är tillgången till mataffärer med ett stort utbud av färskvaror associerat med hälsosamma matvanor och frånvaron av bra mataffärer påverkar framför allt utsatta grupper i samhället. Syftet med den här studien är att beskriva matvanor och miljömedvetenheten bland ungdomar och undersöka om det finns skillnader i matvanor, miljömedvetenhet och förutsättningar för goda matvanor mellan ungdomar som bor i stadsdelar med olika socioekonomisk status i Västerås. Studien har en kvantitativ ansats med en tvärsnittsdesign. Sekundära data har använts från studien Neighborhood, sustainable lifestyle and health among adolescents (NESLA), som genomfördes år 2017 på ungdomar från andra och tredje året på gymnasiet. Resultatet visar att ungdomar konsumerar frukt och grönsaker för sällan och konsumerar läsk, godis och chips för ofta. Majoriteten av ungdomarna äter på en snabbmatsrestaurang minst en gång i veckan. Nästan hälften av ungdomarna äter frukost varje dag och majoriteten av ungdomarna äter lunch i skolan varje dag. De flesta ungdomar är miljömedvetna, då majoriteten är oroliga för miljö- och klimatförändringar och tror att det är möjligt att påverka miljön genom egna livsstilsval. Det finns en signifikant korrelation mellan hög miljömedvetenhet och ohälsosamma matvanor. Det finns inga signifikanta skillnader mellan ungdomar från stadsdelar med olika socioekonomisk status och matvanor. Det finns inte heller någon skillnad mellan ungdomar från olika stadsdelar och huruvida de är oroliga för miljöförändringar, men för huruvida ungdomarna tror att de kan påverka miljön genom livsstilen. Ungdomar som bor i stadsdelar med låg socioekonomisk status rapporterar att de har bättre förutsättningar för hälsosamma matvanor jämfört med ungdomar från stadsdelar med medelhög och hög socioekonomiska status. För att diskutera resultatet har den ekologiska modellen använts som teoretiskt perspektiv. / Individuals with high socioeconomic status have better food habits and are more environmentally aware, due to higher education level and income. To establish healthy food habits, it requires that there are good prerequisites such as food stores with a wide range of fresh food since it is associated with healthy food habits of an individual and absence of good food stores is mainly affecting disadvantaged groups. The aim of this study is to describe food habits and environmental awareness among adolescents in Västerås and investigate if there are differences regarding food habits, environmental awareness and prerequisites for healthy food habits between adolescents living in neighborhoods with different socioeconomic status. The study is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional study design. Secondary data was used from the study Neighborhood, sustainable lifestyle and health among adolescents (NESLA), which was conducted in autumn of 2017 on adolescents from year two and three in high school. The result shows that the adolescents’ have a low consumption of fruits and vegetables and a high consumption of candy, chips, other snacks and soda. The majority of the adolescents’ eats at a fast food restaurant at least once a week. Almost half of the adolescents’ eats breakfast every day and the majority eats lunch at school every day a regular week. Most of the adolescents are environmentally aware, since they are worried about environmental issues and climate changes and believe that their lifestyle choices can affect the environment. A significant correlation between high environmental awareness and unhealthy food habits is found. There is no statistically significant difference between neighborhood-level socioeconomic status and food habits, and for being worried about environmental issues and climate changes. Significant differences are found between adolescents from neighborhoods with different socioeconomic status and believing in that lifestyle choices affects the environment. Adolescents living in low socioeconomic status neighborhoods reported that they have greater prerequisites for healthy food habits compared to middle-high and high socioeconomic status neighborhoods. The ecological model was used as a theoretical perspective to discuss the results.
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Melanoma Invasivo: mortalidade no Brasil e sobrevida hospitalar em centro de referência oncológica no Rio de Janeiro / Invasive melanoma: survival and mortality in Brazil in hospital oncology referral center in Rio de JaneiroMendes, Gelcio Luiz Quintella January 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010 / O melanoma, a neoplasia cutânea que apresenta a maior letalidade, apresenta tendência de aumento incidência nos últimos 30 anos. Para sua carcinogênese contribuem fatores relacionados aos indivíduos tais como características de cor da pele e fotossensibilidade, e fatores ambientais, principalmente exposição à irradiação ultravioleta. Esta dissertação teve como objetivos avaliar aspectos relacionados mortalidade na população brasileira e à apresentação clínica e ao tratamento do melanoma em centro de referência para o tratamento oncológico no Rio de Janeiro. Observou-se uma tendência temporal de aumento na mortalidade no período de 1980 a 2005 de 1,1 por cento ao ano, com taxas distintas de acordo com o sexo, faixa etária e região geográfica estudada. A tendência variou também segundo estes mesmos fatores, mostrando-se maior entre as mulheres (1,6 por cento ao ano) e nas regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste; e foi distinta quando analisada durante todo o período ou somente nos últimos 10 anos da série: neste último período a tendência mostrou-se menor, com 0,6 por cento de aumento ao ano para todo o país, entre os indivíduos com 70 anos ou mais (3 por cento ao ano), entre as mulheres (1,6 por cento ao ano) e nas regiões Sul e Centro-Oeste. Com relação a série de pacientes oriundos do centro de referência oncológica tratados no período de 1997 a 2004, quando comparados a séries internacionais observa-se uma maior proporção de indivíduos portadores de melanoma acrolentiginoso (21,3 por cento), relacionado à composição étnica da população de referência do centro. Nesta coorte de pacientes a sobrevida global foi semelhante àquela encontrada em outros países. Observou-se nesta população uma associação positiva entre maior nível socioeconômico, medido pela escolaridade, e maior sobrevida global (HR 0,741) e sobrevida livre de doença (HR 0,784). Conclui-se que o melanoma constitui um relevante problema de saúde pública, onde intervenções de prevenção primária devem ser encorajadas, e onde outros fatores além dos classicamente relacionados ao tumor e sua extensão no organismo devem ser observados. / Melanoma, the cutaneous neoplasm with higher lethality, presents with increasing incidence in the last 30 years. Classical factors contributing to its carcinogenicity are related to the characteristics of the host such as skin color and phototypes, and related to environmental exposures, especially ultraviolet irradiation. This study had as objectives to evaluate aspects related to temporal trends in mortality of melanoma in the Brazilian population, and aspects related to clinical presentation and treatment of melanoma at an oncology center in Rio de Janeiro. It was observed an increase in mortality in the
period between 1980 and 2005 of 1.1% per year, the rates were different in according to
sex, age groups and geographical regions. The temporal trends varied also in according
to these same variables, it was higher among females (1.6% per year) and in the regions
South and Central-West; the trends were distinct when only the last 10 years were analyzed: there was a decrease in the magnitude of increasing in mortality for the whole country (to 0.6% per year), among older people (over 70 years, 3.0% per year),among females (1.6% per year) and in the regions South and Central-West. With
relation to the patients treated at the oncology center in the period between 1997 and 2004, as compared with international series, there was a larger proportion of patients with acrolentiginous melanomas (21.3%), a finding related to ethnic characteristics of the population treated at this center. In the cohort of patients, the overall survival was similar to that found at other countries, as analyzed by stage. In this population it was observed a positive association between higher socioeconomic level (as measured by school attendance) and better overall survival (HR 0.741) and relapse-free survival (HR0.784). In conclusion, melanoma is a relevant public health problem where
interventions such as primary prevention may be encouraged, and where factors other than those related to the tumor and its extent in the host should be observed.
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Démographie et conflit : une analyse de la fécondité en Israël et en PalestineSimard-Gendron, Anaïs 03 1900 (has links)
La question démographique, occupant une place centrale au coeur du conflit qui sévit en Israël et en Palestine, a fait couler beaucoup d’encre. De nombreux chercheurs issus de disciplines telles que la sociologie, la science politique ou même la philosophie ont contribué à la compréhension des origines de ce conflit et de ses conséquences sur les populations humaines. Il va sans dire que les enjeux qui y sont associés sont nombreux et que, pour les comprendre de manière exhaustive, l’interaction de nombreuses disciplines est requise. Puisqu’il s’agit ici d’une thèse en démographie, nous nous limitons aux aspects démographiques du conflit israélo-palestinien. De nombreux ouvrages rigoureux dans d’autres disciplines sont disponibles pour une approche plus holistique.
La fécondité exceptionnelle observée dans la région est souvent associée à une “guerre des berceaux” visant ultimement à obtenir la majorité sur le territoire. Plusieurs théories visant à lier fécondité et contexte politique ont émergé dans la littérature démographique mais aucune d’entre elles n’a été vérifiée empiriquement à la fois auprès des populations palestiniennes et juives (en Israël et dans les territoires palestiniens de la Cisjordanie et Gaza). Ainsi, dans la poursuite de cette thèse, nous souhaitons explorer des avenues qui nous permettraient d’enrichir la connaissance des dynamiques de fécondité dans la région et contribuer à l’effort collectif visant à mieux évaluer les conséquences d’un conflit endémique sur les comportements reproductifs.
Le premier objectif de cette thèse par articles consiste à dresser un bilan de l’état de la fécondité chez les Juives et les Palestiniennes demeurant en Israël et dans les territoires palestiniens en accordant un intérêt particulier à certains déterminants de la fécondité tels que : la contraception, l’âge au mariage, l’origine ethnique et la religiosité. Tout en prenant en considération l’importante hétérogénéité des groupes d’intérêt, nous cherchons à établir certaines similitudes entre Palestiniennes et Juives d’Israël et des territoires palestiniens, qui sont exposées, à des niveaux variables, aux conséquences du conflit. Il s’agit d’une première tentative afin de regrouper ces individus dans une même étude à l’aide de données d’enquêtes.
En second lieu, nous visons à faire la lumière sur les différents comportements de fécondité des Juives en Israël et dans les colonies des territoires palestiniens afin de départager les effets des principaux déterminants de la fécondité israélienne (nationalisme, religiosité et statut socioéconomique) dans les deux régions et leurs évolutions temporelles grâce à des données de recensement. Bien que de nombreuses études se soient penchées sur la fécondité israélienne au niveau national, peu se sont attardées à étudier la sous-population constituée par les colons juifs qui demeure, par conséquent, largement méconnue.
Finalement, nous nous intéressons à l’influence exercée par des facteurs individuels et contextuels sur la fécondité des Palestiniennes en Cisjordanie et à Gaza. Nous tentons de quantifier les effets du contexte et du nationalisme sur la fécondité. L’objectif consiste principalement à analyser les facteurs liés à la fécondité palestinienne en mettant l’accent sur le rôle des variables contextuelles tout en prenant en compte les divers facteurs socioéconomiques et démographiques. Bien que le conflit soit régulièrement invoqué dans l’explication de la fécondité palestinienne, aucune étude n’a encore démontré empiriquement son rôle.
Les conclusions de cette thèse apportent un éclairage important à la recherche sur la fécondité dans cette région. En effet, il en ressort que les déterminants habituels de la fécondité ne semblent pas avoir un impact majeur sur la fécondité. Cette relative inefficacité des déterminants “classiques” de la fécondité s’expliquerait en partie par des conséquences du conflit. Il en découle une religiosité accrue dans de nombreuses tranches de la population, un fort sentiment nationaliste et des institutions qui veillent à éliminer les obstacles à la fécondité grâce à de nombreux incitatifs fiscaux. Dans un climat social et politique incertain, les valeurs traditionnelles familiales procurent une certaine stabilité. / Demography is central to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the consequences of high Palestinian and Israeli fertility have interested many scientists, as population balance is a key determinant in a potential peace settlement. Many researchers from various disciplines such as sociology, political science, or even philosophy contributed to the general understanding of the origins of the conflict and of its consequences on human populations. It goes without saying that to fully understand the issues and consequences of the conflict, a multidisciplinary approach is required. However, because this is a thesis in demography, we limit ourselves to the demographic aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For a more holistic approach, many important works are available.
The exceptionally high fertility in the region is often described as a “war of the cradles” ultimately aimed at gaining majority over the land. Such theories implying a political fertility have never been tested empirically simultaneously on both Palestinian Arabs and Jews (in Israel and the settlements in the Palestinian territories). The objective of this thesis is thus to explore different avenues allowing to expand knowledge on fertility dynamics in the region and to contribute to the existing literature on the demography of conflict and more precisely, on the consequences of an endemic conflict on fertility behaviour.
In the first of three articles, we are producing a descriptive portrait of fertility among Israelis and Palestinians living in Israel and the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza Strip with a particular interest for a number of fertility determinants such as contraception, age at marriage, immigration, and religiosity among others. Despite a clear heterogeneity between the subgroups, we aim at finding some resemblances among them, all exposed at different intensities to the consequences of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This represents the first attempt to analyze all groups in the same project using survey data.
The aim of the second article is to highlight the differences in fertility behaviour of the Jewish population living in Israel and to that of the Jewish population living in the settlements of the West Bank and Gaza Strip and to distinguish the effects of various determinants of Israeli fertility (nationalism, religiosity, and socioeconomic status) in both regions and over time using data from the 1995 and 2008 censuses. Even though many articles have studied the impact of such determinants of fertility in Israel, none yet has put the emphasis on the largely unknown settler population that has a significantly higher fertility than their counterparts in Israel.
In the last article, we are interested in quantifying the impact of individual and contextual factors on Palestinian fertility in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. We thus specifically evaluate the impact of contextual variables (number of checkpoints and year of violent uprising) and nationalism (proportion of Jewish settlers living in the same district) associated with the conflict while controlling for various socioeconomic and demographic variables often used in fertility studies.
Even though the consequences of the conflict are often brought up as an explanation for the high Palestinian fertility, no research has tried to empirically test the validity of such hypotheses using survey data.
This thesis brings important contributions to the literature on fertility in this region. Indeed, it appears a though the usual determinants of fertility change do not seem to have an important effect on these populations. The inefficiency of such determinants can be partly explained by the consequences of the conflict. They led to an increased religiosity among many population groups, to a strong nationalist sentiment, and to institutions trying to alleviate most of the obstacles to fertility by generous fiscal incentives. In an uncertain social and political climate, traditional values such as family provide stability.
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[pt] Diversos estudos apontam o efeito do nível de escolaridade parental no desenvolvimento das funções cognitivas, em especial a linguagem e as funções executivas. Evidenciam a importância da interação entre o cuidador e a criança, a qualidade da estimulação e a promoção de experiências de desenvolvimento, propiciadas a criança, como fundamentais para o desenvolvimento das funções executivas. Há poucos estudos desse efeito no desenvolvimento de crianças brasileiras. O objetivo da dissertação foi investigar o efeito do nível de escolaridade dos pais, separadamente, no desempenho em tarefas de memória de longo prazo, memória de trabalho, controle inibitório e flexibilidade cognitiva de crianças e adolescentes com baixo nível socioeconômico na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Participaram do estudo 352 crianças entre 7 a 15 anos de escolas privadas com perfil de baixo nível socioeconômico na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Figura Complexa de Rey, a Aprendizagem auditivo verbal de Rey, o paradigma de Stroop e as tarefas de Fluência Verbal fonêmica e semântica. Os resultados mostraram efeitos para a escolaridade de ambos os pais. Resultados sistemáticos aconteceram na fluência verbal, na faixa de 9-10 anos. Não foram encontrados efeitos significativos em controle inibitório e memória de trabalho. O efeito da escolaridade parental apareceu de forma sistemática em funções executivas, mas não em outras funções, em uma amostra homogênea, o que levanta a ideia de que outros fatores como a renda e a cultura, se somam ao efeito ambiental no desenvolvimento cognitivo. / [en] Several studies demonstrated the effect of parents educational level in the development of cognitive functions, especially language and executive functions. Highlight the importance of interaction between the caregiver and the child, the quality of stimulation and promotion of development experiences afforded the child, as fundamental for the development of executive functions. There are few studies of this effect in the development of Brazilian children. The objective of the study is to analyze the effect of the education level of parents, separately, in the cognitive performance of long-term memory, working memory, inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility in children and adolescents living at Rio de Janeiro with low socioeconomic status. The study included 352 children between 7-15 years of private schools with low socioeconomic profile students of city of Rio de Janeiro. The instruments used were the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, the Stroop test (Victoria Version) and Verbal Fluency phonemic and semantic. The results showed effects on education of both parents. Systematic results happened in verbal fluency, in the 9-10 year group. There were no significant effects on inhibitory control and working memory. The effect of parental education appeared systematically in executive functions, but not in other functions, raises the idea that other factors such as income and culture add to the environmental effect on cognitive development.
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Antenatal Stressful Life Events and Postpartum Depression in the United States: the Role of Women’s Socioeconomic Status at the State LevelMukherjee, Soumyadeep 01 June 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to examine patterns of antenatal stressful life events (SLEs) experienced by women in the United States (U.S.) and their association with postpartum depression (PPD). It further explored the role of women's state-level socio-economic status (SES) on PPD; the racial/ethnic dispartites in SLE-PPD relationship; and the role of provider communication on perinatal depression.
Data from 2009–11 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) and SES indicators published by the Institute of Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) were used. Latent class analysis (LCA) was performed to identify unobserved class membership based on antenatal SLEs. Multilevel generalized linear mixed models examined whether state-level SES moderated the antenatal SLE-PPD relationship. Of 116,595 respondents to the PRAMS 2009-11, the sample size for our analyses ranged from 78% to 99%.
The majority (64%) of participants were in low-stress class. The illness/death related-stress class (13%) had a high prevalence of severe illness (77%) and death (63%) of a family member or someone very close to them, while those in the multiple-stress (22%) class endorsed most other SLEs. Eleven percent had PPD; women who experienced all types of stressors, had the highest odds (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 5.43; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 5.36, 5.51) of PPD. The odds of PPD decreased with increasing state-level social/economic autonomy index (aOR: 0.75; 95% CI: 0.64, 0.88), with significant cross-level interaction between stressors and state-level SES. Among non-Hispanic blacks and non-Hispanic whites, husband/partner not wanting the pregnancy (aOR: 1.47; 95% CI: 1.14, 1.90) and drug/drinking problems of someone close (aOR: 1.37; 95% CI: 1.21, 1.55) were respectively associated with PPD. Provider communication was protective.
That 1 out of every 5 and 1 out of every 8 women were in the high- and emotional-stress classes suggests that SLEs are common among pregnant women. Our results suggest that screening for antenatal SLEs might help identify women at risk for PPD. The finding that the odds of PPD decrease with increasing social/economic autonomy, could have policy implications and motivate efforts to improve these indices. This study also indicates the benefits of antenatal health care provider communication on perinatal depression.
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The Role of Transit in the Upward Mobility of Low-Income Indianapolis ResidentsArianna Michaela Rambaram (11546773) 18 October 2021 (has links)
<p>This study examines the extent to which transit may be able
to assist with the upward mobility of low-income groups, specifically those
making less than a living wage. Previous studies relating to job accessibility
have examined the feasibility of reaching jobs using various modes of
transportation, and some have factored educational requirements into the
attainability of those jobs. However, no studies thus far have attempted to
determine transit accessibility to jobs that can facilitate and enable upward
mobility for low-income households. Employment data relevant to the labor force
of Marion County, Indiana, is used to determine the earnings (mainly wages or
salaries) associated with occupations, and which occupations require no more
than a high school education. Those occupations are then paired with the
various industries they are found in, and the earnings belonging to the
industry’s highest-earning occupation is associated with that industry. The
median household incomes of low-income Census block groups (CBGs) are then
compared to the earnings of each transit-accessible industry to evaluate
whether those earnings are large enough to induce upward mobility for those
living in the CBGs. Bus routes and bus stops for the local transit system
(IndyGo) along with workplace locations are mapped in ArcGIS to assess the
low-income population’s accessibility to workplaces belonging to a select group
of industries. </p><p> </p><p>
</p><p>Bus routes that serve both downtown Indianapolis and
low-income CBGs were found to provide people living in those CBGs with access
to some of the most lucrative jobs, particularly those found in the <i>Finance and
Insurance</i> industries. Over half of Indianapolis’ transit-accessible industries
have earnings amounts large enough to induce upward mobility for those living
in all the low-income CBGs; this corresponds to 6,748 unique workplaces.
Findings from this study suggest that low-income people would benefit from
having access to transit routes that serve downtowns and other areas with high
concentrations of white-collar jobs. Low-income Indianapolis residents informed
of this study’s results may be motivated to explore the possibilities for
better-paying jobs accessible to them by transit. Furthermore, methods used in
this study can help in ranking different transit routes for accessibility to
workplaces conducive to upward mobility. The rankings can be updated
periodically to assist in addressing equity goals for transit planning.</p>
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Accès à l’alimentation saine dans l’Est de Montréal : perspective des ménages à faible revenu et des acteurs en sécurité alimentaireGallani, Alessandra 06 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les inégalités sociales de santé liées à l'alimentation sont associées à une prévalence accrue de maladies chroniques au sein des populations socioéconomiquement défavorisées. Le manque d’accès physique et économique à des aliments sains et abordables engendre des inégalités sociales en l’alimentation et pourrait expliquer une part du gradient observé, comme c’est le cas dans les quartiers les plus pauvres dans l’Est de Montréal. Objectif : Comprendre les perspectives des ménages à faible revenu (MFR) et des acteurs en sécurité alimentaire sur l’accès aux aliments sains dans l’environnement alimentaire de l’Est de Montréal, en tenant compte de la viabilité des initiatives alimentaires locales. Méthodologie : L’étude a suivi un devis qualitatif mené selon une approche de recherche-action, en partenariat avec le Réseau alimentaire de l’Est de Montréal (RAEM). Six groupes de discussion auprès des MFR (n= 49) et un auprès de membres du RAEM (n=13) ont été réalisés en 2018. L’analyse des données est articulée autour de cinq dimensions de l’accès aux aliments (économique, spatio-temporelle, sur la disponibilité de service, sociale et personnelle) proposées par Freedman et al. 2013. Résultats : Un accès limité à des aliments abordables et de qualité dans l’environnement alimentaire, des contraintes de transport et les distances à parcourir pour s’approvisionner en aliments sont les principaux obstacles à l’accès à la saine alimentation soulignés par les MFR. Pour les acteurs, bien que les dimensions économiques et spatio-temporelles s’avèrent majeures, d’autres facteurs liés aux dimensions personnelles sont également des barrières importantes. Conclusion : Les perspectives des MFR et des acteurs en sécurité alimentaire suggèrent que la situation économique et géographique, mais aussi les préférences personnelles et sociales des MFR sont déterminantes dans l’accès à la saine alimentation. Malgré la divergence des perspectives, celles-ci doivent d’être prises en considération lors de l'implantation de stratégies. / Context: Social inequalities in health related to diet are associated with a higher prevalence of chronic diseases among socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. Lack of physical and economic access to healthy and affordable food instigates these social inequalities, and could partly explain the observed gradient, as in the case of one of the poorest neighborhoods in Eastern Montréal. Objective: Understand the perspectives of low-income households (LIHs) and food security actors of the Montreal East Food Network (RAEM) on access to healthy food in the food environment of Eastern Montreal, bearing in mind the viability of local food initiatives. Methodology: This qualitative study followed an action-research approach in partnership with RAEM. Six focus groups with LIHs (n = 49) and one with RAEM members (n = 13) were carried out in 2018. Data analysis was guided by the five dimensions of food access (economic, spatio-temporal, service availability, social and personal), as described by Freedman et al. (2013). Results: LIHs perceive that limited access to affordable food of high quality in the food environment, transportation constraints, and travel distance to food stores as the main obstacles to healthy eating. Although food security actors described the economic and spatio-temporal dimensions as crucial, they also acknowledged important barriers related to the personal and social dimensions. Conclusion: The perspectives of LIHs and food security actors suggest that economic and geographic situations, as well as the personal and social preferences of LIHs are determinants in access to healthy food. Despite the divergence of perspectives, these must be taken into consideration when implementing food security strategies. Keywords: Food environment, health disparities, food access, low socioeconomic status, food system representatives, alternative food system.
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Investigation of In-School Belonging by High School Students Enrolled in Special Education ServicesKetterman, Tiffany M. 27 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Ethnic Group Differences in Social Emotional Competence, Coping Strategies, and Ethnic Identity in the Transition to AdulthoodJennings, Cedric L. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Rôle des services de garde préscolaires dans le développement de la cognition et succès scolaire long termeLosier, Talia 08 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Il subsiste encore des questionnements sur l’impact de la fréquentation d’un service de garde (SDG) sur le développement des enfants à court et long-terme. Tout d’abord, peu d’études analysent l’individu comme un « tout » multidimensionnel qui évolue dans le temps. Ensuite, très peu d’études ont considéré l’impact des SDG sur les enfants provenant de famille avec un haut statut socioéconomique (SSE). Finalement, nous connaissons encore très peu des mécanismes qui expliquent les associations à long terme entre les SDG et le développement de l’enfant.
Objectif: L’objectif principal de cette thèse est ainsi d’étudier les associations entre l’exposition a certaines caractéristiques de SDG en petite enfance et le développement des enfants à court et à long terme avec une approche de parcours de vie centré sur la personne. Dans le premier article, nous étudions l’association entre les patrons de fréquentation de SDG et le profil de développement cognitif. Dans le deuxième article, nous étudions l’association entre l’utilisation d’un SDG et le taux de graduation du secondaire. Finalement, dans le troisième article, nous tentons de déterminer quel mécanisme explique l’association entre les SDG et le développement à long terme.
Méthode : Les trois articles analysent les enfants provenant de l’Étude Longitudinale du Développement des Enfants du Québec (ELDEQ). Dans l’article 1, nous avons effectué une régression logistique multinomiale afin de quantifier l’association entre l’intensité et le type de SDG, et des trajectoires de développement cognitif en étudiant l’interaction avec le SSE et le sexe. Dans l’article 2 et 3, des données administratives ont été utilisées afin de déterminer si les enfants avaient obtenu un diplôme d’étude secondaire à 20 ans. Dans l’article 2, nous avons effectué une analyse de régression logistique afin de déterminer si l’intensité et le type de SDG étaient associés à la graduation. Dans l’article 3, la performance académique, les compétences sociales, et la santé sont examinées comme médiateur potentiel de l’association observé dans l’article 2.
Résultats : Dans l’article 1, les enfants provenant de familles ayant un haut SSE qui fréquentaient un SDG en centre à partir d’environ 3 ans et demi avaient moins de chances de se retrouver dans la trajectoire de développement cognitif fort comparativement aux enfants étant dans un autre type de SDG. Dans les articles 2 et 3, les enfants ayant fréquenté un SDG en centre tôt (avant d’être bambin) avaient plus de chances de graduer du secondaire et la santé à 6 ans expliquait partiellement cette association.
Implications: Cette thèse souligne l’importance de comprendre comment les caractéristiques des SDG et des enfants interagissent pour influencer différentes mesures du développement. Nos résultats suggèrent également que la santé pourrait être un mécanisme clé expliquant un plus haut taux de graduation pour les enfants fréquentant un SDG en centre tôt. Les études futures devraient élargir leur horizon afin d’inclure des variables comme la santé et afin de mieux comprendre comment les SDG affectent les enfants provenant de familles ayant un haut SSE. / Context : After years of research on the effects of child care services (CCS) on development, there remains questions regarding how CCS can affect development in the short and long term. Few studies have regarded the child as a whole, multidimensional being that evolves through time. Additionally, few studies have considered the impact of CCS on children from high socioeconomic status (SES) families. Finally, we still know very little about the underlying mechanisms that would explain how CCS can influence long-term development.
Objective: The main objective of this thesis is therefore to study the association between certain characteristics of CCS use and child development in the short and long term using a life course, person-centered approach. The first article investigates the association between patterns of CCS use and profiles of cognitive development. The second article examines the association between patterns of CCS use and high school graduation. The third article investigates the underlying mechanisms that could explain the association between CCS and long-term development.
Method: The three articles studied children from the Quebec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD). In the first article, we performed a multinomial logistic regression to investigate the association between intensity and type of CCS through early childhood and trajectories of cognitive development while considering interactions with SES and sex. In articles 2 and 3, administrative records were used to determine whether students had obtained a high school diploma by age 20 years. In article 2, we used a logistic regression to determine if intensity and type of CCS throughout early childhood were associated with high school graduation. In article 3, academic performance, social skills, and health were examined as potential mediators of the association measured in article 2.
Results: In article 1, children from high SES families who attended center-based CCS after 3 and half years were less likely to be in the high cognitive development trajectory, compared to children in all other types of care. In article 1 and 2, children who attended center-based CCS early (before toddlerhood) were more likely to graduate from high school and better health partly explained this association. Implications: This thesis underlines the importance of understanding how the characteristics of the CCS experience and of the child interact together to influence different measures of development. Our results also suggest that improved health following early center-based CCS attendance could be a key mechanism explaining positive long-term outcomes such as high school graduation. Future studies on the effects of CCS on development should broaden their scope to include new variables such as health and to better understand how CCS can affect children from high SES families.
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