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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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價值單元展開分析法與策略矩陣:以3D感測產業新創科技公司競爭策略為例 / Value unit expansion analysis and strategic matrix : competitive strategy of technology startup company in 3D sensor industry

黃紹峯, Huang, Shao-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以策略管理理論「策略形態分析」法與「策略矩陣分析」法為基礎,發展出新的分析架構–「價值單元展開分析」法,並與策略矩陣整合成為策略系統模型。藉由個案研究,驗證此策略系統模型如何使管理者能更精確地衡量未來策略規劃之選擇,最佳化公司未來競爭策略方向。 筆者以個案探討新創科技公司在持續變動與競爭之產業中,競爭策略分析與規劃之方法。以3D感測產業作為分析與研究之個案產業,並以其中一新創科技公司–L科技公司作為個案探討之對象,提出一以新創科技公司為出發點,在衡量現有與發展未來競爭策略時,可供利用與權衡的分析方法。 「價值單元展開分析」法追尋理性與系統化思考,為公司導入嚴謹明確、量化、及標準化的度量衡工具,使公司得以更加周詳完備與深入地分析其條件前提,將策略最佳化。且此架構具高度延展性,得充分配合公司進行各種思考面向之分析。此外,「價值單元展開分析」法亦可完全結合與相容於「策略矩陣分析」法之中,形成易於溝通與同步的策略系統模型,利用此特點解決公司在策略規劃時可能遭遇之混沌與困難,將效率、效益、及效能用在得當之處,使公司未來發展更符合目標。 / This study investigates the methods of analyzing and planning competitive strategies, with a case study of a technology startup company – “L Company” in the 3D sensor industry. Based on strategy analysis and Strategic Matrix Analysis, this study developed a new analytic framework – “Value Unit Expansion Analysis” which is a systematic model integrated into Strategic Matrix Analysis. By verifying the systematic model through the case, this study proposed a more precise and optimization–capable method to form a company’s future competitive strategies. Value Unit Expansion Analysis is a clarifying, quantifying, and standardizing method for the company to pave the path for factor condition analysis and strategic optimization. The structure was designed with a high flexibility in correspondence to different considerations and changing aspects; it is compatible and can be built within Strategic Matrix Analysis. The systematic model is liable for communication and synchronization during the process of strategy planning and, therefore, setting higher efficiency, benefit, and utility for pertinent strategies that fit into companies’ goals.

台灣企業從事國際多角貿易面臨之租稅議題研究-以加值型營業稅及營利事業所得稅為主 / The study on taxation issues on multi-lateral international trade of Taiwanese enterprises--on value-added tax and business income tax

謝惠娟, Hsieh, HuiChuan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的經濟主要以外銷為導向,近年來因為中國大陸經濟崛起,隨著兩岸經濟的逐漸開放,供應商產業外移,無論傳統產業或高科技產業製造相關企業,西進中國大陸已成台灣產業發展主流,貿易商採用多角貿易進行各種不同商業活動方式早已發展為台灣企業從事國際多角貿易的交易模式,而現行稅務主管機關對傳統外銷之各項租稅規定、法令規範、稽徵程序、實務審核作業規範等,對於台灣產業國際多角貿易類型,產生許多租稅疑義。因此,本論文以問卷調查方法,探討台灣企業從事國際多角貿易面臨之租稅相關議題,以提出改進我國企業從事國際多角貿易之相關租稅規範建議,供政府主管機關參考。   本文的問卷結果顯示,國際多角貿易之營業比重在台灣產業已占有舉足輕重之地位,且超過50%受訪企業認為,公司從事國際多角貿易交易與傳統直接外銷,不論在經濟實質、權利義務或風險瑕疵責任歸屬,兩者均相同。有70%以上之受訪企業表示對現行加值型營業稅及營利事業所得稅,在適用上產生困擾。雖然,現行法令對於公司從事國際多角貿易交易收入有銷貨及勞務之區分,但本文的問卷結果顯示有超過80%以上受訪企業認為企業從事國際多角貿易交易的性質係屬銷貨行為,並希望財政部簡化現行對國際多角貿易交易之課稅規範。   本論文建議,要健全國際多角貿易課稅規範,消弭國際多角貿易之租稅疑議,首先,必須打破現行課稅法令對國際多角貿易區分由國內出貨或第三地出貨,依出貨地是否在中華民國境內而有不同認定之迷失。其次,對國際多角貿易之會計處理應回歸交易實質,不應藉由課稅之考量來左右會計基礎之入帳原則。最後,財政部應簡化現行對國際多角貿易之課稅規範,減少企業因複雜之課稅規定而將第三地出貨之多角貿易收入規避不列入台灣之營業收入。 / Taiwan's economy is primarily export-oriented. In recent years, because of the rise of economy in mainland China, with cross-strait economy liberalization and relocation of suppliers, both traditional and high technology industry businesses have been moving to mainland China as mainstream of Taiwan's industrial development. Multi-lateral transactions have been adopted by Taiwanese companies in engaging in various international business activities. However, tax laws and regulations, as well as assessment procedures adopted by Taiwan tax authorities, on multi-lateral business have triggered many tax disputes. Therefore, with surveys by questionnaires, this study aims to investigate into the relevant tax issues in the multi-lateral international trade of Taiwanese enterprises and propose suggestions for the tax authorities to improve Taiwan tax treatment on multi-lateral international trade.   The questionnaire results show that multi-lateral international trade has become a dominant business model in Taiwan industry, more than 50% of the respondents consider both multi-lateral international trade transactions and the traditional direct export are the same, with respect to economic substance, rights and obligations or liability risks of the transactions. More than 70% of the respondents indicate that they have encountered problems when applying to the existing value-added tax law and business income tax law. Although the existing reguations for companies engaging in multi-lateral international trade transactions classify such transactions into sales and services in their respective tax treatments, the questionnaire results show that more than 80% of the respondents consider such transactions should be all regarded as sales of goods, and urge the Ministry of Finance to simplify the existing taxation on such transactions.   This paper proposes the following suggestions to make taxation on multi-lateral international transactions more reasonable and enforceable. First of all, the existing taxation on multi-lateral international trade should not classify such transactions as domestic shipment or third place shipment solely by whether the shipping point is in the territory of Republic of China or not. Second, the accounting for international multi-lateral trade should reflect the substance of such transactions instead of following the tax law treatment. Third, the Ministry of Finance should simplify the existing tax treatment for multi-lateral international trade to prevent Taiwanese enterprises from under-reporting multi-lateral international trade revenues derived from third place shipment in filing Taiwan business income tax because of the complexity of the exitng tax regulations.

土地徵收法制有關公共利益衡量之研究 / Legal systenm of law expropriation measure of public interest

陳文棋, Chen, Wen Chi Unknown Date (has links)
公用徵收乃憲法規範下之公益制度。因此,關於土地徵收法制公共利益衡量之探討,範圍即以立法、行政及司法作為中,有無切實的實踐徵收制度所具之憲法意義。研究主題「公共利益衡量」屬不確定法律概念,牽涉價值判斷與利益衡量,因此,探討內容導向分為程序面與實質面為之架構。 徵收法制缺乏審議程序之必要機制,主管機關實無法客觀、審慎判斷需用土地人所評估事業計畫之合理真實性。又審議機制規範之缺漏,行政法院有其「審查能力之極限」出現,常無法勝任審查徵收個案是否合乎「公益性及必要性」。因而,對土地徵收具體實施的適法性,提供根本性審查原則,實有在徵收程序裡增訂「徵收審核標準」規範之需,如合法之原則、必要性原則、公益性原則、均衡原則等。為了健全徵收法制之運行,公益及私益之兼顧,獨立公正之公聽會,實有重新建構之需。另徵收審議委員會之層級,實有必要改制為一獨立之體制,以善盡徵收審議事權之功能。 人民參與土地徵收程序機制,內政部雖有最新規則之制訂,但其與人民程序保障而言,似有未逮。關於被徵收人陳述意見之規定,土地徵收條例修正草案增訂第十三條之ㄧ規定,其中第一項及第二項規定,僅是將土地徵收條例施行細則第十三條之規定改為法律規定,增加第三項規定:「核准徵收機關於核准徵收前,必要時得再給予所有權人陳述意見之機會。」依本研究探討觀之,似為較進步之立法,可賦予徵收審議委員會進行判斷徵收所需具體公共利益之機制。但其以「必要時」、「得」再給予所有權人陳述意見之機會,此「判斷餘地」及「裁量權限」操之於徵收機關的內政部,對於被徵收人陳述意見之保障而言,可謂實益不大。 土地徵收,並非唯一方法,乃是最後不得已之手段。故徵收首應遵行之要件,乃公共利益之審慎考量。徵收條款列舉之各項事業,僅是限定徵收適格事業之範圍,然實務上幾乎符合興辦事業者一經提出即准予徵收,而忽略公私益之衡量,對人民憲法上生存權、工作權及財產權未盡保障之能事,背離釋字第409號解釋之旨意。若「公共利益」非為「重大」與「急迫」者,即不屬「公共福祉」之範疇,而不具徵收合法性。因此,土地徵收條例適當條文內,宜增訂土地徵收「公共利益判斷標準」,其內容包括社會因素、經濟因素、文化及生態因素、永續發展因素及其他必要因素,使公共利益之判斷趨於具體,以落實土地徵收公共利益之衡量。 憲法在人性尊嚴之要求下,賦予個人財產權之保障,乃在於個人生存必須擁有之基本資源。質言之,土地徵收條例之立法目的,對於生存權、工作權之保障,有予以明文規範之必要,以作為徵收補償項目之立法依據。基此,土地徵收條例第一條第一項應修訂「為實施土地徵收,促進土地利用,增進公共利益,保障人民財產權、工作權及生存權,特制定本條例。」 內政部(簡稱該部)就特定興辦事業,開發面積30公頃以上,新訂、擴大都市計畫等或事業計畫以區段徵收方式辦理開發者,應於該部都市計畫委員會、區域計畫委員會審議前,就「公益性、必要性」先行向該部土地徵收審議委會報告。此程序固可增加計畫法制公共利益與土地徵收之關連性,作為土地徵收公共利益之擔保。但觀其作業之流程,只為該部暫時權宜治標之計,對於發展經濟政策徵收土地公共利益衡量標準及機制,並無具體明確之規範,可謂流於形式之舉措。惟有確保都市計畫、區域計畫內容之合法性,並賦有「具體公共利益」,以維人民土地權益之保障。否則,該部此一創舉事先「公益性、必要性」之評估制度,已逾越都市計畫委員會、區域計畫委員會專業領域之雷池,而亂了各司其職之法體制。正本清源之計,在於建立土地徵收審議人民參與之機制、土地徵收審核之具體基準和相關程序之建構。


大浦, 由美, OURA, Yumi 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

日本型組織化原理の国際的学習過程に関する研究 : 学習成果に関わる制度環境の差異に着目して

曹, 斗燮, 金, 顕哲, 黄, 圭燦, 咸, 恵善, 銭, 佑錫 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B)(1) 課題番号:11430007 研究代表者:曹 斗燮 研究期間:1999-2000年度


黃科誠 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討主題為文化創意產業之國際化,首先透過文獻探討方式,了解文化創意產業、企業國際化、新創事業、企業核心資源能力等議題內容;第二階段則透過個案訪談與次級資料的搜集與整理,對研究個案企業之發展歷程與國際化相關策略作一介紹;第三階段則將先前探討之文獻、研究與研究個案之國際化模式作分析、比較,歸納出命題並提出本研究之結論。 2002年行政院提出「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計劃」,明確將「文化創意產業」列為台灣未來重點發展產業,然綜觀目前國內有關文化創意產業之研究多以整體產業發展、文化創意產業與地方/社區經濟發展等相關主題為多,甚少有研究以文化創意產業為主體,針對其國際化議題做探討。本研究針對此議題,選擇以獲得行政院文建會所遴選之文化創意產業成功企業之法藍瓷有限公司為研究個案。法藍瓷成立至今僅有五年歷史,然憑藉著優異的設計創意與產品品質,產品上市不久即榮獲海內外各項大獎肯定,目前在海外市場約有五千多個銷售點,遍及美國、歐洲、紐澳地區、大中華地區與日韓等市場,年營業額約一千兩百多萬美金,是目前台灣文化創意產業裡,海外市場發展相對較成功者。 本研究結論簡述如下: 一、文化創意產業進入國際市場時,應考量本身資源能力,彈性地選擇最適合的 進入方式。 二、文化創意產業國際化的過程中,仍然適用於一般產業依各地比較利益不同而 將價值鏈各環節活動安排在不同地區之模式。 三、文化創意產業進行國際化時,除了研發、創意的掌握,亦應同時強化品牌行 銷能力培養與通路的建立。 四、國際化的資源能力可以在企業經營活動的動態過程裡逐步累積,企業若能 將國際化過程所習得的知識與經驗整理吸收,未來踏入一個新的國外市場 時,對於經營業務的推動與策略的形成將有相當幫助。 關鍵字:1.文化創意產業 2.國際化動機 3.國際市場進入模式 4.新創事業 5.工藝類文化創意產業 6.核心資源能力 / The cultural industry has been considered as the most promising industry for the future economic energy sources for many countries. However, with the limited market size in Taiwan, Taiwanese cultural industry also needs to go international for a bigger market. The purpose of this research is to understand the internationalization of cultural industry in Taiwan. As an exploratory research by case study method, the research consists of four aspects:(1)the characters of cultural industry;(2)the internalization of business;(3)the newborn business;(4)the core competence of a company. Through primary data collection, such as in-depth interview and secondary data collection from other researches and publications, the research chose Franzcolletions as the study focus. Conclusions drawn from this research results are: 1. When going globalization and entering into a foreign market, the cultural industry should take account of its own resources and capability, and thus being flexible choosing the most suitable entry mode. 2. During the process of globalization, the cultural industry will arrange the value chains activities which following the comparative advantage theory like other industries. 3. In addition to R&D, the cultural industry should also strengthen marketing ability and building up the distribution channels. 4. The cultural company can accumulate its resources and train up the core competence through the internalization process. Learning from the previous experiences, a cultural company can form a thorough strategy when entering a new foreign market in the future. Key Words:Motivation of Internationalization;International market entry mode;the cultural industry;Newborn business;Core competence.


黃文彥 Unknown Date (has links)
由於我國公辦市地重劃實行之相關程序規範散見於土地法、平均地權條例等法律及其授權訂定之法規命令與行政規則中。因此,公辦市地重劃之實行,長久以來衍生出諸如:民眾參與機制之設計是否足以保障權利人之程序參與權、重劃地價查估方式是否能客觀反映重劃前後土地之價格、差額地價請求權於何時得以行使、公共設施用地負擔之界線如何判定以及重劃救濟途徑規範不明確等問題。而此等問題均與人民之權利保障息息相關。 於是,本文於第二章中,援引日本學說之相關文獻,探討由參與重劃之土地所有權人負擔公共設施用地之合憲性基礎,以期清楚地勾勒出市地重劃制度之本質。本文認為市地重劃是透過受益者負擔之機制,由參與市地重劃之土地權利人,依受益比例負擔事業範圍內「鄰里性設施」之興建。因此,就應列為重劃負擔之公共設施之範圍,應有其界線,主管機關不應將市地重劃事業單純地視為政府取得公共設施用地之手法而浮濫地施行。 於第三章中,則由行政正當法律程序之內涵作為基礎,並且以日本土地區劃整理制度中民眾參與機制為鑑,檢討當主管機關決定採取市地重劃措施乃至於擬訂重劃計畫、土地分配之設計程序中,土地權利關係人是否有足夠之參與空間,並提供相關改進建議。 第四章中則歸納實務上常見之紛爭中,有關重劃地價查估與負擔計算及土地分配之相關爭議問題,如:實務上重劃前地價查估之方式適當與否、公共設施保留地重劃前價值之評定是否應另訂評定標準、應列入重劃負擔之公共設施項目之界線、是否有規定負擔比例上限之必要、差額地價給付請求權之得行使時點與差額地價給付請求權之消滅時效等問題,並分析之。 於第五章則探討公辦市地重劃計畫決定行為之法律性質,以釐清土地所有權人可否於計畫確定後,就計畫內容提起行政救濟。並討論重劃分配公告後,土地所有權人可否不經平均地權條第六十條之二規定之異議程序,直接依訴願法之規定提起訴願。最後,於第六章總結前述各章節之論述,對於我國市地重劃制度之改革提供建議,期能作為制度改進之參考。

企業併購法制之經濟分析 / Economic Analysis of Merger and Acquisition Law

張勝春, Arthur,Chang Unknown Date (has links)
伴隨著世界歷史步入二十一世紀,以企業為核心的市場體系處於一個大的結構性調整。企業能否順利調整到為整個世界的經濟發展服務,成為了全球各大公司所關注的首要問題。在此轉捩點,各個勵精圖治的企業家無一例外的選擇了擴大經營規模,世界500大的公司都是靠收購和合併發展起來,國際企業經常以併購的方式進行企業水平、垂直整合,以利於從事專業經營,提升經營效率,為因應企業全球化趨勢,有關企業併購法制之完備及明確,勢所必需。 企業收購合併為一法律上饒富興味之課題,這不只因為合併具有多種的形態,更因為合併涉及企業間複雜的權利義務關係,使得多種面向的法律領域都與之產生牽連。 本論文之結構安排如下:第一章為緒論,介紹本篇論文之研究動機、背景、以及研究方法與範圍。第二章為法律經濟分析概述,介紹法律經濟分析的內涵、背景、發展以及與傳統法學研究上之差異,並說明為何選取以法律經濟分析之方式作為研究主軸。第三章法律經濟分析的經濟理論基礎,主要對法律經濟分析中經常運用到個體經濟學的最大化、效益、供需理論及賽局理論進行分析與闡述。第四章為企業併購概述。第五章台灣企業併購現況。第六章為企業併購法制之經濟分析檢視各種現行法之可行性,並建議以經濟觀點構築之法制作為解決方案。第七章為結論與建議。 本文的主要目的以一種法律經濟分析的不同視角,從企業併購的經濟學基礎、法律制度的供需狀況、效率等方面論證對企業併購法制進行法律規範的必要性和合理性,有系統地檢視企業併購於現行法中所扮演之功能分析是否符合經濟學中效率的觀念,並且分析於現行企業併購法制發生違反效率的情況。 / During the last quarter of the twentieth century, the humanities and social sciences have turned toward history, something that culminated in the 1990s, and this phenomenon was evident in law as well. However, until recently, law and economics, the most influential post-World War II jurisprudential movement, was a-historical in its methodology and research agenda. The objective of this article is to call attention to economic analysis of merger and acquisition law, its methodological causes, and the nature of its interaction with other sub-fields of law and of economics. Mergers and acquisitions are undoubtedly among the most significant macro-economic phenomena of the industrialized West during the last twenty years. The size of acquisitions is constantly rising, with no sign of this phenomenon being part of a passing trend. Taking into consideration the diverse and complex aspects of acquisitions, the Article attempts to develop a comprehensive theoretical model that defines acquisition law's central policy goals and suggests criteria to be followed in order to ensure the achievement of these goals.


張建隆 Unknown Date (has links)
反壟斷法(我國為公平交易法)上的效率抗辯,是指經營者通過證明結合的效率效果足以抵消或超過反競爭效果而取得反壟斷法豁免。“減損競爭”和“促進效率”這兩大因素的權衡是企業結合反壟斷控制的核心內容。 第一章為引言部分,提出本文的研究動機,並對研究方法、研究限制及論文大綱進行簡要介紹。在第二章介紹效率抗辯定義,及反壟斷法視野下普遍被接受的主要效率類型。第三章對效率抗辯制度在歐美國家的發展作了回顧。第四章則是利用經濟分析方法,計算反競爭效果,再比較分析實質性減少競爭標準和嚴重妨礙有效競爭標準之差異。第五章分三部份,第5.1章提及普遍被採納的效率抗辯模式,主要係一體分析模式、抵消分析模式和混合分析模式三種。並建議基於我國國情和《公平交易法》的相關規定,我國宜採用混合分析模式。第5. 2章就效率抗辯制度的適用標準而言,主要有價格標準、消費者剩餘標準、總剩餘標準和權重平衡標準。第5. 3章建議確立效率抗辯制度的證明標準、證明方法。尤其,就效率抗辯制度的適用條件而言,主要有效率為集中所特有、效率的及時性、效率的可證實性、在壟斷或接近壟斷的集中案件不應適用等要件。第六章建議我國明確建立安全港標準,凡屬於安全港範圍的結合不再作進一步審查。第七章綜合上述的結論,試著對我國效率抗辯制度建立提供建議 。 關鍵字:效率抗辯、事業結合、實質性減少競爭標準、嚴重妨礙有效競爭標準、抵消分析、一體分析、混合分析、價格標準、消費者福利標準、總剩餘標準、權重平衡標準 / The efficiency plea on the antitrust law refers that the intensified efficiency effect proved by the operator is sufficient to set off or stronger than the anti-competition effect so as to be exempted by the antitrust law. Competition impairment and efficiency promotion are two factors need to be traded off during the anti-monopoly control on concentration for business operators. Chapter One presents the motive , approach, framework, scope and limitations of the paper. Chapter Two introduces the definition of efficiency and the main types of efficiency which includes production efficiency, allocative efficiency, dynamic efficiency and other efficiencies. Chapter Three provides a brief history of efficiency plea practices in Europe and the United States . Chapter 4 tries to compare the Substantial Lessening of Competition test (SLC) with Significantly Impedes Effective Competition test (SIEC ) standards and try to prove the SIEC is suitable for our country. Chapter 4 also attempts to analyze anti-competitive effects of mergers by using economic analysis methods. Chapter Five is divided into three sections. Section one analyzes the main types of efficiency defense system models, including the integrated analysis model, offset analysis model and mixed analysis model. Considering the actual situation in our country and in accordance with regulations by the Antitrust Law of Taiwan, a mixed analysis mode is suggested for application. Section two focuses on the welfare standards of price standard, consumer welfare standard, the total surplus standard and the balancing weights standard. Section three recommends that standard of proof and method of proof and types of application conditions shall be established. Especially, the main types of application conditions are efficiency specific to concentration, the timeliness of the efficiency, the verifiability of the efficiency and whether the efficiency defense system is applied in the situation of near monopoly. Chapter Six defines the relevant market and suggest Critical loss analysis should be introduced for the relevant market definition. Chapter Six also suggests to adopt the " strong safe harbor" standard which means that once undertakings belong to the safe harbor range,they will no longer be subject to further review. The final chapter tries to offer some suggestions on the establishment of efficiency defense in Taiwan . Key words: efficiency plea, concentration of undertakings, the Substantial Lessening of integrated analysis model, offset analysis model, mixed analysis model, price standard, consumer welfare standard, the total surplus standard, the balancing weights standard

無形資產移轉訂價之研究 / A Study on Transfer Pricing involving the Use or Transfer of Intangibles

楊珮吟, Yang, Pei Yin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著知識經濟之發展,無形資產對於企業價值之重要性因而提升。就跨國企業而言,其無形資產配置對利潤分配之影響遠遠超過有形資產之交易,故近年來無形資產已成為各國稅務機關查核跨國企業間移轉訂價之重點項目。 本研究以經濟合作暨發展組織 2013 年7 月30 日發布之「無形資產移轉訂價修訂討論稿」為根基,結合美國、中國及印度等國家之相關規範,分析我國目前對於無形資產移轉訂價規範之缺失,並以近三年來與無形資產移轉訂價相關之國內外訴訟案例為研究範疇,探討實務上徵納雙方常見爭議,進而提出個人建議,冀能做為我國無形資產移轉訂價規範修法方向及徵納實務之參考。 / The importance of intangibles for market capitalization of an enterprise has been rising with the development of knowledge economy. Distributions of intangibles have more impact on profit allocations than transactions of tangible assets for multinational enterprises. As a result, the transfer pricing of intangibles have become the focus of taxation for multinational enterprises. This study analyzes defects of the regulations of transfer pricing involving intangibles in Taiwan based on Revised Discussion Draft on Transfer Pricing Aspects of Intangibles which issued by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on July 30, 2013 and based on the references of the related regulations in other countries, including United States, China and India. Furthermore, the study analyzes and classifies the controversies of transfer pricing of intangibles between taxpayers and tax authorities in practice for the past three years from the court cases.

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