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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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土地使用分區管制制度之執行與制度變遷--財產權觀點之分析 / The Enforcement and Change of Zoning Institution in The Perspective of Property Rights

張剛維, Chang,Kangwei Unknown Date (has links)
財產權的發展,具有將外部成本內部化,以及減輕租值消散的功能,同時也會影響誘因機制與市場行為,因此,建立可執行的財產權或契約系統,有助於降低交易成本,促進市場交易的效率。土地使用分區管制是政府用以界定財產權的一項重要工具,但在執行的過程中,會受到資訊不完全的因素所限制,而產生許多社會經濟衝突的問題,所以,在財產權界定不完全的情形下,分區管制制度的執行可能是一種負和、零和或正和的賽局。 在台灣的都市規劃管制制度下,土地使用分區管制一直被視為政府執行都市公共政策的重要工具,但是土地使用分區管制制度變遷的原因及對財產權配置的影響,很少被深入的探討,亦少有相關的實證研究予以論述說明。由於分區管制決策直接影響人民的土地財產權範圍,因此,以財產權為研究的焦點,連結制度及執行層面的動態分析,可以更深入地了解政策運作的過程,檢視分區管制制度設計的問題,藉以提供更佳的制度環境。本研究嘗試以新制度經濟學的基礎,基於財產權的觀點,連結制度變遷及執行層面的分析,研究所有權人及利益團體如何透過與政府的協商,改變土地使用分區管制制度,進而影響財產權配置的問題。在方法上,則透過賽局理論及個案研究,建立參與者行為互動模式及進行實證分析,以剖析制度變遷的原因及問題。 本研究除了進行以上所述的議題,亦同時關注制度選擇、容積移轉的問題,以及違規使用的行為,並將從一系列的行為分析中,進一步探究尋租行為對分區管制制度及經濟發展的影響。研究的結果,除了對分區管制制度提出具體的建議外,亦對制度變遷的行為及政府角色,提供更多的認知面向,值得作為都市研究的參考。 / Zoning institution is regarded as an important instrument for enforcing urban policy in Taiwan. Zoning not only control the quality of urban environment, but affect the price of real estate. However, the reasons of zoning institution changed and the factors influenced the assignment of property rights are very rarely investigated. The decision of zoning will directly influence the scope of landowners’ property rights. Thus, based upon the viewpoint of property rights, incorporated with institutional and enforcing dimension to conduct a dynamic analysis can deeply investigate the process of policy operation and the problems of institutional design so as to provide better institutional environment for zoning. This research, based on the property rights perspective and the approach of property rights analysis of New Institutional Economics, intend to investigate the change of zoning institution and its enforcement. The study pays special attention to the bargaining among private landowners, interest groups and government authority. In order to improve the institutional environment, this paper will also try to find the institutional problems in the process of enforcement through cases study. Cases study is used for further analysis the interaction among the actors participated so as to understand the processes of bargaining, re-assignment of property rights and the reasons of zoning institution changed. After the cases study, the research will address some suggestions of institutional design of zoning and try to review the policy of urban development and land use control in Taipei city. A promise suggestion on the institutional design of zoning will be provided for the reference of understanding and research on zoning institution and behaviors. In addition, the impact of the rent-seeking patterns and the production paths on the zoning behaviors resulting in the change of zoning institution are explored. The results of the research will make further suggestions to the issues of institutional design of zoning, and to the avoidance of the negative effects of rent-seeking behavior. Moreover, the source and process of institutional change of zoning related to rent-seeking behavior, and the ways government responds to the rent-seeking behaviors are provided for the reference of further study of urban planning.

系統功能演化之需求分析方法論 / Requirements Analysis Methodology for System Functional Evolution

劉季綸, Liu, Chi-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
在重視集體智慧、重視服務、且需要因應環境快速變遷的年代,傳統的系統開發方法論雖然有其不可磨滅的價值,但已經顯露出其不足之處。為了順應時代的潮流,方法論必須指引企業去聆聽大眾的心聲,以期確保系統提供優質的服務,方法論也必須指引資訊人員運用有異於以往的手法與步驟,與其他部門和大眾共同合作,來持續不斷地維護系統,使得系統得以注入新的生命力而不斷演進。 為了提出一套不斷吸納使用者的新需求來規劃系統演進的功能需求分析方法論,本研究以哲學詮釋學為基礎,並佐以軟體工程相關文獻,將持續吸納新需求來促進系統演進的抽象概念,化為具體可執行的步驟。本需求分析方法論是針對使用者提議的需求進行初步分析與確認,可分為兩個主要部分:需求形成流程、與衝突處理流程。需求形成流程是分析使用者所提出之功能性需求的主要方式,其中包含了提出新需求、分析新需求在商業活動與科技層次的影響、估計新需求的成本效益來決定是否實作、排序實作的優先權、並且了解新功能的釋出時間的期望。而衝突解決流程是為了解決各方人馬的歧見所造成的爭端,衝突解決的方式包含了自行協商、第三方中間人介入協調、以及高層決策小組的裁決。 為了讓企業外界的大眾提議新需求,本研究發展了一套以部落格為基礎的新需求提議工具,讓網友可在部落格上提出自己對新功能的想法。此外,為了協助企業判斷新需求是否會觸發衝突解決流程,本研究根據哲學詮釋學,將使用案例(Use cases)加以延伸修改,提出一套後設模型,並輔以知識本體,據此來提出一套規則,讓本工具能自動偵測新需求與系統既有設計之間是否有所抵觸,而規則亦可進一步應用在新需求間的衝突上。 為了初步瞭解本研究所提之方法論與工具的優缺點,本研究與中時電子報和民視購物網合作,來試用此方法論與工具。透過試用之後的訪談得知,本方法論與工具有其價值,而也獲得了不少寶貴的試用意見。最後,本研究根據試用的諸多意見,對方法論與工具的改善上,提出了具體的改良作法與方向。 / Nowadays, companies have to respect collective knowledge and improve service quality for adapt their rapidly changing environment. Traditional systems development methodologies may be still valuable but have shortcomings. To accommodate customer-driven trend, new methodologies must guide enterprises to listen to customers for ensuring high-quality system services. New methodologies also have to guide developers to carry out cross-department and customer-centered collaboration in new ways for maintaining systems cyclically. This research proposes a user requirements analysis methodology according on philosophical hermeneutics and software engineering literature. The proposed methodology includes requirements formation and conflict resolution. Requirements formation process involves new user requirement proposition, commercial and technical impact analysis, cost benefit estimation, coding prioritization, and new version release scheduling. Conflict resolution process involves negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Besides the proposed methodology, this research also develops a blog-based tool for collecting user requirements on Internet. This research extends and modifies use cases diagram and use philosophical hermeneutics as a foundation to propose a meta-model. This research also proposes a set of rules for conflict detection. Base on the proposed meta-model, ontologies, and the proposed rules, the blog-based tool can automatically detect conflicts between new requirements and existing design. These proposed rules also can apply to detect conflicts among new requirements. An online newspaper company and an online shopping mall try to use this methodology and the blog-based tool. In the interviews, they confirm this methodology’s and tool’s values and give several suggestions for improving the methodology and the tool. Finally, this research discusses the improvements and future research directions according to these suggestions.


何垂芬 Unknown Date (has links)
預售屋制度在臺灣地區已行之多年,惟預售屋交易金額龐大、興建期間長又不固定、簽約到履約歷時久,且涉及諸多法律及地政登記等專業知識,此外,投入預售屋交易者,除消費者外,還有建設公司、代銷公司、提供土地之地主、承包工程廠商、金融服務業等,預售屋交易模式極為複雜,再加上消費者購買經驗有限,及購屋資訊不足,其衍生出之消費糾紛不勝枚舉。 內政部公布之『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』 及修訂公布之『預售屋買賣契約書範本』,其中『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』依消費者保護法第17條第2項規定違反公告之定型化契約之一般條款無效,使該上開公告事項具有法律上強制規定之效力,而該公告事項依內政部(90)內中地字第9083627號函稱「本應記載及不得記載事項自公告六個月後生效」,所以該公告事項自91年3月6日起對預售屋交易之當事人發生強行法規之拘束力,締約雙方對此應有所認識。本文以91年3月6日『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』生效後,最高法院對預售屋定型化契約條款見解,作一分析,希望能分析出內政部公布『預售屋買賣定型化契約應記載及不得記載』及『預售屋買賣契約書範本』,對預售屋實務上產生之影響及產生何種新型態的紛爭,並尋求解決之道。

基於網路服務的共享資料規格管理機制 / Mechanisms for Managing the Specifications of Web-Based Data Sharing Services

楊劍銘, Yang, Jang Ming Unknown Date (has links)
大型政府機關或企業,由於服務範圍廣大,應用系統繁多,各系統間不時有資料共享的需求(如各系統須使用人資系統)。但對於這些共享資料的管理上,常常因缺乏有效的機制與流程,而一直有無法同步或同步上資訊不一致的困擾。本研究提供一套中央控管規格機制,以管理面和技術面雙管齊下來解決此問題。本研究認為統一資訊必需先從統一資料規格(Data Specification)做起,同時訂定單一資料的提供來源及多個資料使用對象。 本研究利用Web Service WDSL語言特性作為制訂資料規格的依據。WSDL本身即是可自我描述的一種資訊規格,並具有跨平台的特性,以利各使用不同程式語言開發之系統進行整合。本研究認為既然共享資訊是一種共用行為,理當有一資訊規格維護者負責制訂維護管理規格,同時定期召開共享資訊制訂會議討論共享資訊範圍,本研究所設計之系統藉由資訊規格維護者,訂定WSDL共享資訊規格,供資訊提供者實作,並經由發表給各系統開發單位使用。本研究已實作一個工具來產生WSDL。 本研究期藉由集中控管資料規格的共享服務方法,定義各系統開發者的角色與責任,以治理源頭的方式,讓系統整合或資料交換更為容易,開發時程可以縮短,節省系統開發成本,讓有意參與政府機關的廠商不會怯步,讓機關招商更為容易。 / For the wide range of services and diversified application systems in operation in large government agencies or businesses, information sharing among systems is becoming increasingly necessary (such as users’ personal data on different systems). When it comes to managing shared information, lacking an effective system and flow process makes synchronized operation or access to information a less successful task. The research in question brings up a centralized control specification as solution to the issue through sound management and technique. In the research, uniform information starts from uniform data specification. At the same time, a single data source is set together with a plurality of data destinations. In the research in question, information specification is made based on Web Service WDSL language characteristics. WSDL refers to a kind of self-descriptive information specification that is operational across different platforms for successful integration of systems developed in different program languages. In this research, it is believed, since information sharing is a common behavior; there must be an information specification guard responsible for the scheming, maintenance and management of the same. On the other hand, regular meetings on information sharing must be convened for discussion of the scope. In the system made available in this research, the information specification guard makes the WSDL information sharing specification for operation by information providers and use by the system developers once publicized.We also Implement a tool to generate WSDL. In this research, it is expected, through the centralized managament of the specifications for shared services, the system developers could have their roles and responsibilities properly defined. By means of sorting out the sources, system integration or data exchange could become much easier and development could become successful more rapidly as a way to reduce the cost involved in system development and eventually, allow those who are willing to bid in public projects come to participate without much concern. If so, bidding by private sector could be an easy task.

推廣型使用者的社會創新:常民專家如何改寫台灣衛生棉條科技的社會腳本 / Social innovations of promoter-users: How lay-experts rewrite the social scripts of tampon technology in Taiwan

吳文欣, Wu, Wen Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以台灣衛生棉條科技網絡的開展為例,目的在於探討使用者的力量如何帶動一個社會技術網絡的擴充。衛生棉條引進台灣已逾30年,但卻因為台灣社會文化脈絡中根深蒂固的價值觀腳本,再加上法令、市場與知識等結構性障礙的阻力,讓衛生棉條這項技術物與使用衛生棉條的價值觀無法順利擴散。當政府當局與權力宰制都間接「不鼓勵」使用衛生棉條,台灣的生理用品市場現況與價值觀腳本又阻礙著衛生棉條科技網絡的開展時,推廣型使用者選擇從台灣主流的經期處理中方式出走,藉由推動生理教育與傳遞相關知識來打破傳統的價值觀腳本,利用創造多元選擇與開拓流通管道來掙脫台灣限縮的衛生棉條市場。台灣衛生棉條科技網絡的開展以「使用者」作為主要行動者,打破專家知識由上而下的擴散模式,創造出使用者主導的社會結構模型。當社會環境與市場機制處於「獨占」的情況,再加上傳統主導創新擴散的權威機構都處在反對的角色時,實際使用產品與經歷生理期的使用者為了追求更佳的身體經驗與取得產品的管道,便發揮她們改變社會技術環境的能動性並進行社會創新。性別結構的鬆動與新式觀念的出現也幫助推廣型使用者改寫台灣衛生棉條科技的社會腳本,台灣近年來開拓女性身體的潮流與社會價值觀漸趨開放的訊號,讓社會創新與社會文化風氣的轉變相輔相成,再加上網際網路所帶動的多元知識生產與資訊流通的跨國性質,讓推廣型使用者成功帶動一個日常生活科技的知識革命。凡妮莎等推廣型使用者的出現也型塑出新的常民專家文化,開啟另一種呈現社會技術網絡擴充的方式。本研究期望藉由使用者為衛生棉條科技網絡開展所作的努力,提供政府政策、教育單位、醫療權威與所有台灣民眾一個認識衛生棉條的機會與反思的空間,希望透過友善的政策環境與生理教育的配合,能夠成功改寫台灣女性的經期處理習慣與傳統的價值觀腳本。 / The purpose of this case study “Network of Tampon Technology in Taiwan” is to explore how users can do to expand a social-technical network. Tampon has been introduced to Taiwan over 30 years. However, this technical object and tampon usage cannot be spread successfully because of the deep-rooted script of values and the structural barriers of law, market and knowledge. As government and authority discourage indirectly from tampon usage, the restricted feminine hygiene products market and the script of values both disadvantage expansion of tampon technology, Promoter-Users choose to run away from the main menstrual management. They break the traditional script of values by strengthening physical education and delivering relevant knowledge, free themselves from the restricted tampon market by creating multiple choices and developing commodity circulation channels. “Users” are primary actors in network of tampon technology in Taiwan. They break the expert-oriented distribution model and create another user-driven structural model. As social environment and market mechanism are both monopolized, plus traditional authority in charge of distributing innovations is on the opposite side, users who use products and experience menstruation can still show their agencies and promote social innovations in order to pursue better body experiences and commodity channels. Loosening of gender structure and emergence of modern values help Promoter-Users rewrite the social scripts of tampon technology in Taiwan. Liberation of female body and unrestricted social climate make social-cultural transformation complement social innovations well. Diversified knowledge and international communication allow Promoter-Users to advocate a revolution of everyday-life technology. Promoter-Users such as Vanessa also initiate a new culture of lay-experts and offer another way of expanding a social-technical network. This study expects to provide governmental policy, educational organization, medical authority and the pubic an opportunity to know more about tampon and a space for introspection by introducing Promoter-Users’ efforts. We look forward to a more friendly policy environment and better physical education in order to rewrite the fixed menstrual management and the traditional script of values.


李家儂, Li, Chia Nung Unknown Date (has links)
土地使用與交通運輸在都市模式中,具有密切的相互影響關係,而土地使用與交通運輸的連結,依其連結的型態不斷地演變,形塑出不同的都市模式,也產生不同的連結效益與衝擊,其中汽車導向發展(AOD)與大眾運輸導向發展(TOD)為當今全球之主要都市模式型態,但諸多的研究也指出AOD都市模式在土地使用與交通運輸的連結上,產生的負面衝擊大過於正面效益,因此全球許多大都市與台灣都市皆企圖演變成TOD都市模式,然而各大都市要如何透過土地使用與交通運輸有效益的連結,以演變出適宜的TOD都市模式,首先,除了瞭解各種都市模式的分類基礎之外,尚需一套都市整體面的效益體系,以監控都市模式的演變,並評估出有效益的TOD模式演變策略,然而,當前國內、外諸多的研究中,卻缺乏此一關鍵議題的深入探討。據此,本研究探討都市模式的分類指標,以供台灣都市評估現今的都市模式與研擬台灣都市演變成TOD都市模式的相關策略,繼而建構一套可以監控台灣都市演變成TOD都市模式的效益體系,以期台灣都市能有效益地演變成TOD都市模式。 本研究首先分析土地使用與交通運輸如何透過連結,在複雜理論及相關文獻的立論下,如何演變出不同的都市模式,本研究運用計量指標設計,以全球36個城市為實證對象,建立出一套UTLC都市模式的分類指標,以瞭解當今各大都市在土地使用與交通運輸連結下,演變出什麼型態的都市模式,繼而探討現今都市型態要演變成TOD都市模式時,土地使用與交通運輸的連結時,產生了哪些效益,本研究運用群體決策明示結構法(GISM)與群體決策分析網絡程序法(GANP),據以評估台灣TOD都市模式效益體系,透過該效益體系評選出最具效益的TOD方案,最後,依循政策支援系統的理念,研議出土地使用與交通運輸效益連結下的都市模式發展機制。 基於上述研究內容,本研究得到如下之發現與結論: 一、都市模式演變實證分析部分:本研究設計計量指標與全球36個城市的實證分析,分類出這些城市在土地使用與交通運輸連結下的都市模式型態及其所具備之都市模式特徵,評估出台北市屬於緊密型汽車導向發展城市(AOD-S),並提出都市演變成TOD模式型態之初步策略構想,包括和諧地混合土地使用、人行導向的大眾運輸路網與都市設計、評估緊密發展的容受力總量與提高大眾運輸車站周邊土地使用強度。 二、台灣TOD都市模式效益體系建構部分:本研究設計「群體決策明示結構法(GISM)」與評分法,建立台灣TOD都市模式效益體系,該效益體系具有16個效益內涵、3個層次、35個影響關係以及5類時間動態關係,政府規劃部門可據此研擬出適宜的策略,以回饋與補強其演變的過程中,演變至TOD都市模式所欠缺的成效。 三、台灣都市演變成大眾運輸導向發展模式效益評估部分:本研究設計「群體決策分析網絡程序法(GANP)」,以台北市的都市背景為基礎,評估出TOD都市模式效益體系在網絡結構下的權重關係,繼而評選出最有效益的TOD方案,即為「提高TOD程度」,方案中的實施內容,又以提高大眾運輸搭乘率最為重要,其次分別為提高都市設計品質、提高土地使用密度與提高混合土地使用程度。 四、政策支援系統建構都市模式發展機制部分:本研究應用政策支援系統理念作為機制研擬的架構,進而發展出土地使用與交通運輸效益連結下的都市模式發展機制與配套措施,該機制具有模式分類策略、模式發展目標、效益連結策略與效益監控策略,在配套措施部分,包括特定專用區計畫、TOD實質計畫研擬、資本門改善計畫、計畫單元整體開發、開發協議與聯合開發,繼而形成有系統的「土地使用與交通運輸效益連結下的都市模式發展機制」。

教育單位導入ITIL之分析與評估-以T學校為例 / The Analysis and Evaluation of Implementing ITIL for Education Institute - A Case Study of T shcool

黃世榮 Unknown Date (has links)
「企業電子化」在網路企業時代中成了提高核心競爭力的主要關鍵。學校在全球化浪潮及少子化的衝擊下,也正處於日益競爭的教育市場中。而長久以來,一直存在IT服務品質不佳的問題, 1980年代晚期英國政府因此開發出一套全面性服務管理標準,ITIL。   曾有學者指出,大學生對學校經驗不滿意者共占51.4%,而其中一項「校園資訊服務」滿意度倒數第三。綜觀資訊服務管理的演進與校園e化的發展,本研究想了解使用者注重的服務有哪些,最需先改善哪些項目。   透過單一個案研究法,對個案學校進行資料蒐集,從分析資料中可以發現,資訊服務的提供者與使用者在滿意度上存在相當程度的落差。最後視資訊服務提供者現況並參考ITIL機制,給予資訊服務改善的建議,並適度調整服務等級,以逐步建立資訊服務整體規劃。

都市商圈土地混合使用自治管理模式-以師大商圈為例- / The model of autonomous management in mixed use of land of urban business area : the case study of Shih-Da business district

趙元瑞, Jao, Ruan Ruzy Unknown Date (has links)
土地使用分區是否允許夜市相關業別的存在,是否違反土地使用分區規定,一直以來存有疑慮。現行臺灣法律中不論是土地法或都市計畫法,針對土地使用分區已訂定相關的規則與規章,主管機關亦頒布有管制準則及函令以資遵循,諷刺的是,夜市周邊的住戶與該夜市所撐起的商圈,為了個別的利益,爭吵、訴訟甚至於鬥毆的情況屢見不鮮。 本研究利用Ostrom (2014)所建立的自主管理理論,探討商圈內部在集體選擇過程,如何有效選擇管理既有住商混合商圈對環境的負面衝擊,並提出建立住商混合商圈街區管理模式之建議。透過文獻回顧、個案研究、與深度訪談,本研究成果顯示,師大商圈未來管理模式的策略有四個可能性:因地制宜模式的採用、社區居民與商圈商家共存共榮的期待、商圈組織自主管理運作機制的建立、以及公部門與商圈組織之間的協調溝通。 本研究在師大商圈土地分區管理機制上,為了同時增加土地使用效率及考慮社區居民的權益,平抑破壞商圈整體利益的個人利益,應可使用具彈性調整機制的土地分區管理,而彈性調整的依據,係可透過政府公部門、商圈內商家組織、社區組織三方面共同研擬,制定相關施行辦法。 / It is questionable for a long time that whether the permission of the business of night market within land zoning violates the regulations of zoning. Albeit relevant regulations of land zoning have been established and on acted, and enforced ironically, for pursuing individual profits and personal benefits, the residents and the vendors who inhabit in the business area have to face abundant disputes and litigations. The self-governance on common pool resource from Ostrom (2014) would be utilized to discuss the process of collective selection within business area, and to see how the effective management to deal with the negative impacts of mixed-use business area could be selected and eventually to raise a management model to cope with mixed-use business area. By literature review, case study, and interview, the four possible management models for NYNU commercial Area are: the management with local conditions, the collaborations between residents and vendors, the mechanism of self-governance in business organization, and the coordination and communication between the public and business organizations. Furthermore, basing upon the mechanism of the management of land zoning within NTNU Commercial Area, the elastic land zoning should be adopted to increase the effectiveness of land use and the rights and interests of residents. The basis of elastic management of land zoning can be established through the collaboration among the governments, business organization, and resident organization then.

國有非公用土地設定上權興建集合住宅交易相關法律問題之研究 / Non-public purpose establishment of superficies to build a collection of legal issues of residential transactions

徐羽虹, Hsu, Yu Hung Unknown Date (has links)
由於目前國有非公用土地處分政策係以大面積國有土地不出售為主,且限於政府人力、物力的不足,加上人民對價格便宜的住宅需求與日俱增,故兩相權衡下即逐漸發展出將國有土地設定地上權交由得標之地上權人開發營運,待地上權期滿後,再將土地及建物移轉予政府之開發方式。因此,政府近年來推出許多設定地上權標案,造成設定地上權案例增加,也使得國有土地設定地上權制度成為近年來備受關注與討論的議題。 且由於國有非公用土地設定地上權適用法規之修正、停止適用或新訂,尤其是關於禁止地上權分割之規定所衍生之號稱「地上權住宅」但實際上為「使用權住宅」,及民國102年9月30日財政部台財產改字第10250007490號令修正發布並自即日生效後之「地上權住宅」法律性質及交易相關爭議。本文乃透過文獻分析法,對於國有非公用土地設定地上權制度法律觀念釐清,及梳理國有非公用土地設定地上權興建集合住宅各個當事人間之法律關係,歸結出各當事人間於國有非公用土地設定地上權興建集合住宅交易之法律問題。 / Due to the current public land for non-public purpose disposition policy department in a large area of state land does not sell, and lack of government limited human and material resources, coupled with people's growing demand for cheap housing, so the next two-phase balance that is gradually developed a national land establishment of superficies by the owner of the winning bid to develop the operation until after the expiration of superficies, and then was transferred to land and construction development mode of government. Therefore, the government in recent years launched a number of standard case establishment of superficies, causing the earth to set right cases increased, so that the public land for non-public purpose establishment of superficies has become in recent years much attention and discussion topics. This paper is through literature analysis, public land for non-public purpose establishment of superficies system of legal concepts to clarify and sort out the public land for non-public purpose establishment of superficies to build the legal relationship between the collective housing respective parties, concluded with inter-party land set in the public land for non-public purpose establishment of superficies to build a collection of legal issues of residential transactions.

高速鐵路對土地使用之短期影響分析─台灣之實證研究 / The short-term impact of high-speed rail (HSR) on land use: the empirical study of the Taiwan HSR

關仲芸, Guan, Jhong Yun Unknown Date (has links)
多年來,交通運輸與土地使用之交互影響關係受學界所廣泛討論,本研究主要探討高速鐵路與土地使用之交互影響關係。關於高鐵對土地使用影響之研究,分為兩大類別,分別為建立模式預測未來地區發展狀況,以及實證分析高鐵通車後對地區的影響效果。過去研究指出,高鐵營運後,可能對土地使用產生之影響包括:無顯著之土地使用改變、地區間互動改變、聚集效果(Cluster effect)、離散效果(Disparties)以及「隧道效果(Tunnel effect)」或「廊道效果(Corridor effect) 」。   本研究為以階層線性模型分析高鐵通車後對台灣土地使用影響之實證研究。根據實證,高鐵站之有無以及高鐵站所在區位對鄉鎮市區土地使用有顯著影響,且相較其他控制變數,為影響鄉鎮市區土地使用之重要變數。有高鐵站之鄉鎮市區與無高鐵站之鄉鎮市區相比,土地使用可能成長較多,而位於高鐵一定服務範圍內之鄉鎮市區之土地使用,亦受高鐵所影響。另外,不同區位之高鐵站對土地使用之效果有所不同,而該區位效果隨產業特性可能有所差異。人口、及業人口以及三級產業及業人口可能因市中心區位之高鐵站聚集,但二級產業及業人口未有因市中心區位高鐵站而聚集的現象;郊區區位之高鐵站鄉鎮市區或縣市,則有人口、及業人口或三級產業及業人口流失的現象。由上述結果可驗證,高鐵服務範圍內有聚集效果之發生,而不同區位之高鐵站,聚集之效果並不同。 / For many years, the interactive relationship between transportation and land use has been widely discussed by scholars. This study is trying to assess the short-term impact of high-speed rail (HSR) on land use. There are two types of studies on the impact of high-speed rail on land use. One is establishing models to predict future land use development; the other is evaluating the effect of HSR empirically. Past studies have shown that possible impacts on land use after the operation of HSR include: no significant land use change, inter-regional interaction change, cluster effect, disparities, and "tunnel effect" or "corridor effect."   In this empirical study, the results of hierarchical linear model show that the existence of the HSR station and the location of the HSR station have a significant effect on the land use in the city. Controlling for other control variables, the existence and location of the HSR station are important factors influencing the land use in the city. Land use development in cities with the HSR station may be more evident than those without the HSR station. Cities within the HSR service area are also effected by HSR. In addition, there may be different land use effects due to different locations of the HSR stations, and these location effects may be different due to different industrial characteristics of the area. Population, employment, and employment of tertiary industrial sectors in a city may cluster due to the HSR station in central area location, but employment of secondary industrial sectors doesn’t. Otherwise, population, employment, and employment of tertiary industrial sectors in a city or county may lose due to the HSR station in rural area location. In conclusion, there is a cluster effect within the HSR service area, and this effect varies according to the location of the HSR station.

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