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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

服務創新與體驗行銷對提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度的探討---以安麗公司為例 / A study of service innovation, experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and loyalty:based on amway taiwan company

陳淑敏 Unknown Date (has links)
自2004年開始安麗公司陸續在全台各地成立『體驗中心』,此舉可說是多層次傳銷事業的創舉,不但是全新概念,直銷商與顧客皆可在此體驗中心內試用、體驗與購買安麗公司各項商品,目前也受到許多會員的好評。 本研究以安麗體驗中心最重要的兩項元素『服務創新』與『體驗行銷』,作為研究內涵,以瞭解安麗體驗中心在『服務創新』與『體驗行銷』上對『顧客滿意度』與『顧客忠誠度』之間的關係。本研究以『問卷調查法』進行,並輔以『焦點訪談』。問卷於台北地區直銷商中心進行發放,發放對象為事業型直銷商、一般直銷商與消費型顧客;共發出600份,最後回收510份,整體問卷信度達.974。焦點訪談部分,則訪談安麗事業型直銷商8人,及兩位安麗公司高階主管。研究結果顯示,受訪者認為安麗公司不論在服務創新、體驗行銷、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度上都具有良好表現。且透過相關分析與迴歸分析也可看出會員認為服務創新程度越高,越能提高滿意度與忠誠度;同樣地,體驗行銷程度越高,滿意度與忠誠度也越高。透過焦點訪談,也看出受訪者對於安麗公司在服務創新與體驗行銷上都具有高滿意度,也建議安麗公司能充分利用體驗中心的場地,舉辦更多讓消費者能實際參與的活動。 / Since 2004, Amway has been implementing a pioneering initiative by establishing the Amway Experience Centers (AEC) around Taiwan, introducing a brand new concept into the multi-level marketing business. Distributors and customers can try, experience and purchase various Amway products at the AEC. So far, the AEC has received many favorable views from Amway members. This study explores the two most important elements of the AEC – service innovation and experiential marketing, in order to gain a picture of the relationship between the service innovation and experiential marketing of the AEC and the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of Amway. The study was conducted with the method of questionnaire survey, complemented with focus interviews. The questionnaires were delivered at the Distributor Centers in Taipei area, aiming at career-type distributors, general distributors and consumer-type customers. Totally, 600 questionnaires were delivered, among which 510 were collected ultimately, reaching a total questionnaire reliability of .974. In the part of focus interviews, 8 career-type distributors and 2 Amway executives were interviewed. Findings of the study show that all interviewees gave a high opinion of the performance of Amway in terms of service innovation, experiential marketing, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition, through regression analysis and other related analyses, it can be seen that Amway members think that the better the performance of service innovation, the higher the customer satisfaction and loyalty, similarly, the better the performance of experiential marketing, the higher the customer satisfaction and loyalty. Through focus interviews, it can be seen that the interviewees have very high satisfaction with Amway’s performance on service innovation and experiential marketing. They also suggested that Amway make full use of the AEC to hold more activities that are suitable for consumers to participate in.

從創新擴散模型分析台灣能源技術服務業(ESCO)的發展 / Using "Diffusion of Innovation" theory to analyze the development of ESCO business in Taiwan

林恭平, Lin, Kung Ping Unknown Date (has links)
在當前全球受到全球暖化所帶來許許多多氣候異常現象,造成人類生命財產安全的嚴重影響,世界各國莫不致力於節能減碳,開發再生能源來取代目前的石化燃料。 美國在1970年代能源危機期間所提出的ESCO(Energy Service Company) 的概念,如今又獲得各國的青睞。 台灣於引進此一新的概念也有十年之久,在業界也一直不斷有專家,技術人員不斷的投入努力,經濟部能源局近年來也不斷的倡導節能服務的好處,甚至還推動一些補貼措施。 本研究主要是以Everett M. Rogers的創新擴散模型為理論基礎,研究台灣ESCO產業為何無法如高科技消費性電子產品般很快速的擴散到社會每一個角落,有哪些因素阻礙了台灣ESCO產業的發展。 本研究主要得到的結論如下,阻礙台灣ESCO產業擴散的因素可從三個構面來分析,第一個構面為創新擴散構面,Rogers所提出的五種創新認知屬性對於台灣ESCO產業的擴散都有一定程度的影響。另外在溝通管道上所採用的B2B行銷方式對於客戶決策也會影響擴散的速度。至於時間因素,本研究認為五年是比較恰當的觀察台灣ESCO產業發展的觀察期間。第二個構面可以從台灣獨特的經濟特質來說明,台灣以中小企業為主的經濟環境無法如歐美般有Super-ESCO規模的公司,這也導致了客戶信賴度以及未能產生以服務為導向的ESCO能源服務,台灣若還是以設備買賣為主要ESCO產業的商業模式,是會阻礙此產業的發展。第三個構面為政府的角色,台灣政府在投入ESCO產業的資源及推動此產業發展的企圖心不若美國政府。 本研究經研究結論後,提出具體的建議: 一、 要加速此產業的創新擴散就必須加強 Rogers創新擴散模型中的可觀察性屬性。 二、 跨越產業鴻溝的重點在於讓早期採用者滿意ESCO的方案。運用保齡球道理論,讓早期採用者所形成的利基市場對於ESCO節能服務能夠滿意,產生具示範效果的成功案例,才能伺機擴張至其他的利基市場,最後形成龍捲風暴,順利跨越此產業的鴻溝。。 三、 本研究對於台灣ESCO產業的發展的看法是審慎保守的。台灣ESCO產業的發展絕不是短短幾年就可以看到成效,本研究建議以五年為一個觀察期。目前以中小企業為主的ESCO業者必須要儘快的建立自己的優勢,儘早建立口碑,未來才有機會生存。 / Global warming is the most seriously problem we are facing in 21th century. All the countries devoted to reduce the carbon emission in order to minimize the impact of climate change. The business model of ESCO (Energy Service Company), which has been created in US during 1970 energy crisis, now has been advocated worldwide. The ESCO business model has been introduced into Taiwan for more than 10 years. There are many talent people, specialist engaged in this business. Taiwan government has also promoted ESCO some subsidies. However, even the society put a lot of efforts to develop ESCO business, why this business cannot spread out as consumer electronics? This thesis adopts the theory of “Diffusion of innovation” from Everett M. Rogers, 1962. The main purpose of this study is to find out why ESCO service business model cannot diffuse like other high-tech products. Are there any obstacles slow down the development of this industry? This thesis comes to the conclusion of three faces, which can significantly influence the development of ESCO business in Taiwan. The first face based on the diffusion of innovation theory, the five attributes of innovation defined by Rogers will affect the development of ESCO industry in Taiwan. Of course, the B2B marketing approach will delay the propagation of the ESCO industry. Moreover, this study suggest that 5 years watching window should be appropriate to monitor the development of the ESCO industry in Taiwan. The second face is the Taiwan unique economics environment. The ESCO industry in Taiwan is formed mostly by Middle-small size enterprises. In comparison with US, there is no Super-ESCO company exists in Taiwan. This study found out the truth that the client is not confident on middle-small size company to provide ESCO service. The common business model of ESCO industry in Taiwan is still focusing on selling the energy efficient product instead of providing energy service to the client. The study believes that this kind of business model will severely impact the development of this industry. The third face of the conclusion is the government role in Taiwan. The study found out that Taiwan government didn’t allocate enough resources to assist developing ESCO business. This thesis not only indicated the obstacles to slow down the ESCO business in Taiwan but also provide some constructive initiatives. 1. We have to concentrate on the visible attributes in diffusion of innovation theory for ESCO industry. 2. In order to cross the chasm, ESCO has to satisfy the early adapters in the beginning. They can also build up the bowling pin model to keep the existing niche market and explore the adjacent niche market when the opportunity comes. Thus, ESCO can create tornado period and cross the chasm in the industry. 3. The study is conservative about the development of Taiwan ESCO industry. We suggest that 5 years watching window should be proper to monitor the development of Taiwan ESCO industry. The ESCO companies in Taiwan should establish their strengths the sooner the better in order to survive for the future severe market competition.

臺北市國民中學校長變革領導、教師組織承諾與學校創新經營效能關係之研究 / A study on the relationships among principals’ change leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and school innovative management effectiveness in junior high schools in Taipei City

周婉玲, Chou, Wanling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究國民中學教師所知覺的校長變革領導、教師組織承諾與學校創新經營效能之關係,根據研究結果提出建議,以做為教育行政機關、國民中學校長,以及未來相關研究之參考。 本研究以臺北市立國民中學之教師為對象,採問卷調查法,以「國民中學校長變革領導、教師組織承諾與學校創新經營效能問卷」進行抽樣調查,抽取541位教師為樣本,回收415份,回收率為76.7%,以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸等統計方法加以分析。獲得以下結論: ㄧ、臺北市國民中學整體校長變革領導現況屬良好程度,各層面以「提升危機意識」最好,以「組織變革團隊」最後。 二、不同學歷及擔任職務背景變項之教師對於校長變革領導的知覺具有顯著差異;不同教師性別、教師年齡及教師服務年資等變項無顯著差異。 三、不同學校規模、學校歷史、校長年齡、校長在該校服務年資、擔任校長總年資及校長學歷等學校背景變項之教師對於校長變革領導的知覺具有顯著差異;不同校長性別變項無顯著差異。 四、臺北市國民中學整體教師組織承諾現況屬良好程度,各層面以「努力意願」最好,以「留職傾向」最後。 五、不同教師年齡、教師最高學歷、教師服務年資及教師擔任職務等背景變項教師對於教師組織承諾的知覺具有顯著差異;不同教師性別變項無顯著差異。 六、不同學校規模及校長最高學歷背景變項之教師對於教師組織承諾的知覺具有 顯著差異;不同學校歷史、校長性別、校長年齡、校長在該校服務年資、擔任校長總年資等背景變項無顯著差異。 七、臺北市國民中學整體學校創新經營效能現況屬良好程度,各層面以「學生活動創新效能」最好,以「課程教學創新效能」層面程度最後。 八、不同教師擔任職務背景變項之教師對於學校創新經營效能的知覺具有顯著差異;不同教師性別、教師年齡、教師最高學歷及教師服務年資等變項無顯著差異。 九、不同學校歷史及校長年齡背景變項之教師對於學校創新經營效能的知覺具有顯著差異;不同學校規模、校長性別、校長在該校服務年資、擔任校長總年資,以及校長最高學歷等背景變項無顯著差異。 十、校長變革領導與學校創新經營效能之間具有正相關;教師組織承諾與學校創新經營效能之間具有正相關。 十ㄧ、校長變革領導各層面以「形塑學校文化」及「營造變革環境」對學校創新經營效能具有預測力,總解釋變異量為42.3%。 十二、教師組織承諾「留職傾向」、「努力意願」及「組織認同」三層面對學校創新經營效能均具有預測力,總解釋變異量為36.2%。 十三、校長變革領導與教師組織承諾對學校創新經營效能之聯合預測,共有「形塑學校文化」、「努力意願」、「留職傾向」、「營造變革環境」及「組織認同」五個層面對整體學校創新經營效能具有預測力,總解釋變異量為50.1%。 最後,根據研究結果提出下列幾點建議: ㄧ、對教育行政機關的建議 (一)規劃變革領導相關課程及訓練,提昇新任校長變革領導能力。 (二)多挹注相關資源給小型及老舊學校,以強化學校競爭力。 (三)鼓勵資深且治校有方之校長至亟須大力整頓之小校或老校服務,以救亡圖存,提升學校創新經營效能。 二、對國中校長的建議 (ㄧ)洞悉學校發展需求,掌握時機節奏進行變革領導。 (二)拔擢人才充分溝通,將組織發展目標與個人發展目標相結合。 (三)鼓勵教師在職進修與時俱進,與學校之各項變革相契合。 (四)發揮教師社群力量,授權學歷高有意願教師帶動學校課程與教學創新。 (五)落實教學輔導照顧資淺教師,發揮老幹新枝經驗傳承的力量,並強化組織承諾與留職傾向。 (六)設立各項教師獎勵措施,激勵教師內外在成就動機,增強對學校向心力。 (七)積極爭取經費與各項資源,改善硬體設備,打造嶄新優質的學校環境。 (八)建構各項創新變革方案回饋循環模式,營造創意的學校文化。 / The main objective of this study is to investigate the relationship among principals’ change leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and school innovative management effectiveness which teachers perceive, and to propose suggestions based on the results, for the reference of educational administration authorities, junior high school principals, and relevant future studies. In this study, faculty of junior high schools in Taipei City is picked as subjects and questionnaire survey is adopted. The researcher formulates “junior high school principals’ change leadership, teachers’ organizational commitment, and school innovative management effectiveness questionnaire,” and randomly selects 541 teachers as samples. In a rate of 76.7%, 415 replies are returned and then analyzed in methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, product-moment correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The following conclusions are obtained: 1. The present situation of principals’ change leadership is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “raising the sense of danger” ranks to the top, while “organizing teams for change” ranks otherwise. 2. Teachers bearing different education backgrounds and duties perceive principals’ change leadership significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, and service seniority show no significant difference. 3. Teachers of different demographic variables such as school size and history; principals’ age, local seniority, total seniority, and education background perceive principals’ change leadership significantly differently; while the variable, principals’ gender, shows no significant difference. 4. The present situation of teachers’ organizational commitment is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “desire for putting efforts” ranks to the top, while “tendency to retain the job” ranks otherwise. 5. Teachers of different demographic variables such as age, education level, service seniority, and duties perceive teachers’ organizational commitment significantly differently; while the variable of gender shows no significant difference. 6. Teachers of different demographic variables such as school size and principals’ education level perceive teachers’ organizational commitment significantly differently; while some other variables such as school history; principals’ gender, age, local seniority, and total seniority show no significant difference. 7. The present situation of school innovative management effectiveness is up to fine level. Among all the aspects, “innovative effectiveness of pupil activity” ranks to the top, while “innovative effectiveness of course and instruction” ranks otherwise. 8. Teachers bearing different duties perceive school innovative management effectiveness significantly differently; while teachers of other variables such as gender, age, education level, and seniority show no significant difference. 9. Teachers of some demographic variables such as school history and principals’ age perceive school innovative management effectiveness significantly differently; while some other variables such as school size; principals’ gender, local seniority, total seniority, and education level show no significant difference. 10. Principals’ change leadership is positively related to school innovative management effectiveness; teachers’ organizational commitment is also positively related to school innovative management effectiveness. 11. School innovative management effectiveness is most predictable for “to shape school culture” and “to establish change environment” among all the aspects of principals’ change leadership, accounting for 42.3% of total variance. 12. Teachers’ organizational commitment is predictable for each aspect, including “tendency to retain the job,” “desire for putting efforts,” and “approval of organization,” accounting for 36.2% of total variance. 13. When combining principals’ change leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment, school innovative management effectiveness is predictable for five aspects, including “to shape school culture,” “desire for putting efforts,” “tendency to retain the job,” “to establish change environment,” and “approval of organization,” accounting for 50.1% of total variance. Finally, based on the results, the following suggestions are proposed: 1. Suggestions for educational administration authorities (1)Arrange related courses and trainings of change leadership to improve newly nominated principals’ ability to lead changes. (2)Invest more relevant resources to small or old schools to make them more competitive. (3)Encourage senior principals who are good at management to aid small or old schools in need, for saving and improving their innovative management effectiveness. 2. Suggestions for principals in junior high schools (1)Understand what is required for school development thoroughly, and seize the timing for processing change leadership. (2)Select talented people, communicate sufficiently, and combine organizational and personal goals of development. (3)Encourage teachers to take in-service education to catch up the pace of the times, and to better cooperate with changes applied at school. (4)Fulfill the power of teachers’ community through authorizing highly educated and willing ones to promote innovation of courses and instructions. (5)Perform instructive guidance and assistance to help less senior teachers, pass on experiences, and strengthen organizational commitment and tendency to retain the job. (6)Establish reward system to inspire teachers’ both inner and outer motivation, and enhance the centripetal force to their school. (7)Actively endeavor to obtain money and resources and improve hardware to build quality environment. (8)Establish circulating feedback pattern of innovative change blueprints to produce creative atmosphere of school.

知識密集服務業之知識管理與服務創新之關聯性研究 / The relationships among knowledge management and service innovation in knowledge-intensive business service firms

洪鳳儀, Hung, Feng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
全球的經濟發展階段已進入知識經濟與服務經濟時代,在知識經濟與服務經濟的交錯發展下,服務業當中依賴專業知識或是特定技術或特定功能領域,並具有高附加價值之知識密集服務業,成為下一波的經濟成長動力。有鑑於知識是知識密集服務業創新的基本要素,知識密集服務業如何透過有效的知識管理提升組織知識的價值,進而不斷的產生創新性的產品或服務,以形成企業的競爭優勢,為企業在經營管理上的重要課題。 本研究將知識密集服務業之知識管理與服務創新模式相結合,探討當企業將知識管理作為策略性工具來實現服務創新的目標時,兩者之關聯性。同時,本研究並深入分析知識密集服務業之知識管理促動因子、知識管理活動以及服務創新的重要影響因素。本研究之研究對象是以一家在國內已推行知識管理多年,且服務創新相當成功的法律事務所作為代表性個案進行研究,並經由學理驗證得出以下研究結論: 在知識管理促動因子與知識管理之關聯性得出以下結論: 1.領導者的態度與明確的知識管理策略是知識管理成功的關鍵因素。 2.企業的團隊合作文化與信任文化越盛行,知識創造與擴散活動越容易進行。 3.資訊科技的選擇性導入,有助於提升組織知識吸收、蓄積與擴散的速度。 4.企業是否提供員工長期性的獎勵措施,會影響員工對知識吸收、創造與擴散活動的參與意願及貢獻程度。 在知識密集服務業之知識管理活動方面得出以下結論: 1.在知識密集服務業的公司,輸入及吸收外部知識是組織能持續進行知識創造的重要方式。 2.基於知識密集服務業之高專業性、高知識密集性的特性,人員的知識與技能是公司知識蓄積的主要載體。 3.知識密集服務業的公司採取以師徒制度為主,教育訓練為輔的人員訓練方式,對知識擴散活動有正面的影響。 在知識密集服務業之服務創新方面得出以下結論: 1.知識密集服務業的公司會根據市場變化與客戶需求來創新服務概念,以提升核心競爭力。 2.知識密集服務業之新客戶介面的重要創新因素,在於能依據實際及潛在客戶的需求特性,建立具有附加價值的服務平台,以提升顧客滿意度。 3.在知識密集服務業的公司,完善的人員教育訓練與人才培育是新服務傳遞系統的重要創新因素。 4.成功創新的知識密集服務業者,於新服務概念、新客戶介面、新服務傳遞系統三構面間的相互配合程度相當良好。 在知識密集服務業之知識管理與服務創新的關聯性得出以下結論: 1.知識密集服務業之知識吸收與創造活動,有助於加速新服務概念的形成。 2.知識密集服務業與客戶間的知識吸收與創造活動,有助於建構符合客戶需求之新客戶介面,並降低創新過程中不確定的風險。 3.知識密集服務業之知識蓄積與擴散活動,對新服務傳遞系統的進行有顯著的正面影響。 4.知識密集服務業將知識管理作為創新服務的策略性工具時,有助於加速實現服務創新的目標。 / In the 21st century, the world economy has two highly important developments: the rise of the service sectors and the growing role of knowledge. Especially, the service sectors have increased dramatically in recent years and they occupy a large share of the economy of advanced industrial societies. Among the service sectors, knowledge-intensive business services (KIBS) is strong momentum of the economic growth. As “knowledge” is a basic element of KIBS’s innovation, how to implement knowledge management effectively to enhance the value of organizational knowledge and make KIBS continually produce innovative products or services as well as create a competitive advantage is an important issue on business management for enterprises. This research aims to combine knowledge management with service innovation and to analyze when KIBS firms adopt knowledge management as a strategy to achieve the objective of service innovation, the relationships between knowledge management and service innovation. This research also describes the issues of knowledge management enablers, knowledge management activities and service innovation implemented in KIBS firms. Additionally, this research, through a case study conducted on a successful law firm in Taiwan, further explored the relationships between knowledge management and service innovation. The conclusion of this research may include in four aspects: 1.The findings of the research regarding relationships between knowledge management enablers and knowledge management in KIBS are as follows: (1)Leadership and clear knowledge management strategy are critical success factors in knowledge management. (2)The more teamwork culture and trust culture existed in KIBS firms, the easier knowledge creation and diffusion activities implemented. (3)Application of appropriate information technology in KIBS firms can enhance the speed of organizational knowledge absorption, accumulation and diffusion. (4)Whether enterprises can offer long-tem incentives to employees will affect employees’ participation willingness and contribution degree for knowledge absorption, creation and diffusion activities thereof. 2.The findings of the research regarding knowledge management activities in KIBS are as follows: (1)In KIBS firms, input and absorb knowledge from external sources is an important manner of continually facilitating knowledge creation. (2)Based on KIBS’s characteristics of high professional and high knowledge-intensive, personnel’s knowledge and skills are main carriers of knowledge accumulation in KIBS firms. (3)In KIBS firms, adoption of “mentoring-based, education and training-supplemented” as staff training methods will make positive impact on knowledge diffusion activities. 3.The findings of the research regarding service innovation in KIBS are as follows: (1)To enhance the core competitiveness, KIBS firms will create “new service concept” in accordance with market changes and customers’ needs. (2)In KIBS firms, a critical innovation factor of “new client interface” is whether they can build a value-added service platform in accordance with actual and potential customers’ needs so as to enhance customer satisfaction. (3)Successful education and training on employees is a critical innovation factor of “new services delivery system” in KIBS firms. (4)In successful KIBS firms, organizational interaction and coordination between “new service concept”, “new customer interface” and “new service delivery system” would be excellent. 4.The findings of the research regarding relationships between knowledge management and service innovation in KIBS are as follows: (1)In KIBS firms, through knowledge absorption and creation activities, it can speed up the formation of “new service concept”. (2)Through Knowledge absorption and creation activities between KIBS firms and their clients, it can assist KIBS firms in building “new client interface” and reducing potential risk in the innovation process. (3)In KIBS firms, knowledge accumulation and diffusion activities may make a significant positive impact on “new service delivery system”. (4)When KIBS firms adopt knowledge management as a strategy to innovate services, it can speed up to achieve the objective of service innovation.

服務創新關鍵成功因素與經營績效之研究 / Analysis of the business performance with the KSF of service innovation

劉淑惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討服務創新所具備的關鍵成功因素與所影響的企業經營績效指標的評估架構。並進一步探討影響企業經營績效指標的服務創新關鍵成功因素間的比例權重。 本研究歸納相關次級資料後進行分析,並採用「量化研究」方法-AHP層級分析法,建立「服務創新關鍵成功因素與經營績效評估架構」。再針對台灣進行服務創新且擁有自有品牌的製造業進行專家問卷以探討「服務創新關鍵成功因素與經營績效」各因素的權重關係。 研究結果顯示: 一、 整體台灣進行服務創新且擁有自有品牌的製造業,其四大服務創新經營績效主要影響因子相對權重,依重要程度排序以「顧客滿意度」(0.405)為最高,其次是「顧客忠誠度」(0.339)、「外部服務價值」(0.139)、「內部服務品質」(0.114)。 二、 整體台灣進行服務創新且擁有自有品牌的製造業,其影響服務創新事業經營績效的服務創新關鍵成功因素重要性前六名,以「根據品牌精神創造新的服務價值主張」(0.176)為最重要的服務創新關鍵成功因素。再依序為「顧客感受的產品與服務的品質」(0.113)、「消費前後顧客感受到企業行銷服務品質」(0.101)、「對服務創新事業的持續性投資與承諾」(0.089)、「具有競爭力的產品與服務的價格」(0.079)、「在服務體系中維護價值共創共識與技術傳遞機制以維持企業在價值體系中的地位」(0.074)。 最後,本研究根據研究結果進行理論及實務意涵的討論,並提出後續研究建議。

開放式架構產業的產品創新研究--以華碩 Eee PC及宏達電 Smart Phone 為例 / A study of product innovation in open system industrial--cases of ASUS Eee PC & HTC smart phone

許先越, Hsu ,Hsien Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的產業發展一向以製造業為主,但現在則普遍認為服務業才是我們未來應該努力的方向,但是如何在這個轉型的過程當中,利用我們原本的製造相關能力,來加值服務相關的產業,是一個重要的議題。 在開放式架構產業之中,許多新產品的開發,已經不能以過去傳統技術導向的思維進行。因此希望透過實務與理論上的結合,選定以華碩Eee PC以及HTC做為討論個案,進一步的探討「產品創新」之相關議題。 因此,本研究之主要研究問題為: 一、 身處開放性架構產業(Open System Industrial)的公司在進行「產品創新」時的相關內部條件為何? 二、 開放性架構產業(Open System Industrial)中的產品如何進行「產品創新」活動? 三、 開放性架構產業(Open System Industrial)中的「產品創新」與產業內「基石公司(Keystone Company)的關係」之影響。 四、 開放性架構產業(Open System Industrial)中,「產品創新」要如何提高競爭者之進入障礙,以避免競爭者快速跟進、抄襲及模仿。 本研究以Brown(2010)所提出的成功構想的三大準則:技術可行性、商業存續性、客戶需求性,以及本研究所提出之「與基石公司關係」構面,進行開放性架構產業之產品創新議題之探討。 透過理論以及實務的互相印證,本研究歸納出六點主要研究發現,分別為: 一、 Open System Industrial 的產品創新可以著重在以使用者為中心及如何提供客戶最佳的使用者經驗這一部份最容易成功。 二、 深厚的技術基礎是支撐產品創新的重要關鍵。 三、 建構一個組織,讓內部每個部門都有Design Thinking 的想法會是未來產品創新成功的關鍵。 四、 產品創新不應該只侷限於產品本身,而是應該延伸到整體的使用經驗及提供完整的解決方案,因此除產品本身之外可能包括服務、內容等相關的議題。 五、 在Open System Industrial的產業中要做產品創新,與Keystone Company 息息相關,務必尋求基石公司的支持,最底限要取得他們的諒解,如果能合作開發會是最佳狀況,任何違反基石公司利益的動作務必三思而後行。 六、 在新產品開發的過程當中如果有發現任何可以差異化的部份,務必立刻申請專利保護,如果沒有辦法申請專利,最底限度要與技術提供者盡量爭取時間差,創造最大的時間價值。 / In the past, the development of Taiwan industry was emphasized on the Manufacturing. In recent years, it’s generally agreed that the Services is the new way of the Taiwan industry. In the industrial restructuring process, using the manufacturing ability to value-adding the related industries is the important issue. In the open system industry, we cannot use the Technology-oriented method to arrange the new product development issues. In order to discuss the “Product Innovation” issue, the study chooses two successful product innovation cases. By discussing the cases of ASUS Eee PC and HTC, we expect to find out answers of the following questions: 1. What are the internal conditions of the firm to carry out the product innovation when the firm belongs to the open system industry? 2. How does the open system industrial firm’s product carrying out the product innovation issue? 3. How does the Keystone Company affect the open system industrial firm’s product innovation issue? 4. How to create the entry barriers to prevent the plagiarism of competitors when the firm belongs to the open system industry? The study adhering to the three criteria for successful ideas (Brown, 2010), which are Feasibility, Viability and Desirability. The criteria are critical to the Design Thinking. Besides, the study proposed the fourth dimension of the criteria for successful ideas, and it’s “The Relationship with the Keystone Company.” Six main contributions: 1. The product innovation in the open system industry should focus on providing the best User Experience. 2. The strong technology ability is the key point of the product innovation. 3. To build a Design Thinking organization is the key point of the future product innovation. 4. The product innovation shouldn’t limit to the product itself, and it should extend to the overall User Experience and Total Solution. So the product innovation should include the product, service and other contents. 5. The Keystone Company plays a pivotal role in the product innovation issue. The firm of the open system industry should acquire the supporting from the Keystone Company. It’s best to cooperate with the Keystone Company. 6. If there’s any chance to make differentiation, the firm should apply for patent protection immediately. If the firm cannot apply for patent protection, the firm should strive for the time difference to maximize time value.

IC設計產業創新服務營運之研究 – 以山寨產品之案例分析 / An innovation service model study of IC design industry – cases study over Shanzhai products

王德仁 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣半導體產值已佔全球半導體產值的百分之二十,而臺灣IC設計產值亦已佔全球第二位之重要位置,然而現今在全世界之市場、產品定義、及產品規範都掌控於歐美世界大廠之手,臺灣IC設計產業如何擺脫低價競爭之厄運,甚至有時就算低價競爭,也無法在歐美IC設計大廠已攤平開發成本下,在價格上取得任何優勢;因此在原有臺灣IC設計產業舊有之經營模式,大陸山寨市場提供一個絕佳從資通訊產業上、中、下游之產業鏈重組之模式,臺灣IC設計產業因此在經營模式上必須找出一可以創造產業鏈上、中、下游多贏之經營模式。山寨手機是目前相當成功的一個案例,也創造出一個華人市場特有的手機產業鏈模式,因此此一成功案例也成為目前臺灣IC設計產業最想複製並找出其中致勝之道。 本研究主要探討之問題有四:晶片設計產業,在擴散其核心競爭力時,往往是跨產業別之新的開始,應考量之要點為何? 為切入成熟市場,新的晶片設計公司從”邊陲市場”切入該產業時,產品需提供何種差異化?需提供何種服務並如何取捨? 晶片設計公司原本為腦力密集產業,強調是小而美;然而面對現今山寨產品之風行,山寨系統廠將營運重心轉往銷售及量產管理,則晶片設計公司在組織上如何因應此種產業分工之改變? 晶片設計公司之核心能耐擴展,在山寨市場所需具備之條件為何? 本研究主要藉由策略與組織、技術能力、與市場因素三個構面做為主要分析架構。由三主要架構再細分各架構之變項,在策略與組織中,共有企業經營團隊、核心競爭優勢、組織架構、及網絡定位等變項;在技術能力中,則有過去所累積之產品開發經驗、內部知識傳遞之效率、外部可利用之資源網絡、產品開發管理制度、組織學習能耐及企業之知識管理系統等變項;在市場因素中,則有市場需求之變化、產品行銷、產業合作網絡、及政策因素。 本研究所獲得之研究發現則針對於策略與組織、技術能力、與市場因素此三構面分別描述如下: 一、 在IC產業擴展產業別時,穩扎穩打以鞏固進入產業核心競爭力之根基為企業領導者之主要任務,因此循序漸進為較適當之策略展開作法。 二、 IC設計公司為對客戶提供更多的服務,且面對新的挑戰時,從現有組織分出一獨立組織,或是在公司內部創造出新的組織結構,以便重新定義新流程或定義新的工作型態。 三、 當IC設計產業為因應山寨產業之生態,若需跨足原先IT產業分工中,屬於品牌廠所需負責之工作時,因財務之負擔,必須審慎以對。 四、 企業以”邊陲進入”之模式切入成熟產業,若在硬體平台相類似下,僅以低成本之差異,但無法取得消費者在其他產品特性方面之認同,則將難以形成產品認同。 五、 企業在跨入其他產業時,利用購併之方式快速取得核心技術,重新定義新任務所需之流程及價值觀為首要任務。 六、 技術追隨者在進入市場時,選擇以”邊陲市場”進入為一正確之選擇,然而利用”五力分析”分析市場競爭者之動態,隨時調整本身策略為更重要之功課。 / According to the market report, 20% market share of world wide semiconductor market is supplied by Taiwan’s companies, and the total market share of Taiwan’s IC design house is ranked as second within world wide IC design companies. But until now, all of the product definition and product specification are dominated by USA or Europe companies. Even to offer the price competition strategy to the target market, sometimes Taiwan’s IC design house also cannot break even by the traditional quickly follower business model. China market offers a good market, which is different with the traditional business model, to re-organize the business chain, and we called it as “Shanzhai” market. Taiwan’s IC design company could define a new business supply chain to win back some market share within the mature market. “Shanzhai” mobile phone market is a successful case, and it also create a special business supply chain within Chinese countries. Based on this successful case, other Taiwan’s IC design companies also want to analyze and find out the successful business model. Within this research, there are four questions should be covered, and shown as below.  Within the IC design industry, what’s kind of consideration should be discussed when it try to expand it’s core competition?  When a new IC design company want to cut in a mature market, what’s kind of service should be considered except the product differentiation?  IC design house is a high technology company and focus on small size but with high quality engineers. If IC design companies tried to target on servicing the “Shanzhai” market, they how to re-organize the traditional organization to meet the different models with small quantities business models.  To expand the IC design house core competition for servicing “Shanzhai” market, what’s kind of conditions should be prepared? Within this research, it consists and discussed from three dimensions which are strategy and organization, technology capability, and market factors. Under the three dimensions, there are some detailed key factors should be covered. Under the strategy and organization, it should cover company management team, core competition analysis, organization structure, and the position within the supply chain. Under the technology capability, it should cover the product development experience, the knowledge communication efficiency internally, the learning capability of new technology, and knowledge management system. Under the market factor, it should cover the analysis of market demanding, market promotion, business cooperation, and policy consideration. By the three dimensions(strategy and organization, technology capability, and market factors), this research have the following finding. 1. When the IC design company expand it’s core business, it is better to expand the core business sequentially as it’s strategy. 2. In order to provide more new services other than traditional services of IC design company, the IC design house is much better to organize a new supporting organization or re-organize a new section to support to re-define the working SOP or define a new working model. 3. In order to service the “Shanzhai” market, the IC design company may involve the service of traditional brand name company’s business. The financial burden is a critical issue should be considered at first. 4. When the IC design house tried to step into a mature market as technology follower, it should try to find other differentiation point other than lower price only. 5. When the IC design house try to merge other IC design company for quickly step into a new market, the first priority is to re-define the new working SOP and target task for new group. 6. The technology follower select a second/or third priority market as their target market is a correct selection. But the most important is to adjust the own strategy dynamically according to competitor’s status.

產品專案創新類型與新產品開發關鍵成功因素及其管理之個案研究 / Product project innovative types and critical success factors of new product development case study

林冠亨 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討新產品開發關鍵成功因素與其管理方式,以及產品專案創新類型如何影響新產品開發關鍵成功因素之重要性,並辨別在不同產品專案創新類型下可提升新產品開發專案績效之關鍵成功因素。本研究以國內某汽車製造公司為個案研究對象,並透過問卷調查與統計分析之結果提出以下四項結論: 一、新產品開發關鍵成功因素構面包含供應商、技術母廠、經銷商、高階主管與跨功能團隊、新產品開發管理、績效評估與獎酬等六大構面。於新產品開發過程中,企業針對各構面設有相關的管理作法。 二、新產品開發關鍵成功因素之重要性會受產品專案創新類型不同而有所差異。 三、在大改專案下,高階主管與跨功能團隊構面、新產品開發管理構面、績效評估與獎酬構面對新產品開發專案績效構面有顯著正向影響。 四、在小改專案下,供應商構面、高階主管與跨功能團隊構面、績效評估與獎酬構面對新產品開發專案績效構面有顯著正向影響。 / The study focuses on several topics: critical success factors of new product development, product project innovative type’s influence on relative importance of critical success factors, identification of critical success factors which improve project performance in different product project innovative types. The study applies case study based on one motor manufacturing company, questionnaire, and statistical analysis. The results are as follows: 1. Critical success factors of new product development include supplier dimension, technical parent company dimension, distributor dimension, upper management and cross functional team dimension, new product development management dimension, performance appraisal and reward dimension. During the project time, the company establishes proper management regarding various dimensions. 2. The importance level of critical success factors is influenced by product project innovative types. 3. Under big projects, three dimensions which include upper management and cross functional team dimension, new product development management dimension, performance appraisal and reward dimension, have positive impact on project performance dimension. 4. Under small projects, three dimensions which include supplier dimension, upper management and cross functional team dimension, performance appraisal and reward dimension, have positive impact on project performance dimension.

消費性耐久財創新擴散決定因素之研究-以蘋果iPad為例 / A study on consumer durables innovation diffusion dominant factors - based on Apple iPad

呂政霖 Unknown Date (has links)
現代科技產業發達,「消費性耐久財」,也就是所謂的科技產品日新月異,新產品推出後開始其創新擴散與為大眾所接受的過程。在科技產品相同品項中,常存在著代表標準的主流技術或產品,而該主流品牌易成為上下游廠商競相合作的對象,這樣的地位也保證著高度的消費者採用意願。個人自我創新特質可決定是否採用新技術產品,不可忽略的是來自週遭人群採用的網路外部性影響,越多人採用能降低使用上的風險與不確定性,並提高生活與工作上的效率;互補性產品推出亦會因多人採用而越發完善,如此便能更確立其產品或技術在市場中的主流地位。 本研究以2010年初上市的蘋果電腦iPad為主要被接受科技,至今已帶動許多科技大廠投入平板電腦市場,其中不乏電腦與智慧型手機業者,甚或是電信業者亦欲加入此新世代多點觸控風氣盛行的平板電腦產業,蘋果電腦iPad的銷售量居高不下,顯示其儼然已位居主流產品地位。為了能探究其活化已瀕臨死亡的平板電腦市場之因,本研究認為應以創新擴散理論、科技接受模型與網路外部性的組合做為研究探討基礎理論,並採用品牌形象、涉入程度與資訊構面來輔佐加強,以達到與過去國內科技產品創新接受模型的差異化的目的,提供不同方向的切入點。本研究盼能在以問卷量化設計的構面採用中,將蘋果iPad此等消費性耐久財的廠商面與消費面間策略取得平衡探討,提供給平板電腦廠商思考行銷與聯盟策略上的參考依據,而本研究結果發現如下: (一) 個人內在創新特質與兩種外部因素代表的網路外部性,會正面影響採用者對於蘋果iPad的正面創新知覺特質,形成正面的採用態度;在採用者部份負面創新知覺特質上,也有負面效果存在。 (二) 尚未購買者的採用意願較不受負面創新知覺特質影響,正面知覺特質有助於增加已購買者的未來繼續採用意願。 (三) 有形與無形品牌形象中,唯有無形者對於繼續採用意願的增強無效。 (四) 加入對於蘋果iPad產品涉入程度考量後的廠商與消費資訊,並不完全提升對繼續採用意願的影響效果,且對於採用意願無顯著影響。 故整體而言,平板電腦廠商,應能由廠商與消費面切入思考產品研發與行銷策略,由目標市場的需求做基礎考量新產品功能,並善用品牌、銷售與廠商策略聯盟資訊,增強採用者的好印象,才能真正擴散其創新科技以達永續經營。 關鍵字:創新擴散、科技接受、網路外部性、涉入程度、品牌形象 / Global technical industry booms, especially the “consuming durable,” or the so-called “technical products” evolves fast. After new products are launched, the innovation diffusing and generally accepted procedure starts. Among the same technical items, there is always a mainstream technology or product which could play the role as a referred standard. And the mainstream brand would easily become the one that up and downstream manufacturers long to cooperate with. The position will also present the highly consumer accepting intention. Self-innovation could be an important dominant factor deciding whether to accept product with new technology. However the external network effect from the acceptance of people around is indispensible as well. As a rule of thumb, more acceptances could reduce the risk and uncertainty when using the targeted product or technology. Meanwhile, this will also increase the efficiency in daily life or at work. Complementary goods would develop more completely because of mass acceptance and this way it will help ensure the mainstream role of product or technology in the market. The research would take Apple iPad which was launched in the early of 2010 as the main accepted technology. It has encouraged many famous technical firms to join the new generation tablet PC market, including not only the originally computer and cell phone but also telecommunication firms. The highest sales among the tablet PC market showed iPad’s role as the mainstream product and technology. This research would take innovation diffusion theory, technology acceptance model and network externality as the basic theoretical combination to discuss the phenomenon that iPad helped excite tablet PC market. Besides, we add brand image, involvement, and information factors to our research framework so as to distinguish from and hope could provide more perspectives to the past theories discussing consuming durables’ innovation diffusion. And we expect to design ideal questionnaires including all the factors discussed, strike a discussing balance between firm and consumer strategies, and providing the consequence for Tablet PC firms’ considering marketing and cooperation strategies as supporting references. The following points are main conclusions of this research: 1. Internal self innovation and two kinds of network externality have positive effects on consumers’ positive innovative perceptions when accepting iPad; negative effects on negative innovation perceptions. 2. Potential buyers’ accepting intentions are less affected by negative innovative perceptions, but positive innovative perceptions would positively affect buyers’ continuing accepting intentions. 3. Only intangible brand image has no effect on buyers’ continuing accepting intentions. 4. After taking iPad product involvement into consideration, we found that the effects of information on accepting intentions will not be enhanced but will have partial effect on continuing accepting intentions. Considering everything, Tablet PC firms should do the product R&D and marketing plan on the basis of firm and consumer, launch the new function by taking consumer’s demand into consideration, and take full advantage of brand, sales and firm cooperation information to leave good impression on consumers. This way, they could really diffuse innovation and fulfill the goal of eternal operation. Keywords: Innovation Diffusion, Technology Acceptance, Network Externality, Brand Image, Involvement.

貿易公司新商業模型研究:以傢俱行業為例 / A new business model for trading companies in furniture industry

丁經武 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,互聯網及資訊通訊技術的發展使得買方和賣方之間的交流溝通更為通暢,交易成本降低,因此單純從事買賣中間業務的貿易公司的作用變得越來越小,其生存空間不斷縮小。國際貿易公司如果仍然只是接受國外訂單,組織國內貨源,進行出口交貨,這樣的代理角色必然會缺乏競爭力,並逐漸被市場淘汰。在傢俱行業之中,貿易公司也面臨著這樣的問題。 本研究從供應鏈整合、交易成本、服務創新等理論出發,結合傢俱行業貿易公司發展的實際情況,提出了一個新的傢俱行業貿易公司商業模型。新商業模型建議貿易公司進行客戶整合、供應商整合及內部整合,有助於公司降低交易成本、更好的服務客戶,提升原有服務品質並提供新的附加服務,增強貿易公司的競爭力及績效。 並且本研究使用一個實際的企業案例來說明該商業模型應用,通過實際的例子說明了該商業模型的運作方式,包括目標市場定位、經營業務、人員編製、營收估計及投資效益分析、風險及敏感性分析,同時也證明了該商業模型確實能夠為企業帶來效益增長與長遠發展。本研究具有理論意義及實踐意義。

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