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集團企業跨業多角化與知識管理關連之研究 / Diversification of the conglomerate company to the new industry: from the view of knowledge management

張凱鈞, Zhang, Kai-Jun Unknown Date (has links)
由於國內市場競爭激烈與本業成熟化,我國集團企業的多角化程度高,且跨業的意願也高,但是這些跨業多角化的績效卻不如預期的理想。本研究認為集團跨業多角化時應該發揮 「知識」的範疇經濟,也就是善用集團現有的核心知識,將這些知識帶入新產業內,並使用適當的知識管理模式管理集團內與集團外的知識,進而創造出新的核心知識與競爭優勢,以提升集團跨業多角化的成功績效。 本研究以 「知識理論」為基礎,探討集團跨業多角化中,知識流通、知識蓄積、知識整合與知識創造及產業創新間的關連,並以個案研究的方式推導出相關的命題與結論。主要的研究發現與結論如下: (一)知識的特性會影響集團企業跨業多角化的知識流通方式。 本研究將知識分為兩個特性,即專屬性與內隱性,跨業多角化所流通的核心知識中,專屬性高的知識流通來源主要來自集團內,而內隱性高的知識流通媒介主要以人員移轉或引進的方式。 (二)多角化的知識管理模式會影響新核心知識的創造。 本研究認為知識管理模式包括知識流通、知識蓄積與知識整合,得出以下的結論: 1.跨業多角化的知識創造都需要有集團外的知識流通。 2.跨業多角化的知識創造會將專屬性低、內隱性高的知識轉化為專屬性高、內隱性低的知識,也就是將蓄積在個人的知識,外顯化成為蓄積在實體系統的知識。 3.跨業多角化過程中,知識的整合會建構新的核心知識。 4.集團外與集團內知識的整合成功是集團跨業多角化知識創造的主因。 (三)集團多角化企業的知識創造將會影響產業創新。 本研究發現,集團跨業多角化的創新來自於新核心知識的創造,而該企業應用新核心知識的創新將促成該產業的創新。

原住民學生創造力發展及其相關因素之研究-年級、性別、教師教學創新行為、父母教養態度、社會支持與創意經驗、創造思考能力之關係 / The Development of Creativity in Aborigine Students.

李慧賢, Lee, Wai Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要基於環境脈絡對創造力發展之重要性,並從發展的角度來探討原住民學生的創造力,主要探討處於截然不同文化脈絡中的原住民,其環境因素如何影善其創造力的發展;了解原住民學生的創造力、影響創造力發展的環境因素之現況,並探討人口變項(年級、性別)及環境知覺變項(學生知覺其最喜歡的一位老師的「教師教學創新行為」、「父母教養態度」、「環境支持」-社會支持及創新支持)與創意經驗、圖形/語文創造思考能力的關係。   本研究以臺灣地區國小、國中、高中(職)原住民學生為取樣對象,有效樣本共646名(國小男117,女137;國中男149,女129;高中(職)男64,女50)。所使用的研究工具包括「創意經驗開放問卷」、「生活經驗量表」、「我的老師」問卷、「我的父母」問卷、「環境支持量表」。研究中使用之統計方法包括因素分析、信度分析、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關等。本研究主要結果如下:   一、原住民學生很少有創意經驗,其中(1)較常有的創意生活經驗是「開放心胸」、「生活風格的變化」、最少有的是「電腦程式設計」,整體而言,女生多於男生。(2)在「得獎獲選次數」部分,超過20%的學生有得獎或獲選:班級幹部、體育、孝悌楷模等、歌唱、繪畫、作文之經驗,整體而言,女生多於男生。(3)在創造思考能力部分:年級愈高,女生在「圖形創造思考能力」的分數愈高,且不論在那一個年級,女生皆高於男生。在「語文創造思考能力」部份,年級愈高,男、女生的分數都愈高;不論在那一個年級,女生皆高於男生。   二、原住民拳生之創意經驗與創造思考能力之相關中,(1)九類創意生活經驗中,除「電腦程式設計」以外,其餘皆與圖形、語文創造思考能力有顯著的正相關,且與「語文創造思考能力」的相關皆高於與「圖形思考能力」的相關。(2)「得獎獲選次數」與圖形、語文創造思考能力有顯著的正相關。   三、在年級與創造力的關係中:(1)高中(職)學生比國小、國中學生有較多的「運用新知精益求精」、「開放心胸」、「製造驚喜意外」、「舊瓶新裝」、「得獎獲選次數」等創意經驗;(2)國小、國中畢生皆比高中(職)學生有較多的「電腦程式設計」經驗;(3)高中(職)李生的比國小學生有較高的圖形、語文創造思考能力。   四、在性別與創造力的關係中:(1)女生比男生有較多的「運用新知精益求精」、「表演藝術創新」、「視覺生活的設計」、「開放心胸」、「得獎獲選次數」等創意經驗;(2)男生比女生有較多的「電腦程式設計」經驗;(3)女生比男生有較高的圖形、語文創造思考能力。   五、在學生知覺其最喜歡的一位老師的「教師教學創新行為」方面(1)學生知覺其最喜歡的老師在教學上的確有一些創新行為;不同年級在這種知覺上並沒有顯著差異,女生則比男生知覺到更多老師在教學上的創新行為。(2)學生愈是知覺到其最喜歡的老師在教學上有創新行為,其各種創意生活經驗也愈多,但年級愈高,相關的情形愈少,所有達顯著的相關係數中,以與「運用新知精益求精」最高,且女生的相關係數大致比男生高;(3)學生愈是知覺到其最喜歡的老師在教學上有創析行為,其得獎獲選次數愈多,尤以國小女生為然;(4)學生愈是知覺到其最喜歡的老師在教學上有創新行為,其圖形、語文創造思考能力愈高,尤以國中男生為然。   六、在學生知覺的「父母教養態度」方面:(1)學生知覺其父母教養態度還算重視成就要求盡力、積極教養主動參與,且「重視成就要求盡力」高於「積極教養主動參與」,國中學生知覺到的父母教養態度平均數是最低的;(2)學生知覺其父母教養態度愈是「重視成就要求盡力」、「積極教養主動參與」,其各種創意生活經驗也愈多,但年級愈高,相關的情形愈少,高中(職)女生甚至愈是知覺到父母「重視成就要求盡力」的態度,其「電腦程式設計」經驗愈少;(3)學生知覺其父母教養態度愈是「重視成就要求盡力」、「積極教養主動參與」,其得獎獲選次數愈多;(4)學生知覺其父母教養態度愈是「重視成就要求盡力」,其圖囤形、語文創造思考能力愈高。   七、在學生知覺的「社會支持」方面:   (一)在一般社會支持方面   (1)畢生知覺其一般社會支持以朋友支持最多、家庭支持次之、學校支持最少。(2)學生知覺受到愈多一般社會支持,其各種創意生活經驗也愈多,但年級愈高,相關的情形愈少,甚至出現負相關:高中(職)男女生的「學校支持」愈多,圖形、語文創造思考能力愈低;此外,「家庭支持」、「學校支持」愈多,「生活風格的變化」經驗愈多;「朋友支持」愈多,「運用新知精益求精」經驗愈多;(3)學生知覺受到愈多一般社會支持,其得獎獲選次數愈多,且以「朋友支持」最明額;(4)學生知覺受到愈多社會支持,其圖形、語文創造思考能力高,但三種支持中只有「朋友支持」愈多時,圖形、語文創造思考能力會愈高。   (二)在「創新支持」方面:   (1)學生知覺其創新支持以朋友支持最多、家庭支持次之、學校支持最少;年級愈高,朋友支持愈多;年級愈小,學校支持愈多;(2)李生知覺受到愈多創新支持,其各種創意生活經驗也愈多,但年級愈高,相關的情形愈少,甚至出現負相關:高中(職)男生的「學校創新支持」愈多,「電腦程式設計」經驗愈少,高中(職)女生的「學校創新支持」愈多,語文創造思考能力愈低;此外「家庭創新支持」愈多,「科學的創新的問題解決」經驗愈多;「朋友創新支持」愈多,「運用新知精益求精」、「開放心胸」經驗愈多;「學校創新支持」愈多,「生活風格的變化」經驗愈多;(3)學生知覺受到愈多創新支持,其得獎獲選次數愈多,且以「朋友創新支持」最明蘋;(4)學生知覺受到愈多創新支持,其語文創造思考能力愈高,但三種支持中只有「朋友創新支持」愈多時,語文創造思考能力會愈高。 / 646 aborigine students in elementary school (grade 5-6), junior high school(grade 2), and senior high school (grade 2)were studied to examine the relationship between grade, sex, social-environmental factors and creativity. Creativity were measured as creative experiences and creative thinking ability. Results indicated that elder students showed higher creativity than the younger ones andthat girls tender to be more creative than boys.There is a largely significant correlation between teacher creative behaviors, parenting style, social support which aborigine students perceived and their creativity.

服務業創新成功因素之研究-以我國銀行業為例 / A Study of Success Factors of Services Innovation Based on Bank Industry in Taiwan

闕河楠, Chueh, Her Nan Unknown Date (has links)
關於製造業其新產品的成功因素,國內外學者早已做過廣泛的研究,亦提出許多寶貴的結論與建議。反觀服務業創新成功因素這方面的研究,一直到1980年代後期,學者才開始對新型服務採用實證的方法來進行研究。而專門針對「服務業的創新成功因素」來探討的,則是一直到1991年才開始。   本論文主要探討在探討下列問題:   一、了解服務業業者如何衡量新型服務是否成功?其衡量的變數有那些?最主要的衡量指標又是什麼?   二、經由文獻探討與個案訪談的結果,得知新型服務的成功關鍵因素為何?   三、經由個案分析的結果,發展本研究之命題。   本研究係採用個案研究的方法,透過文獻整理與訪問四家銀行所得到的五個個案,歸納出的主要結論有:   一、衡量新型服務績效的方法中以「營業收入與市場佔有率的績效」最常為業者所使用,其次為「競爭性的績效」與「外溢效果」,至於「成本績效」的衡量,則較少為業者所使用。   二、「新型服務的開發過程」的各項活動的執行品質,對新型服務績效的影響甚鉅。因此,在推出新型服務時的業者應力求行銷、技術和上市的活動執行品質之提高。   三、「服務或專案的性質」這個構面來看,其主要的關鍵因素為服務的獨特性和優越性,其次為產品╱市場的配合。而在「服務的特性」這個構面中,只有服務的專業化是影響新型服務成功與否的關鍵因素。

台灣資訊服務業進入中國零售通路市場關鍵成功因素之研究-以A公司為例 / The research on the key success factor of Taiwan it services at china retail market – a case study of company a

王盛中 Unknown Date (has links)
中國市場具備龐大內需實力,預期2027年將成為世界第一大經濟體,已成為全球注目及亟欲進入以獲取商機之必爭之地。中國零售業自改革開發迄今30年中,連鎖零售企業門市總數由2003年4.7萬家增加至2006年12.4萬家,批發零售貿易業零售總額,由2002年2,973億人民幣增至2007年7,561億人民幣;零售業者對IT系統需求自2000年僅止於足敷前台收款及後台物管相關連結能正常運作,至2005年起開始重視管理層面的有效性考量,至2009年起更甚而重視系統建置於數據擷取後的分析於績效展現及決策運用;零售企業在IT上的平均投資額由2004年的50餘億人民幣增加至2008年100億人民幣。台灣資訊服務產業軟硬體及系統應用整合開發能力均已臻成熟,在同文同種及地理優勢下,此刻正是揮軍中國市場的絕佳時機。 本研究結果顯示,台灣資訊服務業或可參考A公司以「市場定位目標明確性」及「持續動態發展的經營策略」為基礎的經驗,藉由外部資源引進及內化成果紮根的同步展現,建構符合市場發展階段需求之企業優勢。此外;台灣資訊服務產業若能採以專業分工垂直或水平整合形成策略聯盟夥伴關係,掌握市場需求脈動與即時供給具完備性服務內容,當可合力擊退其他國際企業,大規模實質搶攻大陸商機。 / The enormous potential of China domestic market was expected to become the world's largest economies in 2027, the demand has caught the world's attention and desire to explore the great opportunity. After 30 years of development since economy reformation , China retail industry has grow the total number of retailers from 4.7 million in 2003 to 12.4 million in 2006; the total sales revenue of retail business increased from 297.3 billion RMB in 2002 to 756.1 billion RMB in 2007. Whereas in the mean time, retail IT system has expand its function from POS and back office management in 2000 to the efficiency of business management in 2005, and furthermore, IT requirement expand to data capture and analysis for decision supporting system in 2009; along with the increasing demand of information management, the capital investment in IT has increased from 5 billion RMB in 2004 to 10 billion RMB in 2008. With years of development, Taiwan information service industry now has great opportunity to enter China retail market by leveraging its culture homogeneity and geographical advantages with established core competence in both hardware and system integration. This research explores how company "A" could be a reference for Taiwan information industry. Company "A" build up its core competences thru "market positioning" and "dynamic business strategy", with the integration of external resources and internal talents in different development stages. Pursuant to the reference, if Taiwan information services industry could establish vertical integration or horizontal strategic alliance or partnerships, and keep the same pace with market demands and provide total solutions in timing basis, Taiwan information service industry should be able to compete with international major players of the industry and be part of the rapid growth of China retail business.

平台型開放式企業的形塑過程:i mode 與 blade.org 個案探討 / Formation of the open platform:case studies of i-mode and blade.org

黃繼平, Huang, Ji Ping Unknown Date (has links)
自從二十世紀末以來,管理學者就開始高倡環境不再穩定,企業必須做出相應的改變,才能維持競爭優勢,持續生存下去。為了適應當今的動盪環境,企業發展出網絡式組織的型態,甚至形成跨越組織、互補共存的「平台」與「社群」。同時,企業也發覺自己無法掌握所有的創新靈感、人才、資源,必須跨越組織的疆界,向外尋求協助,進行「開放式創新」。新型態的組織正在成形,尤其發生在高知識密集或者高科技產業中。台灣以高科技產業聞名事業,供應鏈佈局全球,不久的未來(甚至是現在)極有可能產生諸多新型態的組織,因此我們不得不重視這樣的趨勢。 本論文在文獻探討的部分,把焦點放在三大議題上:開放式創新、平台企業、協作社群。吾人試圖尋找這些互異現象的整合架構,從學者的文獻中規納理論架構,找出形塑「開放平台」的重要面向,分別是「核化」與「拔尖」。接著以NTT DoCoMo從1990年代開始發展的i-mode平台,以及IBM在2005年成立的Blade.org社群作為分析個案,用以證實該理論架構的可行性。 最後,本論文歸納出以下結論:首先,企業建構平台時,須運用組織內部資源,但擺脫組織惰性;其次,當企業本身對平台控制程度高時,由企業來形塑平台的使命陳述。企業本身對平台的控制程度低時,平台需要有替代機制,為平台擬定發展方向;第三,發展平台須掌握最小限度的控制,最大程度的發揮;第四,尋求外部連結必須儘量跨越產業,讓平台有更多不同的應用,使平台擴大;第五,平台的形塑過程是個動態過程。 / Management scholars claim the business environment has been dramatically change since the end of 20th century. Enterprises have to respond the transformation of such environment in order to pursue the sustainable advantage and constant deveplopment. To adapt to the dynamic and using knowledge efficiently and effective, enterprise has changed from bureaucracy to networking and cross-boundary organization, which are the so-call platform or community type organization. In the meantime, enterprises gradually find out that they are unable to deal with all the ideas, human resources and corporate assets. Instead, they have to cross the boundary, seek assistance from outside innovators. New type of organization is going to emerge, especially in the knowledge-intensive or high technology industries. Taiwan is world-famous for its development of high technology industry. Also, networking connections among the high-tech companies are widely expanding all over the world. Therefore, it is expectable that the new type of organization will be formed in Taiwan in the near future, and it worthwhile for us to pay attention to the trend. In the content of this paper, the literature review is primarily focused three major issues: open innovation, platform enterprises and collaborative communities. This paper has tried to put the three different kinds of system into an integrated framework, together with inclusion from the scholars' theories, to conclude that an open platform can be formed in two dimensions. These two dimensions are called "coring" and "tipping". To conduct a case study, the research also chose for purpose of analysis and attempted to prove the feasibility of the integrated framework. The cases were obtained from business operational phenomena of companies respectively: i-mode which is owned by NTT DoCoMo, and Blade.org, which is owned by IBM. The research came to the conclusions in five aspects. First, while building the open platform, enterprise should manipulate the resource of the existing business and try to shed the inertia as well as the bureaucracy. Second, a platform leader has to mould the mission statement for the platform controlled by the leader in a great degree. If the platform is not close to the leader, the leader has to create a substitute institution to replace the function of the leader. Third, a manager has to maintain minimum control to facilitate the members of the platform to develop the function and performance heartily by their own. Fourth, a platform leader should try its best to connect with the outside innovation across the industries and develop various applications for easy access. Fifth, formation of the open platform is always a dynamic process.

跨國研發區位選擇與研發網絡治理之研究-以海峽兩岸台商為例 / A study of transnational R&D location choice and R&D network governance: Examples for Taiwan’s manufacturing industry across Taiwan strait

林淑雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以區域創新系統觀點,分析在兩岸區位優勢差異下,影響台灣製造業廠商兩岸研發區位選擇及廠商研發網絡治理情形,強化既往研究未同時關注台商、兩岸地區及偏重個案研究的不足之處;經實證結果發現,區位優勢、研發部門類型、市場規模、政策條件、產業群聚、知識流通及研發經費投入等變數為台商兩岸研發區位佈點的影響變數,除了市場規模及市場型研發部門與研發區位選擇呈現負向關係外,其他皆與區位選擇呈現正向關係,顯示除因台灣市場規模太小造成台商選擇至對岸設立研發部門外,台灣在其他表現上皆較對岸具有吸引力,台灣仍具有不可忽視的區域創新能量,建議政府部門應在產業政策上有新作為,提供廠商各項研發所需要的協助,以吸引更多本土企業於台灣設立研發部門,以不斷累積及提升台灣的研發競爭力。 區域創新系統強調區域內行動者的網絡連結及互動,形塑該地區無可取代的區域特色,為彌補研發區位選擇的量化研究,無法表達出區域創新系統內廠商在地化網絡連結及互動的情況,本研究在研發網絡治理部分以華碩企業集團為研究對象,探討其如何運用本身及當地資源,建立在地化網絡及維持網絡關係運作等網絡治理議題,經研究結果發現,由於華碩企業集團具有豐富的研發經驗、高水準的研發人員及雄厚的資金,扮演在地化網絡主要行動者的角色,掌握與其他行動者(例如政府部門、研究機構、大專院校及其他廠商等)間關係建立的主導權,在研發技術的傳遞上係以公司內部的垂直組織網絡為主要傳遞路徑,與區域創新系統內各行動者的網絡關係及在地鑲嵌程度不強。 / With the viewpoint of regional innovation system, this paper analyzes the impacts of R&D locational choices and enterporises’ R&D network governance that manufacturing firms in Taiwan have under the differentiation of locational advantages between China and Taiwan as well as consolidates some points which are incompletely focused in the past on Taiwanese firms, two sides of Taiwan Strait, and overweighing case-studies. The empirical evidences bring that the impacts of variable to locational distribution of Taiwanese manufacturing firms across the strait are many: locational advantages, the types of R&D unit, the scales of market, policy conditions, industrial clusters, knowledge flows and R&D investment. Except for the negative correlations between the scale of market/type of R&D unit and R&D locational choices, the rest variables have the positive correlation with R&D locational choices, which means that, barring that the scale of market in Taiwan is so small that Taiwanese firms choose to institute R&D spots in China, other variables in Taiwan are more attractive than those in China; Taiwan possesses innegligible energy of regional creativity. The suggestion is that the government has to take new actions on industrial policy, providing the assistance to R&D that enterprises need, in order to attract more and more local enterprises to set up their R&D functions in Taiwan for accumulating and advancing Taiwan’s competitive power continuously. Regional innovation system emphasizes on actors’ network linkages and interactions within one region, shaping irreplaceable regional characteristics for that region in order to atone for the quantitative research of R&D locational choices which cannot express the situation of enterprises’ localized network linkages and interactions within regional innovation system. Taking ASUS as example, this research, in terms of network governance, confers how ASUS draws on own and local resources for network governance issues like establishing localized networks and maintaining the operation of network relations. After the analysis, it is found that, on account of ASUS with abundant R&D experiences, high-level R&D staffs and tremendous funds, ASUS plays the role as key actor in the localized network, controlling the predominant power established by relations between other actors (i.e. public sectors, research institutes, colleges/universities, other enterprises and so on). In terms of R&D technology transfer, vertical networks in the inner company as main transfer passage is less attached with every actor’s network relation and its local embeddedness within regional innovation system.

創新能耐對於OEM轉型ODM導向企業之影響 - 技術領導與競爭優勢之個案研究 / The influence of innovative capability on OEM transfer to ODM-oriented enterprises - a research on leading technology and advantage competition

宋子喬 Unknown Date (has links)
現今,產業競爭已轉變成全球性的競爭,台灣代工企業與國際知名品牌企業、高科技產業存在著“共存共榮”的臍帶關係,台灣代工企業必須不斷提本身之高度競爭力以維繫其不可取代之地位,否則即面臨客戶轉單、甚或被淘汰之命運。各代工企業不僅要在其生產技術上需保持領先的地位,更需在競爭策略上尋求轉型升級與技術創新,以避免被競爭者所取代,並擺脫製造代工的微利競爭;因此,當今代工企業的風險在於持續的創新能力,雖說早期代工企業僅需專注於代工製造,但隨著產品的大量生產與使用規格之統一,加上資訊之普及與快速,技術能力漸趨一致,不再是高門檻難以跨越,導致市場競爭就愈形激烈。代工企業不能只憑一招半式獨闖江湖,代工企業成長獲利的關鍵,不只在於成本管理或者製程改善,更在於敏銳的市場預測能力與核心競爭力,而從各種明確之例証顯示,創新能耐之建立更是長治久安不可或缺之主要成功因素;宏達電從為世界知名手機品牌製造代工高階智慧型手機起家,進而轉型至設計代工,一直到自創Dopod品牌,接著又將品牌重新命名為HTC;華碩電腦(ASUS)從為世界PCB 製造代工(OEM),進而轉型至設計代工(ODM),一直到2007年成功開發” Eee PC “ Netbook (小筆電),並於2010 年與和碩(PEGATRON)分家,和碩(PEGATRON)代工企業與華碩電腦(ASUS)品牌經營正式分道揚鑣;這種種跡象充分顯示為唯有建立創新能耐才能尋找出核心競爭能耐的方向及重點,也才能決定企業在產業價值鏈的位置與所從事的價值活動。 企業從製造代工經營模式進入設計代工經營模式,在逐步接手研發價值活動後,設計代工經營模式開始投入自主研發,其目的在於提供品牌企業客戶更具競爭力之有效創新方案,並與品牌企業客戶取得充分分工之夥伴關係;因此透過研究個案公司的轉型歷程,探討面對詭譎多變的大時代,企業如何藉由建立自我創新能耐,進而建立自我核心能耐,從製造代工經營模式轉型升級設計代工經營模式,也藉由其經營績效的表現,來驗證轉型升級的策略所帶給企業的實質利益,最後對企業提出當面臨轉型升級時之具體建議,以作為其他面臨經營困境的製造代工企業之參考。 / Today, competition has turned into a global competition, the Taiwanese OEM companies with international famous brand enterprises, high-tech industries there is a deeply relationship of "living together", the Taiwan OEM companies must be constantly enhancing their competitiveness in order to maintain they valuable position that its status can not be replaced, otherwise face the status of cancel the order by customer, or even the fate of being eliminated. The business of OEM was not only in its production technology to keep the leading position, but also need to seek the transformation and upgrading of competitive strategy and technological innovation, in order to avoid being replaced by competitors, and get rid of low-profit competition; therefore, today's risk of OEM business rely on the continuous innovation capability, although early OEM business only needs focused on manufacturing, but as a large number of production run and use specifications of unity, plus information on popular and fast, and specifications become more standardized, it’s no longer a high thresholds and can’t pass through, resulting in the market competition is increasingly fierce. OEM business cannot only rely on go it alone, meant that the OEM business key profit enterprise growth is not only to improve cost management, or process, but also to keep a keen market prediction capabilities and core competencies, and examples from a variety of shows that innovation is the ability to establish long-term stability indispensable primary success factors; HTC from the world famous OEM business of high-end smart phones started, and then transferred to a ODM business, has been to own Dopod brand, and subsequently the brand re-named the HTC; ASUS Computer from PCB OEM in the world, and then transferred to ODM business, has been successfully developed "Eee PC" Netbook (mini Notebook) in 2007, and it was separated PEGATRON (ODM) and ASUS in 2010, PEGATRON officially parted ways with ASUS brand management; these signs appear only when you full build innovation ability to find out the core competitive ability of the direction and focus, you can also decide your positioning and activities in the value-chain of enterprise. When OEM model transfer to ODM model, and gradually took over the value activities in the R&D (Research and Development), the ODM model started independent research and development, which aims to provide brand enterprises more competitive. effective and innovative solutions, and set up the good partnerships with brands companies; therefore, through the case study, and face the challenge era, how to build self innovation by popularity, and establish core competency, from OEM model transfer to ODM model, but also put to the proof of its operating performance, to verify the transformation and upgrading policy that can make a profit of enterprise, and finally provide specific suggestions to enterprises when face on transformation and upgrading situations, I hope it also can be for reference to other OEM companies that they are facing difficulties.

環境經營思維之演進過程-奇異和日立之個案研討 / Environment management thinking evolution stage: a case study of Ge and Hitachi

溫志中, Wen, Chih Chung Unknown Date (has links)
企業必須因應環境的變化而做出適當的策略決策,只有不斷加強自己核心能力,並且提出正確的策略的企業才能夠面對大環境的改變而不被淘汰。如今企業必須面臨的改變,來自環境氣候變遷而延伸出的政府與環保團體更多的要求、綠能科技的進步、消費者對綠色產品的喜好等趨勢。在這樣的外部環境下,企業除了被動地減少污染之外,其實還有更多創新的可能性藏著環境策略的背後,提早準備的企業將可以運用這些策略,建立更長久的競爭優勢。 本研究整理環境管理策略的相關研究,從歷史、能力與生態系統三個觀點分析企業環境管理思維的變化,進而提出三階段的論點:第一階段為產品(製程)改善、第二階段為價值共創,最後一階段為模式創新,這是一個由內而外的過程,先從企業內部本身的產品與製程改善做起,再結合外部其他不同產業的公司共創更高的價值,最後經由技術更新或事業再編而達成模式創新改變整個產業的遊戲規則。 為了應證三階段的管理思維演進,本研究針對美日各選擇一家領導企業:奇異電器和日立集團,作為討論的個案。美國與日本的領導企業面對的是最競爭的第一線戰場,對於環境管理有許多先進的觀點,但美日企業文化的不同,也造成兩家企業在環境管理上的差異。藉由三階段的觀點分析兩家個案公司在環境管理思維的做法,本研究期望可提供未來產業及後續研究者一個關於環境管理的做法與方向。

創新作為:科研團隊的組織作為與知識創生 / Innovation organizing: how top-performing researcht eams organize for knowledge creation

歐素華, Ou, Su Hua Unknown Date (has links)
當代文獻對知識創生的討論,多集中在知識的有效移轉與管理,較少由組織集體能力的養成觀點,進行探討。然而,隨著全球化與網際網路的興起,跨組織疆界的研發創新,已不能僅單純由知識有效移轉的角度觀察,而必須由分散式組織的管理,由社群實務的觀點,進行討論。尤其,跨領域科學家的專業社群,不但深富高度的知識涵量,更經常能因應環境的動態變化,產生突破性創新成就,而具有重要研究價值。本研究以台灣著名科學社群─「無線奈米生醫團隊」為調查田野,並由這個科學社群特殊的知識能力養成(organizational knowledgeability)著手,分析社群成員的工作脈絡,以掌握社群組織如何持續有效創生知識。 研究發現,科研知識養成的基本功、察覺使用者創新需求的敏銳度、巧妙橋接內外部資源的中介能力、以及持續參與專業社群運作的社群力,構成集體能力養成的重要內涵。從實踐社群(CoP)的觀點來看,這四種能力的養成過程,正是一個科學新手逐步蛻變為創新高手的能力累積;更是他由合法的社群周邊參與,逐步進階到核心社群決策的進程。 創新不是天分,而是養分。當一個科研人才,一個科研團隊,能不斷取得來自專業學術社群的知識養分,他就能源源不絕,產生創新知識。而這也正是所謂頂級發表的內涵。一篇好的專業學術發表,他體現的價值不但是專業學術社群的肯定而已,更是個人或團隊能力累積的極致成就。本研究最後則探討本案例對社群實務的知識創生與研發創新文獻上的啟示,並點出對科學團隊與研發機構的實務意涵。 / Nowadays, product or service innovation often requires highly specialized experts to work closely, such as the design of computer server or performing a cardiovascular surgery. Studies of knowledge creation put more focus on knowledge management and knowledge transfer. However, we know relatively little about how distributed organizations, such as experts communities create knowledge. This study focuses on a top-performing scientific community—the Wireless Health Advanced Monitoring Bio-Diagnosis System (WHAM-BioS) in Taiwan. This team consists of leading scientists from nano-technology, bio-technology, information technology and network communications from different scientific disciplines. This study aims to examine their knowing practices of scientific invention. This research will contribute to theories on knowledge creation through the lens of practice. By analyzing the organizational knowledgeability, this paper suggests organizations reconsider the knowing of cross raining ( or learning by doing),sensitivity of users’ painpoints, brokering resources and participating in tier one academic communities as the collective capabilities of scientific community. These four elements as five organizing capabilities will contribute to the knowledge creation and community of practices literatures.

團隊偵錯與創新之相關研究 / A study of team failure-detection and team innovation

林燊揚, Lin, Shen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
現今變化快速的環境下,科技團隊面對研發過程中日益增高的失敗率,失敗帶來打擊但也可能是創新的來源。然而,團隊創新的研究卻少有團隊失敗、錯誤與創新關係的研究。有鑑於此,本研究以國內485位研發工程師(某法人單位35個團隊共323位成員、科技產業38個團隊共162位成員)共計73個團隊為研究對象。本研究檢視錯誤管理實務(團隊偵錯能力與團隊錯誤溝通能力)與團隊創新績效之間的關係、錯誤管理實務與錯誤管理氛圍(錯誤學習信念與情緒)的關係、錯誤管理氛圍與前導因子(鼓勵實驗、教導型領導、目標清晰度、衝突處理方式)的關係。結果發現:(1)團隊偵錯能力越高時,團隊創新績效越高;(2)群體從錯誤中學習信念越高時,團隊偵錯能力越高;(3)團隊鼓勵小型實驗與主管進行教導型領導時,群體錯誤學習信念越高。顯示錯誤管理是團隊創新中不可忽視的一環。   另本研究發現教導型領導、鼓勵實驗對團隊形成錯誤學習信念有正向影響,與社會認知理論呼應。本研究也發現,團隊之年資多樣性與錯誤處理情緒與錯誤溝通能力皆呈負向影響。 / Extending previous research on team error management, this thesis is conducted to examine the antecedents, error management climate, error management practice and consequences of team innovation. Data is collected from 35 R&D teams (an anonymous government research institutions in Taiwan) and 38 R&D teams (Top 1000 Technology enterprises in Taiwan). We give the following three hypotheses. First, we hypothesize that detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills influence team innovation performance. Second, we hypothesize that error management climate (shared belief and emotion) influence detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills. Third, we hypothesize that effective coaching, clear direction, conflict management and encouragement of experiment influence error management culture (belief and emotion). The results of structural equation model analysis revealed that detecting capability positively predicts team innovation performance. Shared belief positively predicts team detecting capability. The results also show effective coaching and encouragement of experiment positively predict shared belief which is extended from social cognitive theory. Results of the analysis also indicate that tenure diversity negatively predicts error management emotion and misunderstanding communication skills.

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