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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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中國對臺策略﹕柔性攻勢 / China’s soft power strategy towards Taiwan

白亞芬, Bieniek, Aleksandra Unknown Date (has links)
Since the beginning of this century China has been expanding its influence in the South-East Asia region and beyond. It has introduced a new term to describe its pre-superpower status - a “peaceful development”. The PRC has been creating a new country brand for its legitimacy as a rising power - it underlines that it doesn’t want to interfere in any country’s internal matters, and relationship with China is mutually beneficial to all, who choose to cooperate with it. The brand-creation process reached its peak during the recent Olympic Games held in Beijing in August 2008. China showed its rich history and tradition, connected with high level of governmental and individual entrepreneurship, which has brought it to the position of the fastest growing economy in the world. The same brand creation strategy, as in the case of international strategy, has been used towards the Taiwanese in order to fulfill the big dream of “One China”- to reach the strategic goal of unification. Taiwan Strait has been considered as one of the potential trouble spots in the rivalry between the current (USA) and coming (PRC) superpowers. For this reason, researchers, political advisers and decision-makers need to keep a close eye on the events in the Strait. Currently the Taiwan – China relations seem to experience a détente, but as Taiwan is a democratic country and there are other than KMT players on the domestic political arena, next president might change his perspective and lead the Formosa to the collision course with the PRC and the PLA. Therefore the matters regarding bilateral relations of the ROC and the PRC need to be handled with a particular care in order not to cause an unnecessary military confrontation, most likely even the nuclear one. The general interest of this paper is to assess the influence of the rising interdependence between Taiwan and China on the Taiwanese people, and try to predict the future of Taiwan and the development of its relationship with the PRC. That is why this study wants to empirically examine China’s means to achieve its most wanted goal - incorporation (integration) of Taiwan and obtaining territorial integrity of the “Greater China” area.

一個經濟弱勢兒童學校生活經驗之研究 / A study on the school experience of an economically disadvantaged child

胡慧君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的為以「經濟弱勢兒童」為對象、「學校生活經驗」為範疇,試圖「由兒童個體本身」出發,探究經濟弱勢兒童的學校生活經驗(對學校的態度、人際適應、學習適應、常規適應及自我概念情形),期能穿透經驗地了解經濟弱勢兒童的想法與感受,由其立場、角度體察其在教育歷程中的需要,以提供教育工作者及福利政策實務更多來自經濟弱勢兒童本身的觀點。 本研究採「質性研究方法」與「個案研究方法」,以參與觀察為主,訪談與實物蒐集為輔,蒐集一位來自經濟弱勢家庭的國小高年級兒童的學校生活經驗相關資料。分析後依序呈現其在學校生活經驗的諸多面向—對學校的態度、人際適應、學業適應、常規適應及自我概念情形。 來自經濟弱勢家庭的故事主角,透過各種生理、行為及心理上的表現,表達對學校內畏懼事務的無力與恐懼,形成對學校「懼學、拒學」的態度。而長期遲到及未能持續上學,不只影響了她的學習表現,更使其從班級活動中漸漸被排除,尤其當老師視其為特殊分子而以標準外的態度相待,即使是出自善意,卻使弱勢者的處境更形孤立,同儕對其弱勢身分的烙印更加強烈,班級裡的「社會排除」使其由主流分離,面臨了更加邊緣的弱勢處境。然而,老師的愛心關懷、善意協助卻無助改善其學校生活,中產階級與經濟弱勢階級的價值差異及未經理解的企圖改變,致使師生間未能產生實質交流,本故事的主角依然朝氣蓬勃地拒絕上學。而逃避上學的結果則使其在學習上不得輪迴的永處失敗區,儘管在看似絕望的學習態度下,偶仍有學習動機,但面對強大、難以招架的習得無助感,幾乎使她喪失信心,失去勇氣,形成對上學無助又無奈的態度。在常規適應上,安份守己、「不會惹事」是她最引以為豪的事,然而所謂的安份守己、「盡量」不惹事卻也隱含了對同學欺侮和輕蔑態度的忍耐壓抑,及對學校或老師能主持正義或終止欺凌失去信心。此外,長期處於孤單、被排除及習得無助感的打擊,面對學校生活,她也出現抑鬱、自我貶抑的情況。 最後,除了對研究初衷的反省與思考,亦分別對教育實務與後續研究提出若干建議。在教育實務上,除設置「學校社會工作師」協助家庭、教師和學校整合地處理弱勢兒童問題外,亦可減輕教師教學事務負擔,以增進班級導師和經濟弱勢學生的互動品質,而教師亦應試以「轉化型知識份子」的角色,協助經濟弱勢兒童自我增能,並思考如何突破種種結構體制上的限制,創造一個可協助弱勢者「增能」的學習體制。在後續研究上,建議未來相關研究,可在理解之虞,更進一步探究學校場域中,教師和經濟弱勢兒童的師生關係、互動歷程及在互動歷程中如何協助其增能的可行策略,並對經濟弱勢兒童的街頭世界進行認識與理解。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the school experience (including attitude toward school, interpersonal adaptation, academic adaptation, regulation adaptation, and self-concept) of an economically disadvantaged child who is a high-grade elementary school student from a low-income family. Educators and welfare policy makers can refer to this study to better understand the outlook and feelings of children from similar backgrounds. This is a qualitative case study that uses participant observation as the main source of data, complemented by interviews and document analysis. After collecting the relevant information on this economically disadvantaged child, her school experience is presented in accordance with her attitude toward school, interpersonal adaptation, academic adaptation, regulation adaptation and self-concept. The character of this story expresses her powerlessness and fear in school physically, behaviorally and psychologically, and exhibits fear and unwillingness with respect to her studies. She is often tardy and is unable to attend school regularly. This not only affects her academic performance, but also results in that she is tending to be excluded from class activities by classmates, especially when the teacher gives her special treatment. By treating her differently, even if out of goodwill, the teacher is making her situation worse in that her classmates increasingly identify her as belonging to a “minority group”. In a sense, exclusion in the classroom is no different from social exclusion. Though teachers are willing to help, there is still no improvement in her school life. It seems that value differences between the middle class and the economically disadvantaged, as well as attempts to bring about change without fully understanding the circumstances in a student’s life, are not conducive to effective teacher-student communication. She is energetic, yet resists going to school and shows a poor academic performance. Even though she occasionally exhibits motivation for learning, the sense of helplessness she brings from home robs her of confidence in her schooling. In regulation adaptation, she takes pride in abiding by school rules and staying out of trouble. However, this implies that she might be enduring bullying from her classmates and that she lacks confidence in the ability of her teachers and her school to prevent it. Due to the resulting sense of isolation and helplessness, she exhibits depression and self-deprecation in her school life. In addition to a discussion on the original intent of this study, recommendations for educators and for future studies are also offered. In education practice, school social workers can help families, teachers and schools to collectively address the problems that disadvantaged children face. At the same time, we should lighten the burden on teachers and improve relationships between teachers and economically disadvantaged students. Furthermore, teachers should try to be “transformative intellectuals” who can empower these children, by considering methods that can surpass the limitations of contemporary institutions. In future studies, researchers may explore teacher-student relationships, interactive processes between teachers and economically disadvantaged children, as well as feasible strategies that can empower economically disadvantaged children. Another topic for future studies would also be to understand the street life of economically disadvantaged children.

探討顧客關係、知識創造與動態能力對企業進入新市場領域之影響-以A公司為例 / A study of the influence of customer relationship, knowledge creation and dynamic capability upon performance of new business development

王彬, Wang, Pin Unknown Date (has links)
企業當如何跨越市場進入門檻以追求未被開發市場,並滿足未被創造或未被滿足的需求?本論文透過理論探討與個案分析,研究企業跨市場領域開發所需的關鍵因素與成功做法,以提昇企業之競爭優勢。 個案研究以儀器界先驅的惠普/安捷倫科技為對象,研究該公司在知識創造、動態能力與顧客關係三大構面對進入電信監控管理系統市場績效的影響,以及彼此之間的相互影響。顧客關係研究變數採顧客信任與忠誠度;知識創造研究變數採認識論與本體論知識螺旋;而動態能力研究變數則採企業之流程、位置與路徑。 研究發現顧客關係、知識創造與動態能力三項關鍵因素,對個案公司進行跨市場領域開發績效有直接影響,彼此之間亦呈相互影響之關係。個案公司的成功做法為,以顧客優先的顧客管理流程,配合前線員工與顧客良好的互動關係,發展互信關係。鼓勵員工坦誠溝通、提供自主且相互尊重的工作環境,以利組織知識創造。管理階層重視各級員工的訓練與培育,使內隱知識得以順利累積與轉換。因應市場需求變化,企業對流程與策略性資源之調整能力與速度,影響其競爭能耐的蓄積。 與顧客建立高度互動的組織交流機制,透過專案執行互動過程,產生知識轉換創造新知。知識轉換程度越深,雙方互信與互賴程度越高,對忠誠度越有幫助。此作法可以提昇顧客關係與知識創造的貢獻。企業與顧客培養共同成長路徑,有助雙方未來策略位置發展的互賴關係,信任與忠誠度就越高。此作法可提昇顧客關係與加強動態能力的關係。企業專注於本業,培養專業團隊長期精耕市場、透過購併補強實力、隨時保持知識創造的最佳環境與流程,以培養未來策略性資源。此作法對組織知識創造與動態能力之提昇,均有助益。 研究結論顯示,企業利用高度互動的組織交流機制,透過前線員工與顧客創造知識轉換,建立共同成長路徑,培養策略性資源開發的互信互賴關係,提昇顧客忠誠度,以跨越進入新市場領域的門檻。企業最前線組織是知識創造的關鍵單位,其管理階層扮演知識創造及動態能力更新之重要角色,透過由中而下而上的管理過程,培養企業最佳的競爭優勢。 本研究提出三點管理實務建議:企業當隨時調整內部流程以配合顧客之個別流程,從雙方高度互動中創造共鳴性知識,達到雙贏局面;企業應當加強市場需求辨識敏銳度,提昇組織更新內外部能力的效率,創造嶄新優勢;深化企業文化與價值於員工心中,建立樂於分享之工作環境與氛圍,深紮成長根基。 / How enterprise crosses the knowledge gap to get into undeveloped marketplaces or satisfy unmet customer needs? This research adopts the “Case Study” research method to study the success factors and best practices from selected enterprise who has been successfully crossed the knowledge gap and won the installed-base from new marketplaces. This research selects HP/Agilent Technologies as the target company, who is the market leader among the test and instrument industry. This research framework is consists of knowledge creation, dynamic capability and customer relationship dimensions. Purpose to validate each research dimension is able to contribute the performance of getting into new marketplace or not, and also validate the interrelationship across these three dimensions. The variables used for customer relationship dimension include customer trust and loyalty, for knowledge creation dimension include knowledge spirals of epistemological and ontological domains, for dynamic capability dimension include key process, position and path of enterprise. Findings of this research: (1) these three research dimensions have been validated all are able to contribute to the performance of new entrance, and every dimension also interrelates to others. (2) Best practices from the case-study company include front-end employees follow the “Customer First” culture to develop the best customer relationships and gain mutual trust from owned customers. Trust and respect people, and encourage open communications both contribute to knowledge creation. Management team not only supports the employee development, but also delivers the training programs by themselves, which accelerates the knowledge conversion and accumulation. Proactively change on process and resource allocation to echo to the environmental change. (3) Interactive with customer proactively, create new knowledge through project execution. More knowledge conversion, more trust. More trust, then higher customer loyalty. (4) Develop learning path together with customer, which creates the interdependence relationships with customer when moves to next strategic position. (5) Be focused and rely on dedicated team to invest on market development, support with valuable solution offering, and manage the most updated knowledge creation processes to develop long-term strategic resources. Conclusions of this research, (1) enterprise adopts proactive account management approach to interact with customers. The front-end employee creates knowledge conversion and learning path with customer for next strategic resource development. (2) The field middle-level manager plays critical role on knowledge creation and dynamic capability update. Recommendations on managerial practice include (1) enterprise should adopt internal change proactively to match with individual account process, which promotes the best interactions with customers. (2) Enterprise should be more sensitive to distinguish the external change, and improve organizational capabilities to maintain his competitive advantage. (3) Cultivate corporate culture and values into people mindset. Encourage employee shares success with others.

應用kNN文字探勘技術於分析新聞評論 影響股價漲跌趨勢之研究 / The Study of Analyzing Comments of News for Influence of Stock Price Trends Prediction by Using Knn Text Mining

詹智勝, Chan, Chih Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
在網際網路快速發展下,大量使用者在獲取知識與新聞的管道,已由傳統媒體轉移到網路上。網路活動下使用者互動後所留下的訊息,也就是網路口碑,也逐漸受到重視。而隨著經濟發展,國人在固定薪資下無法負擔高房價、高物價的生活,如何透過投資理財來增加自身財富,已是非常普遍,其中又以股市投資為大眾所重視之途徑。 網路新聞的發布,除了具有網路的即時性外,配合使用者閱讀內化後所留下的評論,應含有比網路新聞本身內容更多的資訊,投資者便可藉此找尋隱含之中大量市場消息與資訊。 本研究為了在龐大的資料量中,幫助使用者挖掘其背後之涵義,進而提供投資預測,將蒐集網路新聞及其閱讀者評論共1068篇,並分為訓練資料與測試資料,使用文字探勘及相關技術做前處理,再透過kNN分群技術,計算訓練資料文件間相似度,將大量未知資料依其相似度做分群後,利用歷史股價訊息對群集結果之特徵分析解釋之並建立預測模型,最後透過測試資料將模型分群結果進行評估,進而對股價趨勢做出預測。 / With the rapid development of the Internet, the way of user access to knowledge and news transfer from traditional media to the network. Internet word-of-mouth, the message generated from users' interaction on internet, attracts more and more people's attention. With economic development, people in the fixed salary cannot afford high prices and high price in live. People increase their own wealth through investment is very common, among which the stock market is the way to public attention. Internet news has the immediacy of the Internet. And the comments left with the user to read the internalization should contain more information than the Internet news. Investors can find the market news and information by Internet news and comments. In this study, in order to help the user to find the meaning behind the huge amount of data, and thus provide investment forecast. We will collect 1068 of internet news and reader reviews to divide into training data and test data using text mining and related technologies to do the pre-treatment, and then calculate the similarity between the training data by kNN, a lot of unknown data according to their similarity clustering. Cluster through the historical share price analysis and modeling. Finally, the model clustering results were evaluated through the test data to predict price trends. The prediction model from training data clustering, use test data to do the evaluation found: k = 15, the similarity threshold value = 0.05, cluster the results of the F-measure performance up to 56% rise in the cluster. K values and the similarity threshold will be adjusted to obtain the most favorable results of the model

中共文化軟實力外交之實踐-以中國文化中心為例 / The practice of cultural soft power in China-Taking China cultural center as an example

孫國祥, Sun, Kuohsiang Unknown Date (has links)
當全世界風起雲湧將目光投注中共自2004年開始建置之「孔子學院」佈局全球,甚至引發新一波中國「文化威脅論」之際,中共另一「軟實力」(Soft Power)卻正悄悄崛起,其受中共國家領導人重視程度較「孔子學院」有過之而無不及,定位與位階也遠遠高於「孔子學院」之上,那是直屬中國文化部之海外「中國文化中心」。   中共於海外設立「中國文化中心」是其整體文化「走出去」戰略實踐方案之一,具有因應國際背景與現實需求、提高國家文化地位、擴大對外影響力與軟實力、以及加深中西文明對話與認同的目的;而在海外設立文化中心是二戰之後全球主要強權國家普遍採用的文化「走出去」戰略,是其推廣本國文化、傳播思想價值、樹立國家形象的重要方式,也是提升國家軟實力重要平臺。   在中共30年傲人的經濟發展下,自江澤民於1988年在非洲模里西斯及貝寧設立海外「中國文化中心」開始,目前已在全球建成30個海外「中國文化中心」,預定在2020年達成建設50家的目標,確定從「經濟走出去」到「文化走出去」之戰略布局。近年來,隨著中國國際地位和影響力的迅速提升,海外「中國文化中心」的發展來到前所未有的機遇;惟全球設立家數與主要強權如法國、英國、德國等,仍有相當差距且分布不均,未來中共如何運用中國綜合國力及落實提高國家軟實力,明確制定宏觀總體戰略布局以展現全球文化「魅力攻勢」有其迫切性與挑戰性。 / When the world pays more attention to the Confucius Institute, which has been built by the Chinese Communist Party since 2004, even sparked a new wave of culture threat theory, the other soft power of the Chinese Communist Party is quietly rising. That is the Overseas China Cultural Center, which is affiliated with the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China. It is not only highly valued by the leaders of the CCP than the Confucius Institute, but also has a much higher position and rank than the Confucius Institute.   The Overseas China Cultural Center is one of the practices of its comprehensive culture going out strategy by the Chinese Communist Party. It has the purpose of improving the national cultural status, expanding its influence and soft power in response to the international affairs and realistic needs, and deepening the dialogue and identity between Chinese and Western civilizations. The establishment of the Cultural Center abroad is a major policy of culture going out strategy between great powers around the world after World War II. It is an important approach to promote national culture, disseminate ideological value and establish a national image. It is also an important platform to enhance national soft power.   In the 30 years of economic development of the Chinese Communist Party, President Jiang Zemin has set up the first overseas China Cultural Center in the Republic of Mauritius and the Republic of Benin in 1988. So far, it has been built 30 Cultural Centers in the world. China Cultural Center is also scheduled to reach 50 targets by 2020. The layout of going out strategy was transitioned from economy to culture. In recent years, with the rapid advancement of China's international status and influence, the development of overseas China cultural center has come to unprecedented opportunities. However, there is still a considerable gap in the number of centers with great powers, such as France, the United Kingdom, and Germany, etc. How can the Chinese Communist Party employ its comprehensive national strength and implement the national soft power in the future, and it is urgent and challenging to formulate the overall strategic layout to demonstrate the global cultural charm offensive.

LED散熱廠商新製程產品導入策略 與經營績效關係之研究-以J公司為例 / Study on the relationship between the LED new product strategy and operating performance – an example of J company

林俊瑞, Lin, Chun Jui Unknown Date (has links)
企業的核心競爭優勢是一個建立在企業的核心資源基礎上,包括技術、管理、文化、專利、產業累積知識等,一個整體綜合的優勢,最後反應該企業在市場上經營的結果。企業要先確認自己相對於市場的競爭優勢是什麼,因為長久不斷累積耕耘該領域,企業會比競爭者或新進者擁有更多的學習經驗,擁有更多專業知識,時間一久企業就會把競爭者甩在後頭,獨家擁有最佳的該領域競爭優勢,更讓企業在經營過程會形成不容易被競爭者與新進者模仿、並帶來超額利潤的獨特能力。本研究是藉由理論架構工具來盤點個案公司的競爭優勢構面,為其盤點哪些是有價值性資源、獨特於競爭對手的能力、能力組合成能耐與擁有動態思維行動去適應環境的能力等,為個案公司整理出企業之所以能夠持續保有競爭優勢構面組成。再審視個案公司新製程產品事業策略利用到既有核心競爭優勢的程度高低與個案公司經營績效的關係,提出討論與建議。 / The enterprise’s core Competitive Advantage (CA as the short form shown below) is based on the core resources of an enterprise, these resources are turned to be as the technologies, management, culture, patents, market’s cumulated knowledges and etc., it’s a kind of comprehensive advantages to be reflected on the enterprise’s excellence performance in the market. However, it’s to be to make sure before heading to the market for what the advantages the enterprise will bring to the market and to take a persistent, consecutive and a long-term engagement in the market, it may acquire a lot more of experiences and advanced technologies than the competitors or new comers who may fall much behind, and it becomes the sole leader in the market as it’s surely that the enterprise has core CAs with distinctive and in-imitated phenomenon and bring descent high revenue and profit in the long run after that. This paper is to take a constructive theoretical tool to check the composition of CAs inside the case company to distinguish from what are the value resources, distinctive capabilities, collective core competences and dynamic capability to adapt the environmental change to explain how the case company keep its sustainably CAs in the market. Furthermore, how the existed CAs were used and involved in the new product during the development and what’s the performance comparison according to CAs’ involvement.

解釋2008年俄羅斯與喬治亞戰爭:守勢現實主義的觀點 / Explaining the 2008 Russo-Georgian war : a defensive realism perspective

許仁昱 Unknown Date (has links)
2008年的俄喬戰爭是俄羅斯自解體以來第一次境外用兵,本文試圖透過守勢現實主義 ( defensive realism ) 的角度來解釋這一場俄羅斯的對外衝突。守勢現實主義國家的行為模式包括維持守勢現狀、對外尋求合作,因此得以處理安全困境難題,而在威脅等級過高時可能採取預防性戰爭來消除威脅。本文藉由守勢現實主義的觀點與行為模式來解釋俄羅斯的外交行為,透過檢視俄羅斯自解體以來的國家行為模式確立俄羅斯為守勢現實主義國家。再者藉由探討俄喬衝突中分離主義問題與俄喬關係中的矛盾以說明衝突的遠因與近因。最後探討俄羅斯在外高加索地區的利益與衝突以解釋俄羅斯在俄喬戰爭中的出兵動機。俄羅斯在解體之後的外交政策大多採取不衝突與合作的策略,隨著喬治亞的政權更替,俄羅斯對喬治亞的關係從合作走向以政策制衡,最後基於俄羅斯南部的地緣安全與北約東擴等等來自西方的威脅之下,俄羅斯採取了協助喬治亞分離地區的軍事行動來解決自身威脅。本論文認為俄羅斯不僅在2008年前屬於守勢現實主義國家,以守勢現實主義的觀點來看,俄喬戰爭更是一場為了應對歐美威脅的防禦性戰爭。 / The 2008 Russo – Georgian war was the first military action outside borders since the collapse of USSR. In this thesis, I describe the conflict using the perspective of Defensive Realism. The behavior of a state using a defensive realism perspective includes remain status-quo of defensive, seeking cooperation, therefore are able to manage the security dilemma. When the threat level is too high, a state using a defensive realism perspective may launch a preventive war to eliminate the threat. First, by examining Russia’s state behavior between 1992 to 2008. We are able to determine that Russia follows defensive realism behavior. Secondly, by studying the separatism of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in Georgia and the change of relationship between Russia and Georgia, we are able to elucidate the factors that caused the Russo-Georgian war. Finally, we explore Russia’s interests and threats in South Caucasus area that reveal the motivation for Russia the launch the counter strike against Georgia. Russia has tended to take the non-conflict route and cooperative strategy in diplomacy after Soviet-era ended. Due to the regime change in Georgia, Russia changed its policy toward Georgia from cooperative to containment. Finally, as the threat from the West rose and another round of NATO enlargement occurred, while it’s threating the geopolitical security of the southern border, Russia decided to launch a preventive war to assist the separatist states within Georgia. In conclusion, not only Russia is a defensive realism state, from the perspective of defensive realism, the 2008 Russo-Georgia war is a preventive war against the threat of the West.

視頻網站先進者與後進者之策略行銷分析: 以樂視網、優酷網為例 / Marketing strategy analysis of first and late mover advantage in the video website industry the cases of LeTV, Youku

金肖序 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著web2.0的時代到來,很多基於互聯網的產品也發展迅速。分享性視頻網站YouTube誕生之後,中國大陸也開始了網絡視頻的發展。然而視頻網站在2006-2007年爆發式出現之後,又相繼沒落,真正能夠留下來並且流量大幅成長、甚至盈利的網站並不多。本研究以先進者樂視網,後進者優酷網為研究個案,以策略行銷4C架構來分析作為中國大陸視頻網站的先進者和後進者建立了哪方面的優勢從而在市場中立足,並且這些優勢是通過什麼樣的策略建立起來並可以支撐網站成為其核心競爭優勢。最終,本研究通過分析先進者樂視網和後進者優酷網兩家成功企業所建立的交換成本找到了其建立的核心優勢,並給出了視頻網站成立之後的實務建議。 / With the advent of web2.0, many Internet-based products are growing rapidly. After the birth of the sharing of video sites YouTube, mainland China also began the development of online video site. However, only few video sites can survive in the competitive market and grow successfully. This study examines the competitive advantage of the first mover, Letv and the late mover, Youku, based on the 4C framework. It also explore what kinds of strategies that the two video sites deploy to develop their core competitive advantages. In the end, the study finds the core advantage of the establishment of the two companies by analyzing the exchange cost established, and gives the practical suggestions after the establishment of the video website.

借鑒美國經驗,結合中國實際,試論中國特色式管制下互聯網金融發展趨勢 / According to American Experiences, Combined with China's Actual Situation, to Forecast the Development Tendency of Fintech under China's Characteristic Governance

范怡 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,在技術的信息化和移動終端智能化的支持下,全球互聯網金融高速發展。在中國,互聯網金融更是呈現『井噴式』發展,高速發展的同時問題企業頻現,存在巨大風險隱患。中國互聯網金融未來發展趨勢引起國內熱議。 在此背景下,本研究根據彙整許多國內外學者的相關研究,首先探討『互聯網金融特性』、『美國互聯網金融發展經驗』、『中國特色管制下產業發展規律』,在對自由成熟市場的美國互聯網金融發展趨勢和中國特色管制下互聯網金融發展趨勢進行探討的基礎上,結合中國實際環境影響因素,並深入分析環境因素的相互關係、未來發展狀況,最後,分析中國互聯網金融未來發展階段階段特徵以及互聯網金融的發展趨勢。

日本總合商社在國際技術移轉中協力仲介之研究(以三菱商事與統一企業的合作為例) / The Research of Japanese Sogo-Shosha's Kyoryoku-Chukai in International technology Transfer

莊義宏, Chuang, Yi-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
日本總合商社近來開始從事「技術仲介」,利用其龐大的業務網絡及對國際間產業發展之洞察力,介入為其客戶尋求適當的技術移轉,拉攏雙方合作成立新合資公司,並參與部分股權,取得銷售設備原料之權利和未來經營成功之資本利得。現有技術移轉之文獻,甚少探討第三者如技術仲介者或日本總合商社介入技術移轉所產生的影響,故本文擬針對日本總合商社之介入技術移轉加以研究。 本研究以三菱商事對統一企業進行技術移轉並於台灣設立合資公司之統清公司、統健實業、捷盟行銷、和台灣肯德基等4家公司作為研究對象個案,探討技術提供者及技術接受者與商社間的互動關係,商社對合資企業之競爭優勢有何影響,和商社在國際技術移轉中的角色扮演與功能。 本論文共分為七章。第一章緒論,說明本研究的研究背景、機動與目的,並介紹本論文的章節組織。第二章文獻回顧,為相關文獻的探討,闡述過去學者專家對於這些議題的研究與看法,作為本論文研究的理論基礎。第三章研究方法,是由文獻探討中,提出研究架構,定義架構中的變數,並說明本論文的研究方法、研究對象,以及研究限制。第四章背景說明,乃針對研究的合資企業之母體作一詳盡介紹,以求瞭解其相關組織及歷史演進,作為研究分析的基礎。第五章個案整理,針對這些個案,說明商社如何透過合資企業之設立來進行技術移轉。第六章個案比較分析,針對個案所整理的資料,彙整分析本研究相關的變數與關係。第七章研究結論與建議,根據第六章的分析,針對研究問題提出研究發現,再進一步歸納出本研究的結論,並給予後續研究者相關的建議。 本研究試圖對於日本總合商社在國際技術移轉過程中所扮演之「協力仲介」之角色功能作深入的分析探討,經由第二章的文獻回顧及第五章的個案研究與觀察及第六章的比較分析,探討商社對於技術提供者與技術接受者間的關係,並進一步觀察合資企業競爭優勢之變化,探討商社的功能對此有何影響。 本研究根據研究發現得到以下結論: 一.技術提供者(尤其是日本中小型廠商)利用總合商社作為國外技術移轉的策略夥伴,可以降低風險,增加成功率。 二.若所移轉之技術是內隱性高且在成長階段者,共同設立合資企業來做技術移轉,應是較佳策略。 三.技術接受者本身的技術能力與經驗為技轉成敗之關鍵因素;若由既有部門獨立出去做合資企業,則成功機率頗高。 四.商社對競爭優勢之貢獻主要為成本降低、風險降低、資源增加,而差異化方面則比較有限。簡言之,商社的功能在於降低合資企業之成本與風險為主。設立合資企業進行技轉之首要目的當為「差異化」,商社雖提供眾多服務與資源,但對此貢獻較少。 五.日本總合商社在國際技術移轉過程中,主要功能為「協力仲介」其主要內容包括:金融投資、貿易物流、情報服務、和網絡協助等四大功能。商社在技轉中多扮演「配角」而非「主角」,提供週邊配合作業,增加合資企業的成功率。

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