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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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提升策略執行成效之研究-以高科技公司NB事業單位為例 / Enhancing Strategy Implementation—The Case of the NB Business Group of a High-tech Firm

莊訓焚, Chuang, Shan Van Unknown Date (has links)
台灣NB產業從1990年代的百花齊放,到 2000年代優勝劣敗淘汰賽後,再歷經10年的各種嚴峻考驗及挑戰,早已進入微利時代的競爭。觀察包括個案公司的多數企業,在競爭策略的規劃與執行之議題上,呈現下列的問題: 1.陷於短期的營運,長期發展的經營策略不明確。 2.盡其所能爭取更多品牌客戶,但多客戶而產生的多產量,無法產生規模綜效。 3.對資源與能力(特別是組織能力)的內涵不夠瞭解,認知不足。 4.改善的活動常遭遇組織系統的障礙。 上述問題的原因,歸咎於對企業策略經營的認知不足而造成整合的問題,大多數只是提出挑戰目標,在執行上也只是將目標分配至下層單位,沒有一套策略的分析規劃步驟,更無一套改革體系來執行,往往漫無章法,以致功敗垂成。 有些企業確實有很嚴謹地進行策略的分析與規劃,但忽視策略執行涉及要素的重要性,以為有正確的策略方向,就能發揮策略的效果,交付實施即可,最後仍不見策略績效有好的結果。 本研究希望建立一套有系統的策略經營管理模式,特別是策略的執行模式,供個案公司參考。 本研究第一階段先分析總體經濟環境變化、產業競爭環境變化與企業內部資源與能力水準,再探討如何定位NB ODM之事業競爭策略。 本研究第二階段係針對第一階段定位之成本領導策略,探討如何提升策略執行之成效。主要研究途徑是先針對十項成本策略驅動因素,訪談展開各項策略議題,再針對各策略議題,分析過去對新策略議題執行含量、分析策略議題對應資源與能力之關係、分析現有資源與能力執行新策略議題之效率。 本研究再針對上述策略執行之調查分析,提出如何提升現有資源與能力之改革方案與推動計劃,以使策略執行之成效得以提升。 最後,本研究針對學術與研究上的發現,歸納成結論與建議,供個案公司參考,並對後續之研究提出參考建議。 / Taiwan NB industry flourished from the 1990s to the 2000s. However, after 10 years of intense competition and all kinds of severe challenges and trial, the NB industry now moves well into the era of competing for meager profits. Most firms, including firm examined in the study, encounter the following issues for strategy planning and implementation: (1)Committing to short-term operations but overlooking long-term strategies; (2)Striving for gaining more brand customers to generate volumes but overlooking reaping synergy; (3)Lack of understanding and awareness of the nature of resources and capabilities, especially organizational capability; and (4)Improvements often encountering barriers associated with organizational systems. People blame the lack of awareness of strategic management for above-mentioned issues, leading to problems in integration. The fact is, many firms only issue challenge goals and then delegating the goals to units to achieve them. There is no systematic approach for analysis and planning, much less a transformation system to perform innovated activities. The results are firm failure and poor performance. Some companies do have a very strict strategy analysis and planning, but ignore the important elements of strategy implementation. They think as long as they are in the right strategic direction, they will be able to play the effects of strategy, and be able to delivery of the result of implementation, eventually still no strategic performance with good results. This case study hopes to establish a systematic strategy management model, especially the implementation of the strategy model for the reference of the case study company. In this study, the first phase, analysis of changes in the overall economic environment, the competitive environment changes and internal resources and capability level, and then explore how to position of NB ODM Enterprises competitive strategy. The second phase of this study is to explore ways to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of strategy implementation for the positioning through the first phase of cost leadership strategy. The main research approach is first interviews for the 10 cost drivers to get the strategic issues, then for all strategic issues, analysis of the new strategic issues in the past to execute, analysis of strategic issues corresponding to the relationship between resources and capabilities, analysis of existing resources and capabilities to perform the efficiency of the new strategic issues. Through the survey of the above strategy implementation, this study then propose how to improve existing resources and capabilities of the change management and promoting program , so that the effectiveness and efficiency of strategy implementation can be improved. Finally, this study for the academic and empirical findings, summarized into conclusions and recommendations for the reference of the case company, and proposed the reference recommendations for follow-up study and survey.

單親家庭親子優勢團體-親子互動與生活適應之研究 / The effectiveness of a strengths-based group work for single mother and their child on mother-child interactions and life adaption

徐于婷, Hsu, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討優勢觀點在單親親子團體方案中之操作情形及實際成效,長達七週的團體方案,以親子互動關係作為整體方案的焦點及主軸,並以冒險體驗及優勢觀點團體穿插的方式進行活動方案的整體設計及帶領。 資料收集方式為質量並行,在團體前、團體結束及團體結束後一個月,進行三次量化問卷施測;在團體方案開始及結束時,分別訪談參與團體之母親成員及團體領導者,以深入探討團體方案對參與家庭產生的影響及改變。 研究參與者共有四個家庭,研究結果簡要說明如下: 一、在量化資料方面: 1.親子互動關係:半數子女成員在親子互動關係方面,在「關愛」、「敬重」及「卑順」層面有正向的改變;而母親成員三次施測變動幅度不大,親子關係的六大面向中,「敬重」及「卑順」層面有正向的改變。 2.生活適應及身心健康:子女成員在生活適應方面,半數的子女成員在參與團體後有較佳的適應狀況,一位成員並無改變,一位成員適應狀況下滑;而四位母親成員之身心健康狀況並未因為團體方案的介入而有明顯的改善。 二、質性資料方面: 1.生活適應方面:離婚初期的婦女在經濟、就業、住所、子女教養等面向,遭遇無充足資源,並面臨在經濟就業及家庭照顧之間的抉擇。而社福資源、學校資源、心理諮商、醫療資源、就業的周邊效益、與外界接觸及環境因素是幫助這些婦女適應之適應因子。 2.親子互動關係:多數團體成員表示參與團體後親子關係有正向改變:(1)摩擦程度減少、(2)相處及肢體接觸增加、(3)學習新的親子互動方式、(4)親子界線的彈性及調整、(5)更理解彼此想法、(6) 增進對彼此的包容與耐心。 3.除親子關係的改善外,母親及子女在個人面也都有不同的改變,包含:(1)母親成員的改變有:看待事情的角度改變,重新理解親子關係的衝突,甚至有成員也應用到對於離婚事件的重新解讀、更多的反思及自我感增加;(2)子女成員的改變有:願意自我分享、耐心及自信增加、信任他人及學習獨自處理問題。 本文歸納優勢觀點在單親親子團體中的實務運用,及優勢觀點為基礎的親子團體是如何促進團體成員在親子互動關係的改善外,也企圖瞭解婦女在離婚初期在經濟、就業、住所、子女教養等面向之適應歷程,關注婦女們在單親過程所展現的不同樣態及適應因子,期待有助於家庭社會工作的實務發展及開展優勢觀點在不同層面的運用。 / This study applied strengths perspective on the single mother and child group with a focus on (a)the interaction between mother and child.(b) life adaption . Four families participated in the group; they met once a week and last for 7 weeks. The group activities were based on the protocol of Project Adventure and strengths perspective. This study adopted both quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative data was collected from both mother and child members at three times: before and after the group activity began, as well as one month after the last session. The results showed that: (a) Mother-child interaction-- 50% of the child members showed positive changes on 3 aspects (caring, respect and obedience), the mother members showed less changes, but still had positive effects on respect and obedience. (b) Life adaption & physical and mental health: 50% of the child members showed positive changes on life adaption. No significant change was found on the mothers The analysis of the qualitative data indicated that: (a) Resources on welfare, schooling, counseling, medical and employment could help the mother member to achieve better life adaption. (b) The interactions between mother and child revealed positive changes, including less conflict, more physical contacts, willing to learn new ways of interaction, flexible mother-child boundaries, being more patient and tolerance. (c) The mother members could reframe the meaning of divorce and conflicts, and had more self reflection. The child members were more willing to share feelings, had more patient and confidence, trusting others and learn to solve problems on their own. These findings suggest that the Strengths based group work were beneficial to the single mothers and their child. However, more studies are needed to replicate the program and further examine its effectiveness.

明星產業中弱勢地區廠商之全球競爭策略─ 以台灣醫療器材產業為例

林文貴 Unknown Date (has links)
雖然在學界並沒有對於『明星產業』作出一個完整的定義,但以一個政府或產業學者而言,卻時時刻刻無不留意著明星產業的存在與未來的發展。本研究在探討被一般產、學、官、民所共同期待的明星產業,如果其國內發展環境並無優勢時,弱勢環境中的廠商,應如何定位與發展,進而與全球廠商競爭? 在研究的方法上,吾人採用「多重個案設計的多重分析單元」方式,以增加它的信度。在構念效度上,盡量使用多重證據來源,但無法運用訪談之方式,主要是因為研究者屬於業內管理階層,運用訪談反而會招致錯誤的陷阱性引導。在內在效度上,運用個案與研究架構使用之理論對照,並使用時間序列方式以分析互動關係。在外在效度上,分別使用不同三家的個案來探討相同研究架構的適用性。在信度上,發展研究資料庫,儘量採用熟知的策略理論來印證,並且希望做到可追溯與重複性。除了三個個案的獨立分析外,本研究也將從時間序列的分析上,討論在不同時期,各廠商在不同情況的策略轉折,以便更清晰瞭解產業的全球競爭之策略。 本研究的研究對象,包含了Omron Healthcare、百略醫學科技與合世生醫;因為 我國的現階段明星產業包含了生技產業(『兩兆雙星』中的一星),而在家用醫療偵測產品的產業區隔中,這三家都佔有非常重要的地位,而且都是全球策略的執行者。(Omron Healthcare雖為日本廠商,卻是產業龍頭,具有全球策略參考價值。) 本研究一方面研究我國現階段較適的產業區隔,其重點是在於如何選擇與分析,而非其分析之結果。另外,則探討個案公司的定位、資源能力培養與策略採行之間的關係。 其綜合結論如下: 1.我國的醫療器材產業的一般環境,無論在技術、人才與發展條件上,較美、日、歐洲落後許多。國內市場不足以使一般醫療器材廠商達到經濟產能。 2.由於使用者信心問題,我國的較適進入產業區隔,初期為 『量產為主之家用電子醫療器材』與『以機電、機械加工為主之福祉相關產品』,研究顯示,目前我國的較高產值區隔,也是如此。 3.弱勢地區廠商的進入策略,都選擇在一個環境或自身資源能力相對優勢的產品或市場區隔來進入。初期的進入或者沒有明顯的定位,但是隨即在競爭的環境下,開始清晰策略性定位。定位後的演進可以是定位、策略採行、資源累積與能力加強、再重新定位之逆時針循環。也可能是定位、資源累積與能力加強、策略採行、再定位之順時針循環。事實上,這三項因子,是相互運作影響,並不需要特殊的次序關係。此外,資源的累積與能力的加強,應視當時的競爭環境是否有急迫性,可以採用併購、聯盟的方式,並不一定需要自己內部培養。 4.產業的關鍵因素很多,以醫療監測器材廠商而言,降低『道德危機成本』或是增進對產品的品質與檢測精度,使得使用者有信心,是關鍵中的關鍵。 5.競爭廠商的策略,在走入全球策略時,其策略會傾向類似,對於全球佈局的想法也雷同,乃是因為資源與優勢所在,在全球廠商的眼中是近似的;所謂的策略群體的理論,也根源於此。再者,競爭廠商的策略隨時會有學習效果,也會相互具有競合上的策略互動。競爭廠商的策略與定位與產業生命週期息息相關,且策略創新對於扭轉廠商競爭地位,具有關鍵性的影響。 6.具有國際員工的廠商,在於全球策略上扮演的角色,對於全球化競爭力的進展具有舉足輕重的地位。


陳銘宏 Unknown Date (has links)
目前,中國大陸最熱門的兩大經濟區域為長江三角洲與珠江三角洲,此兩地吸引眾多外商至當地投資。究竟此兩區域具有何區位優勢能吸引眾多外資,以及此兩地區的優勢有何差異,成為本論文重心所在。本論文主要探討三個主題: 一﹑這兩區域自改革開放以來,區位優勢的消長如何,才造成今日長江三角洲吸引外商投資金額超越珠江三角洲。 二﹑這兩區域有何區位優勢,才能吸引眾多外商至當地投資。 三﹑這兩區域與中國大陸整體平均水準的區位優勢作比較,究竟這兩區域相較於中國大陸整體平均水準具有何優勢,使外商特別關注此兩大地區。 以上問題運用中國統計年鑑的數據資料,以複回歸模型分析各地區的外商投資數據,以得出各項主題的結果。 / Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta are both the most famous economic areas in Mainland China nowadays, attracting many foreign capitals to invest. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what are the advantages in these two areas that attract foreign direct investment, and what are the differences between them. Three subjects are discussed in the present study. First, how did the location advantages rise and fall between Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, thus now there are more foreign investment enterprises located in Yangtze River Delta than in Pearl River Delta since the beginning of China’s ‘Open Door’ Policy. Second, what are the location advantages in these two areas that attract so many foreign investment enterprises to locate in these two areas. Third, what are the unique location advantages in these two areas compared with the average level of Mainland China, so that many foreign investment enterprises pay especially high attention to this two areas. Data of Statistical Yearbook of China are used in the present study, and multiple regression model is adopted to analyze the data in order to obtain the results.

我國金融業者行動服務創新之研究 / A Study of Mobile Service Innovation in Taiwan Financial Industries.

陳俊毓, Chen, Chun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型手機的銷售量從2010年的300萬台成長到2014年的12億台,呈現爆發性的成長,台灣2014年智慧型手機銷售量也達一千萬台,已經是人手一隻智慧型手機的時代。智慧型手機改變了人們的生活習慣,相信未來智慧型手機的應用將蓬勃發展。 智慧型手機的崛起,使得和銀行交易的行為也可以在手機上完成,且許多非銀行公司也想要分食這塊商機,雖然台灣受到法律規範的限制,金融相關服務只有銀行才能推出,但政府已有慢慢開放法律規範,讓越來越多人可以進入,因此銀行業也面臨相當大的考驗。 本研究以永豐銀行、台新銀行、玉山銀行等三家銀行業者作為個案研究的對象,希望透過本論文研究,探討銀行業者在因應行動科技的崛起與變化時,其組織服務創新的策略思維;同時,也探討其發展行動服務創新時,內部的組織方式、新服務開發管理、以及與顧客的溝通方式。本研究所得到的初步結論包括:(1)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會更強調對消費者生活習性的瞭解,以推出解決消費者痛點的新服務。(2)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會進行更多的異業結合,以發展更多整合性的服務創新金融服務。(3)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會在電子金融相關部門招納更多元的人才,以推出更創新的服務。(4)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下發展金融服務創新時,會讓電子金融部門與其他部門進行更多的跨部門合作。另外,若要加速新服務的開發時,則會採用重量級專案團隊的組織方式。(5)銀行業者因應行動科技的快速發展下,會增加與顧客互動的管道,以求更瞭解顧客的需求。本文最後並提出實務上的意涵與後續研究的建議。 / When smartphones came to the world, its had an big impact to people’s life. There were only 3 millions smartphone shipments in 2010,but later, there were 1.2 billion shipments in 2014.There has a big growth. Also in Taiwan, there are over 10 millions shipments in 2014. We can say this is a mobile era. We can predict that mobile application will mushroom in the future. When the rises of smartphone, we can do many things through smartphone. For example, we can receive e-mail, send a message to a friend, take a photo or make a financial trade with smartphone. Now, many non-financial companies serve financial service through smartphone. Although there are many legislation restrictions in Taiwan, only bankers can provide financial service. But legislation restrictions will reduce. So banking industry is facing a great challenge. In this study, we discuss how bankers develop mobile financial service. Meanwhile, we also discuss how they organize their electric finance department, how they develop a new financial service and how they communicate with their customers. Based on the case study, the initial findings includes: (1) To face mobile trends, banks will focus on customer habits. Otherwise, banks will release new service to solve customer’s pain points. (2) To face mobile trends, banks will cooperate with non-financial industries. (3) To face mobile trends, E-finance department will recruit employees with diverse backgrounds. (4) To face mobile trends, banks will have many inter-departmental working group. If necessary, banks will set up heavyweight teams. (5) To face mobile trends, banks will increase channels to communicate with customers. The study finally addresses the contribution of this research in academia and the suggestions to practitioners and follow-on researchers.

中國中東介入政策的評估:權力轉移現象的浮現? / Assessing China's Engagement in the Middle East: Emerging Power Transition?

松柔霓, Oren, Roni Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要探討中國如何介入中東地區,並且檢視其多重戰略操作現況,其中包括了安全議題、能源議題、以及經貿議題。透過中國藉由上述議題介入中東事務的發展,本研究期望能呈現中國的中東外交政策及其未來發展趨勢。本研究以中國與美國兩強是否會在中東地區發生權力轉移的可能作為研究問題,有鑑於此,本研究以AFK Organski的權力轉移理論作為全文的概念化基礎,並且重新檢視權力轉移理論在近年來的發展與實踐。就此,本研究將回應下列幾個問題:中國的中東外交政策之主要戰略目的為何?此一政策在中國全方位外交政策中的權重與定位為何?中國與中東國家的交往及雙邊關係中,所具備的優勢與劣勢為何?從結構層次來說,中國與美國在中東是否將達到權力平衡的局面?最後,中國是否滿意現階段自身在中東的地位以及中東地緣政治本身的現況?又或者中國傾向改變中東現狀,並且有意取代美國。本研究透過對上述問題的重新檢視,發現如果中國在中東所介入的勢力與議題越廣泛,並且以挑戰美國霸權為前提全力推進中國的中東介入政策,這意味著中東的現狀與規則將會被調整與改變,進而產生權力轉移的情況。不過,中國現階段並未有意、有能力挑戰美國在中東的戰略地位,因為這將使得中國與美國的結構性矛盾導向衝突。 / This study aims at examining the different aspects of China’s involvement in the Middle East: security, energy and economy, in the context of its evolving foreign policy and changing international status. The main question of the research is whether a power transition between the US and China is possible in the region of the Middle East. Hence. The power transition theory developed by AFK Organski in the 1950s is the basis of this research. The main question is answered by several secondary questions: What is China's foreign policy in the Middle East, and how does it combine into its overall foreign policy; What are the strong points as opposed to the weak points of China's relations with Middle Eastern countries; Is China on the course of achieving parity with the US in the region of Middle East? And the last one, is China satisfied with its current role in the Middle East and the regional existing order, or it would like to alter it in order for it to be able to replace the US as the hegemonic power in the area. If China is indeed becoming more powerful in the area and is challenging the American hegemony, the transformation of the current order and accepted rules of the games in the region could be changed to accommodate China’s needs, and this might lead to tension between China and the US or even conflicts.

臺灣穆斯林少數民族的社會適應︰以印尼穆斯林與中國穆斯林為例 / Social Adaptation of Muslim Ethnic Minorities in Taiwan: Case Study of Indonesian Muslim and Chinese Muslim

孫莉瑋, Retno Widyastuti Unknown Date (has links)
台灣與其中華文化並不像伊斯蘭人民將回教有很強的宗教關聯性。然而歷史上回教和穆斯林在中華的歷史中扮演著一個重要的角色。從1990年代初期,從東南亞有一批勞動者移民來到台灣,並在當地工作。近期,印尼籍的工作者已達到20萬人,他們成為台灣外籍工作者中數量最大的一群。在這當中,絕大部分的印尼籍勞動者都是穆斯林。為了保留自己的身分認同與文化,這群身在台灣的印尼籍穆斯林竟而形成了以宗教為主的許多社群,並因應在地差異與台灣的華人穆斯林進行社會適應上的交流與互動。 此篇研究的目的在於為台灣的回教與穆斯林研究踏出第一步,尤其是印尼穆斯林與當地的華人穆斯林如何進行社會適應,以及在台灣這樣一個異地環境,身為少數族群的他們如何保有自己的身分認同。此研究採用質性研究方法進行資料蒐集,並以集中性的田野調查中第一手資料的蒐集與觀察進行文獻探討,這些調查資料來自臺北、桃園、中壢、台中以及高雄等地。 此研究發現印尼籍穆斯林聚集並在台灣形成特定的印尼穆斯林組織,並與華人穆斯林有著積極互動,形成他們社會適應過程中的一環。然而,由於文化背景的差異,這些印尼穆斯林社群更需要改變他們社會中的生活習慣以因應在台灣的生活。 / Taiwan and its Chinese culture is not associated with Islam as religion and Muslim people. However, historically Islam and Muslim play an important role in Chinese history. Starting in early 1990s, there was a growing number of immigrant worker, mainly from South East Asian countries to Taiwan to work in informal sector. Currently Indonesian numbered 200,000, and become the biggest in terms of foreign workers in Taiwan. Majority of these Indonesian workers are Muslim. In order to preserve their identity and cultural life, the Indonesian Muslim in Taiwan formed various religious-based community, do a social adaptation with their environment and interact with Chinese Muslim in Taiwan. The objective of this study is to initiate the study of Islam and Muslim development in Taiwan, specifically how the social adaptation of Indonesian Muslim with Chinese Muslim in Taiwan, as well as how they preserve their identity as ethnic minority in Taiwan. Qualitative approach on data collection was undertaken, using literature review followed by collecting primary sources from intensive field research and observation in Taipei, Taoyuan, Chungli, Taichung and Kaohsiung. It’s found that Indonesian Muslim gathered and formed some Indonesian Muslim organizations in Taiwan, and they actively interact with Chinese Muslim as the part of their social adaptation. However, due to some differences in cultural background, those Indonesian Muslim communities need to adapt their habit and social life in Taiwan.

從南海議題探討中美兩國之競逐關係 / China-U.S. Relations from the South China Sea Issue

盧俊明, Lu, Chun Ming Unknown Date (has links)
南海爭端近幾年區域緊張情勢不斷升高。中國已將南海列為「核心利益」,而美國則將南海視為「國家利益」。基此,這顯現中美兩國在南海議題的積極作為,雙方在其處理南海議題的戰略架構下,兩國主要舉措均在外交與軍事層面上針鋒相對。外交上中國以「睦鄰外交」,穩定周邊局勢,美國則運用「前沿部署外交」拉攏東亞各國;兩國對於東協國家的態度將更為重視,亦是雙方外交戰略的重點所在,渠等均希望藉由東協國家的支持在南海議題上更有話語權。而軍事上中國以「反介入/區域拒止」的軍事作為防止域外國家介入其主權議題,而美國研擬「空海一體戰」除運用其強大的軍事科技實力外,欲結合各盟邦的力量,與其一同牽制中國的軍事行動。 綜上,在中美兩國相互的競逐作為下,佐以米爾斯海默之攻勢現實主義觀點,檢視中美兩國在南海之未來互動關係。潛在霸權國中國擁有眾多的人口與快速成長的經濟,並在南海整軍經武,試圖強化與東協甚或是東亞諸國的經貿互賴程度,且於處理亞洲事務中將美國排除在外,以取代美國擔任亞洲關鍵角色,尤其在南海的不妥協性,顯現出中國在此區域的主導性。另外,既存霸權國美國面對中國綜合國力崛起,則扮演「離岸平衡者」,融合「推諉卸責」、「均勢」之概念,拉攏東協及日本、印度等相關國家,共同制衡南海區域的權力失衡狀態,鞏固霸權地位。中美雙方皆將南海問題的層級提高,並且均欲爭取南海區域之領導地位,因此兩國在此區域未來將趨於競爭關係。 / The tension caused by the South China Sea dispute has been rising in recent years. China has listed the South China Sea as her “core interest”, while the U.S. considers the South China Sea as “national interest”. This, shows that both China and the U.S. have been acting aggressively on the South China Sea issue. Both sides, under their own strategic frames in dealing with the issues, square off over each other’s diplomatic and military acts. Diplomatically, China practices “Good Neighboring Diplomacy” to stabilize the relations with her surrounding neighbors, while the U.S. applies “Forward-Deployed Diplomacy” to bring together each country in East Asia to fight against China. The two countries value the attitude of the ASEAN members more than ever, and this is also the main focus of their diplomatic strategies; both desire to have more say on the South China Sea issue by gaining support from members of the ASEAN. In terms of military operation, China practices “Anti-Access/Area-Denial” to prevent other countries from intervening her sovereignty issues, while the U.S. crafts “Air-Sea Battle”, in which the U.S. applies her devastating military and technology power, and combines the force of each ally to rein China’s military operation. All in all, with the China-U.S. competition as the backdrop, and by referring to John Mearsheimer’s offensive realism, this study examines the future Sino-American relations in the South China Sea. China, as a potential hegemon, possesses a large population and a fast-growing economy; the state also conducts military operations in the South China Sea, with a view to consolidating the mutual economic and trade dependence of China and the ASEAN, even countries in East Asia. Moreover, China excludes the U.S. from dealing with tasks in Asia for the purpose of replacing the U.S. as the Asia’s key player. China’s intransigency in the South China Sea particularly reveals her dominance in the region. Besides, in facing China’s rise in all aspects, the U.S., as the current hegemon, plays the role of “The Off-shore Balancer”. By mixing "Buck-Passing" with "Balancing", the U.S. brings together countries involved in the issue such as the members of ASEAN, Japan, and India to collectively rein the power imbalance in the South China Sea, so as to consolidate her dominance. Both China and the U.S. have raised the level of the South China Sea issue, and have scrambled to gain the dominance in the South China Sea. Therefore, in the future, the two countries will become more of two competitors in this region.


郭東昇, Tung-Sheng Kuo January 1993 (has links)
權變概念代表著多變的環境下,企業為求生存所必須採行的策略,文獻將此觀念應用在員工績效評估的研究並不多。基於權變觀點,本研究除對績效評估文獻中具有權變觀點之研究作回顧,並從競爭優勢、績效效標、績效模糊性與評估方法等觀念之探討與歸納,再透過個案探討之研究發現,推導出一績效評估設計之權變架構。本權變架構建議,在不同的競爭優勢下,績效評估制度之設計應由上而下,從組織策略推導至人力資源策略,再落實至員工績效評估制度及績效評估方法。 組織在競爭優勢分別為弱勢、強勢與穩定狀態下,其組織策略應分別採行優勢建立、優勢累積與優勢維持策略。為配適不同之組織策略,其人力資源策略應分別採行探索、利用與獲利策略。而不同的人力資源策略在搭配不同的績效評估目的下,應適用不同的績效評估制度;亦即,績效效標應分別偏重個人才能、工作行為與工作成果,以達到為組織價值創造與價值延續的目的。 績效評估的方法最後將取決於績效評估的目的與績效模糊性高低二者所構成的組合。亦即,績效評估的目的若為價值創造,則應較重視員工才能;績效評估的目的若為價值延續,則應較重視員工的工作行為與工作成果。而當績效模糊性較低時,宜採用明確化績效評估方法;反之,當績效資料糢糊性較高時,宜採用數量化績效評估方法。 / Contingency view represents the indispensable strategy for businesses to survive in the changeable environment. However, not much such view is found in the literature of employee performance appraisal. This study not only reviews the literature of performance appraisal with contingency view but also developed a contingency framework of employee performance appraisal by summarizing related analysis, including competitive advantage, performance criteria, performance ambiguity and appraisal methods, as well as a case study. The framework suggests that the performance appraisal system should be designed in a top-down sequence from organizational strategy to human resource strategy, performance appraisal system and appraisal methods based on the strength of competitive advantage. As the competitive advantage is weak, strong and stable, the organization should adopt the strategy of advantage building, advantage accumulation and advantage maintenance strategy respectively. The human resource strategy then should be exploration, exploitation and profit strategy. Under different human resource strategies, the performance appraisal system should vary to fit different purposes. That is, the performance criteria should focus on individual competence, working behavior and outcome to achieve the purposes of value creation and value continuation. The appraisal methods will finally depend on the combination between the purposes of performance appraisal and the degree of performance ambiguity. While competence should be focused when appraisal purpose is value creation, working behavior and outcome are focused when appraisal purpose is value continuation. The qualification-oriented method is appropriate as the degree of performance ambiguity is low. On the contrary, quantification-oriented method is appropriate as the degree of performance ambiguity is high. / 表目錄 三 圖目錄 四 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的 3 1.3 研究方法與流程 6 1.4 研究範圍 7 1.5 論文架構 10 第二章 文獻探討 12 2.1 權變觀點在員工績效評估的研究 12 2.2 競爭優勢與策略配合 16 2.2.1 競爭優勢 16 2.2.2 策略配合 17 2.3 員工績效評估制度 21 2.3.1 績效效標 22 2.3.2 績效評估之目的 23 2.3.3 績效資料的特性 25 2.4 員工績效評估方法 27 第三章 個案探討 29 3.1 個案公司及產業概述 29 3.2 實地訪談說明 31 3.3 績效評估制度 31 3.4 績效評估實施概況 33 3.5 個案公司分析 37 3.5.1 A公司之組織策略與人力資源策略 37 3.5.2 A公司之績效評估制度與績效評估方法 39 第四章 員工績效評估設計之權變架構 42 4.1 組織策略配適之人力資源策略 42 4.2 人力資源策略配適之績效評估制度 45 4.3 績效評估制度配適之績效評估方法 47 4.4 績效評估設計之權變架構 52 第五章 結論與意涵 55 5.1 結論 55 5.1.1 理論基礎 55 5.1.2 個案討論 56 5.1.3 權變架構 57 5.2 管理意涵 58 5.3 研究限制 60 5.4 後續相關研究 61 5.4.1人力資源管理領域之其它主題 61 5.4.2績效評估策略之其它相關議題 62 參考文獻 64 中文部分 64 英文部分 65 附錄 72 附錄一:深度訪談大綱 72 附錄二:A公司績效考核表 75 發表論文期刊收錄證明 …77 表目錄 表2.1 權變觀點在績效評估的研究情形……………………………15 表2.2 不同績效效標的資料特性…………………………………………26 表3.1 A公司之組織策略、人力資源策略與績效評估制度…………...41 表4.1 不同競爭優勢下之人力資源策略…………..………………….…45 表4.2 績效評估設計之權變架構…………………………………………54 圖目錄 圖1.1 研究流程圖 8 圖1.2 論文架構 10 圖2.1 組織策略、人力資源策略與員工績效評估制度的關係……………….19 圖2.2 績效評估的制定過程……………………………………………………19 圖3.1 A公司績效評估的流程…………….…………………………………….34 圖4.1 績效評估制度配適之績效評估方法……………………………………49

軟體專案特性對專案管理與專案間互動的影響之研究-以趨勢科技之雲端運算專案為例 / Software project characteristics on project management and project the impact of interaction study:the case of Trend Micro Inc.

陳彥甫 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著商業環境的快速變動,企業為因應市場快速變化,管理階層傾向於將專案規模縮小、目標明確來定義專案的範圍,以助於專案的執行,因此企業大多會執行一個以上的專案,然而專案彼此之間或多或少都會有些關聯與互動,良好的互動關係對於專案執行成效與企業均有其正面助益,因此本研究的目的在探討軟體專案特性對專案管理與專案間互動的影響之研究。 本研究以全球防毒軟體領導廠商-趨勢科技為例,其獨特的企業文化和指標性的企業管理模式,皆已成為國際型企業的典範。因此探討該公司運用雲端運算技術所成立的兩個專案進行研究,藉以探討專案特性、專案管理、專案間互動之關係。本研究經由個案訪談以及次級資料的分析探討,本研究之發現如下: 1.企業在執行軟體專案管理時,充分授權有助於激進式創新專案的開發進行。 2.領導者在軟體專案管理各階段所扮演的角色不同。當技術為外部來源時,領導者需要扮演協調溝通角色;當技術為內部來源時,領導者需要扮演技術支援角色。 3.企業在執行軟體專案管理時,會用師徒制來進行隱性知識的傳承;並利用文件管理系統來管理外顯知識。 4.當激進式創新的產品開發專案運用外部技術來源時,提供員工自我學習的空間,並透過知識分享討論會、知識管理系統、非正式溝通的多個群體協調活動,有助於專案間互動。 / In order to adapt to rapidly changing markets, cooperate managers tend to downsize the scales and define specific goals of projects for effective execution. Therefore, cooperates simultaneously deal with multiple projects which are inter-connected to each other. Good interactions benefit both projects and cooperate itself. Hence, the objective of this study is to investigate how the characteristics of software projects influence the managements and interactions of projects. The study subject is Trend Macro Incorporated, the world-wide leading company of antivirus software. Its unique culture and foremost management style have become the model example of international companies. Therefore, this study investigated two projects of this company, which apply cloud computing, to explore the relationships of the characteristics, management and interactions within and between projects. By case interview and secondary databases, the main findings of this study are listed below. 1.Enterprise in the implementation of software project management, the fully authorized to contribute to the development of radical innovation projects carried out. 2.Leader in software project management role of the different stages. When the technology to external sources, the leaders need to play the role of coordination and communication. When the technology for internal sources, leaders need to play a technical support role. 3.Enterprise in the implementation of software project management, we will use the apprenticeship system to carry out transmission of tacit knowledge; and to use document management system to manage explicit knowledge. 4.When the radical innovation of the product development project the use of external technology sources, to provide space for staff self-learning and knowledge sharing through seminars, knowledge management systems, informal communication between the various groups of coordination activities to facilitate interaction between projects.

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