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臺北市議會職權運作之研究--以第七屆市議會為例李明倫, Lee, Ming-Lun Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的.........................................1
第二節 研究方法與架構.........................................5
第三節 研究範圍與限制.........................................8
第四節 文獻探討...............................................9
第貳章 臺北市議會的演變歷程
第一節 光復初期至民國五十六年臺北市改制前之市議會............12
第二節 臺北市改制為直轄市後至直轄市自治法公布前之市議會......17
第三節 直轄市自治法公布後之市議會............................24
第參章 臺北市議會的組織及職權
第一節 臺北市議會的組織......................................29
第二節 臺北市議會的職權......................................57
第肆章 臺北市議會與中央政府及市政府之關係
第一節 中央政府與臺北市議會之關係............................84
第二節 臺北市政府與臺北市議會之關係..........................93
第三節 區里與臺北市議會之關係...............................106
第伍章 影響臺北市議會職權行使的因素
第一節 政治生態.............................................111
第二節 政黨.................................................118
第三節 輿論.................................................123
第四節 利益團體.............................................125
第五節 選民壓力.............................................128
第陸章 結論
第一節 研究發現.............................................133
第二節 研究建議.............................................138
第三節 結語.................................................142
圖 表 目 錄
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候選人競選策略之研究:以1998年台北市長選舉馬英九為例蔡佳洹, Jia-yuan Tsai Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
壹、 研究動機與目的
貳、 研究主題的背景
參、 文獻檢閱
肆、 研究方法
第二章 選區的政治生態
壹、 台北市的人文區位背景
貳、 台北市政治生態環境變遷
參、 小結
第三章 競選初期的策略
壹、 競選初期的主要事件
貳、 競爭條件評估與策略抉擇
參、 競選組織的建立
肆、 策略制定與執行
伍、 小結
第四章 競選中期的策略
壹、 競選中期的主要事件
貳、 主要訴求策略及運用
參、 攻擊策略之應用與調整
肆、 回應策略
伍、 組織與動員
陸、 策略效果
柒、 小結
第五章 競選後期的策略
壹、 主要競選活動
貳、 議題訴求
參、 向對手的攻擊策略
肆、 回應對手攻擊的策略
伍、 造勢活動
陸、 小結
第六章 結論
壹、 研究發現
貳、 檢討與建議
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第七屆台北市議會內三黨互動關係之研究-以85年度總預算審議過程為例 / The Interaction Among Three Parties In 7nd Taipei City Council王娟娟, Wang, Chuan-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
第二章理論基礎與文獻探討:介紹博奕理論基本概念,並對相關研究文獻予以探討。 第三章現行台北市議會內的政黨政治:首先介紹市議會內的政黨組織,再進一步了解議會立法過程中的政黨運作,最後論及影響政黨互動關係的因素。
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基層公務人員工作倦怠感之探討-以台北市行政區區公所為個案研究 / A Study of Burnout of the Street--level bureaucrats -The case study of the replication of the phase model of burnout on the administrative districts of the Taipei Muncipal Government林奕銘, Lin, Yih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
壓力與工作倦怠(stress and burnout)之課題,是1980年代以來,組織學者,管理實務家與大眾傳播媒體關注的焦點。工作倦怠是壓力徵狀的一種獨特型態,常與不妥適的心理及情緒徵狀有關,表現在組織離職、缺席、低士氣及各種有關個人煩惱的自我報告指標上,包括生理枯竭、失眠、酒精與藥物使用量的增加、婚姻與家庭問題等面向上。因此,對工作倦怠現象之瞭解與衡量,是測量組織工作生活品質的重要指標,更是對個人工作經驗及組織診斷的方法;從積極面而言,具有提昇組織整體效能之正面意義,從消極面而言,防止組織成員工作倦怠現象之發生,可達到避免組織衰敗的功能。
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嫌惡性設施對生活環境品質影響之研究-以台北市內湖、木柵、士林三個垃圾焚化廠為例翁久惠 Unknown Date (has links)
(三)適當的資訊回饋,可避免民眾對焚化廠之風險太過高估而增添不必要之憂慮,進而減輕其設置之阻力,故主管單位應適時提供民眾所需之環境資訊。 / The serious solid waste disposal problem is one of the challenges to the government policies. Landfilling is not a suitable solid waste disposal alternative in Taiwan, because of the high population density and the difficulty of acquiring land, At the same time, incinerators can help achieve waste reduction, sanitary disposal, stabilty, and resource recovery. Therefore, incineration will play an increasingly important role in the government's solid waste disposal plans.
Although incineration is one of the better approaches to dealing with solid waste disposal, it still has certain negative impacts on the quality of life. Therefore, it has been treated as a NIMBY (Not-In-My-Back-Yard), To some extent, NIMBYs are necessary to the community. The issue to be dealt with, then, becomes"how to find an equitable way to solve this dilemma."
This thesis focuses on three incinerators in Neihu, Wenshan, and Shihlin, Taipei. From the results of literature review, field surveys, data collection, questionnaires, and interviews, this study tries to explore the relationships between incinerators and the quality of life. This study also examines the effectiveness of compensation packages of these NIMBYs and people's attitudes toward incinerators.
The important findings of this thesis are as follows:
(1).Although most people have positive attitudes toward MSW incinerators, they do not feel confident about the quality of MSW incinerators and the administration's ability to control the second pollution.
(2).People are more concerned with risk reduction strategies, rather than economic incentives.
(3).The degree to which residents accept MSW incinerators will be affected by residents' knowledge about the compensation packages of Neihu incinerator area.
2.Policy implications
(1).From the analyses we can see that people are more willing to accept risk reduction solutions rather than economic incentives. Therefore, if the government tries to increase the acceptance of MSW incinerators among residents, it should focus more on risk reduction plans.
(2).Because residents are still lack of confidence about the quality of MSW incinerators and the ability of the administration to control the second pollution, the government should provide more accurate information to the public and guarantee the quality of MSW incinerators and the ability to control the second pollution.
(3).If the government can provide some economic incentives to reduce the equity issues, the residents may be more willing to live closer to LULU facilities. From the analysis , we can see that economic incentives do reduce the NIMBY syndrome to some extents (even though not so much as risk reduction programs). Therefore, in addition to the pollution prevention and risk reduction programs, the government should also reinforce and provide more information about the compensation packages.
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台北市與上海市國中生英語學習動機比較 / A comparison of English learning motivations of junior high school students in Taipei and in Shanghai劉孟珠, Liu, Mengchu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在比較台北市與上海市國中生英語學習動機。本研究為質性研究,藉由兩地國中生以及他們的師長與家長的訪談,以理解兩地國中生的英語學習動機及影響學習動機的因素與結果。研究發現,台北市學生英語學習較趨以興趣為導向, 雖然他們仍須面對升學考試。而上海市學生面對人口競爭,學習壓力大,英語學習動機強烈。 / This study tried to investigate the different motivation in English learning and the elements that influence the student's motivation between the junior high school students in Shanghai and Taipei. This study is conducted through social observation and qualitative research approaches. The scope of this study focuses on the investigation in Taipei and Shanghai. The subjects of this research will be the junior high school students in Taipei and the junior high school students in Shanghai, and the graduated or elder students, and the students' teachers and parents as well. After the research, there are some findings. The overpopulated pressure lead students in China must study harder to enter top prestigious universities. The interviewers in this study revealed that Taiwanese students do not totally study due to external stress and English learning is based on interests. Parents in Taiwan hope their kids not only learn English for good grades but also develop their interests in English learning. In Shanghai, parents urge their children to study all the time. Parents concern the school grades very much. In Taipei, teachers are willing to be students’ friends. Differently, teachers in Shanghai are more authoritative than in Taipei. Teachers emphasize the accuracy on English learning. China’s accession to WTO affects the model of English learning. Globalization accelerates the trend to learn English. These years China runs some world-class convention and exhibition which attract more international business and tourists and encourage Chinese to learn English. In the process in this study, we found the English learning motivation of students in Shanghai is stronger than Taiwan's students.
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臺北市國民小學附設幼稚園空間規劃之研究 / Affiliated elementary schools kindergarten study spatial planning楊貴棻 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 臺北市國民小學附設幼稚園之設置情形,集中於民國76-80年間成立,校舍建築為民國70年以前建築完成較多,以中小規模、學生人數未超過120人學校較多,行政區則以文山、士林及北投區校數較多。
二、 空間規劃現況方面,多數附幼具備活動室(教室)、廁所及盥洗室、戶外遊戲場,教室及遊戲室設置一樓最多,八成教室專門設計給幼稚園使用,七成未設有廁所,五成教室與寢室分別設置,七成學校教室與戶外遊戲場相接,幼稚園為獨立設置或旁邊為低年級教室。約六成國小附幼旁多有可供出入的出口,距離為30公尺以內,七成以上附幼採人車出入口分離。
三、 附幼與國小常共用室外運動場、保健室、戶外遊戲場,遊戲場與低年級共用較多,其共用型態以不分時間較多。
四、 臺北市國小附設幼稚園之行政人員及教師整體空間規劃約五成二受訪者感到滿意,平均滿意評分為6.67分(滿分10分)。
五、 不同背景之臺北市國小附設幼稚園之行政人員及教師在空間使用意見及滿意度差異,碩士學歷或校長之受訪者其使用意見及滿意度較高。
六、 不同設立年代、校舍建築時間、學生人數及行政區之國小附設幼稚園,在空間規劃滿意度上有差異。
七、 不同空間規劃(空間種類、空間共用、空間配置、動線關係)之國小附設幼稚園,在空間使用意見上之滿意度有顯著差異。
八、 目前國民小學附設幼稚園空間規劃之問題七成受訪者反映國民小學附設幼稚園空間規劃問題為易受小學干擾。教師與行政人員關切問題不同。
九、 對於國民小學附設幼稚園空間規劃之建議,最應該增加設置之空間為教具室及儲藏室,最應該由幼稚園獨立使用的空間依序為活動室(教室)、遊戲室、戶外遊戲場、寢室及廁所。
一、 對行政機關及學校的建議(一)在既有校地面積內調整幼稚園和國小校地面積,改善附設幼稚園辦公室的空間大小及規劃;(二)修建或增建空間種類,可優先考量設置教具室及儲藏室、寢室、遊戲室、餐廳或圖書室;(三)空間配置應注重幼兒發展及教師需求,在樓層與位置關係上妥適考量;(四)規劃良好的動線關係可提高空間規劃使用滿意度,應採人車分道;(五)國民小學及附設幼稚園空間如需共用,可優先考慮共用遊戲室、備餐室、室外運動場、停車場及車棚等空間;(六)校長與附設幼稚園人員在空間規劃之意見或滿意度方面,建議加強溝通,促使意見交流,消弭落差;(七)建議校方協同國小與幼稚園共同檢討空間規劃問題,避免相互干擾及噪音過大問題。
二、 對未來相關研究的建議,(一)研究範圍方面,本研究以臺北市為主要研究範圍,未來可以其他縣市國小附幼作為研究範圍;(二)研究對象方面,本研究之研究對象係以國民小學校長、幼稚園園長及教師象,尚可研究幼稚園學生、家長或國小教師;(三)研究方法與內容方面,本研究主要採調查法,未來研究可採訪談法或觀察法,以另一個角度瞭解每所校園之空間與人的關係。 / Kindergarten affiliated with elementary school is very common in the city because of limited land, It is not for sure, kindergarten affiliated with elementary school is the most effective space planning model, that can meet the needs of different stages of children ,and the teachers or administrative staff for teach or administrative use,
This research is to analysis the models of space planning of kindergarten affiliated with elementary school in Taipei, to understand the space planning status, to investigate the opinions and the degree of satisfaction of teachers and administrative staff ,to discover differences by different space planning, find the problems, and make some suggestions for future.
The main method is the questionnaire, to collect all basic space data (total 131 copies, 95 copies valid), included the area of elementary school and kindergarten、space types、space layout、space route、shared space…etc. Then take stratified random sampling way to choose 38 elementary school principles、kindergarten principles and teachers, using questionnaire to survey their opinions and the degree of satisfactions in totally space planning(213 copies valid).This research use descriptive analysis、percentage statistics、chi-square test、t-test and ANOVA to analysis data. The findings are described as bellow:
A. Most kindergarten affiliated with elementary school in Taipei was set up in 1987-1991, but the buildings finished before 1981,small or medium scale, the numbers of students below 120. Wenshan、hihlin and Beitou district has more schools than others.
B. Most kindergarten affiliated with elementary school in Taipei has classrooms、toilets and restrooms、outdoor playground, classrooms and playrooms set on 1 floor,80% classrooms was designed for kindergarten, 70% classrooms without toilet, 50% classrooms and bedrooms are separated, 70% classrooms next to outdoor playground, kindergarten has independent area or next to lower grade students, 60% kindergarten has their own exit under 30 meters, 70% adopt pedestrian and vehicle separated entrances.
C. Kindergarten affiliated with elementary school usually share outdoor athletic field、nurse's room、outdoor playground(with lower grade students, without time schedule ) with elementary school.
D. 50% administrative staffs and teachers of kindergarten affiliated with elementary school satisfy with the space planning,, the average satisfaction score was 6.67 points(full marks will be 10).
E. Different opinions and satisfaction caused by different background of administrative staffs and teachers in kindergarten affiliated with elementary school, master degree or a principal has high satisfaction.
F. Different established time,、building finished time、numbers of students and district will cause different views and satisfaction in space planning..
G. Different space planning(space types、space sharing、space layout、space route), cause significantly different levels of satisfaction.
H. 70% participants reflect the noise problems (cause by elementary school), teachers and administrative staffs have different concern.
I. The suggestion to kindergarten affiliated with elementary school need to increase spaces like a teaching aid room and a storeroom. The classroom, playroom, outdoor playground, bedroom and bathroom, should be use dependently by kindergarten.
Based on research findings and literature review, searcher made the following recommendations:
A. To administrative organizations: (1)improve the administrative office within the existing area; (2) When consider construction or build new spaces, the priority will be teaching aids room and storage room, bedroom, game room, restaurant or library.; (3) Space layout should focus on early childhood development and teacher needs, the floor and position; (4) planning space route well can improve user satisfaction, pedestrian and vehicle separated should be adopted; (5) Elementary school and kindergarten affiliated with, can give priority to shared games room, kitchen, outdoor athletic field, parking space when needed; (6)To eliminate gaps form space planning advice or satisfaction, it is recommended that Principals and kindergarten staff should do more communication each other,(7)Elementary school and kindergarten should collaborative in spatial planning issues to avoid noise problem.
B. the recommendations for future research: (1) For research field, this research focus schools in Taipei, in the future, we can expand to other city; (2) For research object, this research data come from elementary school principal, kindergarten principal and teachers , but we can also get data from kindergarten students, parents or elementary school teachers; (3) For research method and content, this research use questionnaire, maybe other researchers can use Interview or observation in the future, to understand the relation between space and people in another way.
Keyword:Kindergarten affiliated with elementary school in Taipei, space planning, spatial Planning, kindergarten space planning.
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臺北市市有土地參與辦理都市更新事業問題與改善之研究羅敏琪 Unknown Date (has links)
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大型活動建構臺北市城市品牌形象研究 / The study of Mega events on the image branding of Taipei蔡依蒨, Tsai, Yi Chien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過修正式德菲法問卷的五個5個構面共59項以大型活動建構城市品牌形象之評估指標,專家小組認為利用參與大型活動建構城市品牌形象中,「組織構面」的領導者決策、策略規劃及策略執行能力為最主要關鍵,而包括城市的交通建設網絡以及城市風格等,都是影響形塑城市重要因素。而研究結果則建議建構城市品牌形象可採用地區性行銷策略,而在策略實際操作部分則延攬專業的行銷規劃團隊,以規劃主題式行銷活動,並透過新興媒體進行宣傳等方式為臺北市形塑優質的城市品牌形象。 / As a consequence of globalization, the marketing of region has grown in importance as countries, regions compete with one another to attract investment and visitors. To compete effectively, it is essential to identify the critical success factors of image branding and ensure those who are into the strategic planning. City's image branding is largely dependent on the construction, communication and management as well as the style of the city.
A city's brand image provides, on one hand, the basis for developing city marketing to pursue economic development and, on the other hand, provides as a conduit for people outside the country. This study examines the effectiveness of the efforts on the image branding of Taipei based on an analysis of image branding strategies through the participation of mega events.
The theoretical background from literary reviews of this study covering city marketing, city branding and image, mega events and event marketing topics, which are the conceptual but technical and structural viewpoints included. The primary city brand-driven mega events indicators would be developed by reorganizing these past researches and by dividing them into five aspects: organizational, environmental, target market, marketing, and strategies. All primary indicators are evaluated by 10 marketing, communication, media, and administrative experts to evaluate which have the most criteria toward the image branding of Taipei, and how these factors could be utilized to form the strategic framework.
Based on the survey of the modified Delphi method, the result indicated that the most crucial success factor of the image branding of Taipei is organization leadership, which refer to the city governing philosophy of decision-making, strategic planning, and implementation represention the core building block of image branding. This survey points out that the convenient transportation network, unique city style and applied communication channel, such as social media, are also drawing a line determining the effect of the image branding of Taipei.
Accordingly, some recommendations can be made for the use of the image branding of Taipei: diversified cultural driven assets can be attractive points; Fesvital and activities also can be applied; new style of promotiation channel such as social media can also be developed. Those are based on a combination and the components of the city's brand management.
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新北市財政自主能力之探討 / A Study on Financial Autonomy of New Taipei City洪鳳娟 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以新北市為主要研究對象,選取1982-2011年資料,以一般化最小平方法GLS(generalized least squares)進行迴歸分析,探究對於新北市財政收入或自主財源之影響因素。實證結果發現,家庭平均每戶全年經常性收入、土地增值稅減半徵收及調降稅率政策,對於歲入及自有財源具有正向影響效果;失業率則具有負向影響效果。以上三項影響因素中,失業率對於歲入及自有財源之影響程度不同,對於自有財源則更具顯著性負向響影。 / It is undoubted that the municipality can get more resources than counties and cities. Due to the fact, most of counties and cities try for upgrading to a municipality in Taiwan. After city-county consolidation in 2010, the Fiscal Deficit of five special municipalities is still seriously short, they rely on central government subsidies or loans to cope with the operation and construction funds. Because of the limitation of resources, it is the sole solution of solving the fiscal gap for New Taipei City is to enhance the ability of financial autonomy and implement fiscal discipline.
It is necessary for New Taipei City to have the corresponding law to upgrade municipality. We hope that the Act Governing the Allocation of Government Revenues and Expenditures can be revised as soon as possible and the revised law can provide the appropriate financial autonomy and implement fiscal self-responsibility mechanism for New Taipei municipality. However, because of the low proportion of cases under its own financial resources, the fixed expenditure structure and the high proportion of staff costs, the self-decided expenditure is quite limited. In addition, earmarked grants and other issues also narrow its financial autonomy.
New Taipei City is the main object of this study. The specific data (1982-2011) and the GLS(generalized Least Squares) are used in this study to find out the impact factors of New Taipei's revenue and its independent revenue sources. The empirical results indicate that Average Current Receipts Per Household, LAT Halved and Tax Reduction policyhave a positive effect on its revenue and independent revenue sources; Also, the unemployment rate has a negative impact on results. Among these three impact factors, the Unemployment Rate has the different influence degree between the revenue and independent revenue sources, especially; it has significant negative impact on the independent revenue sources.
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