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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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面對數位匯流之無線電視台競爭與行銷策略研究-以個案電視台為例 / The Analyzing of Competitive Strategy and Marketing Strategy of Terrestrial Broadcasting Companies in Digital Convergence Age - A Case Study

張志祥, Chang, Chih Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
無線電視自1930年代開播以來,不斷影響著人類的生活方式及生活作息,且成為每一個家庭必備的娛樂及資訊來源,漸漸的成為生活中的必需品。台灣自從1962年教育實驗電台開播以後,無線電視一直在媒體產業占有重要地位。但電波稀有價值的觀點,造成台灣無線電視產業發展過程中的政治介入與差別管制,導致媒體開放與數位匯流促使各種媒體百花齊放的同時,無線電視卻在逐漸退色。 在數位匯流的時代下,電視媒體、網際網路與電信三大領域在網路頻寬提升及影音壓縮技術發展成熟下,使得通路及服務可以跨界服務,現今最為明顯的例子是網路及電信的業者都可以提供電視收看服務。在面對無可避免的數位發展趨勢,各媒體組織的管理與經營自然受到影響與衝擊,無線電視媒體如何因應與整合此一匯流趨勢,乃是產官學界各方均相當關注的議題。 因此無線電視台必須透過五力競爭分析了解整體產業中,最佳產業市場地位及可發展的競爭策略,以鞏固長期經營的競爭優勢,以及相對應戰略;透過價值鏈分析可了解整體產業中,促成優勢的鏈結點,該環節也成為業界最想控制的目標,也成為競爭活動最頻繁之處。並思考無線電視台在數位匯流的時代使用何種的競爭策略、行銷策略,除能讓數位影音內容服務多元平台播出外,需要再進一步分析無線電視台現有的核心資源及核心專長,整理歸納出數位匯流時代的無線電視台需具有的競爭優勢。 本研究以個案電視台為例,以波特的五力競爭分析、價值鏈分析,加上市場區隔、產品生命週期分析,統整歸納出數位匯流下無線電視台的競爭策略與行銷策略建議。

數位化對電視新聞導播角色的改變 / The change of the role of a TV news director through digitalization

羅裕儀 Unknown Date (has links)
科技影響電視新聞產製流程,種種新科技的發明給電視新聞製作人員帶來了觀念、知識及技術上的衝擊不斷。台灣新聞台競爭激烈,為因應類比技術淘汰後數位技術的發展,民視、東森、大愛、年代、三立及TVBS都朝非線剪輯及無帶化發展,能將一支新聞完成帶同時提供二個以上的頻道使用,減少帶子播出的錯誤率。研究者曾為TVBS資深導播,長期親身參與新聞台數位化過程,記錄了導播知能與觀念的改變與因應方法,本文也期盼透過深度訪談各台新聞導播,探討新聞導播角色的三個面向: 1、 新聞產製流程最後一道關卡的導播,數位衝擊前後的角色與知能。 2、 數位衝擊的過程中在技術及觀念上如何回應。 3、 未來導播們該如何在心理和角色認知上做調整?並提出導播未來養成訓練的建議。 / Technology has impacted the procedure of news production. Various new innovations have also contributed to concepts, knowledge and continuous influence of TV news producing workers. As a result, it has been competitive in Taiwan news field. According to the development of the digital technology after eliminating analogy techniques, non-linear editing and tapeless production are the goals to be achieved for many companies, such as Formosa TV, ETTV, DaAi TV, Era TV, SetNews and TVBS. Offering one piece of edited news to two or more channels to broadcast reduces the mistakes. As a researcher, I had been a senior director in TVBS. Moreover, not only had I participated the digital procedure but also recorded the awareness of a director, the change of any concept and the methods of adjusting and solving the problems, Through the profound interviews with many directors of different TV companies, It is expected that I would like to discuss three aspects of a news director: 1. Being the last inspector of the news producing. the director’s characters and awareness shift after digital impact, 2. How does a director response to the techniques and the concept during the process of digital impact? 3. How do the directors adjust their roles in mind? There are some suggested solutions in the future program for directors-to-be.

行動電視規範架構與營運模式之研究 / The study of mobile TV regulatory framework and business model

李駿, Lee, Jun Unknown Date (has links)
行動電視產業為無線電視產業、電信產業、內容產業、行動裝置製造產業等多方匯流共同合作下的結果。不同產業間合作前,可能產生不同業者在新產業中扮演的角色與定位、產業價值鏈/價值網之成形等問題。本研究研究目的在於了解國際間行動電視規範政策與管制議題,對於該國行動電視產業營運所產生的影響,以文獻分析方式選定日本、韓國、義大利與美國等行動電視市場較為成熟之國家分析其規範架構與營運模式之關係。並比較台灣、香港、新加坡政府提出之行動電視意見諮詢文件探討行動電視規範議題之制訂方向與業者回應。輔以深度訪談方法訪問我國主管機關與產業界對於行動電視業務開放之意見。最後依據台灣通訊傳播產業規範環境,由結構管制與內容管制兩方面討論行動電視產業規範架構之相關議題與未來可能之釋照方式,並提出其對應之營運模式發展建議。 針對上述研究問題,本研究主要結論如下: 1. 國際間行動電視執照類型包含:以營運平臺執照發放多頻電視平臺(MUX)執照,其執照內涵可包含頻率使用許可執照以及營運平臺經營許可執照;依傳輸服務經營內涵不同,分別發放「頻率執照」與「營運平臺執照」,前者發給廣播傳輸網路業者,僅能經營基礎傳輸業務;後者則為負責整合內容服務之營運平臺執照;而內容規範所需之執照,分為兩種規範方式:以傳統廣電法進行內容規範,或是參考歐盟視聽媒體服務,對於線性頻道節目採用較嚴格的廣電法管制,而非線性的隨選節目內容以低度管制進行規範。 2. 國際間行動電視營運模式發展同時會受到釋照方式不同所影響,釋照方式包含:審議、審議加競價、多回合競價方式。若以審議方式發給特定業者,行動電視營運模式將由特定業者主導,但需遵守較多義務規範;若以審議加競價方式釋照,可能將由廣電業者與電信業者共同經營行動電視服務。或是完全以競價方式拍賣頻率執照,其執照使用方式則最具彈性。 3. 在目前法律架構下,本研究建議行動電視適合以電信法開放,對於外資限制頻率租賃有較寬鬆規定。並鼓勵鼓勵廣電業者與電信業者合資組成團隊取得頻率執照,廣電業者擁有廣播傳輸網路以及內容產製能力,而電信業者同時擁有基礎網路以及與設備製造商議價之優勢,並且擁有龐大基本顧客群。並且建議行動電視市場發展初期,行動電視服務宜以其他電信服務搭售或以綑綁服務方式提供,以增加消費者使用黏度,並擴大市場規模,普及終端收視裝置市場。內容規範方面則建議採低度管制方式,頻道式節目內容以廣電法規進行管理,其他節目則按一般法律進行管理。 / Mobile TV is a newly converged service of television broadcasts, telecommunication services, and information technologies. Challenges arise from regulating the rapidly transformed technologies and proposing a suitable business model into a converging industry. The study aimed to examine different regulatory frameworks established in advanced mobile TV markets, and to categorize business models of mobile TV developed in those markets by reviewing government documentations, industrial research reports and conferences papers. In addition, the study interviewed key persons, including regulators, mobile TV trial team members and specialists, in mobile TV industries. Furthermore the study had made a comparison analysis of different mobile TV regulatory framework proposed by governments of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. The study concluded that the mobile TV regulatory framework was architected by different regulatory approaches, including institutions which affect the content production, and institutions which had power on regulating stakeholders of media and telecom companies. The horizontal regulatory framework which included network layer, platform layer and content layer was mostly adopted by European countries in the converged age while regulating the newly risen mobile TV industry. The multiplex license could be treated as a network license and a platform operation license, and in other cases, the multiplex license was just the network license for the network operator. Some regulators extended existing digital terrestrial TV rules to mobile TV. As for the content regulation, regulators were taking light touch in regulating content, and adopting the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS) proposed by EU. AVMS had reduced the regulatory burdens for all audiovisual media services, and also modernized the rules on television advertising and product placement. The study suggested that the mobile TV in Taiwan was suitable to be regulated by Telecommunication Law, since Telecommunication Law had less restriction on the structure of stakeholders and foreign investments. Broadcasters and Telecommunication operators were suggested to joint as a new company to operate mobile TV service, since broadcasters, who were talented in content production, had broadcast network to transmit services to users; telecommunication operators, who were good at pricing, could use their advantages to set up bundling service to attract user in the nascent market.

《只為快一秒》劇本創作 / The Film Script of "All for One Second"

曾懿晴 Unknown Date (has links)
網路、智慧型手機普及後,國內媒體環境近年驟變,過去稱霸社會主要輿論導向的老字號報紙力求轉型,全力在網路上發展即時新聞,企圖迎合網路時代越來越多變的閱聽人樣貌。傳統媒體彷彿罹患即時新聞焦慮症,將即時新聞作為轉型的第一步。   這是一個傳統媒體轉型的戰國時代,報紙、電視無不改變經營策略,新媒體的出現,看似帶來更多自由、多元、開放的選擇,打破過去由傳統媒體壟斷的資訊,卻因資訊爆炸,同時產生了更多資訊焦慮。焦慮對新聞界而言,不僅是有史以來最大的一場洪水,更像這個時代特有的流行病,面對不確定的未來,感到焦慮的不只是媒體本身,還包括閱聽人。   本文聚焦於報紙記者在面臨轉型的過程中所產生的即時新聞焦慮,並呼應現代人在資訊爆炸時代中所面臨的資訊焦慮,進一步探討未來可能的解決之道,並預想未來透過海量資料分析及群眾力量所發展出來的智慧,有機會運用在新聞上,將過量的重複資訊透過篩選加以刪除,找到新的新聞表現形態,讓新聞能更加貼近事件真實,讓資訊的出現不再只是加法,而是增加減法機制,朝更正確的方向邁進。   劇本背景設定在2016年,傳統媒體面對新媒體的到來仍在找尋轉型方式,故事主角由傳統報紙記者試圖揭發一起台鐵連續弊案,探討傳統新聞定義、資訊蒐集方式,與過去大不相同的可能性,記者在數位匯流時代的工作方式轉變以及即時新聞焦慮症,進一步呼應整個社會對於資訊不確定性的焦慮,並預言新聞未來的可能發展類型。以劇本為表現方式,意在期盼對於新媒體的未來發展,在媒體型態不斷革命的今天,能有更多的想像及展現空間,找到更多的可能。 / As the network, smart phones and other mobile devices are booming in recent year, there are dramatic changes in domestic mass media. In attempt to cater to increasingly diverse audiences in the Internet era, old-branded newspapers, dominating the main public opinion in the past, is developing real-time news on the Internet thoroughly. Those traditional mass media corporations seem to suffer from anxiety disorders of real-time news competition, and consequently conclude that real-time news should be the first step for them to transform. In this war of transforming traditional media, newspaper companies and broadcasting television all have to change their strategies. It has seemed to bring more free, pluralistic, and open-minded choices since brand new media emerging. In spite of breaking through the way of getting information, information explosion has turned people into deep anxiety for getting it. Anxiety is regarded as an epidemic, partucularly in this era. Facing uncertain future, it does not only make media anxious, but also the audience. This article emphasizes on journalists who felt anxious about real-time news while they encountered the transformation of media. Meanwhile, it describes information anxiety among modern people. This article further figures out possible solutions, and assumes the mechanism of news in the future. It includes two traits, the big data analysis and crowdsourcing intelligence, as for the mechanism of news. The more appropriate form of news can be developed not only on the way of accumulating information, but also the screening of removing repeated information. Thus, we could be much closer to reality. Presented via the form of a script writing and based on a story in the year of 2016, the script describes that traditional media is struggling to figure out a way toward successful transformation, while facing the confrontation of the new media. The main character of the story, a newspaper journalist, tried to uncover a scandal of Taiwan Railway Administration. By following the journalist's work, this article discusses about definition of traditional news, the way of collecting information, and the differences how journallists are working in the digital convergence era, reflecting the entire society's anxiety toward uncertainties of information. This article also tries to predict possible development of news in the future by storytelling. In this continuing evolution of media nowadays, we hope that society can embrace more imagination and possibilities.

數位匯流法立法後對有線電視產業的衝擊及其營運模式的調整研究 / A Study of the Impact on Taiwanese CATV Industry and the Adjustment of its Business Model after the Legislation of the Digital Convergence Act

許原耀, Hsu, Linus Unknown Date (has links)
科技的發展日新月異,數位影音壓縮、網際網路與行動通訊等的技術突破,讓在有線電視、電信網路與行動通訊系統上所能提供相同的服務變的簡單,跨業競爭因此越來越明顯,而數位匯流代表了這個整合的趨勢,然而科技時代進步如此快速,但政府的法令卻遲遲無法跟上時代的潮流演進,因此造成了有線電視產業的封閉與發展停滯不前,甚至造成與電信產業競爭的不公平。 因此本研究的研究目的是探討數位匯流法立法後對有線電視產業的衝擊與因應策略為何?以及新的商業獲利模式為何? 研究方法則是參考Afuah A (2004)經營模式理論為研究架構,先從營運環境的方向來看產業的主要變化因子分別為何,這些因子將如何影響公司,公司又該如何修正自己的定位並調整價值活動、策略資源及成本變化的評估,如此一來才能在這產業快速的變化中維持或創造更高的公司利潤績效。 本研究主張,數位匯流法立法後若在2017年實施分組付費,將會影響有線電視業者的每月營收,同時當頻道上架平台更自由及同業新進業者進入競爭後,有線電視的收視戶將開始出現外流的問題,然而新的立法雖然會產生破壞但也能創造出新的商機,有些新的商機需要雙向網路的機上盒才能達到,因此有線電視業者應全面佈建雙向機上盒同時大幅改善其基礎網路的品質與頻寬,將自己定位為匯流平台並多投入更多的創新應用以拓展新的財源。 / The rapid development of technology breakthrough, like digital video compression, Internet and mobile communications that makes CATV, telecom network and mobile communications operators to provide the same service becomes simple and easy also causing more and more cross-industry competition is obvious. However, it represents the digital convergence intergartion is the trend in the near future. The age of technology advances so quickly, but the government decree has as yet unable to keep up with the trend of the evolution of the times resulting in the CATV industry its the development of stagnation or even resulting an unfair competition with telecommunications industry. Therefore, purpose of this study is to investigate the impact on the cable industry after digital convergence Legislation. 1. What are the CATV operator’s coping strategies? 2. And what their profitable new business model will be? Research method is a reference Afuah A (2004) theory of the business model for the study of architecture, starting with the direction of the major changes in the operating environment in terms of the respective industry factors, these factors will affect how the company, how should revise their position and adjust value activities, resources and strategies to assess changes in cost, this way in order to maintain or create higher profits in the performance of rapid change in this industry. The study argued that the digital convergence Legislation if it is established in 2017 and implement packet charge that will affect the monthly revenue of CATV operators, meanwhile when the channel contents can cross to different platform more freedom and new operators enter the competition. Cable TV subscribers will begin outflow, however, although the new legislation will cause damage but can also create new business opportunities, new business opportunities require to deploy two-way network set-top box to achieve, so the cable companies should be fully provisioned two-way set-top boxes and enchance their infrastructure quality and bandwidth, then positioning itself as a plateform of digital convergence. put more and more innovative applications to expand new sources of income.

現代社會多重親密關係現象探索 / Exploring multiple intimate relationships in modern society

許耿嘉, Hsu, Keng Chia Unknown Date (has links)
隨著西方工業革命之後「第二現代」社會的來臨,人們越來越關注自身,親密關係轉而成為個人日常生活中最重要的事務之一,親密關係也逐漸擺脫外在社會的約束,而將其基礎置於關係之中兩人對彼此的承諾上。這樣的特性,符合了英國社會學家Antony Gddens所謂民主化發展的「純粹關係」。本研究從社會學的角度,透過質性研究方法,以理解個人在現代社會中實踐多重親密關係之特性與其意義。 研究結果指出,臺灣現代社會的親密關係正邁向Giddens所指之「匯流愛」的發展趨勢,並有著下列幾個特點:第一,現代社會環境所組成的機會結構,暗助多重親密關係的醞釀與發展:;第二,「曖昧」是為多重親密關係逾越社會對於親密關係規範的跳板;第三,多重親密關係更能使當事人滿足自我;第四,實踐多重親密關係具有「堅守一對一」與「被揭穿」的雙重風險;第五,經濟與性別在多重親密關係的脫勾性。 然而,正處於轉型期的臺灣社會,多重親密關係的實踐仍面臨父權社會殘留與新舊價值的衝突現象。於是,我們也同時從經驗資料中發現類似英國社會學家Jamieson對Gidden論述的質疑,包括:第一,「性別」在多重親密關係中是最終的影響變數;第二,自我內在對於實踐多重親密關係所存在的矛盾感;第三,「一對一關係」的交往規則對多重親密關係來說,具有「限制」與「機會」的雙重意義;第四,現代社會下的「婚姻制度」對親密關係來說是更嚴格的「遊戲規則」,但卻也是多重親密關係的實踐者願意接受的遊戲方式。 / After the western Industrial Revolution comes the so-called “second modernity.” As people are more concerned about themselves, they cherish intimate relationships much more in their daily life. Intimate relationships have thus disposed of external social control and focused more on the promise between two lovers. This feature is similar to the democratization of pure relationships presented by English sociologist Antony Giddens. From a sociological perspective and through qualitative research methods, this study aims at understanding the characteristics and meanings of multiple intimate relationships as well as the individuals practicing multiple intimate relationships in modern Taiwan. The findings show that intimate relationships in the modern Taiwan society are approaching the “confluent love” stated by Giddens. Multiple intimate relationships are found in this study to carry five characteristics. First, the opportunity structure in modern society facilitates the fermentation and practice of multiple intimate relationships. Second, dubious relationships serve as a jumping board for individuals to bypass the social canons of intimate relationships. Third, people are more satisfied by involving in multiple intimate relationships. Fourth, the double risks of practicing multiple intimate relationships involve the risk for keeping monogamy and the risk for revealing the practicing multiple intimate relationships. Fifth, there is a disjunction between economy and gender in multiple intimate relationships. As Taiwan go through social transformations, the practice of multiple intimate relationships nevertheless remains controversial in a society in which the patriarchic elments remains and the modern values are in conflict with the traditional ones. The empirical evidence demonstrated in this study supports some challenges raised by English sociologist Lynn Jamieson to Giddens’ arguments. First, gender still serves as an ultimate variable in affecting the practice of multiple intimate relationships. Second, individuals often experience a dilemma between a sense of guilt and the pursuit of gratification in maintaining multiple intimate relationships. Third, monogamy implicates both a restraint and an opportunity to develop multiple intimate relationships. Fourth, in the “game” of intimate relationships, the marital system is considered a stricter rule and yet individuals practicing multiple intimate relationships are willing to accept it.


丁維揚, Ting, Wei-Yang Unknown Date (has links)
從目前數位家庭產業的相關研究與發展中,本研究以廠商業者與消費者的角度探討對數位家庭的看法,整理各先進國家在數位家庭產業的發展,以及各個大廠的數位家庭發展策略。 本研究認為目前數位家庭產業以數位內容業者,數位服務加值廠商,網路與電信業者,以及資通訊與消費性電子產品廠商為核心,仍處於一起始階段,無明顯主導廠商;此外,光纖到府之高普及率、高度整合與互連性的數位設備、豐富且有價值的數位內容以及從消費者為出發點容易使用的數位家庭應用是為數位家庭產業成功關鍵因素。 另一方面,因應數位家庭的趨勢潮流,台灣除了參考美日韓等國的數位家庭相關政策與法令外,在產業策略面,必須利用台灣既有的優勢,除了為國內高科技電子產業找出下一階段的出路,更要積極累積異業整合的經驗,並以全球華人為目標,發展數位內容與服務。 / Involving in recent industry researches of digital home, the study has elaborated the development strategies of digital home industry in some advanced countries and manufacturers. The study tried to clear the digital home’s situation either from manufacturers’ or consumers’ opinions. Digital content providers, value-added service providers, ISP, and 3C manufacturers are seen as core roles in the development of digital home industry. However, who is the leader is not yet clear. In addition, the study showed that the popularization of FTTH, digital equipments with high integration, colorful digital contents, and all kinds of related digital applications should be designed from consumers’ concern are the key success factors in the digital home industry. Under the development trend of digital home industry, besides referencing related country strategies of America, Japan, and Korea, Taiwan government should take advantage of company’s superiorities well to help high-tech electronics companies find out their ways in the future. Furthermore, manufacturers in Taiwan should actively accumulate across-industry integrated experiences, and focus market on the Chinese people to develop all kinds of digital contents and service.

電視媒體轉型新媒體的創新抉擇 / The innovated determination for TV-Media’s transformation to New Media

李汝宣, Li, Corona Unknown Date (has links)
電視產業80年經歷多次創新,從硬體,載體加上視聽播送內容,以及非市場因素的政府介入,交互影養,我們看到內容與平台的創新演變與轉折。如今,資訊科技以新技術破壞式創新,融合多媒體匯流服務,”閱聽眾”收視習慣因而變成了”用戶”。兩方互跨領域與內容,紛紛以「新媒體」之姿跑馬圈地。 『世界是平的』作者,佛克林David Verklin提到,我們生活在一個競爭無止境的世界,代表創新抉擇亦將無止境。電視媒體過去從無線到有線以致數位,一直以持續性創新前進新戰場。如今,競爭對手不只是電視同業,資訊科技異業的攪局與破壞創新,定義出數位時代傳播服務的「新媒體」,將撼動電視媒體霸主地位。潮流所趨,電視媒體「轉型」已勢在必行,如何再次創新以加速就位,是一場嚴峻的挑戰。面對內部組織能力與外部新興科技的專業,都有創新的兩難。本文透過個案研究方式,應用古典與現代學派學者不同的創新論述,分析電視媒體轉型新媒體必備的創新元素與能力,彙整出創新抉擇的思考依循,提醒電視媒體企業經營者應有的創新習慣及演練,避免消失。 研究發現,電視媒體與資訊科技「新媒體」產業因”閱聽眾”與”用戶”概念,創新思維差異很大,以致採取不同價值主張。電視媒體認為資訊科技為輔助角色,直接平移新聞與節目即可。而由資訊科技業或電信網通業者所打造的「新媒體」,則定位在提供用戶最大「量」與「速度」的多媒體匯流服務,並轉載與其他平台一樣的資訊內容即可。事實上,兩者都已在同一個數位競技場,如果內容同質性過高,實難建立”閱聽眾”與”用戶”的忠誠度,更甭說獲利與否。結果顯示,新媒體服務必須滿足“閱聽眾”與“用戶”的概念,才能實踐創新,而創新的抉擇,必須回歸自身資源優勢與資訊科技業互補,共生共榮,才是「新媒體」正軌發展之道。 / TV-Media has been developed for more than 80 years with many transition。Not only technology、carrier but also regulation pushed TV Media heading to a new service。Apply those turnings to the theory of innovation,showed how TV media deal with unexpected future and their innovation phase。In this comprehensive with all kinds of possibility internet world,the new tech of media convergence emerged the「New Media」service,TV towards IT service,IT towards TV content service, which changed viewer’s behavior of seeing and hearing behavior, they became a user,that makes both side wants to be a Player。 As the book of 「The world is flat」writer “Thomas Friedman” says:”We are living in a never-ending competition world which means that takes innovation action is a way to survive”. Via Wireless、Satellite,then deliver the seeing & hearing content through cable to users,TV-media’s competitors are beyond the same trade,and more competitors will be the IT(information technology) business for it can converge all kinds of content and deliver it to TV/PC/Mobile,which defines itself as a「New Media」service。Transforming the way to see and hear with IT heavily involved,TV Media viewer has become a faithful user to the 「New Media」。Does it mean that 「New Media」might shake up TV-Media’s long lasting standing ? To a traditional TV-Media , tackling this innovation step is kind of a dilemma,for it’s current organization that seems not allow them to do so , and without IT-experts support hardly can make any step on what New Media needs。This research has applied Mr. Clayton Christensen’s point of innovation (Harvard Business Professor) to elaborate what were TV-Media’s innovation elements?how to empower those elements ? and some reminder has been figured out to help TV-Media to make the right innovation determination to avoid to be eliminated in media market 。 Accomplished this research , we discover that innovation orientation of TV-Media and IT-Based Media (New Media) are quite different.TV-Media took IT as a supplementary,thus,moving TV program as a New Media content. The IT-Base Media buy the same content to serve user as competitors do,focusing on quantity and speed。Actually both TV and IT , they are toward each other’s territory and battle in the same arena shows that content will be a critical issue。No matter viewer or user,they will not take the same service with repeat content。 Changing to a New Media era ,user behavior will different from sitting in sofa’s watching TV viewers , the content should be distinguished from long duration content。As a PC or mobile phone user , they dominate what content to watch。If the content attract thems or make it as a necessary information for themelves,they must to satisfy user with an innovation determination to consolidate both TV and IT Media’s advantage is necessary to take。 Because innovation will be the only way to breakthrough barrier,and a right way to turn TV-Media itself as a 「New Media」to a sustainable development。

迎接寬頻時代的挑戰-論台灣無線電視業者內容加值服務方向 / The Development Direction of Value-Added Services in Taiwan's Terrestrial Broadcasting Companies

王如蘭, Wang, Ju-Lan Unknown Date (has links)
在電腦、電信與媒體產業匯流現象以及全球化下的影響下,電信公司、網路服務業者、廣播電視網路、有線電視網路以及直播衛星等產業,已經逐漸整合而成一個水平相關的層級式產業,可以互跨服務範圍競爭。在整個寬頻多媒體產業中,我國無線電視業者可經營傳輸網路與節目內容,並為接取產品的中心。但是如何從類比走向數位、從窄頻走向寬頻、從傳統走向科技、從單向走向多向、從內容走向加值,就成為了我國無線電視業者的眼前的問題。 目前我國數位地面廣播電視發展尚處於起始階段,所以明確的加值服務規劃方向顯得相形重要;另外在寬頻上網的趨勢下,網際網路服務已經越來越普遍,如何提供使用者所需的加值服務就成了當務之急。為了要探討無線電視業者如何迎接寬頻網路的挑戰,就必須從數位電視與網際網路服務兩方面切入,來探討在寬頻時代下我國無線電視業者之內容加值服務方向。本研究之研究目的歸納為下列幾項: 一、探討我國無線電視業者所提供的網際網路內容加值服務並給予建議。 二、探討數位地面廣播開播後,我國無線電視業者可提供之內容加值服務方向。 三、探討整體寬頻多媒體產業市場結構,藉由分析我國無線電視業者之核心能力與資源,對於業者進入寬頻多媒體領域之服務規劃,提出具體建議。 由於內容加值服務的研究尚在萌芽,國內亦缺乏相關理論架構的累積,本研究從資源基礎與競爭優勢相關理論以及模組與模組化加值概念來作為內容加值服務的理論基礎,並從外部整體寬頻多媒體網路產業環境以及電視台自身優劣勢分析為基礎來分析無線電視業者的內容加值方向。本研究透過文獻探討、深度訪談兩種研究法進行,將目前五家無線電視業者作為研究對象,從數位電視與網際網路服務兩方面切入,分析我國無線電視業者之內容加值方向與整體服務規劃。 根據文獻探討與深度訪談的結果,本研究之結論與建議如下: (一)加速通道數位化 在通道數位化方面,目前無線電視業者應詳實規劃未來服務方向,考量室內接收與行動接收的可行性,進行完整的傳輸網路規劃,並應積極加快數位電視基礎傳輸網路的建置工程。 (二)模組化的加值策略 內容加值的前提在於瞭解內容可以進行哪些方面的加值,以及所應對的流通平台為何,以便在不同的平台上建立不同的可行性機制,再進行模組規劃。內容的加值化分為兩部分,一為生產模組化;另一為建立數位資料庫。 (三)針對網路特性進行加值服務規劃 1.網際網路內容加值服務規劃方向:隨選的影音服務、資料庫檢索系統以及個人化的服務是網際網路內容加值的幾個重點方向。 2.數位地面廣播內容加值服務規劃方向:提供行動接收服務、具互動性以及檢索功能的可隨選多媒體資訊服務內容以及上網服務,來符合使用者需求。 (四)積蓄與重建核心資源保持企業優勢 在積蓄核心資源上必須將既有資源加以維持,並將個人資源經由知識萃取的方式轉為組織資源,形成知識擴散來達到機構化的程度,以助於組織競爭優勢的維持。本研究建議業者必須廣攬節目製作人才,或與製作公司相互整合,積蓄自身產製影音內容的核心能力與資源,維持自身之競爭優勢。 (五)相互策略聯盟造就多元環境 第一步必須以開放性的心態先行破除無線電視業者之間的藩籬,使得同業之間能夠彼此相互合作,另外在異業之間也要相互結盟,造就多元環境。 (六)改造企業以因應整體產業發展 企業的數位化必須透過組織適度地進行相關變革活動來達成,強調並落實以滿足顧客需求為主的競爭方針,以利於企業經營與存續。 / In recent years, due to the progress in digital technologies, the convergence between industries, and the springing up of the broadband network, Taiwan’s Terrestrial Broadcasting System become one of the major broadband accesses to information and entertainment content from home. The emerging new valued-added services they provide could thrive in areas such as digital TV broadcasting, interactive TV, data broadcasting, and Internet information retrieval. In the new competitive market, to provide valued-added services the user want and make them satisfied become the key of the success. The objectives of this research are:(1) to reconsider the development direction of value-added services and applications in Taiwan’s Terrestrial Broadcasting Companies over Internet and DTV; (2) to make a strategic plan for the management of Taiwan’s Terrestrial Broadcasting Companies. This paper is based on following data:literature review, secondary industry information and in-depth interview with management personnel in order to construct an analytic framework and make proper conceptualization. There are six major observations in this study: 1. Deploying broadband communications infrastructure as soon as possible let the various cooperative industries to incorporate the new digital platform. 2. Because both content and network are not the only choices in the broadband era, we have to put emphasis on modification design of producing content and database to make the services available anywhere. 3. Each platform has its own identity; the scheme of the valued-added services over Internet is to provide video on demand, customized content, and search services. The other services over Digital Terrestrial TV Broadcasting are to provide mobile service, Internet access, data broadcasting, and interactive TV services. Therefore, the provision of user oriented content and services shall be the key for making strategic plans in the media industry. 4. Save and re-establish core resources and capability to remain the industry’s predominance. 5. In digital era, the market is emerging as a sort of “Co-petition”, a mutual but not substitute relationship. Taiwan’s Terrestrial Broadcasting Companies have to establish the cooperative relationships with other industries to reach the synergy as expected. 6. Due to the progress in digital technologies, digital TV has become an emerging multimedia communications vehicle that will be one of the major broadband accesses to information and entertainment content from home. Traditional terrestrial broadcasting companies must restructure their organizations to keep the development in digital era.

無線廣播電視執照核發制度之研究--兼論商業執照競標之問題 / A Study of Broadcast and Television Licensing: Also Comment on Commercial Station Licenses Auction

林孟芃, Lin, Meng-peng Unknown Date (has links)
主管機關於發照機制之選擇及其執照核發決定,不僅是滲透到無線廣電產業管制架構的每一處縫隙,也反映出社會價值之優先序位。 從上個世紀以來,解除管制、數位科技與匯流現象高度衝擊了過去以執照為核心的無線廣電管制體系,也引發了一波管制革新之需求。形式上,無線廣電服務與電台執照是一系列權利義務與一套法律程序之化身,但從其功能面來看,執照之核發寓含至少有「註冊登記,分類管理」、「資源分配」、「限制市場參進與競爭」、「費用徵納」及「行為監管」等多元之目標功能。在英美,無線廣電執照之核發反映出該國無線廣電體系之社會角色定位,也反應出不同廣電體系下執照釋出及其頻率核配方式與結果之影響;管制革新也同樣令其重新認知了傳統執照制度中課予廣電業者公益義務之價格問題。 拍賣法在廣電頻譜及經營特許之應用上,除有先例可循外,亦被認為將可以矯正過去傳統以命令與控制模式支配下之執照核發制度之缺失,並將因此增加頻譜使用效率、提升全體福祉。本文因此透過英美等國之制度規範與經驗之分析,來檢驗此一說法。期待藉由瞭解拍賣法及其相關特殊背景下運作之優劣得失,及晚近崛起之相關替選方案,能提供未來政策制訂者在商業廣電執照管理之改革議題上有更豐富的視野。 儘管拍賣法在無線通訊領域應用上,現階段看來有相當誘人的成果,但本文認為,無線廣電事業有其特殊性,傳統頻率指配結合營業特許之執照體系,在使用拍賣法上,將可能產生近用、市場競爭、使用效率、內容多元等目標上無一討好之結果。再者,要達成自由市場或市場模式追求之效率目標,也並非單純使用拍賣法即可;相關配套措施之施行,同樣不可或缺。再者,我國無線廣電體制與英美更有不同,因此如何避免出現主管機關缺乏落實政策目標之能力,至關重要。 目前我國無線商業廣電執照核發制度之問題,可說在頻譜與內容管制雙重目標間迷失;問題焦點並不在於拍賣或審議制的二選一習題上,而應是致力於明確化分配標準、公開透明的競爭程序。此外,在引入市場機制於執照制度、期能促進效率與效能之同時,如何平衡執照管理中的私益與公益問題,仍是數位匯流時代無線廣電執照管理議題之核心。 / The authority's choice of a licensing mechanism and decisions thereof not only permeate nearly the entire regulatory fabric of our broadcast industries, but reflect our society's priorities. Licensing, nominally, is a mutual promise by the legal procedure; moreover, it is also about the registration, limited competition, distribution of resourses, charges, and the code of conduct. Since last century, broadcast laws and regulations have been bombarded with deregulation, digitization, and convergence, and that is conglomerated to push the reform of broadcast licensing. Simultaneously, the communications revolution, like U.K. or U.S., has thrown into question the value of imposing public interest obligations on radio and television broadcasters. Broadcast licensing seems to be so daunting that some people anoint a few constituencies with very pressing appeals, give them special leverage, and throw everything else back on the market. The auction apologists would argue that the government should set clear and definite standards and tough performance requirements to ensure that good systems and service will result, whoever is the highest bidder. In a pure auction era, where dollars are equated with public worth and maximizing dollars will be the most important criterion, there will be strong pressure to also base allocation and allotment decisions on this standard. The merit of auctions in wireless communications licensing may be conspicuous, but the broadcast industry is unique and more complicated so that the change of a licensing mechanism, from the marketplace approach, could be made that a revised public interest standard and obligations failed to address the fundamental challenge--to reassess the power of the regulator when implementing the public interest obligations. Auctions of radio spectrum or broadcasting concession, in other words, will generate their own serious problems that should not be underestimated or denied. On broadcast licensing of Taiwan, auctions will not be the life buoy to predicaments of broadcast industries; on the contrary, a top priority is to enhance the clearness and definition, transparency, and fair competition, whether the authority prefers imitating an auction to innovating the traditional selection procedure, beauty contest, through a more competitive approach or not. Besides, we shall inspecting the key point of whether or not competition and the public interest are compatible in the ongoing dialectic still, continuing to struggle toward a balance between private initiative and public oversight.

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