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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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看不見的維穩:中國群體性事件的媒介框架與話語 / Invisible Stability Maintenance: Framing mass incidents in Chinese market-oriented media

陳宇, Chen, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
過去20餘年來,在「穩定壓倒一切」的思維邏輯下,中國特色的維穩體系顯著擴張,預示中國正步入維穩國家。維穩體系主要是處理改革、發展與穩定的關係,目的無外乎鞏固中共韌性威權。然而,既往學者從媒介控制角度研究中共威權統治,往往聚焦於改革與發展,漠視已成社會常態的維穩。本研究旨在彌補這一不足,並希望以群體性事件為觀察對象,檢視市場化媒體與維穩之間的統合與衝突。依框架包裹取徑,本文歸納出高壓維穩、開明維穩、官民互動、為民維權四種媒介框架與話語。研究結果發現,面對群體性事件,媒體分別扮演了黨國喉舌、監督者和公眾利益代言人的角色;媒介框架呈現出多元化特徵,但框架並非固定不變,相反潛藏著動態變化的可能;多元衝突的框架實際可以整合到更宏觀的信任與擁護政府的框架中。本研究的另一重要發現是,在嚴格新聞管制之下,媒體最常見的框架建構是開明維穩,表明市場化媒體服從維穩需要仍是主流。這一研究結果在一定程度上解釋了市場化媒體如何鞏固中共威權統治。 / Over the past two decades, the systematic stability maintenance apparatus has expanded dramatically under the logic of “stability overrides everything”, which indicates that China is turning into a security state. The operation of Stability Maintenance mainly deals with the relationship between reform, development and stability. The purpose is nothing less than strengthening the CCP’s resilient authoritarianism. However, Stability Maintenance has been ignored when researchers who study China’s authoritarian rule from the perspective of media control paid much attention to the reform and development. Choosing mass incidents as case study, this paper aims to cover the shortage mentioned above, and examines the relationship between market-oriented media and Stability Maintenance. By taking framing package approach, this paper showed that mass incidents were framed as one of the following: coercion, enlightened coercion, official-civil interaction, and legal rights safeguarding. This study found that market-oriented media played different roles as party-state mouthpiece, supervisors and spokesperson for the public interest. It also showed that the pluralistic frames of mass incidents actually can be integrated into a broader pro-government frame. More important, enlightened coercion became the most common frame under tight news censorship. It indicated that market-oriented media subjected to the necessity of Stability Maintenance is still the mainstream for media coverage on mass incidents. To a certain extent this result explained how market-oriented media sustain the CCP’s authoritarian rule.

中共與美國經貿關係之研究( 一九七二- 一九八二)

鄭義為, ZHENG, YI-WEI Unknown Date (has links)
旨在探討中共與美國自七十年代初期起,雙方經貿發展、演進及其變動的因素,並找 出未來雙方貿易所面臨的若干問題及可能之發展。 首先,在緒論中勾劃出全文的研究範圍、方法及其架構。 其次,從中共本身經留政策與體制的運作、中共對美國的經貿策略,中共與美國經貿 活動三方面,分成三章,詳細說明與分析雙方互動的過程。 接著,對上述研究的結果,做一整體性的評估,並指出我國面對中共競爭的因應之道 。 最後,對整個研究做一總結。


宋國誠, SONG, GUO-CHENG Unknown Date (has links)
本論文是從「總體發展」的觀點,論述中共政權意識型態與社會發展之間的矛盾,以 及中共「評毛」運動產生的「合法性危機」與「三信危機」。第一章為導論,簡述研 究目的與方法。第二章將「意識型態」定義為「社會哲學」(SOCIAL PHILOSOPHY ) 、「政治謎思」(POLITICAL MYTH)、「信仰系統」(BELIEF SYSTEMS)和「社會控 制」(social control)四種類型。第三章論述中共「意識型態」與「社會發展」之 間結構性的矛盾。第四章論述「毛澤東思想」的破壞性和反現代化的意識危機。第五 章論述中共「官僚壟斷階級」的形成,從而自我否定關於「無產階級專政」和「無階 級社會」的政治神話。第六章為代結論,論述當前大陸青年的「三信危機」和反共思 想。

冷戰後中國對東協運用軟權力:外交政策因素分析 / China's soft power toward ASEAN in the post cold war era: diplomatic policy analysis

吳姿慧 Unknown Date (has links)
軟權力等同一國之「吸引力」,Joseph S. Nye, Jr.解釋這種吸引力作為無形的概念,當雙方共用「共通價值」或責任義務,並使他方支持或願意為這些價值努力時,則謂軟權力發揮了作用。Nye更進一步談到,一國外交政策可透過合法性(legitimacy)與道德權威(moral authority)來展現軟權力,合法性意指為制度,而道德權威為一國外交手段與風格予以人的觀感。本文以Nye提出的軟權力定義,並從外交政策的角度研究冷戰後中國對東協如何運用軟權力、其目的為何、細節性的實踐內涵、以及中國軟權力得到怎樣的回饋與效果。 事實上,中國對軟權力的定義受到冷戰時期與東協交往經驗影響,與Nye的定義有所出入。中國認為即使拉攏東協的手段多偏向物質性的貿易投資、金援等合作方式,但是「互利」既為中國與東協雙方皆提倡的「共通價值」,則今日東協的民調或官員呈現的好感,亦可謂中國對東協運用之軟權力發生了作用。尤其中國在冷戰後江澤民、胡錦濤兩位領導人對東協積極提倡「新安全觀」、「和諧世界」等政策,呈現了中國展現其軟權力以追求崛起目標的戰略意圖,並且在國際組織的參與、國際法與聯合聲明的簽訂、公共與公民外交、東亞金融風暴等東協政經危機應對上給予東協即時的支持與協助,令東協與中國於冷戰後呈現未曾的友好關係,中國對東協運用軟權力其努力與成果可見一般。 然而中國對東協這樣仍深度建立在物質往來的軟權力,其未來發展亦受到本文從Nye提出無形的軟權力觀點進行檢視。本文提出中國軟權力應摒棄軟權力全然建立在硬權力之上的謬思,加強與東協的理念對話,並進一步發展一套能為國際社會廣泛認同之政治價值或規範,以此中國對東協軟權力或中國整體的軟權力才有化停滯為前進的動力。 / Soft Power is an attractive power of one state. Joseph S. Nye, Jr. explains the attraction as an invisible concept which makes both sides enjoy the “shared value,” and push one party to go along with the other’s purpose, then, the soft power is functional. Moreover, soft power can perform through its benign foreign policies when they seen as legitimate and having moral authority. Legitimacy means the institutions, and moral authority indicates the impression stirred by the tactics or the styles of foreign policies. This study adopts Nye’s soft power hypothesis as a framework to research the way China operates its soft power toward ASEAN, and the ultimate goal and effects it hopes to reach. In fact, China’s soft power is affected by the experiences engaging with ASEAN during the Cold War. China manipulates its practical trades, functional aids, and investments, and it also uses the mutual benefits as a token to form the “shared value” with ASEAN, that time, the soft power works automatically. Still other relevant evidences present as announcement from China’s leaders toward ASEAN, memberships in international organizations, obedience to international laws, aids on public and civil diplomacy, and well-known help to 1997 East Asia financial storm, etc. All of these proper supports lead to ASEAN’s appreciation, and reflect china’s soft power has gained the harvest. Even though China’s soft power toward ASEAN makes its own sense by now, in the long run, China’s soft power may sap due to its deviation from Nye’s definition. This study concludes that China should banish the fallacy which soft power completely roots in the foundation of hard power, and should improve the communication with ASEAN, then should develop its universal political values confirmed by the international society at last. Only in that approach can transform its soft power into a whole new tool, and can step forward to the next era.

中共「三個代表」與統治合法性的變遷:意識型態再詮釋的政治經濟基礎 / The “Three Represents” and the Legitimacy Transition of The CCP:Political economic base re-interpreted by Ideology

林祈昱 Unknown Date (has links)
馬列主義揭示無產階級政黨必然會帶領群眾走向共產天堂,這樣的「目的論」賦予了共產黨作為無產階級先鋒隊統治上的合法性。1978年以來,中共為了發展經濟改革而多次進行意識型態的修正,2000年以前中共所修正的意識型態都謹守在社會主義框架中,自我定位為工農階級政黨,但「三個代表」允許資本家入黨,卻將合法性基礎轉向了其他社會階層。 為什麼中共要提出「三個代表」,以及為何提出的時間點會在2000年?本文認為要從經濟結構和領導互動兩個變數來解釋。市場化的改革造成中國大陸經濟和社會的變動,私營經濟發展迅速、公有制經濟的優勢地位受到挑戰、紅色資本家人數上升,這些變化使理想與現實嚴重脫節。由於延續市場化路線在1990年代後已成為領導人的既定政策,加上前蘇聯因為脫離群眾而崩潰的經驗,使中共面對經濟社會變動時,選擇調整意識型態以符合現實需求。 1998年以後,經濟社會的變動更形劇烈,私營經濟負擔稅收、產值與就業的功能顯著提升,學界發表大量調研報告,加重了領導人的壓力,調整意識型態已經勢在必行。合法性基礎轉變以後,中共必需以政績尋求支持,並解決民眾需求。然而當「由下而上」的民意日趨重要時,勢必在未來衝擊「由上而下」的一黨專政體制。 / Marxism-Leninism theory claims that proletariat party will inevitability lead the people to arrive the paradise of communism. Such the “teleology” gives the legitimacy on as proletariat vanguard for Communist Party. Since 1978, the CCP revised ideology for many times to develop the economic reform. Ideology revised by CCP before 2000 was kept in the frame of socialism; the CCP positioned oneself as the class parties of workers and peasants. However the “Three Represents” allows capitalists to join the party, and turns the foundation to other social strata. Why did the CCP propose the “Three Represents” in 2000? I think there are two factors: the economic structure and interactions between the senior level. The market-based reform causes the economical and social change; like the rapid development of private economy, the challenge in the advantage of public economy, and the red capitalist's number rises. Which changes make ideal and reality disconnect seriously. The leaders extend the market-based policy, and the experience of the Soviet Union collapse, make the CCP in the face of the change of economy and society, choose to adjust ideology in order to accord with the current demand. After 1998, the violent change in the economic society appears even more violently, became that tax from private economy, the functions of the growth of output value, employment improve apparently, a large number of research reports were delivered by educational circles, has been imperative for the leader's to adjust ideology. After the transition of the legitimacy foundation, the CCP has to seek the support from the people by achievement in politics, and needs the demands of people. From top-to-bottom dictatorship system of one party will certainly be assaulted, when the “bottom-to-top” opinions of people become more important in the future.

由合法性危機論數位著作保護爭議 / A Study of digital copyright protection from the perspective of legitimation crisis

張喻閔, Chang, Yu Min Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 觀察著作權法的演進,可說是一部為因應新興科技帶來著作利用型態改變,所造成衝擊的歷史。而現今著作權法面對資訊科技進步,所造成的法制衝擊時,卻因採取反規避措施等激烈的因應手段,造成著作權法制針對數位著作保護之爭議,出現了原先為平衡權利人利益與促進文化創作發展之兩大目的,發生了失衡的現象。該現象的發生,似乎於某種層度上,驗證了德國學者哈伯瑪斯(Jürgen Habermas)於觀察資本主義社會演進的歷史脈絡後,結合馬克斯的社會進化觀點與盧曼的系統論,所主張的晚期資本主義下的四重危機。 而隨著國際間有關數位著作保護的立法趨勢,無形中賦予了著作權人擁有對於他人接近其著作,幾乎完全的管制權利;而合理使用原則之適用卻遭受科技管制的嚴重限縮,使得著作權的保護對象,究竟是表達方式或是無形的概念,產生了保護界限的模糊,著作權法制似乎已轉往著作權利人之一方傾斜。如此的法制發展,將可能造成法律系統的內在衝突與矛盾,危及系統存在的正當性,進而產生數位著作權法制上的合法性危機。 本文試圖依循哈伯瑪斯有關溝通理性與擴大參與以型塑公共領域的主張,尋求爭議解決的可能途徑。並試圖藉由新興之創作共享授權機制(Creative Commons),結合網際網路之互動特性,嘗試探討網路中出現創作之公共領域(Public Sphere)的可能性。並期待開啟以強化社會對話與互動的溝通模式,來尋求爭議問題解決的討論開端。 / Abstract The evolution of Copyright Act reflects the change of publication displaying methods due to technology. Legislators create Anti-Circumvention Provision in reaction to the shock of technology progression on Copyright Act. However, these provision triggers the debate on the purpose of Copyright Act on publication protection, whether it is to protect the obligees or to enhance publication development. This phenomenon verifies Jürgen Habermas’s argument on the four crises under advanced capitalism, which combines Marx’s evolution of society, Luhmann’s system theory, and Habermas’s own observation on the transformation of Capitalism. The legislative trend on digital copyright protection gives the obligees almost complete control over their writings. However,“fair use” is limited by technology restrain. As a result, the Copyright Act seems to be tilted towards obligees. Such development may create inner conflict and endanger the legitimation of the law system. Moreover, the legitimation crisis on Copyright Act may be aroused. This thesis is aimed to solve the debate based on Harbemas’s claim on creating public sphere through rational communication and enlarging participation. For example, the writer combines creative commons and the interactive feature of the Internet to explore the possibility of public sphere on the Internet. In sum, this thesis is intended to resolve the Copyright Act problem.

從Michael Walzer的角度論美國著作權判決的合法性—以合理使用原則發展為中心 / Legitimacy of judgements in Micheal Walzer’s theory—A study of fair use priciples delopement in American copyright judgements

何宗恩 Unknown Date (has links)
Michael Walzer美國當代社群主義的代表人物,同時也是一位出名的公共知識分子,其哲學思想與政治理念均有其獨到之處,而其中Walzer特別強調社會才是作為個人權利與自由實踐的場所,而擺脫了傳統自由主義理論下,只存在國家與個人的關係。而其最著名的正義的諸領域(Spheres of Justice),更是在研究近代關於自由主義與社群主義正義論的一本經典,而Walzer正義論中最吸引我的地方在於其放棄像是John Rawls等正義理論的無知之幕,反而主張在討論正義的時候,應該以每個不同社會和社群之間的文化與歷史的發展為基礎,因此Walzer的正義理論強調各種不同的特殊性,而維護正義是國家所必須要出面來作的一件事情,但如何維護多元、自由的社會諸領域中的不同正義原則,Walzer提出一套「複雜平等概念」的哲學思考模式,以及從「公眾利益」為出發點的利益衡量原則。 因此結合Walzer的複雜平等概念與公眾利益的衡量原則,本文提出一套「權利實踐理論」,在這個理論架構之下將會注意到其實法律上所謂的權利僅是作為一種象徵法律權威的意義而已,真正個人想要落實權利實踐必須要集合足夠的政治權力才能夠獲得一個社會實踐的空間與可能性,而這往往與個人在詮釋法律的方式與態度有關,也就是說只有個人提供一個好的詮釋之理由,才能夠獲得足夠的政治權力的協助來個人權利的實踐。 但是法律中往往存在許多「不確定法律概念」,這是為了在特殊的情況時,來能夠實踐個別正義的設計,而法官所負擔的工作,就是透過詮釋,在個案中確立法律概念與原則,有時候會發覺法官並沒有再進行法律的詮釋工作,而也許只是單純的「依法判決」重新確認權利人行使權利之資格而以,但為何有時卻會有限縮或是擴張解釋法律的情況出現,而這背後的判斷標準和原則到底又是什麼,法官這樣做是否合法?是否由於法官是詮釋行為中的最高權威,就代表法官擁有自由的詮釋法律的空間? 但從Walzer的思考脈絡中,我們可以知道最高的權威者,還是有一定的責任與必須遵守地義務,但其同時也有一定程度的自由和自主決定的空間,依照Walzer的說法,國家也就是站在是最高權威者角色上,維護個人和社會自主性是其必須地義務,並且要防範任何形式的暴力破壞個人和社會的自主性,包含國家自身,而這時候衡量與判斷的標準往往就是所謂地「公共利益」或是「公眾利益」因此公眾利益是判斷國家行為合法性的依據。 而本文就嘗試以美國著作權法中,合理使用原則的公眾利益衡量標準,觀察法官是如何「公共利益」型塑某些原則的重要性,而且也同時還能保留有一定的開放性空間,以處理個案中截然不同地主張與原則的空間。

權力與信任對組織內知識分享意願影響之研究 : 以銀行放款部門主管為例

夏侯欣鵬 Unknown Date (has links)
近年各方對探討「知識」(knowledge)的興趣方興未艾「知識」乃為一種「流量」的概念,即知識可以在知識的擁有者與接受者之間相互交流;對知識擁有者而言,是一種選擇性「推」的過程,對知識接受者為「拉」的過程,當二者平衡時,則產生最適的流量。也就是說,知識擁有者並非完全願意將知識傳授給予知識接受者,即使接受者一味的想學習知識,但若擁有者不願將知識傳授給接受者時,也無濟於事;反之,即使擁有者願意傳授知識給接受者,但接受者沒有任何學習意願時,也無法達到知識學習的目的。學者認為日本企業的成功來自於傳播新知的共識,即將知識在企業內廣泛的分享,供參與者取用;正是這種雙重的內部與外部活動不斷刺激日本企業持續創新,而形成日本企業的競爭優勢。所以,組織宜透過一些機策來激勵員工去吸收外界的知識,並能提昇成員分享知識的意願。因此,對「知識分享意願」課題的深入探討有其相當的重要性。 本研究是在探討組織內知識擁有者個人分享的意願,因此分析單位界定在「個人」。一般而言,從事主管職位者,多半是因為具備多年經驗,並充分了解部門的專業知識,且可以將之傳承與部屬,所以,本研究假設,部門中較具備知識與經驗者為「部門主管」;因此,理論架構建立是以「主管」做為探訪對象,即以部門主管的角色(「知識擁有者」)來探討對部屬(「知識接受者」)知識分享的意願。但因各產業與各部門所涉及的知識迥異、產業特性差別甚鉅,所以在實證上為了降低上述因素的干擾,擬將以「單一產業與部門-銀行業的放款部門」為研究對象。 本研究根據相關理論的探討與實務的觀察,發現影響分享意願的因素應該可以歸整為三種層次來探討;第一層次為個人層次的影響,其次為人際層次的影響,第三層次則為組織層次的影響。依據上述三種層次建立影響知識分享意願的理論架構。 個人層次的影響是認為主管的人格特質決定主管的行為特性與思維方式的特性,因此,影響主管知識分享意願。人際層次的影響則從人際間的「信任」與「權力」的長期互動觀點來探討。若以長期觀點來探討部門主管對部屬的信任感時,發現部門主管對部屬的信任感影響該主管對部屬的知識分享意願,即當信任感越高,則對部屬的知識分享意願越高,進而影響未來知識分享的行為;而該行為則對主管的權力會造成影響,一旦此影響為正面時,即對部門主管有利,則主管對部屬下一時點信任感程度會提高;反之,影響為負面時,則主管對部屬下一時點的信任感程度會降低。而部門主管對部屬下一時點的信任感會影響下一時點的知識分享意願。因此就縱斷面的探討,本研究認為影響部門主管知識分享意願的因素可以分由兩部份來加以討論,一為當部門主管考慮是否分享知識予部屬時,該「主管對部屬的信任感」會影響主管對部屬的知識分享意願;另一方面,部門主管在考慮是否分享知識予部屬時,該主管會「預期知識分享後對主管權力的影響」;當部門主管預期知識分享對其權力的影響為正面時,則對部屬知識分享的意願會提昇,反之,當預期對其權力的影響為負面時,則為部屬知識分享的意願會降低。本研究並進一步探討「主管對部屬的信任感」與「預期知識分享後對主管權力的影響」前因變項。組織層次的影響則認為文化藉由影響我們的行為模式而影響我們的工作行為,組織的文化與其組織成員息息相關;其中「組織文化」界定在該部門成員的行為模式與該企業組織可以觀察的制度為主。 本研究以銀行放款部門主管作為研究對象的實證結果發現,雖然人格特質的差異造成個人行為的差異,但行為是由情境所決定,即有時會因為雙方的互動行為,形成行為的差異,故分享性人格特質對知識分享意願的影響效果並不顯著,而主管與部屬互動中所產生的信任感與知識分享對主管在公司地位的影響是形成主管對知識分享意願差異的主要因素,前者之影響程度甚過後者。因此,即使該主管並不具備分享的特質,但因與部屬的互動關係良好,則主管仍願意分享知識予部屬。 因此主管將知識分享予部屬,雖會危及主管在部門中之地位,但當部門主管認為部屬行為一致性越高,該部屬對主管所做所為皆是有利,使得主管越願意對部屬抒發個人情感,則部門主管認為該部屬會對其造成不利影響的機率越低,因此主管願意承擔將知識分享與該部屬後,可能產生的不利影響,所以部門主管越願意將知識分享予該部屬。而影響主管是否信任該部屬的首要條件為該部屬與主管的親近程度,其次,影響主管信任該部屬的條件是對主管絕對的服從、盡力維護主管利益,因為此類型部屬不論在任何情況下,皆會以主管的立場與利益來考量。至於工作能力與工作態度越佳的部屬,則工作績效越佳,能全力以赴完成目標,因此主管可以放心將工作交付與該部屬,所以主管對該部屬信任感高。 影響主管願不願意分享知識予部屬另一考慮因素為知識分享後是否會對主管在組織中的地位有所影響,包括能使主管被部屬認同的程度、使高層主管對部門主管重視的程度或主管被部屬取代的可能性以及是否容易找尋其他替代的部屬。其中,主管最重視的是預期知識分享後,部屬處理事務態度越積極者,則可加速問題的解決,進而越能提昇部門績效,使得該主管越會受到高層人士的重視,越能提昇主管在銀行的地位,即升遷機會增加,則主管越願意分享知識予該部屬。至於組織制度對於主管知識分享意願的影響方面,根據銀行授信部門主管為研究對象的整體影響結果顯示,組織層次的影響效果雖與理論一致,但相較於主管與部屬人際關係對知識分享意願的影響效果,其影響效果並不顯著。

論偵查機關調閱銀行私人帳戶資料之合法性─與美國作比較 / The Legality on Our Law Enforcement's Access to Private Banking Account–In Comparison with the United States

張君寧, Chang, Chun Ning Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,我國在偵辦民刑事案件時,調閱相關人等之銀行帳戶資料通常是必要作法之一,表面上看來行之有年、理所當然,但深究後卻發現未臻完善、有待改進,其中尤以正當合法性及與個人隱私權之衝突最具爭議。調閱銀行帳戶資料固然是快速有效偵查案情的方式之一,但若無合理的法律依據、明確的施行方針、完善的配套措施及必要的懲處規定,將易流於擴權濫用,不僅違背法理,亦侵害當事人之隱私權,影響甚鉅,而當今我國文獻中卻較缺乏關於此方面之探討,殊為可惜。因此,目前我國偵查機關調閱銀行帳戶資料之法律依據為何?與其他法律是否有矛盾衝突之處?實務上如何施行?有哪些配套措施?未來有何改進之道?若公務機關違法濫權有何懲罰機制?如何適當修改現有法令規範以使其更臻完善?凡此皆與社會大眾息息相關,並使筆者產生高度興趣及強烈研究動機,期盼透過深入研究,得以充分瞭解相關理論與實務,並對問題提出解決或改善之建議。 無論自人性尊嚴、隱私權或資訊自決權之觀點來看,個人資料保護皆為基本且重要之議題,不容忽視,而銀行帳戶實為個人資料當中非常重要之一環。美國為隱私權概念發源地,理論與實務發展久遠,深具探討價值,故本文擇其作為比較分析對象。為求深入探討調閱銀行帳戶資料在台灣及美國司法實務面運作之情形,本文整理解析兩國近年來相關法規及民事刑事裁判,2010年4月我國立法通過之「電腦處理個人資料保護法修正案」(後更名為「個人資料保護法」,2012年10月付諸實行,以下亦簡稱「新個資法」)亦在本文討論範圍內。本文將介紹各相關法規內容,分析新舊法規之差異,探究實務面作法及未來可能走向,以提供各位讀者先進參考。 國家為履行公共任務或打擊金融犯罪,通常需要調閱相關人等之銀行帳戶資料,此為偵查機關職責所在,但若稍有不慎即可能使個人資訊隱私權遭受重大侵害,而目前理論與實務面皆尚有未盡完善之處。筆者盼以本身面臨之法令疑義,對我國新個資法及台美兩國相關法規之檢視,對本文蒐集資料之研讀心得,及在金融業服務十年之工作經驗作為本文研究之核心。 本篇論文之主要目的,盼藉由各面向之探討及對法律制度之論述,檢視當今我國與美國調閱銀行私人帳戶資料之正當性與合法性;本文不僅描述兩國偵查機關調閱銀行帳戶資料之現況,亦針對問題分析研究,提出建議策略,盼能為我國目前存在之問題困境貢獻一己之力,以供法律界、金融界及相關公務部門參考。 透過本文研究,可觀察目前我國與美國調閱銀行私人帳戶資料相關法規與實務之發展方向,探討主管機關在提升偵查效率及保障個人財務資訊隱私權之間如何取得平衡,希冀政府機關不僅能快速有效完成偵查任務,亦能在合情合理合法範圍內作好個人資料保護,兩全其美。 / In Taiwan, law enforcement’s access to private banking account is a common way of investigating civil or criminal crimes. Although it seems very normal, it still has some problems need to be solved, especially its legality and controversy over privacy. It’s efficient to investigate a crime by retrieving data from private banking account, but it’s easy to invade personal privacy if there’s no reasonable law, clear direction, supplementary measures or necessary punishments. As a result, it’s very worthwhile and important to discuss this thesis’ title. However, there are not many relevant essays or writings in our country nowadays. About this issue, there are many relevant topics which are worthy to be discussed. For example, what is the legal basis of this kind of investigation? Is there any inconsistency between its legal basis and other laws? What are the implementations or supporting measures in practice and improvements in the future? Is there any supervision mechanism if the Government abuses its power? How to amend existing legal regulations appropriately to make them more perfect? Topics above are closely related to all society so the author has a high degree of interest and motivation. Hope this thesis will make readers fully understand relevant theory and practice then they may know how to solve problems and make improvements by this article’s suggestion. Whether from the point of view of privacy, human dignity or self-determination of revealing personal information, protection of personal data is always a basic and important issue which shouldn’t be ignored. The private banking account is actually one kind of the most important personal data. The United States (hereinafter also “America”) is the birthplace of the concept of privacy which has developed there for a long time. It is worth researching so the author selects America for comparative analysis task. In order to discuss the judicial practice about private banking account being investigated by the authorities in Taiwan and America, the author sorts out and analyzes relevant regulations and criminal judges of these two countries in recent years. “Computer Processed Personal Information Protection Act Amendments” (later renamed “Personal Information Protection Act”, implemented in October 2012, hereinafter also “New Personal Information Act”) passed by the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan in April 2010 is also within the scope of this article. This article will describe the contents of relevant laws, analyze the differences between old and new regulations and discuss practical approaches and possible directions in the future so this thesis will provide reference for all readers. The Government often needs to retrieve banking account information to fulfill public tasks or fight against financial crimes. Although this is the duty of the authorities, it will result in serious violation of personal information privacy if the authorities make any mistake. In fact, both of relevant theory and practice in our country have some drawbacks and deficiencies at this time. The author looks forward to discussing the doubts of law, examining “New Personal Information Act” and relevant regulations of Taiwan and America and sharing study experience on this issue and a decade of work experience in the financial industry in order to constitute the core of this research. The main purpose of this thesis is to examine the necessity and legality of retrieving banking account information in Taiwan and America by discussing all relevant aspects and legal systems. This article not only describes the authorities’ access to banking account information in the current situation but also analyzes problems, makes suggestions and offers strategies. The author hopes to do his best to make some contribution to the law, financial industry and related public authorities. Through this thesis, readers could observe Taiwan and America’s investigation of private banking account currently and developing directions of relevant regulations and actual situations in the future. Readers could also learn and discuss how the authorities weigh improvement of investigation efficiency and protection of personal financial information privacy. Hope our Government will not only complete investigation quickly and efficiently but also protect personal information privacy legally and reasonably.

我國核課處分程序重開之探討 / The remedy of tax administrative:Recommence the tax administrative procedure

翁培祐, Weng,Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
租稅行政是一種侵益行政,核課處分更具有大量行政處分之特性,而人民對於租稅法律並不熟稔,因此,核課處分必須有一套完善的行政救濟,以盡保障人民權益之最大可能。   我國在2001年開始實施的行政程序法中,參考了德國聯邦行政程序法第48條、第49條及第51條等規定,植入了行政程序重開的制度。但是在該法實施後,各行政機關對於該項制度應如何運用並無定見,甚有誤引誤用者。本論文就此一課題,嘗試從德國行政程序重開制度由來、理念,分析我國行政程序法相關規定之定位,並以侵益之核課處分為客體,整理我國相關判決及釋令,就核課處分重開程序之現行法制加以檢討,期能繪製出稅捐稽徵所涉行政程序重開之草圖。 / The tax administration disposition is one kind of rendered en masse and burden administration dispositions. People are not familiar to the law of the tax, so nuclear lesson is that it must have one perfect administration remedy system even more than to punish, in order to ensure people rights and benefits most heavily and possibly to ensure.   The legislators enacting the recommence administrative procedure in the administrative procedure law that Taiwan began to implement in 2001 had consulted the article 48, 49, and 51 of the administrative procedure law of Germany. However, many administrative authorities were wrongly guided or persons misapply after this law was implemented. This thesis attempts to realize the origin and idea of the German recommenced administrative procedure, and analyse the recommence tax administrative disposition procedure of Taiwan . This thesis will also examine the current legal system of recommence the tax administrative dispositions by the relevant judgments and orders of Taiwan. Finally it is probable to draw out a better system of the recommence tax administrative disposition.

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