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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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從企業角度探討O2O的關鍵成功因素 / The Critical Success Factors of Online to Offline Business Model – A Business Perspective

楊欣庭, Yang, Abby S.T. Unknown Date (has links)
O2O 是一個嶄新的商業模式,透過網路上的服務提供導引線上消費者到線下店面進行消費或是取用實體服務。在近年,O2O迅速成為眾企業討論的話題。除了知名零售和電子商務企業,O2O商業模式以在各行各業中逐漸發展,舉例來說,知名零售業的Walmart和Target; 服飾業的Uniqlo和GAP; 配件-眼鏡的Warby Parker和餐飲業麥當勞和Instacart。業界充滿林林種種的實際個案,但學術上卻缺乏完整的研究來說明O2O的現況,我們不了解O2O的定義和範圍,甚至對於企業來說,到底該如何成功地實現O2O的精華。此篇研究的目的是希望能提供企業更具體了解O2O的概觀,並可以檢視在規劃一個O2O專案的發展需要有哪些關鍵成功因素。 基於之前少數的文獻和大量從網路、報章雜誌所蒐集的業界個案,我們的研究透過這些資料蒐集分為兩階段研究。第一階段,根據蒐集的資料,我們建立五種型態的O2O 商業模式 –(1) Commerce O2O; (2) Try-on O2O; (3) Promotional O2O; (4) Experience O2O; and (5) Crowdsourcing O2O。我們專注在promotional O2O的五家在台灣企業的個案研究。第二階段,根據文獻我們先定義出可能的關鍵成功因素列表,再舉辦深入的企業訪談,透過訪談的方式來驗證並修改原本的關鍵成功因素列表,為3個分類-(1)4個技術關鍵成功因素: 系統操作友善, User Interface 設計, 精確的定位, 穩定的IT系統承載的能力;(2)5個管理關鍵成功因素-管理者支持, 客戶關係管理, 使用者參與方案設計, 專案執行的高貫徹度, 專案的監控管理追蹤;(3)4個組織關鍵成功因素-完整的人員訓練, 線上線下的流程無縫整合, 不斷創新與思考方向, 明確的專案目標。最後,我們希望這篇研究可以幫助企業更了解O2O商業模式,並且幫助他們有效的發展O2O專案。 / Online-to-Offline (O2O), a brand-new business model that drives online visitors to purchase in-store by offering services online, has received a great deal of attention. In addition to well-known retailers and ecommerce businesses, the O2O business model has been adopted by companies across a variety of industries, such as Target and Macy's in retailing, GAP and Uniqlo in apparel, Warby Parker in accessories and McDonald’s and Instacart in food. However, less attention has been paid in the literature to the clear definition and scope of both online and offline businesses in the O2O business model, and there is limited understanding of how to build a successful O2O project. The objective of this study is to organize comprehensive information for the O2O business model and to examine the critical success factors (CSFs) for building O2O business models. Based on the literature and case studies of the O2O business model, this study builds a framework for data collection and is conducted in two stages. First, we build a preliminary finding regarding the five major types of O2O business models—(1) Commerce O2O; (2) Try-on O2O; (3) Promotional O2O; (4) Experience O2O; and (5) Crowdsourcing O2O—based on the literature and more than 50 practical cases and select five promotional O2O companies in Taiwan as our focus. Second, we conduct an in-depth case study on selected cases related to possible CSFs for successful O2O implementation. The critical success factors (CSFs) for building O2O business models are–(1) Four factors of technological dimension- User Interface design, Ease of use application, Accurately located function and IT load balancing capability; (2) Five factors of management dimension- Management support, Good CRM system, Strategic execution capability, Actively involve end users in solution design and Measure, monitor, and track; (3) Four factors of organization dimension- Complete staff training, Seamless the process of online and offline channels, Reinvent the company's future and Establish a clear project goal. The research results not only provide a complete O2O overview but also verify and enhance the list of CSFs for building O2O business models. It is hoped that we can gain a better understanding of the O2O business model from these cases and thus help companies develop effective plans for building O2O projects.

國際醫療商業模式之探討:以公私立醫院為例 / A study on business model of international healthcare: Take public and private hospitals as examples

林佩怡, Lin, Pei I Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技的發展,帶動全球化潮流,「病人無國界」的趨勢也因而形成。醫療資訊普及流通,民眾可以在此基礎上,尋求最能滿足自我需求的醫療服務,於是出現了跨越國界的醫療型態。相較於歐美國家高昂的醫療費用與冗長的就醫等候時間,亞洲國家擁有健全之醫療服務與品質,且能享有較低廉之醫療費用,促使著歐美國家民眾紛紛前往亞洲國家就醫。其次,隨著M型化社會型態在各國發酵,經濟能力較高者,對於跨國尋求高品質、高技術醫療服務的需求就越多,加上科技發達,人類平均壽命逐漸延長,形成高齡化的社會,帶來了全球醫藥保健與健康照護產業龐大之商機。國際醫療因而成為近年來炙手可熱之新興產業,帶動龐大經濟產值,進而促使許多國家開始重視此面向,紛紛開始推動各項政策,爭取發展國際醫療之契機。台灣正式推動國際醫療發展計畫至今已經九年多,國內許多公、私立醫療院所都加入此推動行列,但成效如何,以及公私立醫院在推行國際醫療上,所建立的經營模式是否相同等,都是本研究的重點。 本研究以個案分析法,運用Mark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen, 及Henning Kagermann的商業模式再創新之四大構面「顧客價值主張」、「利潤公式」、「關鍵資源」、「關鍵流程」,探討公、私立醫院發展國際醫療服務之經營模式,並分析公、私立醫院經營國際醫療的差異處、不足之處以及彼此可學習之處,藉此提供兩者未來操作國際醫療策略之建議。 研究發現,私立醫院在建構國際醫療商業模式上相對公立醫院來的完整,主要原因為,公立醫院仍受限於傳統體制約束,無法建立符合國際醫療之流程,但公立醫院因為歷史悠久,因此有品牌優勢,只是此優勢很可能會隨著競爭對手的強力曝光而慢慢消失。相反的,私立醫院在操作國際醫療上較有彈性,但仍必須積極推廣自有品牌,以強化自身競爭優勢。 / With the rise of globalization, the advancement of technology and breakthrough in healthcare, people nowadays seek the best medical care in all parts of the world. People could search and choose to get the healthcare they hope to receive without borders. In western countries where medical care is expensive and inefficient, more and more people from these nations are flocking to Asian countries like Taiwan to receive a more complete and cost-efficient health care. On the other hand, upper class people in an M society could have the privilege to seek the best medical care in countries where healthcare is more advanced. Therefore, International healthcare service has been one of the most important strategies for hospitals in countries like Taiwan. Most private and public organizations in the medical field have put their efforts to integrate the most reliable sources to join this trend. The purpose of this study is to explore how public and private hospitals in Taiwan set up their business models in regards to international healthcare, and verify if their business models are feasible. This study implemented case study methods and applied “customer value proposition”, “profit formula”, ”key resources”, and “key processes ”, four dimensions of successful business model proposed by Mark W. Johnson, Clayton M. Christensen and Henning Kagermann to discuss the different factors for public hospital and private hospital in international healthcare. This study expects to discover the key successful factors and provide suggestions to each of them. The results of this study show that public hospitals regarded as non-profit organizations are less flexible because of the limitation on traditional regulations, thus it is difficult to set up a more complete and internationalized business model. On the other hand, private hospitals are more flexible. In order to strengthen their competitive advantage, these private organizations must promote their own brand actively to achieve a competitive advantage in this globalized trend.

物聯網 (IoT): 將為汽車產業打造一個全新的商業模式 / An Analysis of IoT and How it is Shaping New Business Models in the Automotive Industry

駱傳倫, Lo, Helen Unknown Date (has links)
物聯網 (IoT): 將為汽車產業打造一個全新的商業模式 / We are living in an era of the “Internet of Things” as we are more than ever connected to the Internet with our smartphones, tablets, PCs, and etc. With technological advancement in terms of increased broadband coverage and changes in customer behavior, more and more “things” will be connected in retail, infrastructure, home and office buildings, and etc. The communication of devices opens up new business opportunities with increased involvement of services including IT, financial, data analytics, media, and etc. Smart mobility is on the rise, specifically with the Connected Car. Vehicle owners and potential consumers are interested in having connectivity inside a car in addition to services that give them access to applications for information, content and entertainment. With many benefits and opportunities in the Automotive IoT field, stakeholders within the IoT ecosystem including service providers, software developers, automakers, hardware manufacturers, and etc. can reap a great deal of revenue through unique business models that require strategic partnerships, technological innovation and value-added services to deliver to the customer.

華人手機品牌廠突圍策略之研究 -以小米、華為、宏達電為例 / A Study of the breakthrough strategies of Chinese mobile phone companies-A Case Study of Xiaomi, Huawei, HTC

陳建宏 Unknown Date (has links)
智慧型手機時代來臨後,華人手機品牌廠有如雨後春筍般的冒出。本篇論文以小米、華為、宏達電作為個案研究對象,研究目的在於了解三間個案企業是如何在競爭激烈的全球市場中生存下來。關於研究發現,詳述如下: 小米是一家軟體導向的企業,採用互聯網行銷的方式,將銷售對象集中在網路顧客群,避開了屬於一級戰場的實體通路。最初在網路上建立口碑,待產品推出後,運用高性價比的特點吸引顧客,接著採用「饑渴行銷」的策略,以限量的方式去刺激顧客的購買欲望。然而,小米不靠販賣硬體獲利,主要的收入來源在於內容服務、應用程式、遊戲。 華為是一家硬體導向的企業,以販賣電信設備為主要經營業務。2009年進入到智慧型手機業務後,以「機海戰術」為領導方針,在不同價格區間都可以看到華為品牌的手機款式。2013年,施展雙品牌策略,「華為」和「榮耀」分家,主打高階手機P系列、D系列、Mate系列為華為品牌;主打中低階及網路市場為榮耀品牌。此外,華為旗下子公司海思擁有晶片自製技術,垂直整合能力在未來將會是華為角逐通訊市場的最大優勢。 宏達電是一家硬體導向的企業,屬於早期投入到智慧型手機業務的華人品牌廠,在歐美國家中具有一定的知名度。2011年曾經高居全球前五大智慧型手機品牌,競爭優勢在於工業設計及軟硬體整合,不管是手機的立體音效、鏡頭、金屬機殼都有自己的風格。雖然,在2012年第四季退出全球前十大智慧型手機品牌廠,但卻是台灣少數能夠走出國際的品牌大廠之一。 三間個案公司的競爭策略及商業模式各不相同,但卻讓世界看到了華人不是只有代工,也有能力在品牌和市場行銷做出令人印象深刻的成績。

家庭保全營運模式分析 / A Case Study on Business Model Analysis Of Taiwan Home Security Firm

林佳慧 Unknown Date (has links)
保全產業在台灣的發展雖超過35餘年,但大多數人對它的營運模式卻不甚了解,其因源自於該產業具有模糊性及獨特性。然而近年來,由於全球ICT資通訊網路技術不斷發展與演進下,IOT物聯網應用市場前景一片看好,於是智能家庭市場又重新受到重視,特別是在家庭安全領域的應用上,已多家業者競相跨入此領域。本研究的主要動機基於此,期探討保全業者在家庭保全市場發展中如何建構出成功的營運發展模式。 本研究以保全業A公司個案為例,從保全業者在家庭保全市場的營運模式角度分析,藉由Osterwalder & Pigneur,(2010)提出的「營運模式發展九大區塊」之架構,從中分析其業者在(1) 顧客區隔(customer segments):企業針對不同群體的顧客或企業做區隔 (2) 價值主張(value propositions):為解決顧客的問題或滿足顧客的需求所提供的產品或服務的集合 (3) 遞送通路(channels):提供多樣的通路型態,傳遞訊息及遞送價值主張給顧客 (4) 顧客關係(customer relationships):針對不同的顧客區隔,提供不同的顧客關係管理 (5) 收益來源(revenue streams):顧客對企業提供的價值主張所願意支付的金額 (6) 關鍵資源(key resources):使商業模式能順利進行的重要資產 (7) 關鍵活動(key activities):遞送價值主張過程中所提供的主要行動 (8) 關鍵伙伴(key partnerships):遞送價值主張過程中的合作伙伴及供應商 (9) 成本結構(cost structure):遞送價值主張過程中所產生的成本,這九大區塊的構成的營運模式為何,進而初探可延展性發展的營運策略。 經個案探討後,探究A公司成功營運模式推得以下三個結論:第一 以持續創新的領導模式,在發展策略上追求領先 第二.以營運模式以「安全、安心」為價值主張訴求,走向技術導向的保全服務架構,而不選擇勞力密集的人力保全,建立出市場區隔及門檻 第三,A公司從研發生產到銷售服務,走向「一條龍」式的營運模式架構,在發展初期除取得日本關鍵伙伴資源,也逐漸在產業發展出牢不可破的供應鏈關係,這也是該公司營運模式發展中最重要的影響力及成功關鍵因素。 / Even though security industry has already developed for more than 35 years, most people may not really understand its business models because of the characteristic: ambiguity and uniqueness. Due to the ICT technology getting mature, the prospect of IOT network is getting better, and the market of “Smart Home” is more attention nowadays, especially the application of home security. Therefore many companies get into the competition. The way how security industry constructs successful business models to home security market is the motivation of the research. In the research, we provide the example of the leader security company A. From the security industry business model to home safety market, we develop the business model by applying Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010)’s nine business model to build the blocks, which are (1) Customer segments (2) Value propositions (3) Channels (4) Customer relationships (5) Revenue streams (6) Key resources (7) Key activities (8) Key partnerships (9) Cost structure, to analyze the target company’s business model, and to study its strategies of developments for the future and the key points for their successful operation. After exploring the case of company A, we can get the conclusion below: First, the leading model of creation and innovation is continuously leading the development strategies. Second, safe and secure are valuable proposition of business model, appeal to technology- oriented security service structure rather than labor-intensive human security to establish the market segmentation and barrier. Third, company A developed all-in-one business model from research and develop to sales service, and get the resource from the key partners in Japan in the beginning. By this way they developed the relationship of the solid supply chain. This is the key successful factors to the business model of the company.

行動支付商業模式與產業價值鏈之探討 / A Study of Business Model and Industrial Value Chain of Mobile Payment

劉思含 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著行動裝置及行動通訊網路的日益普及,人們可以突破時空限制、行動化地以完成各項活動,其中,支付方式的行動化即為「行動支付」。行動支付機制多元並進,從最初的簡訊傳輸(SMS)交易付款、到延伸PC版界面至行動裝置的手機瀏覽器頁面(WAP)付費,以及最新結合感應功能的近距離無線通訊(NFC)手機信用卡付款,以及結合行動裝置相機掃描功能的QR Code行動條碼付款等等,不同的行動支付機制各有其點,本研究以不同的分類方式歸納行動支付機制,並以「行動支付機制特性盒」針對國內外比較常見或是未來具有發展潛力的行動支付機制,從適用情境、參與業者以及支付流程,以呈現、比較不同行動支付機制的形貌。 不同的行動支付機制因運作模式不同,所形成的商業模式以及產業價值鏈也不盡相同,而產業中的各方參與業者在發展或推動行動支付的參與誘因、資源與優勢、商業模式、產業定位亦有所不同,本研究試著描繪行動支付產業價值鏈,涵蓋提供行動支付服務主要活動的參與者,以及提供週邊軟硬體、認證機制等間接支援性活動的相關業者,並針對不同業者的特性及在行動支付產業中的定位分別描述,歸納三大行動支付商業模式,分別是金融業者主導下的商業模式、行動通訊網路服務業者主導下的商業模式,以及第三方支付業者主導下的商業模式,並藉由探討國內外行動支付案例,以及訪談台灣行動支付產業的相關業者,作綜合性實務分析。 綜合文獻探討、深度訪談的結果,本研究歸納出在行動支付的演化上,具有多元並立性及典範移轉性,且不同的行動支付機制會造就不同的商業模式及產業價值鏈樣貌。未來,隨著台灣行動支付的相關法令逐漸鬆綁,台灣的行動支付將進入快速發展時期,根據過去各國在發展行動支付上的經驗及行動支付未來的整體發展趨勢,本研究提出以整合性的觀點去發展行動支付機制及商業模式,並以此建立產業價值鏈的定位及密切的策略夥伴關係,使各個參與業者能更加發揮互補性的核心競能,共同帶動行動支付的創新和普及。 / Mobile technology has become increasingly common in today’s everyday life. Mobile payment (M-payment) comes with mobile technology, which allows people complete payment in an easier way and without time and space limits. There are a variety of M-payment mechanisms, such as SMS, WAP, to NFC and QR code. Each mechanism has its characteristics. This study compares and analyzes different M-payment mechanisms in categories and under the characteristics of M-payment procedures. Different M-payment mechanism brings out different business models and industrial value chains. Each participant in the industry has its motivations, resources, advantages, business model and positioning. On one hand, this study tends to describe three main business models and the industrial chain of M-payment mechanisms based on secondary data. On the other hand, this study conducts in-depth interviews with specialists from mobile network operator, banks, stores, and consumers to collect first-hand information. Combining documentary analysis and in-depth interview, this study comes to a conclusion that the evolution and development of M-payment has the characteristics of multiple existence and paradigm shift. In addition, the business model and the industrial value chain both vary from mechanism to mechanism. In the future, as Taiwan has relaxed M-payment related rules and regulation, the development of M-payment in Taiwan is expected to be prospering. Our study offers several practical implications to developing integrated M-payment mechanism, business model, and relationship in industrial chain in order to facilitate successful development of M-payment with complementary advantages of each party.

新興市場創新模式之研究-以中國手機市場為例 / Study of Innovation Models in Emerging Market – A Case of Smart Phone in China.

林俊伸, Lin, Chun Shen Unknown Date (has links)
新興市場上,由於在地使用者需求與商業環境特殊,國際大廠即便具備設計與規模要素,也未必能取得完全競爭優勢。許多本土企業運用創新的經營策略與資源整合,提供在地產品與服務,在當地打造領先品牌進而反轉進入國際市場。以智慧型手機為例,國際性品牌,如:三星(Samsung)與蘋果(Apple),在全球各地主導手機市場,但是在一些新興市場上,本土品牌(如中國的小米手機與印度的Micromax手機)手機銷量卻已超越這些國際品牌,本土業者的創新商業模式實有其特殊值得學習之處。 本研究藉著智慧型手機在新興市場本土品牌與國際大品牌的資料蒐集與商業模式的分析,探討研究問題:新興市場智慧型手機本土品牌如何創造競爭優勢? 透過個案研究,深入比較分析中國市場智慧型本土品牌"小米"手機,如何運用創新的商業模式作為發展策略,以新興市場中國為主要市場,逐步擴大市場占有率與品牌知名度,並朝向海外拓展市場,在手機銷售也取得了與國際品牌一較長短的競爭優勢。研究發現新興市場需求大且具規模,對於各種產品接受度高,因此造就新興市場的本土品牌有了差異化行銷的機會。因手機晶片與硬體零件的成熟,本土品牌智慧型手機與進口高階產品差異不大,進而讓用戶轉向購買高性價比的本土品牌。而新興市場基於保護本土產業,對於智慧財產權的保護執行較為寬鬆,因此本土品牌可推出具有競爭力的價格且立即導入市場的先機。此外,研究個案善用網路,提出創新的電子商務銷售模式掌握行動互聯網商機,充分應用社群討論與口碑行銷,與粉絲互動共同開發新商品,以網路銷售、節省費用,並採用接單生產、減低庫存。

開放式經營模式之個案研究 / Open Business Model Analysis

林秉軒, Lin, Ping Shuan Unknown Date (has links)
針對台灣企業策略發展的研究重點,學術上經常以產業生命週期、產業結構、產品與市場做為出發加以探討。而本篇研究將會從經營模式的要素來剖析企業如何建構核心能力與競爭優勢,並藉由經營模式的演進,持續強化核心能力及擴大事業範疇,使企業能夠持續成長。此外,本篇研究也將致力探討核心能耐建構與延伸、開放式經營模式間以及兩者間的關係。並期能透過一整合性的分析架構,供企業主在實務之策略制定做為參考及評估方向。 本研究採取的是個案研究方法。個案研究法中對於個案的選擇,並非重其全面性與系統性,而是重在選擇有代表性與對比效果的個案,以獲得較為豐富的個案內涵以供對研究議題之深究。本研究選擇的個案公司基亞生技,係台灣少數成功將新藥發展至臨床試驗三期、具有多個事業體系及國際市場佈局之新興生技公司,作為本研究之個案分析公司。 本研究得到之結論為,企業在成立初期資源不足之條件下,除了利用差異化的定位來改變競爭場域之不利因素外,亦可透過開放式的經營模式擴大公司疆界,借助外部價值網絡提供的資源,以助企業建構策略性資產並提升能耐之價值,並成為產業內重要價值活動之供給者。除此之外,系統性的核心能耐延伸,提供企業取得新能耐與發展新事業的重要基礎,亦使得開放式經營模式的成效加倍。即便企業並未具備龐大的資源或資金,亦可在此模式下與外部組織互補合作,藉由產業價值鏈的接力與分工,同樣具備挑戰大型及國際市場的能力。

計程車派遣公司運作類型之探索 / Exploring operating model of taxi-dispatching companies

謝明宏, Hsieh, Ming Hung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的經濟環境正值產業轉型之際,服務業相對於製造業愈來愈重要,本論文是研究一種服務業的產業,針對各家的派遣計程車隊進行分類,並分析其競爭優勢,期望這樣的研究,能對台灣的服務產業能有一點貢獻。進一步說明如下: 台北市計程車產業,是運輸服務業中的重要的一環,其產值高於捷運及公車服務業之總合。計程車產業特色為個體經營者數量多,透過個體經營的群聚產生派遣車隊,透過派遣車隊產生的正向網路效應,使得加入車隊的個體經營者可獲得更多的好處,因此派遣車隊在此產業角色的重要性與日俱增。 眾多派遣車隊瓜分台北市派車市場就如同戰國時代的多國爭地,車隊的「運作類型」牽動著企業經營體質,之前少見針對多車隊的比較研究,引發本論文的研究興趣,試著將不同的車隊依經營體質分出不同的運作類型,再加以運用競爭優勢的本質,加以排序。 本研究從文獻的回顧探討,確立研究的基礎及架構,透過與業者訪談及資料收集,進行基本資料剖析。進而以車隊規模、成立時間、經營理念、科技採用程度、成立原因、經營立基及其他事業等,歸納出四個營運構面;分別為「策略意圖」、「科技採用」、「營運範疇」及「地理範圍」。 運用這四個構面的參數套用於現有車隊,整理出所有類型,再依其性質推導出三大運作類型,分別為「生存維繫型」、「服務強化型」與「事業拓展型」等。這三大類在本研究的意義分別說明如下:「生存維繫型」是為了攤銷之前所投入成本、「服務強化型」是企業積極的提供服務價值及「事業拓展型」是企業借週邊關聯的事業展開多角化。 最後運用台北市交通局歷年來的評鑑資料佐證本研究的歸納運作類型,結果發現有其正相關,「生存維繫型」的歷年評鑑結果有較差及變差的傾向,「服務強化型」其評鑑結果多於中上,而「事業拓展型」有更優的評鑑結果。這表示運作的類型與服務的品質有正向的關係。 進一步我們推演管理意涵,透過「仲介機構(mediator)」的觀察如NTT DoCoMo的i-mode,是一個市場平台。供應商與消費者運用此平台各取所需。先前學者的研究此類的組織具正向的網路外部性,我們將此類型稱之「組織連結型」。也就是說在本研究的推論之下,派遣車隊發展的最高級,就是以派遣車隊是一個市場平台,這一個市場平台互相連結關聯的週邊事業。 本研究另外一個結論是「不成長、則衰敗」的特性是存在計程車派遣產業。這可提供處在競爭經營環境的服務業省思,可考慮企業成長所投入的風險,也可考慮企業停留原地的風險,相較其風險,決定組織運作的經營方向。 由於篇幅與時間的關係,本文並沒有進一步深入討論這些運作類型該採取怎麼樣經營方式以增強企業體本身,這是未來可以進一步探究的課題。

開放原始碼軟體商業模式及相關法律問題之探討 / The Study on Business Models and Related Legal Issues of Open Source Software

張憶嬋, Chang, Yi-Chan Unknown Date (has links)
開放原始碼軟體(Open Source Software),是由一群相信電腦軟體世界應以開放為主流的軟體創作者所提倡,他們認為電腦軟體之創造、開發、修正、改寫與加值等行為,不應受限於原始碼不開放的困擾及智慧財產權保護過度的法律障礙,而應藉由公開程式原始碼的方式,供其他程式設計者對軟體加以改進,以提升其效能。由於此種軟體開發模式具備取得成本低、穩定與安全性、彈性與自主權、堅強後援等優勢,這些優勢已逐漸被企業界所發覺,趨使其開始採用開放原始碼軟體的步伐,同時也創造了龐大的潛在商機。例如國際知名業者IBM、Intel等紛紛投入開放原始碼軟體相關產品的推廣與銷售,甚至連政府單位,包括歐盟、美國、中國、日本、韓國等各國政府,也大力推動使用開放原始碼軟體。在此風潮之下,我國政府也制定了一系列發展開放原始碼軟體的政策及方向。 如果能夠適當的運用開放原始碼軟體,確實是可以為企業或組織節省大量成本,創造龐大的潛在商機。至於如何將潛在商機轉換為企業的實質利潤,有此即有賴商業模式的建立。 然而,就在開放原始碼逐漸形成趨勢之際,其發展卻也面臨一些新興的法律議題挑戰。相較於專屬軟體在程式開發及授權合約中通常會提供不侵犯他人智慧財產權的保障措施,開放原始碼軟體由於係以社群開發及免費授權的方式發展,在此方面的保障可能較不周全,而SCO與IBM及Novell之間錯綜複雜的智慧財產侵權糾紛,更突顯此類問題的重要與複雜。 除了智慧財產權方面的法律風險外,開放原始碼所依據的授權契約之解釋、執行、契約效力也是一個很大的問題。截至目前為止,經OSI(Open Source Initiative)所認可的開放原始碼授權契約已達58種之多,未來還會持續增加。由於授權契約種類繁多,且各契約之規定及限制不同,也造成開放原始碼擴展上的阻力。 有鑑於此,本論文主要探討的重點包括開放原始碼軟體可採行之商業模式,尤其是有意利用開放原始碼軟體為營收模式的企業應如何評估本身的核心能力及優勢所在,依情況採取適合自己的模式;另一重點則是探討開放原始碼所涉及之法律問題,包括維持開放原始碼運作制度的授權契約,並分析各類授權契約在使用上可能面臨到的風險與問題。除此之外,也將分析開放原始碼軟體可能面臨的智慧財產相關爭議,包括軟體專利的問題、著作權的問題、營業秘密的問題等。 開放原始碼軟體對於台灣是機會,也是挑戰。如果能夠妥善利用開放原始碼軟體的優點,將能為台灣的資訊產業帶來跳躍式的成長契機。 / Open Source Software, which is promoted by a group of software programmers who believe that computer software should open to the public, and the creation, development, modifying, value-added shouldn’t be bothered by the over-protection of intellectual property rights. By disclosing the source code, other programmers can improve the efficacy of the software. With the advantages of low cost, high security, high stability, plus the minimum control by the right holders, the open source software movement has gained major industry players’ support. For example, IBM, Intel have all expressed their support for the open source movement and also developed relevant products using open source software. In addition to industry, many countries, such as European countries, US, Japan, China, Korea, also show their strong support for the open source movement. Under such trend, Taiwanese government also takes positive measures to promote the development of open source industry’s development and application in Taiwan. It indeed can save a large amount of cost and create huge profit if making use of open source software properly. How to transfer the potential business opportunity to substantial revenue depends on the establishment of business models. Nevertheless, while open source movement is getting momentum, it also faces renewed legal challenges. Compared to propriety software, which usually has non-infringement of intellectual property right clauses, open source software can’t provide this kind of guarantee. This issue was especially noticeable when SCO sued IBM for 5 billions damages in 2003. In addition to the legal risks, the most stringent challenge for the open source movement is its license structure. Until May, 2006, there are 58 open source license agreements have being certified by Open Source Initiatives (OSI), the open source software’s alliance. The problem, however, is that every open source license agreement has different terms and conditions. With so many different license agreements and such uncertain legal effects of those agreements, it erected a barrier for the wide-spread application of open source software. As a result, this thesis would like to conduct a thorough research on open source software from different dimensions. One part is about the business models which can be adopted by the open source software, and this part will especially focus on how the industry players evaluate their own core abilities and advantages to adopt suitable business models. The other emphasis is on the legal issues of open source software, including the license agreements, the legal risks and intellectual property problems. Open source software is a chance and also a challenge for Taiwan. If we can make good use of the advantages of open source software, it will definitely bring immense progress for the IT industry of our country.

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