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行動App之創新研究 / Study for the innovation of mobile Apps翁菀瑜, Weng, Wan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在2012年行動App有持續性的成長,主要成長動能來自於智慧型手機及平板市場的成長。根據國際數據公司IDC的報告與預測, 2012年智慧型手機出貨量將成長至約7億台,年成長率42%,平板出貨量將成長至10,740萬台,年成長率54%。在智慧行動裝置(智慧型手機、平板等)快速成長的帶動之下,行動App的市場規模亦越來越大, 根據IDC預估,全球行動App的下載數量將由2011年的300億次成長至2012年的733億次,成長率達143%。行動App營收來源不僅僅只有單次付費下載及App內付費兩種,還包括了訂閱、App內廣告或下載等其他方式。但是,其實App的獲利方式有很多種,只要讓消費者持續使用App,除了在App內提供服務讓消費者付費來獲利之外,還能透過App連結的廣大生態圈來尋找第三方付費甚至其他模式來獲得營收。
1. 廠商透過什麼樣創新的途徑在App市場裡競爭?
2. 創新為消費者帶來了什麼樣的使用者體驗?
3. 廠商若是能創造良好的使用者體驗,是否能由此持續獲取價值?
透過國外成功個案的分析結果,發現廠商透過以下創新途徑在App市場內競爭:1. App技術創新;2. App服務創新,有以下方式,1) 將技術創新轉變或延伸為各式服務;2) 連到更大的夥伴網絡或生態系統,甚至創造自己的生態系,來重新設計服務價值鏈;3) 免費的商業模式,透過贈送最有價值的資源來培養用戶基礎,才有可能在商業模式上創新。廠商透過創新可帶給使用者的經驗如下:1. 創新的使用需求;2. 降低使用者的成本;3.連結其他服務的入口平台。而廠商創造良好的使用者體驗能持續獲取價值,並且在消費者使用過程中獲取利益的方式如下:1. 透過免費服務或產品與使用者產生連結;2. 不斷更新的服務或內容,讓使用者願意持續使用;3. 給予使用者自定功能的服務來互利雙方,若是使用者不用,此功能亦不會影響服務品質;4. 「無廣告」模式能創造良好的消費者體驗。App透過以上方式能增加使用者忠誠度,透過技術或服務創新能改變商業模式;而良好的使用者經驗的確能夠為廠商獲取價值,透過不斷的創新來幫助增加使用者經驗,透過服務鏈的延伸來改變商業模式,就有機會在使用者的使用過程中獲取價值。
隨著智慧型手機及平板的普及化,只要消費者願意下載行動App至其智慧行動裝置上,此App就是消費者體驗其服務的入口,再加上設計製作行動App的技術及資金門檻不高,因此各家廠商皆在思考如何透過App強化其使用體驗並且進而獲利,前提建構在消費者「願意」下載並且「持續使用」App,因此透過免費下載的模式來增加消費者的下載及使用意願,「免費」使用降低了使用者的進入門檻,良好的使用者經驗更增加了消費者對此App及其服務的忠誠度;當越來越多消費者使用後形成的規模經濟,廠商就有機會經由商業模式的創新持續獲取價值並獲利。智慧型裝置改變了消費者對電子產品的使用方式,連帶創造行動App產業的興起,藉由行動App讓各家廠商拉近與消費者之間的距離,讓廠商渴望創新以吸引消費者目光,因此行動App生態圈的擴大與成熟指日可待。 / In 2012, mobile Apps markets continue to grow since the growth of smartphone market and tablet market. IDC forecasts smartphone shipment volumes will reach 700 million units with annual growth rate of 42% in 2012. And tablet shipment volume will reach 107 million units with annual growth rate of 54%. The market size of mobile Apps would become larger due to the rapid growth of smart mobile device (smartphones/tablets) market. According to IDC’s prediction, worldwide download numbers of mobile Apps grows at 143% year-over-year from 30 billion times in 2011 to 73 billion times in 2012. Revenue of mobile Apps comes from paid Apps but also from in-App advertisement, in-App purchase, subscription and so on. As long as consumers are willing to continue to use the App, the App vendor may make revenue from their customers by some creative business models but not limited to what we had mentioned above.
In App market, the most popular way to catch consumers’ eye is “free download.” The download numbers of free Apps are ten times greater than paid Apps in 2012. Although free downloads attract many trial users, App vendors should focus on that how to make their customers re-open the App or continue using the App. Therefore, this theory would like to study on that how App vendors gain value via innovations in the free App competition. Base on case study research, we would like to study the following topics.
1. What kinds of innovations are created by vendors in the competition of App market?
2. What kinds of user experiences are created by the innovation?
3. How do vendors continue to gain value by the great user experiences?
According to the analysis result, we have found that App venders have two kinds of innovations. One is technical innovation and the other one is service innovation. There are three kinds of methods for service innovation. 1) To transform or to stretch technical innovation to other services. 2) To connect with larger partner networks or ecosystems. Even to create own ecosystem to re-design service value chain. 3) Free business model – it is possible to have an innovation on business model by gifting customers the worthiest resources to gain customer base. Furthermore, customers can gain good user experience via innovations in the following ways. 1) Vendors should try to create new needs. 2) The App can reduce customers’ cost. 3) The App can be the entrance to connect other platform. Therefore, the methods to enhance user experience are as shown below. 1) To connect with customers by free services or free products. 2) To update contents or services continuously to raise customers’ willing-to-use. 3) To give customers customized services. If customers don’t use the service, it will not influence their user experiences. 4) “Non-advertising” can create wonderful user experiences. As a result, App vendors can earn customers’ loyalty according to given above. To sum up, App vendors win competition and change business model by technical innovation and service innovation that creates great user experiences and worthful value as well. If vendors can keep innovating to enhance user experience and can stretch service value chain to change business model, it is possible to capture value in the customers’ experiencing process.
Lastly, we have studied current situation of Taiwanese App vendors and had found that Taiwanese vendors have no innovation on business model but have some experience on product innovation. There are two kinds of product innovation. One is continuous innovation and the other one is incremental innovation. Although Taiwanese vendors are still new comers in App market, they are finding out customers’ needs and wants. They are expected to have more innovations so that they can be seen in a global market.
In conclusion, the App is the knocking brick of great mobile experience since most people have smart mobile devices with Apps. Further, designing an App is not a tough barrier. All vendors are thinking about how to enhance user experience and get revenue as well. Free download brings more customers and great user experiences make customers’ loyalty. If more and more customers join to a point of economies of scale, vendors will have chance to innovate and to make value sustainably. Smart mobile devices change users’ behavior and create the market of mobile Apps. Mobile apps make vendors and customers closer so that vendors eager innovations to catch customers. App market is expected to become mature in the near future.
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數位娛樂產業商業模式演進- 日本電玩產業個案探討 / Evolution of Digital Entertainment Business Model: Research of Japan Video Games Industry談家宏, Tan, Chia Hung Unknown Date (has links)
數位娛樂產業為新型態產業,自2000 年數位元年起,全球各國無不積極推
理理論架構,找出商業模式重要面向為何。接下來以任天堂與Sony Computer
Entertainment 兩間公司為分析個案,描述兩間公司如何發展商業模式面對社群
關鍵字:數位娛樂產業、商業模式、電玩產業、任天堂、SCE、社群遊戲。 / Digital entertainment industry is a new style industry. Since 2000s, the first year
of digital era, the whole world began to boost the related projects of the industry, and
looked forward to drive the development of animations, online studios and digital
games. Because digital contents have a lot to do with activities of general
entertainment, culture, education and publishing, recently it has brought everyone’s
eyes on it. Digital entertainment brought the innovation from the technique side,
different elements started to have an effect on the others. What’s more, the change of
consumer behavior made enterprises found that old business models are no longer
apply to new environment. They needed to check themselves again and try to redefine
their core value, so can they catch new chances. Technology industry in Taiwan is
strong and world-famous. But when it comes to compare with Japan, Korea or other
countries, development of digital entertainment industry is still in the beginning stage.
However, digital issues are more important, opportunities also sprang up like
mushrooms. It should not be treated lightly.
This study has focused on several subjects: digital entertainment industry,
business model and innovation of business models. First, the study had tried to realize
the characteristic of current trend of digitization, and then tried to find out major
factors of building business models by classification of research documents. Second,
the study has chosen two target companies: Nintendo and Sony Company
Entertainment as goal of analysis, and tried to tell how the two companies faced the
challenges of social games and online games by developing their own business
models. Thus, we can prove how the business model theories work and generalize the
feature and characteristic of target industry.
In the end, the study has conclusions as below: The establishment of business
should be based on core value, and it is the foundation of everything and will never be
changed easily. Companies need to use their resources by flexible applications to get
rid of laziness, fully perform their core values by varied business models and face the
challenges. With the availability of environment, enterprises can actively change the
world by their own power, or they have to adjust themselves to adapt the circumstance.
At last, Building of business model is a continuous process. When running a new
model, there may be cooperation between different industries and different companies
can create and share the value together.
Key words: digital entertainment industry, business model, game industry, Nintendo, SCE, social game.
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人物誌洞見:使用者行為如何激發新聞媒體的商業模式創新 / Insights from Persona: How User Behaviors Inspire Business Model Innovation in News Media鄭家宜, Cheng, Chia I Unknown Date (has links)
企業越來越意識到使用者的重要性,知道產品設計必須以使用者為中心。但面對網路興起、讀者大量流失的報紙新聞媒體,該如何從使用者察覺出商業模式創新的機會,是當前文獻亟欲探索的主題。本論文因此提出兩大分析重點。第一,分析使用者的行為脈絡,由早期大眾的角色中找出使用者對資訊需求,理解創新擴散的關鍵。第二,透過使用者行為分析形成商業模式的各種可能性,了解如何能改變商業營運邏輯。本文以聯合報系旗下之《Upaper》捷運報做為個案,分析捷運族的移動行為與資訊需求,藉此鎖定十個新聞主題來分析使用者行為、資訊需求、設計洞見、設計方案等環環相扣的四個步驟。本研究歸納出三種人物誌:需要優先性資訊的懶人、喜愛連貫性資訊的達人、偏好比較性資訊的商人。這三種人物誌指引出三種可能的新商業模式:從新聞到情報、從廣告到商研、從紙媒到串媒。學理上,本研究提出使用者導向商業模式的形成過程及創新原則。實務上,新聞媒體組織可以理解分析使用者的微觀行為的步驟及策略。 / Enterprises are increasingly aware of the importance of users and know their product design must be user-centered. Now newspaper media is losing their readers due to the rising of Internet, so how to develop an innovative business model from users became one of hot topic of literature review. This thesis could be divided into two parts. Firstly, analyze the user behavior context in order to identify the information needs from the role of the early majority, and to realize the key point of innovation diffusion. Secondly, find the possibilities of business models through the user behavior analysis and learn how to change the business logic. In this paper, we use the United Daily News Group's "Upaper" as a case study of the mobile behavior and information needs of the commuters, thereby focusing the top ten news topics to analyze user behavior, information needs, design insights, design plan, these four steps which is closely connected and inseparable. This study identifies three Personas: lazy people who need priority information, Maven who like coherent information, businessman who prefer comparative information. These three personas point out three possible new business models: from news to intelligence, from advertising to business research, from newspaper media to the transmedia. Academically, this study presents the formation process and the innovative principles of the user-oriented business model. In practice, the media organization can understand the steps and strategies about how to analyze the user microscopic behavior.
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平台商業模式對智慧資本投資及企業價值影響 — 以台灣資訊服務業為例 / The Relationship Between Platform Business Model, Investment in Intellectual Capital and Corporate Value — Evidence in Taiwan Information Service Industry陳子恩 Unknown Date (has links)
資訊服務業為知識經濟下的代表性產業,其企業價值的創造可以說完全來自 於智慧資本的累積與影響,而對於台灣經濟而言,資訊服務業亦是新興的成長動 力來源。伴隨著網路科技的發達,近期資訊服務業中亦產生異於過去單方向進行 軟體開發及推廣的平台商業模式(Platform Business Model),舉凡電子商務、 線上遊戲、社群網站及通訊軟體皆在此範疇內,而根據 Chesbrough(2006)的開 放式創新理論,平台型企業是最能適應環境變化,亦能最快、最有效率達到創新 的公司,擁有更強的競爭優勢。
因此,本研究主要探討在資訊服務業中,平台型商業模式如何影響企業在智 慧資本上的投資,以及如何影響企業價值。本研究以台灣上市(櫃)資訊服務業 近 2012-2014 年的資料為樣本,利用追蹤資料迴歸模型(Panel Regression), 控制公司成長面、獲利面、風險面及公司規模,並固定年份所帶來的時間效果, 探討在產業當中平台商業模式對智慧資本投資以及企業價值的影響。
實證結果分為三個部分,(1)選擇平台作為商業模式,能帶來更高的企業價 值,並且顯著異於其他非平台資訊服務同業。(2)資訊服務業的關鍵智慧資本為 人力資本,然而資訊服務業中的平台模式更強調結構資本的重要性,相較之下非 平台的資訊服務同業在顧客資本的投資能帶來更高的企業價值。(3)對於平台模 式而言,人力資本與結構資本之交互作用,能為企業價值帶來顯著性的綜效,但 非平台模式在各個智慧資本間則沒有綜效產生。 / As a representative industry of knowledge economy, all the value creation of Information Service value is from the Intellectual Capital(IC). Besides, for the economy of Taiwan, the sector is also the new engine of economic growth. With the development of the Internet, information service industry in recent years has produced a different business model, transformed from “single direction software development” to “multi-sided market platform”, which included e-commerce, online games, social media and instant message
service. According to the theory of Open Innovation by Chesbrough(2006), this kind of platform business is the most able to adapt to environmental changes, also the fastest, most efficient achieve innovative company, and has a stronger competitive advantage.
This study focuses on the platform business model and IC of Information Service Industry, and tries to decode how platform business model affects investment in IC, and how it affects corporate value. The study collected the listed Taiwan Information Service companies in 2012-2014 for data sample, uses Panel Regression Model with the control of the company's growth, profitability, risk and size, and fixed the year Effect, to investigate the effects of the platform business model for IC investment and the impact on corporate value.
The evidence can be divided into three sections: (1) In the industry, platform business model can lead to higher corporate value, which also significantly different from other internet information services peers; (2) Human Capital is key IC for Information
Service Industry. However, platform business emphasizes more on the importance of Structural Capital, compared with other peers of the industry which investment of Customer Capital would lead to higher corporate value; (3)The interaction of Human Capital and Structural Capital can bring significant synergy on corporate value for platform business, compared with other peers of the industry which have no synergy between ICs on corporate value.
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新能源經濟的創新商業模式之研究 ─ 以資訊科技產業為例 / A Study on Innovative Business Model in the New Energy Economy ─ Taking IT Industry as an Example沈建銘 Unknown Date (has links)
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網路購物平台商業模式探討 / A Case Study on the Business Models of E-commerce Platforms廖鴻銘, Liao, Hung Ming Unknown Date (has links)
平台商業模式廣泛出現在各種產業中,受限於研究資源限制,本研究僅以電子商務為研究範圍,本研究選擇國內四家電子商務領導企業為個案研究對象,研究其成功的平台策略,及如何以平台為營運模式持續成長。另外,本研究也以商業模式圖(Business Model Canvas)來分析個案公司,探討其如何建立目標客戶群?如何建立營收模式?如何持續成長?最後,整合與分析其平台策略與商業模式的優劣,歸結出發展成功平台商業模式所應具備的資源與方法。本研究彙整結論如下:
關鍵字:商業模式,平台策略,電子商務,創新擴散,價值網,網路效應,賽局理論。 / The theme of this research is to study the platform business model. The main motivation is the recent study whether counseling in each industry from the SAP global enterprise customers or EMBA explored in countless cases. The finding is that a successful business has one common element which they have a good business model. And further to examine these companies, most of the researches show that more and more successful companies have a significant and fast growth through platform business model that they build up a platform to connect multi-group. They break the boundaries of competition, so lots of the traditional linear chain companies have been defeated.
Since the researcher used to start-up a company in earlier career stage. Also, although working in the global company has very good compensation compared with the local company. But always felt that work for others without profiting return and global vendor is pure performance driven with heavy pressure and dynamic change. So the researcher plans to re-start up the new business in the future. Besides, at the moment that all the Taiwan manufacture oriented companies are facing business transformation. Therefore want to take advantage of this thesis to investigate success of these platform companies. To conclude with best practice recommendations for reference once start-up a new company in the future. Also, provide reference for Taiwan companies that want to turn business transformation into platform business or start-up a new platform business.
Platform business model is widely present in a variety of industries, subject to the limitations of research resources, this study only focus on the scope of E-commerce. This study chose four domestic leading E-commerce enterprise as a case study. Aim to study its successful platform strategy, and how to continue to grow with platform business model. In addition, this study also adopt the business model canvas to analyze the cases of companies that explore how to establish the target audience?How to build up revenue stream?How to continue to grow?Finally, consolidate and analyze the merits of its platform strategy and business model. And came out the must have resources and methods to develop a successful platform business model. This study aggregated the following conclusions:
1. To find out the unmet needs between the groups, take advantage of the interactive platform to connect groups and establish mechanisms to provide value to meet the demand and create revenue.
2. To establish an complete platform ecosystem with solid mechanisms. Let the platform itself and each side of the groups become the key resource.
3. To form a growth strategy, continue to equip innovation and creativity to create new core competence for a platform to overcome the threat of competition and coverage.
Key Words:Business Model, Platform Strategy, E-Commerce, Innovation Diffusion, Value Net, Network Effect, Game Theory.
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虛擬社群之價值共創活動 -- 以BBS社群為例張元力, Chang, Yuan Li Unknown Date (has links)
2000年dot com泡沫化後,許多人對於網路公司的夢想破滅,網際網路回到更務實的面向。網路中的價值創造並非無中生有,但是網路的價值創造打破了價值鍊的架構,而是以一種共創(Co-creation)的形式來進行。本研究以個案探討的方式,深入研究台灣具代表性的BBS虛擬社群平台,藉以探討下列三個問題:
從非商業化到商業化的過程中,產權的轉移需要妥善規劃,而在管理風格與管理理念上,也不應該有太大幅度的變動,否則將導致社群成員的重組、甚至流失。 / After the dot com foam, the dream to the internet company of a lot of people evaporated. The internet got back to more practical facing in 2000. The value in the internet is created and does not create something out of nothing, but the value of the internet creates the structure of breaking the value chain, but goes on in a kind of form created “Co-creation". The way probed into by the case in this research, further investigate representative BBS platform of virtual community of Taiwan, and use to probe into the following three questions:
--In the virtual community, how with the platform, community, and developer create value?
--Is commercial community different from in-commercial community in value co-creation?
--From commercialization to commercialized course, what changes does the composition of virtual community have?
Discover that shows, value creation activity among the virtual communities are dependent on the common experience network; create by way of value galaxy. And because the community makes up different content, it will face the different management topic and platform demand. Suitable stepping the platform can expand the common experience network among the virtual communities; offer more opportunities that value is created.
Commercialization and in-commercialization virtual community are not different on the essence that value creates, but it will influence community members in activeness degree among them that the commercialized color of community platform is passed thick. Commercialize management of community under academic norm of network, can is it operate channel of funds less to obtain. But comparatively speaking a better development environment.
From commercialization to commercialized course, the transformation of the property right needs appropriate planning, in idea; there should not be change by a large margin either in the managerial style and management, otherwise cause the reorganization, even loss of community members.
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台灣農業科技商品化之經營模式研究 / The Research on Business Model of Commercialization of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan黃燦文, HUANG,TSAN-WEN Unknown Date (has links)
本研究即以農業科技商品化之經營模式為研究題目,探討台灣在發展農業科技商品化時,其經營模式之設計與需關注之重要議題。本研究共分為六章,依序為序論、文獻探討、台灣對農業科技之管理與運用現況、台灣發展農業科技商品化之挑戰與未來、農業科技商品化之個案研究、結論與建議;藉由以上各章節主題的安排,對研究題目與研究議題進行深入的探討。本研究除就現況進行分析與鋪陳相關理論外,另以個案研究驗證所述理論,以期對台灣農業科技商品化之經營模式規劃有深入的學習與瞭解。 / Presently, the Knowledge-Based Economy is the main trend of the world economy. Under the circumstances, to seek business models with high added value is the major job that each of governments and enterprises must do. The main activity of Taiwan’s traditional agriculture is to produce and sell agricultural products. According to the presentation of world’s economic trend and economic statistical data, the economic value of Taiwan’s traditional agriculture is very low. And after the change of economic conditions in Taiwan, we never add high value to agricultural products with our business experience and agricultural technology.
Unfortunately, Taiwan’s excellently agricultural products become victims in this intensely commercial competition. In order to avoid the unfavorable environment and competition, we have to make some change in Taiwan’s traditional agriculture. There are advantaged conditions of agricultural research and a lot of excellently agricultural technology in Taiwan. So to develop the Knowledge-Based Agriculture, that it means to apply, to manage, and to operate the agricultural technology in agricultural operation, is the major way and opportunities that we can do to transform Taiwan’s traditional agriculture.
If we want to develop the Knowledge-Based Agriculture, we have to commercialize our agricultural technology first. I think that the good business models will become the key points to influence the successful commercialization of agricultural technology and successful sale of technology-products. If we do not have good business models, we cannot commercialize the agricultural technology successfully, and cannot sell technology-products into markets, and cannot develop the industrialization of agricultural technology.
The title of this research is “The Research on Business Model of Commercialization of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan.” I want to study the design of business models and some important subject matter of the commercialization of agricultural technology in Taiwan. There are six chapters in this research, and these are Ch.1 Introductions, Ch.2 Probing for Previous Documents, Ch.3 The Present Circumstances of Application and Management of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan, Ch.4 The Challenges and Opportunities of Commercialization of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan, Ch.5 The Case Study on Commercialization of Agricultural Technology, Ch.6 Conclusions and Suggestions.
I will study the subject matter and concerns of this research deeply in the light of the chapters’ order. In this research, I will complete the work by analyzing present circumstances, explaining and illustrating related theories, testing and verifying theories by case study. I want to get deep learning and understanding in the design of business models of commercialization of agricultural technology in Taiwan through this research.
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自由文化中的音樂商業模式初探:以獨立音樂為例 / A preliminary research on the music business models in a free culture:the example of independent music楊佳蓉, Yang, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
Lawrence Lessig在Free Culture一書中探討了法律、新興科技以及媒體產業如何形成許可文化的制度,來控制我們的創作自由和取用公共財的權利,他指向一個核心問題:私益(private interest)與公益(public interest)之爭——在網路科技與智慧財產權交互作用之下的自由文化中,私益與公益如何達到平衡狀態?
在「場域內行動者對於自由文化的認知」方面,本研究發現,「自由文化」這個名詞還不夠普及,這種現象反映出兩個事實:(一)受訪者對於自由文化的認知是分歧的:Lessig所言之自由文化是「在相當程度上開放他人據以再創造的文化」(Lessig, 2004/劉靜怡譯,2008,頁57);然而,獨立音樂創唱人的認知則是創作行為上的自由、自由文化要能保障授用雙方的自由、自由文化等同CC授權制度、自由文化是一種行銷廣宣工具、自由文化等同網路賦予大眾使用的自由;授權音樂網站經營者們則認為「自由文化的核心概念是『服務』」。(二)Lessig的自由文化理念與實務有差距:研究結果發現,受訪之獨立音樂創唱人的開放心態和行為,要比Lessig「保守」許多,大多是停留在提供免費聆聽,少數開放下載,而其目的多半是為了廣告與宣傳效益。
在「想像一個自由文化中的音樂經營模式」方面,本研究根據各家授權音樂網站的經營特色,以及配合獨立音樂創唱人的需求、大眾的公益考量,擘畫了一個自由文化中的獨立音樂商業模式,其規劃重點在於:(一)免費與付費並存;(二)虛擬與實體並行;(三)著作權安定運作秩序;(四)經紀事務拓展人脈。整體而言,此模式試圖建構一個整合網路發表平台、付費授權網站、經紀公司的場域,各行動者之間要維繫的是一種夥伴關係,而非從屬關係。 / In his book Free Culture, Lawrence Lessig investigates how the legal system, modern technology, and media industry shape a permission culture to define our rights of consuming public goods and our freedom of creation. He orientates his core research question towards the dispute over the relative importance of private interests and public interests. In other words, how do we balance private interests against public interests under the dual impacts of the Internet technology and intellectual property rights in a free culture?
“Music” can be digitalized, and it is a prime example of free culture propagation. This thesis examines the music industry in Taiwan and thereby explores the possibility of shaping an operational model that makes “profiting” and “sharing” compatible with or even complementary to each other in a free culture. More importantly, such a model should be able to promote the public interests generated from a free culture and, at the same time, secure the private interests of musicians. “Independent music,” as a subfield in the music industry, always emphasizes autonomy in creation, and a free culture encourages creation and innovation. Accordingly, we may couple independent music with free culture, and this thesis primarily deals with their relationship.
This thesis treats Taiwanese independent music as a process of information production and consumption. It adopts Bourdieu’s theories about field, capital, and reproduction to identify the effective factors in the development of free culture and independent music. In addition, this thesis investigates the dialectical process between defending and challenging free culture, and how a variety of interests negotiate, compromise, and finally strike a balance among themselves. Therefore, this thesis aims to, on the one hand, use the research findings to reflect on free culture and, on the other hand, establish a music business model in a free culture.
This thesis employs in-depth interviews, participant observation, and secondary data analysis to answer my research question. I interviewed four types of independent music composers/singers (a total of five cases of individuals and bands who are wholly-independent individuals, composers of social movement songs, independent brands outside the system of the large-scale record industry, or musical talents released from major record companies) and five licensed digital music websites (KKBOX, ezPeer, Omusic, StreetVoice, and iNDIEVOX).
Regarding “the inside-field actors’ understanding about a free culture,” this thesis finds that the term “free culture” is not as popular as it is expected to be. This phenomenon implies two critical points. Firstly, the interviewees perceive the term free culture in different ways. According to Lessig (2004: 30),”Free Cultures are cultures that leave a great deal open for others to build upon.” However, for composers/singers of independent music, a free culture implies the freedom of creation. A free culture should be able to guarantee the freedom and rights of both original creators and users. It is equivalent to the Creative Commons licensing scheme. It is a tool of marketing and advertising. The freedom embedded in a free culture is similar to that offered by the Internet. In contrast, for managers of licensed music websites, “service” is the core concept of a free culture.” Secondly, there exists a gap between Lessig’s idea of free culture and practice. The research findings indicate that the composers/singers of independent music interviewed by the author are more “conservative” than Lessig. With the primary goals of advertising and propagating independent music, most of their works remain free for listening, while some of them are free for downloading.
Concerning “the independent music composers/singers’ on-line/off-line activities and their strategies of using capital,” this thesis points out three critical points in their career management. Firstly, the on-line capital and the off-line capital flow to and exchange with each other. Secondly, these composers/singers devote themselves to creation, and record companies concentrate on issuing their works. Composers/singers and record companies maintain a peer status and a balanced relationship. Thirdly, the “composer/singer of independent music” seems to become a potential profession.
With regard to “envisioning a music business model in a free culture,” this thesis designs a business model based on the managerial features of licensed music websites, the needs of composers/singers of independent music, and public interests. The model contains the following characteristics. Firstly, non-payment coexists with payment. Secondly, virtuality runs parallel with reality. Thirdly, copyrights stabilize the order of operation. Fourthly, agency transactions help establish connections among independent music composers/singers and people who are able to provide better performance opportunities. In general, this model seeks to open up a field that integrates platforms of Internet publication, paid licensing websites, and agencies. The relationship among the actors is equal rather than hierarchical.
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組織關鍵活動與商業模式之關聯研究 – 以澳門訂餐外送平台為例 / Study on the Relationship between Organizational Critical Activities and Business Model – A Case Study of Order and Delivery Platform in Macao周淑娜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現企業透過商業模式幫助企業定義如何創造、傳遞及獲取價值的手段與方法,是屬於發展規劃較前面階段的概念。當企業為其業務發展定位後,便開始找出企業在商業模式的基礎上針對組織想要達到的成功目標,去不斷實行相關的活動,再配合企業本身特有的關鍵成功因素,使得整個企業發展架構更有系統,對企業長遠發展能產生關鍵性作用。 / The delivery platform connects the needs of restaurant and consumers. Nowadays, people with busy life and are highly depending on the Internet in their daily life, including ordering meals. As people's living habits are changing, the start-up of delivery platform subverts the traditional habit of dining in the restaurant. This study explores the connection between the Organizational Critical Activities and Business Model through the interviews with Macau's outstanding meal delivery platform A and with the assistance of secondary materials to bring the value and success factors of consumers for the future entrants who wish to join the delivery platform as a reference.
Start-ups need a systematic analysis of their careers based on business models to identify how businesses can make money and compete in the market through unique business models. After the establishment of the business model, enterprises need to monitor certain activities of enterprises in order to achieve short, medium and long-term success. Organizations that place the most resources, are valued by top executives, and are constantly conducted, termed “Organization Critical Activities."
Delivery Platform A as a start-up business, it needs huge amount of money to develop different business and marketing activities. It faces a lot of difficulties such as lack of human power for delivery, confusion in delivery routes or the meals are getting cold when they delivered to customers. After conducting in-depth interviews with company personnel, the study lists six organizational critical activities in sequence, namely raising funds, expanding delivery team, advertising, expanding business scope, optimizing platform service and team management.
Enterprises start the business by using Business Model as the tool for positioning. Such model helps enterprises to define how to create, transfer value to customers, which belongs to the early stage of the business development planning. Then, enterprises start to consider what activities the enterprises have to implement base on the positioning result of Business Model. By combining with the company’s unique key success factors, the proposed analysis framework is more systematic and plays a key role in the long-term development of the enterprises.
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