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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

台積電平台經營模式之個案分析 / A case study on the platform business model of TSMC

朱韻如, Chu, Yun Ju Unknown Date (has links)
近年來平台商業模式席捲全球,Google、Amazon、Facebook、Airbnb、Line等平台領導者們,改變了人與人之間的互動、翻轉現代的生活,並從平台中取得價值、獲得優勢,進行一場以生態系為主的競爭遊戲。此股炫風吹向經濟體中的不同環節,讓企業與企業、產業與產業之間的互動關係發生變化,同時造成許多無法因應平台經營模式與競爭策略的企業快速衰退。因此,在此股潮流之中,舊有企業如何成功轉向平台經營為本研究之重點。 有別於分析成立之際即以平台模式為主的個案公司,本研究結合了價值鏈經營模式、以及平台經營模式的觀點與相關學術理論,採用縱斷面研究方法探討典範企業—台積電30年來經營模式的轉變歷程,分析其如何一步步重塑半導體產業結構、佈局平台策略並成功轉型,成為半導體產業的巨頭之一,並形成台積大同盟的生態系與兩大IDM對手展開全面競爭。 透過本研究之分析與歸納,發現「價值鏈」與「平台」兩者的商業模式要素內涵與經營思維迥異,前者專注本業、著重內部優化,以低成本或差異化為主要的競爭策略;後者則強調擴張營運範圍、槓桿外部資源,共同創造更多價值獲得雙贏局面。而價值鏈模式之企業可從建立內部平台開始、轉變到供應鏈平台,接著發展至雙邊平台的演化方式進行轉型,但不是所有企業都具備成為雙邊平台領導者的潛力,必須確認自身提供的價值是否為整個技術系統所需、以及能否同時為產業中許多企業解決商業問題。當企業成功轉為雙邊平台之際,即可專注於提高平台的網路效應與轉換成本等策略行動上,追求大者恆大及生態系競爭之目的。 / In recent years, the platform business model sweeps the world. Google, Amazon, Facebook, Airbnb, Line and other platform leaders not only changed the way people lived but also obtained values from the platform’s network. These values are key competitive advantages for platform leaders to win the game of business. However, the new type of business model is threatening pipeline business, and some pipelines even rapidly declined after attacking by platforms. Therefore, how pipelines can survive and turn successfully to platform-based business is the main discussion in this research. This study combined the academic theories of two business model: value chain and platform to explore the transformation of business and strategy of TSMC, which is one of the leading semiconductor companies in the world, in the past 30 years. The case study followed by analyzing how TSMC reshaped the semiconductor’s value chain and then adopt the platform strategy for enterprise transformation. Now, TSMC has its own ecosystem that can beat with other two giant IDM competitors. With the in-depth case study of the changing in TSMC’s business model, we had three conclusions. Firstly, we find out that the business model of “value chain” and “platform” has the different connotation and strategic thinking. The former enterprises focus on its own business, pay attention to internal optimization, and take advantage of differentiation or low cost for competition. However, the later ones emphasize the expansion of operating scope, leverage external resources, and co-create with partners for more values to pursuit the win-win situation. Secondly, enterprises with the value chain business model can develop the platform business model by establishing the internal platform at the initial and then expand to supply chain platform and two-sided market platform. But it's worth noting that not all enterprises have the potential to become a platform leader. It must satisfy two prerequisite conditions: (1) the own value is essential within an industry, and (2) can solve the business problems of different companies at the same time. Thirdly, when enterprises successfully become the platform-based business, enlarging network effect and switching cost are two primary actions to pursue and keep platform leading strategy.

調適性創新:商業模式的主導設計演化與後進者的回應 / Adaptive Innovation: The Evolving Dominant Design of Business Model and the Second Mover’s Responses

陳曌, Chen, Zhao Unknown Date (has links)
當身處一個競爭激烈的行業,企業想要保持發展,就必須與時俱進,積極創新。但企業應該從哪裡找到創新的機會?除了技術和產品之創新,越來越多企業開始關注商業模式的創新。過去,對商業模式創新的討論大部分集中在企業的內部系統活動改造,或是期待從開放創新中尋找機會。本研究嘗試把商業模式理解為一種敵我對應關係,從主流企業與後進者的攻防戰中理解創新的調適過程。通過分析「非主流」的後進者如何回應主流設計,並由主流企業之迷思理解後進者如何找出商業模式創新的可能。本研究發現,商業模式創新的本質是動態的,而其過程是調適的。後進者可以由主流企業建構商業模式之迷思中,找到自身商業模式創新的諸多樣貌與調適的巧思。 / In an industry that faces intensified competitions, firms need innovate constantly and timely so as to maintain steady growth. But where could firms identify opportunities for innovation? In addition to the innovation of technologies and products, more and more firms pay attention to business model innovation. Previously, our understanding of business model innovation is limited to firms’ business activity systems, or to seek opportunities from open innovation. This thesis attempts to consider the business model as a kind of responsive process between rivals; and to analyze the adaptation of business model within the defensive process between the mainstream firms and the second mover. By analyzing how the non-mainstream player may respond to the evolving dominant design, it is posisble to recognize the myths of the development of mainstream business models. This research suggests that business model innovations are dynamic in their nature and adaptive in their developmental process. The second mover could identify various patterns of new business models and conceive creative adaptation from the mainstream firms’ myths in building their own business models.

全通路零售4.0下, 以服務設計思維之3C通路業創新商業模型 / New Business Model of IT Distribution Industry On OmniChannel Stage 4.0: a Service Design Approach

林佑洋 Unknown Date (has links)
「自動」已是舊名詞,取而代之的是「無人」。 零售業也一樣吹起了「無人」風,引燃此波競逐的非為2017年1月正式推出「Amazon Go」所屬,而回想零售業才自於2013年宣稱將邁入4.0時代,啟動全通路經營模式(Omni-Channel)運動,3年後立即進入了無人時代,反觀傳統通路商以不變應萬變之姿繼續立於零售商與品牌製造商中間,事實上其價值已明顯地逐步限縮,甚或僅餘傳統的物流、庫存調節及應收融資價值。隨著金融也來到4.0的無實體之虛擬貨幣時代,其可能徹底改變信用風險的問題,而工業4.0更已開始重塑生產價值鏈,在這一巨浪變化中,可能因根本結構的改變,通路商能真的被去中心化。通路商必須即早尋求在此新產業結構下的新價值及經營模型,與時俱進以永續發展。   本論文研究將專注在資訊通路商於新零售之全通路經營模式(Omni-Channel)下,如何以服務設計的思維,引入結合終端消費者,擴增通路商價值,創造消費者、零售商、通路商、製造商多贏的創新商業模型。

大台北地區健身房訂價策略 / The pricing strategy of the gyms in Taipei

林函潔, Lin, Heather Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to discovery the insight behind pricing strategy of the gyms. The research and survey are focusing on the urban area which narrow the range within Taipei and New Taipei citizens. There is a mystery that most gyms in Taipei won’t let the potential customer know the price directly. They prefer the customers come to the venue and close the deal at the same time. How do the customers feel about pricing strategy and various package of the gym? Do the gyms provide the satisfied deal to the customer? Through analyzing the pricing strategy, there might be some consumer insights or opportunities for the industry.

日本長期照護公司在大陸營運模式之研究 --兩個公司之分析 / Business Models of Japanese Long-Term-Care Companies in China—The Cases of Two Companies

齊藤由貴, Yuki Saito Unknown Date (has links)
人口高齡化是一個社會問題以及商機。 日本比中國更早面對這個問題,所以在長期照護領域累積了豐富的經驗。 本論文藉由分析兩家日本長照公司商業模式的關鍵資訊(例如:提供的服務、客戶分群、營運點和特性)說明政策對日本長照公司如何在中國和日本營運的影響。 因為長期照護服務往往基於政府政策而設計, 本論文先介紹日本和中國的政策, 然後研究這兩家─ Nichii Gakkan和長壽控股作為個案公司。 這項研究結果將有助於致力進軍中國市場並需要計劃營運策略和服務內容的日本長照公司。 / Growing aging population is one social issue to face as well as business opportunities. Japan has faced the issue much earlier than China, and thus has accumulated expertise in long-term-care services fields. This thesis answers questions governmental policies effect on firms operation and on how Japanese LTC companies operate in China and Japan, by providing key information on their business models (e.g., services offered, customer segments, locations of operation, and operational characteristics). Since long-term care (LTC) services tend to be designed based on governmental policies and definitions, the thesis fist introduces policies in japan and China. It then investigates Nichii Gakkan and Long Life Holdings as case companies. This research findings would be useful for other Japanese LTC companies which aim to enter Chinese market and need to plan strategies and design service offerings.

蘭花產業之智慧資源規劃 / Intelligence Resources Planning in Orchid Industry

林咸嘉, Lin, Hsien Chia Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在蘭花產業上扮演關鍵地位,近年來受到許多已開發國家消費者喜好,再加上蘭花高經濟價值特性,使得近年來許多國家業者紛紛投入生產,影響台灣業者原有的市場,更加上台灣蘭花業者以往對於智慧財產的不重視,許多優良品種缺乏專利或品種權保護,而紛紛遭受國外竊取流失,對於智慧財產權的管理及應用,也缺乏一套完整的方法論,來體現智慧財產的價值。本研究企圖以周延鵬老師所提出之「智慧資源規劃」方法論,並針對主要蘭花市場國家,包括美國、歐盟、日本、台灣,分別以產業結構(產業面)、各國植物品種保護制度(法規面)和業者實地訪談(市場面)所遭遇之現況及面臨之問題進行分析。針對三構面的分析結果,本研究提出「蘭花產業智慧資源規劃模型」,以蘭花產業結構、智慧財產群集與組合、企業營運機能作為整體模型之基礎,並以該基礎架構進行蘭花產業商業模式設計,以產業整合、品種權佈局、產品組合和智慧財產之交易與行銷進行設計,最後再以資訊網路平台將各段之資訊進行分析及流通,配合組織營運規劃,使公司能藉由本論文所提出之智慧資源規劃模型,加強於全球之競爭力。 / Taiwan acted as a crucial role in the worldwide orchid industry these years. Orchids become more popular in many countries and the high economic value attracts lots of the companies to involve in. The ignorance and depreciation of intellectual property in the past cause that many unprotected plant varieties were copied by foreign industries without licensing. Moreover, the lacks of IP management methodology make it difficult to embody the value of orchid intellectual property. This thesis aims to offer some possible solutions for the dilemma of Taiwan orchid industries in a way of “Intelligence Resources Planning (IPR),” proposed by Yen Pong Jou. The analysis will begin with the comparisons of some major countries of orchid industry, including the U.S., Europe, Japan and Taiwan, from their industrial structure, legal regulation concerning plant patent protections and interviews with industries. Following the situation and difficulties observed, this thesis proposes an ”Intelligence Resources Planning in Orchid Industry Model.” The model is design on the base of industrial structure, intellectual property combinations and business management mechanism, including integration of industry, IP strategy of plant variety in different countries, product combinations, and IP marketing and trades. This information will be circulated and analyzed through an internet platform. Through the information sharing, the model aims to enhance Taiwan orchid industry’s competitiveness in the global market.

專利地痞與企業因應策略 / Patent Trolls and Responding Strategies for Industries

黃紫旻 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代,智慧財產權已經成為公司經營的策略重點,不再只是著重於法律與科技等構面,觸角更擴張為經營管理、商業競爭、企業併購、財務規劃與驅策新事業的重要工具。新的專利侵權原告(The New Breed of Patent Infringement Plaintiffs)便趁此一熱潮悄然誕生,美國稱之為「Patent Troll」,其不為營運研發、純粹在全球購買專利,以創造利潤與策略佈局考量為主,挾著專利持有人的地位大張旗鼓尋找「交易」對象,以訴訟為手段作為談判的籌碼,到處發警告函以獲取權利金。「Patent Troll」不僅在法律制度上引發爭議,更提高企業在智財管理方面的困難度,其對專利體系上的影響是全面性的。 本文第一章主要說明本論文之研究動機,包含專利訴訟新趨勢、新的商業營運模式,以及順應而生的「Patent Troll」之情形,闡述其所造成與被授權人間議價能力失衡之現象,接著闡述其對交易關係的影響以及美國法上相應適用的法律原則之變化,最後針對台灣的現況做一說明並向企業提出策略上之建議。 第二章蒐集並整理國內外與「Patent Troll」相關問題的爭議及探討。首先針對智慧財產服務業(IP Service Corporation)及智財控股公司(IP Holding Company)等名詞作一基本介紹。次對「Patent Troll」之名詞、定義、由來及分類做一整理介紹,接著說明「Patent Troll」之特徵、功能及商業模式。最後則針對各方文獻對於專利管理流程以及企業營運策略等建議做一整理分析。 第三章針對「Patent Troll」此一名詞做全面性的介紹與探討。首先對「Patent Troll」的定義、名詞爭議、發展歷史及與類似名詞的區辨為一概括式的介紹,本文將「Patent Troll」定名為「專利地痞」,並認為分析特徵可歸納為下列七項,只有當七項特徵都符合時才是本文所指涉之專利地痞:(一)為專利權人的個人、獨立發明人或公司;(二)藉由購買專利(如MercExchange)或進行技術創新(如Lemelson);(三)不製造生產產品;(四)非提供專利服務;(五)鎖定目標公司(Target Company):該目標公司必須是獨立發明製造技術,真正使用該專利,欠缺專利授權,在商業上成功,並且出現且已投入不可回復的損害;(六)以訴訟與禁制令作為要脅;(七)以達和解授權以獲取權利金等創造利潤及策略布局。接著說明「Patent Troll」的分類,以掌握其可能存在的不同態樣,本文將專利地痞分類為「發明型」專利地痞」,以及「購買型」專利地痞。然後就其特徵、優勢及商業模式加以闡述,歸納出一些共通的特徵,本文認為專利地痞的商業模式可以分成下列幾個步驟,第一階段為累積專利期,第二階段為授權協商期,第三階段則為專利訴訟期。各階段之間有其前後順序,並且環環相扣,除了第一階段需投入成本外,另外兩個階段均以創造利益為最終目的。最後再就全球各主要國家關於「Patent Troll」的現況進行討論並提出結論,以此部分的撰寫與結論作為第四張及第五章關於法律面與管理面相關議題批評檢討的基礎。 第四章探討「Patent Troll」在美國法上涉及的相關法律爭議問題,期以此觀察緣起環境變遷的方式了解國內外法制環境的差異,並定位台灣在此一進程中所處之發展位置,以解析台灣關於「Patent Troll」此議題重視之必要與否以及應該採取的態度與方法。首先以美國法上針對「Patent Troll」此一議題在行政、立法和司法的變革為引,帶出此一議題影響層面的全面性。次專注於美國法上關於立法上「專利改革法案」對於解決「Patent Troll」問題所做的努力,如前已提及之專利先申請原則、專利侵權損害賠償計算基礎、惡意侵權損害賠償、專利核可後非經訴訟程序的異議制度(Post-Grant Opposition)和專利侵權訴訟管轄權等。接著以法院判決的變化演進,如前述主要提及之2006年eBay v. MercExchange一案中對於禁制令核發原則的確立、2007年KSR v. Teleflex一案中對於可專利性原則(Patentability)的解釋運用,2007年MedImmune,Inc. v. Genentech一案對於確認判決(Declaratory Judgment)行使範圍的解釋。2007年Microsoft v. AT&T 針對域外效力(Extraterritorial Impact)的確立,以及2007年In re Seagate一案對於惡意侵權(Willful Infringement)的認定等。最後針對個別修正法案或法院判決的變遷對專利地痞的影響做一說明。 第五章提出企業面對「Patent Troll」此一威脅時所能採取的因應策略。將以第三章所分析之專利地痞商業模式三步驟為本,針對專利地痞行使各該步驟時,企業可能採取的因應策略。第一階段的累積專利期,包含有專利資訊管理、專利購買與公司併購、延攬IP專業人才、保險分擔機制與提撥準備金、技術創新設計、專利交叉授權、專利策略聯盟、契約條款規劃和其他新型態的因應策略等;第二階段的授權協商期,包含有專利評估、和解授權,確認訴訟;第三階段的侵權訴訟期,則有專利訴訟程序、侵權認定程序、善用迴避設計、提出異議制度、提出專利再審查、慎選繫屬法院,以及採取團體訴訟以資因應等。期以一相關流程使企業得以瞭解其現階段落在何種情況時應採取何策略始得降低風險並妥善因應。 第六章為本論文之結論建議,結論部份,將前述第三章、第四章和第五章所提出之觀點作一概括性的總結。建議部分,即就我國產官學各界及現行法制面對「Patent Troll」問題可能適用之解決方式加以檢討並提出建議。 / In the knowledge-based economy era, intellectual property has become the focus of business management strategy. The concerns of intellectual property management extend from law and technology to management, market competitions, mergers and acquisitions, financial plans, and start-ups. The trends also bring forth a new breed of patent infringement plaintiffs, Patent Troll, who do not undertake R&D and purchase patents worldwide as their main profit and business strategy. Those patentees utilize litigation as measures to bargain with their “clients” to obtain loyalties. The issue of Patent Troll is influential in the Patent system. It rouses controversy in legal system and increase difficulty for industry in intellectual property management. Chapter I describes the main concern of this thesis, including new trends of patent litigation, new business model, and “Patent Troll.” The chapter will elaborate an imbalance of bargaining power between licensors and licensees cause by patent troll, the influences of patent troll to IP transactions, and the changes of legal principles under U.S. patent law and judicial decisions. The chapter will outline the current situation in Taiwan and propose some strategy to industries. Chapter II involves relating issues on "Patent Troll" in Taiwan and abroad. First, the chapter will introduce the definition of IP Service Corporation and IP Holding Company. Then the chapter will elaborates and discuss patent troll from the name, definition, classification, origin, features, functions and business models. At last, this chapter will analyze the patent managerial process and operating strategies for the industries. Chapter III focuses on a comprehensive introduction towards patent troll. First, the article elaborates the disputes on the definition, the term, the history and the differences between similar terms of patent troll. A Patent troll should meet all the following seven characteristics, (a) patent owner/independent inventor/company; (b) Compare purchase of rights (MercExchange for example) vs. invention (Lemelson for example); (c) Does not Make, Use, Sell, Offer to Sell, Or Import Patented Article/ Does not Use/Practice Patented Method; (d) no IP Service; (e) Target company (infringer): The target company must be an independent inventor of the technology, has real use of the patent, lacks of patent license, has successful business and devotes substantial investments; (f)Threat of litigation & Injunction; (g) Demand for licensing fee. Then the article describes the classification of patent troll in order to grasp the potential types of it. Patent troll in this chapter will be classified as "inventor" one and "purchaser" one. The business model of patent troll can be divided into three stages: (a) cumulative period ;(b) licensing and consolation period and (c) patent litigation period. The three stages are of time sequence and closely linked together. The “Patent Troll” needs to invest money only in the first stage and take profit creation as the ultimate goal in the other two stages. Finally, the chapter describes and discusses the developments and current status of patent troll in some major countries in the world. The observation and discussion will be served as the foundation for further discussion in the following chapters. Chapter IV focuses on the legal principle changes under U.S. patent system in three dimensions: administration, legislation and jurisdiction and illustrates the effects that occur to patent troll. The changes of administration focus on three parts: the limitation of continuation application, the limitation of divisional application and the limitation of claims. In legislation, the changes focus on “Patent Law Reform Act”, including the first-to-invent to first-to-file principle, the calculation basis of damages, enhanced damages, post grant review procedure, and venue and jurisdiction. The changes of jurisdiction focus on five verdicts and cases, eBay v. MercExchange, KSR v. Teleflex, MedImmune, Inc. V. Genentech, Microsoft v. AT & T, and In re Seagate. The chapter will elaborate the influences of those changes and decisions on the business model of patent troll. Chapter V proposes some possible solutions and strategies to industries when they are confronted with the threats of patent troll. This thesis takes the three stages of patent troll’s business model as a foundation and proposes the strategies for industries against patent troll during different stages. The strategies for first stage are IP information management, patent purchase, mergers and acquisitions of companies, IP professionals recruitment, insurance mechanism, technology R&D, patent cross-licensing, patent alliances, contract planning and other new types of strategies and so on. The strategies for the second stage include patent evaluation, authorization of reconciliation and declaratory judgment. The strategies in the third stage are patent litigation, infringement procedures, patent design around, patent re-examination, choose of venue and jurisdiction and group litigation. The thesis expect to enable industries to understand what stage they fall on and what strategies they can adopt, with the proposal of management procedure. Chapter VI will be the conclusions of this thesis and will include suggestions on the issue of patent troll to industries, government and academia.

網際網路企業對敏捷軟體開發程序採用的成功案例 -以AUTOTRADECENTER為例 / A case study on autotradecenter - an internet business successfully adopted agile software development process to create agility as core competence

黃薇如 Unknown Date (has links)
逐漸崛起的網際網路經濟在科技及商業環境的快速變化中促使軟體開發程序漸漸進化成因應需求而調整式的程序,敏捷開發程序的演化在過去十幾年已幫助許多網際網路商業設立而且使其可以保持競爭力。 採用敏捷開發程序的網際網路商業組織較具有彈性,可以在任何軟體開發的階段中對於針對需求的改變而改變軟體的開發。主要加快軟體完成的因素是保持一個輕量級並有密切及通暢溝通的團隊。快速的軟體開發週期以及原形的開發使得初步可行性研究較簡單,也因此可以幫助需求單位提早測試軟體並提早提供回饋。 開放原始碼技術能幫助敏捷組織創新。知識轉移與技術管理在沒有很多文件紀錄的敏捷軟體開發環境中也扮演非常重要的角色。 處於隨時因應需求而敏捷調整步調成為組織的核心競爭力。組織的文化與價值需要根據組織要求的敏捷特性來調整。在事者應當用社會控制體系來管理其員工,而非用傳統式的正式控制體系。 AutoTradeCenter成功的採用敏捷方法而成為一個敏捷的組織。它採用開放原始碼技術並強調創新管理。也建立組織的文化與價值來支持其「敏捷開發系統」的建立。該公司的高度敏捷度在2000年代初期的不景氣時候仍讓其保持競爭力。 本研究建議任何新成立的網際網路商業公司可以嚐試使用AutoTradeCenter所採用的敏捷開發方式來建立組織的競爭力。 / The fast change technology and business environment from the emerging Internet economy have resulted in the evolution of the software development process into an adaptive process. This evolution of the agile software development process has helped numerous new Internet businesses to enter the field and to stay competitive over the past decades. Internet businesses, which adopted the agile software development methodology, are able to remain flexible and address changes in any stage of software development process. A lightweight team with close and good communications is the key ingredient to speedily deliver software products. Quick cycles and prototypes make feasibility studies easier and allow business people to test and provide feedback thereby allowing creation of the innovative products that truly address the market requirements. Open source technology has helped agile organizations to innovate and materialize the innovation. Knowledge transfer and technology management play important roles in an agile software development environment without a need for excess documentations. Organizations stay adaptive with agility as their core competence. The organizational values and culture need to be shaped accordingly to support the agile spirit across organizations. Incumbents should motivate the members using social control system rather than the formal control system. AutoTradeCenter, a case study used in this research, successfully formed an agile organization by adopting the agile methodology, utilizing and managing the open source technology, and creating an adaptive culture and value. The agility helped the company staying competitive during the economic downturn in early 2000. This research suggested that any Internet startup can adopt the same path that AutoTradeCenter chose to create its competitive advantages. Keywords: Agile Software Development, Open Source Technology, Knowledge Management, Organizational Culture, Core Competence, Competitive Advantage, Internet Business Model, AutoTradeCenter

行動通訊之演進暨對金融資訊服務產業之威脅與商機--以E公司為例 / The Business Opportunities of the Financial Information Service Vendors on The Evolution of Mobile Communications --- A Case Study on E-Corp.

陳建名, Chen, Jimmy Unknown Date (has links)
近年來因雲端運算(Cloud Computing)、智慧型行動載具(Smart handheld Device)等資訊與通訊技術的整合與匯流,再加上金融證券產業政策開放、國際化與自由化、證劵業在中國大陸發展的限制逐步鬆綁等諸多因素,原本各有自己領域的資訊服務廠商都開始磨拳擦掌,紛紛在手持式裝置上推出各種證券服務商品,這對過往在B2C領域獨佔鰲頭的E公司無異是最大的衝擊。 本研究將藉由探討E公司現行定位、分析因智慧型行動載具之演進,對金融資訊服務廠商所產生的市場改變、衝擊與競爭,進而找出新的市場商機、訂定新的市場定位與策略,期盼能為該公司發展再造藍海市場商機。 主要結論為:金融證券資訊服務產業已經是一紅海市場。為解決E公司面臨的產業困境,思考E公司未來發展走向,重新定位E公司的核心競爭力(Core Competence),如何利用現有智慧型行動載具的特性化阻力為助力,在金融證券資訊服務產業這一片紅海中開闢新藍海。本研究將依據波特(Michael E. Porter)的五力分析及競爭論(On Competition)與洪順慶教授之新產品開發流程,提出新舊產品策略及商業模式(Business Model與Go-To-Market Model)的建議:  舊產品:運用該公司在證券資訊市場的領先地位,作業流程核心管理能力,通路優勢與客戶特性,為進入衰退期的既有產品(專業股票機)發展社群服務,增加老客戶黏著度,並搶食競爭對手市場,以延續該產品生命週期。  新產品:善用既有的雲端優勢及智慧型手持式裝置資通訊整合匯流與Web2.0的新技術,開發客製化(Tailor-Made)、主動揭露(Event Push、Calendar Push),推出智慧的(Smart)、簡易的(Simple)、方便的(Convenience)的理財生活管家服務,開闢新藍海。 / During the past few years, the information service industry of the securities market has change hugely and the competition becomes more and more intensely, due to the opening and internationalization of the government industry policy and the rapid development of the ICT technology--includes cloud computing, evolution of mobile communication and smart handheld device, and ICT convergence…. Because of these changes, the information service vendors of the securities market have started penetrating their services into mobile device with low-price or price-free strategy. The impact to the E-Corp, the leading company with the B2C business model, is most fiercely. First, the study will analysize the change, impact and competition of the information service industry of the securities market, and will apply E-Corp as the case-study-company and probe the current positioning of E-Corp. Finally, the study will try to find out the new business opportunities for vendors, and will make suggestions on marketing repositioning and product development and business strategy to E-Corp. Exectuctive summary:The information service industry of securities market is a red ocean market. The study will utilzie the theories of Five-Force-Analysis (Michael E. Porter), Product Life Cycle (SC Horng, NCCU Taiwan), Core Competence (Gary Hamel & C.K. Parhalad), and will also think how to apply new technologies, such as cloud computing, smart handheld device, Web2.0,…to solve E-Corp dilemma and to help E-Corp to creat new blue ocean business and market. The suggestions are:  For current product: To extend the product life cycle. First, to apply the strength of the leading position in industry, channel strength and procedure management core competence to develop community network service to increase customers’ loyalty and to low down the rate of loss. Second, to seize the competitors’ customers.  For new product:Apply the strength of cloud computing the E-Corp has, and utilize ICT convergence and smart handheld devices, Web2.0 technologies to extend the service from securities to financial/wealth management service with the functional characters of event push/calendar driven, and smart/simple/convenience.

台灣中小型科技公司競爭策略與競爭優勢之研究-以噴墨列印產業為例 / Competitive strategy and competitive advantage of High-Tech SMEs ─ a case study of Taiwan's ink jet printing industry

黃志民, Huang,Jyh Min Unknown Date (has links)
台灣中小企業的發展歷程,從創造台灣經濟奇蹟的原始動力到1980年代後期起,因國內外環境改變而面對嚴重的挑戰並歷經重大的改變。直至今天更因全球化的衝擊,正面臨嚴苛的考驗。其中能成長為跨國大企業者,實在寥寥可數,而大部份均歷經生存與滅亡的不斷輪迴。加上台灣企業逐漸大型化,大型企業開始獲得台灣經濟的主導權,中小企業在台灣經濟的比重逐漸降低。然而,在全球供應鏈上,台灣不論是大型企業或中小企業大部份均只是扮演中段生產與代工的角色,供應鏈上的上游原料與材料技術卻無法占有一席之地。這樣的現況我們似乎只歸因於市場機制的優勝劣敗而鮮有進一步的具體解決方案與實際創新商業模式之深入探討。然而,從一些成功的案例我們發現其實有一些具特異性與價值性資源及能耐的中小企業在面對常態資源不足,市場生態丕變、與組織對應不良的困境中,善用自己的核心能力,從理論與應用科學的發展、核心能力的延伸與擴張,競爭策略的預應彈性與組織能力的強化做為變革的基礎,逐步發展其成功的創新商業模式。 本研究以”台灣中小型科技公司之競爭策略與競爭優勢”為架構,以” 噴墨列印產業 ”之利基創造為導入實例,進行對台灣中小企業科技核心能力的認知,應用策略、經營模式、與變革創新的階段性探討與分析。期能從競爭策略的面向,提出問題與理論驗證,並提出一成功營運模式的研擬。此外,再以其在高競爭障礙市場的成功實績,進一步探討台灣中小企業如何善用獨持資源與策略轉折,創新創造利基市場,由小做大,建立跨國的成功創新商業模式,甚至建立自有品牌。最後,期望本研究的理論參據與實績驗證的內容和建議對台灣中小企業在困境中的力爭上游能有所助益。 / Since the time of creating the original driving force of Taiwan's economic miracle to late 1980s, the development of Taiwanese SMEs has been facing serious challenges and experiencing major changes due to rapid changes in domestic and international environment. Even today they are facing a more severe test because of the impact of globalization, and very few of them are able to grow to large multinational companies while most of them have been going through the continuous cycle of survival and extinction. Furthermore, Taiwanese enterprises have become larger in scale gradually, and large companies have begun to gain dominance of Taiwanese economy. The proportion of SMEs in Taiwanese economy has gradually reduced. However, in the global supply chain, most of the enterprises in Taiwan, no matter SMEs or MNCs, play the role of “ production and OEM/ODM” and rarely place the upstream of the supply chain as suppliers of raw materials and technology. This current situation seems to be attributed to the market mechanism fitness and few further specific and practical solutions have been discussed and conducted earnestly into the innovative business model in depth. However, from a number of successful cases, we discover that there are some SMEs, who are capable of core competencies and special advantages yet inadequate resources and capabilities, the changing market ecology, and the plight of organization corresponding ability, have successfully developed their own business models by their core competencies and the development of theoretical and applied science, the precise implementation of extension and expansion of core competencies and the strengthen of pro- action flexibility of competitive strategies as well as the capability of organizing, and gradually achieved the innovation and progressive development of the unique successful business model. In this research, the technical core competences, application strategies, innovative transformation and new business model of Taiwan's SMEs will be carried into analysis and discussion based on the framework of " competitive strategy and competitive advantage of High-Tech SMEs in Taiwan " setting the foundation of "The ink jet printing industries" as an illustration. For each stage of competitive strategies, the questions will be presented with theories to verify, and the simulation of successfully-operated models will be brought out. In addition, from the successful examples in high competitive barrier market, this research will further explore how good Taiwanese SMEs are by using the core capabilities and strategy transition to gradually innovate the global niche market with successful innovative business models, and even establish their own brands. Finally, I hope the theoretical reference, content and recommendations of performance verification can be helpful to get through the plight of the striving SMEs in Taiwan.

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