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張清良 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的在探討九年一貫課程實施後,地方政府在此一政策執行過程中的角色與功能,主要包括:1.探討地方政府執行九年一貫課程政策之執行條件;2.分析九年一貫課程政策執行組織(地方教育主管機關)之執行情形;3.瞭解九年一貫課程政策標的團體(國民中小學)之執行情形;4.探析九年一貫課程政策執行之成效與影響因素。 本研究採取問卷調查與深度訪談法。問卷調查對象為地方政府參與九年一貫課程政策執行工作之相關人員,有效樣本為417人,研究工具為自編之「地方政府執行九年一貫課程政策調查問卷」,使用之統計方法包括皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析、t考驗及多元逐步回歸分析。訪談對象則立意選取教育部行政人員、地方政府教育局人員、國民中小學校長共6人。 本研究的主要結果如下: 一、九年一貫課程政策執行條件之分析:1.政策的推動時程規劃不夠充裕,2.課程內涵結構意見分歧,3.增加學校彈性自主空間受肯定,4.政策推動人力資源不足,5.教育部經費資源投入有待提升,6.行政配套措施有待改善。 二、執行組織執行情形之分析:1.地方政府執行人力及經費不足影響推動成效,2.地方政府課程政策執行組織具有代表性,3.地方政府課程政策規畫良好,4.地方政府執行課程政策配套措施有待繼續努力,5.地方政府辦理之教師研習具有成效,6.地方政府執行人員瞭解課程內涵及相關法令規章,7.地方政府執行組織主管瞭解九年一貫課程政策,8.地方政府課程推動組織能促進課程政策的落實,9.地方政府課程輔導團能夠協助教師成長。 三、標的團體執行情形之分析:1.學校執行課程政策之人力及經費不充裕,2.社區資源投入不充足,3.學校執行課程政策之組織具有代表性,4.學校課程發展委員會運作正常但實質功能不大,5.學習領域小組運作良好,6.學校辦理之研習能協助教師專業成長,7.校長尚能發揮課程領導,協助課程政策執行,8.學校人員皆相當瞭解九年一貫課程內涵與法令規章。 四、政策執行成效之分析:1.教師具備良好的選擇教材能力,2.教師教材編輯能力尚稱良好,3.教師課程統整能力尚稱良好,4.教師具備多元評量的能力,5.教師多具協同教學能力但未廣泛運用,6.教師行動研究能力尚待提升。 五、標的團體執行情形是影響九年一貫課程政策執行成效之主要因素。 依據上述研究結果,提出對中央主管教育行政機關、地方政府、國民中小學及未來研究之建議。 / This study attempts to investigate the role and function our local government play during and after the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum policy. The study means to discuss several key concepts including implemental conditions and status quo of the local government and related organizations such as the local educational authorities, the junior high and elementary schools. The concrete effects and main influential factors are explored as well. Questionnaire survey and interview are adopted in this research. A total of 417 samples were adopted. Pearson product-moment correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multivariate regression were used to analyze the data from the questionnaires. Besides, 6 determined interviewees including Ministry of Education officials, administrators in the local educational authorities, present of school. The significant results and findings are listed as follows: 1. Implemental conditions and status quo of the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum policy: (1) The implemental timing of the curriculum policy was not planned well. (2) The content structure of the curriculum was divided and incomplete. (3) The idea to increase school’s flexibility and autonomy is approved. (4) Source and efforts involved are not sufficiently enough. (5) Governmental annual budgets should be reorganized and audited. (6) Related policy and measures should be reconsidered. 2. Implemental efforts and effects of local government: (1) The effects are reduced because of the insufficient on manpower and budget. (2) The chosen local implemental organizations are representable. (3) The curriculum planning is fine. (4) More related measures should be added to make the curriculum policy complete. (5) The effect of teachers’ retraining program is efficient. (6) The individual personnel on local government understand policy content and laws well. (7) The every authority on local government realizes Nine-year Integrated Curriculum policy well. (8) A powerful organization can push and enforce the accomplishment on curriculum policy. (9) Local curriculum group will guide and provide assistance to teachers, which will be helpful to teacher growth. 3. Implemental conditions of the junior high and elementary schools: (1) The involved manpower and budget are insufficient. (2) The community resources are not completely involved. (3) The organizations chosen to implement the curriculum policy at every school are representable. (4) The Committee of School Curriculum Development is workable but not functional essentially (5) The operation of Learning Areas Team works out. (6) The training programs every school launch will provide aid to teachers and so as to a better teacher growth. (7) Principal plays a leading role to smooth the curriculum policy implementation. (8) The individual personnel at school understand every policy content and laws well. 4. Effects on Policy: (1) Teachers mostly own the ability to make professional decisions on materials. (2) Teachers own enough ability to edit and organize materials. (3) Teachers own the ability to make curriculum integrated. (4) Teachers own the ability to do multi-evaluation. (5) Teachers mostly own ability to do co-teaching, but such method is not adopted broadly. (6) Teacher’s ability to participate action research should be trained and promoted. 5. The fundamental factor to influence the effect and success of the Nine-year Curriculum Policy is the indeed implementation of the every targeted school. Base upon the results mentioned above, several suggestions are made to the authority concerned, local government, and schools at every level. Several research directions are recommends and proposed.


呂純純, Lu, Chun-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
公共工程之建設,從招標、投標、決標、締約、履約到驗收,是段冗長而複雜的過程,在這整個過程中所涉及的法律不在少數,更廣及公法及私法二大法律領域。依政府採購法之規定,政府採購主要分為工程、財物及勞務採購三類。其中關於工程採購之契約尤其重要,在政府採購法施行後,產生了許多爭議。 而在諸多工程爭議中,逾期完工的案件佔有及極重大之比例,由於公共工程規模龐大,該類案件之標的往往金額龐大,動輒高達數千萬、甚至數十億元,除對廠商權益影響甚大,亦因經費來源多為全體國民依法納稅之款項,不但涉及資源的合理分配,其施工品質更涉及重大公共安全,與一般民間的工程契約自有不同,其重要性實不容忽視。 由公共工程規模龐大,具有性質複雜、規模龐大及工期長之特性,導致工程契約中有許多不可控制之因素,加以主辦機關持締約優勢制定許多對承包商顯失公平之契約條款,遂產生了許多履約爭議。 關於工程履約階段之法律關係,論其性質係屬於民法上之承攬關係,故而除契約另有規定外,自應依民法之規定決定當事人間之權利義務關係。然而,民法承攬編之規定不敷使用,民法債編、總則之相關規定又過於概括、模糊,反而造成當事各持己見、爭議不休之情形層出不窮,而有仰賴工程會制定之相關子法與函釋加以補充規範 基此,本文嘗試釐清工程逾期之相關概念,並探討與整理國內工程逾期常見紛爭類型、發生原由、以及學說司法實務之見解,期能作為國內實務上工程逾期爭議之參考,並使主辦機關與承包商能充分認知相關之工程逾期紛爭,以事前做好預防措施與溝通,避免紛爭之產生。


王筑韻 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是希望能夠瞭解,組織在面臨外部環境不確定性的壓力時,會有怎樣的策略性回應,以解決環境不確定性所給予的問題。因此本文首先提出環境不確定性分類與組織的策略性理論,再將二者加以結合,提出組織在面臨環境不確定性時可能產生的五種策略性回應。 之後再以本文所提出的政府政策、組織營運、組織的責任與個人行為等四種環境不確定性引出四大命題,並針對這四項命題提出不同的問題,去訪問在中國東莞市經營超過十年以上的中小型企業台商,試圖瞭解在這十年之中,在東莞地區投資的台商,如何利用策略性的方法,和當地地方政府互動,並且對抗制度、環境所給予的壓力;以及研究出在這十年之中,東莞地方政府與台商互動情形、東莞市政府所造成的環境不確定性與台商應對策略的改變。最後依據訪談的結果加以分類整理,並提出中小型企業台商在面臨東莞地方政府所給予的環境不確定性時,所採取的各種回應性策略。


韓聖光, Sheng-Kang, Han Unknown Date (has links)
我國行政院之行政組織權,在中央法規標準法第五條第三款的規定下,長期以來由立法院藉法律保留「持有」這項權力。直到民國八十六年第四次修憲,受到政府再造潮流之影響下,憲法增修條文第三條第三、四項規定由立法院針對行政組織權限相關事項,進行「準則性立法」。同時,中央政府機關組織基準法草案也規定,讓三、四級機關可不受法律保留原則的拘束。然而這項規定是否打破長期以來的均衡態勢,又或只是訓示規定,就成為本篇論文研究的焦點。 本文藉由憲法解釋先尋覓出符合憲法文本體制的行政組織權歸屬方式,以判斷中央政府組織基準法草案,不讓行政院轄下的各部會--亦即所謂的二級機關--脫離法律保留原則,這項規定是否合憲。再區分「二級機關法定化」與「二級機關去法定化」兩項方案,藉由統治成本判斷,以目前的憲政環境,究竟採取何種方案能夠達成修憲者所要求的政府效能。


陳又新, Chen, Yio-Shin Unknown Date (has links)
政府採購法於民國88年5月27日施行後,使政府的採購作業走向專業化,其中對採購的組織結構及作業流程產生很大的變化。採購人員除對採購過程之招標、決標、訂約、執行、驗收、付款、保固責任等複雜程序須相當瞭解外,也須對採購的內容、規格、物品等有深刻的認識,才能成為稱職的採購人員。所以,採購人員須長期培養,才能達到各機關期望的效果。但研究結果發現,目前採購人員之流動率頗高,尤其是女性的採購工作者,離職率更居高不下,其主要跟採購組織及工作滿足有相當大的關係,進而影響採購效率。 因此本研究希望藉由人的面向去探討政府採購法實施後採購組織對人員之工作滿足及採購效率之影響,並以中央機關、地方機關以及國營事業等之採購人員為研究對象,運用問卷調查、訪談等研究方法進行實證研究,嘗試發覺現行採購組織及人員面臨之問題及可能解決之建議。經實證研究結果,本研究發現如下︰ 一、女性較不願意或較不適合擔任採購職務。 二、採購人員學歷普遍偏高,且男性高於女性、新加入者高於現任者。 三、採購人員之離職率頗高。 四、採購人員對「採購組織」有正面認同,對「工作滿足」為負面認同,對「採購效率」居中而較無意見。 五、「採購組織」與「工作滿足」之間有「中度之正相關」,也就是採購組織的改善,可能增加採購人員的工作滿足。 六、「採購組織」與「採購效率」之間有「較低度之正相關」,也就是採購組織的改善,可能提升採購效率。 七、「工作滿足」與「採購效率」之間有「中低度之正相關」,也就是工作滿足的提升,亦可能提升採購效率。 八、年齡、職務身分、官等等各組別,對「工作滿足」有顯著差異;也就是較高年齡、主管身分及較高官等之採購人員,其工作滿足感較高。 九、年齡、職務身分等各組別,對「採購效率」有顯著差異;也就是較高年齡及主管身分之採購人員,認為較能提升「採購效率」。 經由研究發現,擬提供幾項看法,作為機關改善採購組織之建議 一、採購組織應朝向「多半有機式組織」 改善,除可重視採購工作的專業性質外,組織運作亦可適度由權威式的集權管理加以節制。 二、加強採購人員的「工作滿足」因素︰(一)採購人員專業加給之給與,(二)增加升遷項目並對升遷方式提出具體作法。 三、加強採購專業人員的在職訓練以提高採購效率。 四、建立奬勵制度、工作豐富化以及輪調制度,以降低採購人員流動率。 五、女性在採購工作中,應給予較寛廣的發揮空間及升遷機會。 關鍵字︰政府採購法、採購人員、採購組織、工作滿足、採購效率 / Since the Government Procurement Law was administered on May 27, 1999, the procurement transaction has been professionalized, the organizational structure and the implementing process have also been changed dramatically. In addition to the complicated procedures of tendering, award of contracts, administration of contract performance, implementation, inspection and acceptance, paying the account and the responsibility of maintaining a product’s original function, procurement personnel also need to have deep understanding of the content, specification and the product itself, so that they may become competent procurement personnel. Therefore, in order to meet the anticipated effect of all entities, a long time is needed to cultivate procurement personnel. However, a research finds out that procurement personnel change jobs frequently, especially female employees. It is mainly because procurement organization and their job fulfillment, thus, procurement efficiency is (greatly) influenced. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to find out how procurement personnel’s job fulfillment and procurement efficiency are influences by procurement organization after the Government Procurement Law was administered from the humanity’s perspective. The research is conducted by means of questionnaires, interview on government procurement personnel of central and local government agencies as well as government-owned enterprise. We try to find out problems faced by procurement organization and personnel and suggestions of possible solutions. By means of practical-proved research, we have the following conclusion: 1.Females are more unwilling or not suitable for the job of procurement. 2.In general, procurement personnel have received relatively high education. Generally speaking, Males higher than female, and new comers higher than incumbent staffs. 3.Procurement personnel’s resignation rate is relatively high. 4.Procurement personnel have positive recognition on procurement organization; they have negative recognition on job fulfillment; they have no opinion about procurement efficiency. 5.Procurement organization is in direct proportion to job fulfillment at an intermediate degree. In other words, the improvement of procurement organization may add the job fulfillment of procurement personnel. 6.Procurement organization is in direct proportion to procurement efficiency at a lower degree. In other words, the improvement of procurement organization may promote the procurement efficiency. 7.Job fulfillment is in direct proportion to procurement efficiency at a lower-intermediate degree. In other words, the promotion of job fulfillment may also raise the procurement efficiency. 8.Different groups in age, official position and official title show significant difference in job fulfillment, that is, procurement personnel will have more job fulfillment if they have higher status, being the chief or senior in age. 9.Different groups in age and position in an office show significant difference in procurement efficiency, that is, procurement personnel have more confidence in raising the procurement efficiency if they are older or being the chief in the office. I would like to offer the following viewpoint as the suggestions for entities to improve their procurement organization: 1.We can improve the procurement organization towards “Most organic organization”. In addition to paying much attention to the professional quality of procurement, the operation of the organization could appropriately be controlled by means of authoritative management of power concentration. 2.Strengthen factors of procurement personnel’s job fulfillment: (1) Offer professional bonus for procurement personnel. (2) Increase promoting items and develops concrete measures for promotion. 3.Intensify professional procurement personnel’s training on the job so that the procurement efficiency can be promoted. 4.Establish systems such as encourage by rewards, transfer by turns and make the procurement job plentiful. As a result, a lower rate of job changing can be expected from procurement personnel. 5.Female procurement personnel should be given more chances to bring their skills into fully play and more opportunities for promotion. Key word: the Government Procurement Law, procurement personnel, procurement organization, job fulfillment, procurement efficiency.


賴品劭 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 民國60、70年代,台灣經濟起飛、工商業蓬勃發展,因此帶動土地開發案件增加,政府為合理管制非都市土地之開發利用型態,二十多年來訂定許多相關法令規定及行政規則,作為非都市土地之執行依據。民國78年,為管制非都市土地之開發利用,規定進行使用地變更需經過各該區域計畫原擬定機關同意,將審議權收歸中央。 精省之後,將一定規模之非都市土地開發案件審議流程縮短為二級,並以內政部為單一辦理機關,因此,內政部除了需辦理北部及南部區域計畫範圍內開發審議外,還需辦理原由省政府所辦理的開發審議工作,而在原有的人力、資源下,增加開發審議之工作量,造成內政部承辦單位很大的負擔。又由於開發型態的不同,地方政府受理窗口不一,中央主管機關與地方政府常常受到刁難與誤解等因素,是以,基於簡化流程、避免地方政府受理非都市土地變更作業之推諉,於90年7月,擇要協助部分縣市政府,試行推動示範單一辦理窗口,並將一定面積以下之非都市土地內之土地變更,逐步授權地方政府辦理(內政部營建署,2003)。依據行政院所核定之「土地使用變更審議機制改進方案」指示,內政部於民國90年3月20日由內政部函頒「非都市土地使用分區及使用地變更申請案件委託直轄市縣(市)政府辦理審查作業要點」,訂定地方政府辦理分區變更審議工作所應遵從之規定。民國90年5月4日區域計畫法施行細則增訂第16條之4,將分區變更審議權力以委託的方式,將原屬地方自治事項之土地事務,交還由地方政府辦理。 非都市土地分區變更審議工作,乃由土地使用系統、水土保持系統、環境保護系統與目的事業主管系統負責審議,然而,目前四大系統委託地方政府審議權限不一,影響審議品質與時效,造成地方政府審議作業上之困擾。因此,本研究以地方自治與組織理論作為理論陳述之基礎,並以探討分區變更之相關法令規定、審議組織與審議機制,綜合剖析地方政府執行分區變更作業上之課題,並根據其課題提出具體之建議,此為本研究之目的所在。 從機制、問卷及訪談分析中,發現地方政府分區變更審查機制大多已經建立,各相關單位也已逐漸有審查經驗,中央主管機關已盡到提供輔導諮詢之責,因此本研究認為地方政府已有辦理分區變更審查之能力。但此作業在各面向上仍存在許多待解決的課題,包括:地方自治面向上,地方政府未能訂定相關規定以適應地方特殊性、中央主管機關之監督工作應加強、民眾參與機制不足;組織面向上,目的事業主管機關與環境保護主管機關所授予地方政府審議之權限不足、專責審議小組受政治力影響程度高及地方政府各單位溝通上有問題;在法規與政策面向上,相關法規繁雜、政策不明確且無優先順序及缺乏成長管理與總量管制之概念;執行面上,地方政府審查效率不高及經費與人力不足等問題。 地方政府辦理分區變更審議機制上,本研究認為有以下數點重要的政策意涵,分別為:1.地方政府由消極的配合演變為積極的主導,藉此增加地方自治權力;2.建立中央與地方政府分權之功能,符合憲法因地制宜的精神;3.簡化審議流程,提升審議效能;3.建立顧客導向的公共服務體系,達到便民及增加行政效率之功能;4.不同審議組織分掌開發審議工作,依相關法令及審議規範進行審查,兼顧開發及環境品質之均衡。 此外,本研究研擬出地方政府辦理分區變更審議架構,包括中央政府及地方政府二大部分,包括:1.中央政府應擬定國土分區變更之政策、確立變更審議工作之原則,以及提供地方政府技術指導與執行監督工作;2.地方政府應儘速建立審議機制並成立單一窗口,透過土地使用系統、環境保護系統、水土保持系統及目的事業主管系統併行審查與提供意見後,交由地方政府專責審議小組審議,考量各土地開發因素與民眾之意見,並進行實質審查後,做出開發許可之決策,以及進行開發許可後之督導執行等工作。未來在地方自治的理念下,透過中央與地方政府職能分工,簡化審議流程,與兼顧開發與環境品質下,使非都市土地分區變更審議可以兼顧審議品質與效率,增加國家與地方政府之競爭力。 關鍵字:地方政府、非都市土地、分區變更、變更審議、地方自治


丁立邁 Unknown Date (has links)
基於臺北捷運工程初期由外籍總顧問主導與協助,至逐漸擺脫而獨立運作,2001年開始可以提供其他捷運工程及其他工程單位技術諮詢及顧問服務,與其在2000年引入知識管理概念後,一連串採用的策略與作業方案,應為主要且關鍵之因素。 本研究報告即以臺北市政府捷運工程局技術移轉的作法為對象,探討其再導入知識管理後獲得之效益與具體成果如何。 結論:運用知識管理,進行技術移轉的績效與成果是被肯定的• / Following the coming of knowledge economics age, the economics that bases on knowledge will change the operation type of enterprise. It causes the trend of exploring and studying the knowledge management. This field includes some complicated operations of knowledge management, such as knowledge obtaining, studying, executing, sharing, innovating and extending etc. At the beginning, the Department of Rapid Transit Systems, TCG. (DORTS) proceeded the construction of MRT systems under the direction of general consultancy. Everything had to rely on the assistance from consultants. Gradually, DORTS could handle the technique independently. Until 2001, DORTS could even provide the services and assistance of consultation to other relevant organization. According to my research, executing practical application and arranging a series of relevant training classes after adopting concepts of knowledge management at 2000 should be the successful elements. For the reason, I chose the constructive technique transference of DORTS to be my research object, explore the achievement of adopting concepts of knowledge management. Through the interactive discussion and proof of theory and practice, the conclusion proves that executing the policy of technique transference with concepts of knowledge management is absolutely effective.


陳素惠, Chen, Su-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
在面臨知識經濟的潮流下,隨著全球化、知識化的衝擊以及快速發展,有效的取得前瞻技術已成為企業建立與維持競爭優勢的重要手段,科學與技術的創新能力亦成為國家強化產業領導地位、厚植總體競爭力的主要方式。   經濟部科技專案計畫每年均投入相當經費,委託研究機構及產業界從事產業技術之研發,期能強化國內產業之競爭優勢,並有效提升產業研發能力及開創新興科技產業,最終目的在推動我國成為高附加價值製造中心;但由於經濟部技術處人員嚴重不足,因此乃採取委外方式辦理,以降低人力負荷,並活用民間資源。   本研究目的主要針對科技專案委外之實際面,就推動委外的歷史演變、政策法規、決策模式,做廣泛而深入與探討,並透過委託人、代理人及審查專家,做質性訪談,探究委外關係策略及過程,期望對於科技專案計畫委外之作業機制,提出精進之建議。   經過上述的研究程序,本研究發現以下結論:1.組織面:(1)技術處委外歷史背景為由下而上,促成辦理。(2)委外以資金換取無形成本,而有形成本並未降低。(3)以代理人執行作業,卻由委託人擔負責任,權責不相當。(4) 從事研發工作之代理人大多為政府扶植財團法人。2.管制面:(1)行政控管著重進行過程甚過於執行結果。(2)研發控管方式著重預定標準及實際績效。(3)每年簽約作業繁複瑣碎,致使信任降低。3.心理面:(1)公務事不再是終身職。(2)沿用以往模式,陷入行動慣性,成功假象! 相關的建議如下:1.技術處應建立責任歸屬模式。2.技術處應簡化作業流程、資訊上線。3.技術處應預期並重視合約終止的處理方式。4.執行單位應強化中階主管的穩定性,對於專家對談監督機制,輔以一約多年之合約。 關鍵字:科技專案計畫、委外、政府採購法、管理 / Nowadays many governments seek factors influencing the economic growth of a country to continue developing and to be more competitive in a rapidly changing and globalizing world. In this era of knowledge-based economy, knowledge is often assumed to be the fundamental resource. It is a crucial factor for the economic growth of a country. How to produce and create more knowledge is deemed to be one of the most crucial tasks of a government. One way of producing knowledge is investing in research and development (R&D) to develop new technologies. Recently, many studies suggest that a new technology that raises higher total productivity is one of the factors to the economic growth of a country. So for countries and private enterprises it is especially important to have access to leading, advanced and key component technologies. Each year the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) of Taiwan invests a lot in public research and development. They started the “scientific technology development project”, to develop new technologies, especially industrial technologies. MOEA expects these huge investments to strengthen the innovative capabilities of Taiwanese industries and to upgrade Taiwanese industries. Due to heavy workloads and insufficient human resources in the Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT) , DOIT needs to outsource these scientific technology development projects to research institutes and corporations. DOIT expects to take advantages of the efficiency and flexible organizational structure of the private sector. Hence, recently the issue towards “government outsource” catches more and more attentions than ever. The main purposes of this research paper are as followed. Through qualitative interviews with civil servants, governmental officers, outsourcers, agents and specialists and context analysis, this research paper would like to have an overview on the historical background, the current situation of DOIT’s outsource and its management, to describe the difficulties and problems for the outsourcer (DOIT) and the agents (research institutes and corporations). This research paper would also illustrate policies, legal part, such as public procurement act and decision-making strategies of outsourcing of DOIT. At the end, this paper will give suggestions for DOIT’s outsource. First of all, from organizational aspect, the important findings are as followed. 1.Originally, the demand of outsource exists earlier than the supply. More precisely, the agents reinforce the government to have a way working on scientific technology development projects properly. 2.DOIT subsidizes the research institutes to carry out these projects in order to exchange intangible assets of the research institutes, such as human capital and so on. Nevertheless, the real cost is not less. 3.The agents carry out these projects, but outsourcer needs to take the responsibility of the consequences. 4.Most agents are research institutes, which are fully subsidized by the government. Secondly, from the governing and managing aspect, the findings are as below. 1.Administrative governance puts more emphasis on the executive process of these projects than the results per se of the projects. 2.About the management of research and development results, DOIT focuses on the comparison between anticipating and real effects. 3.Each year the outsourcing contracts between DOIT and those agents have to be either re-new or re-made. It makes the relationship between two parties less reliable. Thirdly, from the psychological aspect, the subsidies from government for the agents are less and less. And repeating the same way will be the tarp of inertia for outsourcers and agents and it will make it difficult to have breakthrough or new ides. Finally, in this research paper give some suggestions to the findings for the governmental outsourcing management for scientific technology development project. 1.DOIT needs to clearly state who should take responsibility. 2.DOIT should simplify the procedure by making better use of information communication technologies. 3.DOIT should emphasize more on finding a better way in coping with the termination of an outsourcing contract. 4.The original governing and managing module should be revised. New module, “peer review” and multi-year contract, should be taken into consideration. Keywords: Scientific technology development project, Outsourcing, Public procurement act, Management

機關安全警衛人員工作壓力 工作滿足與離職傾向之研究 -以中央政府機關為例-

洪文端, HUNG,WEN-TUAN Unknown Date (has links)
近年來就國際情形而言,自美國九一一恐怖攻擊事件以來國際恐怖份子揚言對以美國為首之西方國家及支持美國打擊恐怖主義之世界各國展開恐怖攻擊,我國亦不例外;及我國的民主開始起飛,社會充滿活力與生命力,政治、經濟等環境變化極為快速,社會日趨開放,人民自由民主意識高漲,尤其自民國八十五年第九任總統、副總統直接民選後,各項社會民生、政治議題衝擊社會,而為全國政治核心及政治菁英聚集之所在的中央機關,亦成為民眾陳情請願及抗爭等活動匯集之場所,也成為眾所矚目之焦點。由此吾人可明確瞭解,當前中央政府機關遭受驚擾、危害之可能性已是來自於國內、外各種難以事先預知之原因。政府機關安全維護任務執行之良窳,不僅攸關機關之安全亦包括政府首長之人身安全,對於政策之制定、推動與執行,乃至國家政局之穩定均有重大的影響,所以如何維護國家機關的安全,確保中央政府能正常運行,確實是當前極為重要之國家安全問題。因此筆者希望藉此研究探討擔任政府機關安全警衛人員之工作壓力、工作滿足與離職傾向之情形,並以實際從事執行中央政府機關安全維護警衛人員為研究對象,運用問卷調查之研究方法進行實證研究,本研究實證研究結果如下: 一、工作壓力不會因性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻狀況的不同而有顯 著差異存在,僅「職務身分」、「服務年資」二項有顯著差異存在。 二、工作滿足會因性別、年齡、職務身分、教育程度、服務年資、婚姻狀況的不同而有顯著差異存在。 三、離職傾向會因年齡、教育程度、服務年資、婚姻狀況的不同而有顯著差異存在,僅「性別」、「職務身分」二項無顯著差異存在。 四、工作壓力與離職傾向有低度正相關存在,工作壓力越大,離職傾向越高。 五、工作滿足與離職傾向有中度負相關存在,工作滿足越高,離職傾向越低。 / According to the international situation in recent years, terrorists claim that they are going to attack the western countries which support the United States of America to counter terrorism since 9-11, even Taiwan can not be neutral in the war. Taiwan’s democracy just start to grow up, our society is full of energy and vitality, politics and economics change rapidly, the society is much more open day by day and people’s consciousness of free and democracy is much higher than before. Especially after the 9th president election on 1996, all the discussion of living and politics are rampant in our society. The central government organizations where are the nucleus of our politics and the converging place of political elites become the popular objects for people to present a petition and protest ,they also become the hot point of spotlights. So we can understand clearly that the possibilities of disturbing and harming our government are high because indigenous or for issues that we cannot predict in advance. Executing security mission of government, to protect government safety and senior officers safety has strong effect in making, setting, executing the national police and keeping the steady of country’s political situation. How to maintain the safety of government to ensure that government can work normally is extremely important. This study is to probe the work pressure, job satisfaction, and turnover intention of security guard of government. It uses security guard of government as study objects and use survey to do research. The conclusions of the study are as the follows : 1. Work pressure has no obvious difference due to sex, age, level of education, marriage. Only job title and years of experience in serving government have obvious difference. 2. Job satisfaction has obvious difference due to sex, age, job title, level of education, years of experience in serving government, and marriage. 3. Turnover intention has obvious difference due to age, level of education, years of experience in serving government, and marriage. Only due to sex and job title, it has no obvious difference. 4. There is low obvious positive correlation between work pressure and turnover intention. People with higher degree of work pressure have higher degree of turnover intention. 5.There is middle obvious negative correlation between job satisfaction and turnover intention. People with higher degree of job satisfaction have lower degree of turnover intention.


謝作治 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究資料期間自2004年1月2日至2005年12月13日止,擷取政府債券期貨收盤價及10年期最具流動性之政府債券收盤價資料進行整理,2004年1月2日~2005年6月30日為樣本內期間,2005年7月1日~2005年12月13日為樣本外期間。以簡單避險法、最小平方法(價格)模型、最小平方法(報酬)模型及GARCH 模型之避險比率,應用於樣本外期間的避險。實證結果如下:避險績效方面,日資料無論何種模型均未降低其報酬率之波動度,週資料而言各模型均可降低原公債現貨之報酬波動度,其中以OLS(return)較佳,但避險成效不彰。日資料避險比率最小為OLS(報酬)模型,週資料避險比率最小為OLS(價格)模型。就報酬而言,無論日資料及週資料,各種避險模型所作之避險,均降低其報酬率,換言之,未作避險動作之報酬率最佳。 / The main purpose of this paper is to examine the hedging effectiveness of the Taiwan government bond futures under several hedging models. These models are Naive, OLS-reward, OLS-level and GARCH. The daily data is from January 2004 to December 2005. The in-sample data is from January 2, 2004 to June 30,2005. The out-of-sample one is from July 1, 2005 to December 13,2005. The hedging porformance is measured by the decreasing degree of portfolio variance.The empirical results show as follows:1. OLS(return)model has the better hedge performance from weekly data. 2.The smallest hedge ratio is OLS(reward)from daily data, and it’s OLS(level)from weekly data. 3.The reward is highest without hedge

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