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由顧客觀點探討壽險業務員卓越特質、背景落差等對顧客滿意度之影響張雅傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要分三個階段:第一階段是以結構方程式驗證卓越特質對顧客滿意度之影響;第二階段是探測顧客個人背景對顧客滿意度之影響;第三階段是研究當業務員背景與顧客期望不一致時,會不會對顧客滿意度造成影響。研究結果顯示,卓越特質對顧客滿意度具有正面顯著影響,並發現學歷落差以及顧客個人背景中的性別、年齡與婚姻狀況等因素對顧客滿意度具有顯著影響。管理意涵如下:對於壽險公司而言,人格特質測驗是僱用優質業務員的重要參考依據,且應多僱用大專以上學歷的業務員以滿足顧客的期待;學歷較低的業務員,則應持續提升專業知能,並多專注在年齡層中年以上的顧客。 / There were many researches conducted to examine the influence of the personal traits and the backgrounds of life insurance salespeople on their sales performance, Those researches, done only from the side of salespeople, concluded that some personal factors have positive effect on the sales performance, ignoring that customer satisfaction is the major source of sales performance. To solve this problem, this research plans to find out the relationship between salespeople’s characteristics and their sales performance from the perspective of customers. It generalizes the points in common from previous researches about high-performance salespeople’s traits and backgrounds; then uses the conclusion to develop the questionnaire to find out what kinds of characteristics do the customers really expect. The result shows that salespeople’s excellent characteristics, academic degree catering to customers’ expectation, gender, age and marital status have positive effect on customer satisfaction. The management applications are specified as follows: First, life insurance company should pay more attention to salespeople’s academic degree. Bachelor degree or above is better according to customers’ opinion. Second, personality test plays an important role in recruiting high-performance salespeople. Third, as to the lower-academic-degree, they should concentrate on developing aged customers and keep strengthening their specialties.
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退休後之最適投資策略及年金化時間點陳俊宇 Unknown Date (has links)
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女性員警之親子關係、角色期望及衝突之研究—以基隆市警察局為例 / A study of the parent-child relationships, role expectation ,and role conflict for Keelung policewomen陳風傑 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:已婚女警、親子關係、多重角色、角色期望、角色衝突 / Police staff works round the clock and on a shift basis. Their jobs involve high risks, physical strength requirements, uncertainty and mobility. On a year-by-year basis, the National Police Agency is planning to lift the 10:1 quota for male and female recruitments. Increase in the number of female police staff, therefore, is foreseeable. In terms of human resources management, policewomen will play an increasingly important role in the industry. In the past, policewomen were normally assigned to minor tasks or less complicated office works. Now their roles are becoming versatile, having to fulfill different job requirements including shift works, patrolling, traffic conduction, roadside inspection, chasing criminals, combating guns and drugs, etc. They have to deal with a diversified and complicated environment for public security and to fulfill their family responsibilities at the same time. Are policewomen, therefore, facing role conflicts? Do they need role adjustments? These are all issues worthy of further exploration.
In this research, we adopted the In-Depth Interview approach, one of the Qualitative Research methodologies, and have interviewed 12 married policewomen with children, who are working for the Keelung City Police Bureau. The purpose is to achieve an in-depth understanding of the life of these policewomen; the parental relationship, role expectation and role conflicts; as well as various problems they encountered. We also tried to understand the approaches they took to achieve an effective work/family balance when dealing with their multiple roles. The results of the interview have been classified and analyzed, and are summarized below:
一、Parental Relationship and the Authority Teaching Style
Most of the interviewees are influenced by traditional concepts. Facing the pressure of double-income families, as well as lengthy and irregular working hours, they are forced to squeeze the time spent with their children. The interaction between parents and children, therefore, is reduced. Having to communicate with the kids within limited time and minimize undesired behaviors from the children, most of the interviewees adopt the authority teaching style. They set up rules and asked their children to follow.
二、Financial Considerations – The Key Reason for Selecting Police Jobs
For female police staff, one of the key reasons for joining the police force is financial considerations. Another reason is their adoration of the “manlike” nature of the police jobs and their positive image in combating crime and protecting justice.
三、 The Traditional Role as a Mother
In terms of their roles as a “mother” and a “wife”, the interviewees still could not free themselves from the traditional roles and obligations for the gender. They believed that they had unshirkable responsibilities to look after the family and educate the children. They have no choice but to sacrifice their own time to satisfy the need of their husbands and children.
四、 Childcare – a Heavy Load
The interviewees have spent tremendous time and energy in looking after and educating their preschool children. They felt physically overloaded. Sometimes they needed to bring the kids to offices so that they could, while working, look after the kids and help with their homework at the same time. The pressure would become worse if their husbands were unable to share the house chores. Some interviewees felt themselves “a candle burning at both ends”, having difficulties in adapting themselves to the situation.
五、Role Conflicts and the Need for Support
When facing a role conflict between family and work, the interviewees felt it most important to turn to a support system. For example, they would seek help from the elders in the family for help, or rely on the childcare services from the employers. Other methods for temporary relief are to talk with their husbands, families or friends, listening to music or join sport activities. These are all effective strategies for the interviewees. While striving for their career, policewomen are still required to remain family-focused and support all family activities, since family care is still reckoned as their ultimate goal of life.
Based on the results of this research, we wish to provide the following recommendations:
(1) For police agencies: We recommend to arrange parental/children activities, provide education on the roles of policewomen, enhance education on sexual equality; review and ensure reasonable working hours, provide childcare supports and build up a good rotation system for policewomen.
(2) For married policewomen: Provide social supports, improve communication within the family, develop time management skills, solicit external supports, improve resource management and ensure equality in the sharing of housework.
Key Words: Married Policewomen, Parental Relationship, Multiple Role, Role Expectation, Role Conflicts
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於資源有限的動態情境以模糊認知圖為基礎之心理驅動式服務分派研究 / A FCM-Based Mental-Driven service dispatcher in resource bounded dynamic contexts陳怡璇, Chen, I Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究所關切的議題為,當服務已被良好的設計出來後,為了不辜負這個被良好設計的服務,該怎麼使用它,進而能為所有重要關係人帶來最大的利益,特別是在資源有限的動態情境中。因此,我們將研究問題著眼於服務的傳遞過程中。現有的研究已回答了服務該如何被傳遞,但卻缺少了該在什麼時候,傳遞怎樣的服務才能發揮該服務的功效,帶來預期的好處(例如,贏得顧客滿意度及延續公司競爭力)。於是,本研究試圖提出一以模糊認知圖為基礎架構並考量顧客的心理狀態的服務分派機制,以期在如此動態且資源有限的情境下,能觀測當時的情境變化,透過管理顧客的期望與情緒,做出即時且適當服務分派決策,進而在對的時間針對對的人做對的服務。也就是冀望這樣一個顧客心理狀態的管理過程,能夠使得顧客感到滿意的可能性提高,並有助於所有重要關係人達成其目的,創造整個服務生態體系的平衡。考慮到會展服務即為一動態且資源有限的服務應用情境,本研究將以會展服務做為例子,加以描述整個研究的內容。 / There are already some researches providing the answer to how to deliver services but the issue “when to deliver which service” is still not so clear. Especially under the dynamic and resource-limited situation, bringing the effectiveness of each service into full play and allocating them appropriately to earn the most benefits are imperatives for service providers to keep both service quality and competitiveness. Therefore, the FCM-based mental-driven service dispatcher proposed here tries to pull service receivers’ mental information in to make real-time service deployment decisions which are capable of achieving each stakeholder’s purposes and satisfying service receivers. With the mental information – expectation and emotion, we are given a hand to do the right things at the right time to the right person by building up such a customer- mentality-centric service dispatching system.
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自尊的多面向對大學生憂鬱與攻擊行為的影響劉樹斐, Liu, Shu-Fei Unknown Date (has links)
單向度自尊與憂鬱的關係而言,根據Brown與Harris(1978)的研究認為整體自尊偏低會傾向憂鬱;Butler, et al.(1994)的研究指出預測整體自尊不穩定者會傾向憂鬱;而根據Greenier et al.(1995)的研究則認為不穩定低自尊將對憂鬱有最顯著的預測關係。在單向度自尊與攻擊行為的關係中,Anderson(1994)認為穩定低自尊有較多的攻擊行為;而Baumeister et al.(1996)則主張不穩定高自尊者會較多的攻擊傾向。上述各種理論對憂鬱與攻擊行為的預測仍有不一致之處,是本研究希望能釐清的。
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服務品質與關係行銷對顧客信任與滿意度的影響:以投信機構為例陳沅易, Chen,Yuan Yih Unknown Date (has links)
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貝氏雙相抽樣中魚群第一相樣本數的選取江秉良 Unknown Date (has links)
Simth and Sedransk(1982)採用雙相抽樣的技術推估魚群年齡層的分布,並且在總成本給定的情形下,尋求使事後之前期望損失函數最小的一組最適第二相樣本數。由於期望損失函數過於複雜,而不易於計算處理,所以,他們考慮了一個較為簡單的近似事後之前期望損失函數,由此導出了近似的最適第二相樣本數之公式解。其後Jinn, Sedransk and Simth(1987)繼續探討選取最適第一相樣本數的問題。由於過程中的運算龐大複雜而無法導出公式解,因此Jinn, Sedransk and Simth便提出了近似法和電腦模擬法來解決最適第一相樣本數選取的問題。近似法中仍須使用程序曲折龐雜的演算法以求解,而電腦模擬法則更是必須先執行多次繁複的模擬抽樣後,再以演算法求解;雖然以此所得的解較為精準,但步驟仍難脫於繁瑣複雜。本文中,我們分別就給定各層抽樣率和比例抽樣的情況下,提出了如何藉由簡易的計算便可求得第一相樣本數粗估值的方法。
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簡單線性迴歸模式中解釋變數具測量誤差下控制問題之研究張文哲 Unknown Date (has links)
在解釋變數含測量誤差的簡單線性迴歸模式中,欲使第t+1期之產出Y達到某一目標值Y<sup>*</sup>,則必需控制第t+1期投入變數Z,若參數α,β為以知時,可以將其設定為θ=(Y<sup>*</sup>-α)/β。但當參數α,β為未知時,我們利用LSCE控制法則的設定方法,得到第t+1期設定的控制值Z<sub>t+1</sub>,而且在機率為1下,Z<sub>t+1</sub> 收斂至θ=(Y<sup>*</sup>-α)/β。而貝氏最佳控制法則部份則是由第t+1期的預測期望損失,找出使其為最小的Z值即是所應設定的第t+1期控制值Z<sub>t+1</sub>,並利用模擬結果來說明。
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探討大白鼠之風險選擇行為之神經機制 / Investigation of neural mechanisms of risky choice behavior in the rat楊仁豪, Yang, Jen Hau Unknown Date (has links)
「風險決策」行為非常普遍的存在於吾人之日常生活中,而選項所帶來的風險和獎勵是吾人進行決策時的重要考量因素。風險選擇的適當與否,對於個體的生存扮演著相當重要的角色。在以往的文獻中,對於決策的行為歷程已有所關注及探討,但對於風險選擇行為的神經生理機制迄今未明。本研究藉由大白鼠於T字迷津中,選擇確定之低酬賞或高不確定性之高酬賞的行為表現,進行風險選擇行為的探討。本研究中以兩項主要實驗,探討風險選擇行為之神經行為機制。實驗1a中,確定之低酬賞端固定呈現1顆食物粒,而高不確定性之高酬賞端則同時操弄酬賞物機率(50%、25%及12.5%)以及酬賞物的量(2、4及8顆),以系統性地檢驗期望值(0.5、1和2)於此風險選擇行為中扮演的角色。行為結果顯示當風險較低時,大白鼠會選擇高不確定性之高酬賞端;而風險較高時,則轉為選擇確定之低酬賞端。實驗1b中,系統性地施打不同劑量之安非他命,探討多巴胺系統在此風險選擇行為中之機制。實驗結果顯示施打安非他命後,大白鼠表現出相對地追求風險之行為,亦即選擇高不確定之高酬賞端之比例顯著高於控制組。實驗2中,藉由毀除大腦特定部位(依核、背外側之紋狀體、眶前額皮質、內側之前額皮質),檢驗風險選擇行為之神經基礎。毀除後之結果顯示,僅有依核受到毀除之大白鼠表現出相對地趨避風險之選擇行為。綜合以上結果,本研究建立之風險選擇行為與多巴胺有關,而依核在此行為歷程中扮演重要的調節角色。 / Many decisions people make every day involve uncertainty where both risks and rewards associated with each option need to be considered. Behavioral performance associated to risk-based choice appears wildly over the lifespan, and the fitness of risky choice behavior plays an important role in individual survival. Despite a growing body of research has focused to investigate the neurobiology of decision making, little is known about the neurobehavioral mechanisms of risky choice behavior. Based on a pilot work, this study used a T-maze to study decision under a probability-based risk in the rat. The subject was assessed on making choice to obtain either a large reward associated with risk of non-reward “empty” or a small reward ensured for every entry. Two experiments were conducted in this project to investigate neurobehavioral mechanisms of probabilistic risky choice behavior. In Experiment 1a, probabilistic risky choice behavior was systemically assessed under three expected values (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0) by manipulating the probabilities of reward presence (50%, 25%, and 12.5%) and the reward magnitude (2, 4, or 8 pellets) in the probabilistic high reward (PHR) arm. Behavioral data showed that the subject chose the probabilistic high reward in a lower risk condition but would shift to the choice of certain low reward (CLR) as the risk is increased. In Experiment 1b, the dose effects of amphetamine on this probabilistic risky choice task was tested to verify whether the dopaminergic mechanism was involved. Amphetamine, presumably activating brain dopamine systems, produced a relatively risk-seeking effect on the present behavioral task. In Experiment 2, the excitoneurotoxic lesion was conducted in the nucleus accumbens, the dorsolateral striatum, the orbitofrontal cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex to examine the neural substrates for this probabilistic risky choice behavior. The results showed that the lesion of the nucleus accumbens significantly produced a relatively risk-averse effect on the present behavioral task, as compared to the lesions made on the other three brain areas. In conclusion, the probabilistic risky choice behavior established in the present study is dopamine dependent. And, the nucleus accumbens plays a major role of mediating this behavioral processing.
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女性休閒環境架構之基礎研究-以台北縣市女性為例 / A Prelimiriary Study on the Women Leisure Envital Structure蘇瑛敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以女性主義觀點,從女性生活空間,女性主觀的經驗感受以及彼此不同屬性間差異所反應的社會脈落價值觀問題等角度來探討女性休閒課題。在滿足女性休閒期望的前提下,考慮阻礙女性參與休閒的影響因子,探討女性的休閒認知, 休閒活動, 休閒設施三者間的特性及相互關係,作為建立女性休閒環境架構之基礎研究。
本研究受限於個人時間, 人力, 財力等因素,問卷抽樣限於居住在臺北市及臺北縣的二十歲以上女性為研究對象,僅針對女性日常休閒活動及日常使用之休閒設施做調查研究,不涉及較長時間長距離之國內外休閒遊憩活動。本研究透過相關理論文獻回顧與評述,由心理學,社會學,休閒學,女性學,地域設施論等各種不同角度來探討女性休閒概念,女性休閒設施計畫,女性休閒相關研究與議題,並對臺灣女性生活時間及休閒狀況做一回顧。
從研究結果得知,不同屬性之女性對休閒目的,休閒活動,休閒設施的需求不同,休閒環境所呈現的特質亦不同。休閒目的與休閒活動間具有互換性,兩者關係屬於行為科學研究範疇。休閒活動與休閒設施間關係屬於環境行為學研究範疇,具有規範性。而休閒設施與休閒目的間具有觸發性,屬於環境認知之研究範疇。 / The suqeject of this paper is to survey leisure issues of women from a feminist perspective,to satisfy wonen`s leisure expectation as a prerequisite,also to consider the facrtors which influence wonen`s leisure activity patterns and priorities,I try to survey the characters and the relationshipw of women leisure consciousness,women leisure activity patterns and the leisure facility;to build a framework of wonen leisure environmental structure,Due to the limitaion of time,manpower and moneuy, this study focus on women Whose age are above20-year-old and live in Taipei city. the research range is not include long-time&long-distance recreation activity but focus on wom'ens daily leisure activity.
According to the previous studies, I defined three meanings of leisure and various leisure activities Were divided into three leisure categories depending on the tendency of their meaning. In order to analyze the leisure characteristics,frequencies, site are used as indexes. Leisure activities were analyzed and categorized into the following four types of leisure activitiey;regional activity; urban activity and natural activity The spatial characteristics of the leisure facilities based on physical characteristics were examined.
The conclusion reaches that three aspects of leisure were clearly found and these aspects strongly influence each other Women had different needs of leisure consciousness,leisure activities and leisure facilities within different clusters.Also there were different characteristics appeared in women leisure environment.
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