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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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家族企業接班佈局之研究 / The succession of family business

盧志偉 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為了解家族企業第一代傳承給第二代之接班規劃與模式,及第一代在採取此接班模式所考量之接班因素為何。首先以文獻與次級資料進行紮根分析,大致歸納出台灣家族企業在進行接班時所考量之因素為何。再以深度訪談之方式,訪談十家台灣家族企業,在訪談過程中進一步探究現在台灣家族企業在接班時所採取之模式與其所考量之因素。接續次級資料進行紮根研究,以達到理論飽和。 選擇家族內部成員或非家族內部成員的家族接班考慮因素有:血緣或親屬關係、中華文化與家庭倫理、教育學歷背景、基層做起、部門輪調、外部工作經驗、意願、信任、經營權、所有權、股權分配、能力、忠誠度、領導風格、個人特質等因素。選擇企業內部員工或外部專業經理人之能力接班考慮因素歸納出來有:教育學歷背景、資歷、企業文化、引進專業技術能力、管理制度、板凳哲學、關係、基層做起、部門輪調、遠見、領導風格。進一步以紮根理論研究方法將兩部份因素進行主軸編碼與選擇編碼最後歸納出第一部份的核心類別為「家族接班」,第二部份的核心類別為「能力接班」。 本研究相關之研究發現有以下六點: 一、 科技、製造業對教育學歷背景之要求較食品、消費品業明確。 二、 家族成員以各部門歷練為主, 內部員工重在深層培育, 外部專業經理人大 致了解各部門運作。 三、管理導向領導者較適合兄弟共治企業,新一代領導者偏好外部專業經理人。 四、兄弟共治企業要長久 經營,彼此觀念要相契合、少計較,並 清楚分權。 五、年輕二代績效表現主要以改善企業流程或制度為主,尚無法進行重大決策。 六、第二代在規劃未來接班時多以企業內部員工或外部專業經理人為主。 / The objective of this research was to understand how the owner of family business plans his/her succession and what the factors he or she considers. Firstly, following the grounded theory method, I reviewed prior literatures and used the secondary data to categorize the considered factors in the succession of Taiwanese family business. Then, I conducted the in-depth interviews with 10 Taiwanese family business members to further verify the succession factors. Finally, I used these collected data to achieve theoretical saturation. The factors of choosing the successor between family members and non-family members are including: relationship of blood and relatives, Confucian values and Chinese culture, educational background, frontline work experience, functional rotation, outside work experience, willingness, trustiness, governance, ownership, distribution of shares, competence, royalty, leadership and characteristics. The factors of choosing the successor between internal employees and outside professional managers are including: educational background, seniority, business culture, introduce professional skills or professional management, succession system, relationship, frontline work experience, functional rotation, foresight and leadership. I used the axial coding and selective coding to categorize these two kinds of factors into central categories of “Family succession” and “Competence succession”. The study can be summarized as following findings: 1. The requirements of educational background of technology are more specific in the manufacturing industry than the food and FMCG industries. 2. Family members are focused on functional rotation; internal employees are more emphasized on depth training; the outside professional manager come to family business directly. 3. The management-oriented leader prefers co-governance of family business between brothers. The new generation leader prefers outside professional managers. 4. The consistent value of management and clear decentralization are important in brother-cooperative governance business. 5. The main task of the new generation leader’s performance is to improve business processes or systems. They didn’t have the enough authority to make an important decision. 6. The new generation leaders plan their future successions with internal members or outside professional managers.


茹靜芳 Unknown Date (has links)


陳川正 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究是一個非營利組織管理研究的嘗試,筆者提出一個「以組織的認同管理為本位」的理解架構,來作為對基督教教會和非營利組織的管理模式的探索。筆者的研究出發點是,非營利組織有許多的組織特性,是和營利組織相當不同的,而且,這些差異性都與組織對「認同的管理」密切相關。整個研究的論述是由二大部份所組成︰ 第一部份,又包含3個重點︰(1)先是從「組成要素、營運循環、交換的不對稱性、事業功能與組織架構」等4方面,來對照地分析出非營利組織的組織特性,並得出「組織的認同管理」作為非營利組織的管理重心;(2)接著,再從對「組織承諾」和「團體動力」的分析中,對「組織認同」和「團體認同」有了更深入的了解;(3)然後,再從細胞小組教會的組織認同管理作法,而分析出「對內凝聚」和「向外擴張」二個主要的原則方向。 第二部份,則包含2個重點︰(1)採用個案研究的方法,並依照教會「是否採用細胞小組的模式,以及會友人數是否持續增加或減少」等二方面,來選擇4大類型的基督教教會作為個案研究的對象;(2)再以「參與觀察法」來建立教會活動的個案報告;最後以「紮根理論法」對前述的個案報告,進行進一步的具體譯碼分析,內容大致如下︰ 像教會這類非營利組織的組織認同管理,可以分為二大類型,即「教導式」和「互動式」的認同管理策略;而其各自達成認同的組織學習方式,則分別是「知識性認同」和「感受性認同」的學習方式,而共同的關鍵在於組織如管理「系統性的組織學習」的方式。 就「知識性認同」與教會管理模式的成效而言,以知識性認同來達成教導式認同管理的教會,常會把「教義的教導」視為是對成員的重點工作。因此,進一步再將「知識性認同」這個副範疇,分析出「教導的頻率」等7個性質及其構面範圍。在這7個性質以及其構面範圍上,條件、規劃和實行都很好的教會組織,會友人數容易持續增加。 就「感受性認同」與教會管理模式的成效而言,以感受性認同來達成互動式認同管理的教會,常會把「人際互動和肢體生活」視為是對成員的重點工作。因此,筆者進一步再將「感受性認同」這個副範疇,分析出「互動的頻率」等7個性質及其構面範圍。因此,採取「互動式」認同管理的教會組織,若在這7個性質以及其構面範圍上,條件、規劃和實行都很好,則其會友的人數比較容易持續增加。 於是,就獲得一個非營利組織的「組織的認同管理」的初步理論。


呂懿婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從「網路上發表有關廣告論述文章」的現象出發,將BBS站廣告版網友的發言視為「閱聽人發表對廣告看法」的場所,分別運用不同的研究方法針對使用者、文本以及與BBS情境使用特性相關的三大方面加以歸類,並著重解釋使用者與文本、使用者與BBS、文本與BBS之間兩兩相互影響的現象。 研究發現,BBS站廣告版作為一個抒發意見的新媒體管道,它的內容是十分多元的,從文本環境來看,可以分成閱聽人意見的討論(包括詢問、感覺、心得、意見、批評等五種不同類型)與廣告本身(包括廣告演員、內容、現象、結構等分類的討論)以及學界概念、業界環境的討論等幾個重要的議題,同時,精華區的設置也提供了廣告版文章的歷史記錄和文章分類樣貌。本研究並提出《BBS廣告版的「閱聽人意見回饋」模式》來解釋BBS上廣告文本與閱聽人這樣的互動行為:當(when)受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人有廣告觀看經驗並有所想法,並有使用廣告版(接近性)的狀況下的的時候,他們就會發表對廣告的相關看法。在此條件下(under conditions),假如受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人與廣告有相當的關連性,那麼她們會對討論廣告有較為多元的想法,並且對自己意見發表的行為較為積極,這樣的意見回饋形式,呈現了閱聽人對於廣告多種想法的表達,有別於既有廣告批評或消費者研究將受訪者 / 網友 / 閱聽人視為缺乏主動性的研究立場,也劃分出另一個有別於傳統效果模式的意見回饋管道。


陳悅治, chen ,yueh-chih Unknown Date (has links)
歐元的問世,代表的是從1970年代固定匯率被打破以來,世界金融體系最大一次的變革,其對全球之金融及社會文化有很深遠的意義;因此,有關美國與歐元區間之匯率、利率及物價關係的探討遂成為國際金融市場所關心的焦點之一;本文以Frankel (1992)所提出衡量國際間資本移動性的三種利率平價說:拋補利率平價說(Covered Interest Parity,CIP) 、無拋補利率平價說 (Uncovered Interest Parity,UIP)、實質利率平價說 (Real Interest Parity,RIP)為基礎,來檢驗此三種利率平價說是否成立。在實證方法上,本文以Dickey & Fuller (1979,1981)之ADF單根檢定來確定變數之數列特性,再採Johansen (1988)之最大概似估計法,對CIP、UIP與RIP進行實證分析。實證結果發現,於1999 年 1 月至 2004 年 7 月期間,美國與歐元區間 CIP 與 UIP 同時成立,表示當兩國資產報酬率有差異時,可以經由國際間資本的移動,使得報酬率最後有趨於相等的傾向;並且接受遠期匯率為未來即期匯率的不偏估計值之虛無假設,顯示歐元與美元間外匯市場具有效率性。另外,本文之實證結果並不支持 RIP 的成立,其有可能歐元區與美國在編制物價指數時,所使用的物價項目和比重情況不同而異,因此難以表示出公正之匯價;再者由於現實之貨幣、商品市場之不完全,與人民不一定能完全預期及存在貨幣幻覺等許許多多未考慮因素下,故在諸多驗證 RIP之文獻中,亦大多顯示無法找到其均衡之平價關係。 / The emergence of Eurodollar exemplified a significant reformation in the world financial system since the fixed rate had been broken in 1970, which brings far-reaching significance to the global finance and social culture. Therefore some discussions on exchange rate, interest rate and price relationship in the range of US Dollar and Eurodollar are one of focuses the international financial market concerns; On the basis of the three kinds of interest rate parity Frankel brought forward (1992) including Covered Interest Parity (CIP), Uncovered Interest Parity (UIP) and Real Interest Parity (RIP), this research mainly proves their feasibility. For the empirical methods, the Dickey & Fuller (1979, 1981)’s ADF unit root test was used to confirm the characteristics of variable series in this research; additionally, Johansen’s maximum likelihood method (1988) was adopted to do the empirical analysis on CIP, UIP and RIP. Based on the empirical results, we found out that the CIP and UIP are tenable simultaneously in the range of tenable US Dollar and Eurodollar from 1999 January to 2004 July. That means when return on asserts between two counties has some differences, it would become towards equality lastly on the basis of international capital mobility. And the null hypothesis that the forward rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot rate can be employed, revealing the foreign exchange market in the range of Eurodollar and US Dollar has certain efficiency. Additionally, The empirical results of this research do not support the RIP, because it would vary with different prices and proportion used while making the price index in the range of Eurodollar and US Dollar, and cannot present equitable exchange rate; furthermore, because of imperfect current currency and commodity markets, and many unconsidered factors such as people’ incompletely anticipation and money illusion, most researches for validating RIP fail to find out its balanced parity relation.

影響台灣短期利率變動因素之分析 / The Determinants of Short-term Interest Rate in Taiwan

鍾筱芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本文研究目的係以台灣作實證研究,針對這樣一個逐漸開放的小型經濟體系,分析影響其短期利率變動的因素,並驗證其短期利率的變動是否僅受到國外因素(如國外利率)變動的影響,或者是僅受到國內因素(如預期物價膨脹、貨幣供給、景氣、財政及市場資金狀況等)變動的影響,亦或者是兩者皆有。本文以1989年4月到2004年12月這段期間月資料的時間數列為樣本,利用Dickey & Fuller(1981)之ADF單根檢定法來確定變數之數列特性,並採用Johanson (1988)所提出最大概似估計法來分析影響台灣短期利率變動的因素。本文實證結果顯示,台灣31-90天商業本票利率與消費者物價指數年增率、實質經濟成長率、意外貨幣成長、美國三個月國庫券利率、國庫券發行餘額及金融機構平均淨超額準備皆為I(1)數列,並具有一組共整合關係,顯示彼此間具有共同趨勢。其中商業本票與消費者物價指數年增率、實質經濟成長率、意外貨幣成長及美國三個月國庫券利率呈現顯著正向關係,而與金融機構平均淨超額準備呈現顯著負向關係,由此可知,台灣短期利率不僅受到國內因素的影響,亦同時受到國外因素的影響。 / The purpose of this paper is to analyze the determinants of short-term interest rate variation in Taiwan. This paper attempts to examine whether the external factors or internal factors influence the volatility of the short-term rate in Taiwan. ADF unit root test is adopted to check the characteristics of variable series; Johansen’s maximum likelihood method is used to analyze the determinants of short-term interest rate variation in Taiwan based on monthly data from April 1989 to December 2004.The empirical results shows that the rate of commercial paper, consumer price growth rate, real economic growth rate, unanticipated M2 growth rate, U.S. treasury bill rate, balance on treasury bill and net excess reserves are I(1) time series. Besides, those variables have one cointegration relationship with common trend. Specifically, the rate of commercial paper is significantly positively correlated with consumer price growth rate, real economic growth rate, unanticipated M2 growth rate and U.S. treasury bill rate, and is significantly negatively correlated with net excess reserves. Therefore, the variation of short-term interest rate in Taiwan is determined by both external and internal factors.


平野, 靖, Hirano, Yasushi, 清水, 昭伸, Shimizu, Akinobu, 長谷川, 純一, Hasegawa, Jun-ichi, 鳥脇, 純一郎, Toriwaki, Jun-ichiro 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.


三浦, 正博 24 September 2010 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第15655号 / 工博第3313号 / 新制||工||1500(附属図書館) / 28192 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 澤田 純男, 准教授 米山 望, 准教授 五十嵐 晃 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当


玉井, 俊行 24 November 2011 (has links)
Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第16461号 / 工博第3489号 / 新制||工||1527(附属図書館) / 29103 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 木村 亮, 教授 岡 二三生, 准教授 岸田 潔 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当


柯偉民, Kleber Isaac Vallejo Cevallos Unknown Date (has links)
在世界許多地方,近年來,由於經濟狀況不佳,公民對政府的不滿情況已經很明顯。各國政府一直在努力調整和糾正一些政策。然而,中央銀行影響市場的許多方式是公民可以控制其貨幣體系的創新概念的動力。本文將研究其中一項名為比特幣的創新。 2008年金融危機之後,出現了一個新的命題,排除了任何中央政府免受某種貨幣的干預。創建了一個項目,考慮到在處理付款時,不需要中間人來執行用戶之間的交易。在最開始,沒有人注意到沒有人知道,但在過去幾年裡,現在眾所周知的比特幣已經受到全世界的關注,這個話題引起了大的消息。 在本文中,描述了理解比特幣生態系統的基本概念,並對此數字貨幣體系進行了簡要介紹。本文的主要焦點是比特幣在拉丁美洲的使用和傳播,並進行了深入的分析,發現與採用比特幣相關的經濟體的核心問題。本文強調兩個特定國家,委內瑞拉和阿根廷,主要是因為經濟原因。 / In many places around the world, the discontent from citizens towards governments because of poor economic situations has been evident in recent years. Governments have been trying to make adjustments and correct some policies. However, the many ways in which central banks influence markets has been the motivation for innovative concepts in which citizens can take control of their monetary system. This paper will study one of these innovations called Bitcoin. After the financial crisis of 2008, a new proposition arose to exclude any central government from the intervention of a given currency. A project was created bearing in mind that no intermediary would be needed to executed transactions between users when dealing with payments. At the very beginning no one paid attention and nobody know about it, but in the last few years, what is now well known as Bitcoin has received worldwide attention and big news has been arising from this topic. In this paper, the basic concepts for understanding the Bitcoin ecosystem is described, and a brief introduction regarding this digital currency system is undertaken. The primary focus of the paper is the usage and spread of Bitcoin in Latin America, and an in-depth analysis is done, finding core issues on economies which are related to the adoption of Bitcoin. The paper places an emphasis on two particular countries, Venezuela and Argentina, primarily because of economic reasons.

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