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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

金融危機下散裝海運產業波動傳導對航運類股之影響 / The Impact of Dry Bulk Shipping Industry Volatility Diffusion on Shipping Stock Index in Financial Crisis

王守杰, Wang, Shou Jie Unknown Date (has links)
本研究用金融傳導的角度,從散裝海運產業切入,利用標普高盛商品指數、加權遠期運費協議指數、波羅的海運費指數、道瓊全球航運指數以及美元指數,以傳遞熵與BEKK-GARCH模型,探討2008年3月至2016年3月之散裝海運產業金融傳導因子,在多次金融危機中,散裝海運產業金融傳導因子的領先落後關係、短期報酬外溢效果與長期波動傳遞效果,以及對航運類股之影響。 本研究成果可從投資策略與經濟意涵兩方面呈現,在投資策略上,根據實證結果,在金融危機期間,資訊從道瓊全球航運指數流向波羅的海乾散貨運價指數,再流向加權遠期運費協議指數,代表股票市場領先運費市場,而運費市場又領先遠期運費協議市場,而每個期間的加權遠期運費協議指數對波羅的海乾散貨運價指數皆為正向顯著關係,波羅的海乾散貨運價指數與道瓊全球航運指數間皆為雙邊正向顯著關係,本研究建議預測波羅的海乾散貨運價指數的散裝海運產業業者與投資人,可以道瓊全球航運指數與加權遠期運費協議指數作為先行指標。 在經濟意涵方面,根據實證結果,金融危機期間,金融市場動盪程度提高,連帶影響散裝海運運價價格波動劇烈,使得散裝海運產業業者與投資人的避險需求提升,由於波羅的海乾散貨運價指數為散裝海運產業業者的每日報價,並非金融市場交易之結果,故散裝海運產業業者與投資人可以參考商品市場、股票市場、外匯市場及運費市場的資訊進行避險操作。

中美認知差距對中國海權發展影響:以釣魚台爭議為例 / Influence of Sino-U.S. Perception Gap on China's Sea Power: A Case Study of the Diaoyu Islands Dispute

李熙, Li, Hsi Unknown Date (has links)
自2009年美國提出重返亞洲(Pivot to Asia)的主張後,其對於東亞地區的注意力明顯提高,對區域間的盟友如菲律賓、日本,也加強了各式援助與安全保證。與此同時,隨著中國自改革開放後實力提升,對於向外發展的需求也日益提升。在此過程中,海權的發展,對其而言至關重要,然而中國所面對的是對其發展抱持疑慮的周邊環境。儘管中國強調和平發展原則,然他國仍對其擴展影響力感到不安,其中美國亦將中國認為是潛在的挑戰者,故而採取支持周邊國家的方式限制中國,使中國在近年的海上爭議中與他國呈現僵持的局面。 本研究主要以Robert Jervis 的認知理論為研究途徑,探討中美在互動中是否產生特定的機制,及對於中國海權發展影響。本研究發現,由認知的角度切入,中美兩國在互動過程中,確有機制存在,而主要起始點為兩國對於中國身分認知是否相符,若是肯定的答案,則兩國對於中國海權的認知將產生理性相符的結果。然而當兩國認知存在差距時,將會導向以非理性相符的態度看待中國海權,中國認為其是良性發展,但現實中卻是造成他國不安;美國認為限制中國符合自身利益,忽略中國和平發展的意圖,形成兩國皆將主觀認知加之於客觀不相容的現實的情況。當兩者的非理性相符認知碰撞的情況下,以本研究的釣魚台爭端為例,將使中國在向外海權發展中,尤其是對海洋領土的主張受到阻礙。 / Since the claiming of “Pivot to Asia”, the U.S. enhanced its support and security insurance toward alliance in East Asia as well. Meanwhile, with the growing of its strength, China’s demand of reaching outward also keeps rising. During this process, the developing of sea power plays an important role. However, the environment which China facing is not as supportive as it expected. Despite its emphasis on peaceful development, there is still anxiety in other countries, especially the U.S. which considers China as possible challenger, thus supporting countries in order to restrict China, leading to stalemate in recent dispute on sea issue. Using theory of perception of Robert Jervis as main approach, in order to investigate the mechanism between Sino-U.S. interaction, also its influence on China’s sea power . We find out that there truly is mechanism during the process , and the main point is difference of cognition on China’s identity. If the cognition of the two countries are corresponded, the result of perception on China’s sea power rational cognitive consistency. When perception gap occurs, it will lead to the result of irrational cognitive consistency, which China considers its development as benign, causing the feeling of threatening in reality. In the other hand, the U.S. believes that setting restraint on China brings benefits, thus ignoring China’s true intention, which form the situation of adding subjective perception on contradictive reality. As the Diaoyu Island dispute in the thesis, China’s sea power meets obstacle when the irrational cognitive consistency collapsed.


陳淑惠, CHEN, SHU-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
共一冊,約五萬字,計分五章十一節 本文試以英國之法律及實務為主要參考資料,以海上保險中之委付制度為範圍,就我 國現行海上保險法規與實務間所存在之偏差加以研究,進而就委付之有關規定提出修 正建議,期使保險契約當事人間之權義關係更加明確,海險紛爭之解決更公平合理。 第一章首就委付法理在海上保險中之適用提出扼要之說明,再就英國法及我國海商法 所界定委付之定義,分別予以闡述。 第二章說明實質全損與推定全損之涵義,以及概述各國海上保險法所規定之委付原因 ,並針對我國法定委付原因之性質作進一步之分析。 第三章就我國海商法及實務慣例對委付之程序,委付之生效要件所作之規定及處理, 提出討論,以說明其異同。 第四章就我國海商法及實務慣例所賦予委付之效果提出進一步之說明,計分保險標的 權利之移轉、保險金額之給付、被保險人之義務等有關問題,加以分析比較。 第五章綜合本文之分析與研究,就我國現行海上保險委付制度之缺失提出檢討及修正 之芻議,以供參考。


王慧美, WANG, HUI-MEI Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論,計六小節。(一)研究動機(二)研究目的(三)名詞定義(四)研 究架構(五)研究方法(六)研究限制。 第二章 對外投資與經濟發展,計四小節。(一)全球對外投資現況及趨勢(二)新 興工業國家與對外投資(三)我國經濟發展面臨之問題(四)加勒比海投資特色及展 望。 第三章 加勒比海盆地經濟復興法案,計四小節。(一)CBI緣起及內容(二)CBI、 GSP與807條款(三)加勒比海諸國經濟概況(四)中美兩國對CBI作法之比較。 第四章 我出口業者加勒比海投資之動機與方式,計五小節。(一)對加勒比海投資 的動機(二)情報來源及信賴程度(三)對加勒比海投資環境之考慮因素(四)決定 是否前往投資之重要考慮因素(五)投資者之特色及決策方式。 第五章 經營策略個案分析,計四小節。(一)行銷策略分析(二)生產策略分析( 三)財務策略分析(四)人事策略分析。 第六章 加勒比海投資問題之檢討,計五小節。(一)廠商躑躅不前(二)有關地主 國之問題(三)有關我國法令問題(四)有關廠商自身問題(五)美國市場問題。 第七章 結論與建議,計二小節。(一)結論(二)建議。


韋玉龍, Wei, Yu-Long Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:概論專屬經濟區制度背景。我國設置之原因及權義。 第二章:從國際法觀點探討菲律賓對其領海的條約繼承性主張、歷史性權利主張及國 際法權利主張。 第三章:從國際法觀點探討菲國群島原則之歷史性權利主張及習慣國際法權利主張。 第四章:從我國承認群島原則的前題下探討中菲重詁海域,菲基線的合理、合法畫法 。 第五章:研究中菲有依照衡平原則和平解決的義務,並提供談判時的模型分析。 第六章:結論。研究自行畫界及合作的可能性及利弊。

析論歐盟多層次治理中的境外治理—以歐盟地中海政策為例 / EU multi-level governance in external governance: the case of EU mediterranean policies

柯俊廷, Ke, Jiun-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
歐盟多層次治理由超國家歐盟機構、國家、跨國家網絡與次國家代表團體串聯而成,此四層次行為者緊密相關並互動產出歐盟政策。此模式進而延伸至歐盟境外治理,使得管制(regulation)增加,區域無政府狀態也漸趨向制度化(institutionalized)。三大同步進展的推動力導致歐盟多層次治理。其一,歐盟公民共享世界觀形塑出歐盟內部一致性;其二,歐盟中央化(centralize)成員國不能或不願治理之議題領域;其三,歐盟分裂化(fragmentate)其治理權威予跨國家網絡與次國家代表團體。歐盟境外治理以其周邊為主,其面向潛在會員國的擴大政策(enlargement policy)將區域和平共榮區大幅擴張,為國際關係史上的巨大成就。同時,歐盟對於非潛在會員國的境外治理行為模式漸受關注。此即會籍條件性(membership conditionality)與政策條件性(policy conditionality)的比較。   歐盟地中海政策即歐盟對於非潛在會員國境外治理的個案。相較於以中東北非區域或非洲區域為整體,地中海區域主義更加密切,並因而有其研究價值。歐盟作為成員國集體行動的代理人(agent),在歐盟地中海政策的推展中,也漸產生前述的多層次治理模式。本文對歐盟地中海政策網絡進行檢驗,並發現其與主權國家的外交政策的相異性。就低主權爭議性而言,跨國家與次國家層次有效迴避殖民遺緒爭議與干涉內政疑慮;就高政策滲透性而言,跨國與地方網絡易於串聯滲透至地中海區域公民社會、企業及地方代表機構之中,有助於促成文化同質性與共同生活經驗,並從根本上促進和平共榮區的目標;就低強制性而言,歐盟地中海政策中的共有制(co-ownership)精神,國家、跨國家與次國家層次的自願參與及水平式合作,都使得地中海夥伴國較以往更願意納入歐盟地中海政策的治理網絡之中。 / EU multilevel governance consists of supranational institutions, nation states, transnational advocacy networks and subnational representative bodies. The interplay of these four levels contributes to EU policies, and even EU external governance, which mainly focuses on its neighborhood. EU enlargement policy toward potential member states successfully expands EU area of peace and prosperity. Meanwhile, EU external governance in non-potential member states become systematic and obvious. EU Mediterranean policy is a case of EU external governance in non-potential member states. Compared to the development of regionalism in Middle East and North Africa (MENA) or Africa, regionalism across Mediterranean Sea is much stronger and thus worth more researches. EU promotes its Mediterranean policy in a way of multilevel governance as well, especially after Arab uprising in 2011 as EU starts to cooperate more with legislatures and non-governmental organizations in Mediterranean regions instead of depending on governments there. This thesis examines the networks of EU Mediterranean policy and figures out that they are different from diplomatic policies of sovereign states. First, they involve less sovereignty issues since transnational and subnational level effectively avoid post-colonial disputes and intervention concerns. Second, they are highly accessible because of their strong connections with civil society, enterprises and local representative bodies in the Mediterranean region. Third, they uphold principle of co-ownership and political pluralism and participants are thus more willing to join the policy networks.

中国大陆上海学校教师专业学习社群的特点与影响: Exploring the characteristics and impacts of teachers' professional learning communities in Shanghai schools in mainland China. / Exploring the characteristics and impacts of teachers' professional learning communities in Shanghai schools in mainland China / Zhongguo da lu Shanghai xue xiao jiao shi zhuan ye xue xi she qun de te dian yu ying xiang: Exploring the characteristics and impacts of teachers' professional learning communities in Shanghai schools in mainland China.

January 2015 (has links)
自上世纪80年代以来,全球范围内掀起了一系列的教育改革浪潮。学校变革能力的不足,成为各国教育改革面临的最大挑战。专业学习社群的出现,为整体提升学校改革能力带来了希望。而专业学习社群概念产生于西方,已有关于专业学习社群的研究也大多基于西方的教育情境,对于具有丰富教师合作实践的中国学校的研究很少。 / 本研究采用混合研究取向,探讨课程改革背景下中国大陆上海学校教师专业学习社群的特点及对教师发展的影响。首先对10所学校的教师进行个案研究,初步探索专业学习社群的特点与影响。在此基础上提出适用于上海情境的专业学习社群及其影响的概念框架,并据此形成专业学习社群特点及效果问卷,对31所学校进行调查,以验证和修订概念框架,并考察专业学习社群对教师发展的影响。研究进一步选取4所有代表性的学校进行深入的个案研究,探究专业学习社群影响教师发展的过程,并分析影响专业学习社群效果及发展水平的因素。问卷调查、深度访谈、非参与式观察和文件收集是获取资料的主要手段。 / 研究发现上海学校教师专业学习社群在个体层面表现出集体探究与分享、共享目标与责任两个特点,在组织层面表现出支持性领导、文化支持、组织结构、文化障碍、制度障碍五个特点,从而揭示出上海学校专业学习社群的独特特点。上海学校专业学习社群在整体上具有良好的发展水平,对教师发展产生了显著的促进作用,包括增强教师的教学效能,提高其对学生学习的承诺水平,并提升工作满意度。发展水平高和发展水平低的专业学习社群对教师发展的影响存在一定的差异,前者更能促进全体教师的发展与变革,并对教学与学生学习产生积极影响。这是因为高发展水平的专业学习社群与教师的日常教学实践紧密相关,并强调平等对话和民主交流,为教师提供了探究性的学习环境。 / 本研究通过上海学校教师专业学习社群实践回应了专业学习社群的情境依赖性,揭示出专业学习社群与教育改革之间的关系,并丰富了专业学习社群对教师发展影响过程与机制的研究。研究还阐述了不同于合作文化和硬造合作的系统、协调的专业学习社群发展取向,从而为理解专业学习社群提供了新的理论视角。基于研究所见,为进一步促进上海学校教师专业学习社群的发展,不仅要加强学校层面在领导、文化和结构上的支持,也要强化地区教育部门在政策制度、领导和资源上对专业学习社群的支持。 / Since the 1980s, a wave of educational reform has shown up on a global scale. One of the biggest challenges faced by various countries is the lack of schools’ reform capacity. The concept of professional learning community (PLC) seems promising for the improvement of schools’ comprehensive change capacity. While the idea of PLC originates in the western world and the majority of existing research has been based on western contexts, the concept and practice of PLCs in Chinese schools where there are rich experiences in terms of teacher collaboration have largely been ignored. / The present study is located within the context of curriculum reform in Mainland China. Adopting a mixed-method approach, this study examines the characteristics of teachers’ PLCs in schools in Shanghai and their impacts on teacher development. First, semi-structural interviews with teachers in ten schools were conducted to preliminarily explore the characteristics and influences of PLCs in Shanghai schools. Based on this, a conceptualization of PLC was initiated, and a questionnaire was developed accordingly. The author conducted a questionnaire survey of teachers in thirty-one schools to verify and modify the conceptualization of PLC and examine its impact on teacher development. After that, four representative schools were selected and in-depth case studies were implemented, to further investigate how PLCs impacted teacher development and what the key factors were in this process. Questionnaire survey, in-depth interview, non-participatory observation, and document collection were the main methods to collect data. / Results show that teachers’ PLCs in Shanghai schools could be conceptualized in individual level in terms of collective inquiry and sharing and shared goals and responsibility, and organizational level in terms of supportive leadership, cultural support, organizational structures, cultural barriers and institutional barriers, which indicates the unique characteristics of PLCs in Shanghai schools. Teachers’ PLCs in the schools in Shanghai performed well in general, and significantly improved teacher development, including their teaching effectiveness, commitment to student leaning, and job satisfaction. There were differences between high-level PLCs and low-level PLCs in terms of their influences on teacher development, i.e. the former had a greater role in promoting the whole teachers’ development and reform, and also their teaching practices and student learning. This is because high-level PLCs focused on teachers’ teaching practices and emphasized equal dialogue and democratic exchanges, which provided favorable environment for teachers’ inquiry and learning. / This study, by presenting the practices of PLCs in the schools in Shanghai, responded to the context specificity of PLCs, disclosed the relationship between PLCs and education reform, and enriched existing research on the influence process and mechanism of PLCs on teacher development. The study also identified a systematic and coordinated approach to develop PLCs, which was different from collaborative culture and contrived collegiaty and thus provided a new theoretical perspective for us to understand the concept of PLC. To further promote the practices of PLCs in the schools in Shanghai, support at both the school level such as leadership, culture and structure, and the district level such as policy, leadership and resources need to be strengthened. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 張佳. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 305-339). / Abstracts also in English. / Zhang Jia.

英國駐上海領事之研究(一八四三~一九二八) / The Study of British Consuls in Shanghai(1843∼1928)

林秀美, Lin, Hsiu Mei Unknown Date (has links)

中華民國漁權發展的歷史考察(1912-1982) / The historical development of the fishery right of the Republic of China, 1912-1982

陳冠任, Chen, Kuan Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本文以中華民國作為研究主體,探討在1982年現代國際海洋法確立之前,「漁業權」此一概念在不同時空背景下的發展過程。本研究首先上溯自清末,探討漁權概念傳入中國的過程以及後來在北京政府(1912-1928)及南京國民政府(1928-1937)的發展,雖然期間政權更迭頻繁,但漁權意識與政策並未隨著政權的更迭而有所轉變,而是彷彿接力賽般,由清末一路承襲自南京國民政府。1937年中日戰爭的爆發,中國沿海省份漸遭日軍佔領,中華民國的漁權發展方暫告一段落。 戰後國際秩序進入重整階段,雖然各國試圖透過國際海洋法會議,制定一具有公信力的國際海洋法,藉此解決諸多國際爭端;然而,在美、蘇冷戰的狀態下,各國對於國際海洋法中的「領海範圍」與「捕魚界限」均難以達成共識。如此也意味著,國際間不論是專屬漁業權或是入漁權雙邊交涉的效力,均遠大於國際法規定,且隨著不同的政治、地理以及國際關係等因素下亦有所差異,因此,本研究針對「專屬漁業權」與「入漁權」進行個案研究,探討中華民國在其中的發展歷程,並藉此比較其中的異同。


高橋, 公明, 池内, 敏, 李, 薫, 位田, 絵美, 清水, 太郎, 千種, 浩, 手島, 崇裕, 橋本, 雄, Robinson R., Kenneth, 渡辺, 美季 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B) 課題番号:17320093 研究代表者:高橋 公明 研究期間:2005-2007年度

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