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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

應用集群分析在汽車產業的服務營運成效上之研究–以F汽車公司為例 / The Application of Cluster Analysis on the Operating Performance of the Automobile Service Industry– A Case Study of F Car Company

謝宗翰 Unknown Date (has links)
近十年來,大陸地區已經大幅開放經濟,甚至還將傳統的農村經營模式改變成多元化的農村型態,主要目的在於改善農村與城鎮間的差距及農村居民與城鎮居民的生活水平,然而這樣經濟開放的政策施行,確實也產生了莫大的改善效果,而這樣的農村經濟發展策略,所帶動不只是鄉鎮企業的發展,更造就了多元化、工業化的農村發展。然而,在這樣的經濟改革的促使下,連帶也促進大陸地區的各農村、鄉鎮的產業發展,其產業包含金融業、營造業、科技業、製造業等,而汽車產業的銷售、維修、保養等企業的發展便是其中之一。故在如此經濟環境大幅變化的市場競爭下,如何透過經營方式的優勢來提高企業的競爭力,是企業所亟需探討的方式,所以個案公司考量在現有的服務成效與營運成效的研究分析中,獲得所應改善之方向。 因此,本研究透過個案公司2013年的服務成效與營運成效的資料,其中包含汽車保有台數、工單數量與收入、汽車定期保養金額與數量、銷售顧問人數等相關變數,並且導入集群分析及平均數檢定等方法,據以瞭解個案公司在大陸地區所經營之各展示與保養廠的服務與營運成效的優劣,且其所研究分析所得到的結果,將分述如下: 一、 逾八成五的分廠之顧客滿意分數超過80分以上; 二、 銷售顧問的年資與性別對營運成效有顯著的影響; 三、 實際與目標的銷售狀況未呈現顯著性的差異; 四、 近五成的分廠之服務成效是屬於普級的評等; 五、 逾六成的分廠之營運成效是屬於普級的評等。

臺商在波蘭營運管理之研究 / How Taiwanese Firms Operate in Republic of Poland

江宜臻 Unknown Date (has links)
波蘭在這二十幾年的轉變與快速成長,讓它躋身為近年來歐洲受到矚目的新興國家,但在過去鮮少針對台灣至波蘭的企業進行營運上的研究與分析,因此本研究藉由訪問當地台商,以實際案例說明臺商在波蘭營運時所需調整的營運方式、遇到的問題與應對方法,來補足台商在波蘭營運管理上的研究不足,也希望研究結果對於未來進入波蘭的臺商具參考價值。   本研究針對公司資源與能力、地主國的環境、國際化的動機、進入波蘭營運的策略與企業的營運模式做分析比較,進而提出結論與建議。   研究結果發現臺商在營運管理上需因應波蘭文化,因波蘭員工相較台灣員工不重長遠規劃,因此以立即獎勵激勵員工成效較佳,另外波蘭員工在溝通上需以明確的指示交代任務;資金取得困難為在波蘭營運最大的問題,臺商難以取得波蘭銀行貸款,因此建議欲進入波蘭的台商要有充足的資金,以免進入後常備感資金壓力;最後,企業的資源發展與維持會影響在波蘭市場的競爭力,建議臺商在進入波蘭時對稀有資源能有策略性的規劃,並且持續發展與維持自身資源,以保競爭優勢。 / Poland, through the rapid economic growth in the past 20 years, has become one of the emerging countries which receive the most attention in these years. Nonetheless, few research discussed the pragmatic operations of Taiwan-based firms. This research aims at studying the cases of Taiwanese firms operating in Poland, and illustrating the difficulties and solutions as the reference for firms which intend to invest in Poland. This research characterizes managerial issues in the context of cross-culture. First, comparing to Taiwanese employees, Polish staffs are less motivated by long-term career development. We suggest that Taiwanese business operators have to establish rewarding system efficiently and to communicate more effectively by being more specific and concrete. Second, access to capital and getting bank loans have the likelihood of being highly challenging in Poland. Thus, we suggest that Taiwanese business operators should have sufficient funds before making any investment to avoid unnecessary tensions. Lastly, we recommend that Taiwanese business operators cope with other competitors in Poland by focusing on strategic plans toward rare resources critically and resourcefully, so as to maintain competitive advantages.

臺商在捷克營運管理之研究 / How Taiwanese Firms Operate in Czech Republic

江宛臻 Unknown Date (has links)
捷克從市場開放至今,是許多從事資訊電子業的臺商在歐洲投資首選地。學術界關於捷克經貿的研究甚多,但對於臺商實際於捷克營運的個案研究極少,因此本研究企圖著眼於臺商在捷克實際營運案例,說明臺商過往至今所面臨的問題挑戰及應對方法,提供有意至捷克投資企業的參考。   本研究分別針對公司的能力、地主國的環境、國際化的動機對臺商在捷克的經營方式有何影響,進行討論,進而提出結論與建議。   研究結果顯示,臺商在捷克的營運管理上,碰到最大的困難與挑戰為捷克的法規與文化。法規的部份,捷克的勞工法較臺灣嚴格,員工申訴的管道也相行暢通。文化方面,捷克勞工公私分明,不會願意為公司犧牲私人時間加班。故臺商後來多與越南的勞力仲介公司合作,並聘請一位捷克籍的人事經理,擔任勞資雙方的橋樑。不過總體來說,捷克籍的員工對於權威的服從性高,所以管理起來相對容易。 / Czech Republic, from its market opening until now, has become the primary investment target for many Taiwanese ICT firms. Lots of research has discussed the business trading in Czech. Nonetheless, few works mention the practical operations of Taiwan-based firms. This research aims at studying the cases of Taiwanese firms operating in Czech, and illustrating the difficulties and the corresponding solutions as the reference for other firms who intend to invest in Czech in the near future. Research outcomes indicate that the biggest challenge Taiwanese firms face is the regulations and culture. From the aspect of regulations, Czech has a more restrictive code of conduct on labors. In addition, labors’ claims in Czech are much easier. From the aspect of culture, labors in Czech distinguish the company’s interests from their own by not sacrificing their private time for overtime. With above, Taiwanese firms then increasingly cooperate with Vietnamese manpower agencies and at the same time hire a Czech human resource manager as the bridge between the workforce and management. Generally speaking, Czech labors are more obedient to superior orders and thus are much easier on management.

房地產創新設計模式對營運銷售成效之探討 -以K地產公司為例 / Research on the Innovative Design Models for the Business and Marketing Performance of Real Estate – A Case Study of K Real Estate Company

馬寶元 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國內都市計畫面積的逐年成長,致使國內出現房地產市場蓬勃發展的現象,但同時也造就了國內房地產的戰國時代的來臨,當房地產的願景如預期般的成長時,房地產業者如何在市場競爭激烈的環境中,尋求良好的營運策略則成為各房地產業者所需思考的方向。在許多的研究中,曾指出房地產景氣的波動並非偶發而是有跡可尋,只要當強烈的經濟成長、房地產供給短缺及銀行信用擴張等影響因素的組合下,則會產生投機性的景氣復甦。所以,當房地產景氣受到影響而有所波動之際,其所受的影響因素可能不僅僅只是經濟因素所引導,也有可能是受到房地產供需不平衡或利率、股市等金融因素的波動所導致,故如何掌握國內房地產景氣循環的根本原因,也是一項值得關注的話題。 因此,本研究考量如此創新思維的概念,若應用於房地產業者的經銷,是否也可能獲得良好的成效,故以K公司為個案研究的對象,探討其導入創新設計模式對營銷的影響,而其研究發現:近年來國內對於房地產建築之容積率的修訂及都市計畫變更等政策指導,造成國內房地產建築物的建造受到影響;住宿類房地產建築物商品是目前國內近年來房地產企業所重視的商品;房地產建築導入創新設計的模式時,是可以提升房地產企業的營運成效;發展創新設計的經營方式已經成為房地產的必要策略之一。

數位看板硬體業者跨足「計程車內數位看板廣告通路平台營運」之聯盟模式研究 / Ad-based in-taxi digital signage network operation-- alliance models for digital signage hardware provider

郭進傑, Kuo, Jin Jie Unknown Date (has links)
數位看板硬體業者跨足「計程車內數位看板廣告通路平台營運」之聯盟模式研究 / The issues of unfamiliar business, market potential and high investment cost reduce the willingness of a Digital Signage Hardware Provider, Advantech to cross over a new business boundary of Ad-Based In-Taxi Digital Signage Network Operator. Thus, the aim of this thesis is intends to analyze few possible alliances options and profit-sharing model for Advantech (Digital Signage Hardware Provider), RISTC (System Integrator), and Taiwan Taxi Company (Channel Venue Host) in terms of Cost-Benefit Analysis and Value Creation. The results of analysis indicate that the value proposition of in-Taxi Digital Signage Network to advertiser is providing new niche taxi passenger market for their right advertisement exposures in anytime’s block at anywhere with dynamic content and interactive infotainment interface. Business value can be delivered to the network operator when it has at least 1000 cabs network and the benchmark price proposed in this research which is lower than respondents’ acceptable price. Rather than in “AD and H/W Based Business Model”, alliance option C in “AD-Based Business Model” is the most appropriate cost-profit sharing model for Advantech to capture value, in which Advantech and system integrator run the business together and share the cost of business operation, each contribute their core product and share ad profit at certain percentage, at the same time, obtaining complementary know-how and building new competency through co-specialized resources and internalized learning.

數位電子看板營運模式分析 / A strategic analysis of business models on digital signage industry

胡菁宜, Hu, Ching Yi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著資訊產業的發展和人們對即時訊息的需求,數位電子看板以多元化的面貌,逐漸取代了傳統的媒體,出現在我們生活的周遭。 根據知名研究機構iSuppli的報導,數位電子看板每年將有百分之三十以上的成長。這樣一個高成長的產業已吸引了包括日本、韓國等國際競爭者的目光,臺灣業者須要嚴肅地思考當如何面對此一挑戰。 本研究先行探討現有文獻和產業現況,後以波特的五種競爭力來分析數位電子看板產業,再敘述創新的營運模式和它如何創造價值。最後則是檢驗這個營運模式下的價值主張。 研究結論是加入服務創新元素的商業模式是能夠創造一個新的市場,整合供應鏈、發揮互補的功能,產生多項且持續的獲利來源,整合者的定位為價值創造者和價值支配者,並以一次購買(One Stop Shop)、創新服務、客製化為其競爭策略。 關鍵字: 數位電子看板,營運模式 / With the development of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) industry and the demand of instant information from consumer, Digital Signage, with multi-function feature, has replaced the traditional media and appeared in our daily life gradually. According to the report from iSuppli, the potential growth for digital signage will be more than 30% every year. This high growing industry has drawn the attention of all international competitors including Japan, Korea etc. Taiwan manufacturers need to consider how we are going to face this challenge. This study started with the review of existing literature and current industry status,followed by the industry analysis by Five Forces of Competition from M. Porter. It continued with the statement of an innovative business model and how the value is created. Lastly, we checked the value proposition of this business model. The conclusions of this study include, with added value of technical service, the mentioned business model is able to create a new market;integrating supply chain is able to create complementary and long term profit in different methods。 One stop shop, innovative service and customization will be its competitive strategies. Keywords: Digital Signage, Business Model

租稅規劃策略與營運績效之關聯性研究-以台灣上市櫃電子業為例 / The relationship between tax planning strategies and operating performance: evidence from Taiwan Listed Company in Electronic industry.

林怡均, Lin, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
因應全球化,企業跨國交易日趨頻繁,降低企業租稅成本並提升投資資金成 為管理階層經營首要考量。因此,跨國租稅規劃議題乃成為企業不容忽視的議題, 本研究主要探討企業投入研究發展的程度、於租稅天堂設立公司密集程度及關係 人交易移轉訂價偏離常規交易程度與公司營運績效的關聯性。 企業投入之研究發展支出可以作為費用及一定程度內適用政府提供之投資 租稅抵減達到稅盾效果;透過於境外低稅率或免稅國家成立公司,可能會透過控 股關係移轉所得達到降低稅負的效果 ; 透過關係人交易將利潤移轉至低稅負國 家的公司以降低整體企業稅負。此三種租稅規劃策略對企業營運績效之影響乃本 研究重點。 本研究以 2010 年至 2014 年共計 1,636 筆台灣上市櫃電子業之資料,相關的 實證結果顯示如下: 一、研究發展投入程度與企業營運績效關聯性方面:研究發展與企業營運績效呈顯著正相關。 二、租稅天堂稠密程度與企業營運績效關聯性方面:租稅天堂稠密程度與企業營運績效呈負相關,但是關聯性並不顯著。 三、關係人偏離常規移轉訂價與企業營運績效關聯性方面:關係人偏離常規移轉訂價與企業營運績效呈顯著正相關。 綜合此三種租稅規劃策略中以研究發展活動對企業營運績效最具顯著影響 力,因此,本研究推斷企業投入研究發展有助於提升企業長期的生產力、突破或 創新等,並進一步促進企業營運績效成長。 但將子公司設置於租稅天堂對企業營運績效則較不具影響力,認為是因為近 年來,各國政府與國際組織紛紛加強查緝與建立完善的租稅制度以防止企業透過 紙上公司規避稅負的政策關係,而且此一租稅規劃並無為關聯企業創造任何實質價值。因此,在全球打擊租稅規避風潮逐漸盛行下,企業於租稅天堂佈局子公司可能亦會使企業暴露額外的稅務風險。 企業透過關係人偏離常規交易對企業營運績效雖呈現正相關,但顯著性較研 究發展活動低,推斷為該租稅規劃策略目的僅以稅負極小化作為首要考量,未助於直接提升企業長期營運績效。 / In response to globalization, corporations increase cross-border transactions year by year. Reducing tax costs and increasing capital investment are managements’ primary consideration. Therefore, multinational corporations’ tax planning becomes a noticeable issue. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of the extent of corporations’ research and development, the intensity of setting affiliates in tax haven, transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance. Research and development investment can be expenses when filing tax return and applies for investment tax credit in certain degree to reduce corporate tax cost; through setting up offshore companies in low-tax or tax-free countries, holding companies may transfer or shift income to reduce the corporate tax burden; through related party transactions, holding companies can transfer profits to low-tax countries to reduce the company's overall corporate tax burden. This study focus on how do these three kinds of tax planning strategies affect corporate operating performance. The data of this study is from year 2010 to 2014 a total of 1,636 Taiwan-listed corporations in electronic industry. The relevant empirical results are shown below: First, the relationship between the degree of investment in research and development and corporate operating performance: They show a significant positive correlation. Second, the intensity of setting affiliates in tax haven and corporate operating performance: They are negatively correlated, but the correlation is not significant. Third, transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance: They show a significant positive correlation. Among these three comprehensive tax-planning strategies, research and development activities influence most significantly on the corporate operating performance. Therefore, this study concluded that investments in research and development help corporations to improve long-term productivity of the enterprise, or breakthrough innovation, and further promote business operations performance growth. But set up affiliates in tax haven influencing less on corporate operating performance. Infer that governments and international organizations gradually reinforce investigating and establish a sound tax system in order to prevent tax avoidance through the paper companies. Besides, the tax planning doesn’t create any real value to affiliates. As the trend of fighting against tax avoidance increasingly popular around the world, setting up companies in tax haven may also make additional corporate tax risk exposure. Transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance has positively correlated, but relatively less significant than the impact of research and development activities. Infer that this strategy only takes tax minimization as primary consideration, and not directly help to enhance long-term corporate operating performance.

電子商務物流營運之研究─以資訊產品通路商精技電腦為例 / A Study of E-Commerce Logistics Operations– A Case Study of Unitech in Taiwan

蔡志強 Unknown Date (has links)
在電子商務競爭的環境下,3C產品零售商的的供應鏈管理充滿挑戰。3C代理通路商、或電子商務業者往往必須自行建立物流中心,進行進貨、出貨、及存貨管理等作業,甚至自己建立運輸車隊,及時調度車輛運轉,加上資訊系統以及科技產品的應用,才能滿足從銷售端到客戶端的快速到貨需求。 本研究針對國內3C通路產業,探討電子商務物流營運模式的發展及現況並藉個案公司分析電子商務物流營運的績效可以如何評估與改善。本研究所選擇研究的個案公司為B2B類型電子商務。研究中,分析個案公司現行的物流營運模式,自多重面向包括物流策略、物流中心規劃、倉儲作業管理、運輸管理、物流資訊系統、以及物流績效指標管理等構面,探討個案公司物流中心面對電子商務之競爭,以及人力市場缺乏的環境下,在倉儲及運輸作業中,透過資訊系統及作業流程的不斷改善,達到降低成本、提升作業效率、滿足客戶到貨時效的競爭力。 本研究運用實際蒐集的資料,從世界級的物流中心中,分析倉儲作業流程各項營運指標,以及在自動化設備及資訊系統的應用上,找出各項作業的業界標竿,以此標竿作為基礎和個案物流中心各項流程、系統逐項作比較,找出其中差異(缺口),比標竿指標優秀與不足的部分,提供給個案物流中心做為改善的參考。 經過個案分析驗證,在研究結論提出電子商務物流營運的績效在倉儲作業實務流程、倉儲營運績效指標、及物流資訊系統等面向上,可以用作業流程隸屬何種階段、各項績效指標的評分、及作業無紙化、設備自動化之程度的角度評估,並依據個案中提出之各面向,與業界頂尖及業界平均標準參考比較並研擬改善方向。


張德元, ZHANG, DE-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 導論 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 研究方法 第三節 研究限制 第四節 本論文之結構 第二章 連鎖店之本質 第一節 連鎖店的定義與分類 第二節 連鎖店的沿革與興起的原因 第三節 連鎖店在歐、美、日發展的現況 第四節 連鎖店在台灣發展的現況 第五節 連鎖店經營之本質 第三章 文獻探討與研究架構 第一節 營運策略 第二節 國內相關文獻之探討 第三節 有關競爭條件之國外文獻探討 第四節 有關經濟效益之文獻探討 第五節 觀念性的架構 第四章 策略分群的方法及結果 第一節 策略分群的方法 第二節 連鎖體系樣本研究之結果 第五章 競爭條件經濟效益與營運策略選擇之關係 第一節 競爭條件與營運策略選擇之關係 第二節 經濟效益與營運策略選擇之關係 第三節 區別模式之建立 第六章 競爭條件,經濟效益,營運策略選擇和企業績效之關係 第一節 財務績效的種類和意義 第二節 不同區別群體之績效分析 第七章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議


許婉美, Xu, Wan-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
論文共一冊,約七萬字,區分為五章。 第一章:導論,主要闡明銀行業產業背景、問題緣由、研究動機、研究目的、研究對 象與研究範圍。 第二章:探討銀行資金管理之意義、重要性、理論基礎與文獻探討,並包含本文的觀 念性架構。 第三章:研究設計,包括與銀行營運績效有關各項研究變數之操作定義、研究問題、 研究工具,資料處理及資料結構。 第四章:本國銀行資金管理與其營運績效之實證研究,將本國銀行資產排名前十名之 銀行依各項研究變數,使用區別分析方法導出區別函數,將其績效區分為高、中、低 三群,並予以驗證區別函數之正確區分率,另以皮爾森相關做相關分析。 第五章:就本論文之研究結果做個總結,並提出建議。

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