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我國公務員的權威性人格與個人現代性之研究林德福, Lin, De-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論,分為四節。問題的性質及其重要性,研究架構,研究途徑,研究目
第二章 有關文獻的探討,分為五節:權威性人格研究的淵源及其發展,權威性人
第三章 研究步驟及方法,分為三節:樣本的選取,量表的編製,統計方法及基本
第四章 資料分析與討論,擬分成三節,公務員的權威性人格的分析與討論,公務
第五章 結論與建議,除了對本論文的回顧與要點摘記外,並對研究方法上所遭到
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現代性與臺灣文學的發展(1920-1949)崔末順 Unknown Date (has links)
第五章爲「戰後初期的時代精神及文學所反映的現代性」。此章主要是討論從日帝手中獲得解放,對當時知識分子所帶來的希望及意義所在。在第一節中,就當時民衆對建設現代民族國家的期待,以及對民主主義的渴望,擧出實例來加以論證,並討論現代國民形象與民族認同問題;在第二節中,論述戰後初期重建臺灣文化和臺灣文壇的問題,以及寫實主義人民文學論的內涵; 在第三節中,則把戰後初期的小說內容,分成光復的喜悅與歷史的方向、批判殖民統治及其留下來的問題、戰後初期的臺灣社會狀況等三個部分, 針對光復帶來的希望未能落實在臺灣的原因,作一深入的探討。
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梁實秋先生的事蹟及散文之研就鍾鳳美 Unknown Date (has links)
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原教旨主義政治理論在埃及的發展陳漢傑, Chen,Han-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
原教旨主義是穆斯林世界回應現代化所產生的政治與社會思想,尤其當時代表穆斯林世界的鄂圖曼帝國在現代化的過程中逐漸崩解,不僅結束一統的伊斯蘭社群,同時因財政與內政問題下喪失政治與經濟的主權。現代化伴隨著西方殖民主義在穆斯林世界投下負面陰影,卻也激發了Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani等人,期望以社群團結回應殖民主義的思想,是為現代伊斯蘭原教旨主義的濫觴。
al-Afghani的思想為後人繼承,弟子Muhammad ‘Abduh建立了伊斯蘭的理性主義,一方面回應西方對伊斯蘭的誤解,另一方面論證穆斯林及其社群自身權利的來源。Rashid Rida則透過al-Afghani的政治架構來表現‘Abduh對社群權利的肯定,提出「新哈里發制度」作為嘗試。原教旨主義的嘗試,雖然沒有成功,迄至二十世紀,民族主義成為穆斯林爭取獨立的意識形態,尤其埃及受到英國勢力的入侵,企圖更形強烈。埃及民族主義日趨世俗化,卻遲遲未能解決問題,終於導致日後伊斯蘭原教旨躍然而起。
第一次世界大戰結束後,創立穆斯林兄弟會的Hasan al-Banna以行動發起伊斯蘭原教旨主義的運動,以積極而群體的方式涉入政治與社會事務,並指出伊斯蘭和民族國家之間的融通,期望以穆斯林社群作為「跨國之國」來統整穆斯林世界的力量。在政治體制上,甚至主張神聖統治下的伊斯蘭民主。這種具有政治與文化歸屬感的政治體制,既是一種追求政治、經濟獨立自主的力量,同時也是文化認同與原生的產物。
其中影響廣泛的伊斯蘭激進主義思想家Sayyid Qutb,重新定義「蒙昧」與「奮戰」(Jihad)的教義,鼓勵民眾用和平或暴力的手段積極參與政治。除了對於西方文明、資本主義、工業化社會,以及物質主義等大加撻伐,並試圖從伊斯蘭的宗教內涵提出神聖主權的政治法理與正義的社會型態,逐漸周延原教旨主義的政治、社會、經濟藍圖。
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漢詩的越界與現代性:朝向一個離散詩學(1895-1945) / Transcendence and Modernity of Han Poetry: a Poetics of Diaspora (1895-1945)高嘉謙, Ko, Chia Cian Unknown Date (has links)
本論文選取的四組詩人個案,包括乙未割台時期內渡大陸,後往南洋推展儒教的丘逢甲、在殖民地台灣以遺民自居的王松和洪棄生,流亡南洋的康有為及移居者丘菽園,客死南洋的許南英和郁達夫。這些不同脈絡背景的詩人個案,都同時聚集在一個境外離散式的寫作氛圍。他們的歷史機遇由晚清跨度到民國,不同的主體與客觀經驗,展現了形塑流亡詩學和南方視域的可能。漢詩在海外的不絕如縷,尤其見證一代知識分子或花果飄零,或靈根自植的心路歷程。這些寫在境外的漢詩橫跨新舊文學的分野,在同一傳統/現代交替的歷史結構裡出沒,一再説明漢詩歷久而彌「新」的現代意義。其中內蘊的文類意識,提醒了我們進一步理解漢詩播遷所塑造的區域文學型態,同時藉由這些遺落在海外的詩人足跡,形成地域觀照的「文學現場」脈絡。 / The present study investigates Chinese diaspora in terms of a particular group of loyalist poets scattering in South China, Taiwan, and Nanyang in late Qing, including Qiu Fengjia, Wang Song, Hong Qisheng, Kang Youwei, Qiu Shuyuan, Xu Nanying and Yu Dafu and discusses transcendence and modernity of their Han poetry. This study deals with the time span from territorial cession of Taiwan in 1895 to Japanese surrender /the end of war in 1945.
The discussion starts with the emergence of the first group of loyalists in late Qing in 1895 and closes with Yu Dafu’s missing in Sumatra in 1945. During this period of time, social upheaval due to the transition to a new era and the impact from colonization in Taiwan and westernization in China forced common people as well as intellectuals massively migrated and emigrated. For example, Qiu Fengjia exiled from Taiwan to China during the Japanese colonization and later went to Nanyang. Kang Youwei, Qiu Shuyuan, Xu Nangying and Yu Dafu exiled or moved to Nanyang and the later two even died there. Poets in Taiwan, like Wang Song and Hong Qisheng, considered themselves as emigrants from China. Being deserted and colonized, these poets threw themselves into loyalist writing, intending to construct identity in terms of space and time.
Drawing upon such loyalists’ works of Han poetry, this study attempts to sketch out those poets’ mental state as political/ cultural loyalists and the way their Han poetry displayed transcendence and modernity. Having an established tradition as the genre to represent the spirits, morals and emotions of intellectuals, Han poetry was naturally chosen by intellectuals to use when they endeavored to depict historical changes and the collapse of a dynasty. Han poetry thus in turn manifested itself as an epitome of diaspora and the loyalists’ state of mind during that period of time. In addition, after Yiwei and Xinhai political upheavals, the emigration formed intriguing paths of disseminating culture and literature. In this context, Han poetry turned out to serve as an important literary form and space, by which we are able to interpret and discuss modernity.
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高度現代性之下的主體構成——紀登斯(Anthony Giddens)思想在教育上的推演賴光祺, Lai, Guang-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對紀登斯(Anthony Giddens),探討其對於現代社會的結構特性、作為能動者的人類主體之構成,以及建構合乎現代人性需求政治制度的思想,並推演其在教育上可以有的發展。研究發現:一、紀登斯將主體重建為兼具身體與人格、意識與無意識、論述與實踐、自我與共在、源流與變化、例行性與創造性的能動者;二、意識可分為三個層級但其與行動層級並非一一對應關係;三、本體安全感除透過擱置之外,仍須透過生活政治學反思性地處理本體安全感的需求;四、結構概念具有多項特性,並與人類的能動性呈現雙重性及二元性兩種關係;五、系統與結構的區分應從組合式及聚合式之間的差異來瞭解。六、高度現代性社會有不同於以往的制度、動力、後果與特性。七、生活在高度現代性之下人們有更多自我決定的空間與必要性。八、針對高度現代性的各種特性,政治治理必須有不同以往的思考,並秉持烏托邦現實主義、世界主義,調和懷疑與獻身,使每個人都能對社會有所貢獻。依據上述發現,筆者在教育方面針對個人、結構、現代性、政治治理,與社會學研究方面進行衍釋,作為教育方面的啟示。 / This dissertation study Anthony Giddens’s thoughts about Structuration theory, modernity and politics, and try to find the implications in education. The author find that Giddens reconstructed subjects as agents by 6 pairs of concepts, pointed out 8 relative characters about structure, and contrasted structure with system as paradigmatic with syntagmatic. The author also find that Giddens’ stratification model of personality did not simply correspond to his stratification model of action. And the existential questions which are bracketed by the ontological security should be answered by life politics. Radical Modernity is different from tradition in institutions, dynamics, consequences and properties. People living in this era have more space and necessities to make decisions for themselves. To avoid the possible risks, people should hold the utopian realism, cosmopolitanism, balance the doubts and commitments. Implications in education are addressed on these findings.
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阿嘉莎克莉絲蒂:偵探故事與現代性 / Agatha Christie: Detective Stories and Modernity王銘鋒, Wang,Ming Fong Unknown Date (has links)
阿嘉莎•克莉絲蒂一般被視為是一位傳統及經典的偵探小說作家。此類小說家通常會在小說裡強調「最後的真相」以及一個穩定社會秩序的回歸。然而,在此論文中,我將試著去證明克莉絲蒂的作品其實已超越了傳統偵探小說家的境界。由於她另類地在小說裡鋪陳「不確定真相」並且展現了一個介於工業社會以及後工業「風險社會」現代化變遷過程中的不穩定社會秩序,她甚至可以說是一位「反身性」的現代主義作家(“reflexive” modernist)呈現「高度現代性」(high modernity)的社會寫實。
本論文共分為六個章節;主要探討了克莉絲蒂對英國工業社會的「現代化進程」(modernizing process)的反身性及批判性的思維。在她的小說裡,所呈現的所謂「現代化進程」,包含了對理性真理的建構、規律化的時間及空間實踐以及國家之各法制機關的運作。在克莉絲蒂的小說裡,此過程與深受資本主義所影響下的工業化以及都市化的英國社會的關係是密不可分的。
因此,貝克(Ulrich Beck)對「風險社會」(risk society)以及「反身性現代化」(reflexive modernization)的見解,被用來廣泛地討論克莉絲蒂的作品。此外,其他談論「現代性」的幾位學者,例如哈維(David Harvey)、列菲弗爾(Henri Lefebvre)、瑟鐸(Michel de Certeau)以及班雅明(Walter Benjamin)的理論也被運用來解析她的文本。之所以涉及到這幾位學者的學說的原因,主要是他們都對工業社會下的理性化及紀律化的日常生活提出他們的質疑,也對現代科技及都市生活影響下的全新空間/時間的感知,發表了他們的見解。這些都有助於以文化研究的方法來暸解克莉絲蒂在其小說裡所呈現的社會情景。
總之,本論文的主要目標是要探討克莉絲蒂的小說文本與小說的社會背景兩者的關係。以「高度現代性」的理論架構,而非以傳統結構主義以及文類研究的方式,來審視她的小說。藉此,我期盼克莉絲蒂的小說能在英美現代文學作品的研究裡,能夠被重視並且能有重新的評價。 / Agatha Christie is often regarded as a traditional and classic detective writer who accentuates an ultimate truth and promotes the restoration of a stable social order in her novels. Yet, my study attempts to evidence that, with her writings transcending the limits of traditional detective fiction, she acted as a “reflexive” modernist by alternatively dealing with an uncertainty truth and demonstrating a shaky social order in a transitive changing reality from an industrial society to a post-industrial risk society.
My dissertation is divided into six chapters, which focus on examining her reflexive and critical consciousness of a modernizing process, including the construction and deconstruction of a rational truth, disciplinary spatiotemporal practices, and legal institutions in her contemporary society of industrialization and urbanization under the impact of capitalism.
The study of Christie’s works will be based on Ulrich Beck’s notions of ‘risk society” and “reflexive modernization.” The theories of other modernist scholars, including those of David Harvey, Henri Lefebvre, Michel de Certeau, and Walter Benjamin, are also applied to witness Christie’s transformation from a conventional detective writer to a modernist one. These four theorists interrogate the rational and disciplinary control of everyday life in an industrial society and deal with brand new spatio-temporal perceptions rising from the development of advanced technologies and modern city life. Their theoretical perspectives are helpful to analyze Christie’s texts.
Christie’s writings exhibit a changing social reality, a change from an early modernity to a later development of high modernity. Other than applying traditional approaches like structuralism and genre study, I employ a high-modernist perspective to discuss the interactions between Christie’s literary texts and their social background. My study is expected to relocate Christie as an experimental writer in the literary history of detective fiction.
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乘著日常生活的列車前進──以戰後二十年間的《暢流》半月刊為考察中心 / Boarding the “Everyday Life” train: a study on the Chang-Liou fortnightly during the first two decades in postwar Taiwan張毓如, Chang, Yu Ju Unknown Date (has links)
對《暢流》的全面探析,有助調校關於五○、六○年代社會實況的刻板印象。在看似政治掛帥、反共聲浪不斷的外象之下,現代性的滲透、現代生活的浮現,一一成為不宜忽略的面向。由此,五○、六○年代台灣文學的文藝美學、活動板塊、評價定位等,將再次走入評家論者的視野,亟待進一步的詮釋。 / With the research strategy of close reading and the methodology of Everyday life and culture theory, this thesis focuses on the Chang-Liou Fortnightly(1950-1991) to discover its developmental history, significant characteristics, and representative position in modern Taiwanese Literature. Aiming at the staff and the passengers, the Chang-Liou Fortnightly is an affiliated comprehensive magazine to the Taiwan Railway Administration, which includes classical poetry, travel notes, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, and graphic arts, anecdotes, general knowledge, science and technology, overseas experience, literary works and creative writings, etc. In the first place, this thesis explicates the developmental history of the Chang-Liou Fortnightly in three aspects: 1, at the organizational level; 2, at the management level; and 3, at the editing level.
The second part of study borrows a lot from Everyday life and culture theory to analyze the travel notes and the common knowledge in the Chang-Liou. While the mainlanders build a gradual understanding into Taiwan by the sequence which is named as “from scenic spots to landscape”, the frequent replication of tourism activities shows rich vitality in the course of moving and commuting. In addition, we can indicate a strong “non-everydayness” from the observation on local scenery and customs out of the travel notes. Above all, the emergency of “location myth” surrounding the Central Cross-Island Highway and the Fulung Beach for example reflect a modern image and also reveal a modern atmosphere during the martial law period. On the other hand, general knowledge, science and technology, and overseas experience all together outline the “everydayness” in the Chang-Liou.
The third part of this thesis, Chapter 4, discuss the meaning, the connotation and the text feature of the literary works especially those written by women writers. In view of “flowing” and “changing” hinted by Everyday life Theory, literary works in the Chang-Liou present a distinctive array of themes including shopping, neighborhood wrestling, interpersonal relation restructuring, questioning love, and investigating social issue. Besides, under the framework of “Everyday life writing”, the widespread perspective on taking the 1950s Taiwanese literature as anti-communist literature requires further reading and revaluation. Therefore, so-called nostalgic prose is no longer the product of political discourse, but another type of practice on Everyday life writing.
Studying the Chang-Liou on the Everyday life Theory basis improves the formation of railway magazine history and helps recognize how modernity influences everyday life during the first two decades in postwar Taiwan, so as to urge existing interpretations of 1950s Taiwanese literature and modern Taiwanese female literature to make certain alterations. Although purpose of the magazine is for leisure and for interests, the Chang-Liou expresses serious concern on literature, culture, and society, that is definitely a key notion for further research.
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趣味/道德/覺世:《月月小說》研究 / Interest/moral/awareness:the study of The All-Story Monthly王尹姿, Wang, Yin Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
第七章為結論,總述先前論點,並提出本論文之觀察:《月月小說》在近、現代小說史上,正巧連接了「新小說」(文學啟蒙)和「禮拜六」(文學休閒)兩者,並為充滿啟蒙、現代性智識體驗的晚清小說,開啟了其他面向的風景。 / I attempt to analyze The All-Story Monthly(《月月小說》) which is one of the 4 modern times novel magazines in 3 ways that are authors-editors, text and culture. I attempt to derive the subjectivity of The All-Story Monthly from these 3 ways, and elucidate its meaning of literary history and the development of fiction history.
The first chapter is an introduction of this essay. In second chapter, I discuss the authors-editors. I conclude that in addition to enlightment, there is an interesting gist of The All-Story Monthly
In third chapter, I discuss the transition of narrative skills. To study the using of traditional narrative skills and analyze the texts of translations, we could comprehend that the authors tried various methods to vary narrative skills with highly conscientious of “novel”. In forth chapter, I discuss the classified catalogues of The All-Story Monthly. In my opinion, there is a distinct theme of each catalogue and they all rely on the gist of the magazine. In fifth chapter, I study the difference between novels and essays which using same social materials. It is clear to perceive that authors using an interesting way to “rewrite” news or histories.
In sixth chapter, I deliberate about the texts of other literary genres. There is a leisure literary phenomenon in these texts.
In seventh chapter, the conclusion, I present that The All-Story Monthly is a significant magazine of Chinese modern times literary history. It is a transition stage between Xin Xiao Shou(新小說) (literary enlightment) and Li Bai Liu(禮拜六) (leisure literature).
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世界‧民俗‧帝國——《臺灣婦人界》小說研究 / The cosmopolitan, the folklore and the empire: a postcolonial reading of Taiwan Fujinkai王琬葶, Wang, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
筆者從《臺灣婦人界》觀察到上述三個大方向,並參照史碧娃克(Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak)、霍米巴巴(Homi Bhabha)的後殖民觀點,進一步解析殖民現代性排除與整編的策略如何在小說中一一受到挑戰。被體制重重壓迫的底層女性身影解構了以自由主義理念為根基、中產階級身份為前提的文明女性想像。被現代理性準繩貶抑的民俗迷信拯救了台灣女性的主體分裂危機,證明原生文化始終是殖民現代性無法割除斬斷的一部份。混血的女性身體隱喻著台灣多層歷史與地緣脈絡的軌跡,那難以馴化的混雜性揭發了殖民改造計畫的破綻。本論文探討的包括黃寶桃、西川滿等已受學界所知的作家,以及陳華培、別所夏子等未曾受到討論的台日創作者,期能為這份議題性與份量兼具、卻幾乎未受到注意的史料梳理一個輪廓,揭示《臺灣婦人界》之於日治時期文學研究、女性史研究以及後殖民研究的價值。 / Taiwan Fujinkai (1934-1939) was the most influential women’s magazine in colonial Taiwan, on which women’s experience were closely interweaved with colonial modernity. For women in colonial Taiwan, the first experience of modernization was founded on the modern education and material environment by Japanese power, and thus contained double sides. One was the sense of liberation brought by the belief of enlightenment, another was the awareness of discrimination between the superior and the inferior. “The cosmopolitan” refers to an imagined community where women from all backgrounds can be canonized if they followed the universal route of modernization. Being a contrast of this universality, images of women in “the folklore” was represented as the backwardness eliminated from the modern society. In the civilizing mission of “the empire,” these eliminated cultures were assimilated into the imperial project again, which seek to rule and reform the colonized through the hand of civilized wives and mothers.
With Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak and Homi Bhabha’s postcolonial concepts, this paper examines how Japan’s strategy of elimination and assimilation was challenged in the fictions in Taiwan Fujinkai. The subaltern women in the bottom of social system broke the liberalist imagination of women’s civilizing route. A ghost haunted in Taiwan women’s mind implied that the native folklore can be oppressed but never divisible. The mixed-blood woman’s body disclosed the invalidity of Japan’s attempt to discipline the hybridity of it colony. My discussion includes Huang Pao-tao, Nishikawa Mitsuru and other undiscovered texts. Probing into this important but rarely investigated magazine, I seek to uncover its value for the literature study, women’s study and postcolonial study in the field of Taiwan literature.
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