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以知識本體為基礎的壽險客服應用 / Ontology Based CRM for Life Insurance Company簡月秀, Chien, Yueh-hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
為解決壽險客服中心因取得壽險專業知識的障礙而無法提供客戶滿意的服務,本研究對客服中心可能應用的各種知識,探討已被發表的知識管理分類、呈現與檢索等應用的相關技術,提出符合客服中心需求的以知識本體為基礎的壽險知識問題檢索架構,除了提供壽險專業知識的建立、搜尋、分享環境,並將原始文件儲存為XML或RDF的語意文件,做為將來跨平台與跨應用系統資料交換的基礎,提升客服中心服務效率、節省客服人力與行政成本,留住忠誠的客戶以達成CRM的目的,進而提升企業競爭力。 / According to the regular semi-annual statistic report from Insurance Department of MOF Taiwan, the complain cases from policy owners are increasing year by year. The reasons of complain are claims, underwriting, policy services, marketing, premium collections, policy clauses and regulations. If the customer service representatives (CSR) could solve the problems at the right time with their domain knowledge of life insurance, the volumes of complain should be descended explicitly. But it is hard to ask a CSR to play the role with variety domain knowledge of life insurance. Implement the knowledge management mechanism to standardize and enrich the organization memory are the first priority in life insurance companies.
In order to overcome the barrier of dissatisfaction about customer service, this research try to study the related theories and technologies of knowledge classification, knowledge representation, knowledge acquisition tools, inference and problem solving methods. The results of this research announce an architecture of ontology based customer relationship management for Life Insurance Company to build, represent, search, and share the life insurance domain knowledge. Addition, to save the original semi-structured or unstructured documents into semantic formats of XML or RDF. It could provides the data exchange between heterogeneous databases and platforms. The advantages are more efficiency and cost down for the customer service departments, retain the royalty customers and get more competence advantage for the company.
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我國遊戲軟體開發模式之知識創造與智慧財產權管理張家祥 Unknown Date (has links)
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知識經濟對我國勞動法制之衝擊 / The Impact of the Knowledge Economy on the Labour Law in Taiwan蘇志明, SU, CHIH-MING Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:知識經濟、勞動關係、知識工作者、非典型勞動者 / Abstract
Because of industrial structure transformation, it causes to change that the laborer image which the labour protection law originally expected to, and then the protection design gradually does not tally. Knowledge economy has its influence regarding industrial labour relations on the impacts of the occupation classification standard, labour standards law applying to all, the subservience of labour relations, and so on; the issues of the working time flexibly, working pressure and work satisfies, the impact of the trade union development, the causing problems of moving freely, etc. Nowadays, there are still different definitions to the knowledge workers, the author inquires into the labour laws how to built in about the knowledge workers that belong to the non-typical labours from the present duty field, however, for the point to be centralized, I focus on the individual labor relations, collective individual labor relations, and working environment rights, etc.
Under the knowledge economy and a great diversity of social development, the legislators designing the labour laws in the future have to carefully examine the legislation object about the individual situation. On the knowledge economy,for the knowledge workers of non- typical workers, their working patterns have been differently than ever, as a result of their work investment source from to intelligence, the time about completing the work, it is not suitable for computing by traditional mode. Regarding this kind of knowledge workers, superintendents take flexible working time, pick the responsibility system guidance to their work achievement, etc. So to the code of conduct about time standard, it suitably voluntarily consults by labor both sides. To labour professional safety aspect, the knowledge workers possibly have the spiritual pressure and creating the psychological disease, the International organization and the government in Taiwan for this kind of emerging disease in the future, should understand its the reason of forming, also have to perform effectively and adopt ways of the solution, and seek for psychologically healthy of the workers.
The question about the cohesive force of association consciousness for the knowledge workers how to strengthen , perhaps we should first inquire into the main essence about the labours why they set up the trade union, namely they must have the association benefit guidance. Therefore, the organization of various knowledge workers forms the association benefit consciousness under some event, then the labor union can display its function, continues the association which refers to consult, the dispute power enable significance. But regarding the enterprise that has no trade union founded, it should emphasize the sound human resources development, because of doing so, it relatively can set up the perfect internal appeal pipeline for the staff, and perhaps be possible to solve staff puzzle , extinguishes the question to incite spreads out. Regarding the moving freedom of knowledge workers, no matter what the human rights, the association right to labour, All the knowledge workers could be suitable the safeguard standards, however, when they involve in the foreign affairs about the essential factor of the civil event, thus causing the question of the international umpire jurisdiction. But according to the legal act which touches on foreign affairs, concerned independent principle of litigant, this should determine it is “The meaning independent principle of Litigant at the international private law”, or “In substantive law, the meaning independent principle of litigant”, for it is helpful to distinguish them at the right moment for these knowledge workers’rights.
Keywords:Knowledge economy, Labour Relations, Knowledge worker, Non- typical worker
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利用知識管理蓄積智慧資本-以以筆記型電腦廠商之工業設計部門為例 / The Research of applying knowledge management to increase intellectual capital: an illustration of notebook companies’ ID center賀楚芬, Ho, Chu Fen Unknown Date (has links)
十、關於後續研究之方向,建議可以針對組織內產生智慧資本後,是否有新的商業模式,能夠將組織內累積的無形資產與智慧資本做更廣泛的商業利用,如做為交易的標的進行利潤創造。另外有關利用創新成果以新的商業交易模式創造現金流的想法,則建議針對在科技產品的工業設計中,除了材質創新以及機電整合的技術創新可以具體的成為智慧財產進行交易授權之外,關於設計美學呈現「Fine Art」也應該積極思考授權交易的可能性以及實行模式。 / The main purpose of this research is to discuss the relation between “Knowledge Management” and “Intellectual Capital” both in theory side and practical side in real business entities, enterprises, independent departments, or small organizations. By taking the Industrial Design departments for examples, this research is going to describe and define the different application plans and specific activities of Knowledge Management, and also present the stock and developing track of Intellectual Capital in the study cases, so as to infer that if enterprises can enhance their Intellectual Capital via applying Knowledge Management or not.
In nowadays, the Knowledge Management theory is adopted generally by many enterprises. They also realize the importance of accumulating the Intellectual Capital; it will be a key way to enhance their organization value and external competence. By applying Knowledge Management, enterprise can build up a practicable mechanism to store, file, consolidate their multifarious knowledge, including subtle data, information, know-how, experience, operation process for transferring and using, and it will be very helpful to elevate the operation efficiency and the ability of innovation.
First, learning from the current Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital literatures and papers of many experts and scholars, this research generalize that Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital is positive related. Intellectual Capital is a useful measure system to reveal the results and effects of Knowledge Management plan and activities. On the other hand, Knowledge Management is also an important method to activate internal knowledge content to encourage creation and innovation. However, for companies, organizations or departments, the Intellectual Capital focus and current stock will influence their Knowledge Management activity contents and implementation method. The more various activities to follow, the better quality and value of Intellectual Capital.
After constructing a theory hypothesis frame from literature studying, this research is going to apply the theory hypothesis into practical circumstances in ID departments of four Notebook companies, and tries to find out then summarize their daily operations, which are regard as the activities of Knowledge Management and the Intellectual Capital.
According to the case study findings, this research can describe the actual operations and daily works of each ID department, so as to analyze the relevance between Intellectual Capital stock and the Knowledge Management activities with theories structure separately, also the cross cases comparison to verify the generality in actual industry.
Summarize the results of literature study and specific case study, this research have the conclusion and recommendations as follow:
1. The ID department or ID center of NB companies are able to accumulate their Intellectual Capital via Knowledge Management activities; the more Knowledge Management activities, the more stock and better quality of Intellectual Capital.
2. Enterprises can take Intellectual Capital theory structure as a reference for Knowledge Management implementation. The content and detail items of these activities can be planed to focus on key elements of Intellectual Capital development.
3. Different industry position in value chain and strategy target will affect ID centers’ goal of Intellectual Capital development directly, then also affect the content of Knowledge Management Plan.
4. Enterprises or business organizations can increase their Intellectual Capital with Knowledge Management; also, by Intellectual Capital measure system, they also can understand the performance and influence of their Knowledge Management plan and activities. However, the created value for the organizations is difficult to measure with quantifiable financial index.
5. For enterprise and organizations, when they are implementing the Knowledge Management plan and activities, they modify the proper method to make it more smooth and inefficient; it is also creating precious knowledge so call knowledge innovation at the same time.
6. This research suggests that the enterprises and organization could pay more attention and resource to popularize the Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital theory, so as to raise the internal knowledge base and innovation ability.
7. Following the suggestion above, companies can start Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital measurement from small independent departments or teams first, then apply the successful experience and know how to whole business unit and whole company afterward.
8. For innovation capital measuring, departments or organizations could use the intellectual property to be a kind of financial index to reflect the profit value and contribution in financial statements. It could be realistic method to encourage the organization members have more motivation of innovation and creation for better financial performance.
9. For Product design of laptops, the first and most important step is to prevent Intellectual Property infringement, and the next step is to develop the quantity of intellectual property like patents. Besides, companies also need to pay more attention on the intellectual quality control and management, such as technology license and cooperation and so forth.
10. As for future deep going researches, there are two possible directions to follow. First, it is important to develop New business models so as to help companies and organizations to use or apply their intangible assets and Intellectual Capital in business operation extensively, not only increase the operating efficiency but also make more cash flow and actual profit. Second, we could derive more thoughts for intellectual property licensing. During the industrial design process of high-tech products, we should think the possibility to find more licensing targets like “Fine Art Design,” but not limit to the new material application or the technology integration for ME and EE. From the other side, we are also supposed to come up a practical model for Fine Art licensing to facilitate the real business trading and profit creating.
Key words: Knowledge Management, Knowledge creation, Knowledge innovation, Intellectual Capital, Intangible assets.
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休閒健身產業團體課程知識擴散模式之研究-以Les Mills Body Training System為例劉恆銘 Unknown Date (has links)
由於國民生活水準不斷的提升,健康與體適能(Health and Fitness)受到社會大眾的關切,成為人人共同追求目標,休閒健身產業也隨之興盛。休閒健身產業發展與一個國家經濟規模有相當密切的關係,因此歐、美、澳洲的休閒健身產業向來是領導全球風潮,日本則是居亞洲領導地位。根據IHRSA國際健康及運動俱樂部協會(International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association)2004年的資料顯示,全世界加入健身俱樂部的人口也越來越多,起因於1970年代時體適能風潮(Fitness Boom)的產生。我國休閒健身產業規模雖然在歐美、日本等先進國家之後,但近年來受地球村趨勢帶動資訊大量引入,在國內亦有相同的情形,標榜健康體適能的健身俱樂部在這幾年來蓬勃發展,休閒健身產業的型態逐漸建立,知名健身俱樂部都有固定的參與會員,在激烈的擴張與競爭之下,形成對專業管理人員、服務人員與運動課程指導員的大量需求。
在知識密集產業中,以專業能力從業的工作人員,即為『知識工作者』(Drucker,1997)。在迅速擴張的休閒健身產業中,人才的專業性與信賴度逐漸提高,運動指導員即扮演著知識工作者的角色;其中,需要擁有專業訓練與不斷更新教學內容的『團體指導員』 (Group Instructor),更是必須要常態地運用教學技巧與專長知識,直接面對多數的學生或會員(社會大眾的參與者)。
面對求新求變的產業環境,必須不斷學習專業技能與個人特色,然而這種無法現學即用的知識,即為Michael Polanyi(1966)所提出的『內隱知識』,是難以形式化和言語溝通的,也無法透過短時間的學習就可以立竿見影。團體課程搭配音樂與固定動作的套裝教學,則是以『外顯知識』的教學轉化成課程學生容易學習的方式。Nonaka & Takeuchi(1995)則提出『知識的轉換』(knowledge conversion)之SECI 模式,藉由內隱與外顯知識間的相互轉換,來達到個人與組織知識的創造與動態增長,將知識有效地擴散到各個層次。
本研究選擇全世界團體健身課程中推廣成效最顯著的Les Mills Body Training System教學系統,來探討在休閒健身產業中知識擴散的過程與應用。藉由系統化教學流程與完整的人才培訓制度,以及授權俱樂部的管理機制並搭配行銷活動,探討內隱和外顯知識在個人與組織之間擴散的流程,可供休閒健身產業中如何管理訓練運動指導員之參考;亦可歸納到個人知識工作者於組織中進行知識創造與擴散方式,並產生新的綜效與價值。本研究的結論如下:
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知識管理在公部門應用之研究-以電子化政府為例林美良 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業網路下之資料發掘 / Data Mining in the Intranet Enviroment金士俊, Chin, Shi-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來,企業網路在各大小企業中蓬勃發展,因此而產生在企業網路上尋找資訊的問題。對於許多掌握其企業網路的複雜程度尚存在困難的企業來說,要從其企業網路上大量的文件中找出真正有用的、潛在的資訊與知識,誠非易事。因此有待以較深入的思考構面對於各企業的企業網路架構進行檢視,才能找出適當的資料發掘做法與技術,以解決此一難題。本研究先對資料發掘,企業網路等文獻與現況進行整理分析,並提出與企業網路複雜程度相關之參考思考構面並定義簡單型與複雜型的企業網路。然後以Han(1995)之概念樹及多層次資料庫的觀念,採用我們對於網際網路資料發掘所提出的理論架構與作法(楊亨利與金士俊,民90),特別著重企業在授權與知識視野上的思考,提出簡單型與複雜型企業網路下對資料內容發掘的架構,設計適用於簡單型與雜型企業網路之資料發掘系統,並部份實作其雛形,以驗証其可行性,並評估其日後實務操作之其他可能。 / In recent years, with the widespread use of the Intranet, Intranet data searching has become an important but problematic issue. Since a lot of enterprises still have difficulty in evaluating the complexity of their Intranet systems, it is an extremely demanding task for them to identify valid and potentially useful patterns from the huge amount of documents in the Intranet. In order to solve this problem, it is essential to take a close and careful examination of the different Intranet frameworks, so that appropriate data mining approaches and techniques can be worked out.
This research began with a literature review of the fields of data mining and Intranet applications in Taiwan. Based on the review of current theories and practices, the second part of the research focused on the dimensions which we need to consider for evaluating the complexity of Intranet systems. In the third part of the research, basic frameworks for simple and complex Intranet data mining systems were then proposed, three types of data mining approaches suitable for simple and complex Intranet systems were designed and a prototype for implementing two approaches were developed. Han’s (1995) “concept hierarchy” and “multiple layered database” and Yang & Chin’s (2000) approach of Internet data mining were adopted as the major bases. Besides, this research also paid particular attention to the issues of “authorization” and “knowledge view” when designing the software and developing the prototypes. In the last part of the research, the feasibility, practicality and potential uses of the ata mining approaches and prototype were discussed and some directions for future research were suggested.
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知識分享網路之研究湯令儀, Tammy Tang, Ling-I Unknown Date (has links)
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網路設備業外部知識取得策略之研究-以思科系統公司購併及策略聯盟為例 / The Research of Outside Knowledge Gaining Strategies In Networking Vendor Industry--Take Cisco Systems Inc. Example王展宇, Wang, Tsan-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為外部知識取得策略之研究,而以思科系統公司(Cisco Systems Inc.)為研究對象,觀察其在購併以及策略聯盟的行動中,從外部取得的知識,以及購併及策略聯盟對其企業成長的影響。
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多國企業在臺子公司知識來源型態影響因素之研究 / Sourcing of Knowledge-The Cases of MNCs’ Subsidiaries in Taiwan邱雅萍, Chiu, Ya-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論……………………………………………… 1
第一節 研究背景與研究動機………………………… 3
第二節 研究問題與研究目的………………………… 8
第三節 研究範圍與研究限制………………………… 11
第四節 相關名詞說明………………………………… 14
第五節 研究程序……………………………………… 19
第二章 文獻探討……………………………………………… 23
第一節 知識的意義與內涵………………………………… 23
第二節 知識來源型態之分類架構………………………… 28
第三節 子公司知識環境與知識來源型態……………… 33
第四節 母公司因素與知識來源型態……………………… 41
第五節 子公司因素與知識來源型態……………………… 50
第六節 知識特性與知識來源型態………………………… 64
第七節 文獻探討與初步研究架構………………………… 70
第三章 個案分析………………………………………… 73
第一節 個案研究方法………………………………… 73
第二節 個案說明……………………………………… 75
第三節 個案比較分析………………………………… 93
第四章 研究設計………………………………………… 96
第一節 研究架構的建立……………………………… 96
第二節 研究假設……………………………………… 102
第三節 研究變項定義與問卷設計…………………… 122
第四節 研究樣本與資料蒐集………………………… 131
第五節 資料分析方法………………………………… 134
第五章 實證研究結果…………………………………… 139
第一節 樣本描述……………………………………… 139
第二節 問卷之信度與效度…………………………… 150
第三節 子公司知識來自母公司集團或非母公司集團
的影響因素分析……………………………… 156
第四節 影響子公司知識來自自行發展或策略聯盟的
因素分析……………………………………… 175
第五節 其他相關因素之影響………………………… 181
第六章 結論與建議……………………………………… 190
第一節 研究結論……………………………………… 190
第二節 理論與實務涵意……………………………… 203
第二節 後續研究建議………………………………… 210
參考文獻…………………………………………………… 216 / By coming of the knowledge age, to acquire knowledge is a key capability. A potentially important source of competitive advantage for multinational firms is the capacity of their foreign subsidiaries to generate knowledge and innovations based on stimuli and resources resident in the heterogeneous host country environments in which they operate. In this sense, sources of knowledge of subsidiaries become an important issue. The purposes of this research are to identify the influential factors in the choice of knowledge-sourcing mode and proceed empirical tests.
The research develops a hierarchical model of knowledge-sourcing decision and argues that managers have a limited analytical capacity when making complex decision. Mode of knowledge-sourcing decision for MNCs’ subsidiaries can be first classified as MNC-based and nonMNC-based. At the next level of hierarchy, nonMNC-based modes are further split into internal development and strategic alliances. Moreover, there are factors that influence the choice at first level, and that all of these factors do not influence the choice at the second level of the hierarchy. This model can provide a more precise picture of what affects the choice of knowledge-sourcing modes under the information overload and the complexity of the choice decision.
By reviewing literatures on the theory of MNCs, transaction cost economics, resource-based view and the theory of social network, and integrating the result of case analysis, we develop the research framework. We argue that both subsidiary knowledge environment and knowledge specificity are the main factors affecting knowledge-sourcing mode likely to MNC-based or nonMNC-based sources. There are moderators, resource factors. and organizational context factors, affecting the front relationship. Furthermore, subsidiary factors and knowledge uncertainty affect knowledge-sourcing mode likely to internal development or strategic alliances.
The empirical samples were MNCs’ subsidiaries in Taiwan. The unit of analysis was an item of knowledge. By questionnaire survey, the total number of samples is 234. We apply two analysis methods, including the logistic regression and the regression analysis, to make sure the robustness of our results. The empirical results reveal six findings: (1)Strong ownership advantages will promote subsidiary to adopt the MNC-based mode; (2)strong location advantages of the host country will promote subsidiary to adopt the nonMNC-based mode; (3)high location specificity of knowledge will promote subsidiary to adopt the nonMNC-based mode; (4)the extent of headquarter control and social capital of subsidiary managers are moderators affecting the relationship between ownership advantages, the global strategy, location advantages separately and the knowledge-sourcing mode; (5)rich subsidiary resources will promote subsidiary to adopt the internal development mode; (6)high uncertainty of knowledge will promote subsidiary to adopt the strategic alliance mode.
To conclude, the theoretical model possesses a high explanatory power in associating the determinants and the choice of mode. The study has two key contributions. First, it provides a knowledge-sourcing typology that is suitable for MNCs’ subsidiaries. In addition, the results provide supportive evidence for the hierarchical model of knowledge source. Second, for managers, our study shows that there are many factors that affect the adoption of knowledge-sourcing mode and provide a guideline for headquarter managers to adjust their global strategy, design the control system and position their subsidiaries.
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