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污染技術發展歷程的專利分析—以氟氯碳化物(CFC)為例 / The Developing Process of Pollution Technology – Patent Analysis of CFC Technology after Montreal Protocol柯玉佳, Ko, Yu Chia Unknown Date (has links)
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國家決策輔助諮詢系統之研究--以國際科技政策觀策系統為例 / National Consultation System for Facilitating Decision-making— Exemplified by the International Observation System for Science / technology Policy戴元峰, Dai,Edison Unknown Date (has links)
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以一整合性架構探討台灣行動商務科技接受度之研究 / Exploring the Technology Acceptance of Mobile Commerce in Taiwan under an Integrated Framework陳盈妘, Chen,Ying Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將以Sally& Indrit所提出的概念性整合性行動商務採用模型為基礎,加以修正後利用結構方程式進行假說驗證,並以不同類型的行動商務服務如功利型與享樂型作為調節變數,探討使用者在使用不同類型的服務時,影響其採用該服務的因素會對其採用態度有何種程度的影響,試圖解釋台灣地區使用者的採用行動商務之行為。
(8)使用者所認知的易用性這項因素在使用者採用享樂型服務時更顯重要。 / With the higher availability of mobile devices, people’s needs in receiving information, consuming, pursuing entertainment, and other convenient services in life have augmented, resulting in the increase the variety of mobile services and attributing to the prosperity of mobile commerce. Both the possession rate of mobile phones and the penetration rate of the access to the Internet in Taiwan occupied the leading positions in global market, yet the consumers’ acceptance for mobile commerce is comparatively low. Thus, the purpose of the research is to discover possible factors that influence users’ adoption of mobile commerce in Taiwan, and to explore how these factors affect one another and further make impact on the users’ intention to use.
This research, based on the conceptual framework for the acceptance of mobile commerce proposed by Sally & Indrit (2007), underwent the revision of the model and validated the hypotheses, including using different kinds of mobile services such as utilitarian and hedonic types as moderators to explore how these factors can influence the users’ attitude toward use differently when adopting different types of mobile services. The research intends to explicate the users’ adoption behavior of mobile commerce in Taiwan.
The research induces the following findings:
(1)The higher degree the users perceive that the mobile services are useful, joyful, secure, and that the price of the services is reasonable, the more positive the users’ attitude toward adoption for mobile services is.
(2)The factor of price not merely influences the users’ attitude toward use, but also influences their intention to use.
(3)When the users find the mobile services easy to use, they tend to feel that the services are useful.
(4)When the users find the mobile services very useful, they tend to perceive less enjoyment of the services.
(5)When the users possess more prior knowledge, experience, and behavior control for the mobile services, they tend to perceive higher degree of ease of use, which results in higher perceived usefulness, and their attitude toward use for mobile services will be more positive.
(6)Peer influence and promotion from the enterprises can easily affect the users’ perception of usefulness and enjoyment for mobile services, which further influences their attitude toward use. External influence and promotion from the enterprises will make indirect impact on users’ attitude toward use.
(7)The users’ perceived enjoyment makes greater influence to their attitude toward use when using utilitarian services than hedonic services.
(8)The users’ perceived ease of use makes greater influence to their attitude toward use when using hedonic services than utilitarian services.
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跨文類網絡與媒體整合:以狄更斯及其作品為例 / Transgeneric Network and Media Hybridization: A Case Study of Charles Dickens and His Works陳徵蔚, Chen, Zheng wei Unknown Date (has links)
狄更斯小說的跨文類網絡提供了一個具體而微的跨媒體網絡模型,透過此模型,我們可以更清楚地觀察媒體整合與演進的歷程,並觀察其不斷回歸的螺懸。近年來文學研究日漸偏向科際整合、媒體整合的文化研究發展,然而也因此不免陷入了自我定義的危機。狄更斯的跨媒體現象足以提供文學研究者一個未來文學與文類發展的可能方向,並於此機械複製的時代,為文學的發展提出可能的解答。 / Media never really innovate; they actually restore the natural balance of human eyesight and earshot with the hybridization of various perceptive elements. For instance, cinema was regarded as an invention in the late nineteenth century, but it only reflected the natural environment people observed with their pre-wired biological perceptions. Cyberspace may appear innovative to us, yet the “Virtual Reality” is still the duplication, amplification or transformation of the nature. The Internet optimists had once dreamt about immense possibilities; the real application of blog, video sharing and podcast, however, merely hybridizes the existent audio and video media. The most sophisticated technologies always aim to approximate the natural mode of human perception, which makes the evolution of media more a spiral that constantly returns to the natural habits than a linear progress into the future.
Similarly, literature co-evolves with media to restore the most natural elements — the oral tradition, primary or secondary as it may be, is thus perennial in all literary genres. The evolution seems to advance in a linear pattern; it, nevertheless, revolves around the center of orality and progresses in an anthropotropic spiral, where the classic motifs in various works are sucked and hybridized. Although the canonical transition from drama, poetry to novel sacrifices the natural oral-aural environment to the stable storage in words, the twentieth-century literary representation on radio, film, television and the Internet eventually restore the classic contents in the audio-visual environment. Such a spiral invites us to speculate an essential question: the technological innovation may not be the only dynamic to propel the evolution; instead, it is the restoration of the human-friendly environment that validates the value of the new media.
Similar restoration and hybridization can also be observed in the transformation of Charles Dickens’s works into various genres. Dickens is not only an outstanding novelist but also a brilliant performer and an influential magazine entrepreneur. The vitality of his works transcends varieties of literary genres and is absorbed into innumerable modern media as the technology advances. Dickens’s transgeneric network provides a model to observe the transition of media hybridization when the modern technology restores the human natural communication. This dissertation aims to analyze the delicate relationship between Dickens’s novels and the continuous consolidation of human sensory perceptions in various media. My research will be divided into four main categories:
First, it will study Dickens’s indebtedness to the tradition of theater and the nineteenth-century melodramatic adaptation of his works to see how the contents of the classic literature oscillate between the pure written form (novels) and the residual of the oral performance (melodrama). The study of such a complicated relationship helps clarify Dickens’s transgeneric metamorphosis profoundly influenced by the social milieu and the mass entertainment in the Victorian period.
Second, the success of Dickens’s Public Readings not only epitomizes the audience’s craze for the audio-visual performance but also suggests the author’s endeavors to seek more creative possibilities besides the writing format. More importantly, this singular phenomenon represents the social collective unconsciousness, though repressed by the dominant culture of typography, to return to the ancient tradition of minstrels and bards. Through meticulous editing and intensive rehearsal, Dickens was able to perform with more improvisation and higher accuracy. Furthermore, with a series of symbols onstage, he strategically maintained his identity as a cultural elite and meanwhile enjoyed the ecstasy of orality. Dickens’s unique strategy to reach the equilibrium between orality and literacy will also be analyzed in the dissertation.
Third, several film and television adaptations of Dickens’s works will be examined to show the modern transition of his stories from the written genre to the audio-visual media. Dickens directly influenced many cinematic forerunners, and the film fulfills the imagination of the author, which could not be realized on the written page. Furthermore, the cooperation of the novelist and the illustrators in the Victorian magazine serialization will also be analyzed to see how the illustrations inspire the later design of movies on screen. However, the “un-represented” may more often than not be more pregnant with meanings than the explicit representation on screen. Therefore, it will be an important issue to re-consider the meaning of recollecting the natural environment in the literary creation.
The final analysis concentrates upon Dickens’s works in the cyberspace, monitoring his afterlife in this cutting-edge medium. Besides the websites that contain the scholarly resources, the old radio clips that recite Dickens’s works and the hypertext reproduction of the novels are all juxtaposed in the virtual space. Moreover, many personal blogs provide their own video adaptations, and the other productions such as the podcast become popular on the Internet. The reincarnation of Dickens’s works in the cyberspace represents the novelist’s unique status as the “cultural modem” that bridges the gaps separation the past, present and future. His works epitomize a clear lineage of the technological transition that endeavors to recollect the most instinctive pattern of human cognition.
The transformation of Dickens’s works into so many genres forms a transgeneric network that could help envision the hybridization of media in the literary history. When literature tends to include all media into its field of study, it sometimes undergoes a severe crisis of self-definition. Dickens’s model may provide some clues to envisage the future development of the literary genres in the age of mechanic reproduction.
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手機、青少女與日常生活:手機使用對外在結構的抗衡 / Mobile phone, teenage girls and everyday life:the use of mobile as the resistance to social structure羅紓筠, Lo, Shu Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先探索青少女在日常生活中使用、挪用、與棄用手機的方式,並收集青少女手機內外的各種文本,進一步探究這些實踐與文本背後的動機與對青少女的意義,以找尋青少女在成人制定的結構中所處的位置。再以Lefebvre與de Certeau的日常生活理論,探討青少女藉由手機使用,展現出的能動性與抵抗結構的意涵。
研究發現,手機一方面型塑青少女日常生活在結構中循環的秩序與過程,另一方面卻也成為青少女與結構相抗衡、擾動秩序的資源。青少女藉由手機的集體使用,在分享與認同中形成與結構抗衡的基礎,並發展出在限制中游擊的戰術。此外,青少女也經由手機的使用,自行定義生命中的重要事件與場景,突破預先被結構設定的意義,讓詮釋、定義生活的權力,下放至青少女手中。 / Based on the theories about “everyday life” suggested by Lefebvre and de Certeau, this study aims at explicating how teenage girls appropriate mobile phones to overcome the limitations in their everyday lives. Rather than disrupting the norms, teenage girls establish the full-time intimate community with their peer group by mobile practice to form a concealed, local “tactic” to undermine the adult-controlled structures that govern their lives. For teenage girls, the characteristics of mobile phones and mobile communication are not inherent in the device, but are determined by social and cultural context and power relations in everyday life.
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評估成功的破壞性創新的關鍵構面-以VoIP為例陳又慈, Chen, Yu Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
歷史上出現許多既有領導企業被新興企業取代的例子,其背後的原因一直引起高度興趣。Christensen (1997)提出的破壞性科技 (disruptive technology)觀念為此現象提供一個解釋的方向。自破壞性創新的提出以來,已有眾多學者投入相關研究探討,但至今尚無一個廣泛被學界所接受且可適用於不同產業的模型,因此仍迫切需要更多的研究投入和實務驗證。評估破壞性創新的困難,就如預測未來般充滿著不確定性。對既有企業而言,藉由評估破壞性創新,可以對即將面對的衝擊早一步採取因應措施,使競爭優勢得以維持;對新興企業而言,評估破壞性創新即是找出成長的利基,並可依此進入主流市場甚至擊倒既有領導企業。
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數位時代科技保護措施對著作權的影響與因應--從利益平衡出發蔡馨惠 Unknown Date (has links)
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影音分享網站使用者意圖之研究 / A study of user intention on video sharing website張書勳, Chang, Shu Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
研究結論章節中會說明本研究之管理意涵,並將研究結果提供給未來欲設立Web2.0影音分享網站的設計者,在網站建立初期,將有限資源投注在重要的變數上,使網站可達到最大效益。 / As the advance of Internet technology continues new business models are emerging in the market. Online video sharing website is the hottest application nowadays, but there is little study on designing the website and why the users using the website. In this research, we propose a conceptual model based on the technology acceptance model developed by Davis (1989) and this model integrating the important variables due to the extant research of relevant theory of technology acceptance and characteristics of video sharing website. The data collection was used the online survey, and we got the 492 eligible data and the analysis was used the Structural Equation Model (SEM). According to the result, the model fit was qualified. This research will give some management implication for designers who want to set up a video sharing website, this research provides the information on how to invest the limited resource on the critical variables in order to maximize the service value in the conclusion section in this paper.
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提升台灣競爭力:加台資訊科技產業合作 / Enhancing Taiwan's Competitiveness through Canada-Taiwan ICT Industry Cooperation李艾, Ashley Stead Unknown Date (has links)
台灣是一個健全的資訊傳播科技產品代工樞紐,而加拿大正試圖推動資訊傳播科技的創新同時也是台灣的一個主要貿易夥伴與合作者,兩國有機會增進在資訊傳播科技的合作。本論文將評估兩國資訊傳播科技在產業、企業、政府三個層次合作的現況,目的是要發掘台灣如何能夠透過與加拿大進一步的合作,以確保台灣在資訊傳播科技產業的競爭力。論文探討下述研究問題:加拿大與台灣的進一步合作,是如何可以增進台灣在資訊傳播科技產業的創新以確保台灣的競爭力。論文以質化分析兩國的資訊傳播科技產業,來查明優勢與限制和雙方合作的現況。研究結果顯示加拿大與台灣在資訊傳播科技產業是有互補性的夥伴,並有堅實的基礎推動合作、研發與加強創新,而透過開發新的產品、服務與技術,政府與企業合作可以加強台灣資訊傳播科技產業的競爭力。 / Taiwan is an established contract hub for the manufacturing of information and communication technologies (ICT). As Canada aims to promote innovation in its ICT industry and as a major trading partner and collaborator with Taiwan, there is opportunity for both countries to increase cooperation in this industry. This thesis will assess the current level of cooperation between the two countries’ ICT industries, ICT companies and governments. The purpose is to determine how Taiwan can maintain its ICT competitiveness through enhanced Canada-Taiwan ICT industry cooperation. The following research question will be analyzed: How can enhanced ICT cooperation and collaboration in research and development between Canada and Taiwan improve innovation in Taiwan’s ICT industry in order to remain competitive? The thesis will use a qualitative analysis of both industries to determine strengths and weaknesses. Current cooperation in bilateral relations between them will be examined. Findings demonstrate that Canada and Taiwan have complementary ICT industries for partnerships and strong foundations which can promote further cooperation, research and development, and bolster innovation. Strong government level and company level cooperation will enhance Taiwan’s ICT competitiveness by creating new products, services and technologies.
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台灣法人科專計畫與科技部計畫之資源錯置研究:以專利價值指標為研發產出 / Misallocation of technology development programs and ministry of science and Technology’s programs: using patent value index as the R&D output王郁棋, Wang, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
近年創新研發相關文獻指出創新政策可能因政策不一致性及資源被不適任者所佔有等因素而宣告失敗。其中「資源錯置」此議題乃最為大眾所關注,因此本研究採用Hsieh and Klenow(2009)的資源配置效率模型以檢視台灣兩大科技計畫─「法人科專計畫」與「科技部計畫」是否有資源錯置之情事,以確保我國科技計畫之成效。結果指出,科技部計畫之資源配置效率相對於法人科專計畫較為不穩定,主因為科技部計畫執行機構多為學術型機構,其專利產值較易浮動。研究後續進一步分析兩大計畫底下各機構之扭曲程度。法人科專部份,工研院長期為正向扭曲,中科院則長期為負向扭曲,其正負之差異源自於機構的研發屬性不同;科技部計畫部份,各機構扭曲程度波動較大,乃受到機構研究目的與發表形式差異所導致。本文受限於利用專利作為產出衡量,無法提供科技部計畫全面性的評估觀點。未來若能納入人文社會科學領域且綜合其他學術指標做為產出衡量,將能提供更完整的科技部計畫資源配置效率分析,提供更精確之政策建議。 / Past literature has sounded an alarm to the failure of innovation and warned that policy inconsistency and misallocated innovation inputs as two major reasons to fail innovation. Since Taiwanese government had consistent support over research and development via policy support, this research has focused on the issues of innovation input distortions. In this thesis, the "Technology Development Program (TDP)" supported by Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) as well as endowment projects financed by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) are utilized as the research target to investigate the innovation efficiency. The results in this research suggest that TDP has stably higher performance than the MOST-financed projects. TDP projects are executed as more business-related uses while MOST-financed projects usually focus more on the fundamental technological breakthroughs. Besides, the results also suggest that the innovation objectives set by different institutions are crucial to the current innovation efficiency measure. For example, the TDP projects executed by Industrial Technology Research Institute, a commercial technology developer, record less distortions than other TDP projects granted to other institutions responsible for national defense development. This would shed light on the more aligned innovation objective setup and the following innovation resource allocation.
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