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傳統產業未來轉型策略之個案研究陳玫孜, Chen, Mei-Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要架構係根據David A. Aaker的理論架構基礎來進行內在與外在分析,同時探討研擬策略規劃方向。整個研究架構分為四個階段:一、探討相關文獻,以作為研究的原則基礎。 二、進行內、外在分析,以界定外在環境中可能發生的機會與威脅,並界定該產業的關鍵成功因素,接著分析個案公司所擁有的優、劣勢。 三、綜合前述之分析,歸納出個案公司所面臨的問題。 四、提出可行的策略方向與目標,並擬定個案公司之競爭策略與營運策略。
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數位學習產品之產品特性對消費者知覺及產品滿意度之研究-以階梯數位學院為例張誌銘 Unknown Date (has links)
數位內容產業的五個核心子產業中,數位學習產業是台灣具有相對較佳全球競爭力的領域。本研究從購買者的角度出發,引用科技接受模式(TAM) ,建構消費性數位學習產品之產品特性如何影響產品購買者之知覺及產品滿意度的評估模式,並進一步根據研究結果對業者提出具體建議。
由單因子變異數分析結果可知,購買者的背景差異會影響其產品滿意度。因此,業者可以在市場區隔、產品組合、定價方式等政策執行面上考量更有彈性做法;並根據顧客資料,重點加強客服作業,彌補業務通路體系之不足,以建立更佳的產品口碑。 / In five nucleus sub- industries of the digital content industry, the e-learning industry is the realm that Taiwan has an opposite global competitive advantage. This study bases on the angle of purchaser, quotes from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), tries to construct a valuation model to study how characteristics of e-learning products could influence the consciousness and the product satisfaction of the purchaser. Furthermore, this study will make suggestions to the suppliers according to the statistical analysis.
We develop a questionnaire after recognizing the path relations between the variables and the characteristics (convenience, interaction, content abundance) which influence the e-learning product satisfaction through the previous studies. Then carry on analysis and inferences by applying convenience sampling, description statistical analysis, path analysis, and single factor variation analysis etc.
According to the valid samples, it induces that middle-class families are the mainly purchaser group of ladder100. And by the path analysis, the results show that the interaction is the most important of three factors which influence the e-learning product satisfaction, and then sequentially the content abundance and the product convenience.
The path analysis also reveals that purchasers’ perceived usefulness has greater influence to the e-learning product satisfaction than purchasers’ perceived ease –of –use. By single factor variation analysis, we know that purchasers’ different back ground will influence their product satisfaction.
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國民中學校長科技領導、知識管理與學校效能關係之研究張盈霏 Unknown Date (has links)
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群異文創科技公司之創業計畫 / A Business Plan for EGG Technology Company陳建安, Chen, Gian Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan aims at a start-up company (“EGG”) which specializes in building an online creative platform for designer and artist, as well as providing customized & personalized products. EGG is created by a group of friends, the company’s founding members. These products include LIFE-T (T-Shirt) and LIFE-CASE (Smartphone Case) with self-designed product with fashionable components. All EGG’s products are designed and implemented by our talent engineering team to fit current customers’ needs. We plan to target young students and working professionals who are particularly pursuing fashionable & customized merchandise experience at a reasonable price. Our products cater for that need and provide excellent concept and packaging to suit their needs. This provided a very good opportunity for niche personalized product brand makers such as EGG to take advantage.
We uses online to offline (“O2O”) channel to market and distribute our products because they serve the need of both low in cost and high efficiency in reaching our target customers. They can receive the latest news or coupons on our website and experience in the physical store. After evaluating our product strength and weakness, we decided on a sales and implementation strategy for younger generation and forecasted our financial performance for the next five years. Finally, we expect this venture to turn profitable in the second year and generate meaning return for our shareholders. Thus this is a venture worth taking and investing upon.
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新光電科技的創新事業經營模式 / The Business Investment Strategy of A Novel Optoelectronics Technology 王昱勝 Unknown Date (has links)
新光電科技的出現總是讓人感到異常興奮,然而由實驗室技術出發到商品化是一 段非常艱辛、漫長且危險的過程,稍有不慎就會墜入失敗的深淵中。本論文首先介紹 該技術的特點,一種可以將室內光源轉化成電力輸出的光伏科技,並且描述了該技術 在商業化時可能面臨的挑戰。全世界專利的分析顯現出該領域目前尚未有特定企業進 行全球化的布局,可以想見此技術正處於成長期並且充滿了機會。我們的個案研究選 擇台灣第一家鑽研該領域的前創有限公司進行分析,包含競爭者分析,競爭力分析與 各式各樣可能的的市場應用。在考慮到此技術的目前的優勢與劣勢,我們規劃出馬上 可以獲利的市場應用,也就是電子標籤。透過關鍵廠商的訪談使我們夠清楚知道短期 之內該將有限的資源集中在那些地方以滿足客戶的需求。營收來源根據合作模式的不 同,合作時間的長短而分成不同的獲利方式。業務推廣的模式勾勒出短、中、長期的 營運藍圖。帶領客戶一起經歷一場關於價值的創新歷程。
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數位熱浪來襲-亞馬遜公司個案研究 / The Upcoming Digital Heatwave - The Case Study of Amazon.com吳莉珍, Wu, Li Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究同時也對於亞馬遜與其他科技創新公司,例如蘋果、谷歌、微軟等,彼此之間既競爭又合作的關係進行分析與比較,期能對於這個既熟悉又陌生的國際品牌得以進一步了解。 / Amazon was once best known by its e-commerce and was indexed in category of retail sale in many stastistcs study. However in recent year development, Amazon is groupped in Technology Innovation category as well.
The objective of thi thesis is mainly to provide an overview on the development of Amazon through introducing to all about its company history, essential products, services and important competitors. Furthermore, the thesis would like to look into its product ecosystem and industry ecosystem that are formed because the new developed products and competition, as well as the trouble it is facing or will encounter in the future.
Among the products, Kindle, an E-reading device and later in tablet version as well, is one of the most import products in Amazon history. Kindle, serves as the channel between Amazon’s biggest and strongest E-commerce networks and modern digital technology products, such as streaming music and videos, it plays an significant role and worths a chapter to elaborate.
The thesis also examines the relationships between Amazon’s main competitors, like Apple, Google and Microsoft. The relationships can be described as cooperative and competitive at the same time. A chapter on this topic should be very interesting and hope by doing so we can know more about this global company that almost every body in Taiwan knows but does not understand it well enough.
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科技產業之併購經營策略的商業模式對產業發展之研究 / A Study on the Mergers and Acquisitions Business Model in Technology Industry Development馮連城, Feng, Lien Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
(一) 精密加工處部門的銷貨績效較好。
(二) 「管理與總務費用」支出有費用超支的現象。
(三) 精密加工處部門在2015年預計的毛利率較2014年增加3%。
(四) 設備事業處部門在2015年預計的毛利率較2014年減少2%。
(五) 精密加工處部門之推銷費用、支援部門之管理費用、支援部門之研發費用2015年預計支出較2014年高。
(六) 設備事業處部門之推銷費用2015年預計支出較2014年低。
(七) C公司在併購A公司後,在管理費用上的預計支出是較為重要的。
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數位學習產品之產品特性對消費者知覺及產品滿意度之研究-以階梯數位學院為例張誌銘 January 1994 (has links)
數位內容產業的五個核心子產業中,數位學習產業是台灣具有相對較佳全球競爭力的領域。本研究從購買者的角度出發,引用科技接受模式(TAM) ,建構消費性數位學習產品之產品特性如何影響產品購買者之知覺及產品滿意度的評估模式,並進一步根據研究結果對業者提出具體建議。
由單因子變異數分析結果可知,購買者的背景差異會影響其產品滿意度。因此,業者可以在市場區隔、產品組合、定價方式等政策執行面上考量更有彈性做法;並根據顧客資料,重點加強客服作業,彌補業務通路體系之不足,以建立更佳的產品口碑。 / In five nucleus sub- industries of the digital content industry, the e-learning industry is the realm that Taiwan has an opposite global competitive advantage. This study bases on the angle of purchaser, quotes from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), tries to construct a valuation model to study how characteristics of e-learning products could influence the consciousness and the product satisfaction of the purchaser. Furthermore, this study will make suggestions to the suppliers according to the statistical analysis.
We develop a questionnaire after recognizing the path relations between the variables and the characteristics (convenience, interaction, content abundance) which influence the e-learning product satisfaction through the previous studies. Then carry on analysis and inferences by applying convenience sampling, description statistical analysis, path analysis, and single factor variation analysis etc.
According to the valid samples, it induces that middle-class families are the mainly purchaser group of ladder100. And by the path analysis, the results show that the interaction is the most important of three factors which influence the e-learning product satisfaction, and then sequentially the content abundance and the product convenience.
The path analysis also reveals that purchasers’ perceived usefulness has greater influence to the e-learning product satisfaction than purchasers’ perceived ease –of –use. By single factor variation analysis, we know that purchasers’ different back ground will influence their product satisfaction. / 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 5
第三節 研究目的 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 數位學習 7
第二節 數位學習產業之現況 12
第三節 階梯數位學院 14
第四節 科技接受模型理論 18
第五節 外部變數推導 23
第六節 消費者滿意度 30
第三章 研究方法 34
第一節 研究架構及研究假說 34
第二節 研究變數之操作性定義 40
第三節 問卷設計與調查過程 43
第四節 統計分析方法 45
第四章 研究結果與分析 47
第一節 樣本基本資料分析 47
第二節 信度分析 51
第三節 假說檢定之路徑分析 53
第四節 單因子變異數分析 62
第五章 結論與建議 75
第一節 結論與建議 75
第二節 研究限制與後續研究建議 80
參考文獻 82
中文文獻 82
英文文獻 84
附件 正式問卷 88
表2.3.1 階梯數位學院線上課程分類 16
表3.2.1 學習便利性衡量題項 40
表3.2.2 學習互動性衡量題項 40
表3.2.3 內容豐富性衡量題項 41
表3.2.4 知覺易用性衡量題項 41
表3.2.5 知覺有用性衡量題項 42
表3.2.6 產品滿意度衡量題項 42
表4.1.1 樣本基本資料表 48
表4.2.1 數位學習產品購買者滿意度調查表之信度分析結果 51
表4.3.1 因果關係影響路徑及效果分類表 54
表4.3.2 模式總檢定結果摘要表 55
表4.3.3 路徑分析邊際檢定結果摘要表 59
表4.3.4 本研究之假說檢定結果彙整表 56
表4.3.5 路徑分析各項效果總表 58
表4.4.1 性別對各構面之獨立樣本T檢定結果 62
表4.4.2 年齡對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 63
表4.4.3 年齡對產品滿意度之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 64
表4.4.4 職業對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 64
表4.4.5 職業對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 65
表4.4.6 教育程度對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 67
表4.4.7 教育程度對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 68
表4.4.8 家庭總收入對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 70
表4.4.9 教育程度對各構面之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 71
表4.4.10 小孩數對各變項之單因子變異數分析總檢定結果 73
表4.4.11 家庭小孩數對知覺有用性之單因子變異數邊際檢定結果 74
圖2.3.1 理性行為理論 18
圖2.3.2 科技接受模式 20
圖3.3.1 研究架構 35
圖4.3.1 路徑分析邊際檢定結果 56
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應用網路推廣創新醫療技術-以非營利組織口腔雷射醫學會個案為例 / The promotion of an innovative medical technology through Websites-A case study of the NPO Website of Taiwan academy of laser in dentistry (TALD)林紋瑜, Lin, Wen Yu Unknown Date (has links)
Web2.0的盛行改變了目前網路資訊傳播方式,民眾對網路資訊擴散參與度也日益增加及重要,電子醫學網站肩負健康衛教資訊及新技術推廣的重責,如何利用Web2.0的特性,讓民眾可以輕易、適時、適所獲得相關醫學資訊是所有醫學網站所要研究的課題。因此除了如何提供質優量多且可信度、專業性高的醫療資訊外,醫學網站更要研究並了解民眾的實際需求期望及最易接受的資訊管道方式,使得相關資訊能無礙地傳送到民眾面前。本研究即以個案研究的方式,來探討如何藉由Web 2.0網路資訊平台及資訊管道設計概念,利用創新擴散策略思考及方法來推廣相關新醫療科技,使非營利組織也能像其他電子商務網站的經營方式一樣,與使用者建立價值共創的關係;並繼續延伸探討後續推廣策略建議,以提供相關網站經營參考。
本研究選定中華民國口腔雷射醫學會網站,作為本研究的個案網站,不同於一般醫學會網站的社群經營,都是以傳統單向的型錄式資訊提供方式為主,缺乏互動性及使用者導向設計。本研究的個案網站卻是集合所有專業會員醫師之群力,將民眾所需要的臨床案例、口腔新聞、醫療知識和新知、線上諮詢功能及院所指南等,加以整合,讓民眾可以藉由簡單的資訊搜尋引擎方式來找到相關完整資訊,創造出新的經營模式。本研究即藉由問卷及深度訪談,分析網路使用民眾對個案的知識創新推廣模式的接受度,並以此為基礎,研究歸納出可行的網站經營建議方案,作為個案網站在未來的經營方向之參考。 / The popularity of the concept of Web 2.0 has altered the ways information transmitted, and increases the importance of the participation of internet users on disseminating information. Electronic-health websites (e-health websites) have great responsibility of promoting the public health education and new medical technologies and treatments to the public. It is an important task for these websites applying the concept of web 2.0 to provide the public the easy and timely access to relevant information. In addition, e-health websites should also offer trustworthy and professional health information to meet the expectation of the users. In this study we use a case study to examine how to apply Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the concept of web 2.0 to understand the promotion of the new medical technologies and treatments. The results will help Non-Profit Organization (NPO) to transform to a highly efficient information exchanging platform and also to establish the relationship of value co-creation website.
Our case website is the Taiwan Academy of Laser in Dentistry (TALD) that is different from other medical websites using traditional approach of providing static information (Web 1.0). This website is interactive and user-oriented by integrating the medical cases from dentists, latest medical news, most recent medical breakthrough, functions of searching the nearest dentists, introductions of dental clinics, and son on. This new model allows the regular users to find the relevant information in a timely manner. By survey and in-depth interviews, we are able to analyze the users’ behavior and provide recommendations for management to improve its performance.
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利用平衡計分卡探討ICT服務對經營績效之影響 / Probe into the influence of inducting ICT service to business management performance謝志明 Unknown Date (has links)
然而,過去所重視的”以顧客為導向”的市場行銷模式,仍為現在各個企業所重視經營方針,而強大ICT (Information and Communication Technology)服務,則將有利於企業在此波金融風暴後,再度成為公司開源政策的重要行銷策略之一,如何協助企業強化行銷、銷售及服務客戶的能力,並與客戶建立一對一的關係,以深入了解客戶需求,為客戶提供更細緻貼心的服務,勢將成為企業開疆闢土的重要指標,同時亦能強化企業核心競爭力,為企業創造更高的利潤。
因此,我的研究方向,是以物流業之一家大型公司為個案研究對象,運用Kaplan and Norton 提出平衡計分卡四大構面,在公司願景及既定策略目標之下,結合各構面經營績效指標,探討個案公司導入ICT服務對經營績效之影響。 / As known, the modern enterprise is facing the sternest environment of survival since the worldwide financial tsunami happened in 2008. Each enterprise devotes to tap new resources and economize on expense. Large bloodily reducing staff has become the only way which the company maintain the tough business. Bank thumb Citibank once spread the financial crisis, ING, AIG, GM, Ford also spreads the news of merged or broken. The all sorts of events are disclosing sufficiently nowadays market living environment has been very harsh and deteriorated.
However, the “Customer-oriented” marketing model which was token seriously in the past, it now still symbolizes each enterprise's operation policy. However, the formidable ICT (Information and Communication Technology) service, will be advantageous to the enterprise after this financial tsunami, becomes an important marketing strategies in the increasing-income policy of the company. Moreover, how to help enterprises to strengthen the ability of business management, inquiring deeply customer demand, providing a more careful intimate service for the customer, will definitely become the major index of success. Meanwhile, it will be also able to strengthen enterprise's core competitiveness and creat a higher profit for the enterprise.
Therefore, my research direction regards a large-scale company in the logistic industry as the case study object. Under pursuing the vision and the strategy goal of the case company, I use the four perspectives of the BSC model proposed by Kaplan and Norton and well combine the performance indicators from each perspective, to probe into the influence of inducting ICT service to business management performance.
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