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台灣生物科技公司創新行為之研究劉昱岑 Unknown Date (has links)
全球趨勢大師戴維斯(Stan Davis)曾預言說:「未來二十年將是生物科技的時代!」,也有人說:「二十一世紀是生物科技的世紀。」事實上過去幾年來,我國也將生物科技產業列為國家級重點發展科技之ㄧ,並投入相當大的金額輔助產業之發展,生物科技產業是技術與知識密集的產業,而知識是整個產業與企業發展最重要的元素,但由於生技產業在我國屬發展初期且創新能力尚嫌不足,因此,由技術知識本質來探討我國生物科技公司之創新行為便對產業會有所貢獻。
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經濟部科技專案計畫委外管理之研究陳素惠, Chen, Su-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
經過上述的研究程序,本研究發現以下結論:1.組織面:(1)技術處委外歷史背景為由下而上,促成辦理。(2)委外以資金換取無形成本,而有形成本並未降低。(3)以代理人執行作業,卻由委託人擔負責任,權責不相當。(4) 從事研發工作之代理人大多為政府扶植財團法人。2.管制面:(1)行政控管著重進行過程甚過於執行結果。(2)研發控管方式著重預定標準及實際績效。(3)每年簽約作業繁複瑣碎,致使信任降低。3.心理面:(1)公務事不再是終身職。(2)沿用以往模式,陷入行動慣性,成功假象!
關鍵字:科技專案計畫、委外、政府採購法、管理 / Nowadays many governments seek factors influencing the economic growth of a country to continue developing and to be more competitive in a rapidly changing and globalizing world. In this era of knowledge-based economy, knowledge is often assumed to be the fundamental resource. It is a crucial factor for the economic growth of a country. How to produce and create more knowledge is deemed to be one of the most crucial tasks of a government. One way of producing knowledge is investing in research and development (R&D) to develop new technologies. Recently, many studies suggest that a new technology that raises higher total productivity is one of the factors to the economic growth of a country. So for countries and private enterprises it is especially important to have access to leading, advanced and key component technologies.
Each year the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) of Taiwan invests a lot in public research and development. They started the “scientific technology development project”, to develop new technologies, especially industrial technologies. MOEA expects these huge investments to strengthen the innovative capabilities of Taiwanese industries and to upgrade Taiwanese industries. Due to heavy workloads and insufficient human resources in the Department of Industrial Technology (DOIT) , DOIT needs to outsource these scientific technology development projects to research institutes and corporations. DOIT expects to take advantages of the efficiency and flexible organizational structure of the private sector. Hence, recently the issue towards “government outsource” catches more and more attentions than ever.
The main purposes of this research paper are as followed. Through qualitative interviews with civil servants, governmental officers, outsourcers, agents and specialists and context analysis, this research paper would like to have an overview on the historical background, the current situation of DOIT’s outsource and its management, to describe the difficulties and problems for the outsourcer (DOIT) and the agents (research institutes and corporations). This research paper would also illustrate policies, legal part, such as public procurement act and decision-making strategies of outsourcing of DOIT. At the end, this paper will give suggestions for DOIT’s outsource.
First of all, from organizational aspect, the important findings are as followed.
1.Originally, the demand of outsource exists earlier than the supply. More precisely, the agents reinforce the government to have a way working on scientific technology development projects properly.
2.DOIT subsidizes the research institutes to carry out these projects in order to exchange intangible assets of the research institutes, such as human capital and so on. Nevertheless, the real cost is not less.
3.The agents carry out these projects, but outsourcer needs to take the responsibility of the consequences.
4.Most agents are research institutes, which are fully subsidized by the government.
Secondly, from the governing and managing aspect, the findings are as below.
1.Administrative governance puts more emphasis on the executive process of these projects than the results per se of the projects.
2.About the management of research and development results, DOIT focuses on the comparison between anticipating and real effects.
3.Each year the outsourcing contracts between DOIT and those agents have to be either re-new or re-made. It makes the relationship between two parties less reliable.
Thirdly, from the psychological aspect, the subsidies from government for the agents are less and less. And repeating the same way will be the tarp of inertia for outsourcers and agents and it will make it difficult to have breakthrough or new ides.
Finally, in this research paper give some suggestions to the findings for the governmental outsourcing management for scientific technology development project.
1.DOIT needs to clearly state who should take responsibility.
2.DOIT should simplify the procedure by making better use of information communication technologies.
3.DOIT should emphasize more on finding a better way in coping with the termination of an outsourcing contract.
4.The original governing and managing module should be revised. New module, “peer review” and multi-year contract, should be taken into consideration.
Keywords: Scientific technology development project, Outsourcing, Public procurement act, Management
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電子科技產業財務危機預警指標建立之個案研究林妙玲, Lin, Lillian Unknown Date (has links)
比率與發生財務危機企業呈現正相關,顯示危機企業的銀行借款比率偏高,對金融機構舉債過高易週轉不靈; 在財務操作方面,衍生性金融商品部位佔營收比率與發生財務危機企業呈現正相關,顯示危機企業對衍生性金融商品之財務操作太過度,易發生財務危機; 在或有負債方面,對子公司之背書保證金額佔營收之比率與發生財務危機企業呈現正相關,顯示危機企業對子公司或有負債之過度保證,易發生財務危機。
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學前教師資訊科技融入教學現況及其相關因素之研究 / A study of the relationship between technology integration instruction and influence factors in Kindergarten and Nursery古孟玲, Ku,Meng-Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過文獻分析,以及問卷調查法來了解資訊科技融入教學的現況,及其相關影響因素。本研究之母群體為台北縣市幼稚園、托兒所教師及園所長,採分層抽樣進行取樣,老師和園長各發出480份問卷,老師的有效問卷為51%,園長的有效問卷為58.1%。使用工具為自編「學前教師資訊科技融入教學之應用量表」、「影響學前教師資訊科技融入教學因素之量表」及「園所長對資訊科技融入教學態度之量表」,問卷回收後,使用SPSS 12.0 for windows套裝軟體進行描述性統計、信度分析、效度分析
關鍵詞:學前教師、園所長、資訊科技融入教學、資訊素養 / The main purpose of this study was to:(1) Understand definition, connotation and current situation of technology integration instruction. (2) Explore technology integration instruction data between different backgrounds and influence factors. (3) Analyze the relationships between influence factors and technology integration instruction. (4) Explore the predictive power of influence factors on the part of technology integration instruction.
To accomplish these purposes, the methods were adopted literature review and questionnaire, which served as the basis of this study. In questionnaire aspect, was executed public and private kindergartens and nursery schools in Taipei city and county. This research was executed by questionnaire survey. “Preschool teachers technology integration instruction questionnaire",“influence factors of technology integration instruction questionnaire”and“Principals’ attitude on technology integration instruction questionnaire”were designed from literature by myself to collect data. By means of stratified random sampling.The samples include 480 principals (effective return rate is 58.1%) and 480 teachers (effective return rate is 51%).The questionnaire data analyzed statistically by description statistics,reliability analysis,
t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé posteriority comparison, Person-moment correlation analysis, stepwise multiple regression analysis through the use of SPSS 12.01 for windows. The major results were summarized as follows:
A.In the aspect of technology equipment
a.Technology equipment in Taipei city and county are very
B.In the aspect of technology integration instruction
a.In the main of preschool teachers are implement technology
integration instruction.
b.It’s usually implement technology integration instruction
on “prepare of teach” and “teaching”.
c.The best dimension is “technology preliminary application”.
d.“Taipei city and county”, “public and private”,
“teachers’ years of teaching”, “educational degree of
teachers",“computer’s learning experience”and
“research and study hours” have significant influences on
preschool teachers implement technology integration
C.In the aspect of influence factors of technology integration
a.The best influence factors of technology integration
instruction is“Teaching-belief”.
b.The second influence factors of technology integration
instruction is“Information Literacy”.
c.The best information literacy in preschool teachers is
“basic software knowledge”.
d.The worst information literacy in preschool teachers is
“computer use in instruction”.
e.“Taipei city and county",“public and private”,
“educational degree of teachers”, “computer's learning
experience"and“research and study hours” have significant
influences on influence factors of technology integration
D.In the aspect of principals’ attitude on technology
integration instruction
a.All of the principals are identification with technology
integration instruction.
b.The best part of principals are willing invest in technology
integration instruction.
c.“Taipei city and county” and “public and private” have
significant influences on principals’ attitude on
technology integration instruction.
E.In the aspect of relationships between technology integration
instruction and influence factors of technology integration
a.There was positive correlation existed between “influence
factors of technology integration instruction” and
“technology integration instruction”.
b.“Influence factors of technology integration instruction”
did promote“technology integration instruction”.
In the last part, the researcher, based on the findings, proposes some suggestions for the principals, the preschool teachers, the teacher training institutions, the research and study institutions and the future researchers, hope to benefit accelerant technology integration instruction in preschools in the future.
Key words: preschool teacher, preschool principal, technology
integration instruction, information literacy
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被動元件產業未來經營策略之個案研究徐景輝 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業研發管理實務對創新績效影響之研究林淑瓊, Lin, Shu Chiung Unknown Date (has links)
而在研發管理實務推行過程中,同時需要藉助辦公室支援與聯盟的協助,以提升研發人員的專業知識養成與技術文件的撰寫和使用頻率,此資源是促使研發工作順利運作的重要樞紐;而研發經費、設備購置與設施規劃的資源輔助,對於研發績效具有舉足輕重的影響效果。然而,影響研發管理實務與創新績效間的更重要成因是研發人員的內隱知覺部份;換言之,研發人員內心對於研發管理實務推行的感受與高階管理階層的互動程度是主要影響成效的因素,並非研發單位提供給予研發人員的各項外顯形式,可知研發單位的提供的框架形式擂同,但彼此間的溝通與相互扶持成為提升創新績效的無形助力。總之,高階管理階層結構主導研發管理實務的運作過程,而研發管理實務的落實程度與相關支援的協助,以及資源輔助釋放出來的能量,是同時決定研發創新績效程度的關鍵。 / As the global competition becomes ever-intensive, and businesses have fewer areas on which to hinge their competitive advantage, innovation capability is emerging as the key source of competitive advantage. The R&D team in a business, which is responsible for most of its innovations, thus plays a vital role in business survivability. This paper seeks to identify the variables that affect the innovation performance of R&D teams and investigate the interactions among the variables.
A research framework is first established by literature review, and then adjusted according to case studies of six high-tech companies in Taiwan. The adjusted model is subsequently tested by a survey of high-tech companies in Taiwan. It is concluded that the management style of the higher authority and the leadership of R&D manager are the main forces that determine the R&D management practice. The educational background, work experience, and the expertise of R&D managers do not distinguish the level of discipline and the sophistication of R&D management practice. Some aspects of R&D management practice can be reinforced by office support and alliance, for example, the generation and utilization of technical reports and the cultivation of professional knowledge. With adequate resource support, more sophisticated R&D management practice does lead to better innovation performance which is measured by number of new products, patents, and technical reports.
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發展生物科技產業聚落關鍵因素之探討鄭居元, Cheng Chu-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究藉由實地參訪和個案研究;再輔以次級資料(公開文件)的蒐集、整理與分析,來探討生物科技產業聚落發展的關鍵因素。研究對象包括:美國的生物科技產業聚落(Philadelphia,New Haven,Boston,RTP、North Carolina)及歐洲瑞典的生物科技產業聚落(Stockholm / Uppsala,Gothenbrug,Malmo / Lund,Linkoping,Umea)等。
經由本研究可以得到下列發現:生物科技新創公司最重要的生存方式,在於如何善用環境外部資源,來突破企業內部資源的有限性。而生物科技產業聚落不是無中生有,首先必須先存在大學及研究機構等專業化生產要素,才會設立科學園區或育成中心。大學及研究機構現有的研究領域,決定科學園區或育成中心的發展特色。生物科技公司是生物科技產業聚落的構成主體,而生物科技新創公司形成的機制(如種子基金的設置等)是產業聚落永續發展的驅動力量。種子基金、科學園區或育成中心分別為產業聚落發展重要的無形及有形的連結機制。 / Abstract
The amount of investment, the revenues and the employment of firms, and the number of start-ups, within Taiwan biotechnology industry, promoted by the government, increased gradually. However, the level of biotechnology, compared with other developed countries, seems still a lot to be upgraded. Moreover, the biotechnology industry developed in Taiwan is still in the early stage.
Therefore, the limited key resources such as talents, capital, technology, if can be concentrated in a specific region, then the emerging industry like biotechnology industry may be developed faster.
The study is, use of the field and case study, and the secondary data collected, to explore the key success factors in the development of biotechnology industry clusters. The cases studied include American biotechnology industry clusters, like Philadelphia, New Haven, Boston, RTP-North Carolina, and Sweden biotechnology industry clusters, like Stockholm-Uppsala, Gothenbrug, Malmo-Lund, Linkoping, Umea.
Because the biotechnology firms are the building blocks of biotechnology industry clusters, it is first to explore the key success factors of the formations of new ventures from the perspective of business administration. From the perspective of cluster development, it is to explore the key success factors of the formations of new clusters such as the production factors, the related and supporting industry, the growth and feedback of clusters. The mechanism about new ventures growing forever to sustain the clusters development is then explored. From the experiences of these developed countries in the clusters development, the study proposes some suggestions about the policy making on the biotechnology clusters development in Taiwan.
From the study, there comes the following finding:The biotechnology ventures leverage the resources from the environment to overcome the limited resources within the firms. The biotechnology clusters can be happened nowhere. First, there will be existed some professional production factors such as universities and research institutes, then come the science-park and incubator. The universities and research institutes define the characteristics of the science-park and incubator. The mechanisms about the formation of new ventures such as the seed fund become the driving forces of biotechnology clusters. The seed fund or the science-park and incubator are the intangible or tangible linkage mechanisms about the formation of biotechnology clusters.
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台灣小型IC設計公司創立新事業之個案研究陳清宏, Chen, Ching-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區的IC設計產業,近幾年來的發展十分蓬勃,總產值排名全球第二,僅次於北美,全球市場佔有率約22%左右;截至2005年底,台灣IC設計業者總數已達268 家,其中有8家業者擠進全球前30大IC設計公司排行榜。
本研究嘗試分析台灣IC設計業的現況,找出其全球競爭的優勢,並以一台灣小型IC設計公司的創業實例,結合吳思華教授的策略三構面以及Scott A. Shane科技創業聖經的分析,試圖找出小型IC設計公司的成功之道,供其他新創IC設計公司做決策時的參考。
一、 探討台灣新創小型IC設計公司如何選擇公司創立時的產品方向。
二、 台灣新創小型IC設計公司因各項資源短缺,如何選擇適合的營運模式。
三、 小型IC設計公司沒有市場知名度,如何做上下游的合縱連橫,才能成功銷售產品。
一、 組成有較高技術能力的研發團隊,找出有技術門檻的產品,可擺脫與其他小型IC設計公司直接競爭的可能性。另外,應找出市場規模不大但穩定成長的產品,因為這種市場的需求量不符合大公司的經濟規模,大型IC設計公司比較不想進入相同的市場。而且因為市場規模不大,產品單價較高,毛利率可相對提高。雖然市場需求量不是非常大,但是小公司的營業費用較低,若產品的毛利率高,且市場穩定成長,公司獲利的機會就高。
二、 小型IC設計公司的資金以及人員不足,無法自行完成所有前後段IC設計,需要外包後段IC設計以及生產安排;而且如果增加後段IC設計的人員,會造成整個公司的營業費用變高,若市場規模不大,獲利的機會將會降低。
因此,小型IC設計公司應利用台灣IC產業完整的供應鏈supply chain做互補性資產,慎選供應商以快速切入市場。
三、 小型IC設計公司應利用台灣製造業王國主導關鍵零組件選擇權的優勢,並利用Local Support達成Time to market的優勢,與大企業合作共同尋找潛在產品,並以利潤分享模式,確定顧客願意使用以及推廣,保障基本營收,借力使力克服其他客戶對小型公司的疑慮,進而開拓市場知名度,增加長期競爭力。 / The development of IC design industry has been prosperous for the recent years in Taiwan. The total production value ranks the second in the worldwide, and the entire production value takes up 22% share among the worldwide market, only being inferior to that in North America. The number of IC design companies has been increasing to 268 ones in Taiwan, up to the end of the year 2005; eight of which even squeezed into the worldwide top 30 companies at the ranking chart.
It is only the medium and large companies that stand a fair chance to sparkle themselves on the international stage, and they fill with steady vitality as well. As for other small ones, it will be hard for them to survive in the keen competitive market if they are deficient of the innovative technology and managerial strategy as their weapons.
The gist of this research focuses on analyzing the current situation of Taiwan IC design industry and exploring its superior advantage against the global competition. A real case is taken from a Taiwan small start up IC design company with which combined Dr. Wu’s “three aspects in strategy” in his “The nature of the Strategy” and “Finding Fertile Ground” by Scott A. Shane. It is the purpose to try to find out a road leading the small start up IC design companies to achieve success and to hope that can be a strategic reference for the new start up IC design companies.
The object of this research is to answer the questions listed below:
1. Discussing how a small start up IC design company sets his direction in defining their product during the initial period.
2. How can a small start up IC design company choose a proper business model under the limited company resources.
3. Being lack of the market prestige of a small start up IC design company, how to jointly and coordinately cooperate with his strategic customer to have their products enjoy a steady and successful sale?
This research concluded the followings:
1. Composing R/D team with greater inventive ability and inventing some products with more difficult threshold in order to get rid of the directly competitive possibility with other small IC design companies. Moreover, they should find out the product without huge market demand while it owns stable growth rate. Since the demand at the market does not meet the economy scale of big companies; thus, the big companies would rather not get into the same market. And since the market demand is not big, the products selling price can be higher, the more gross profit they can get in this kind of small market. Although there is not a great demand for the product, the small companies can still get better profit from the lower business expense, and the small company can be profitable due to the steady growing market demand.
2. Small start up IC design companies might be lack of sufficient capital and employees, so they can not complete both the front end and the back end IC design process alone. Thus outsourcing the back end IC design process and production arrangement are necessary. Otherwise, the business expense will be too high if they increase the labor force of the back end engineering. The overall profit will get worse if the market demand is not big.
So, small IC design company should make good use of the sufficient supply chain in Taiwan IC industry as a supplementary asset, and select the suppliers by higher criteria, then penetrate the market timely.
3. Taiwan electronic manufacturing industry has occupied a dominant position in key components, so the small IC design companies should take advantage of that, and use the strength of “local support” to achieve the advantage of “time to market”. Cooperate with big firms in order to find out the potential products. Small companies can take profit sharing business model to ensure the strategic customers have the willingness to use and promote their products. Then the other customers can spontaneously eliminate their concern toward a small start up company.
In this way, the small start up company can assure to gain a basic income first; furthermore, they would enjoy a positive increasing market reputation and a stronger long term competitive capability.
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廣告體驗訴求對第三代行動通訊採用意願之影響黃瀅潔 Unknown Date (has links)
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縮短非營利組織數位落差之研究-以喜瑪拉雅研究發展基金會為例 / The Research of Bridging the Digital Divide of Nonprofit Organization -The Case of Himalaya Foundation劉意詮, Liu, Yi-Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
六、鼓勵資訊或管理專業之非營利組織擔任中介角色,整合相關資源,協助非營利組織發展資訊通信科技、縮短數位落差。 / Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have been innovated dramatically each day. Individuals, organizations and the government are all influenced. They not only bring more opportunities for each one of us than before, but also make gaps between people who are owned ICTs and who are not. Such scenario is called Digital Divide. It shows the obvious advantage among the people who has used or owned ICTs. Nonprofit organization is one of the typical organization that fall behind the technology of ICTs because of it’s nonprofit behavior. Himalaya foundation is the foundation that helps nonprofit foundation to make key issues on ICTs and keep on going the new innovation up to date. Himalaya foundation is significant to the nonprofit organization.
The research is based on this typical foundation whose purpose is developing services to nonprofit organization, i.e., Himalaya foundation. By interviews with Himalaya foundation and other nonprofit organization members, compared with the analyses of data from the related sources, we can understand how seriously digital divide issue has effects on the nonprofit organizations and others. The research will not only provide the effective solutions to reduce the gaps between nonprofit organizations and others, but also help the nonprofit organizations develop their own ICTs equipments and ability. The suggestions are as the following:
1.The related foundation can consider building up information center near the nonprofit organizations in order to help them learn and be exposed to ICTs.
2.To give and to help the deficient organization in order to establish their ability.
3.Provide basic introduction and knowledge of ICTs to the stuffs in the organizations; make them more recognized and accepted ICTs.
4.The organizations willing to bridge digital divide should seek assist from other sectors or organizations, and develop the same kinds of service and concrete plans.
5.To develop nonprofit organization systems of resource integration and case-management.
6.Encourage the Information or management oriented nonprofit organization to be the inter-roles that help nonprofit organization to develop the ICTs, integrated resources, and bridging Digital Divide.
Keywords: nonprofit organization, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), Digital Divide.
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