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競爭市場中資訊科技促進服務創新策略 / Strategy for IT-enabled service innovation in competitive market

陳健鈞, Chen, Chien Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Many studies have explored service innovations regarding the use of information technologies, yet few have addressed the strategic leveraging in IT investment for sustaining competitiveness. The objective of this paper is to examine different strategies that firms have applied in leveraging advanced information technologies for service innovation in highly competitive market. The analysis of strategy is developed based on two dimensions: (1) IT capability, referring to a firm’s ability to deploy IT-based resources, combined with (2) the firm’s complementary resources including customer and supplier relationships, financial capital. We investigate the convenience-store industry and telecommunication industry in Taiwan, are observed to be in the intensive competitive market in terms of the reduced sales growth, intensively innovations undertaken. The case analysis reveals that there are four types of strategies firms apply in leveraging IT for competitiveness: predator, inventor, follower, and hedger. We also found the transition of strategies for IT-enabled service innovation with resource reconfigurated as market evolved. We further identify the resource reconfiguration mechanism occur in the achievement of their sourcing approaches. Generally, this research explains firms’ continuous strategic changes and resource reconfiguration to sustain the advantages of IT-enabled service innovation in competitive market. We suggest a strategy model that includes the issues of the strategy content, path of strategy transitions, resource reconfiguration mechanisms, and resource sourcing approaches. This model provides a guideline for firms to decide their strategies towards different IT-enabled service innovations with the strategic resource configuration changes.


劉怡媛, LIU, YI-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
在科技戰國的今天,科技研究人員對企業而言,是一種「昂貴的」人力資源,也是科 技性企業與人一爭長短最具關鍵的競爭武器,因此如何激勵科技研究人員,使其更具 生產性,實為企業脫潁而出的最基本的條件!而對這種研究人員的激勵,早已非二因 子理論中的保健因子所能達,而是更高層次,所謂的事業生涯策略規劃這類的激勵因 子。科技研究人員的事業生涯策略,依學者研究可概分為:穩定型、組織型、專業型 及自由型四類。企業主管若能切實瞭解科技研究人員的興趣、需求及其事業生涯方向 ,將他調往與其心中理想的位置,則不僅可達到激勵勵的效果,對於提高科技研究人 員的工作意願、工作績效及達成組織目標均有莫大助益。本研究即採用此事業生涯策 略的觀念,企圖發掘科技研究人員之個人特質(創造性思考能力、成就動機、內外控 )、事業驅力及組織承諾與其個人心目中理想事業生涯策略間的關係。 本研究以實證方式,對國內資訊、電子、生物科技業及政府科技研究單位等較高科技 的300位研究人員進行問卷式的調查訪問,回收的資料則以頻率分析、描述性分析 、T檢定、單因又變異數分析及因素分析等方法進行統計分析。 結果顯示在個人特質方面,個人特質的不同對事業生涯策略的選擇有顯著差異;創造 性思考能力以專業型最高;而成就動機則以自由型最高,組織型居次;在內外控方面 ,則屬專業型最內控,相信凡事操之在我。此外,事業驅力的不同亦和策略的選擇有 顯著的相關:組織型的主要驅力為權力╱影響、地位和親和;而專業型則為創意、專 精及自主。最後在組織承諾方面,組織型及自由型對組織承諾程度較另二型為高,顯 示專業型關心其事業研究,對組織的向心力較低,而組織型則對組織目標的認同較高 。


顏國裕, YAN, GUO-YU Unknown Date (has links)
經歷三十餘年的經濟發展,我國一向所依賴的廉價勞力比較利益,由於受新興國家的 競爭與先進國家貿易保護浪潮衝擊,已逐漸喪失,為維持我國經濟持續成長,並早日 成為已開發國家行列、科技升級與產業升級遂成為全民所共識,而提升產業技術水準 係透過國外技術引進與從事研究發展二種途徑達成,本文主要就是探討租稅政策對研 究發展之影響,藉以瞭解需要何種租稅政策,方能促使科技升級與產業升級,全文分 六章,計三萬五千字,第一章緒論。第二章研究發展與政府之角色。第三章租稅對企 業研究發展之影響。第四章獎勵研究發展租稅誘因經濟分析。第五章科技時代下促進 研究發展之租稅政策。第六章結論。


張平珍, Chang, Ping Chen Unknown Date (has links)
藥廠在資訊科技的運用上,相較於電子業或其他高科技產業,一直都被認為是較保守的方式。究其原因,應為資訊科技在製藥業的競爭上,較難成為核心的競爭武器之一,因此,資訊科技在製藥業一直被定位為協助企業內部作業面的工具。而非協助企業達成營運目標的工具。然而,近十年來,大型跨國藥廠透過不斷地購併其他藥廠的方式,達成其擴大市場佔有率、鞏固產業中領先地位、縮短產品研發時間、及擴大產品線的廣度與深度的目的。並藉由購併後組織必須重整的過程,對組織進行人力的精減及成本的樽節。僅管跨國藥廠一直設法對人力及成本作有效的控制,但隨著購併不停地發生,不僅產品增多,組織也日益龐大,跨國藥廠所面臨到的財務、法律、人力資源、業務行銷、行政作業等各種事務也越來越繁雜。雖然跨國藥廠有其充沛的資源及豐富的跨國管理經驗,但若要能有效又即時地對全球各據點加以掌控,就必須對資訊科技的運用作全球的統一規劃,並建立全球資訊科技策略,以確實控管及協助各子公司的營運。而對各國的子公司,則應有能協助該公司在當地市場競爭的相對策略,資訊科技在市場激烈的競爭下,開始扮演越來越重要的角色。 本研究為探討性的個案研究,係以一跨國藥廠在台灣的子公司作為研究的個案,期望透過相關的文獻、對個案公司在資訊科技運用的探討、及個案公司主管對資訊科技的看法及需求,能夠達到以下的研究目的: 壹、了解跨國藥廠對資訊科技的運用現況。 貳、了解跨國藥廠發展狀況與營運方向,以規劃個案公司資訊科技的發展方向。 參、建立個案公司資訊科技策略,以提升運作績效,掌握時勢利基。 / The Pharmaceutical Industry, compared with Electronics Industry or other Hi-Tech Industries, is perceived to be relatively conservative in the application of Information Technology. The reason is being that Information Technology application to the Pharmaceutical Industry rarely plays any key role for market competition. As a consequence, Information Technology to the Pharmaceutical Industry has been an operational tool to support the back office functions, rather than a management tool to assist the business to achieve its operational goals. Nevertheless, in recent decade, giant transnational pharmaceutical companies are continuously achieving their objectives of expanding market shares, sustaining their leadership, shortening the time frame in Research and Development, and enlarging their product pipelines, through mergers and acquisitions. They have been re-deploying the human resources and implementing cost reductions by all means within the entire organization after merger and acquisition takes place and reorganization becomes necessary. Despite that transnational pharmaceutical companies have been striving to contain headcount and control expenses, they have found themselves facing to the increasingly complex operations in many aspects, including Finance, Legal, Human Resource Management, Sales and Marketing, and General Administration as a result of expansion in product pipelines and explosion in organization that comes along with mergers and acquisitions. Although transnational pharmaceutical companies have ample resources and well experienced in cross-nation management, they have to integrate their global information technology and establish a unified strategy for universal implementation, so as to enable monitoring and assisting the operations of all subsidiaries around the globe in an effective and timely manner. As such, Information Technology starts to play an increasingly important role in developing responsive strategies under the intense local market competition. This essay is a case study on a Taiwanese subsidiary owned by a transnational pharmaceutical company. It aims to achieve the following objectives by referring to relevant publications and observing the subject company’s information technology applications and their management’s views and needs on the above. 1. To understand the current applications on information technology by transnational pharmaceutical companies; 2. To understand the evolution track and business directions of transnational pharmaceutical companies to set an Information Technology development plan for the subject company. 3. To establish Information Technology Strategy for the subject company to improve operation efficiency as an advantage of obtaining timely and valuable information.


劉欣蓓, Liu, Hsin-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
高科技產業在台灣已成為產業發展之主軸,而知識經濟更是目前各先進國家積極推動與發展之經濟。隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,知識成為企業組織提昇競爭力的關鍵資源,知識管理因而成為二十一世紀企業經營的重要潮流,也為在企業服務的圖書資訊專業館員帶來了許多機會與挑戰。圖書資訊學界向來以知識的管理者自許,在這波知識管理的熱潮中,專業館員應思調整心態,積極充實、培養參與知識管理所需之相關技能,以因應這個新經濟時代的來臨。 本研究旨在瞭解國內高科技產業知識管理團隊成員的需求、圖書資訊專業館員在參與企業知識管理團隊之情形、探討館員在企業知識管理團隊中扮演的角色,以及所需具備或加強之相關技能,做為日後參與高科技產業公司組織知識管理團隊之準備,並提供國內圖書資訊學教育界參考,以規劃相關課程訓練,培訓更多優秀的知識管理人才,使其在未來能協助企業界與其他機構進行知識管理,進而提昇台灣產業的競爭力。 本研究採用質化的深度訪談法,並輔以問卷調查法兩種方式進行研究調查。主要針對國內高科技產業知識管理團隊負責人及相關人員、高科技產業中已參與和即將參與知識管理團隊之館員、管理顧問公司經理人、以及知識管理軟體公司人員進行深度訪談,以瞭解高科技產業對於知識管理人才之需求,及館員在知識管理團隊中扮演的角色與貢獻,並輔以問卷調查之量化統計來歸納整理出高科技產業館員參與知識管理團隊所須具備之相關技能。 由上述研究結果發現:一、高科技產業理想的知識管理團隊成員為一跨領域的工作團隊;二、館員在企業知識管理團隊中雖非主導者,卻是不可或缺的成員;三、影響高科技產業圖書館員參與知識管理之關鍵因素為:(1)館員在企業組織的層級;(2)知識管理主導者對圖書資訊專業的瞭解程度;(3)館員的商業價值認知程度;(4)館員對領域知識內容的瞭解程度;(5)館員的人格特質及態度;四、館員在知識管理中扮演的角色及貢獻除知識分類外,尚可擔任其他新興角色;五、高科技產業圖書館員參與知識管理團隊所需之相關技能構面,以思考與態度技能為首、其次依序為圖書資訊管理技能、人際溝通技能、策略與商業技能、管理技能、企業相關法律/專利技能,以及資訊技術技能。 最後建議:一、高科技產業應延攬資訊內容領域人才加入知識管理團隊;二、館員應提昇相關技能,並積極爭取參與企業知識管理之機會;三、高科技產業應整合資料中心與其他相關單位為知識管理中心;四、圖書資訊學界應規劃切合業界需求之知識管理課程。 / Knowledge economy is the trend of most developed countries. With the coming of knowledge economy, the Knowledge Management (KM) becomes the key factor to improve the competitiveness of industry, especially for high-tech industry in Taiwan. Due to this, the KM brings a lot of challenges and opportunities to those professional corporate librarians who work in high- tech industry. To meet the challenge of KM, the competency owned by corporate librarian is very important. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the qualifications of KM team members, the participation and role-play of professional corporate librarians within KM team, and the necessary competency of corporate librarians. The result of this study can be the reference framework for the high-tech companies preparing for the organization of KM. In addition, it could also give suggestions for curriculum development for the schools of Library and Information Science. This thesis employed a depth interview approach associated with questionnaire investigation. The people interviewed include all ranks of KM team, including the KM team leader or related role, corporate librarian, management consult companies, and KM software companies. They were requested to fill out the questionnaire forms about the competencies for KM as well. According to these questionnaire forms, the quantity measurement can give an indication of the importance of the competencies for corporate librarian participating in KM team. The findings of this thesis are the followings: (1) The ideal KM team of high-tech companies should be a multi-area combination; (2) The recruitment of corporate librarian in KM team can be beneficial; (3) The key factors influencing the participation of corporate librarian in high-tech KM team are (i) the hierarchical level in the organization, (ii) the sympathy of KM leader in library and information science, (iii) business sense of corporate librarian, (iv) the comprehension of corporate librarian in domain knowledge, (v) the personality and attitude of corporate librarian; (4) Corporate librarian can play the roles not only in knowledge classification, but also in other domains; (5) The most important competency of corporate librarian in high-tech industry KM team are thinking and attitude skills, follows by library and information science skill, communication skill, strategy and business skills, management skill, business law/patent skills, and information technology skill. The Suggestions include: (1) High-tech companies should recruit information content domain experts in KM team. (2) Corporate librarian should build up more critical competencies in order to get into the kernel of KM. (3) High-tech companies are encouraged to integrate corporate library with the other departments to establish a KM center. (4) Schools of library and information science should design new curriculum to satisfy the need of KM in Taiwan high-tech industry.


夏逸葦, Hsir, Yi-wei Unknown Date (has links)
自九十年代初期起,台商在中國大陸投資急速增加,產業投資方向也由傳統產業逐步移往資訊科技產業。而中國大陸產業實力在改革開放後不斷增強,一方面由於中共政策的鼓勵以及廣大中國大陸市場的吸引力;一方面主要中國大陸擁有低廉的生產要素,可降低生產成本,維持國際市場價格競爭力。因此吸引台商到中國大陸投資,並與當地廠商合作以進行兩岸全球分工及合作的佈局;但中國大陸在取得研發及專業技術使產業實力加強後,卻也逐漸成為台灣廠商在中國大陸及國際市場上的競爭對手。而台商在大陸投資的產業,主要是製造業,其次是服務業,農業較少。製造業之中主要包括電子電器業、基本金屬及其製品、食品及飲料、塑膠製品、化學品製造等產業,其中電子電器業投資金額居各業之首,其佔台商在中國大陸投資總額的比重將近23%。 中國大陸在「科技興國」的政策下,傾全國之力發展高科技產業,除了採用市場經濟的各種手段如:租稅優惠、低利融資、設立中小企業技術創新基金外,並模仿台灣新竹科學園區的模式,在中國大陸廣設高新技術開發區並重視知識經濟,著重高新技術的產業化與創新能力,中國大陸高科技產業的發展得力於外國資金與技術之處甚大,尤以資訊、通訊、半導體等以資訊科技為主產業為然。 台灣資訊科技產業赴中國大陸投資,自1980年代後期起逐漸增多, 到了1990年代中期,上市(櫃)電子業廠商赴中國大陸投資的情形愈來愈普遍,而對台灣經濟成長貢獻最大的資訊科技產業一旦大量轉移至海外,是否會危及未來台灣經濟永續成長。台灣IT產業早期到中國大陸投資,尤其是電子及零組件、電腦及周邊產品等IY產業主要是為了降低生產成本,提高國際競爭力;現階段投資的動機,主要則是需求面因素,一旦中國大陸當地市場變大時,就必須前往投資設廠,以接近客戶,否則將難以佔有當地市場,喪失發展機會。因此便與中國大陸的IT產業產生了既競爭又合作的關係,一方面台灣公司會利用既有的產業網絡,在台灣進行產品設計研發,採購所需的機器設備和原材料、半成品等。而利用中國大陸當地廉價的人力及水電等資源加工,然後將生產的成品或半成品回銷台灣,因而使得兩岸的垂直分工合作緊密。 惟中國大陸的IT產業擁有廣大的潛在市場需求、人力、土地、原材料、基礎技術、與政府支援等優勢,加上外資的大幅度加碼。又對台灣的IT產業形成威脅。 本文將針對資訊科技產業,參考競合理論和產業分工、整合的概念,探討台商投資與兩岸產業競合現況及其未來展望,全文結構除前言與結論之外,首先將專述中國大陸資訊科技產業發展、策略總體分析;其次專論兩岸資訊科技產業的互動與競合;最後做相關問卷的實證分析並對政府與產業界提出將來可能面對的問題與應對之到。 / At the early 90s’, the Taiwanese investors have been rapidly imposing more investment on Mainland China. Therefore, the result has attracted increasingly Taiwanese investors and then they co-work with the local companies to launch globalized co-operation. On the other hand, the companies of Mainland China has been accumulating increasing strength at IT industry after they acquire skilled technologies and development of research. This paper analyzes co-opetition and competition tendency to Information Technology industry between Taiwan and Mainland China. It adopts Co-operation Theory, Vertical Integration and Vertical Dis-integration and discusses the actualities of IT industry and prospection between two sides. First of all, this paper explores a macro analysis of development of IT industry at Mainland China. Second, it probes the interaction and competition of IT industry between two sides. Last, it conducts a relative poll that stems originally from Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research and then addresses problems that we might encounter in the future. The focal points of the research includes: (1)Analysis of the actualities of Information Technology development at Mainland China. a.Policy of China’s Information Technology b.Why China’s IT policy induces to foreign companies c.Brief introduction to science district at Mainland China d.Prospect of IT development at Mainland China (2)Interaction and co-opetition of IT industry between Taiwan and Mainland China. a.Advantages and disadvantages of IT industry between two sides. b.The existing situation and analysis of co-opetition between two sides. c.Brief introduction to division of labor of IT industry at Mainland China and the feasibility. (3)Analysis of the outcome to the poll. (4)Challenges of IT industry that Taiwan may face and the solutions to this problems.


黃正瑋, Cheng-Wei, Huang Unknown Date (has links)
女性網際網路使用者不斷增加的趨勢帶動下,針對女性提供服務的網站近年來頻頻出現。然而,網際網路使用者對於此一以性別區隔為訴求的網站所抱持的態度和定位為何?現階段女性網站經營者必須謹慎衡量哪些關鍵因素以吸引使用者前往?本研究希望藉由研究的進行與結果的發現,找出影響網際網路使用者瀏覽女性網站的因素,並驗證使用者認知和實際使用間的因果關係。 在以科技接受模型為研究架構之基礎進行研究後的結果顯示,女性網站之3C3O網站特性和使用者的網站認知間存有因果關係:網站設計的編排(context)、網站內容的豐富性(content)、網站發言或討論空間的經營(community),以及網站資訊的有條不紊(orderliness)等對於使用者的認知都會造成不同程度的影響;然而,大膽顛覆的用字遣詞(originality)以及技術層面的客製化服務(outreach),對於使用者的認知則沒有明顯的助益。 另一方面,科技接受模型原本所假設的認知─態度間的因果關係,在女性網站的實驗情境中亦有所變動。認知易用性(perceived easy of use)對網站態度產生的影響漸趨薄弱而不重要,相反地,認知有用性(perceived usefulness)和認知娛樂性(perceived playfulness)對態度產生的影響則漸顯重要,尤其是認知娛樂性的因素對於女性網站的使用更扮演了相當重要的角色。然而,當大部分的網際網路使用者將女性網站所提供的內容服務定位為休閒娛樂提供者的角色時,網站經營者亦需反思消費者對此服務的定位是否適切。 / The cyberspace has shown a growing number of female sites. It is of interest to understand the user perceptions on these gender-specific service appearances and the attitudes toward using them. This research attempts to identify the factors that influence users’ willingness to reuse a female site, and the relationship between user acceptance and actual usage. A survey of 390 respondents who have experience with and 310 respondents who have no experience with female sites in Taiwan was conducted. The results showed that the extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proposed by Moon & Kim is applicable, with some relationships altered. Moreover, the site characteristics such as the arrangement of CONTEXT, the richness of CONTENT, the atmosphere of COMMUNITY, and the ORDERLINESS of information are the four key factors that affect users’ perceptions of the site. The ORIGINALITY of design and the OUTREACH of service, however, present no significant benefit to form positive perceptions of female site users.


徐健銘 Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,推動臺灣經濟不斷成長的幕後英雄,正是占全部企業達九成七以上的中小企業,過去五十餘年來,中小企業在台灣經濟成長與產業發展過程中,無論在拓展對外貿易、增加國民所得、創造就業機會、或是促進社會安定等方面,一直扮演著極為的重要角色,大部分的大企業也都曾歷經由中小企業之草創時期,進而轉型、蛻變而成長為大型企業。儘管中小企業的重要性,但是有關的這方面的研究,尤其是對於高科技中小企業的產品與知識創新管理上,卻仍然不多。 本研究以個案訪談法為主要研究方式,主要訪問得獎過的、以及表現良好的6家台灣高科技中小企業。以『技術知識特質』與『中小企業特質』兩個構面來探索其對於『產品創新與知識管理』之影響。所得到的初步研究發現包括: 1. 高科技中小企業之研發創新的技術知識內隱程度會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為 技術知識內隱程度越高時:(1)外部知識吸收上越需透過人員密切互動來完成;(2)共同解決問題上越需透過更多的人員互動;(3)人員是重要的知識蓄積載體。 2. 高科技中小企業之研發創新的技術知識標準化程度會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為 技術知識標準化程度會影響組織進行知識吸收時的廣泛程度與吸收方式。技術知識標準化程度越低時:(1)組織內越需利用原型來溝通產品概念(2)開發團隊成員越傾向自行設計製作設備。 3. 高科技中小企業之研發創新的技術知識複雜程度會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為 技術知識複雜程度愈高:(1)知識吸收來源愈廣泛(2)成員多元化程度愈高(3)共同解決問題時越需要透過頻繁的溝通。 4. 高科技中小企業的特質會影響其產品創新與知識管理作為 高科技中小企業其正式化程度越高,越有助於知識的蓄積。而且,在創新研發專案的進行上,越高的研發人員自主性與企業主參與程度,越有助於產品創新與知識創新管理的成效。 本研究最後並提出對業界及後續研究者的建議。 / Topic: A Study on Product Innovation and Organizational Knowledge Management of High Technology Small Business Enterprise. Introduction: This study discussed how the characteristics of technological knowledge and the characteristics of Small business Enterprises influence the knowledge management, including input, adsorption and integration, storage, and circulation via New Product Development project in Taiwan high technology small business enterprise. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to discuss the following topics: 1.What characteristics do the Taiwan SMEs have? 2.What characteristics of technological knowledge do the Taiwan high technology SMEs have? 3.How do the characteristics of technological knowledge influence the product innovation and knowledge management of high technology SMEs? Research Methodology: Very few studies about product innovations and knowledge management of high-tech SMEs have been completed. Therefore, this work is merely exploratory, making the use of a case study approach to enhance understanding appropriate (Yin, 1989). Research Findings: According to the analyses of six cases in Taiwan high-tech SMEs, the study has generated the following conclusions: 1.Tacitness of Technological Knowledge in high-tech SMEs’ innovation project can influence the product innovation and knowledge management. □ When the Characteristic of Technological Knowledge is more tacit , the organization’s knowledge absorption depends on more direct personnel interaction. □ When the Characteristic of Technological Knowledge is more tacit , the team members depend on more direct personnel interaction to solving the problem. □ When the Characteristic of Technological Knowledge is more tacit , the firm store its knowledge through documents; otherwise it will be stored through people. 2.The standardization of Technological Knowledge in high-tech SMEs’ innovation project can influence the product innovation and knowledge management. □ The standardization of technological knowledge can affect the input of knowledge. □ Standardization of Technological Knowledge can affect Technological Knowledge Creation. When Technological Knowledge Standardization is higher, RD team would communicate the concept and technology of products with the marketing standard. In opposition when Technological Knowledge Standardization is lower, RD team would communicate the concept and technology of products with the prototype. □ When Technological Knowledge Standardization is lower, RD team would tend to make the tool or instrument by themselves. 3.Complexity of Technological Knowledge in high-tech SMEs’ innovation project can influence the product innovation and knowledge management. □ The complexity of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the input of knowledge. If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the. □ The complexity of technological knowledge characteristics can affect the composition of team members. If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the complexity of members is higher. □ If the complexity of technological knowledge is higher, the team members depend on more direct personnel interaction and communication to solving the problem. 4.The Characteristics of Small business Enterprise can influence the product innovation and knowledge management. □ The higher formalization of high-tech SME , the more to be contributive in firm’s knowledge store. □ During the process of new product development, the more decision-making power which R&D member has and the entrepreneur participates in the project much , the more to be contributive to the effect of product innovation and knowledge management. Keywords: The Characteristics of Technological Knowledge、knowledge management、The Characteristics of Small business Enterprise、High-tech SMEs


王聖智 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著文明的發展,人類對於物質與資源的利用能力亦隨之提升,而此方面能力的進步,即透過「科技創新」的方式來達成。科技創新是人類歷史必然過程,尤其二十世紀後半葉的科技創新更對人類造成前所未有的衝擊。傳播與運輸技術、資訊科技、目前蓬勃發展的奈米科技等,均深刻影響著國際經貿、國際安全,以及國家互動的模式。 另一方面,霸權穩定理論可算是國際關係學中一個重要的理論,雖不免有缺陷,卻仍然影響著國際關係的發展。但時代不斷地進步,國際環境亦隨之變遷,就當今局勢觀之,科技力量與柔性國力在國際體系權力分配中扮演著日趨重要的角色。因此,霸權穩定理論也必須進行修正與擴充,才能適應國際環境的變遷,繼續保有其解釋力,這也是為本文作者選擇以「科技創新」之概念來擴充霸權穩定理論之原因。 本文首先將對霸權穩定理論的發展做一整理,首先討論霸權的定義,概略討論霸權的種類,並對霸權穩定理論的內涵與演變做一完整的說明。然而,一個理論的提出,必然會遭遇不同意見的批判,該理論的提倡者也會提出反駁的理由。本文亦將對這些針對霸權穩定理論之批判,以及霸權穩定理論提倡者之反駁做一概略的敘述,希冀為霸權穩定理論勾勒出一條清晰的脈絡。 其次,本文以David Easton的系統論作為分析模型,將科技創新的概念視為輸入項,將霸權領導體系視為一個運作、轉換的機制,藉此檢視科技創新概念與霸權穩定理論的邏輯論述之互動,以及霸權國家的發展,進而探討科技創新在霸權穩定理論中扮演何種角色。 探討過科技創新概念對霸權穩定理論以及霸權國家的影響後,本文將以19世紀的英國(1815-1914)與20世紀的美國(1945-2000)為實際案例,對前述的分析做一檢驗與對照,同時並探討這兩個不同時期霸權的權力型態與資源,藉由比較兩者之間的異同,找出霸權的時代特性與循環規律。 本文最後的部分為總結與展望,概略整理歷史上霸權的興衰與國際體系的變遷,再依循此歷史脈絡,將生產技術改良與科技創新速率急遽增加等因素納入考量,預測未來國際體系的發展方向。並綜合整篇論文的關鍵概念與架構,對此篇論文的參考價值與侷限做一完整的評估,提出作者對此篇論文的期待。


胡嘉杰 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著企業全球化且技術逐漸進步下,台灣高科技廠商由專業代工慢慢轉變成自行製造且銷售,品牌對於廠商在進行新產品上市的影響將與日鉅增,其也將變成企業重要的資源之一。而台灣高科技廠商在品牌的打造上由於經驗不足,屢見失敗的例子。要順利的打造品牌,整合性行銷溝通策略將是不可或缺的工具,唯有依據產品及品牌的特性來制定整合性行銷溝通策略時,可使溝通策略發揮最大的效果,進而強化品牌並累積品牌權益。 本研究旨在探討產品、品牌以及產業因素對於整合性行銷溝通策略之影響。在針對台灣的高科技廠商進行問卷調查後,其實證結果如下: 1.品牌強度越強對於整合性行銷溝通過程有正面的影響,將使得溝通整合程度提高、訊息一致性且清晰度亦提高。 2.溝通的訊息策略須依照品牌概念或產品定位來決定才能達到有效的溝通。如當品牌或產品為功能性概念或高科技定位時,當以屬性為主的訊息策略為佳。 3.高科技廠商在進行行銷溝通時,由於所處的環境變動性較高,對於行銷溝通有著負面的影響,如會造成訊息一致性降低、清晰程度降低,因此需加強其在行銷溝通上之努力,如加強溝通之整合或者訊息一致性。

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