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巫立宇 Unknown Date (has links)
儘管實務上創業活動屢見不鮮,但是有關創業的範疇在學術上之研究仍有待開拓。本研究建構出一高科技新創企業之合作網絡模式,一方面期能突破現有理論的藩籬,另一方面希望對實務現象提供有效的描繪和詮釋。此模式共區分成三部分,第一部分說明高科技企業在草創期之合作網絡模式,第二部分說明高科技企業在成長期之合作網絡模式,第三部分說明草創期和成長期合作網絡模式的關聯性。此外,本研究也發展出衡量高科技新創企業競爭力的方式,並對高科技創業實務提供具體建議。   本研究發現,高科技企業於草創期,可透過創業家個人的人際網絡,吸引如創業團隊成員及其他廠商的投入合作(如供應商、經銷商、創投),以獲得重要或互補資源。這些草創期合作夥伴的「合作意願」主要與「信任」創業家有關,而與創業家個人擁有的資源多寡無關,這顯示「關係和情感」是主導草創期夥伴投入合作的一項最重要考量因素。這同時也說明,在草創期合作網絡的關係內涵中,「情感信任」的比重較「經濟利益」重要。   在成長期合作網絡中,本研究發現,透過「信任」可吸引新的高階主管及其他新的廠商投入合作(如新的供應商、經銷商、創投等),據以取得重要或互補資源,顯示處於成長期的高科技企業,運用人脈關係仍是企業營運的一項重要策略。此外,成長期之「夥伴合作意願」會受到「信任」、「企業草創期競爭力」的影響,而與「企業資源」的多寡無關。這表示在成長期才加入的合作夥伴,除因信任創業家而強化合作的投入,新創企業在草創期所展現的競爭力,同樣也是引發夥伴合作意願的主因。因此,在成長期的合作網絡關係內涵中,「情感信任」與「經濟利益」皆重要,不可偏廢。   在高科技企業草創期與成長期的關聯性部分,本研究發現「創業家資源」會影響「企業資源」、「企業草創期競爭力」會影響「企業資源」、「企業草創期競爭力」會影響「企業成長期競爭力」、「企業草創期競爭力」會影響成長期之「夥伴合作意願」。因此,根據路徑相依理論,高科技新創企業可透過學習,累積資源與競爭力,藉以獲取與維繫競爭優勢。   針對高科技新創企業競爭力的衡量,本研究發現,「企業草創期競爭力」可使用「創業方向」、「研發能力」和「創新能力」等三項指標加以衡量;「企業成長期競爭力」可利用「創新速度」、「迅速回應市場能力」、「產品品質」、「研發能力」和「組織成員凝聚力」等五項指標加以衡量。使用此種方式衡量高科技新創企業的競爭力,較能區別出不同高科技新創企業的實際績效。

勞動派遣與台灣勞動市場雙元化發展之分析 / A study on dispatched work and dual labor market in Taiwan

陳金治, Chen, Chin Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在瞭解勞動派遣之定義、特徵、型態與相關概念,並進行國內外研究之回顧,找出勞動派遣制度對於勞動市場正面與負面之影響後,再分別就資方觀點、勞方觀點、社會觀點與採用業別之差異進行探討,而決定訪談之公司業別,並擬定訪談題目進行深度訪談,以評估勞動派遣制度對台灣勞動市場雙元化發展之影響。   經過深入訪談後發現,高科技產業為降低公司之人事成本,而採用勞動派遣制度,確實會加速勞動市場雙元化之發展,就本研究訪談結果看來,較具規模之高科技產業採用勞動派遣時,為降低公司之勞工結構受到雙元化發展之影響,將限制派遣勞工之採用比例,並提供派遣勞工與正職員工相近之起薪、薪資調幅與福利措施,以及提供派遣勞工轉入正職之管道。如此雖可有效縮小雙元勞動市場中勞動者的差異,但整體薪酬派遣者較低、且勞動市場轉換率較高,以及受勞動法令保障較少等,這些現象仍會存在雙元勞動市場之次級勞動市場中。   整體而言,勞動派遣能提供勞動市場更多就業機會、提供派遣勞工累積工作經驗之機會,亦是派遣者進入大型企業轉為正職人員的橋樑,因此使得勞動派遣制度在勞動市場雙元化的發展過程中,有正面的影響。   本研究建議派遣勞工應選擇較注重企業形象之企業,企業應提供派遣勞工較完善之就業保障,並期望相關政府單位能夠儘速制定相關法令及配套措施,並明定勞動派遣中,要派企業、派遣機構、派遣人員各角色之責任劃分,與各種行業別較適當之派遣勞工雇用比例,並提供派遣勞工相關之職場認知教育,以降低勞動派遣對於台灣雙元化勞動市場發展之負面影響。 / This study aims to explore the definition, features, patterns and relevant concepts regarding dispatched work and review research conducted in Taiwan and overseas on this subject. After identifying the impact of the dispatched work system on the labor market, the differences between different industries employing dispatched labor are investigated to decide companies belonging to which industries are to be interviewed. An in-depth interview is then conducted on the companies selected to evaluate the impact the dispatched work system has on the development of a dual labor market in Taiwan.   The interviews reveal that, high-tech industries adopting the system in order to reduce labor costs do encourage the development of a dual labor market. Results of the interviews indicate that sizable high-tech industries employing dispatched labor limit the extent to which it is employed in an effort to reduce the impact dual labor market development has on the companies’ labor structures. In addition, dispatched workers are offered starting wages, wage increases and benefits similar to those offered to regular employees, as well as the opportunity to become regular employees. Through doing so, the differences between dispatched workers and regular employees in a dual labor market may be effectively narrowed, overall, dispatched workers are less compensated and demonstrate a higher turnover. Moreover, they are less protected by labor laws and regulations. These phenomena still exist in the secondary market of a dual labor market.   Generally speaking, the dispatched work system provides more employment opportunities on the labor market. It also provides dispatched workers the opportunity to accumulate work experience and serves as a steppingstone to regular employment in large businesses. For this reason, the system plays a positive role in the development process of a dual labor market.   The study recommends dispatch workers to choose businesses that pay more attention to their image and that businesses provide these workers with improved employment protection. It also hopes that the government can enact relevant laws and regulations and introduce supporting measures as soon as possible. Furthermore, the roles businesses, dispatched workers and the agencies that dispatch them play must be clearly defined and the ratios of dispatched workers to regular employees in different industries established, with education in having a better understanding of the workplace provided to dispatched labor in an attempt to reduce the negative impact dispatched work has on Taiwan’s dual labor market and the development of its labor market.

行動二維條碼在台灣的接受因素與發展應用之研究 / Acceptance, development and application of QR code in Taiwan: An extension of the Technology Acceptance Model

康皓鈞, Kang, Hao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
行動二維條碼在日、韓的發展應用已相當成熟,過去台灣推行二維條碼時期由於手機的支援以及QR code的應用都尚未成熟,使得二維條碼在台灣並不普及。近年智慧型手機的發展逐漸普及,將能大幅提昇二維條碼更多元的應用,不僅是傳遞資訊給使用者,甚至結合了地圖導航、行銷及購票等功能。 本研究透過科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)結合社會影響、促進條件、知曉型知識、操作型知識、知覺價格等影響台灣使用者意願之因素,透過問卷調查並經由結構方程模式進行驗證,分析台灣使用者的接受模式與影響因素的重要性,並給予政府、電信業者及商家在推行QR code應用上的建議。 本研究結果顯示「社會影響」及「促進條件」為最主要影響「使用意願」之因素,其次為「知覺易用性」及「知覺有用性」,「知曉型知識」與「操作型知識」則會影響「知覺易用性」及「知覺有用性」並間接影響到使用意願,台灣民眾希望使用的二維條碼服務前三名依序為取得商店及旅遊資訊、優惠卷下載、快速名片與電話輸入。因此行動業者再推行二維條碼時可考慮從社會媒體、智慧型手機的支援著手,並提供旅遊資訊及優惠卷等相關應用。 / The development and application of QR code is quite advanced in Japan and Korea; in contrast, at the time when QR code was introduced in Taiwan, lack of mobile phone support and the and the limited applications of QR code meant that it was not immediately popularized in Taiwan. In recent years, the growing popularity of smart phones has enhanced the various applications of QR code, not only providing the information to the user, but also performing navigation, marketing and ticketing functions, to name a few. This study is based on the Technology Acceptance Model, with Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Awareness Knowledge, Operation Knowledge and Price as the usage factors, and by verifying the structural modeling through public surveys and analyzing the importance of the Acceptance Model and other influences of users in Taiwan as the driving factors in incorporating QR code applications in the government, telecommunication carrier and business spheres. The study results indicate that Social Influences and Facilitating Conditions are major influencing factors of Intention to Use, followed by the Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness; the Awareness Knowledge and Operation Knowledge affect the Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness, and indirectly affect the Intention to Use. The top three QR code services that users in Taiwan are interested in relate to information about shops and tourist points of interest, coupon downloading and the fast input of business cards. Therefore, support of the continued development of public media and smart phones, the provision of tourism information and coupons along with other applications of QR code would be factors for consideration by a telecommunication carrier proposing to integrate QR code in its services.

21世紀中共軍事現代化與東北亞安全情勢研究 / The modernization of China's military force and the sercurity researching of Northeast Asia

林世濤 Unknown Date (has links)
1949 年中華人民共和國成立初期,由於出於歷史使命期許當時的中國共產黨必須盡快的振興國力,中共於是訂定目標全面實施軍事現代化,但因當時的領導人毛澤東與赫魯雪夫政治理念不合造成彼此間軍事同盟關係破裂,以致於當時軍事現代化宣告中斷。中共於1979年懲越戰爭「慘勝」後,鄧小平即提出「軍事現代化」的建軍要求,著手推動軍隊改造。中共人民解放軍的軍隊建設自「十一屆三中全會」確定開始軍隊現代化以來,經歷80年代末、90年代初期的東歐劇變和蘇聯解體的國際情勢變化,1991年前蘇聯瓦解共產世界紛紛結束,全球共產集團屈指可數,由於蘇聯勢力迅速退出遠東地區,造成該區域的權力真空,使得中共有意在此區域取代前蘇聯地位,「中共威脅論」也一度甚囂塵上。即使美國對中共崛起有諸多的憂慮,然美國認為美、中的互惠關係非零合遊戲,中共在亞太區域的經濟及政治影響力日增是合理的,中共崛起的主要趨勢是亞太地區的貿易與投資帶動了經濟發展,而經濟實力也擴展了政治影響力,至使中共有機會主導亞太地區的發展。 中共對於亞太地區的影響力,除了經濟因素外,終究還是以軍事力量最為明顯,使得早已對中共目前軍事武力備感壓力的亞太各國,對中共以國防現代化來突顯國力,更加的敏感。在經濟建設成果日盛的情況下,中共為擴大其沿海地區經濟的發展,及符合其大國身份所推動國防現代化的具體作為,將實際影響亞太地區的安全保障。而美日兩國在面臨中共在此一區域的崛起,則迅速地在1997 年共同修正美日安保條約來遏止中共軍事崛起,使得中共危機意識與日俱增;因此在面對美日兩國的挑戰下與國際孤立的局勢下,更加深了中共第四代領導集體對本身軍事現代化的決心,藉以捍衛國家的利益。1991年波斯灣戰爭讓中共體認到必須進行大規模的軍事變革,否則不足以因應未來的戰爭,共軍在現代化的進程中更體驗到應付未來戰爭準備的國防政策和軍隊建設必需放在「打贏高技術條件下的局部戰爭」的基點上,因而訂定「科技強軍」和走「精兵之路」的軍隊建設方針。冷戰後,中共相當重視以國家安全與發展為核心所構建出的國家主要利益,強調軍事戰略是直接為國家安全利益服務,並藉由通過維護國家安全促進全面發展的方向。 在新安全觀下,中共體認到其所處國際戰略環境趨勢將是機遇及挑戰並存,且未來新安全議題將呈現在戰略、經濟、政治、軍事及其領土周邊安全等問題上。中共大陸的快速發展,已成為撼動國際局勢的重要因素。改革開放以來, 中共大陸的經濟成長,更對其國際角色產生了巨大的影響。目前中共大陸已由一個十分落後的發展中共家,蛻變為一個正在崛起,並對區域和全球事務越來越具有重要影響力的大國。其國際角色變遷所帶來的國家安全需求變化亦為必然,特別是面臨了極為複雜的周邊安全環境,尤其是台灣問題以及與美日等大國的關係,都將遭遇新的威脅與挑戰,其過程勢必隨著中共大陸的持續發展而增添許多變數。

高科技品牌體驗行銷價值之研究 / Experience marketing in high-technology industry

陳欣微 Unknown Date (has links)
體驗行銷近年來已成為許多企業的行銷方式,相較於傳統行銷,體驗行銷較注重顧客的體驗與感官的刺激,而非如傳統行銷只著重商品的性能與效益。由於體驗能讓消費者留下深刻的印象,並一再回味,因此能提高產品的附加價值。以高科技公司為例,Apple與Sony等高科技產品龍頭都設有體驗店提供消費者自由把玩、試用自家公司的產品。這樣的行銷方式不僅可以快速、便利地傳達產品訊息,更有機會大幅改變消費者原有的生活模式與習慣。不過,也並非每一家高科技產品廠商都設有體驗店讓消費者一窺究竟,為了瞭解體驗店的設立,即體驗行銷的運用是否是一個有效的行銷手法,本文擬以Apple與Sony兩家公司旗下的體驗店為研究對象,透過問卷發放的方式進行調查,探討體驗行銷、體驗價值與品牌價值之間的關係。此外,本研究亦將「生活型態」納入考量,探討其在體驗價值模型中所扮演的角色,最後則透過研究結果提出實務建議。 本研究之研究結果發現: 1.體驗行銷能透過體驗價值對品牌價值產生正向的影響,且體驗價值在本研究架構中扮演完全中介之效果。 2.若分別檢視體驗行銷對品牌價值、體驗型對體驗價值及體驗價值對品牌價值的影響則皆為正向且顯著。 3.生活型態在體驗價值對品牌價值的影響中具有調節作用。 4.「追求流行」的生活型態會減弱體驗價值對品牌價值的影響作用;相對的,「注重條理」的生活型態則能增強體驗價值對品牌價值的影響效果。

國小圖書館自動化系統共建共享之研究:以全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網為例 / Collaborative building and sharing on the integrated library systems of elementary schools in Taoyuan

許嶸鴻, Hsu , Jung Hung Unknown Date (has links)
國民小學圖書館在缺乏人力、經費與技術支援的情況之下,圖書館自動化的發展明顯落後於其他類型的學校圖書館。為了改善此一現象,教育部自民國99學年度開始啟用「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」來協助中小學學校圖書館進行閱讀推動與圖書館自動化的實施。透過網路的連結,達成系統共建、資源共享的目標。 為了解「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」在國小圖書館實際使用的情況以及國小圖書館人員對該系統的接受情形,筆者以桃園縣公立小學圖書館為對象,藉由TAM科技接受模式修正版來評估使用者實際使用「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」的情形,並據此提出相關的建議。本研究以問卷調查法為主,訪談法為輔,以桃園縣188所公立小學圖書館的負責人為調查對象,透過問卷分析使用者對系統的認知情形與使用意願,並輔以訪談法蒐集使用者態度之後的原因來補充問卷資料的不足,以增加研究的正確性。 本研究調查發現「全國閱讀推動與圖書管理系統網」明顯的提升了國小圖書館實施自動化的比率,但由於使用者太多且集中在密集的時段使用系統,導致系統連線品質降低,影響系統的正常運作。教育訓練的不足與廠商服務的品質低落亦降低了使用者的滿意度。而「閱讀推動」的目標由於系統功能不符合學校實際推動閱讀的情境導致多數學校使用率偏低。研究者建議必須透過改善系統連線品質、加強教育訓練與提升服務品質來提升使用者的滿意度,達成系統建置的目標。 / Due to a lack of human resources, funding, and technical support for library automation, elementary school libraries have fallen much behind other types of school libraries in the development of library automation. To address this problem, Ministry of Education launched the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” in 2010. This system can assist elementary school libraries in promotion of reading and implementation of library automation. Its goal is to achieve co-construction of library systems and sharing of resources through the network. In order to understand the practical usage of the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” in elementary school libraries and acceptance of this website among librarians, this study investigated libraries of public elementary schools in Taoyuan County and applied the modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to evaluate practical usage of this system. The methodology was based on survey and interview. The survey was administered to directors of 188 public elementary school libraries in Taoyuan County to understand users’ perceptions and usage intentions. The interview was conducted to explore factors behind user attitude, which could make up the insufficiency of survey data and increase the value of research findings. Results showed that the “National Reading Promotion and Library Management System Website” has significantly enhanced the percentage of library automation among elementary school libraries. However, the huge number of users of the system and their concentration of usage of the system in certain hours have resulted in a reduction of system connection quality, affecting the normal functioning of the system. Besides, insufficient education training and poor service quality of the system provider have also lowered user satisfaction with the system. With regard to “reading promotion”, the system’s functions are not conformed to the practical situations of reading promotion among elementary schools. As a result, the utility of these functions is low among most schools. Therefore, this study suggested that the authority concerned enhance user satisfaction and achieve the goals of the system by improving system connection quality, education training, and service quality first.

新藥臨床試驗制度在生技產業政策推動過程中變遷之探討 / The study on the institutional change of new drug clinical trials in biotechnology industry promotion policies

鄭居元, Cheng, Chu Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討台灣生技產業科技政策推動過程中所引發之爭議:臨床試驗(clinical trials)產業化,並以台灣地區自1960年代末期至2010年臨床試驗發展的制度變遷為研究標的,尤其是其中之生技產業政策推動及臨床試驗制度變遷,以說明該爭議如何發生及為何發生。 為發展台灣生物技術產業,行政院於2005年起推動生醫科技島(biomedical technology island)計畫,將原先為生物技術產業發展基礎設施的臨床試驗作為政策推動的主體,引發臨床試驗產業化的爭議。一般認為,此爭議是來自於促進產業發展與維護國民健康之間的利益衝突。 本研究經由制度變遷(institutional change)的觀點,探索台灣地區臨床試驗發展的歷程,認為上述臨床試驗產業化的爭議不只是產業推動與國民健康間的衝突,而是與台灣地區自1960年代末期至2010年生技產業政策推動與臨床試驗制度變遷有關。 台灣地區推動生物技術的科技政策始於1982年行政院修訂「科學技術發展方案(science technology development program」,明訂生物技術為八大重點科技之一,而後有1995年的行政院「加強生物技術產業推動方案(biotechnology industry promotion program」,2005年的行政院「生醫科技島計畫」等科技政策,本研究發現不同時期的科技政策賦予臨床試驗不同的意義,而不同時期臨床試驗的發展,其不同時期的行動者【產、官、學、研、醫】-- 包含政策決策者與政策參與者 -- 在臨床試驗制度變遷的過程中產生行動的差異;而在不同時期臨床試驗的發展階段,不同的官方行動者 -- 治理機構(governance agency)【衛生署、國科會、經濟部、科技顧問組等】,對於臨床試驗議題有不同程度的涉入。 台灣地區臨床試驗的發展在生技產業政策的型塑下,由原先之學術研究,階段性轉向協助產業發展。2005年行政院生醫科技島計畫,將臨床試驗作為政策推動的主體,擴大醫界參與生物技術產業發展,而醫界主要以醫療服務為主的制度邏輯(institutional logics)與科技政策形塑下產業發展的制度邏輯不一致(contradictions),因而引發臨床試驗產業化的爭議。 本研究發現對於科技政策的意涵為:在制訂與推動科技政策的過程中,唯有同時瞭解產業發展的歷史脈絡,才能避免產生非預期的結果(例如爭議)。本研究除探討生技產業政策推動過程中臨床試驗的制度變遷與變遷過程中所衍生的爭議,並將探討未來可能的研究方向。 / The study is intended to explore a controversy derived from the Taiwan biotechnology industry promotion by government policies, industrialization of clinical trials. The study targets the institutional change of the clinical trials and the policies for biotechnology industry promotion in Taiwan from the late 1960’s through 2010 to explain why and how the controversy was incurred. In order to develop the Taiwan biotechnology industry, the Executive Yuan implemented a Biomedical Technology Island program beginning 2005 to focus on clinical trials -- supposedly the infrastructure of biotechnology technology development -- but resulted in the controversy about the initiative of industrialization of clinical trials. It is reputedly because there is a conflict of interest between industry development promotion and how to maintain national healthcare. From the perspective of institutional change, the study explores the evolution of clinical trials in Taiwan, holding that the aforementioned controversy is not only a conflict of interest between industry development promotion and how to maintain national healthcare but also a consequence of the institutional change of the clinical trials and biotechnology promotion by government policies from the late 1960’s through 2010. The biotechnology industry promotion in Taiwan began with the Executive Yuan’s revision of its Science Technology Development program in 1982, designating the biotechnology as one of the eight strategic industries. The Executive Yuan followed through with a Biotechnology Industry Promotion program in 1995 and the Biomedical Technology Island program in 2005. The study finds that science and technology policies in different periods of time endowed clinical trials with different meanings while discrepant actions on clinical trials were taken by both policy makers and policy executors including the industry, government organizations, academia, research institutes and the medical community in different periods of time. The study also finds that different governance agencies, such as the Department of Health, Ministry of Economic Affairs, National Science Council as well as Science and Technology Advisory Group of the Executive Yuan, had different levels of involvement with the development of clinical trials in different periods of time. Molded by the government’s biotechnology policies, clinical trials in Taiwan have evolved from the nature of academic research to assistance to industry development. The Biomedical Technology Island program beginning 2005 focuses on clinical trials and strengthens the medical community’s participation in biotechnology development, but the institutional logics of the medical community is primarily about medical service and its contradictions with the institutional logics of biotechnology industry development have resulted in the controversy about industrialization of clinical trials. A science and technology policy implication identified by the study is that unexpected outcomes, such as the controversy dealt with herein, can only be avoided by understanding the historical context of an industry when the government develops and promotes the relevant policies for the industry. Moreover, the study will explore possible research directions in the future.


趙怡傑 Unknown Date (has links)
亞馬遜(Amazon) 宣布自有電子閱讀器Kindle在2010年的出貨量達800 萬台,不僅遠超出市場預期的500 萬台,也打破Kindle 銷售會受iPad上市而被瓜分的流言。根據國外市調機構Displaybank 統計,亞馬遜(Amazon)的Kindle 電子書上市3 年以來,美國暢銷電子書銷售量已超越紙本書的2 倍,預估2015 年的美國電子書閱讀器市場規模將達5,400 萬台、2018 年有機會成長到8,800 萬台。由上述的資料可見,電子書產品實為一個有潛力的市場。 研究試圖以創新擴散理論(Rogers,1983)為基礎,探討在電子書問世時,消費者從得知電子書存在到採用此產品過程並持續採用之意願,輔以科技接受模式(Davis,1989)來解釋影響電子書使用者的態度、意圖及行為,在此綜合模型中添加了涉入類型的種類(Vaughn,1980)做為影響消費者知覺特性的變數,加入了廠商面的資訊來探討策略結盟對於消費者的意義及影響,除了以電子書本身所具備的功能特性來探討利益面影響因子,更希望能加入風險成本來探討成本面的影響因素,並探討電子書的網路外部性效果(Katz & Shapiro,1986)如何影響消費者的採用意願。 研究結果顯示消費者知覺特性中的認知有用性、認知易用性及相容性會顯著受到消費者涉入程度高低的影響;知覺特性中的認知有用性、相容性和直接網路外部性會顯著影響消費者對於電子書的採用意願;而除了知覺特性中的相容性對於繼續採用意願有顯著影響之外,其餘的變數皆不顯著,這與探討採用意願的結果不盡相同。 依據研究結果,總結出消費者採用電子書意願的相關建議:一、廠商異業結盟行為對於消費者的意義不大,消費者並不關心電子書是由甚麼廠商聯盟所組成,只關心此產品是否能滿足自身的期待及需求,廠商該著重的應是消費者使用習慣的舒適度以及產品功能的有效性。加強技術方面的整合及研發才是吸引消費者注意力並獲得青睞的策略行為。二、實體店鋪的設立能增加電子書產品的能見度,現今國內的電子書廠商百家爭鳴,但使消費者喊得出名字或是聽過的品牌卻沒幾家,這表示廠商所釋放出的產品訊息不夠完整,因此電子書廠商若要提升自家產品的能見度,除了基本的研發工作之外,與媒體之間的配合及實體通路店鋪的設置也是相當重要的,透過通路消費者能夠明確知曉電子書產品的功能特性,根據試用的狀況使消費者更能掌握產品的資訊,進而影響最終的採用意願。

組織變革與資訊科技:以國立故宮博物院為個案探析 / Organizational Change and Information Technology: A Case Study of the National Palace Museum

張桂慈 Unknown Date (has links)
因應資訊科技帶動政府再造的趨勢,國立故宮博物院(以下簡稱故宮)在推行各國家型數位政策的過程中,有許多亮眼的數位化成果,對應過去的傳統形象和經營模式也有很大的改變,然而目前卻鮮少有研究去探討故宮這樣一個傳統機關進行轉型的過程。因此,本研究擬以組織變革為探討的理論基礎,運用質性研究方法,探討近年來故宮的組織變革,以及瞭解資訊科技在故宮變革中的角色,來瞭解故宮近年來何以有這麼多的數位發展成果,以及對故宮造成了哪些影響,綜合故宮近年來的變革發展。   本研究藉由深度訪談與次級資料整理,針對研究問題提出下述結論,並提出組織變革理論與實務上的建議。 一、促使故宮變革的趨力可分成組織外部的國家典藏計畫資源的挹注,以及組織內部因應領導者決策、組織法規的修訂以及發展上的侷限,造成故宮必須改變現況的變革需要,並在變革過程中受到資源、組織結構與成員三方面的阻力。 二、資訊科技並非直接促使故宮變革的趨力,但在故宮的變革過程中也扮演了推波助瀾的重要角色。具體而言,資訊科技不只是協助故宮落實變革的工具,也是讓故宮在組織法規上不符需要的問題被關注的契機,更是故宮在發展上的新途徑。 三、資訊科技對故宮的影響,不僅可對應於電子化政府的發展願景,對內部管理、組織結構、組織成員、與民眾的溝通,以及服務流程等方面產生影響,也擴散了故宮的行銷,擴展了故宮的發展範疇。 / Following the trend of applying Information Technology to Reinvent Government, National Palace Museum (NPM) produces remarkable digitalized asset through carrying out National Digital Archives Program. In addition, NPM gets distinct from the previous stereotype and also runs a modified business model; however, the shifting process is rarely explored. This research focuses on the transformation process of the most traditional institution based on Organization Change theory. The author adopts qualitative approach to investigate the organization change of NPM in order to know what the impact on NPM is, what the role Information Technology plays in the evolution and to know why NPM is able to bring in the abundant digital asset, apart from summarizing the recent changes of NPM.   The author attains the following conclusions and proposes suggestions on the organization change in both the theoretical and the practical aspects, after conducting in-depth interviews and researching secondary materials. First, the driving force which transforms NPM can be categorized into two kinds. Outside NPM, there is a sustained funding from National Digital Archives Program. Inside NPM, the transformation necessity results from the limitation of the legal regulations, the policies of the leaders and the development confinement. NPM confronts problems from resources scarcity, organization structure and members’ resistance in the evolving process.   Second, although Information Technology is not the direct driving force, it plays a critical stimulus factor to the evolution of NPM. Generally speaking, Information Technology, not simply a tool, reveals the problems of out-of-date legal regulations but also an innovative way of development.   Third, the lessons of Information Technology impact on NPM can be served as a reference of e-Government vision. It not only influences the internal management, the organization structure, the participant members, the communication with the public and the serving process, but also spreads the marketing and expands the scope of NPM.

科技商品與文化創意結合之行銷策略-隨身碟產品個案探討 / The study of the marketing strategy to integrate technology product with cultural creative philosophy - A case study on "USB Drive"

羅雪茹, Lo, Huesh Ju Unknown Date (has links)
文化創意產業已成為當今世界各國經濟發展的重要課題,行政院也界定出科技與文化雙主軸的發展策略。根據文建會文化白皮書中指出台灣十三項文化創意項目中,工藝產業發展最具傳統文化價值及突顯地方傳統特色。台灣資訊科技產業發達但如何結合文化創意,以開創新的市場商機便成為本研究主要動機。    本研究主要探討科技商品結合文化創意並運用水平行銷來開創新市場,並透過未來的行銷概念,提供未來進入文化創意產業者一個實用的行銷策略。針對選取個案,採深度訪談法,輔以次級資料蒐集與分析以瞭解運用水平行銷的觀點,分析文化創意與科技產品結合的產品重新定位策略並運用行銷3.0模式,提供新產品與新市場之行銷策略。根據分析結果有以下發現:   運用水平行銷法可產生以下效益:1. 創造新市場。2. 新商品價值。3. 新行銷運作模式。而文化商品行銷策略特別在以下幾點更要注重未來的溝通方式。1. 人性行銷:包括品牌認同、品牌誠信與品牌形象。2. 共同創作。3.選擇相互契合的通路夥伴。 / Cultural and creative industries have become worldwide economic development focus, and the Executive Yuan has also formulated a strategy for developing the industry both in technology and culture aspects. According to the 13 cultural and creative industries listed in the White Paper on Cultural Affairs from the Council for Cultural Affairs, the development of the craft industry is most valuable culturally and can highlight local traditions. The Taiwan IT industry has been mature, and the purpose of this research is how to incorporate cultural creativity to create new market opportunities. This research focuses on the integration of technology products and cultural creativity with lateral marketing to create new markets, and on the applications of future marketing ideas to provide practical marketing strategy for any potential cultural and creative industry businesses. This research exercises in-depth interview for selected cases in combination with the collection and analysis of secondary information to gain an insight into lateral marketing. The purpose is to provide new products and new marketing strategy by analyzing the incorporation of cultural creativity into technological products, re-positioning strategy and utilizing Marketing 3.0. The research findings include the followings: The lateral marketing yields the following benefits: 1) creating new markets, 2) new product value, and 3) new marketing models. Besides, the marketing strategy of cultural product should emphasize the following points to improve future marketing communication: 1) human-based marketing: brand recognition, brand integrity, and brand image, 2) cooperative creation, and 3) selecting suitable channel partner.

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