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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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大陸青年民主運動之探討(一九七八-一九七九) / Social Differentation and Social Conflict in Mainland Chian Village(1978-1993)

江振昌, Jiang, Zhen-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
本文研目的,在透過大陸最近的「北京之春」民主運動,以說明其歷史淵源,經過 及青年的反共心聲,以明瞭這一代大陸青年的思潮,為結合海峽兩邊青年的共同理 想而努力。 本文第一章為緒論,內容包括研究動機、目的、方法及範圍。第二章敘及各種分歧 的民主概念與大陸民主運動之伏筆(遠因)。第三章以歷史研究法的方式,介紹大 陸上歷經的四個階段民主運動。第四章描述大陸青年心態的轉變及「北京之春」民 主運動之進行與中共鎮壓。第五章是對青年的大字報與地下刊物作內容分析與介紹 。第六章為結論,述及「文化鬥爭」及「信任危機」,以觀察大陸青年民主運動的 未來。 本文是採用歷史、心理及內容分析研究法。 #2810472 #2810472

從企業機制及內部環境研究跨國公司知識分享實務, 以美商3M及德商Degussa公司為例

吳宏智 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文在探討多國籍企業知識分享的機制及企業內部環境對知識分享的影響,以個案研究的方法針對美商3M與德商Degussa兩個大型的跨國企業進行訪談。從研究中發現,企業內知識分享的平台、企業文化、駐外經理、激勵制度以及處理衝突的機制等等皆會影響企業內知識分享工作的成效。 在高度競爭的全球化市場,如何創造差異化以及強化核心競爭力是現今企業非常迫切的課題。二十一世紀的產業競爭已從成本、產品導向轉變為服務與知識的競爭。 本研究的中心議題──建立有利於知識分享的機制及企業環境,是一個值得企業深思與努力的課題。筆者從研究中發現,一企業若能努力做好下列建議的工作,必可在知識分享工作中獲得較佳的成效。 一、建立完善的知識分享平台以提昇知識分享的效率。 二、增進員工之間的交流,人際網絡的建立,有助於內隱知識的分享。 三、致力提高員工的向心力,打造公司同仁共同認同的企業文化,企業價 值。 四、建立公平的績效評估制度以避免員工間潛在的衝突並建立解決衝突的 機制。 五、在適當,適時鼓勵員工在知識分享上的貢獻並將此貢獻與績效考核相 連結。 六、鼓勵及創造不同國家員工之交流。外商公司當地化,尊重並培養當地 人才。 七、適任的知識統籌員發揮知識中心(hub) 的功能,強化企業內部知識的 流通。 八、適當的競賽有助於知識分享。鼓勵良性的競爭並強化最佳實務及經驗 在公司內部交流及被善用,建立典範,培養學習型組織。


高甯松 Unknown Date (has links)
過去全球區域雖發生過多次大小無數戰爭,已顯示在未來強權爭奪戰爭中將趨於所謂區域性「低強度衝突」,19世紀末葉時,所有戰爭的65﹪均可歸類為低強度衝突,在1970年代,80﹪的戰爭都是低強度衝突,到了1980年代,更有90﹪的戰爭都屬於低強度衝突。過去的核武嚇阻固然充分發揮了其功能與效果,尤有甚者,各核子強權間之相互嚇阻更進一步阻止了此等強權中之某個潛在侵略者發動傳統性戰爭去攻擊另一強權。 其理由至為簡單,因為任何擁有核子強權國家亦恐懼其如對他國發動傳統性戰爭當會招致其核武之報復,進而提升為一場核武大戰。因之,在相互嚇阻與其他一些因素限制條件下,「低強度衝突」便成為未來國際間戰爭之基本模式。 由於國際戰略力量對比的重大變化,改變了「冷戰」時期打世界大戰的力量結構和戰略態勢,在新的形勢下,當今世界軍事形勢和各國軍隊建設正處於一個大變動、大調整的時期,世界各主要國家都在調整自己軍事戰略和軍隊建設的重點。美國仍處當今世界唯一的超級強國,其面對新的國際環境,除在國防和軍隊建設中一方面採取削減軍費、裁減員額、逐步縮小規模,另一方面則透過調整軍備結構、突出發展重點於加強質量建設 ,以不斷提昇其綜合競爭與實戰能力。美國為維護及擴展在全球各地的戰略利益,正努力發展應付未來可能朝中、低強度區域衝突的力量結構和作戰能力,並同時調整其軍事組織架構編組。環顧新的世界局勢,中共軍事專家曾認為,當前國際走向世界大戰之可能性已不大,惟世界各地局部戰爭和地區性武裝衝突將日趨凸顯因而面對未來新的國際秩序和亞太環境, 中共除了積極發展先進具有嚇阻作用的戰略性武器外,首要即建立一支有效投射兵力的快速反應部隊,以因應未來可能出現的區域性小規模、高強度的局部性軍事作戰行動,而其性質並兼顧反恐怖、反暴亂、反劫持等特殊任務。 本篇論文藉由美軍、中共現有特種作戰部隊組建、任務遂行過程及發展趨勢例證中加以深入探討,進而研析國軍特種作戰部隊於現代戰爭型態 、環境下,應如何扮演、建構一支具有相當特色之戰力。期使在未來台澎防衛作戰中,發揮應有作戰效能;進而能擔任應急作戰之快速反應任務,俾供防衛作戰中用兵之參考。姑且不論未來作戰模式是「決定性或壓倒性武力」,都是贏得植基於「武力對武力」與「消耗」模式的下一場戰爭構想與作戰兩方面的基石中。快速掌控在透過「震撼」與「威懾」之運用,以影響敵之意志、認知與瞭解,使之屈從或順應我方之戰略政策目標。由此可知,若能運用一支量小質精兼具特種作戰效能的部隊,快速提供且能立即控制整個作戰利益地區及擴大其周遭環境之能力。除能達成決定性與優勢戰場覺知兩項任務外,預期快速掌控亦當能以更為有效的方法達成所列述之政治或軍事目的,以支持動用之武力,致使敵人全然無力對抗。故放眼未來,為順應此一自然趨勢,特種作戰部隊將會更加活躍、更受重視,特種作戰部隊的建設亦是當前國軍精進案中不可忽視的問題。 關鍵字:特種作戰、特種作戰部隊、特勤隊、快反部隊、非正規戰、反恐戰爭、低強度衝突


應俊豪, Ying, Chun-hao Unknown Date (has links)
承襲清末地方軍事主義與西方條約特權體系脈絡,加以民初軍閥亂政影響,民國時期的中國社會逐漸出現兩種類型的特權人物:一個是手握槍桿子的「丘八爺」,另一個則是同時操持著條約與砲艦的「洋大人」。 「丘八爺」是軍閥割據與頻繁內戰的產物。數以百萬計的「丘八爺」平素身著戎裝,打著軍人名義,動輒打打殺殺,作戰失敗或軍隊欠餉時,即譁變作亂,化為草莽土匪,到處打家劫舍。但遇軍閥招安,則又由匪轉兵,形成兵、匪間的惡性循環。雖然嚴格說來兵、匪之間不無差異,但是民國以來,尤其北京政府時期,「丘八爺」往往以兵、匪不分的兵匪面目,烙印在一般人的印象中。 另一方面,歐美國家自清末挾帶條約體系與船堅砲利來到中國之後,經由一連串戰爭,透過砲艦外交模式教導中國人:條約必須遵守、外人生命財產安全必須獲得保障。歐美國家常設性駐華外交、領事機構,則是扮演關鍵性的角色,手持上帝之鞭,多年來宣傳、馴化中國政府與中國人。如此,中國逐漸從抗拒、反彈,到接受西方權威,承認外國人在華的地位不容輕蔑與挑戰。「洋大人」的權威形象,由此在中國樹立起來。 理論上,「丘八爺」為禍雖大,百姓亦深以為苦,但畢竟是中國內政問題,與外交事務無涉。可是,清末以來,隨著大批洋人進入中國內陸通商、傳教與居住、外國資金流入中國市場、外國軍艦巡弋重要內河、外國領事機構與軍隊駐紮各通商要衢,條約特權體制進一步內化為中國權勢結構的一部份。當數量龐大、散佈全國的「丘八爺」,與深入中國內陸的「洋大人」頻繁接觸,「丘八爺」將魔爪伸向「洋大人」之後,也就變成嚴重的外交問題。 歐戰後的東亞秩序,歷經巴黎和會、華盛頓會議的凝聚共識,歐美列強(包括日本)逐漸形成一個觀念:將美國對華政策擴大為各國對華政策,也就是放棄原先帝國主義競爭、權力均勢的模式,改以「門戶開放政策」作為處理中國事務的中心指標。與此同時,經過馬列主義、無產階級革命洗禮的蘇聯,也重新回到中國:一方面利用放棄在華特權博取中國同情,另一方面以打倒歐美帝國主義為口號,大肆宣傳民族主義式理念。列強任何強硬的舉動,常被布爾什維克宣傳家渲染為帝國主義侵華鐵證,激發更強大的反帝浪潮。在這樣的國際場景之下,當「丘八爺」遇上了「洋大人」,會發生什麼問題?當「丘八爺」以打、殺、搶、綁等各種暴力形式,一再挑釁「洋大人」威嚴,甚至任意污衊指為「洋鬼子」時,「洋大人」該如何應付?蘇聯宣傳家環伺在側、伺機扯後腿的情況下,「洋大人」是否還能重施故技,以帝國主義的老路子—砲艦外交來施以懲罰?另謀他法?抑或默認中國現狀的發展? 此外,1920年代前後,中國軍閥割據、南北對立逐漸發展到高峰,北京政府對外雖有中央之名、對內則無約束地方之實力。面對如此威信不足、欲振乏力的北京政府,以及地方分裂割據的現狀,「洋大人」顯然無法經由「代理人機制」,透過北京政府有效地制約地方問題。 因此,1920年代上半期,當意氣風發、趾高氣昂的「丘八爺」,遇上了受到外在與內部多重制約、看似有些跛腳的「洋大人」,勢必會產生許多值得深入討論、分析的有趣問題。 其次,當我們回顧以往被定位為帝國主義侵華—國賊賣國史的北洋外交史,面對民族主義史觀與俯拾皆是的情緒性指責字眼,是否應該嘗試以新的理解取代原先的敵意,重新建構不同視野的北洋外交史?處於中國軍閥主義高漲的1920年代上半期,體現中國內政不安因子、大肆肆虐中國社會各個角落的「丘八爺」現象,與「洋大人」之間的互動,及其衍生出的種種外交交涉,乃是當時最常見的外交與內政問題。但是囿於傳統民族主義史觀,外交史家往往只著重關係國家民族大義的重大外交事件,以及國際會議層次,屬於政府高層官方外交(high diplomacy)往來交涉模式。對於發生於社會下層,一些名不見經傳的「丘八爺」與「洋大人」衝突問題,外交史家若非視而不見,即是匆匆帶過,而忽略華洋衝突背後所隱藏的重要文化意涵。究其實際,當西方列強以帝國主義強權之姿在中國樹立起條約特權體制,「洋大人」頻頻以傳教士、商人角色深入中國內陸之際,中外之間國家主權界線因此變動不居,產生許多不明確的灰色地帶。而發生在中國內部,由「丘八爺」與「洋大人」構織出的華洋衝突事件,就是徘徊在邊境與邊界之間的重要問題。一方面華洋衝突涉及到兩國之間條約權利與義務的界定,屬於官方外交層次、明確的國家主權邊界設定。另一方面,華洋衝突在本質上,同時也涉及到不同文化邂逅下的族群衝突問題,以及彼此認知、設想的民族偏見問題,如中國人心中的「洋大人形象」,與洋人心中的中國的「兵匪問題」均屬於這個層次。而在文化邊際效應的作用下,華洋勢力之間的滲透、爭執與磨合,構成中外往來的真實文化底蘊,正是當時日常生活的寫實反映。透過發生在邊境地帶的華洋衝突研究,與中外官方外交進行對話、討論,或許可以思索出與傳統相當不一樣的中外關係史。 因此,本文試圖從複雜的華洋糾葛角度,以「丘八爺」與「洋大人」的互動切入點,經由複線式歷史論述與中外不同觀點的探討,由下往上地剖析外交問題,探究當時中外重疊地帶上的北洋外交史。


江小燕 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討犯罪青少年在父母婚姻衝突、父母管教方式、親子依附安全感與其外向性行為問題上之關係,是否父母婚姻衝突會透過父母管教方式,影響到親子依附安全感,最後導致孩子外向性行為問題的發生呢?或是父母婚姻衝突只透過親子依附安全感,進而影響到孩子外向性行為問題的發生呢?並探討不同性別的犯罪少年在父母婚姻衝突、父母管教方式、親子依附安全感及外向性行為問題上的差異情形,及犯罪青少年知覺父與母的管教方式、親子依附安全感上的差異情形。本研究採自陳問卷調查法,樣本選取自接受感化教育之「桃園少年輔育院」及「彰化少年輔育院」之犯罪青少年,得有效問卷:男生160份及女生53份,共計213份,將所得資料以描述性統計、t檢定及徑路分析的統計方法來進行分析。 本研究結果顯示:(1)女生知覺其父母婚姻衝突程度較男生為高。女生知覺到母親矛盾的管教程度及父母紛歧的管教程度都較男生為高,但男生知覺到母親期望的管教程度較女生為高。男生知覺到父親的信任、溝通程度及母親信任的程度都較女生為高,但男生知覺到父親的疏離程度較女生為低,且男生知覺到父親整體的依附安全感較女生為高。男生外向性行為問題的程度較女生為高。(2)犯罪青少年知覺父親在拒絕、矛盾、嚴格的管教程度上比母親高。犯罪青少年知覺父親在信任、溝通分量表及整體的依附狀況上都比母親低,但父親在疏離分量表上比母親高。(3)父母婚姻衝突會透過父母管教方式,影響到親子依附安全感,但親子依附安全感並未影響到孩子外向性行為問題的發生。(4)父母婚姻衝突會直接影響到親子依附安全感,但並未透過親子依附安全感,影響到孩子外向性行為問題的發生。 最後,依據研究結果提出討論與未來研究及實務工作上之建議。

民生主義社會政策與軍人家庭關係之研究--已婚軍官角色衝突及其生活滿意之分析 / The research of the social policy of the principle of livelihood and the soldier's family relationship - the analysis of the married officer's role conflict and life satisfaction

朱美珍 Unknown Date (has links)
我國近年來有關家庭的研究,均著重在女性就業、單親家庭、兒童、青少年、老人、受暴婦女議題。對於家庭主要生計負責人的男性角色,只有莫黎黎、王行等研究。軍人是特殊的群體,我國約有10萬名的志願役軍官,9成以上均為男性,但未受到重視,相關文獻與研究亦少。本研究是以我國軍官為研究樣本,他們平均每天的工作時間超過12小時,平均一週也只有1.96天,可以回家和家人相聚,其生活方式與一般百姓略有不同。 一位志願役軍官,職責是保國衛民,因此常留守部隊,或因任務需求而不斷調遷,國軍「精實案」期間,使得軍人責任加重、工作時間長、工作壓力大,這些都影響他們與家庭的互動關係。軍人會不會因為其特殊的角色、特殊工作時間、特殊工作型態,忽略了家庭的照顧呢?會因此產生角色衝突嗎?軍人與家人的互動關係如何?自己的生活滿意呢?這是本研究的動機。 本研究同時運用量化研究法與質化研究法,首先以量化研究,設計了「角色衝突」與「生活滿意」的封閉性問卷,施測了1390位軍官。再設計了「家庭狀況」、「工作狀況」及「角色衝突」的開放式問卷,深度訪談8位軍官。最後,邀請3組軍官,做焦點團體訪談,針對前述研究結果/進行深度討論。 本研究的自變項有人口變項及軍人特質變項,「角色衝突」則分為:因工作而疏忽與家人相處的衝突、因工作而干擾夫妻關係的衝突、家庭角色內的衝突、因家庭責任而犧牲自己的衝突、因工作而疏忽子女教養的衝突、工作角色家庭角色與自我角色的衝突、因家庭責任妨礙追求工作成就的衝突。「生活滿意」包括:家庭生活滿意、婚姻滿意、人際關係滿意、一般生活滿意、父母與配偶互動關係的滿意、休閒生活滿意等。 本研究在量化部份,共收集已婚軍官974人,平均結婚年齡為6.07年。研究發現,整體而言,軍官的角色衝突依序為:家庭角色內的衝突、因家庭責任而犧牲自己的衝突、工作角色家庭角色與自我角色的衝突」、因工作而疏忽與家人相處的衝突、困工作而疏忽子女教養的衝突、因工作而干擾夫妻關係的衝突、因家庭責任妨礙追求工作成就的衝突。而且一半的軍官有角色衝突的情形,沒有角色衝突的軍官較少,但亦有三分之一的軍官是介於二者之間,可知,軍官的角色衝突情形是值得重視的。 軍官的生活滿意依序為家庭生活、婚姻、家庭人際關係、父母與配偶互動關係、休閒生活、一般生活。也發現有三分之二的軍官是滿意自己的生活情形,不滿意自己生活的軍官很少,但有27%的軍官是介於二者之間。 影響角色衝突的變項當中,發現男性、配偶不是軍人、協助做家事、陸軍、上尉、基層單位、外島、配偶全職工作、回家頻率較少、生活最大滿足是父母、配偶、子女、以家庭為重、工作時間愈長、年餘愈輕、收入愈少、第一位子女出生年齡愈小、愈擔心退役以後工作與生活、精實案對工作與生活的影響愈大、長官愈不關心軍官工作與生活情形,其角色衝突較大。 影響生活滿意的變項當中,發現男性、非作戰單位、協助做家事、研究所、戰院教育、上校、其他軍種、軍團以上、結婚15年以上、配偶全職工作、房屋是自己購買、與父母配偶同住、生活最大滿足是父母、配偶、子女、以家庭為重、工作時間愈短、年齡愈大、收入愈高、愈不擔心退役以後工作與生活、精實案對工作與生活的影響愈小、長官愈關心軍官工作與生活情形,其生活滿意較高。而且角色衝突愈少者,其生活滿意度也愈高。 本研究在進行量化研究後,接著進行「深度訪談」,軍官雖然會運用一些方法,來減少角色衝突,但仍不免有衝突的產生,包括夫妻間的衝突、配偶與家人的衝突、軍官與家人的衝突等,也會尋求避免衝突和解決衝突的方式: 一、軍官和配偶衝突的解決方式:面對面的溝通;用比喻的方式,期待配偶將心比心;主動向配偶對不起;讓配偶盡情發洩情緒;選擇某些事才讓配偶知道;接受配偶的意見;面對婚後爭吵的事實,事先協調好,以避免衝突的發生。 二、配偶和家人衝突的解決方式:了解婆媳問題是必然會存在的;接受婆媳觀念不一致的現況;婚前先協調好,預防婆媳問題的發生;在媽媽與配偶之間,做一些取捨;在假日,盡量離開家裡,或者回娘家;減少配偶與婆婆接觸的機會,讓彼此的接觸有限,比較不會引發較大的衝突;軍官居於原生家庭、生殖家庭之間,二邊溝通協調;藉由退伍,調整生活方式,以改變現況;選擇不同時間,分別關心原生家庭和生殖家庭,避兔讓原生家庭和生殖家庭產生衝突。 本研究最後以三坎的「焦點團體」訪談法,針對量化研究獲得的資料,再進一步訪談軍官。發現軍官覺得家庭角色和工作角色的衝突滿大的,因為在工作上衝刺的話,可以得到很多工作滿意,但若沒有配偶或家庭的支持,則生活也不滿意。衝突處理的方式有:將工作與家庭儘量分開;把工作做完,再照顧家庭,回家後,多關心家人,或在休假日協助做家事,以體諒家人;覺得虧欠家人,會有補償家人的心態;會先處理家庭的事務,再處理工作事務;期望長官應同時關心部屬的生活和工作;利用家庭其他親戚的力量,協助照顧自己的家庭;加強夫妻、子女之間的溝通,以維繫感情;重視互相體諒,主動協助做家事;有些配偶會讓軍官盡量在工作上衝刺、盡力去發揮。綜合而言,軍官對生活滿意的看法,認為軍人是很好的職業,收入穩定。 最後,透過本研究的發現,提出以下建議: 一、對軍事組織的建議 (一) 減少工作時間或降低軍官的工作負荷 (二) 建立職務代理制度 (三) 建立眷屬來部隊省親的機制,並建設眷屬省親的臨時住所 (四) 增設職務官舍,解決軍官的居住問題,增進親情關係 (五) 長官應多傾聽部屬的意見,並關懷部屬的工作狀況與家庭生活 (六) 應重視軍官的生涯規畫 (七) 建議未來「精進案」應提早有整體的配套措施 二、對軍官的建議 (一) 認識自己面臨的角色衝突與生活滿意狀況 (二) 學習認知自己的角色與職責 (三) 建議婚姻不和諧的軍官應勇於向專業人員尋求協助 (四) 建議家庭不和諧的軍官應勇於向專業人員尋求協助 (五) 鼓勵軍官在適當時機,提出適當的建議,以促進部隊進步 三、對軍眷管理單位的建議 (一) 規畫軍人家庭政策 (二) 建立軍人家庭福利服務 (三) 上維護與發揮家庭功能 (四) 成立軍眷互助中心 (五) 加強托兒、托老服務 (六) 加強配偶的職業輔導 四、在現有組織中增進專業軍隊社會工作 (一) 強化「心理衛生中心」的服務功能 (二) 增設社會工作軍官 (三) 運用專業社會工作方法,預防角色衝突 (四) 建立軍事社區與民間社區之關係 五、對一般家庭協助機構的建議 (一) 建立良好的家庭支持系統 (二) 重視家庭和諧,加強家庭成員的情感連結 (三) 增加有關家庭關係相關課程,舉辦親職教育,增加親子互動 (四) 加強婚姻與家人關係的協助 (五) 營造兩性平權,促進家庭生活現代化 (六) 開設衝突管理的課程 軍人將人生最精彩的青壯年貢獻給國家,也將自己全副精力服務部隊,而家庭與配偶仍是軍官生活滿意的主要來源,尤其來自於配偶的支持是最大的,配偶無私的支持,竭盡心力,奉獻家庭,讓軍官能不斷往前衝刺,追求事業的成功。所以配偶扮演一種穩定的角色,讓我國軍官較無後顧之憂,因此軍人內心裡,對配偶都存在有愧疚感。自己的父母親、配偶的父母親,也是軍官的最佳資源,讓軍官可以無後顧之憂的投入工作。 關鍵字:志願役軍官、角色期待、角色衝突、生活滿意、量化研究法、質性研究法 / The recent relating family research in our country are mostly concentrated on the issue of women's occupation, single-parent family, the children, the youth, the aged, and female abuse. The research toward the male who actually support the family's income are found rarely from the article of "Mo Li Li"(莫藜藜) and "Wang Xing" (王行). The soldiers is a distinguishing group, there are around hundred thousand of the volunteer officers in this country and more than 90% of them are male, they are an ignored group and not many articles and researches in this field have been really dedicated for them. The quantitative methods and qualitative methods were applied by this research. The close questionnaire of "role conflict" and "life satisfaction" that tested to 1,390 officers initiated the quantitative methods. The open questionnaire of "family status", "work status", and "role conflict" that proceeded by the depth interview to 8 officers was followed next. The focus group interview (session) to 3 groups of officers were the last that carried by the depth discussion toward the results of two previous methods. The officer's life satisfaction ranked by family life, marriage, family's human relationship, parent and spouse interaction, life resort, and normal life. It is found that two thirds of the officers are satisfied with their living life, only a few are dissatisfied, and 27% of them are in the between. The variables that affecting the role conflict mostly are with the characters of the male; the spouse is not the soldier; willing to share the house works; the army; the captain; the fundamental unit service; the out island service; the spouse works full time; not often back home; the parents, spouse, and children are the most satisfaction of life; the family care; long working time; younger; less income; the first kit born too late; concerning about the work and life after the retiring; facing the supervisor's carelessness toward the job and life that are affected greatly from "the troop reduction plan". The officers with these kinds of variables have the more serious role conflict. The variables that affecting the life satisfaction mostly are with the characters of the male; the not combating unit service; willing to share the house works; the master degree; the war academy educated; the colonel; not from the army; the regiment unit service at least; the marriage of 15 years; the spouse works full time; owns the housing; living with parents and spouse; the parents, spouse, and children are the most satisfaction of life; the family care; short working time; older; higher income; not concerning about the work and life after the retiring; receiving the supervisor's care toward the job and life that are not affected actually from "the troop reduction plan". The officers with these kinds of variables have the less role conflict and more life satisfaction. The depth interviews were proceeded after the quantitative methods in this research. The officers would manage to reduce their role conflict, but the conflict remains and still existed in the spouse, the spouse and family, and the officer and family. The ways they normally sought to avoid or solve the conflict are such as a face to face communication; a initiative apology to the spouse; to accept the spouse's complete oppression relief; to accept the spouse's point of view; an advanced agreement to avoid the conflict after married; an understanding of the realistic problem that existed in between the mother and daughter in law; to accept the facts of discordance that existed in between the mother and daughter in law. The three times of the "focus group" interviews were the last of this research, the further interviews to these officers were aimed at the data that achieved from the previous quantitative methods. In general, the officers all agreed that the solider is a good career with stable revenue, it is their recognitions to the life satisfaction. Based on the results of this research, we are having our suggestions as follows: 1. to the military organization (1) reduce the officer's working time or to improve their overload problem. (2) set up the job substitution system. (3) set up the capacity of family visit and the temporary residence to accept the visit. (4) expand the official dormitory to improve the officer's residential problem and family relationship. (5) the supervisor should listen more to the opinion from the staff and extend the highly concern toward their work and family life. (6) respect the officer's career planning (7) the project of "troop reduction plan" should be executed with the other cooperative methods to pursue the integrated achievement. 2. to the officers (1) recognize the role conflict facing and the status of life satisfaction. (2) learn to know the self-role and self-responsibility. (3) seek for the assistance from the professional for the unpleasant marriage. (4) seek for the assistance from the professional for the unpleasant family life. (5) it is encouraged to submit the right proposition in due time to accelerate the unit's development. 3. to the authority of the solider family administration (1) plan out the soldier's family policy. (2) set up the soldier's family service. (3) maintain and extend the function of family. (4) set up the dependant service center. (5) improve the welfare for the child and aged. (6) improve the spouse's vocational assistance. 4. enhancing the professional military social work in the present organizations (1) expand the service function of "the mental health center". (2) increase the social work officers. (3) prevent the role conflict by means of the professional social work. (4) set up the relationship between the military community and the civil community. 5. to the general organizations of the family service (1) set up a successful family supporting system. (2) respect the importance of a pleasant family by strengthen the emotional communications between the family. (3) expand the educational course of the family relationship, to promote the family education and improve the interaction of parents and children. (4) help the officers to manage the unpleasant marriage or family relationship. (5) create the equal rights of male and female to enhance the modernizing of family life. (6) set up the educational course of the conflict management. The soldiers dedicate the most significant golden age of their life to the country and devote themselves completely to the missions. The family and spouse are the main supporting resources of the officer's life satisfaction, and most of that are from the spouse, they make sacrifice to the family and act as a role of great stability. The officers are able to pursue the honor and success without too much cares and anxieties toward the family, the inner of soldiers all existing a deep regret to their spouse. The parents of their own and of the spouse are also the key factors of the supporting. By the completion of this research, we sincerely looking forward to the continual efforts from the government, to improve the welfare for the soldiers and the officers. keywords: professional officer、role expectation、role conflict、life satisfaction、quantitative methods、qualitative methods.

事業廢棄物掩埋場設置衝突之研究—以台南縣東山鄉為例 / The case study of industrial waste landfills establish the conflict in Dongshan Township,Tainan County

范雲清, Fan, Yun Ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以環境正義理論為基礎,探討事業廢棄物掩埋場開發決策背後導致衝突肇因之環境不正義議題及衝突化解之道。首先,針對國內事業廢棄物處理政策的發展脈絡,構築出政府現階段解決事業廢棄物最終處置的思維,一則積極推動源頭減量、回收再利用;其次,又企圖鼓勵興建掩埋場解決事業廢棄物最終處置問題的雙軌併行政策,在缺乏整合的運作邏輯之下,能否發揮事業廢棄物減量、降低掩埋場設置需求的政策執行成效?繼而,在地方政府被賦予審議或核定環境開發治理權的轉變之下,應如何扮演該決策制訂與審議制度運作的角色,藉由「台南縣東山鄉事業廢棄物掩埋場」興建個案研究,探究掩埋場設置衝突事件之肇因,及地方住民、環保團體抗爭訴求,與開發業者、地方政府在個案申請設置或開發決策過程中所呈現環境不正義之關連性,並進一步推導出在地住民因環境權的被剝奪,而從事此抗爭運動所衍生「環境正義理念」的主張。 本研究結論指出,除環保署應積極整合事業廢棄物「源頭減廢、回收再利用」與「鼓勵掩埋場設置」兩政策之執行計畫及成效,俾能藉由減少廢棄物之產出,以降低掩埋場設置需求外;地方政府進行事業廢棄物掩埋場開發決策制訂前,應賦權民眾參與的機制,嚴肅看待開發過程所衍生不正義的問題,提高決策的正當性及公信力;同時透過開發審議制度及法令結構的變革,亦即賦予當地住民獲得充分資訊的權利、公開聽證的權利、民主參與的權利、協調開發單位與受影響的住民簽訂「環境保護協定」,以及要求事業機構負起調整生產結構的責任,作為實踐環境正義理念的方法,藉以改善環境決策品質及決策制訂的思維,俾作為地方政府部門從事掩埋場設施開發決策,消彌環境不正義衝突爭議之參考,以提供另種紓解民眾衝突爭端的途徑。 / In this study based on the theory of environmental justice ,by industrial waste landfills lead to the development of decision-making behind the cause of the conflict of environmental injustice issues and the way to resolve the conflict. First of all, the cause for domestic waste disposal policy development context, the government resolved at this stage to build industrial waste final disposal of thinking, an actively to promote the source reduction, recycling and reuse.Secondly, an attempt to encourage establishment industrial waste landfills to solve the problem of final disposal of parallel two-track policy, a lack of integration in the operation of logic, could appear of reducing waste, reducing landfills established of the policy effectiveness?then, in local government be given consideration or approved development and control of environmental, how to play with the consideration of the decision-making role. By " In Dongshan Township,Tainan County industrial waste landfills" the established of case study, probe into landfills established the causes of conflict, and local residents, environmental groups protested demand, and local government development of decision-making process in the present environmental injustice relevance, and further deduced in the right environment for the inhabitants of the deprived, while engaged in this social movements against by the derivative "concept of environmental justice". This study concluded that, the EPD should actively integrated industrial waste, "the source of waste reduction, recycling and reuse" and " encourage to establish of landfills " two policy implementation plan and effectiveness, achieved to reduce waste output and the need for establish of landfills . Local government for industrial waste landfills development decision-making, should be to empower public participation, look at the development process is derived from the issue of injustice, enhance the legitimacy and credibility of the decision-making.At the same time, through the development checkup system and changes in the structure of act, which gives local residents the right to receive adequate information, the right to public hearings, the right to democratic participation, coordinated developer and residents affected by the signing of environmental protection agreements and require producer assume the responsibility of the production structure adjustment, as a practical way the concept of environmental justice, to improve the quality of decision-making, it could serve as a local government departments engaged in the development of decision-making landfills facilities, eliminating the environmental injustice a reference for controversial conflict , to provide another kind of dispute the way the conflict.

編定工業區開發模式之研究 / The research of projected industrial site development mode

黃明芳, Huang, Ming Fang Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區工業區開發已近50年,民國84年中央工業主管機關不再開發工業區,由地方政府與興辦工業人接續為工業區開發主流。就工業區開發資料顯示,有興辦工業人開發大型工業區不易,及開發商不易尋找之情況,前者乃取得完整大面積土地困難,為開發主體問題,後者乃在政府開發工業區未編列預算所致,為開發模式問題,因此本文認為「編定工業區開發模式」課題,有研究之必要。   本研究宗旨就工業區開發模式中資金籌措為主題,以工業區開發規劃至開發完成之過程為軸線,經由(一)市場與政府理論,論證工業區開發主體及數量變化。(二)對不同開發主體在開發過程中,所產生交易成本、代理成本、衝突成本異同討論。(三)對開發模式之交易成本等相關文獻、法制面、實務面、分析研究,以及對實際參與工業區開發人士進行深入訪談,發覺工業區開發困境所在。 經研究認為地方政府擁有公權力及行政資源,所開發工業區交易成本最低,為編定工業區開發最佳模式,爰此本研究建議編定工業區開發必須搭配以下措施:(一)政府編列預算。(二)公私統包開發。(三)引進不動產估價師制度。(四)引進銀行融資制度。(五)工業區銷售採預售制度。   透過上述工業區開發配套措施,除有益於開發商參與工業區開發,及減少民眾抗爭之衝突成本,使得開發順利外,尚可降低搜尋成本、協商成本,及時間成本等,達成降低編定工業區開發交易成本之目的,提昇工業區開發之效率。 / The development of industrial sites in Taiwan has been carried out continuously for nearly 50 years. In 1995, the central government made a decision that they no longer played an active role in developing industrial sites, and thereafter, the task was taken over by local governments as well as host industrialists. The literature that recorded such development shows that some host industrialists encountered difficulty in developing large-scale industrial sites, and also it was difficult to find developers. The problem of the former was caused by the difficulty in looking for large area of land, which was a problem of development entity, and the problem of the latter was caused by no budget arranged by the government, which was a problem of development mode. Thus, in this text, it is considered that a study on “the Development Mode of Projected Industrial Sites” has become essential. The purpose of this study is to explore the subject of fund raising in the process of industrial site development, from the stage of its planning up to its accomplishment, which goes through (1) the theory of market and government: to discuss and verify entity and quantity variation in industrial site development. (2) the discussion about similarities and dissimilarities in transaction cost, agent cost, and conflict cost emerging in the process of development. (3) the analysis and research of transaction cost of development mode through relative literature, legal aspect, and practical aspect, as well as interviewing personnel who took take part in the actual development of industrial sites in order to find out potential problems. As a result of research, it is deemed that the transaction cost in developing industrial sites is lowest when executed by a local government as it holds civic rights and administrative resources, so that turns out to be the best mode in projected industrial site development. It is therefore proposed in this study that when developing projected industrial sites, following measures should be taken: (1) budget planned by the government (2) execution of consolidated development contract for both public and private projects (3) introduction of real estate appraiser system (4) introduction of bank loan system (5) adoption of advance booking for selling and purchasing premises in industrial sites. By taking above supplementary measures for developing industrial sites, the benefits include encouraging developers’ involvement in developing industrial sites, reducing conflict cost arose by mob protest so as to facilitate development process, and further lowering searching cost, negotiation cost, time cost etc. As a result, the purpose of reducing transaction cost of developing projected industrial sites can be achieved, and the efficiency of such development can be elevated.

敏感性與脆弱性: 中國、委內瑞拉與美國的石油戰略三角 / Sensitivity and Vulnerability: Strategic Triangle of China-Venezuela-US Oil Relations (1999-2008)

張敏慧, Chang, Min Hui Unknown Date (has links)
無 / This thesis highlights the strategic triangle of oil relations between China, the US and Venezuela by analyzing their petro-diplomacy campaigns and domestic oil strategies. Research which has empirically documented the oil conditions of China, Venezuela, and the United States and their use of strategies is scant. Therefore, the aim of this thesis attempts to explore how their oil relations and national oil strategies are related, as these three countries all need to strengthen their national energy strategies and focus attention on energy security. This thesis will also look at the sensitivity and vulnerability of these triangular oil relations by analyzing each bilateral conflicts and cooperation, and at the concerns arising from this in a Strategic Triangle Theory framework. The main goal is to understand the trilateral oil interactions between China, Venezuela, and the United States and better minimize the conflicts and tensions between them.

女性員警之親子關係、角色期望及衝突之研究—以基隆市警察局為例 / A study of the parent-child relationships, role expectation ,and role conflict for Keelung policewomen

陳風傑 Unknown Date (has links)
警察勤務是24小時晝夜輪替服勤,其工作性質具高度危險性、辛勞性、不確定性及機動性,警政署規劃逐年降低男女警員員額十比一的錄取比例限制,未來女警人數勢必增加且在未來人力運用上,女警扮演日益重要的角色。以往女警在警界中往往扮演邊陲角色或擔任性質單純的內勤工作,現在的勤務卻是包羅萬象,諸如,值班、巡邏、交通整理、執行擴大路檢、追捕逃犯、緝毒肅槍等勤務。如此,女警要面對多元複雜的治安環境及兼顧家務,此舉是否導致她們面臨角色衝突,女警的角色是否必須有所調整,為值得探究的課題。 本研究採用質性研究法中的深入訪談法,以基隆市警察局機關編制內已婚且育有子女的12位女警為訪談對象,以探討女性員警之親子關係、角色期望與衝突,以期深入了解女性員警的生活及所面臨的問題,並探究其在扮演多重角色時,如何有效因應身兼工作角色及家庭角色。訪談所得資料,經歸類、分析所得研究結果: 一、親子關係、權威管教 受訪者受到傳統觀念的影響,再加上雙薪家庭,工作時間長且工作時間日夜顛倒,壓縮到陪伴子女的時間,親子間互動減少,然而必須在短暫的時間內傳遞溝通的訊息,避免子女出現偏差行為,所以大多數受訪者採取權威式管教方式,並設定規範要求子女遵守。 二、經濟考量、從警主因 受訪者當初選擇進入警界的原因,經濟因素是女性選擇從警的主因之一,另一項原因就是崇拜警察陽剛、打擊犯罪的正義形象。 三、母職扮演、傳統依舊 受訪者對於「母職」與「妻職」的角色,仍無法擺脫傳統的性別角色與義務,她們通常把家庭與教養視為自己理所當然的責任與義務,不得不犧牲自己的時間,滿足子女與先生的需求。 四、兼顧子女、負荷頗重 受訪者對於學齡前子女教養工作花費的許多時間與精力,超出體力的負荷,有時會將子女帶進辦公處所,一邊工作、一邊照顧子女與指導作業;如果先生無法分擔家庭事務工作,更增加受訪者的壓力,而無法調適的情形,感到蠟燭兩頭燒的窘境。 五、角色衝突、尋求支持 受訪者在面臨工作與家庭事務衝突時,最重要的是尋求支持系統,例如長輩的照顧、辦公室的托育等;另一方式就是會找尋丈夫、家人、朋友聊天獲抒發己見以獲得暫時的安慰或者聽音樂、做運動紓解壓力,這些都是對於受訪者感到有效的策略。但是女警在專心追求事業的同時,仍會配合家庭運作,以家庭生活為重心,畢竟維持家庭生活運作仍然是女性員警的最終考量。 本研究依據研究結果,提一些建議:一、對警察機關的建議:舉辦健康親子休閒活動、宣導女警角色、強化性別平等教育、合理勤務時間、紓解工作壓力、協助育兒托育、適當的女警輪調制度;二、對已婚女警的建議:提供社會支持、重視家庭溝通、做好時間管理、尋求支持,善用資源、平權的家務分工。 關鍵字:已婚女警、親子關係、多重角色、角色期望、角色衝突 / Police staff works round the clock and on a shift basis. Their jobs involve high risks, physical strength requirements, uncertainty and mobility. On a year-by-year basis, the National Police Agency is planning to lift the 10:1 quota for male and female recruitments. Increase in the number of female police staff, therefore, is foreseeable. In terms of human resources management, policewomen will play an increasingly important role in the industry. In the past, policewomen were normally assigned to minor tasks or less complicated office works. Now their roles are becoming versatile, having to fulfill different job requirements including shift works, patrolling, traffic conduction, roadside inspection, chasing criminals, combating guns and drugs, etc. They have to deal with a diversified and complicated environment for public security and to fulfill their family responsibilities at the same time. Are policewomen, therefore, facing role conflicts? Do they need role adjustments? These are all issues worthy of further exploration. In this research, we adopted the In-Depth Interview approach, one of the Qualitative Research methodologies, and have interviewed 12 married policewomen with children, who are working for the Keelung City Police Bureau. The purpose is to achieve an in-depth understanding of the life of these policewomen; the parental relationship, role expectation and role conflicts; as well as various problems they encountered. We also tried to understand the approaches they took to achieve an effective work/family balance when dealing with their multiple roles. The results of the interview have been classified and analyzed, and are summarized below: 一、Parental Relationship and the Authority Teaching Style Most of the interviewees are influenced by traditional concepts. Facing the pressure of double-income families, as well as lengthy and irregular working hours, they are forced to squeeze the time spent with their children. The interaction between parents and children, therefore, is reduced. Having to communicate with the kids within limited time and minimize undesired behaviors from the children, most of the interviewees adopt the authority teaching style. They set up rules and asked their children to follow. 二、Financial Considerations – The Key Reason for Selecting Police Jobs For female police staff, one of the key reasons for joining the police force is financial considerations. Another reason is their adoration of the “manlike” nature of the police jobs and their positive image in combating crime and protecting justice. 三、 The Traditional Role as a Mother In terms of their roles as a “mother” and a “wife”, the interviewees still could not free themselves from the traditional roles and obligations for the gender. They believed that they had unshirkable responsibilities to look after the family and educate the children. They have no choice but to sacrifice their own time to satisfy the need of their husbands and children. 四、 Childcare – a Heavy Load The interviewees have spent tremendous time and energy in looking after and educating their preschool children. They felt physically overloaded. Sometimes they needed to bring the kids to offices so that they could, while working, look after the kids and help with their homework at the same time. The pressure would become worse if their husbands were unable to share the house chores. Some interviewees felt themselves “a candle burning at both ends”, having difficulties in adapting themselves to the situation. 五、Role Conflicts and the Need for Support When facing a role conflict between family and work, the interviewees felt it most important to turn to a support system. For example, they would seek help from the elders in the family for help, or rely on the childcare services from the employers. Other methods for temporary relief are to talk with their husbands, families or friends, listening to music or join sport activities. These are all effective strategies for the interviewees. While striving for their career, policewomen are still required to remain family-focused and support all family activities, since family care is still reckoned as their ultimate goal of life. Based on the results of this research, we wish to provide the following recommendations: (1) For police agencies: We recommend to arrange parental/children activities, provide education on the roles of policewomen, enhance education on sexual equality; review and ensure reasonable working hours, provide childcare supports and build up a good rotation system for policewomen. (2) For married policewomen: Provide social supports, improve communication within the family, develop time management skills, solicit external supports, improve resource management and ensure equality in the sharing of housework. Key Words: Married Policewomen, Parental Relationship, Multiple Role, Role Expectation, Role Conflicts

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