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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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球員在合約年及非合約年績效—以NBA為例 / The athletics' efficiency performance before and after signing a new multi-year contract: using NBA as an example.

邱咏平 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用資料包絡分析法衡量NBA球員之績效值,並探討球員在簽訂複數年合約前後與績效之關聯性,是否有Stiroh(2002)提出之合約年效應,並進而比較NBA官方提供績效值與DEA法計算出之球員績效值何者對於球員薪資具有較佳的解釋能力。 本研究取用2000年至2011年共11年間曾經歷合約到期並再次向球團簽訂複數年合約的184名球員做為樣本;實證結果發現,在控制年齡、年資、提前續約與否、球員位置及先發球員與否後整體技術效率方面及球員每分鐘平均績效值顯示在球員簽約前績效有顯著提高之現象; NBA官方提供績效值與純技術效率簽約前後係數也是負的,雖然未達到統計上顯著水準,因此,本研究結果顯示NBA球員在簽約新約前的確有合約週期現象,亦即為爭取較佳合約球員在簽約前會刻意表現較佳之績效。 此外,根據Vuong Test比較NBA官方提供績效值與DEA法計算出之績效值和球員每分鐘績效值與薪資關聯性的測試結果,顯示由官方提供之績效值對薪資關聯性較高,說明目前NBA官方提供之績效值仍然是球團用來與球員薪資的談判重要參考指標之一。 / The research applies Data Envelopment Analysis to examine the NBA players’ efficiency performance before and after signing a new multi-year contract, and whether there exists the Contract Cycle Effect that suggested by Stiroh (2002). The research also tries to compare NBA efficiency score and DEA efficiency score to test which has a higher association with salary. The samples selected 184 NBA players who signed a new multi-year contract from 2000 to 2011. After controlling the players’ age, seniority, extension, position and starting or not, the empirical results denote that DEA total efficiency score and the NBA efficiency per minute indicate a higher efficiency score before signing a new contract, The NBA official efficiency score and DEA technical efficiency score also reveal a negative coefficient before and after new contract singed, although the statistical test didn’t reach the significant level. The results imply that NBA players do exist the Contract Cycle Effect phenomenon that players will perform better efficiency in order to get a better contract. The Vuong test results reveal that the official NBA efficiency score has a higher association with salary comparing with DEA efficiency score. The finding suggests that the official efficiency score is one of the major references for the NBA teams on salary arbitration.

政府網站資訊公開的委託代理分析 / A principal-agent analysis of government websites information disclosure

羅晉, Lo, Chin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,國際間政府推動資訊公開蔚為風潮,伴隨著資訊通信科技的發展,電子化政府和政府網站更普遍被各界視為一個低成本且高效率的透明化途徑。台灣的政府網站長期受到國際間高度評價,在發展中國家更是名列前茅。然而,既有的研究與調查大多數僅片面側重於政府供給面的探究,通常以化約且可標準化的指標來評鑑特定政府網站的介面資訊功能。相形之下,鮮少有關注民眾的需求認知、機關政策執行以及網站內容評估等較全面的研究成果供參。因而無法更深入地釐清政府網站、法制和政策執行績效不彰等困境與透明化治理之間的關聯。 在委託代理理論的運用之下,本研究兼顧政府治理中委託方民眾的認知以及代理方政府機關的經驗與成效。目的在於釐清網站資訊公開供給和需求的現況與問題,並更具體地檢證政府網站資訊公開對機關施政資訊揭露、績效衡量和政府課責的影響。爰此,研究者參與多項網站資訊公開相關研究,以蒐集多元化次級資料,包括:量化的網路民眾問卷調查,各級機關的跨年度問卷調查,機關網站內容評估比較,以及質性的個別訪談、焦點團體座談。藉由理論聚焦與多重研究方法的交叉檢證分析,以達研究綜效。 研究結果分為網站資訊公開對政府施政資訊揭露,施政績效衡量,以及政府課責的影響三個部分來討論。首先,相較於法制,網站資訊公開更有助於揭露政府施政資訊,特別是網站資訊公開實施過程可呈現出政府治理內、外部的多重代理關係及代理問題,甚至可緩和部分的代理問題。其次,網站資訊公開可具體地呈現並衡量施政績效,以因應傳統官僚體系內各層代理績效難以衡量的困境。但囿於目前整體制度缺乏績效誘因設計,而限制了此效益。最後,因整體資訊公開績效制度的匱乏,也使得網站資訊公開對政府課責的效益備受限制。 整體而言,本研究揭示了代理理論應用於政府治理的價值,並檢證政府資訊公開、績效和課責等三項治理要件的關聯。研究成果可彌補實務與研究的落差,並對相關文獻做出貢獻。 / In recent years, governments from around the world have adopted Freedom of Information Act to increase transparency in their governance. With advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs), e-Government has been seen as a cost-effective and possible mean to promote openness and transparency. Taiwan’s efforts to develop e-Government services have been well-recognized; especially, have made remarkable advantages among developing countries. Nevertheless, most of the existing researches in evaluating e-Government service are based on supply-side indicators and often assess websites alone; as yet, little information is available on the demand aspect of e-Government. The paper aims to explore the potential and practice of government website information disclosure in terms of the perspective of end user and government agencies. The results show the significance of three aspects in information disclosure of Taiwanese government websites through the application of quantitative and qualitative methodology, including self-administered questionnaire, website evaluation, individual interview, and focus group interview. First, government website information disclosure benefits the revelation of government information, manifestation of multi-agent relationships in internal and external governance of government, and alleviation of partial ageny problems. Second, government website information disclosure enhances revealing and measuring the performance of government agencies; nevertheless, in which the effectiveness is limited due to the absence of institutional incentives. Third, under the circumstances of unsound institution, the effectiveness of accountability has difficulties to be thoroughly realized through government website information disclosure. In sum, the finding contributes to a valuable reference for other countries in implementing information transparency of e-Government, and has significant implications for policy makers, government agencies, and system designers.

勞動領域勞工隱私權之研究—以求職階段為中心 /

姚妤嬙 Unknown Date (has links)
在勞工進入職場工作前之面試階段,雇主為了解求職者個人背景,以判斷前來應徵者是否為企業所需之人力,而有向求職者詢問、要求填寫資料表或問卷甚至是企業照會的行為;在勞動關係中,雇主為確保受僱勞工是否依約履行勞務,則會有監視其員工工作情形之行為。上述雇主之行為應受憲法上關於營業自由以及財產權之保護。然依據司法院大法官所作出之多號解釋,隱私權在我國亦為憲法所保障之基本權利,而勞工作為權利主體,不論其係身處於求職或在職階段,亦應當享有隱私權之保護。是以雇主縱使是為了維護其營業自由與財產權,但所為之詢問與監督行為應仍受一定界線之限制,否則將構成勞工之隱私權,從而雇主之行為於何等範圍內始不至於過當該基本權衝突問題應如何處理便是核心關鍵。   為衡平會員國間關於資料保護水準之落差,歐盟理事會通過了個人資料處理及自由流通保護指令,依該指令所成立之資料保護小組針對就業領域雇主處理受僱人資料之問題提出意見書,強調雇主於行為時應注意終局性原則、透明性原則、合法性原則、比例原則、正確性原則、安全性原則以及專責人員專業意識原則,此外針對僱傭關係中當事人同意之問題,亦表示應作為最後手段。   德國近期於2009年所修正之聯邦個人資料保護法,於第32條增列針對僱傭關係中蒐集受僱人資料之專責規範。依其規定,雇主僅於受僱人之資料係成立、履行或終結僱傭關係該目的所必要者始得為蒐集、處理或利用之行為。且對於在僱傭關係中基於犯罪嫌疑之揭露所為之資料蒐集行為訂有嚴格之要件限制。實務上亦有豐富且詳細之判決在處理關於受僱人資料蒐集的問題。   觀察歐盟指令、德國聯邦個人資料保護法以及國內與勞工資料蒐集有關之法規範,本文認為在僱傭關係中倘雇主欲為勞工個人資料之蒐集、處理或利用,應符合以下要件:(1)基於僱傭關係成立、履行或終結之目的所必要,(2)符合個人資料保護法之法定事由,(3)踐行告知義務並且(4)注意誠信原則、比例原則與不當連結禁止原則等等的上位基本原則。而在針對求職階段之實際個案操作上,具體而言應考量以下之判斷標準:1.勞動關係之特殊性。2.雇主須是基於挑選得勝任應聘職務優秀人才之正當目的。3.詢問之事項須與應聘職務有核心、重要之關聯。4.於雇主本身具有特殊性時,得詢問與該特殊性有關之事項。5.倘求職者於締約前已知悉其所具備之情狀將對於契約之履行產生重大障礙,縱使雇主未為相關之詢問,求職勞工仍應負有主動告知義務。透過上述要件及判准之檢驗,應得為雇主之合法權限劃出適當之範圍,從而落實勞工隱私權之保護。

Web 2.0時代社群網站經營效能之評估:以政府部門與社會企業為例之比較分析 / An Evaluation of Social Media Operational Effectiveness in Web 2.0 Era: An Example Comparing Government and Social Enterprise

卓筱涵, Cho, Hsiao Han Unknown Date (has links)
Web 2.0 概念的開放、即時、互動、同步、多元的資訊傳遞方式創造出更多的群體價值。社群網站讓組織與使用者的互動更加密切,公眾接觸的概念興起,本研究政府部門的臺北市立動物園與社會企業網路媒體社企流個案,均為良好的公眾接觸個案。越來越多組織應用社群網站的程度,依據在於長期來看,社群網站創造多少效果。因此本研究從資訊系統層面、使用者層面與組織管理層面的文獻檢閱,探討社群網站對於各部門組織的重要性、目標與效果。加入Web 2.0的特性所建立效能衡量架構,檢視社群網站對兩研究個案所帶來的效果與經營策略。 研究設計兼具量化與質化的混合方法,透過量化網路問卷蒐集使用者態度,從資訊系統層面的系統品質、資訊品質、服務品質,以及使用者層面的公眾接觸、社會影響等構面,以多元迴歸模型,探討資訊系統滿意度、使用者忠誠度與顧客關係目標等使用者態度。並以質化深度訪談組織內部,從交易成本與組織創新等理論,探討組織如何導入社群網站、管理的過程、分工、評估與策略等。 研究發現,資訊系統層面顯著提升資訊系統滿意度,但對於使用者忠誠度與顧客關係目標無顯著關係;資訊品質對使用者態度沒有顯著關係。在第三部門意指使用者認同其理念,社群網站的介面和管理相對不重要。在政府機關,系統品質對於資訊系統滿意度以及使用者忠誠度皆有顯著影響,顯示政府在Web 2.0時代,社群網站管理者已能掌握資訊傳播的系統品質。使用者層面的公眾接觸與社會影響均具有顯著關係,其中公眾接觸構面的涉入與共同創造為最良好的解釋變項。在社會影響構面,在描述性統計評價最低,但與使用者態度有顯著關係,其中公眾形象為良好的解釋變項。使用者態度的顧客關係目標,資訊傳播最容易達成,實際行動與深化關係相對較難。組織管理層面,發現社企流為有機式組織,可以快速應變環境變化,待改善者為組際間合作。而動物園優勢為機關長官支持與跨組室推動,待改善為上級機關仍不熟悉Web 2.0,難掌握民意溝通管道。 從研究發現可以歸納出各部門均可適用的社群網站經營核心,包括「社群」、「內容」、「管道」。實務建議包括鎖定粉絲專頁的目標族群、虛實整合、提升公眾接觸、加強人際網絡建立、深化關係等。經營策略包括精美圖片、回應使用者問題、提供穩定與精彩的資訊內容、配合時事話題、異業合作等。 / In recent years, Web 2.0 has been the buzz word for the field of e-governance due to its openness, immediacy, and interactivity, which facilitate a more collective and effective networking life of the population. In this thesis, author reviews the literature from information system design, civil engagement, and organizational management to research on the importance, objective, and effectiveness of social media usage and its impact on non-profit organizations. Author selects two cases, Taipei City Zoo (the first sector) and Social Enterprise Insights (the third sector), to investigate and compare them to answer questions concerning the objective and effectiveness of utilizing social media. In this research, a mixed-method approach is adopted to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. An on-line questionnaire was administrated to users of both Facebook Fan Pages and in-depth interviews with organizational staffs. According to literature reviews, the research framework contains two dimensions: information system (system, information and service quality) and civic engagement and social influence on users. Author uses multiple regression to analyze users’ subjective responses. Findings are as follows. First, information system dimension contributes to merely information system satisfaction and information quality is no significant. Second, users’ dimension is significant, but social influence is the worst in descriptive statistics. Third, compared to deeper engagement and take action, communication of information is easy to obtain. Forth, in the organizational management dimension, SEI is an organic organization to adapt the changing environment. Manager support and cross- unit execution cause good-use of social media in the zoo. From this research, practical advices to social media “page masters” contains three main parts. First, the keys to manage social media are community, contents, and channels of communication. Second, the managing goals are focusing on target group, integrating virtual with real world, promoting civic engagement and establishing interpersonal network. Finally, the strategies are utilizing eye-catching pictures, promptly responding to users’ questions, and stable provision of interesting contents.

平衡計分卡與作業價值管理(AVM)之結合-以某食品機械製造公司為例 / The Integration of Balanced Scorecard and Activity Value Management-A case study of food machine manufacturer

楊安傑 Unknown Date (has links)
平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard,BSC)被認為是可以解決企業策略執行力不足的最佳良方,藉由與公司策略連結的策略性衡量指標,驅動企業策略之執行。而作業價值管理(Activity Value Management,AVM)為吳安妮教授經過長年對作業基礎成本制度(Activity-Based Costing,ABC)的持續研究及實務運用,進而提出的系統制度,隨著企業營運即時輸出各種回饋資訊及管理報表,確實輔助各管理階層做出營運上的各種決策。平衡計分卡與作業基礎成本制度之結合與應用,在國內外皆有相關研究,而作業價值管理此一嶄新的系統制度尚未有研究探討其與平衡計分卡之結合內容。 本研究係針對國內中小企業中一食品機械製造公司進行個案研究,伴隨個案公司的步伐導入平衡計分卡及作業價值管理,並進一步探討兩者結合後所擬定的策略性衡量指標,如何使得績效管理更有助於個案公司策略之執行,並期盼研究結果可以作為未來中小企業結合兩制度之參考。 / Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is considered the best solution to solve the lack of operating capability within enterprises. By connecting corporate strategy with strategic KPIs, BSC stimulates the operation of strategies. After years of study and practice of Activity-Based Costing (ABC), Prof. Anne Wu has developed the system of Activity Value Management (AVM). With the prompt feedback and management reports generated from corporate operation, AVM assists all kinds of decision making by lower through upper management echelons. Despite that there are domestic and international studies of combination and application of BSC and ABC, there are yet studies combine BSC with the advanced AVM system. This research is based on a case study of a medium-sized domestic food machinery manufacturing enterprise, through tracking the process of which importing both AVM and BSC; meanwhile studying the development of strategic KPIs, and how it benefits performance management which supports the operation of enterprise strategy; longing for that henceforth, the result of this study to be used as reference for small and medium-sized enterprises which combine the two systems.

關於選擇權市場處置效果與相似度衡量期貨交易策略的兩篇論述 / Two Essays on the Disposition Effect of the Options Market and Similarity-based Futures Trading Strategies

邱信瑜, Chiu, Hsin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
第一篇論述討論處置效果於選擇權市場的實證。處置效果係指投資人在處分資產時,傾向盡快賣出有未實現利得的投資部位,並且繼續持有有未實現損失的投資部位的行為偏誤現象。文獻上有關處置效果的實證多半集中在股票市場而少有於選擇權市場的實證。選擇權市場一般認為是具有私有資訊及較具備金融知識與經驗的投資人會選擇交易的市場。本文實證處置效果在指數選擇權市場上的影響。我們認為對於選擇權投資人來說,價內外程度是最重要且顯而易見的資訊,是很直觀可以衡量可能利得及損失的參考點。相較於傳統衡量根據過去交易價格所形成的未實現損益指標,價內外程度更能吸引投資人的注意力。以本文所提出的基於價內外程度衡量之賣出傾向指標(Moneyness-based Propensity to Sell, MPS)以及根據Grinblatt and Han (2005)所形成的調整後未實現資本利得指標(adjusted Capital Gains Overhang, ACGO),每周將買權(賣權)排序成五等分後,我們發現持有最高等分的MPS或ACGO的買權(賣權)並賣出最低等分的買權(賣權)所形成的投資組合能夠產生超額報酬,顯示處置效果在指數選擇權市場亦存在。利用雙重排序(double sorting)的方法,我們發現MPS相較於ACGO,是較能夠在選擇權市場捕捉處置效果的指標。第二篇論述討論相似度衡量策略在期貨市場獲利的可能性。文獻上對於技術交易是否能產生顯著的報酬結果並不一致,然而實務上分析過去的價格走勢並使用技術指標所產生的訊號,是廣泛被接受的。現有測試技術交易指標獲利能力的文獻,通常假設投資人在實證測試的樣本期間一致性的參考某個交易指標產生的交易訊號並依此交易。然而實務上投資人可能同時參考不同的交易指標,每次交易可能根據不同交易指標所產生的訊號,且投資人會從歷史交易價格走勢中尋找類似於現有走勢的狀況,以這些歷史走勢接續的報酬率做為現有走勢未來報酬率的預期值。本文中我們提出一個較符合實際狀況的決策過程來描述技術交易投資人的行為,並重新檢視技術交易的獲利能力。我們提出的決策過程包含三個步驟。首先投資人建立一個特徵向量,包含投資人所認為足以預測未來報酬率並足以描述現況的指標。第二個步驟,投資人從過去某段期間中尋找相似於現有特徵向量的歷史狀況,並以這些歷史狀況接續的報酬率來作為預測的根據。最後,投資人依照過去的歷史狀況與現在有多相似,作為接續報酬率的加權權重,並以相似度權重加權平均報酬來做為未來報酬率的預測值,我們將依照相似度加權報酬所產生交易訊號所形成的策略稱為相似度衡量交易策略(Similarity-based trading rules)。我們檢視相似度衡量交易策略在九個不同的期貨市場中的獲利能力,在考量data-snooping及交易成本後,每日相似度衡量交易策略仍在其中六個市場中獲得顯著的報酬率。 / The disposition effect, which refers to the tendency of investors to selling their winning investments too soon and to hold losing investments too long, has been well-documented in the extant literature. However, while empirical researches focus on examining the behavioral bias in the stock market, little attention is paid to the option market, where most informed investors and sophisticated traders gather. This essay tests for the disposition effect on the index options market. We argue that moneyness, the most salient and readily available information for option investors, is a natural reference point for potential gains and losses, which likely attracts market participants’ attention more than traditional measures that are based on past trading prices. Based on the Moneyness-based Propensity to Sell (MPS) measure that we introduce and an adjusted capital gains overhang (ACGO) measure of Grinblatt and Han (2005), we find that a strategy formed by buying calls/puts in the highest MPS or ACGO quintile and selling those in the lowest quintile would generate significant abnormal returns, suggesting the presence of the disposition effect. Using double sorting method, we find that the MPS is better as a measure in capturing the disposition effect on the options market than the ACGO. While the literature documents mixed results for the profitability of technical trading rules, the use of technical buy/sell signals based on analyzing past prices is widely accepted by practitioners. The existing literature on testing the predictive ability of technical trading mostly assumes that a technical investor consistently makes investment decisions based on the buy/sell signals according to one particular trading rule during the entire sample period. However this may be far from reality. Technical investors may simultaneously make predictions based on different technical indicators and follow different technical signals. Furthermore, they analyze historical price patterns that are similar to the current market condition and make assessment of future returns based on the subsequent returns of these similar patterns. The process is known as charting. We attempt to propose a more realistic decision-making process that incorporates the similarity-based predictors to account for technical investors’ decisions in the real world and reexamine the profitability of technical trading rules. The proposed process includes three steps. First, the investor attempts to predict future returns based on a vector of current characteristics that is sufficient for his assessment of the future returns and to depict the present scenario of the stock market. Second, the investor searches for the similar patterns in a specific time window prior to the current date and make an assessment of the future returns based on how similar these past patterns and the current pattern are and how rewarding the subsequent returns of the similar patterns are. Third, the investor is assumed to form a similarity-based indicator which is an assessment of the future returns depended on the similarity-weighted average of all previously observed values of the subsequent returns. The technical investor is then assumed to buy/sell according to the signals generated by the similarity-based trading rules (SBTR). We examine the profitability of the SBTR in nine futures markets and find significantly positive and robust returns after considering the data-snooping adjustments and transaction costs in six of the nine markets.


江岷欽, Jiang, Min-Qin Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論:第一節、研究的動機、方法和目的。第二節、組織控制的緣起。第三 節、組織控制的概念發展。一、傳統概念,二、傳統概念的批判,三、現代的意義。 第四節、組織控制的基本程序。 第二章 組織控制的類型分析:第一節、分析基礎:系統的策略資訊。第二節、事後 控制。第三節、事前控制。第四節、事中控制。第五節、分析結語。一、成員對各控 制類型的可能反應,二、綜合類型。 第三章 組織控制的實務:第一節、生產作業控制。一、投入項的事前控制,二、作 業的事中控制,三、輸出的事後控制。第二節、財務控制。一、財務資源的事前控制 ,二、財務資源的事中控制,三、財務資源的事後控制。第三節、組織行為的控制。 一、政策及程序途徑,二、績效衡量--反饋途徑,三、激勵途徑,四、行為改變術 ,五、參與管理途徑。 第四章 組織控制的功能檢視:第一節、組織控制的正功能。一、適應方面,二、目 標達成方面,三、模式維持方面,四、整合方面。第二節、組織控制的負功能。一、 負功能產生原因,二、官僚行為,三、策略行為,四、不實報告,五、抗拒行為,六 、疏離感。 第五章 結論:第一節、組織控制負功能的消融。第二節、有效組織控制的設計。一 、哲學基礎的選擇。二、誰來控制,三、控制與工作性質配合,四、通則歸納。


宋恩同, Sung, En Tung Unknown Date (has links)
行政、立法、司法三權在功能界定上向來有「行政=現代人」「立法=未來人」「司法=過去人」的說法。換言之,司法者如能將已發生的既存事實與爭議釐清其法律關係,任務即可算是達成。不過,隨著科技爆炸性進步,高品質生活背後卻代表了新型態的危害往往發生得又急又快,造成損害的規模或是嚴重性更鉅,回復也高度困難,避免危害的發生可能比事後追究責任歸屬更為重要。因此,不論行政、立法甚至司法者行使職權,將目光投射至「未來」恐怕皆無法避免。就此而言,司法者解釋與適用法令時取向於未來的後果,正是呼應上述主張,如此操作思維本文即稱為「結果取向」。 問題在於,目前對於結果取向方法的完整討論仍不算多,「結果取向」一詞在理解上十分模糊,如果界定為取向於「結果」的方法,那麼「結果」又是何指?具體操作步驟為何?與傳統法律解釋方法的關係為何?並且追根究底,取向於未來後果之司法裁判與政治部門的政策決定活動相似,司法者採取是種方法是否仍具有正當性?另外,如果把結果取向方法投入個別法律領域運用,特別在憲法領域,正當性議題以及具體操作上又有何應注意之處? 循此,本文試著先劃定出結果取向方法較為清楚的輪廓並且探討正當性的議題;接著以憲法領域為核心,考量到憲法獨特的規範特性、規範結構以及大法官任務定位等因素,重新檢視結果取向觀點運用在憲法解釋與適用活動時之正當性以及操作上應所調整之處;最後再把焦點拉回我國大法官解釋實務,從過往釋憲實務中,試著找出幾號採取結果取向觀點的解釋,另外,若是大法官在往後要繼續採用結果取向觀點,本文從程序建制如何配套的面向上提出一些建議。


林明毅 Unknown Date (has links)
KPI(Key Performance Index)是一個落後指標,需要一套更及時的領先指標,以動態和系統化的角度,及時展現每一位員工的執行績效和顧客滿意度指標,以數位化看板的概念報導員工對公司的貢獻度和顧客對服務的接受度,因為預先管控和報導,可以確保KPI 的達成,在服務品質的改善和顧客滿意度提升,有很大的助益。. 本研究希望發展出一套具體的線上及時管控指標,讓系統整合公司可以提升顧客信賴和持續服務品質改善,而將重點發展方向轉移到提供更好的內容、產品、服務、系統的品質,以及合理的價格。 因此採用平衡計分卡的四大構面為面向,ITIL服務生命週期之IT服務管理為主軸,參考PZB三位教授之服務品質概念性模式和SERVQUAL量表衡量構面及項目,配合系統整合公司的運作,歸納出一個服務品質改善架構流程圖,並以其為基礎發展一套服務品質改善的及時管控指標;運用商業智慧、數位儀表版等工具設計以支援主管決策管控和員工績效的報導系統。

台灣證券交易所發行量加權指數未納入現金股利之再投資因素對投資報酬及基金績效衡量之影響 / The Bias in Return Calculation and the Benchmark Error Problem Associated with Not Adjusting the Taiwan Stock Exchange Market Weighted Index for Cash Dividend

陳怡雯, Chen, Yi-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣發行量加權股價指數在編製時並未調整現金股利的影響,不僅會低估實際的投資報酬率,以其作為標竿指標,在評估共同基金績效時,亦會產生標竿錯誤的問題。因此,本文將現金股利的再投資報酬納入,重新編製加權股價指數。實證結果發現,若自民國75年起調整現金股利之影響,則在民國89年10月31日時,股價指數由5544.18點調整為6419.83點,約增加1.16倍。以新指數重新衡量基金績效的結果,發現績效排名並無大幅度的改變,而且基金績效是否擊敗大盤的情形,受新指標的影響亦不大,此乃因近年來上市公司配息少,而且基金績效非常極端。但基於理論上的正確性,在計算投資報酬率及評估共同基金績效時,仍應以納入現金股利之加權股價指數為基礎,以降低因標竿指標錯誤所造成研究結果的偏誤,否則未來我國股票配息的情況及基金報酬率的特性若改變之後,以過去的方式評估績效將可能造成極大之偏差。 / The Taiwan Stock Exchange Market Weighted Index (TAIEX) is not adjusted for cash dividend. Since the TAIEX is commonly used for calculating the investment return of the Taiwan’s market and as the benchmark index for mutual fund performance evaluation, the investment return in Taiwan is underestimated and there is benchmark error in the evaluation of mutual fund performance. This paper adjusts the TAIEX by incorporating the effect of the reinvestment of cash dividend in the TAIEX. The beginning date of our adjustment is January 4, 1986. Since then until the end of October 2000, the adjusted TAIEX grew to 1.16 times of the unadjusted index. However, The mutual fund performance evaluated based on the adjusted index is insignificantly different from that based on the un-adjusted index. This is because mutual funds have extreme performance. Due to the small cash dividend paid out by the listed firms on the Taiwan Stock Exchange, the adjustment effect is not enough to overturn the evaluation of

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