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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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女性員警之親子關係、角色期望及衝突之研究—以基隆市警察局為例 / A study of the parent-child relationships, role expectation ,and role conflict for Keelung policewomen

陳風傑 Unknown Date (has links)
警察勤務是24小時晝夜輪替服勤,其工作性質具高度危險性、辛勞性、不確定性及機動性,警政署規劃逐年降低男女警員員額十比一的錄取比例限制,未來女警人數勢必增加且在未來人力運用上,女警扮演日益重要的角色。以往女警在警界中往往扮演邊陲角色或擔任性質單純的內勤工作,現在的勤務卻是包羅萬象,諸如,值班、巡邏、交通整理、執行擴大路檢、追捕逃犯、緝毒肅槍等勤務。如此,女警要面對多元複雜的治安環境及兼顧家務,此舉是否導致她們面臨角色衝突,女警的角色是否必須有所調整,為值得探究的課題。 本研究採用質性研究法中的深入訪談法,以基隆市警察局機關編制內已婚且育有子女的12位女警為訪談對象,以探討女性員警之親子關係、角色期望與衝突,以期深入了解女性員警的生活及所面臨的問題,並探究其在扮演多重角色時,如何有效因應身兼工作角色及家庭角色。訪談所得資料,經歸類、分析所得研究結果: 一、親子關係、權威管教 受訪者受到傳統觀念的影響,再加上雙薪家庭,工作時間長且工作時間日夜顛倒,壓縮到陪伴子女的時間,親子間互動減少,然而必須在短暫的時間內傳遞溝通的訊息,避免子女出現偏差行為,所以大多數受訪者採取權威式管教方式,並設定規範要求子女遵守。 二、經濟考量、從警主因 受訪者當初選擇進入警界的原因,經濟因素是女性選擇從警的主因之一,另一項原因就是崇拜警察陽剛、打擊犯罪的正義形象。 三、母職扮演、傳統依舊 受訪者對於「母職」與「妻職」的角色,仍無法擺脫傳統的性別角色與義務,她們通常把家庭與教養視為自己理所當然的責任與義務,不得不犧牲自己的時間,滿足子女與先生的需求。 四、兼顧子女、負荷頗重 受訪者對於學齡前子女教養工作花費的許多時間與精力,超出體力的負荷,有時會將子女帶進辦公處所,一邊工作、一邊照顧子女與指導作業;如果先生無法分擔家庭事務工作,更增加受訪者的壓力,而無法調適的情形,感到蠟燭兩頭燒的窘境。 五、角色衝突、尋求支持 受訪者在面臨工作與家庭事務衝突時,最重要的是尋求支持系統,例如長輩的照顧、辦公室的托育等;另一方式就是會找尋丈夫、家人、朋友聊天獲抒發己見以獲得暫時的安慰或者聽音樂、做運動紓解壓力,這些都是對於受訪者感到有效的策略。但是女警在專心追求事業的同時,仍會配合家庭運作,以家庭生活為重心,畢竟維持家庭生活運作仍然是女性員警的最終考量。 本研究依據研究結果,提一些建議:一、對警察機關的建議:舉辦健康親子休閒活動、宣導女警角色、強化性別平等教育、合理勤務時間、紓解工作壓力、協助育兒托育、適當的女警輪調制度;二、對已婚女警的建議:提供社會支持、重視家庭溝通、做好時間管理、尋求支持,善用資源、平權的家務分工。 關鍵字:已婚女警、親子關係、多重角色、角色期望、角色衝突 / Police staff works round the clock and on a shift basis. Their jobs involve high risks, physical strength requirements, uncertainty and mobility. On a year-by-year basis, the National Police Agency is planning to lift the 10:1 quota for male and female recruitments. Increase in the number of female police staff, therefore, is foreseeable. In terms of human resources management, policewomen will play an increasingly important role in the industry. In the past, policewomen were normally assigned to minor tasks or less complicated office works. Now their roles are becoming versatile, having to fulfill different job requirements including shift works, patrolling, traffic conduction, roadside inspection, chasing criminals, combating guns and drugs, etc. They have to deal with a diversified and complicated environment for public security and to fulfill their family responsibilities at the same time. Are policewomen, therefore, facing role conflicts? Do they need role adjustments? These are all issues worthy of further exploration. In this research, we adopted the In-Depth Interview approach, one of the Qualitative Research methodologies, and have interviewed 12 married policewomen with children, who are working for the Keelung City Police Bureau. The purpose is to achieve an in-depth understanding of the life of these policewomen; the parental relationship, role expectation and role conflicts; as well as various problems they encountered. We also tried to understand the approaches they took to achieve an effective work/family balance when dealing with their multiple roles. The results of the interview have been classified and analyzed, and are summarized below: 一、Parental Relationship and the Authority Teaching Style Most of the interviewees are influenced by traditional concepts. Facing the pressure of double-income families, as well as lengthy and irregular working hours, they are forced to squeeze the time spent with their children. The interaction between parents and children, therefore, is reduced. Having to communicate with the kids within limited time and minimize undesired behaviors from the children, most of the interviewees adopt the authority teaching style. They set up rules and asked their children to follow. 二、Financial Considerations – The Key Reason for Selecting Police Jobs For female police staff, one of the key reasons for joining the police force is financial considerations. Another reason is their adoration of the “manlike” nature of the police jobs and their positive image in combating crime and protecting justice. 三、 The Traditional Role as a Mother In terms of their roles as a “mother” and a “wife”, the interviewees still could not free themselves from the traditional roles and obligations for the gender. They believed that they had unshirkable responsibilities to look after the family and educate the children. They have no choice but to sacrifice their own time to satisfy the need of their husbands and children. 四、 Childcare – a Heavy Load The interviewees have spent tremendous time and energy in looking after and educating their preschool children. They felt physically overloaded. Sometimes they needed to bring the kids to offices so that they could, while working, look after the kids and help with their homework at the same time. The pressure would become worse if their husbands were unable to share the house chores. Some interviewees felt themselves “a candle burning at both ends”, having difficulties in adapting themselves to the situation. 五、Role Conflicts and the Need for Support When facing a role conflict between family and work, the interviewees felt it most important to turn to a support system. For example, they would seek help from the elders in the family for help, or rely on the childcare services from the employers. Other methods for temporary relief are to talk with their husbands, families or friends, listening to music or join sport activities. These are all effective strategies for the interviewees. While striving for their career, policewomen are still required to remain family-focused and support all family activities, since family care is still reckoned as their ultimate goal of life. Based on the results of this research, we wish to provide the following recommendations: (1) For police agencies: We recommend to arrange parental/children activities, provide education on the roles of policewomen, enhance education on sexual equality; review and ensure reasonable working hours, provide childcare supports and build up a good rotation system for policewomen. (2) For married policewomen: Provide social supports, improve communication within the family, develop time management skills, solicit external supports, improve resource management and ensure equality in the sharing of housework. Key Words: Married Policewomen, Parental Relationship, Multiple Role, Role Expectation, Role Conflicts


黃君瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的是以個人與環境契合理論探討青少年的能力與外在要求是否契合,以及其需求與外在資源問的契合,由契合狀態顯示青少年的適應。而父母教養態度又與青少年的適應有關聯,因此,研究目的又欲呈現在青少年與外在環境的互動中,其所知覺之父母教養態度對其個人與環境之契合有何影響,如何影響,而此一影響結果是否會改變孩子對父母教養態度的知覺,父母教養態度在孩子的適應上扮演什麼角色。   首先根據父母管教態度問卷將受訪者區分為正向父母管教態度組以及負向父母管教態度組,再利用深度訪談收集資料。從十個個案分析結果發現,父母教養態度係經由孩子的主觀知覺影響孩子的契合狀態,亦即,當孩子面對一環境事件,他對此事件的知覺與對自己的知覺決定其個人與環境是否契合,契合狀態以及對事件、對自己的知覺影響孩子選擇之因應或防衛方式,因應或防衛的結果,可能會改變孩子的契合狀態;而父母親對於此事的態度,孩子對父母親態度的知覺,亦如同一環境事件,形成外在要求或外在資源,影響孩子在此事件上的契合。其中孩子知覺之父母教養態度、孩子對事件與對個人的知覺以及因應與防衛均會相互影響,又共同作用於孩子的契合。   父母教養態度經由上述歷程影響孩子的適應,而不同的父母教養態度也會對孩子的適應造成不同影響。研究結果顯示,當孩子知覺父母的教養態度是關懷、寬嚴適中、適中限制、民主、協助、建議、愛護、誘導、獎勵、一致、親子認同等積極性教養態度,會促使孩子之個人與環境契合,有利於孩子的適應;當孩子知覺父母的教養態度是嚴格、控制、忽視、矛盾、獎懲無常、期待、紛歧等消極性教養態度時,會擴大孩子的不契合,不利於孩子的適應。正向父母管教態度組之個案知覺到較多積極性父母教養態度,負向父母教養態度組知覺到較多消極性父母教養態度。   整體而言,本研究累積十位個案的資料,藉以呈現父母教養態度對青少年期孩子生活適應影響之面貌,其中以正向與負向父母管教態度組相對照,有助於了解那種父母教養態度有利於孩子的適應,那些父母教養態度不利於孩子的適應,同時顯現其作用歷程。

親子知覺之教養方式與偏差行為關係之研究:以臺灣青少年成長歷程研究資料庫為例 / Parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles in relation to adolescent deviant behaviors: Evidence from the Taiwan Youth Project

詹欣怡, Chan, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究」2000年國三樣本第一波學生和家長問卷的資料,探討親子知覺教養方式的差異性,同時了解親子知覺的教養方式與國中生偏差行為之關係,並以子女知覺的教養方式為中介變項。   本研究之分析方法為描述性統計、相依樣本變異數分析、結構方程模式等,研究結果顯示:一、最常出現的教養方式為監督教養,最少出現的教養方式則為嚴厲教養;而國中生偏差行為的發生情形不高;二、親子雙方的教養知覺有顯著差異;三、本研究提出親子知覺的教養方式與偏差行為之結構關係模式皆獲得支持,(一)親子知覺監督教養的程度愈高,子女發生偏差行為的情形愈低,而子女知覺的監督教養也具有中介效果;(二)子女知覺嚴厲教養的程度愈高,其發生偏差行為的情形也愈高,而父母知覺的嚴厲教養則完全透過子女知覺的嚴厲教養之中介效果,而影響子女的偏差行為;(三)母子知覺引導式教養的程度愈高,子女發生偏差行為的情形愈低,同時子女知覺的引導式教養也具有中介效果,然而父子部分則皆無顯著影響;(四)親子知覺的一致性教養皆對偏差行為沒有顯著的預測力。據此,本研究提出相關討論與建議。 / This study explored the differences between parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles, and examined the relationships between these perceptions and adolescent deviant behaviors. Adolescent perception of parenting styles also played a role of mediated variable. The data come from questionnaires filled out by ninth-grade students and their parents from the Taiwan Youth Project in 2000. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA of paired samples, and structural equation modeling. The results showed that : 1. The frequency of deviant behavior of junior high school students was low. 2. The frequency of monitoring was the highest, and the frequency of harsh disciplines was the lowest. 3. The differences between parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles were significant. 4. The results of confirmatory factor analysis supported the theoretical model of parental and adolescent perceptions of parenting styles and adolescent deviant behaviors. (1) When parents and adolescents perceived more monitoring, the adolescents had less opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Adolescent perception of monitoring also played an important mediating role. (2) When adolescents perceived more harsh disciplines, they had more opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Through the mediating effect of adolescent perception of harsh disciplines, parental perception of harsh disciplines had significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. (3) When mothers and adolescents perceived more inductive reasoning, the adolescents had less opportunity to engage in deviant behavior. Adolescent perception of inductive reasoning also played an important mediating role. However, paternal and adolescent perceptions of inductive reasoning had no significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. (4) Parental and adolescent perceptions of consistency had no significant effects on adolescent deviant behaviors. This study also proposed some relevant suggestions.

人格特質、親子關係、同儕關係與兒童憂鬱行為表現之研究 / A study of personality traits, parent-child relationship , peer relationship and depression of elementary school students

王瑋婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在探討國小兒童的「人格特質」、「親子關係」、「同儕關係」與「憂鬱」之相關, 並以問卷調查方式進行。研究樣本為國小高年級兒童為對象, 共收集487 份有效樣本進行分析。本研究之研究工具為「兒童青少年憂鬱篩選量表」、「國小學童人格特質量表」、「親子互動關係問卷」及「國小學童同儕互動關係量表」。數據資料以敍述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關, 及多元逐步迴歸進行分析等。研究主要發現如下: 一、目前國小兒童的憂鬱行為表現普遍水準偏向正面,即較無憂鬱。 二、不同性別、出生序、家庭結構之國小兒童,其憂鬱行為表現沒有顯著差異 三、全體國小兒童之「神經質」、「支配/指使」、「衝突/攻擊」、「競爭/忌妒」、「敵意/防衛」與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,皆存有顯著正相關的關係;而「嚴謹性」、「外向性」、「友善性」及「開放性」、「親子關係」、「合作/利社會行為」、「遊戲/聯合活動」、「信任/尊重」、「親密/依附」等正向同儕關係及「整體同儕關係」則與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 四、「老么」、「雙親家庭兒童」之「外向性」與其整體憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 五、「老大」、「單親家庭兒童」之「母親心理」親子關係與其憂鬱行為表現間,存有顯著負相關的關係。 六、「中間子女」之「信任/尊重」、「親密/依附」、「競爭/忌妒」及「敵意/防衛」等四項同儕關係上,與其憂鬱行為表現皆存有顯著相關。 七、「敵意防衛」同儕關係及「神經質」人格特質最能夠效預測全體國小兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」。 八、同儕關係的「競爭嫉妒」最能預測「男生」、「獨生子女」和「中間子女」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」。 九、同儕關係的「敵意防衛」最能夠預測「女生」、「老大」、「雙親家庭」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」 十、「神經質」人格特質最能夠預測「老么」、「單親家庭」兒童的「憂鬱行為表現」 本研究根據上述各項結果加以討論,並提出數點建議,以供後續相關實務工作及研究的參考。 / The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among personality traits, parental relationship, peer relationship and depression. The study adopted a method of questionnaire survey. The subjects of this study were 487 grade five and six elementary school students in Taiwan.Instruments used in this study were“Children and Adolescents Depression Screening Scale”,“Parental Interaction Relationship Questionnaire”,“The scale of interaction between peers for elementary students”. The study was analyzed by descriptive statist ics,T-tests,One-way ANOVA,Pearson product -moment correlation and multiple step-wise regression analysis. The main findings of this study were as fol lows: 1. The status of depressive tendency for most respondents is regarded as positive. 2. There were no significant differences in depression among these students according to their different gender , birth order and family structure. 3. There were significant positive correlations between “neuroticism”,” control / instigate”,” conflict / attack”,”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “depression”.However, there were significant negative correlations between” conscientiousness”,”extraversion”, “agreeableness”,”openness”,” parental relationship”,”cooperative / prosocial behavior”,”game / joint activities”,”trust / respect”,”intimate/ attachment” peer relationship and “depression”. 4. Significant negative correlations were found between youngest birth order and parents-family child’ extraversion and depression. 5. Significant negative correlations were found between oldest birth order and single parent-family child’ mother mentality relationship and depression. 6. Significant correlations were found between the middle child’ ”trust /respect”,”intimate/ attachment”, ”competitive / jealous”,” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and depression. 7. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship and “neuroticism” show prediction to the total score of depression. 8. ”competitive / jealous” peer relationship shows prediction to boy,singleton, and the middle child’ depression. 9. ” hostile / defensive” peer relationship shows prediction to girl,oldest birth order,and parents-family child’ depression. 10.“neuroticism” shows prediction to youngest birth order and single parent-family child’ depression. Finally, after discussion, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and future studies.


郭致君, Kuo, Chih-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
為瞭解青少年偶像崇拜行為之現況,以及青少年偶像崇拜行為與人口變項(性別、年級、家庭社經地位)、家庭變項(親子互動關係類型)、自尊變項(家庭自尊、學業自尊、身體意象自尊、社會人際自尊、利他自尊、整體自尊)、學業成就等背景變項之關係,乃以台北地區國一和國三學生1135名為研究對象,採用家庭社經地位調查表、偶像崇拜問卷、親子互動關係量表、自我尊重量表等研究工具來獲取所需資料,再以卡方考驗、K-W考驗、平均數差異t考驗、Pearson積差相關、變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。結果發現: 1.青少年最崇拜的偶像依序為:「影視明星」(44.8%)、「卡通小說人物」(9.6%)、「父親」(9.1%)、「母親」(8.0%)、「同學朋友」(5.6%)、「運動員」(5.6%)、「其他偶像」(4.6%)、無偶像(3.9%)、「歷史人物」(3.8%)、「師長」(3.1%)、「政治人物」(1.9%)。 2.崇拜不同類型偶像的青少年,對偶像的「外型」、「個性」、「才能」、「成就」、「很會賺錢」等崇拜原因的重要性排序具有顯著差異。 3.崇拜「影視明星」的青少年,會到機場接機、守在偶像出現的場合,或是請假、蹺課去看偶像者實屬少數,且從事上述崇拜行為者多為女生。 4.男生崇拜「父親」、「運動員」、「歷史人物」的人數顯著多於女生,而女生崇拜「影視明星」的人數則顯著多於男生。 5.來自中上家庭社經地位的青少年,崇拜「影視明星」的人數顯著少於來自中等及中下家庭社經地位的青少年;來自中上家庭社經地位的青少年,崇拜「政治人物」的人數卻顯著多於來自中等及中下家庭社經地位的青少年;而家庭社經地位為中下的青少年,崇拜「政治人物」的人數顯著少於中上及中等家庭社經地位的青少年。 6.男生顯著偏好崇拜男偶像,但女生對男、女偶像的偏好並無顯著差異。 7.女生對偶像「外型」的重視甚於男生,而男生對偶像「很會賺錢」的重視則甚於女生;國一學生對偶像「外型」的重視甚於國三學生,而國三學生對偶像「才能」的重視則更甚於國一學生;來自中下家庭社經地位的青少年,對偶像「外型」的重視更甚於中等及中上家庭社經的青少年。 8.女生對偶像的崇拜強度顯著高於男生;國一和國三學生偶像崇拜的強度並無顯著差異;而來自中上家庭社經地位之青少年,偶像崇拜強度顯著高於來自中下家庭社經地位之青少年。 9.父子互動關係為「聚頻心繫」的青少年,崇拜「父親」的人數顯著多於「聚疏心繫」、「聚頻心離」、「聚疏心離」的青少年;父子互動關係為「聚疏心離」的青少年,崇拜「父親」的人數顯著少於「聚頻心繫」、「聚疏心繫」、「聚頻心離」的青少年;而父子互動關係為「聚疏心離」的青少年,崇拜「影視明星」的人數顯著多於其他父子互動關係類型的青少年。 10.父子互動關係為「聚頻心繫」與「聚頻心離」的青少年,對偶像崇拜的強度顯著大於父子互動關係為「聚疏心繫」的青少年。 11.母子互動關係類型不同的青少年,崇拜的偶像類型與崇拜強度均無顯著差異存在。 12.高家庭自尊的青少年崇拜「父親」的人數顯著多於中自尊與低自尊者;低學業自尊的青少年崇拜「影視明星」的人數顯著多於高自尊與中自尊者;而高整體自尊的青少年崇拜「政治人物」的人數顯著多於中自尊與低自尊者。 13.低家庭自尊的青少年較中、高自尊者更重視偶像的「外型」;中、低學業自尊的青少年對偶像「外型」的重視更甚於高自尊者。 14.學業自尊愈低的女生,對偶像崇拜的強度愈強;身體意象自尊愈高的青少年,對偶像的崇拜強度愈強;利他自尊愈高的青少年,對偶像的崇拜強度愈強。 15.學業成就優劣不同的青少年所崇拜的偶像類型無顯著差異。 16.低學業成就的青少年對偶像「外型」、「很會賺錢」的重視甚於中、高成就者;而高學業成就的青少年對偶像「才能」、「成就」的重視則甚於中、低成就者。 本研究根據上述研究結果加以討論,並針對家庭教育、學校教育、社會教育及未來研究等四方面提出數點建議,以供青少年輔導工作及後續研究參考。

農業親子旅遊創業計畫書 / A business plan of agricultural family tourism

林耕平 Unknown Date (has links)
過去農產品買賣創業時接觸台灣農村的經驗,加上筆者家族的幼兒教育背景;更重要的,是傳承台灣農村文化的信念,因而產生了農業親子旅遊創業計畫。 本計劃結合上游休閒農業資源,加上專業的幼兒教育顧問與寓教於樂行程設計,提供專屬於3~12歲孩子與其家長的農業親子旅遊服務。 筆者進行了旅行業產業分析,並且於2017年5月6日前往彰化縣二水鄉,實地試辦農業親子旅遊,作為計畫論述的支持。產業分析方面,探討行政院農業委員會之農村再生條例與推動特色休閒農業的重大政策,並且從業界的研究報告和學界的文獻中,了解農業旅遊應融入鄉土文化特性做行程設計、親子旅遊消費為價值意識(value-conscious)導向等諸多要點。旅遊試辦方面,從中了解幼教顧問在親子活動設計、家長需求探知與活動中引導的重要性。 創業計畫本文中,詳述上游農村的開發細節與注意事項,例如環境安全、利害關係人認同等。並研討幼教專業的行程設計內容,例如親子共創活動設計、孩子表達能力訓練等。下游機關團體與終端消費者的探討重點在協助鄉里辦公室或一般幼兒園,補足其農業親子旅遊相關知能的不足。 本計劃設定第五年達成全年約五百五十萬營業額的目標,且詳述達成細節,並做出綜合損益表、資產負債表之預估。未來展望部分,則針對地理區位的擴張、目標客群的增加、產品線廣度提升與應注意的行政事項進行補充。 / The idea of the business plan of agricultural family tourism commences with the author's previous experiences including the entrepreneurship related to food-trading, the family business of the early childhood education, and the mission of sustaining Taiwanese traditional rural culture. The business plan aims to provide services to our target customers, who are 3~12 year-old children and their parents, by integrating the upstream agricultural tourism resources, professional consultant of early childhood education and well-designed edutainment itinerary. To support the argument of this business plan, the background of travel industry was investigated first. The research on the Rural Rejuvenation Act which promulgated by Council of Agriculture, policy of promoting agri-tourism, business research reports and literatures illustrated the importance of merging traditional culture into itinerary design, the habit of agricultural family tourism is based on value-conscious. Therefore, a practice trip of agricultural family tour in Ershui Township, Changhua County was administrated on 6 May 2017. The practice trip revealed that the early childhood education consultants play a significant role to complete the design of activities, bring up the interests of children, and match the expectations of parents. This business plan provides methods to develop the rural area with the awareness of environmental security and the consensus of stakeholders. In addition, it approaches to itinerary design that includes such as family co-creation game and expressive training for children. Moreover, this business plan intents to help downstream organizations, including kindergartens and communities, to hold professional agricultural family tourism to enrich their services. With the aim to reach the revenue of NT$ 5.5 million in the fifth year, the forecast of balance sheet and income statement, methods to accomplish the goal are all described in the business plan. The future development will focus on geographic extensions, increasing the new customer segments and product lines, and some administrative matters.

民國初年親權法制的開展—以大理院的司法實踐為中心 / The initial implementation of parental rights during the early years of the Republic of China:focus on the judicial practice of Ta-Li-Yuan

黃琴唐, Huang, Chin Tang Unknown Date (has links)
傳統中國法制為一種「出乎禮則入於刑」的「禮教立法」,而禮教的核心,是「君為臣綱、父為子綱、夫為妻綱」的三綱人倫。在三綱之中,「父為子綱」常被視為「君為臣綱」與「夫為妻綱」的樞紐,具有相當重要的地位。由於傳統法制的首要目標在於維繫三綱人倫,而三綱中的「父為子綱」涉及的是親子之間的互動,故傳統法中的親子規範,成為整體法制中極為核心且不容輕易動搖的部分。然則,晚清民初時期對於歐陸親權制度的繼受,即是就既有親子法規範進行的一項變革。由於這項變革直接挑戰傳統法制的核心價值,因此,其間所呈現出的現象究竟為何,不免令人感到好奇。 傳統的親子法規範,以清代《大清律例》的內容觀察,係以「父為子綱」作為立法原則,其規範的形態主要可以分為三類:(一)厲求子孫順守父母的教令與懲罰,(二)禁止子孫專擅自行,(三)嚴懲子孫的不孝惡行。而規範運行的基本原理,是要使父祖子孫各自恪守其分,以達成家內秩序的長久和諧。時至晚清,由於國外勢力的壓力與國內社會經濟情勢的變更,清廷展開了繼受近代歐陸法律的工程,進行新法與舊律的修訂。關於親子規範的變革,一方面藉由編訂新刑律以褪除「父為子綱」原則在法律上的支配力,同時又編纂民律草案,試圖將近代歐陸的親權制度引進中國。不過,由於中西親子規範的指導理念根本不同,遂導致禮教派與法理派之間的激烈論爭。因清廷頃間覆亡,故近代歐陸的親權制度並未獲得施行,傳統「父為子綱」式的親子法規範仍然存續在脫胎於《大清律例》的《大清現行刑律》這部有效律典中。 民國初年,新式民律草案未能頒行,經參議院決議,以《大清現行刑律》中的民事有效部分作為民事審判時的明文法源依據。然在此情形下,當時的最高審判機關「大理院」,仍透過解釋例和判決例,逐步實現了一套頗具規模的親權法制。 藉由整理、分析大理院判例、解釋例中的相關法律論述,首先,本文試著呈現出大理院親權法制的形貌與精神,並分析大理院實踐親權法制的具體方法。其次,必須說明的是,無論《大清律例》中的「父為子綱」相關條款,或者大理院判解中表達的各項親權法律規則,皆屬於「國家法」的法律形式。而國家法在本文中的特殊意義,在於它代表了統治權威的某種「價值宣稱」,亦即統治權威在各種競逐的價值取向間,做出具體衡量的最終結果。在此認知下,本文希望進一步探討的是:晚清民國時期,傳統親子法規範與大理院親權法制的爭峰消長,從國家法變遷的角度來看,其間蘊含的法文化意義究竟為何?又能帶給今日何種的啟示?

兒童美語補教業消費者決策行為之研究 / A study on the decision process of children's English learning program

郭靜怡, Kuo, Ching-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討兒童美語補教業消費者決策行為。由於過去相關文獻以量化 調查為主,缺少質化觀點;又因強調首次購買,忽略了時間脈絡及決策環境的影響;另外假定消費決策者為家長,也使得消費使用者-兒童的決策影響力未見著墨;因此本研究試圖以質性方法,探索兒美補教消費本質,並加入時間脈絡及親子互動觀察,試圖建構更完整之消費決策樣貌。 研究設計方面,先就過去文獻之研究發現進行整理,提出值得進一步探索之 問題,而後擬定訪談大綱,分別針對家長及兒童進行訪談,其中家長訪談為求深入以補充過去文獻不足,以一對一方式進行;兒童訪談部分,由於沒有文獻曾經探討兒童在補教消費的觀點,因此以焦點團體方式蒐集多元意見,進行探索研究。 本研究結果可歸納為七大點:(一)兒美補教首次消費接近特殊品之消費性 質,家長涉入深(二)家長對於兒美補教首次消費知覺風險高,決策勝任感不足(三)兒美補教消費為具嘗試性重購(Trial Repeat Purchase)之序貫決策(Sequential Decision)(四)反向代間影響於嘗試性重購時期漸增(五)同儕影響在兒美補教業存在且顯著,以社會支持、社會認同與社會遵從等三種方式影響(六)孩子與家長在選擇補習班決策準則與購買後滿意度準則均不同(七)兒美補習決策存在影響甚大的『詢問脈絡口碑』(Seeker-Initiated WOM)。 / This study intends to inquire consumer’s decision making process of children’s English learning program in a qualitative way. While there are many quantitative studies about this process, few are conducted qualitatively. revious studies are all focused only on the first purchase, neglecting their subsequent repeat purchase processes; and parents are assumed to be the decision makers, ignoring the role of the children in the process. This study thus purports to explore and provide a clearer depiction of the parent-child interaction in the repeat purchase context. After reviewing 27 prior studies, this researcher suggested research questions in this study. Data were collected through several interviews with parents and children respectively. Parent interviews were conducted through one-on-one basis, while children interviews through focus groups. Interviews were taped, transcribed, and analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study can be concluded into seven parts as follows. First of all, the essence of the first purchase decision in children’s English learning program is close to the essence of the purchase decision of special goods, and the consumers’ (parents) involvement is deep. Second, the risk conception of the first purchase is high and consumers are lack of confidence in first purchase in the decision making. Third, the process is a sequential decision with trial repeat purchase process. Fourth, the influence of reverse intergeneration is increasing in the process of trial repeat purchase process. Fifth, the peer-influence exists remarkably in three ways : social support, social identification and social conformity. Sixth, both decision and satisfying criteria are distinct from parents and children. Finally, the seeker-initiated WOM is a tremendous factor in the decision of children’s English learning program.

親師生信任連結的家校生活:一所台灣另類國民小學教育實踐之個案研究 / The Home-school Life of Trustful Coupling Relationship among Parents, Teachers, and Students: a Case Study on an Alternative Elementary School in Taiwan

詹家惠, Jan, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用質性研究方法,以開放系統理論為架構,從組織運作的角度來探究個案學校─種籽親子實驗國民小學之日常生活和教育實踐,從而描繪出這所另類學校的學校圖像,並分析該校穩健存續的因素。本研究之研究結果如下: 一、本研究分別以「學生學習的制度」和「學校運作的制度」來描繪種籽親子實驗國民小學之學校圖像。前者包含課程學習及生活學習的各項制度,開展出師生自由自主、和諧共融的家校生活;後者敘述親師合作辦學治校,以及攸關教師成長的各項制度,開展出親師互信互賴、共同成長的家校生活。這兩個圖像共同呈現該校特殊的「家校生活」面貌:親師生皆能自在地以其本然面貌所展現的個別性,在學校共同生活。親師生和諧共融、互信互賴的基礎正在於鼓勵個人真實呈現自我的制度與文化。「家校生活」不僅意味著親師生在學校能延續著各自在家庭裡個人化的樣貌,更顯示家庭與學校之間資源互通、成員交流,學校呈現出由一個個學生家庭及教師團成員的家庭所組成的共同體。學校生活能自然融合、連結個人生活的其他面向,個別親師生因而在學校展現出一個個自主自在的完整學習個體的面貌。 二、種籽親子實驗國民小學的內部系統特性及其外部環境關係,如下數端: (一)結構系統呈現低度科層體制特性 (二)討論文化的底蘊是「支持個別差異的開放文化」與「有機體的合作文化」 (三)教師個人系統與家長、學生個人系統彼此協調而互有影響 (四)政治系統顯現個人範疇權力的運用與組織需求的轉化能解決衝突 (五)學校與地方教育主管機關互動良好但疏於經營與所在社區的關係 三、自我組織(self-organization)的組織本質是種籽親子實驗國民小學穩健存續的因素。以內部系統來看,該校的文化系統強韌並與個人系統協調,使其維持低度科層結構並得以化解組織衝突,內部系統顯現調和一致性。以學校組織的整體系統來看,該校是文化系統運作顯著的開放系統,文化系統具自主性的「調節回饋」本質,使學校形成「自我組織」,能因應內部系統與外部環境的擾動或壓力,得以穩健存續。 四、對於種籽親子實驗國民小學的建議: (一)親師生合力建構「種籽學」論述,做為自我改革學校變革的系統性基礎 (二)建立師資培育模式,踐行公共化使命 五、本研究對於國民教育的啟示: (一)朝向彈性的「自我組織」發展,學校更具創新變革能力 (二)建立有利於「自我創化教師」生成的學校環境 (三)親師生共同建構學校信念,形成「信任連結」關係為學校發展基礎 (四)以種籽親子實小的經驗看「實驗教育」的挑戰與因應 1. 「學校評鑑」方式應以協助學校發展為目的,宜更具彈性、因校制宜 2. 主管機關宜促進另類學校與一般學校深度交流或彼此成果分享 3. 種籽親子實驗國民小學的學校運作模式可為偏地小校轉型再生的參考 / This dissertation applies qualitative research method and the “open systems theory” to amplify on an alternative school picture of Seedling Experimental Elementary School, and inquiries the elements on the sustainable development of the alternative school. The results of this dissertation upon the case study on Seedling Experimental Elementary School are as follows. 1. By describing and analyzing the manners and systems of student learning and school operating, this dissertation points out that the school picture of Seedling Experimental Elementary School is home-school life of trustful coupling relationship among parents, teachers, and students. 2. The organizational characteristics of Seedling Experimental Elementary School are as below. (1) It seems as if Seedling Experimental Elementary School is a bureaucratic organization, but just at a modest rate, is not typical bureaucracy. (2) The intrinsic qualities of discussing culture are supporting individual differences and cooperation. (3) The individual systems of parents, teachers, and students are congruent. (4) Invoking individual power and transferring the need for organization can reconcile conflicts in the political system of organization. (5) Seedling Experimental Elementary School has the good relationship with the authorities, but has the aloof relationship with the local community. 3. The innate character of Seedling Experimental Elementary School is “self-organization” that can reconcile the inner systems of the school organization and embrace the challenges or stress come from outer systems. Seedling Experimental Elementary School as a self-organization can be developing steady. 4. This dissertation makes two suggestions to Seedling Experimental Elementary School. First of all, parents, teachers, and students can collectively build the “Seedling knowledge”. Secondly, Seedling Experimental Elementary School can accomplish educational mission for the public by establishing the method and program of teacher education based on “Seedling knowledge”. 5. This dissertation makes some suggestions for national education. (1) The authorities could assist schools to be “self-organization-orientated” school organizations. (2) The authorities could assist schools to cultivate teachers to be “self-creation-orientated” teachers. (3) A school principal could lead parents, teachers, and students to work up the school belief and vision, which may develop trustful coupling relationship that could be the base of school. (4) Three suggestions for experimental education: first, school evaluation for schools which are proceeding with experimental education should be flexible and expediential; secondly, the authorities can boost the communication and promote the cooperation between alternative schools and common schools; finally, the school operating model of Seedling Experimental Elementary School could be the reference and resource for the transformation of small schools in rural.

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