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全民國防與中華民國學生軍訓教育之研究張舜華 Unknown Date (has links)
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國防經濟的成長與福利分析—隨機內生成長模型的應用李政德, Lee, Cheng-Te Unknown Date (has links)
第一篇文章為「國防支出、隨機成長與福利」,本文主要係延伸Barro (1990)、Turnovsky (1999) 與Gong and Zou (2003) 所提政府支出具生產力的概念,建構一個隨機的內生性成長模型,探討國防支出對於長期經濟成長率與福利水準的影響。我們發現國防支出與長期經濟成長率的關係是非線性的,並且得到使得長期經濟成長率最大時的最適國防支出比例。此外,我們也證明國防支出會透過兩種管道影響福利水準:第一種管道為國家安全效果,第二種管道為經濟成長效果。最後,本文首先提出國防支出波動程度對長期經濟成長率以及福利水準的衝擊會受到生產與國防支出干擾項的共變數以及代表性個人的風險偏好程度所影響。
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政治算術:戰後台灣的國家統治與人口管理林勝偉, Lin,Shung-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
根據戰後台灣人口管理機制的諸多變革,我們發現:(1)位居社會底層綿密組織(甚至既有的社會關係)的挪用與轉化,(2)國家行政體系的合理化趨勢,以及 (3)權力結構的集中與穩定,乃是現代國家之建構與國家遂行長期有效「統治」的重要關鍵。然而,從理論的層次來看,台灣歷史的發展也提供了一些特殊的思考空間,值得進一步探討:
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2000-2007美國布希政府對印尼外交政策:同盟的關係? / The Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy toward Indonesia, 2000-2007: An Alliance Relationship?吳宗翰, Wu, Tsung Han Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探討布希政府在九一一事變後,對印尼外交政策的特點,以及是否和過去出現不同之處。論文組織分為三個主要部分,分別為反恐、人權以及軍事合作。在理論架構方面,本論文借助Steven M. Walt(沃爾特)的同盟理論,希望能釐清兩國在反恐合作方面,是否已具備了同盟的性質。而其他同盟理論的重要內涵,如威脅平衡、意識型態、援助、滲透等,皆會被用來加強本文的論述。
研究發現,在沃爾特的同盟理論架構下,美國和印尼在反恐合作上,的確出現了有如同盟的密切關係。雖然彼此間不存在約束的同盟條約,然而,就同盟的實質而言,恢復的軍事關係和密切的反恐合作等,皆是同盟的重要指標。研究並發現,威脅平衡理論的確較合理的詮釋了美印兩國因反恐而強化的關係。而意識型態、援助和滲透等,對同盟的組成皆有一定程度的影響,但非強大的因素。 / During the Cold War, Indonesia was noted for its leadership in the Non-Alignment Movement, which distinguished itself from the two-polar world. However, the Suharto government had in fact built an amicable relationship with the U.S. under the flag of anti-communism.
In the 1990s, due to the notorious human rights records, the U.S. had moved to cancel or suspend military and economic aid to Indonesia. The Congress and Senate of the U.S. took a hard-line stance in dealing with these problems.
The 9/11 event marked a significant change in the U.S. foreign policy. As the biggest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia’s comparably moderate nature gains its importance for America in promoting anti-terror in Muslim world. Also, the growing strategic status, like the location in the Malacca Straits, vast resources and key status in ASEAN, necessitates the U.S. to reconsider its policy toward Indonesia.
The thesis is primarily dedicated to analyze the Bush Administration’s foreign policy toward Indonesia after the 9/11 event. There are three main pillars in the thesis—anti-terror, human rights and military cooperation. Steven M. Walt’s famous Alliance Theory contributes the analytic framework to this thesis. Also, some other arguments of alliance theory like balance of threat, ideology, foreign aid and penetration will be utilized to deepen the analysis of this thesis.
Under Walt’s alliance theory, in spite of the fact that there is no concrete alliance binding between these two countries, the resumed military relationship, and close anti-terror cooperation are all noted indicators that shows the U.S. and Indonesia act as alliance partners. This thesis also demonstrates that the balance of threat theory is a better analytic framework to explain the relationship between the U.S. and Indonesia. Ideology, foreign aid and penetration in this case surely affects the formation of alliance, however, they are not causes of it as Walt concludes.
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塔信政權與泰國政治變遷 / Thaksin's regime and political change in Thailand張靜尹, Chang, Chin Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本文擬探討塔信政權與泰國政治變遷的關係,從兩方面來分析泰國政黨政治體系的改變,一是從制度面討論1997年憲法的選舉制度對泰國政黨政治的衝擊與影響。二是從憲法的實踐和非制度化因素,分析塔信政權之興起與終結,來觀察泰國政治變遷的過程與意義。塔信政權是在1997年憲法下所運作的產物,最後卻被長達15年不見的軍事政變所終結。本文深入剖析塔信政權執政過程,探討為何會發生軍事政變的原因,以及分析這(場政變)對泰國民主產生什麼樣的意義與影響。 / This study examines the relationship between Thaksin's regime and political change in Thailand. It analyzes the change of the Thai party system from two respects. First, it discusses the impact which the new electoral system of the 1997constitution had on the Thai party politics. Second, it analyzes the rise and the fall of Thaksin’s regime from the constitution practice and the non-institutional factors in order to observe the process and the implication of political change in Thailand. Thaksin’s regime is the result of 1997 constitution. However, it was ended by a military coup which had not happened for 15 years. We discuss deeply the history of Thaksin’s regime, why the military coup took place to close this regime, and the influence of this military coup on Thai democracy.
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憲法上訴訟權之研究--以我國大法官解釋為中心王寶鋒 Unknown Date (has links)
各國憲法基本權利章節大凡皆列有多項人民之基本權利與義務,而這些基本權利構成了近代民主國家人民生活之重心,但基本權利並非憲法上一紙明文即可落實,尚須有完善之法制度與國家權力對基本權利之尊重方能達成,且對於實現基本權利最重要者厥為「訴訟權」之落實,因其最主要之特性即為對於基本權利受侵害者提供救濟之途徑而促成基本權利之完整實現,故訴訟權可說是一程序權性質濃厚之基本權,所謂「有權利即有救濟」(Where there Is a right there Is a remedy)及「無救濟之權利,非權利」(A right without remedy Is not a right),即在點明訴訟權與其他基本權之關係。
惟我國審判權限之劃分極為細緻,立法者喜針對各個不同之事件建立不同之訴訟救濟制度,因此,我國訴訟制度之實務面可謂非常龐大,如欲逐一檢討,恐非本文篇幅及作者之能力所能負荷,僅能檢選數項訴訟制度以為例證,而因民刑事訴訟為一典型而傳統之訴訟制度,其訴訟程序保障之強度已頗為堅強,故做有意識之放棄。而行政訴訟法制,我民國六十四年修正之行政訴訟法,其對訴訟權之保障或有未盡如人意之處,但民國八十七年十月二十八日又做修正,將原本三十四條條文擴張至三百零八條,新制之特色為行政法院採二級二審、廢止再訴願、增加訴訟種類、創設暫時權利保護途徑及程序嚴格化及民事訴訟化等,因此,新制對於訴訟程序之保障強度已與民刑事訴訟程序不相上下,且於坊間教科書已多有討論 ,故亦不予討論。
第一章 序論 1
壹、 研究動機 1
貳、 研究之限制 2
參、 研究目的 3
肆、 研究方法 3
伍、 論文架構 4
第二章 訴訟基本權 6
第一節 基本權體系中之訴訟權 6
壹、 一般基本權 6
一、 性質 6
二、 功能 8
貳、 訴訟權之內涵 9
一、 就主觀權利之防禦權 9
二、 就主觀權利之給付功能 9
三、 就客觀價值規範體系 10
參、 核心理論 11
一、 緣起 11
二、 核心理論於我國實踐之可能性 11
(一) 學說見解 11
(二) 實務見解 12
(三) 小結 15
肆、 制度性保障 16
一、 概說 16
二、 制度之形成 16
(一) 概說 16
(二) 立法之裁量與界限 17
三、 於我國之實踐 19
(一) 概念之採認 19
(二) 評析 19
(三) 訴訟制度之保障 20
伍、小結 21
第二節 正當法律程序 23
壹、 概說 23
一、 前言 23
二、 美國法上之概念 23
三、 小結 25
貳、 我國之實踐 26
一、 緣起 26
二、 制度之引進 27
三、 實務見解 29
(一) 釋字第三八四號解釋 29
(二) 釋字第三九二號解釋 32
(三) 釋字第三九六號解釋 32
(四) 釋字第四一八號解釋 34
參、 結論 36
第三節 訴訟權於我國憲法之實踐 38
壹、 訴訟權 38
一、 概念 38
二、 實踐 38
(一) 憲法第八條人身自由條款 39
(二) 憲法第九條之軍事審判制度 39
(三) 憲法第十六條之訴訟權 40
(四) 憲法第二十四條之國家賠償責任 40
(五) 司法權專章 41
貳、 審判權限之劃分 43
一、 緣起 43
二、 實務現況 47
(一) 職業懲戒法庭 47
(二) 冤獄賠償法制 48
(三) 公證法 50
(四) 選舉訴訟50
(五) 軍事審判 52
(六) 交通違規案件 52
(七) 公務人員保險訴訟 53
(八) 海上捕獲法庭 54
三、 解決方案之建議 54
參、 小結兼代本章結論 55
第三章 我國訴訟權之憲法解釋 57
第一節 憲法解釋之整理 57
壹、 前言 57
貳、 整理 59
一、 憲法第八條 78
二、 憲法第十六條 78
(一) 就權利之賦予 79
(二) 行使之主體須為法院 79
(三) 訴訟程序法定主義 80
(四) 有效之權利救濟 80
三、 憲法第九條 81
四、 憲法第二十四條 81
參、 小結 82
第二節 評析 83
壹、 人身自由之保障 83
一、 基本原則 83
二、 緊急法制之例外 84
貳、 訴訟權之保障 85
參、 軍事審判 88
肆、 小結 89
第四章 從訴訟權之觀點看職業懲戒法院 90
壹、 前言 90
貳、 專技人員之懲戒 90
一、 會計師 91
二、 建築師 91
三、 技師 92
四、 醫師 92
參、 律師懲戒 93
一、 前言 93
二、 釋字第三七八號解釋 94
三、 分析 95
四、 小結 98
肆、 民間公證人懲戒制度 98
一、 概說 98
二、 分析 99
(一) 主體面 99
(二) 訴訟程序面 99
三、 小結 100
伍、結論 100
第五章 從訴訟權之觀點看軍事審判制度 102
第一節 憲法第九條 102
壹、 意義 102
貳、 憲法解釋 106
一、 釋字第二七二號解釋 106
二、 釋字第四三六號解釋 107
參、 小結 112
第二節 軍事審判草案評析114
壹、 草案特色 114
貳、草案評析 116
一、 關於軍、司法審判權限劃分之依據 116
二、 軍事審判機關隸屬於國防部之質疑 116
三、 關於以被告軍階定管轄法院之規定 117
四、 設定覆判審為法律審之質疑 118
參、小結 118
第六章 結論 120
壹、 總結 120
貳、研究心得 125
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上海合作組織安全角色之研究 / Security role of the Shanghai cooperation organization studies呂學燄, Lu, Hsyue Yen Unknown Date (has links)
「上海合作組織」的前身是建立於1996年的「上海五國」機制,是中蘇兩國關於邊境的雙邊談判,蘇聯崩解後改為「上海五國」雙邊談判,再演變成「上海五國」的多邊會談。不但開啟有關邊境軍事安全的會談協商機制,同時亦開啓了穩定區域安全的多邊關係及區域合作模式。烏茲別克加入後,於2001年6月15日,6國元首共同宣布在「上海五國」機制的基礎上成立「上海合作組織」(Shanghai Cooperation Organization),並發表「上海合作組織成立宣言」。這是中國第一個促成的多邊組織,也是第一個以中國城市命名的政府間組織,成員國包括中國、俄羅斯、哈薩克、吉爾吉斯、塔吉克及烏茲別克等6個國家。
「上海合作組織」創立的首要任務是確保該組織內的和平、安全與穩定,堅決打擊「三股勢力」、毒品及走私等非法交易。並認知當前的國際安全必須建立在各國平等、互信、互利及合作的基礎上,藉由每年定期舉行的元首峰會、總理會議、外交部長會議及不定期舉行的國家協調員會議、各部門領導人會議形成組織運作機制。而位於北京的秘書處及塔什干的地區反恐機構,這兩個常設機構的設立,使上海合作組織朝向更寬廣的方向邁進。本篇論文試圖瞭解冷戰終止及美國「911」恐怖攻擊事件發生後,「上海合作組織」運作與發展方向,直接或間接影響區域經濟及軍事安全的程度為何?另外,就「上海合作組織」與其他大國或國際組織的關係,對全球戰略所產生的影響為何?尤其是中國、美國、日本與俄羅斯的多方戰略關係的發展,非常值得予以持續觀注。 / 1980 to early 1990s, the international system develops from " one superpower and several powers " into a multi-polar direction due to severe turbulences and changes of
the international situation, the disintegration of Soviet Union and the drastic changes of Eastern Europe, and the end of the 40-years Cold War which caused by the "a two-confrontation" bipolar situation between U.S.A and the Soviet Union in the past. At this point, there are also great changes in China’s the overall national development,
For instance, a positive trend towards big power relations reorientation. Except to focus on internal development, China places more importance on security relations
with neighboring countries. China knows that a stable, harmonious surrounding is conducive to China's sustainable development. To establish security and stability buffer zone in the surrounding can avoid conflict with other powers. Since a secure environment is the key to a stable society and a fully develop economic while interdependence and cooperation of security need and economic benefit is the
essential element of maintaining this relationship.
"Shanghai Cooperation Organization" develops from the "Shanghai Five" mechanism which established in 1996. It was the Sino-Soviet bilateral talks about border between
the two countries, and after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it became the "Shanghai Five" bilateral negotiations which is followed into the "Shanghai Five State "in
multilateral talks. This development not only opened consultation mechanism talks on the border military security, also opened a stable regional security, multilateral relations, and regional cooperation. After Uzbekistan joined in June 15, 2001, six heads of state announced the establishment of the "Shanghai Cooperation
Organization" which based on the "Shanghai Five" mechanism and issued a "Declaration of Shanghai Cooperation Organization." This is the first multilateral
organization which promoted by China and is the first intergovernmental organization in the name of Chinese city. The member States includes China, Russia, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and other six countries.
The first and foremost task of "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" is to ensure
peace, security and stability of the organization, and resolutely combat the "three
forces", drugs, smuggling and other illegal transactions. And to aware that the current
international security must be based on national equality, mutual trust, mutual benefit
and cooperation. By holding annual heads of states summit meeting, Prime Ministers
meeting, Foreign Ministers meeting, and occasional meetings of national coordinators,
leaders of various departments to form the operating mechanism of organizations. The establishments of two permanent organizations, the Secretariat in Beijing and the 4 regional anti-terrorism agency in Tashkent, lead the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to move towards a broader direction. This paper attempts to find out the operation and development direction of the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" after the end of Cold War and "911" terrorist attacks in the United States, and the degree of how does this directly or indirectly affect the regional economic and
military security so far? In addition, what is the impact that the relationships of the"Shanghai Cooperation Organization" between other major countries or international
organizations affects on global strategic? Especially the development of multi-strategic relations between China, the United States, Japan and Russia, is very worthwhile continuing being concerned.
Keywords:Shanghai Cooperation Organization, economic security, military security,
Central Asia, relations among major powers
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陸軍職業軍官軍旅生涯模式 / Career trajectory of R.O.C army officers戴君蒔 Unknown Date (has links)
四、第三個十年計畫在崇高慾望逐漸實現的過程中,是令人稱心快意的事,但也有美中不足留下許多遺憾而離開軍中的。但在家庭美滿、高級生活品質及順利轉業的情況相互配合之下,其不論任何退伍的結果,即使不滿意,應該都能接受。本階段在軍旅生涯中之工作皆屬勞辛性質,並位居決策階層,物質條件充足,其個人之行為舉止均足為人所矜式,故宜存養省察、修身養性,以更穩健之步調開創更美好的前程,所以本階段叉可稱為「智慧的十年」。 / In recent years, “Life Planning” is a widely used term; it can be heard in all kinds of career and suitable for anybody. For example: College students, blue-collar employees, professional women, professors, and more; many people are planning for their future. Life Planning appears in all levels of social hierarchy. It shows that, people feel doubtful about their jobs, or education; therefore, they are starting to think “Is my current job right for me?”, “What do I want to do in the future?” These thoughts originate from our self-realization, an anxiety to feel secure about their future. Professional soldiers are no different from any of us. In order to create a military life model, this research focuses on soldiers’ life and their past, and analyzes their life characteristic and variables. This model could help our current and future soldiers to face military life and plan for their future.
Many factors can influence a solder’s life, including people, family, and change of environment. This research explores the steps in life planning, cultures, and principles of military life planning model. In order to create a healthy military life mode, one must focus on studying the promotion standard, variables in promotion, and second generation arm force; therefore, the military’s honor and image can be strengthen. This research will use army as a starting point and pinpoint all the variables in getting promoted.
After the studying of law, military articles, and personal interview; it shows that military life planning model is worth deeper research. Therefore, this research is going to further analyze base on the current military articles and nation defense law, base on the studying of 1st year soldiers’ past and experiences.
Everybody has different grow up environment, life experience, interest, and values; this creates a unique life style. Different life style and career have different approach to achieve different goals. Everybody have the right to choose their own life style, and to create, arrange, or even try another job; this is the trend in newer generation and will be the mainstream in the future. Base on the current life planning model, professional soldiers must face all kinds of people with different occupation and must have the confidence to sell themselves.
After the studies:
1.The most important point in soldiers life model is to carefully plan for the future before starting the military life. With a detail plan, one can stay longer and feel hopeful in this career. This research is to change professional soldiers’core from individualism to team player. This will solve most of the misunderstood and cut down the unnecessary cost, resulting a positive military image.
2.Graduating from military academy is exciting but can be frightening because facing all the stressful missions, and to adapt a different life style. Usually the military will ask their officers to talk about their future after graduated a year from the academy. Military might use promotion as a method to encourage their officers. The most influential achievement in the first ten years plan is “marriage”. In this stage, life is like a plain paper; joining military, studying, specialty training, and building a family are all colorful pictures to be painted in their life. How far and high will they go depend on this stage. Therefore, we named this stage “10 years of Hope”.
3. When people satisfy their basic needs, their confidence will start to grow; then it is time to start another ten years plan. In this stage, people are just getting warmed up in their field and are ready to put all the effort into their work. They tend to be more mature, stable, and feel more confidence. It is during this stage, their job starting to take flight. Many of the professional solider will reach lieutenant colonel and might consider retiring from the military. At the same time, family, more skillful training, mortgage, and children’s education are also happening in this stage. Therefore, this stage is the most stressful and tired. However, it may be stressful but the more investment, the more return. In this stage, family happiness, pursuit higher education, and further training are important foundation in their life; these reasons will greatly influence their future life. We named this stage “10 years of great decision”
4.The 3rd ten years plan happens when people are living in the satisfaction from their achievement but there are regrets from retiring from the military. However, having a good family, high living standard, and a new job; one can accept the fact that they might retire from the military. In this stage, a person will have professional attitude and mature thinking they learned from their military life and ranking, so they are ready to face another ten more years which is called “10 years of Intelligence”.
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軍事機關國家賠償責任之研究 / The state compensation law in military authority姚妃宴, Yao, Fei Yen Unknown Date (has links)
全文共分為五章:第一章為緒論,說明本研究之動機與目的、研究範圍與限制、研究架構與方法。第二章為國家賠償制度概述,就國家賠償責任之定義及類型、適用之限制、國家賠償責任制度之發展過程、國家賠償責任之理論、公務員責任與國家賠償責任之關係予以討論,藉以確立國家賠償責任認定之法理基礎;並探討日本國家賠償責任成立之案件與我國國賠法制之異同處,藉以參酌我國同類案件之分析與比較。第三章研析闡述特別權力關係之起源、內涵、變遷等,探討公務員、學生、受刑人、軍人在此關係下基本權利之限制與保護。第四章為軍事機關與國家賠償之分析,以第二章國家賠償制度之法理為基礎,彙整相關法令規範,配合相關之法院國家賠償案例,檢討軍事機關公權力行為致生國賠責任之法理與探討軍事設施設置、軍事設施管理造成人民財產之侵害與救濟賠償之認定,並分析軍人撫卹與國家賠償競合之問題。第五章為結論與建議。本章分別就各章之內容總結,具以建立完整之軍事機關國家賠償責任體系,俾提供軍中處理國家賠償案件時之參考;另就研究發現予以歸納評析,並提出建議,例如建立軍事機關公權力行為之行政程序、確實督導軍事設施之設置管理程序,以減少軍中公權力行為之侵權情事,強化其保護照顧義務等等,希冀今後軍事機關對人及對物之管理,能符合依法行政原理之要求。 / This study aims at discussing the State Compensation Law in military authority from two perspectives, including the liability for damages arising from the act of employees of the government acting within the scope of their office (the liability of people), and from a defect in the installation or management of government-owned public facility (the liability of objects). A case study comparison was done between the court of Japan and Taiwan, where the verdicts from both courts were compared so as to construct a pattern for state’s liability in military compensation. We hope that in this way, controversy over state compensation liability could be controlled.
The essay is divided into five chapters: the first is introduction, illustrating the motive and purpose, scope and limitation, and structure and method of this study. In chapter two, we will outline the state compensation system, with regard to its definition, classification, applicability, development, theory, and the relationship between the liability of state and public servants, in order to establish a jurisprudential foundation. Then, we will discuss the differences and similarities between the compensation claims in Japan and our country’s State Compensation Law, while analyzing similar cases in Taiwan. The origin, content, changes of special power relation will be examined in chapter three, where the limitation and protection of basic rights of public servants, students, prison inmates, and soldiers are discussed. In chapter four, we will use the jurisprudential foundation stated in chapter two to analyze the military authority and state compensation. By compiling relevant regulations and state compensation claims, we will do a judicial review on the state compensation claims as a result of military authority, the definition of compensation and damages arising from the installation or management of military facility, and the competition between military indemnity and state compensation. Chapter five will be conclusion and suggestion, containing appraisal of each chapter and constructing a system of complete state compensation liability in military authority, as a reference for future claims. In addition, important remarks and suggestion will be provided, such as to establish administrative procedure for military authority and management procedure of military facility. This is to prevent the violation of right from the military, and enhance their obligation to protect and attend, hoping the military could build the rule of law when managing objects and actions of people.
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中共「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略之研究 / Studies on the PRC’s“ Anti-Access and Area-Denial” Strategy慎炳倫, Shen, Pin Luen Unknown Date (has links)
中共軍力在「反介入與區域拒止」軍事戰略的帶動下快速成長,使美軍在西太平洋地區面臨重大挑戰和風險,並使美國區域盟邦有遭受侵略或被迫接受強制手段之虞,美軍為因應中共的挑戰,已確立「空海一體戰」的新型作戰概念,並著手發展相關能力。「空海一體戰」係以美軍現有軍力優勢為基礎,再經由西太平洋軍力部署的重組、海空作戰力量的整合、新型武器裝備的研發,並且加強與盟邦的軍事合作,希望建構一個多層次立體作戰體系,俾遏制中共的軍事擴張。在中、美兩強「反介入與區域拒止」和「空海一體戰」軍事戰略的競逐下,臺灣的自處之道和所應扮演的角色,亦為吾人應予深思的課題。 / The People’s Republic of China has never given up the use of military force as an option to solve the “Taiwan issue”, and the “unification with Taiwan” has also been one of the PLA’s objectives in its military buildup, which naturally makes the ROC military as the PLA’s hypothetical enemy. However, after the US sending two of its aircraft carrier battle groups to intervene a military crisis across the Taiwan Strait in 1996, the PRC started to realize that US military is its strongest opponent in solving the Taiwan issue and began to think how to deny the high-tech US military force from stepping into a military confrontation across the Taiwan strait. The prevention of US military operation in surrounding areas of China has been leading the modernization of China’s military, and officials and academia in the US have been calling this phenomenon “anti-access and area-denial” strategy which all of a sudden becomes an observation index when studying the PRC’s military development.
The main focus of China’s “anti-access and area-denial” strategy is to develop the capability of preventing the US military from intervening affairs taking place in surrounding areas of China. China believes that no matter how powerful the US military is, it is unable to gain a comprehensive advantage in this region. By the PLA’s increasing modernized weapons, the anti-access and area-denial strategy, based on the geographic environment, geostrategy, and characteristics and weakness of the US military, aims to suppress US military activities in possible military conflicts in the western Pacific region, or to compel the US military to launch its force from bases further away and to stop its reinforcement. The success of this strategy will make the US military be defeated by the PLA or force the US to pay a price that it is unwilling to afford, and then China is able to achieve its military and political objectives and at the same time stops the US, entirely or partially, from achieving its military and political objectives.
The anti-access and area-denial strategy has led to a rapid military development in China, which poses a great challenge and risk to the US military in the western Pacific region and makes allies of the US in this region in the fear of being invaded or coerced. In responding to China’s challenges, the US military has developed a new operational concept -- “AirSea Battle” and begins the development relating to this new concept. The “AirSea Battle” concept, building on current US military supremacy and the integration of air-sea combat powers as well as the reorganization of US force in the western Pacific region and the development of new weapons, looks to enhance the military cooperation between the US and its allies to establish a multilevel operation system which is able to contain Chinese military expansion. Amid the competition between China’s “anti-access and area-denial” strategy and US “AirSea Battle” concept, Taiwan’s responses and the role that Taiwan should play is a subject that we must deliberate thoroughly.
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