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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國勞工退休金新制之研究 / A Research on the New Labor Pension System in Taiwan

陳美女 Unknown Date (has links)
自從德國1889年建立全球第一個養老保障制度,迄今已經有160多個國家建立了不同模式的養老保障制度。在台灣,過去農業社會的大家庭制度及有限的老年人口,大部分老年人可以得到親人的照顧,安享晚年;然而現今工商業社會致大家庭制度的瓦解,復因觀念的改變導致生育率日趨下降,而衛生環境的改善、醫療進步,人口餘命逐年提高,生育率下降及老年人口的增加,台灣已於1993年正式邁入高齡化之社會。 據統計,2005年台灣老年人口依賴比例13.4﹪(65歲以上老年人口占15至64歲間人口比率),在亞太地區僅次於日本的30.0﹪、澳洲19.4﹪、香港16.3﹪,而居第四,高於韓國12.6﹪、新加坡11.8﹪與中國的12.0﹪,預估2050年台灣老年人口依賴比例將高達63.8﹪,僅次於韓國69.4﹪與日本的66.6﹪。如再加上1歲至14歲與14歲以後的在學人口,真正勞動人口已無法負擔龐大的老年人口退休後的經濟生活。 20世紀90年代OECD國家養老保障制度的改革主要針對經濟的壓力,以避免經濟增長緩慢、高失業率及在一些國家不斷上升的財政赤字。我國自1950年開辦勞工保險,1984年實施勞動基準法建制第二支柱的勞工退休金制度,期使勞工退休後的經濟生活能得到基本安全保障。惟勞動基準法實施以來,勞資爭議不斷,改革的聲浪與日遽增,終於2004年6月11日立法院三讀通過「勞工退休金條例」,並於2005年7月1日施行。本研究係針對勞動基準法的退休金制度改制的原因,其優、劣比較及勞退新制度對企業與勞工權益影響暨勞工退休金條例之再修法建議等為研究重點,研究方法採文獻資料分析法、深度訪談法與法規分析法,深入探討我國勞工退休金制度與勞工退休金條例修法方向,進而提出具體的修法建議,作為有關單位未來決策與修法的參考。 / Since the German government established the first retirement security system in the world in 1889, more than 160 countries have designed similar plans to protect the retirees. In Taiwan, with big families in the traditional agricultural society, elderly people did not have to rely too much on the retirement system. However, it has become more important nowadays because of the decreasing birth rate and the better hygienic conditions in today’s industrial society, which have made population ageing a problem for the Taiwanese. According to the statistics, the elderly dependant rate in Taiwan was 13.4% in 2005, forth highest in the Asian Pacific area, right after Japan (30%), Australia (19.4%), and Hong Kong (16.3). It was higher than in other countries such as Korea (12.6%), Singapore (11.8%), and China (12%). Based on some estimates, the elderly dependant rate in Taiwan will climb to 63.8% in 2050, slightly lower than it will be in Korea and Japan. There will not be enough labors to support those people outside of the labor force. The reforms of the retirement system in the countries of OECD are primarily constructed to improve economic stability. The Taiwanese government started the Labor Insurance in 1950 and established the Labor Standard Law in 1984, which have led to many industrial disputes. Thus, to reform the retirement system, the Taiwanese parliament passed the Labor Pension Law on June 11, 2004, and was effective since July 01, 2005. This study was conducted using three methods, literature reviews, in-depth interviews, and method of regulation analysis. This paper focuses on the causes of the retirement system reform in Taiwan, its advantages and disadvantages, and the new system’s impacts on businesses and labors. It also provides suggestions for future improvements of the retirement system.

退休金長期預期報酬率與盈餘管理及展望理論之研究 / The Relation between expected rate of return on pension plans and earnings management, prospect theory.

徐培蕙, Hsu, Pei Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本文討論退休金長期預期報酬率之設定。根據會計公報規定,公司之退休金長期預期報酬率必須符合其資產配置。但是在本文中我們發現資產配置並無法有效的反應公司的退休金長期預期報酬率,因此我們提出展望理論及盈餘管理兩種理論來解釋退休金長期預期報酬率之設定。我們發現經理人企圖透過改變退休金長期預期報酬率的假設來進行盈餘管理,同時退休金長期預期報酬率也會因為公司的風險態度而有所改變。 / Abstract: We try to find out the considerations for managers to set their assumptions of expected long term rate of return on pension plan assets (ROPA). First, we use the asset allocations of pension funds and historical returns to calculate the expected rate of return based on historical asset returns (EROPA). There is difference between ROPA are EROPA, suggests that asset allocations are not the only consideration when managers setting their ROPA assumption. Two theories are examined in this paper to explain such difference between ROPA and EROPA: earnings management and prospect theory. We use two models to test the earnings management, single accrual model and threshold model. We find that the intentions to smooth the reported income are the main incentives for managers to manipulation their ROPA. The incentive to do earnings management can partly explain the difference between ROPA and EROPA. However, in threshold model, we can not observe any evidence in our research. We also introduce prospect theory to examine the risk attitude. We find that managers’ risk attitude affect the setting of assumptions, too. We conclude prospect theory provides a good explanation of the difference between ROPA and EROPA.


韋國彬 Unknown Date (has links)
合併與收購,是企業達成企業目標或進入不同的產品市場快速成長之最佳方法,不論在時間或成本之花費皆優於企業內部之成長。再加上「全球化」一詞之出現更使得企業併購如火如荼地展開。 然而許多人卻對此感到憂心。因為企業併購現象如此之頻繁,不是一件好消息。只要有企業併購之情事,那麼就會有人失去他的工作。留用下來之員工還必須面對勞動條件之變更、企業的管理方式、企業內部政策等等之大幅大的改變,此外還必須經歷一段時間相當長的摸索期去適應整個公司的文化以及制度。由於人是公司最重要之資產,若企業需要用併購方式來達成企業本身策略目標,那麼必須留意企業併購對勞動契約之潛在衝擊及影響,舉例來說:在企業併購過程中對員工之保護是否得宜,以及若因企業併購而有工作條件變更之可能性時,受新舊雇主商定留用之員工,是否有拒絕留用之權利。這些勞動議題都是值得被探討以及思考的。 大體上來說,企業併購都會有人才流失之情形。若希望能留住關鍵人才,那麼就必須要對併購過程以及程序處理得宜,透過遵守勞動法令規範配合及早進行以及詳細規劃之一些管理措施方案,如:留才管理、確保雙向溝通之可能等,皆能有效增加員工對組織之承諾以及經營效率之提升,也就能符合併購所要達到的「縱效」。我們也必須對因併購衍生出勞動權利保護進行了解並對此作一深入之探討。 / Mergers and acquisitions are quick ways of attaining the critical mass necessary for reaching global markets, rather than organic growth. Globalization is currently the main reason for organizations to merge or acquire. Nearly everyone agrees that being on the subordinate or acquired side of a merger and acquisitions is bad news. Many people lose their jobs. The survivors often have to make severe adjustments to new routines, management, policies, jobs, and a protracted period of ambiguity and uncertainty. With respect to the potential impacts from business merger and acquisition to labor contract, such as: protection to employee in the process of business merger and acquisition; if the employee to be continuously hired under mutual agreement of both old and new employers can reject such continuous employment; change of working conditions in the wake of business merger and acquisition, etc. In a word, Merger and acquisition activity creates vulnerability to talent loss. In order to begin the healing process and to ensure employees remain engaged, management and labor related laws must clearly state a tangible vision and plan of action. Also, We require further observation on whether or not such regulations are capable of addressing all kinds of possible labor contract issues arisen from and relating to the business merger and acquisition.

企業規劃企業年金保險之意願分析 / Planning enterprise annuity insurance willingness analysis of enterprise

沈志翔, Shen, Chih Hsiang Unknown Date (has links)
為進一步保障勞工老年退休後經濟狀況無虞,維持其原本生活水平,行政院會於2011年12月29日通過《勞工退休金條例》修正草案,放寬企業開辦年金保險條件,企業規模在200人以上者,只要經工會或勞資會議同意,即可開辦企業年金保險,而勞工也可審視其收益狀況,選擇是否將個人退休金專戶轉換為企業年金保險。此項立法通過後,可望帶動壽險公司勞退自提部分企業年金保險商品的銷售商機。 站在勞工的角度來看,任職公司為職工規劃企業年金保險,可以讓員工提早為退休金做儲蓄,更專注於工作做努力。 從政府的角度觀察,為國內勞工做好規劃及監督與把關,更加健全、完善與更多選擇的退休金商品與制度,能給予勞工一個無憂無慮的退休生活,相對的能節省更多可能的社會福利支出,將政府資源投入國家基礎建設與經濟發展中。 站在壽險公司的方向研究,企業退休金市場的經營一直都是壽險公司所高度關注的一個區塊,只要提供適合的商品及規劃,企業為勞工、勞工為自己所提存的保費收入,是每月都會有穩定的現金流入,有利於壽險業做長期的投資規劃,再者透過企業年金保險制度的推廣,能接觸到更多的客戶與更加深入了解客戶的需求,便於設計出市場接受度高的商品,有利提供壽險公司的經營與投資績效。 最後從企業經營面來規劃,實施企業年金保險制度,能替員工提供一個更長久的退休計畫,為企業規劃一個更完善的員工獎勵制度與留才計畫;員工是企業最重要的資產,若未針對企業中的“人”此項有形資產加以運用,企業將不會產生任何無形的超額利益,本文希望藉由對企業年金保險制度之分析與介紹,期有助於國內壽險業發展企業年金保險與企業參酌實施企業年金保險制度之意願研究之參考。 / To have labors adapt to life after retirement, the Executive Yuan approved the Amendment of the Labor Pension Act on December 29, 2011. From the view of labors, it allows employees to start saving into pension ahead of time and focus more on work if the enterprise that one works for setting out an enterprise annuity insurance plan for its employees. From the government’s point of view, a good plan with constant monitoring and checking on makes a more complete pension funds system, which provides laborers with a better life after retirement. For insurance companies, as long as the insurance company provides suitable product and plan, the premium collected from what enterprises invested for employees and labour’ self-contribution will be stable cash flow on monthly basis, which is beneficial for insurance company to draw a long time investment plan. Finally, in terms of enterprise management, to carry out enterprise annuity insurance will provide employees with a retirement plan with long-term influence and will help to establish a complete reward system and a plan for retaining talent. Through the analysis and introduction of the enterprise annuity insurance in this article, it provides some suggestions for local insurance companies when it comes to develop the enterprise annuity insurance, and also some references for enterprises that are willing to put enterprise annuity insurance system into practice.


白峰瑞, Pai, Feng Jui Unknown Date (has links)
先前研究指出,財報資訊使用者難以使用確定福利計畫制退休金的資訊,其原因可以歸因於退休金會計的複雜性。在後SFAS 158 時期,由於先前僅揭露的退休金負債已認列於資產負債表上,使得退休金資訊的價值攸關性有所提升。然而有研究指出,額外攸關的資訊依然僅在附註揭露中表達,使得XBRL在能否進一步提升該價值攸關上有可以著墨的空間。本研究探討美國SEC XBRL 強制適用是否能提升確定福利計畫制退休金資訊的價值攸關,以及 XBRL財報的特性是否會影響該價值攸關。實證結果發現,美國SEC XBRL 強制適用提升了提撥狀況的價值攸關。另外,實證結果也發現,GAAP 分類標準概念的數量和提撥狀況的價值攸關有負向的關係;延伸分類標準概念的數量和提撥狀況的價值攸關有正向的關係。本研究亦指出,SEC XBRL 強制適用對於提撥狀況價值攸關的提升,及XBRL財報特性對提撥狀況價值攸關的影響,會因為不同階段之 XBRL 採用者而有不同的效果。 / Studies show that the information of defined benefit due its complexity, users may not have the competence to process it. In the post-SFAS-158 period, the previously disclosed liabilities of defined benefit now recognize in the balance sheet. Prior studies have already shown an improvement in value relevance. However, studies suggest the relevant information still presents in footnotes. It leaves a place for XBRL for further improving. In this study, I investigate whether SEC XBRL mandatory adoption improves the value relevance of defined benefit information, also whether the characteristics of XBRL file affect the value relevance of defined benefit. The empirical results show SEC XBRL mandatory adoption improves the value relevance of funded status. Also, the number of GAAP Taxonomy concepts is negatively associated with the value relevance of funded status. Moreover, the number of extension concepts is positively associated with the value relevance of funded status. The additional results show the improvements by XBRL adoption and the influence of the number of GAAP Taxonomy concepts and extension concepts are sensitive to different phases of the adopters.


牟玲芳, MOU, LING-FANG Unknown Date (has links)
近年來我國經濟快速成長,社會趨向於更為開放的環境,隨著國民所得上升,人民智 識水準提高,以及企業家體認社會責任的結果,對於保障經濟生活安全的需求日益迫 切。退休金方案即為提供退休後經濟生活保障之重要利器。政府為促進社會安全,乃 制定勞動基準法,對於勞工退休設有專章規定,以立法強制企業建立退休制度。 退休制 度是否健全,能否依照計劃順利實施,端賴企業之財力支應與調配,退休金方案之合 理安排、政府機關之嚴密監督,以及退休金制度觀念之確立與溝通,才能臻於完善。 本文之目的,係探討退休金方案之規劃與管理,並針對勞動基準去及相關法令加以檢 討,以期作為健全我國退休金制度之參考。 本文擬探討退金方案之規劃與基金之管理,主要內容分為:退休金方案設計決策、退 休基金提撥決策、退休基金管理運用決策等主題,並針對現行勞動基準法及相關法令 之疑義,提出個人見解。最後,根據以上之研討作成結論與建議。


朱世榮 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文寫作的同時,正值台灣針對勞工退休金制度,進行改革之際。作者認為,改革重點除了建立完全累積且具可攜性的退休金計劃之外,更可以參考強調市場競爭的美國與香港企業退休金市場的經驗,大幅度開放民營機構參與勞退新制的業務。如此,將可透過市場的競爭力量,提升服務品質與退休資產的報酬率,以真正造福廣大勞工的退休生活。 本研究首先探討美國401(k)計劃、香港強積金制度、台灣的勞工退休金制度與金融產業的分工狀況;其次針對勞工退休金制度、401(k)計劃、強積金制度的運作流程及經營模式進行剖析;之後就十四家美國401(k)計劃與五家香港強積金制度的參與機構,進行個案分析;最後則提出勞退新制經營模式的相關命題,並得到以下的結論:(1)、台灣人口老化及企業退休金的民營化的趨勢,象徵退休市場將大幅發展及退休資產迅速的累積。(2)、金融保險機構的規模愈大時,參與勞退新制的動機與需求愈強,且愈傾向提供收支、保管、運用的完整服務。(3)、就勞退個人帳戶制而言,廣大的勞工與企業客戶基礎為參與收支保管業務的主要考量,而累積龐大的退休資產則為參與基金運用業務的主要考量。(4)、外商參與機構的競爭優勢為國外經驗,本土機構的優勢則為客戶與通路的基礎。(5)、具國外經驗的外資機構與其通路客戶基礎的本地機構,共採「策略聯盟完整服務」的經營模式,將取得明顯的競爭優勢。(6)、個人帳戶制參與機構的產業別、業務範圍、及目標市場會影響經營模式的選擇。(7)、銀行業與保險業將傾向採取 「垂直整合完整服務」或「策略聯盟完整服務」的經營模式;資產管理業將以「資產管理單項服務」的經營模式為主。(8)、業務範圍愈完整者,愈傾向「垂直整合完整服務」的經營模式;具金融控股公司架構的金融保險集團,將成為勞退市場最具市場競爭力的參與機構。(9)、兼具批發與零售業務的基礎,為行銷業務與建立客戶長期關係的關鍵因素。(10)、現行的勞退附加年金制,並不具商業價值且隱含經營風險,預計勞退附加年金制將朝向公辦民營,或完全由公營機構承辦的方向發展。(11)、其他年金制下的人數限制為影響其經營價值的關鍵因素。 (12)、其他年金制下的確超給付計劃基於利率與其他的經營風險,其經營價值低於確定提撥計劃,保險業可視其他年金制下的確定提撥計劃為其人數限制的個人帳戶制,因此保險業應以爭取降低或取消人數限制為參與勞退新制為主要目標。 此外,本文也針對台灣勞工退休金制度以及有意於參與經營的金融保險機構,提出勞退制度內容、機構經營模式、進入市場策略、及營運策略等相關的建議。 關鍵字:勞工退休金制度、401(k)計劃、金融保險機構、經營模式

世界銀行年金改革模式及其批判 / World Bank' Pension Reform Proposals and its Critical Commentary

郭昭男, Kuo, Chao-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
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陳仁泓 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要在探討確定提撥退休金計劃下,投資決策對所得替代率之影響,以提供員工退休規劃及政府政策擬定之參考。首先,我們建構退休金累積模型及所得替代率模型,其中所得替代率之計算是以含通貨膨脹率因子的年金方式給付退休金。然後,將影響退休金累積模型的精算因子:累積期間的投資報酬率,依據過去的月資料配適出其母體分配,以模擬員工未來退休時,使用年金方式給付退休金的所得替代率。本文進一步,提供員工在不同投資報酬下應相對提撥多少百分比,以達到適當的所得替代率水準的參考標準,以滿足員工未來退休時的生活所需。我們以民國87年「勞工退休金條例草案」及台灣投資市場的實証資料進行研究,本研究結果如右:當僱主提撥6%月薪資時,(一)若員工可選擇投資標的,女性、男性員工所得替代率分均值分別介於48%~70%、52%~75%,而且選擇高度風險基金之所得替代率平均值皆較低度風險基金高出45 %,但為了使所得替代率小於60%的機率低於10%,女性、男性員工選擇高度風險基金需較低度風險基金分別多提撥3 %、2 %。(二)若退休基金由勞委會統籌管理,以過去實証平均報酬率8%,計算女性、男性員工所得替代率分別為50%、54%,但為達到60%所得替代率,女性、男性員工需分別相對提撥2%、1%。(三)比較「員工可選擇投資標的」與「勞委會統籌分配管理」兩種退休基金管理方式,若員工可選擇投資標的亦有最低保証收益,結果發現員工可選擇投資標的之投資績效及所得替代率皆優於勞委會統籌分配管理。 / The thesis investigates the impacts of the employee’s investment decision making on income replacement rate for defined contribution plan. We first construct the pension accumulation model to compute the final retirement benefit under defined contribution plan. Furthermore, the empirical data of the investment returns from mutual fund market and that from Labor Insurance Bureau are utilized to simulate the possible investment returns distribution for employee before retirement. The replacement rate is then calculated by assuming the employee will use his/her final retirement benefit to buy a single premium annuity with inflation index adjustment from the insurance company. Finally, based on simulation results from different scenarios, we suggest a relative employee contribution rate in order for employee to reach his/her objective replacement rate under different risk aversion levels. Our results show: 1. If the employee can make investment decision by investing in the mutual fund market, in average, female employee can have 48~70% replacement rate, while male employee can have 52~75%. We also find the replacement rate for employee selecting the high-risk mutual fund is 45% higher than those for selecting the low-risk mutual fund. 2. If the employee can not make investment decision and Labor Insurance Bureau allocate the pension asset, female employee can have 50% replacement rate, while male employee can have 54%. 3. Comparing the above two alternatives under the assumption that the employee has minimum guarantee return in both case, we find the first option can generate higher replacement rate for employee.


張菊枝, Chang, Chu Chih Unknown Date (has links)

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