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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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企業生命週期與進入模式關聯性之研究 / The research of connection between business life cycle and entry mode

簡吉龍, Chein, Allan Unknown Date (has links)
『國際化』對於台灣企業而言,已是必然的趨勢。因此,如何成功地進入國外市場?可以說是目前台灣企業最重要的課題。而對一個想要進入國外市場的企業而言,除了選擇所要進入的國家外,更重要的是『進入模式』的決定。一個適當的進入模式對於企業往後的國際營運影響深遠,不僅直接影響到該市場的成敗,對於企業的其他市場亦具有間接的效應。因為在全球整合性的競爭下,市場間的競爭關連性上升,一個市場的成敗往往是在另一個市場上優、劣勢的來源。 目前學者對於影響企業決定『進入模式』的因素看法並不一致。不過大致仍可歸納出內部與外部因素兩個方面(Root, 1987)。而『企業生命週期』可視為企業內部因素的表徵,因此,企業的組織階段勢必對進入模式的決定有某種程度的影響。而由於『企業生命週期』的概念較為普遍,對於台灣一般的企業而言,實用性較高。因此,本研究的動機乃是基於探討『企業生命週期』與最適『進入模式』間的關連性。而影響進入模式的因素除了組織內部因素外,還有企業外部的環境因素,尤其是地主國的環境因素,對進入模式的決策更具有關鍵性的影響。因此,本研究亦將地主國的環境變數納入考量,以提高研究模型的解釋能力。 基於以上研究動機,本研究有以下主要目的:1.探討並整理『企業生命週期』與國外市場『進入模式』相關的文獻。2.以『企業生命週期』理論為出發點,發展一個觀念架構,用以描述企業的組織階段與地主國環境變數,對於國外市場進入模式決策的影響。3.以台灣企業為對象,針對本研究所發展的觀念架構,進行實證分析,並提出研究結果以供業界及後續研究參考。 本文以郵寄問卷方式,對於台灣企業進行實證研究;所採用分析方法包括:敘述性統計、因素分析(Factor analysis)、集群分析(Cluster analysis)、變異數分析、鑑別分析(Discriminant analysis)、t-test 以及 Logistic Regression Analysis 等等。研究結果顯示: 一、目前從事國際化的台灣企業,根據其組織內部情況,我們可將其劃分為創業期、加速期、制度化期、以及再生期四個階段。 二、企業生命週期對進入模式之影響 1.再生階段相對於創業階段而言,在出口對其他、出口對生產據點、以及出口對銷售據點三種情況下,具有顯著性影響;也就是說在以上三種情況下,再生階段會比創業階段傾向採用較高涉入的進入模式。 2.加速階段與制度化階段相對於創業階段而言,只在出口對銷售據點時,具有顯著性影響;亦即,在考慮出口與銷售據點兩種進入模式時,加速階段或制度化階段均會比創業階段傾向採用銷售據點形式之進入模式。 3.若考慮銷售對生產據點,或者是合資生產對獨資生產據點時,則不論是加速階段、制度化階段或是再生階段,相對於創業階段而言,均未有顯著性影響。 三、地主國環境因素對進入模式之影響 1.關於地主國環境變動程度之因素,實證結果雖具顯著影響,但與本研究假設相衝突。因此,只可經由文獻之整理加以推論(詳見 P.98),而無法獲得明確之結論。 2.不論是考慮出口對其他、出口對銷售據點、或是出口對生產據點,當地市場之規模與文化相似性具有顯著性影響。亦即,當市場規模愈大或兩地文化相似愈高時,企業會傾向採用涉入程度較出口為高的進入模式。 3.若考慮同為生產據點的合資生產與獨資生產兩類進入模式時,企業對當地環境之熟悉程度具有顯著影響。亦即,當企業對所進入的市場環境愈熟悉,其愈傾於採用獨資生產的進入模式。反之,若企業對當地環境較陌生時,則會傾向以合資的方式進入該市場,以分散投資風險。 4.若以出口對生產據點以及銷售據點對生產據點而言,當地市場之吸引力具有顯著性影響。亦即,相對於出口或銷售據點,在當地市場吸引力愈大時,企業會傾向採用生產據點形式進入模式,以獲取在當地投資設廠之利益與優惠。 / Internationalization is the developmental trend of Taiwan business. The choice of the entry mode for foreign markets play a vital role in global competition.According to other literatures, we find that the factors effect this choice can devide into two part: internal and external factors. And the business life cycle express the internal ones. According to these reasons,our research has the following porpose: 1.Review the relevant literatures about the business life cycle and entry mode. 2.To develope a concept infrastructure to describe the influence of business life cycle and host country environment for entry mode. 3.Using the Taiwan business as empirical respondents to approve our concept infrastucture, and give some suggestions to Taiwan entrepreneur.

台灣消費性IT產品進入俄羅斯市場的策略 – 以華碩公司為例 / Entry strategies for Taiwan IT consumer products companies to achieve commercial success in Russian Market – A case study of Asus

康坦齊, Manjekhanov, Konstantin Unknown Date (has links)
Many companies from around the world enter the global market. The firms have to specialize in order to sustain their competitiveness. Many Taiwanese companies are export-oriented. The major export markets are Japan, the US and Europe for those Taiwan companies. But these markets are mature and the growth rate is low unlike Russian market. That is why many Taiwan companies entered or plan to enter Russian market. Due to the fact that Russia is a potentially big market and geographically far from Taiwan-ROC, and a fast developing economy, establishing business in Russia is certainly interesting. According to the Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs Taiwan- ROC, mutual trade in 2009 posted US$2,9 billion, Bureau of Foreign Trade (2010). While many companies show great interest in entering the Russian market, there still seems to be some kind of hesitation due to the special nature of the Russian market. In this thesis I will focus on an emerging Russian market and its appeal to foreign companies, namely Taiwanese company such as Asus which made its path into Russian market. Target is to describe Asus initial entry strategies. Problem Statement There are many external factors affecting entry strategies picked up by firms around the world. Legal, political, cultural and institutional factors are just some of the many factors that should be dealt with when operating business on a foreign turf. Many people want to know more on Russian market business experiences, it is hard to find any particular works/papers which can describe a current situation and lead them to commercial success. Russian Federation is a very complex region with its own traditions and business culture. What particular Foreign Operation Methods should a company choose? Indeed choosing right FOM represents a critical component of international business activity. Once described as a ”frontier issue” in international business, researchers as well as practitioners now regard it as fundamental to any discussions about international business strategies and the performance by companies in the international arena. Purpose Despite the fact that in Russian Federation the cost of opening a business is higher than in most other countries and many other destabilizing factors, Asus has found its path to success. How was it possible? What are the lessons one can learn from that experience? The purpose of the thesis is to find out the success factors of Asus as well as study its entry strategy. The research purposes of this paper are as follows: 1. To review the related literature of Entry Strategies 2. To study Russian market 3. To analyze Asus initial entry strategies and analyze its Russian business

中國大陸汽車產業市場結構、廠商行為與績效之分析 / The Market Structure, Firm Conduct and Performance in China’s Automobile Industry

夏樂生, Hsia,Lo-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要是透過產業經濟學中的產業組織研究,運用J. S. Bain及F. M. Scherer 為首的市場結構-行為-績效(S-C-P)的分析方式,來探討中國大陸汽車產業市場結構、廠商行為與績效之間的關係。 運用產業組織S-C-P的分析方式來研究產業的發展及績效的關係已經相當普遍,從早期的E. Mason、J. Bain到W. Shepherd、F. M. Scherer以還,此領域的研究成果相當豐富,然而多集中在實施市場經濟的西方國家,對經濟轉型的國家如東歐、中國及蘇聯等則較為少見。 本論文研究的主要目的,即在探討大陸地區汽車產業之市場結構、產業特性、產業內廠商之營運行為及彼此間的競爭型態;並進一步運用現有的資料,以實證方法對汽車產業市場結構、廠商行為及利潤之來源加以檢定,再由實證中所發掘出的資訊,評估研判大陸汽車產業發展的走向及相關問題。由於中國大陸是一個在二十世紀八十年代開始才自計畫經濟體制逐漸轉型為市場經濟體制的國家,本身仍具有計畫經濟的一些特質,產業政策的制訂及強制實施,對大陸汽車產業結構及行為均具有一定的影響力,因此本文亦透過大陸官方頒布的汽車產業政策來探討其對汽車產業的影響。 經由本文對中國大陸汽車產業的分析顯示,產業組織中市場結構(S)、行為(C)與績效(P),彼此間是處於相互影響之動態關係。而實證研究亦顯示,市場結構及行為對廠商績效的產生有密切的關聯。 在市場結構方面,大陸汽車產業的市場結構有逐漸大型化、集團化的趨勢,大型企業的市場占有率也逐年提升,市場集中度(CR4、CR8)相對提高;唯有轎車生產廠商在進入業者增多及競爭激烈之下,市場集中度有下降的現象,未來大陸汽車產業整體的市場結構有進一步緊縮並向寡頭壟斷發展的趨勢。在廠商行為方面,廠商的併購重組及價格競爭行為有助於市場結構的改善,投資研發及行銷策略等廠商行為則與市場結構及績效有相互影響。另外大陸汽車產業政策對市場結構、行為、績效則有大小不一的影響,部分產業政策目標得以實現,部分政策目標則無法完成。 在汽車產業集中度與績效之直觀性分析方面,根據1995至2003年的相關數據顯示,不論是整車生產廠商、企業集團或轎車生產廠商,其市場集中度愈高,其績效表現相對較佳(工業增加值率愈高)。 另外從實證分析的結果來看,與市場結構相關的5個變數,其中市場集中度(H)、市場占有率(MS)與績效為正相關;而市占率平方(MS²)及勞動密度(Labor)為負相關,大致上與我們的假設相符。另外資本密度(Capital)的實證結果則與假設有所不同,其中34家車廠樣本的檢定為正,而15家集團的結果為負,顯示大陸汽車產業目前並不具資本優勢,尤其是部分汽車集團的資產對績效的產生並不具正面效益。在行為變數方面,投資行為(Investment)對績效的影響為正相關,與我們的假設相同,顯示持續的投資對汽車廠商績效的產生具有重大正面的影響。時間趨勢(Time)變數也有所不同,實證顯示34家車廠的績效隨時間趨勢有逐漸下降的情形,而汽車集團的績效則隨時間趨勢呈上升現象。 正如產業組織理論所述,廠商的績效可以有多個評定考核的標準,一般均以利潤最大化或搶占最大的市占率為目標,但以大陸目前汽車產業狀況而言,本土汽車企業或大陸官方控股的汽車集團能否開發出知名的自有汽車品牌應當是重要的績效之一。根據本文的研究也發現,中國大陸目前汽車集團或大型汽車企業的短期目標是做大規模,利用規模經濟及擴大市占率來鞏固利基。但卻忽略其基本目標或長期目標應是做強企業,所謂做強企業應是運用研發成果或提升經營效率使成本降低,以提高企業的利潤率或附加價值,才算是一個成功的企業。做大企業固然不易,做強企業更是困難,但唯有持續不斷地突破、創新、研發,才能在競爭激烈的中國汽車大戰中脫穎而出,立於不敗之地。 / This thesis aims to explore the relationship between market structure, firm conduct and performance of the automobile industry in mainland China by applying the structure-conduct-performance (S-C-P) model of industrial organization. There are many outstanding studies using S-C-P approach to examine the dynamics between industrial development and performance, such as E. Mason, J. Bain, W. Sherpherd, F.M. Schere, etc. However, most of them focus on the market economies in western countries. Few of them discuss the situations in Eastern Europe, China and former Soviet Union countries that undergo economic transitions. The thesis intends to explore the characteristics of the market structure, firm conduct and economic performance in China’s automobile industry, to examine the dynamics of S-C-P in automobile industry by regression analysis, and to evaluate the development and problems of the automobile industry in mainland China. Although China has been undergoing economic transitions from a planned economy to a market economy since 1980s, not all the characteristics of the planned economy are replaced. The regulatory policy making and implementation have significant impacts on its automobile market structure and firm conduct in this industry. In this regard, the thesis intends to discuss how China’s policy influences its automobile industry. Paramount findings of this research suggest that, in China’s automobile industry, market structure, firm conduct and performance interact with one another. Regression analyses indicate that market structure, firm conduct and performance are strong associated. The market structure of the automobile industry in China characterizes large firms and groups, the growing market share rate of large-scale enterprises on a yearly basis and the rise of market concentration degree (CR4, CR8). However, the value of market concentration degree of sedan manufacturers decreases due to the increase of competitors in this market. As a result, the market structure of China’s automobile industry will evolve to oligopoly in the future. Firm conducts such as merger, reorganization and price competition help to improve the market structure. Other firm behaviors like investment, R&D, and marketing strategies influence the market structure and performance and vice versa. Moreover, China’s automobile industrial policies have various impacts on market structure, firm conduct and performance. In practice, some goals of the automobile policies are attainable, however, others are unattainable in practice. Based on the data between 1995 and 2003, a statistical analysis of concentration degree and performance in automobile industry suggest a positive relationship that higher market concentration degree results in better performance (higher industrial added-value rate), regardless whole-car manufacturers, group enterprises or sedan manufacturers. The multiple regression analyses of five variables related to market structure represents that the values of concentration degree (H) and market share (MS) alike have positive effects on the value performance whereas the values of market share rate squared (MS²) and labor density(Labor) alike have negative effects on the value of performance. These results support our hypotheses in this study. Nevertheless, the result of a relationship test for capital density(Capital) and performance is different from our hypothesis. The value of capital density of 34 car firms and the value of performance have a positive relationship, which echoes our assumption. Yet the hypothesis test for capital density of 15 groups leads to the opposite. It suggests that: capital advantage does not emerge in China’s automobile industry so far. In particular, assets of some automobile groups do not have beneficial effects on business performance. Firm conduct includes one variables: investment. Regression analysis indicates a positive relationship between investment and performance. The result is consistent with our hypothesis and concludes: constant investment contributes to automobile firm performance. Relationship testing for time and performance shows that: when the value of time increases, the value of 34 automobile firms’ performance decreases whereas the value of 15 groups’ performance increases, accordingly. The theory of Industrial organization provides multiple criteria to assess firm performance which usually aims to maximize profit or market share. In the case of current automobile industry in China, whether or not local automobile firms or state-owned enterprises achieve a successful brand building of China-made vehicles should be an important indicator of performance. This research also discovers that on one hand the automobile groups and large-scale enterprises in China embrace short-term goals to maximize firm scale and market shares so as to maximize revenues by exploiting the advantages of economy of scale, however, on the other hand, they ignore fundamental, long-term goals to be sustainable, successful and competitive corporations that invest R&D to increase business efficiency, reduce costs, and boost marginal revenue and added-value rate. Being a big firm is never easy yet being a competitive enterprise is even more difficult. Only with constant improvement in management, investment in R&D, the invention of production can an enterprise survive and succeed in the competition in China’s automobile market.


黃科誠 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討主題為文化創意產業之國際化,首先透過文獻探討方式,了解文化創意產業、企業國際化、新創事業、企業核心資源能力等議題內容;第二階段則透過個案訪談與次級資料的搜集與整理,對研究個案企業之發展歷程與國際化相關策略作一介紹;第三階段則將先前探討之文獻、研究與研究個案之國際化模式作分析、比較,歸納出命題並提出本研究之結論。 2002年行政院提出「挑戰2008:國家發展重點計劃」,明確將「文化創意產業」列為台灣未來重點發展產業,然綜觀目前國內有關文化創意產業之研究多以整體產業發展、文化創意產業與地方/社區經濟發展等相關主題為多,甚少有研究以文化創意產業為主體,針對其國際化議題做探討。本研究針對此議題,選擇以獲得行政院文建會所遴選之文化創意產業成功企業之法藍瓷有限公司為研究個案。法藍瓷成立至今僅有五年歷史,然憑藉著優異的設計創意與產品品質,產品上市不久即榮獲海內外各項大獎肯定,目前在海外市場約有五千多個銷售點,遍及美國、歐洲、紐澳地區、大中華地區與日韓等市場,年營業額約一千兩百多萬美金,是目前台灣文化創意產業裡,海外市場發展相對較成功者。 本研究結論簡述如下: 一、文化創意產業進入國際市場時,應考量本身資源能力,彈性地選擇最適合的 進入方式。 二、文化創意產業國際化的過程中,仍然適用於一般產業依各地比較利益不同而 將價值鏈各環節活動安排在不同地區之模式。 三、文化創意產業進行國際化時,除了研發、創意的掌握,亦應同時強化品牌行 銷能力培養與通路的建立。 四、國際化的資源能力可以在企業經營活動的動態過程裡逐步累積,企業若能 將國際化過程所習得的知識與經驗整理吸收,未來踏入一個新的國外市場 時,對於經營業務的推動與策略的形成將有相當幫助。 關鍵字:1.文化創意產業 2.國際化動機 3.國際市場進入模式 4.新創事業 5.工藝類文化創意產業 6.核心資源能力 / The cultural industry has been considered as the most promising industry for the future economic energy sources for many countries. However, with the limited market size in Taiwan, Taiwanese cultural industry also needs to go international for a bigger market. The purpose of this research is to understand the internationalization of cultural industry in Taiwan. As an exploratory research by case study method, the research consists of four aspects:(1)the characters of cultural industry;(2)the internalization of business;(3)the newborn business;(4)the core competence of a company. Through primary data collection, such as in-depth interview and secondary data collection from other researches and publications, the research chose Franzcolletions as the study focus. Conclusions drawn from this research results are: 1. When going globalization and entering into a foreign market, the cultural industry should take account of its own resources and capability, and thus being flexible choosing the most suitable entry mode. 2. During the process of globalization, the cultural industry will arrange the value chains activities which following the comparative advantage theory like other industries. 3. In addition to R&D, the cultural industry should also strengthen marketing ability and building up the distribution channels. 4. The cultural company can accumulate its resources and train up the core competence through the internalization process. Learning from the previous experiences, a cultural company can form a thorough strategy when entering a new foreign market in the future. Key Words:Motivation of Internationalization;International market entry mode;the cultural industry;Newborn business;Core competence.

新創事業資源取得時機與市場進入時機之探討 / The study of Resource Acquisition Timing and Market Entry Timing for New Ventures

許瞻桂, Hsu. Chan-kuei Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 過去進入時機的研究多落入先發與後進兩分法的比較,探討先發與後進各有怎樣的優勢來源?先發者是否較為成功?後進者應採取怎樣的策略作為?雖然進入順序有相當的重要性,但是產業中除了少數的先發者,絕大多數都是後進者,後進者之間仍有很大的時機差異;此外,僅研究先後順序的影響忽略了情境因素(contingencies),本研究試圖從環境觀點探討怎樣才是好的進入時機?時機有利程度的變化受哪些因素影響?進而探討新創事業應如何進行時機決策,期能補充過去的進入時機理論。 在以事業單位為分析對象之下,事業進入產業是一項不可逆轉的資源承諾(resource commitment),新創事業特別需要自外部取得資源,因而僅以產品上市代表進入並不貼切;且各種資源有本身環境的變化,其取得也有時機的議題,因而本研究藉由組織生態觀點所強調的環境資源豐富性與可得性、競食與共生群體等概念,從環境觀點分別探討新事業進入產業的「資源取得時機」與「市場進入時機」。 然而因為研究對象為新創事業,取得外部資源乃為能進入市場,故又必須考量在適當的時間點開始獲取資源(培養能力),以便在進入市場時必要的資源能力到位而使新事業能有效運作,因而資源取得時機與市場進入時機並非獨立而需同時考量,二者在時間上有前後配合的關係。 由於本研究主題在目前未有足夠的文獻探討,故採用探索性個案研究,先經過四個產業各一個案例做為前導個案研究,以瞭解研究之意涵是否具有理論價值?是否值得繼續進行正式的研究,同時藉以作為後續研究方法設計的參考依據。 根據Eisenhardt(1989)建議,探索性個案研究仍可帶先驗構念( a priori constructs)進入田野,本研究第一階段即是帶著「環境有利程度」、「資源可得性」等概念以及產業知識進入田野,進行半結構化的訪談,針對草創期間資源之取得過程以及市場進入時機之回顧,從受訪者對其時機議題的說法歸納其中的道理(reasoning)。從前導個案中又發現「資源效益性」、「補救成本」與「持有成本」的概念以及時機相關理論意涵之後,確認本主題具有研究價值,於是再繼續進行第二階段多重個案的探索,將構念之面向及意涵發展得更加完整,並從個案複現所得到之研究發現推導出命題和觀念模式。 在第二階段的研究中,本研究將紮根理論方法的開放性譯碼融入Eisenhardt(1989)個案研究建立理論的步驟中,針對前導個案研究中兩個一次到位產業再進行多個案研究;資料來源以訪談為主、產業客觀資料為輔,分析過程包括個案內分析與跨個案分析。 個案內分析乃利用開放性譯碼對訪談逐字稿分析與時機有關的概念賦予標籤(Labeling)並編碼(Coding),得出該個案的時機相關意涵與概念關係圖。跨個案分析部分先確認構念意涵與效度,再歸納主要的研究發現;前者乃透過不斷反覆於資料與構念之間,逐一界定本研究所發現之重要構念的涵意,並加以精緻化,再將該構念在所有個案逐字稿之證據整合建立證據表,以確認構念的聚合效度與區別效度;後者運用複現邏輯(replication logic)將研究發現之相關證據從個案逐字稿中一一加以引用,藉以強化研究發現。整個研究是一個不斷重複於資料與理論建構的過程(an iterative process),在新增個案之構念及關係皆已重複的情況下,研究者認為已經達到理論飽和。 本研究的理論貢獻在發展時機相關構念,以及描述環境變化下「何謂時機有利」,過程中並發現資源特性對於取得時機之影響,以之建立資源取得與市場進入之有利時機以及二者如何配合等概念模式。主要的研究結論如下: 本研究首先要探討的是何謂資源取得之有利時機?由於新創事業往往需要從外部取得資源,在環境觀點下,時機有利程度的變化主要受環境因素的影響,環境變化導致資源可得性以及效益性的變化;此外,資源具有技術進步性者,亦隨著時間演進而效益越來越提升。因而在不同時間取得特定資源,其可得性與效益性不同,能在可得越高、效益性越高之時取得資源,時機越有利,錯失有利時機將發生補救成本。 另外在「市場環境有利程度」方面,除了市場需求成長性、競爭程度、環境不確定性之外,支援網絡與共生族群協力程度以及基礎設施完備程度等面向在個案證據中亦獲得確認,表示考慮市場進入時機時應依此五項構面加以評估。本研究同時發現此市場環境有利程度變化的驅動因子包括制度環境因素以及產業環境的改變。 由於研究情境是新創事業,個別資源取得時機除了考量本身資源環境的有利程度之外,尚須與市場進入時機配合,在適當的前置時間開始取得各項資源、培養能力,使進入產業所需具備的基本資源能力都建置完成(取得到位),如此才能掌握市場有利的時機。提前取得由於需等待其他資源齊備而將發生「持有成本」,不過有些資源可回復性高,因而持有成本較低;延後取得則可能延誤市場有利時機而發生「延遲成本」。 因此,對於新創事業而言,資源取得時機應如何與市場進入時機做配合?在已經預定理想的市場進入時間且延遲成本高之下,進入前必須資源能力到位,故最晚應在各資源(能力)必要之前置時間開始取得,或是提前取得,提前取得與否取決於在前置時間取得之補救成本以及提前取得之持有成本的高低;亦即若為把握有利的資源取得時機以避免較高的補救成本,就要提前取得資源而發生持有成本;反之,若為避免較高的持有成本可能錯過資源有利時機而發生補救成本。 若是資源的持有成本高且有利的取得時機在預定的取得時間之後,則需考量市場進入時間跟著延後是否錯過有利時機而發生「延遲成本」?延後取得資源與否取決於資源環境變化下取得時機的補救成本以及延後取得之延遲成本的高低;亦即若為把握有利的資源取得時機以避免較高的補救成本,就要延後進入市場而發生延遲成本;反之,若為避免較高的延遲成本可能無法把握資源有利時機而發生補救成本。 整體而言,各項資源之取得時機除需考量本身時機的補救成本外,尚應考量提前取得之持有成本以及延後取得可能錯過市場有利時機的延遲成本;特別是在市場有利的期間短、稍有延誤則延遲成本很高的情況下,則不能延後取得資源,進而須考量資源面的補救成本和持有成本,決定是否提前取得;若是市場有利的期間長、延後進入之延遲成本不高的情況下,則考量資源面的補救成本、持有成本和市場面延遲成本的高低,決定資源取得時機。如此兼顧市場面及資源面之有利時機,新事業可做出較佳之時機決策以擁有時機優勢。 從上述結論中引伸出比較重要的管理涵義如下: 環境變化導致資源取得與市場進入時機之有利程度不同,新事業應在分析市場環境的五個構面之趨勢下,預定理想的市場進入時機,並研判市場有利時機期間的長度,接著一一分析生存所需之基本資源能力應於何時開始取得(培養);但資源環境的有利時機未必正好落在該時間,故應綜合考量資源補救成本、持有成本與市場延遲成本以決定個別資源之取得時機。因而對於新創事業而言,辨識環境狀況與資源特性,在補救成本、持有成本與市場延遲成本的權衡之下決定資源取得時機,能兼顧資源面與市場面之有利時機;雖然理想上各項資源取得時機有利,又能在有利期間進入市場是最佳狀態,然而實際上往往只能有所取捨。 在資源特性對於取得時機的影響方面,可得性低的稀少性策略資源(例如管制性資源),只要能在短暫的可得時間取得即是好時機,因為若未取得將導致無法進入產業,或是延誤市場進入時機,需付出相當高的補救成本或是延遲成本;反之,其取得往往能帶來獨佔利益。錯失時機之補救成本越高者,表示該資源的時機越重要。管制性資源的供應者往往就是政府,或是政府可扮演協助取得資源的角色,因而妥善配合政府政策取得資源,是值得新創事業重視的時機策略。可回復性高的資源,提前取得之持有成本較低,在其他條件相同之下可提前取得。技術進步性明顯的資源,越晚取得效益越高,故應必要時方取得。

台北市連鎖便利商店展店行為的動態分析 / An Entry Analysis of Convenience Stores in Taipei

黃伊平, Hwang, I Pyng Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣的連鎖式便利商店密度居世界之冠,為數眾多的門市使得便利商店與臺灣人 民的生活息息相關,就直覺來說,便利商店門市的數量也影響了廠商設立新門市 的決策。本研究建構了一離散選擇的動態賽局,分析臺北市各個行政區便利商店 門市數量對不同廠商設立新門市的影響。實證結果顯示當競爭對手門市數量剛開 始增加時,門市數量對便利商店的利潤有正向的影響,但是當對手門市數量太多 時,此數量的增加對便利商店的利潤產生負向影響。這結果表示一開始門市之間 的互補效果大於替代效果,但是門市數量太多造成過度競爭,此時門市之間的替 代效果大於互補效果。而同品牌的門市數量對於廠商的總利潤也有類似的影響。 另外,本研究也估計便利商店歷年來在臺北市各行政區展店的機率,其中大安區 和中山區是便利商店廠商最想展店的行政區,相對而言,南港區、大同區和萬華 區則是展店機率較低的行政區。 / The density of convenience stores (CVS) in Taiwan is ranked as number one in the world. The highly concentrated market of convenience stores has dramatically changed the lifestyle of Taiwanese people. The number of existing outlets in a region is also an important factor in regard to the entry decisions of new outlets. In this study, we construct a model of the dynamic discrete game, and examine the influence of the rival outlet number on CVS entry decisions in Taipei, Taiwan. The empirical evidence we find is that the CVS profits first rise and then decline as the own or rival outlet number increases. This result implies that the complement and substitution effects vary with the number of the CVS outlets in a specific region. Furthermore, we estimate the probabilities that the CVS companies will set up additional outlets in any district of Taipei during the data period. The results show that it is most likely for the companies to enter the Da’an and Zhongshan districts, while Nangang, Datong and Wanhua are districts with low entry probabilities.

聚醯亞胺薄膜在軟性電路板市場上之行銷策略研究 / Marketing strategy of polyimide film for flexible printed circuit board applications

張春來, Chang, Michael Unknown Date (has links)
聚醯亞胺薄膜用於軟性電路板市場從2006年起,由於競爭者眾多,整個產業環境變得十分嚴苛,事業屬性從獨佔性變成競爭十分激烈的寡佔性市場。此篇論文通過產業的總體環境分析及產業分析來對軟板市場進行區隔,並針對不同目標市場擬定行銷策略,將產品重新定位來滿足不同目標市場的需求,以期達到杜邦公司聚醯亞胺薄膜產品在軟性電路板市場的永續成長。 從含有產品價格因素在內的問卷調查中找到產業鏈中最有議價能力廠商的最重要需求及預估用量,進而做為公司開發下一世代聚醯亞胺薄膜產品的依據。 / Start from 2006, Polyimide films industry has become very competitive in flexible printed circuits applications. The polyimide film industry has transformed from monopoly to oligopoly, major players in flexible printed circuits market are DuPont, Kaneka, SKC-Kolon and Taimide companies. After analyzing the political, economics, social, technical and industrial trends, The FPC industry has been re-segmented into two segments – Basic market and Niche market. With different strategies been developed for different markets, we re-position our different type of Kapton® polyimide films for different markets and developed an executable marketing plan which will be test in selected customers. Through price included questionarries, we also found the key industrial decision makers’ unmet needs, price expectation and potential volume. Base on the findings, we are able to develop the next generation polyimide films to satisfy customers.

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