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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

書寫傳統與轉擬世相:王韜志怪小說研究 / Writing sequels and transforming the appearance of the world : the study of Wang Tao's supernatural fictions

林婉婷 Unknown Date (has links)


陳希傑 Unknown Date (has links)

以負向對比歷程探討酬賞價值降低之神經行為機制 / Investigation of the Neurobehavioral Mechanisms for Reward Reduction via Using the Procedure of Successive Contrast

莊豐榮, Chuang, Feng-Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以連續性負向對比(successive negative contrast, SNC)動物行為模式進行比較行為所涉及的心理歷程及神經生理系統之探究。實驗首先建立以大白鼠在舔舐不同濃度蔗糖液所引發的連續性負向對比效果之模式,繼而探討飢餓動機在此模式中所扮演的角色,並且以benzodiazepines受體促進劑diazepam進行週邊及中樞注射,期望對此模式之神經行為機制有進一步的發現,並釐清benzodiazepines在當中所扮演的角色。實驗一是為了建立本實驗室大白鼠在舔舐蔗糖液由較高濃度(32﹪)降為較低濃度(4﹪)時產生的連續性負向對比行為的表現,從結果發現剝奪吃食的大白鼠或自由吃食的大白鼠皆有連續性負向對比行為的效果產生,剝奪吃食的大白鼠在減抑負向對比的行為效果比自由吃食的大白鼠還快,而自由吃食的大白鼠在連續性負向對比的行為保持上會持續較久。實驗二是操弄吃食狀態的調換,以檢視大白鼠在負向對比效果表現是否隨飢餓驅力的高低而變化,就結果而言,剝奪吃食改為自由吃食組大白鼠之連續性負向對比行為的產生只發生在蔗糖液濃度變化後的第一、二天,而自由吃食改為剝奪吃食組大白鼠會發生在蔗糖液濃度變化後的四天。實驗三大白鼠進行diazepam腹腔注射,結果發現能有效減抑負向對比效果,但只發生在蔗糖液濃度改變後的第二天。實驗四進行大白鼠腹腔注射diazepam 5 mg/kg以檢視其是否因增加對蔗糖液的喜好因素而減抑了連續性負向對比的效果,結果顯示大白鼠在第一、二天負向對比的效果就不明顯,不過受藥物作用的影響,可以發現舔水次數或舔水量等指標都有增加趨勢,此可解釋為diazepam增加對蔗糖液的喜好得影響。實驗五進行了內側杏仁體及背側海馬體的diazepam微量注射,結果發現蔗糖液濃度改變後第一天,上述兩部位的藥物注射後皆產生負向對比效果,但第二天只有注射內側杏仁體大白鼠減抑了負向對比效果,而背側海馬體大白鼠則繼續保持負向對比效果。綜觀上述結果顯示以舔舐蔗糖液濃度差異所引發連續性負向對比效果所涉及的心理歷程及神經生理系統有其複雜性,benzodiazepines受體促進劑diazepam的藥物測試結果發現會影響此行為模式。 / The present study successive negative contrast (SNC) investigated what psychological processes and neural systems were involved in the comparison behavior. The SNC effect induced by rat’s licking different concentrations of sucrose solution was established and the effect in diazepam (a benzodiazepine agonist) as well as experimental manipulation of food deprivation were observed. In Experiment 1, the SNC effect was induced when the sucrose solution shifted from 32% down to 4%.This effect was observed across the consecutive 4 post-shift days in the free-feeding subjects; however, such effect was gradually diminished in the food-deprived subjects. Experiment 2 manipulated the food deprivation states to study how the hunger drive would affect the SNC. The results revealed that the food-deprived subjects in the pre-shift session show the SNC effect only on the second day of post-shift session with food supplied freely. However, the SNC effects were observed in the consecutive four post-shift days in the subject with free-feeding in the pre-shift session but was then altered into the state of food-deprivation. In Experiment 3, the SNC effect was attenuated by systemic injection of diazepam with the observation of the reduced licking suppression on the second post-shift day. In Experiment 4, with similar manipulation of food supply, diazepam was found to enhance the sucrose licking in addition to its reduction of the SNC effect. The central loci for diazepam to attenuate the SNC effect were investigated in Experiment 5. Although the SNC effect was attenuated by diazepam infused into the medial amygdala or the dorsal hippocampus, the time courses to observe such reduction were different for drug infused into both sites. The study indicates that(a)the SNC effect on licking can be reliably induced by decreasing the sucrose concentration,(b)such effect is attenuated by diazepam via central neural mechanisms. However, further research is needed to determine whether the attenuation of SNC by diazepam is based on the anxiety suppression or appetite enhancement process.

Issues of Outsourcing and Cross-Strait Trades / 委外代工與兩岸貿易的經濟分析

黃依珮, Huang, Yi-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣製造業委外代工至大陸已是十分普遍的現象。從國外購買中間財貨、到國外設立跨國公司、購買國外製成品以國內的品牌進行銷售、或到國外找尋特殊投資關係合夥人等,都包含在委外代工的定義內。委外代工帶來了二個值得探討的議題:第一是委外代工對勞動市場的影響,包括失業問題和相對薪資的變化;第二,委外代工和經濟邊緣化問題之間存在尚未澄清的關聯,例如委外代工是不是會導致台灣經濟邊緣化、產業空洞化?因此,本論文分成兩大獨立的結構分別討論上述問題。 關於委外代工對勞動市場的影響,文獻上大多觀察下列現象(Feenstra and Hanson, 1995; Wood,1995):製造業的就業規模是否縮減、整體製造業的技術勞動就業比例是否逐漸增加、整體製造業的非技術勞動就業比例是否逐漸下降、以及技術勞動和非技術勞動之間的薪資差距是否也逐漸擴大(反應出就業比例的改變)。本文對台灣的勞動市場進行研究,的確發現上述現象的產生。根據研究結果顯示,政府沒有理由限制傳統產業外移到大陸,反而要創造更好的高科技環境,積極地留住台灣的高科技產業。亦即,不同的產業需要不同的產業政策加以因應,雙向產業政策將是需要的。例如傳統產業,政府可以將政策提升到「委外代工國」的立場考量,讓獲利率低、生產不效率的產業委由大陸製造;對高科技產業政策政府則可試著採取「被委外代工國」的立場,積極創造更科技的產業環境,留住台灣科技產業和保住台灣科技產業代工王國的版圖。 對委外代工與台灣邊緣化議題的探討,主要源起於泛藍和泛綠在兩次總統大選中的兩岸政策的爭議─是否要「三通」。事實上,針對台灣是否會被邊緣化兩大陣營均尚未整理出一個完整的說明。透過Krugman and Venables(1995)模型闡述可以清楚地了解:邊緣化只是運輸成本下降的一個過程,不會是最終的結果。同時,運輸成本的下降並不是會造成邊緣化的唯一決定因子。產業關聯性和產品之間的替代程度都扮演相當重要的角色。因此,對不同產業設定特定政策才能達到抗邊緣化的效果。 / Outsourcing is the current trend between Taiwan and Mainland China in recent decade. Inclusive of importing intermediate inputs, setting up multinational firms, purchasing final goods produced abroad, outsourcing brings two topics worthy to discuss. My thesis is structured into two independent projects: one is to discuss the effects of outsourcing on unemployment and changes in relative wages, and the other focuses on the issue of whether outsourcing leads to Taiwan deindustrialization. The main findings in the first project are consistent with the major conclusions suggested by several studies(Feenstra and Hanson, 1995; Wood,1995)that: declining share of manufacturing employment in total employment, increasing share of skilled workers’ in total manufacturing employment and in total wage bill, while the converse in unskilled workers. Therefore, we have no reasons to limit the unprofitable and traditional industries to move out. What we should do is to develop and expand the higher-skilled sector and to encourage high-technology industries to upgrade the production with the most comparative advantage. Different industrial policies applicable to different features of each industry are necessary. To announce a rough and uniform policy will probably do more harms than goods. What unearthed from the second project is that concerns of economic periphery voiced by Pan-KMT and Pan-DPP alliances did not tell the full story. Krugman and Venables(1995)can be applied to show that economic periphery is just one of the points in the process of a dynamic development with reducing transportation cost. Besides, transportation cost is not the only contributor to “core and periphery” pattern. Share of intermediate input and elasticity of substitution for manufactured goods are also playing important roles. Therefore, different industries should be applicable for different policy arrangement.


張雅惠, Chang, Yea-Huey Unknown Date (has links)
雖然焦慮是一種普遍存在之情感性心智活動,迄今仍無充份解釋之實證資料。本研究主要是利用一種焦慮症相關的動物模式,即抬高式T形迷津,探討與焦慮症有關的神經行為機制。整部研究分兩大實驗,分別探討抬高式T形迷津的行為建構動力與破壞依核次級區域在抬高式T形迷津或其他焦慮作業上之行為表現。在實驗一檢驗抬高式T形迷津的行為內涵方面,共有四個實驗:實驗一A探討抬高式T形迷津抑制性躲避行為是否呈現消除現象;實驗一B探討破壞制約害怕神經網路對抬高式T形迷津之抑制性躲避行為的影響,並檢測自發性運動量的改變是否造成干擾效果;實驗一C探討事前暴露經驗對脫逃行為的意義;實驗一D檢測脫逃及抑制性躲避實驗程序互相干擾之可能性。實驗二探討可能涉及抬高式T形迷津或其他焦慮作業的神經機制,針對破壞依核次級區域對焦慮行為的影響進行檢測。此部分包含三個實驗,實驗二A探討依核次級區域受損對傳統焦慮動物模式抬高式十字迷津行為的影響;實驗二B採用已在實驗一建立行為效度的抬高式T形迷津,檢驗破壞依核次級區域後的迷津行為表現,並檢驗依核次級區域受損是否影響受試自發性運動量變化,以致干擾抬高式T形迷津的行為表現。另為深入探討依核的功能角色,實驗二C利用其他嫌惡作業測試破壞依核次級區域對制約躲避電擊行為的影響。實驗一結果顯示抑制性躲避行為是一包含制約害怕及探索行為等多重歷程的行為模式,而脫逃行為對情緒狀態的改變不敏感,且易受抑制性躲避作業的影響。實驗二發現破壞依核殼區同時減抑受試在抬高式十字迷津的危機評估行為、抬高式T形迷津之抑制性躲避行為及制約躲避電擊行為;而破壞依核核區的減抑效果僅見於抬高式T形迷津與制約躲避電擊作業。三個嫌惡作業的結果顯示依核核區與殼區皆涉及制約害怕歷程,但兩區的受損會表現不同焦慮行為,並在抬高式十字迷津之危機評估行為中表現出來。綜合上述二大部分實驗結果,本研究對抬高式T形迷津的行為內涵有更進一步的瞭解,並特別藉依核次級區域破壞的行為測試資料,推估中腦多巴胺系統與傳統理論所指邊緣系統在實證性解釋焦慮具同樣關鍵角色。 / Although anxiety is a well-recognized affective mental reaction, its phenomenon is not fully characterized by the empirical data. By employing a recently developed animal model named the elevated T maze (ETM), the present study investigated the neurobehavioral mechanisms of anxiety. There were two major parts of experiments designed to respectively examine the validity of this task and the involvement of limbic related areas on anxious behavior. Regarding the first part of experiments, Experiment 1A examined the effects of extinction on the inhibitory avoidance of ETM; Experiment 1B evaluated the lesions of six limbic related areas on the measures of inhibitory avoidance and escape; Experiment 1C investigated how pre-exposure experience of stress would affect the ETM behavior; Experiment 1D tested the potential affectiveness derived from different sequences of the test procedure on EMT. The second part of experiments mainly focused on comparing the lesion effects of nucleus accumbens subareas (core and shell) on behavioral measures from three anxiety-related tasks. Elevated plus maze, ETM, and active avoidance were adopted respectively in the experiments of 2A, 2B, and 2C. Results of the first part of experiments indicated 1) inhibitory avoidance of ETM containing fear conditioning and exploration components, and 2) less sensitivity to experimental manipulation for the escape of ETM. In the second part of experiments, the shell lesion significant attenuated the risk assessment behavior of elevated plus maze and inhibitory avoidance of ETM and active avoidance tasks, whereas the core lesion only produced the latter part of impairment. Both core and shell subareas are thus inferred to be involved in the conditioned avoidance, and lesions of these two areas may exert different patterns of anxious behavior. Together, the present study further characterized behavioral components of ETM. With a more systemic work in comparing lesion data of nucleus accumbens over three anxiety-related tasks, it is then suggested that the midbrain dopamine system is as crucial as the traditionally-known limbic system the traditional in terms of providing empirical explanation for the anxiety.

基於方向性邊緣特徵之即時物件偵測與追蹤 / Real-Time Object Detection and Tracking using Directional Edge Maps

王財得, Wang, Tsai-Te Unknown Date (has links)
在電腦視覺的研究之中,有關物件的偵測與追蹤應用在速度及可靠性上的追求一直是相當具有挑戰性的問題,而現階段發展以視覺為基礎互動式的應用,所使用到技術諸如:類神經網路、SVM及貝氏網路等。 本論文中我們持續深入此領域,並提出及發展一個方向性邊緣特徵集(DEM)與修正後的AdaBoost訓練演算法相互結合,期能有效提高物件偵測與識別的速度及準確性,在實際驗證中,我們將之應用於多種角度之人臉偵測,以及臉部表情識別等兩個主要問題之上;在人臉偵測的應用中,我們使用CMU的臉部資料庫並與Viola & Jones方法進行分析比較,在準確率上,我們的方法擁有79% 的recall及90% 的precision,而Viola & ones的方法則分別為81%及77%;在運算速度上,同樣處理512x384的影像,相較於Viola & Jones需時132ms,我們提出的方法則有較佳的82ms。 此外,於表情識別的應用中,我們結合運用Component-based及Action-unit model 兩種方法。前者的優勢在於提供臉部細節特徵的定位及追蹤變化,後者主要功用則為進行情緒表情的分類。我們對於四種不同情緒表情的辨識準確度如下:高興(83.6%)、傷心(72.7%)、驚訝(80%) 、生氣(78.1%)。在實驗中,可以發現生氣及傷心兩種情緒較難區分,而高興與驚訝則較易識別。 / Rapid and robust detection and tracking of objects is a challenging problem in computer vision research. Techniques such as artificial neural networks, support vector machine and Bayesian networks have been developed to enable interactive vision-based applications. In this thesis, we tackle this issue by devising a novel feature descriptor named directional edge maps (DEM). When combined with a modified AdaBoost training algorithm, the proposed descriptor can produce effective results in many object detection and recognition tasks. We have applied the newly developed method to two important object recognition problems, namely, face detection and facial expression recognition. The DEM-based methodology conceived in this thesis is capable of detecting faces of multiple views. To test the efficacy of our face detection mechanism, we have performed a comparative analysis with the Viola and Jones algorithm using Carnegie Mellon University face database. The recall and precision using our approach is 79% and 90%, respectively, compared to 81% and 77% using Viola and Jones algorithm. Our algorithm is also more efficient, requiring only 82 ms (compared to 132 ms by Viola and Jones) for processing a 512x384 image. To achieve robust facial expression recognition, we have combined component-based methods and action-unit model-based approaches. The component-based method is mainly utilized to locate important facial features and track their deformations. Action-unit model-based approach is then employed to carry out expression recognition. The accuracy of classifying different emotion type is as follows: happiness 83.6%, sadness 72.7%, surprise 80%, and anger 78.1%. It turns out that anger and sadness are more difficult to distinguish, whereas happiness and surprise expression have higher recognition rates.


鄭月裡 Unknown Date (has links)
馬來西亞位於東南亞南部,由西馬和東馬兩部份組成,共有十三個州和三個直轄區(布特拉再也、吉隆坡、納閩特區)組成。屬熱帶地區,雨量豐沛,宜植物生長,全國森林占總面積的75%,有「綠色王國」之美稱。面積近33. 67萬平方公里,人口26,664,000人(2006年) 馬來西亞華人總人口數為6,215,400人,佔馬來西亞總人口數23.31%,馬來人佔68.52%(包含其他土著),印度人佔6.97%,其他佔1.2%。華人信仰伊斯蘭教,佔華人總人口數不及1%,佔馬來西亞總人口數的也只有 0.25%,人數很少,儘管如此,它還是一個值得注意的族群。 馬來西亞官方語言為馬來語,馬來語、英語是通用語言。宗教以伊斯蘭教為國教。十六世紀初,馬來西亞先後被葡萄牙、荷蘭、英國統治,二次大戰期間淪為日本屬地。1957年馬來西亞宣告獨立,1963年馬來西亞建國成功,因為馬來人對華人始終心懷疑懼,把華人占多數的新加坡,於1965年逐出馬來西亞。如此,馬來族便成為馬來西亞境內的最大民族,其次為華族、印度族。不同的民族,有不同的文化與宗教。其宗教信仰方面有伊斯蘭教、佛教、印度教、以及民間信仰。在多元民族、多元文化、多元宗教的馬來西亞,不僅內部存在著民族問題,也存在著嚴重的宗教問題。 由於馬來人文化和華人文化有許多不同,甚至相對立的地方。在華人的觀念裡,誤以為伊斯蘭教等於馬來教,穆斯林等於馬來人,伊斯蘭教文化等於馬來文化。對皈依伊斯蘭教的華人,華人也有所謂「進番」的說詞,意即成為「馬來人」或「番仔」。華人皈依伊斯蘭教必須捨棄過去的宗教信仰,改變原有的生活習慣。但是皈依後的華人穆斯林,有些已經符合馬來西亞《憲法》第160條的「馬來人」的規定,甚至馬來化,但是他們仍被馬來西亞政府歸屬為「華族」。 自視甚高的華人,極為擔心會被他們輕視的馬來人所同化,並不喜歡華人信仰伊斯蘭教,甚至對皈依的華人穆斯林加以排斥。但是,皈依後的華人也必須面對許多的困難,首先在文化上和生活上立即遭遇雙重的壓力,而且還要面對社會適應的問題,以及來自國家政策的壓力。他們處在這樣的環境下,文化勢必有融合有衝撞。筆者從2001年到2008年,共七次到馬來西亞田野調查,將所蒐集的專書論著、報章、宗教機構出版品,以及對101位受訪者作深度訪談的一手資料,針對馬華穆斯林的問題,從皈依的原因,皈依後的文化變遷、社會適應的情形,以瞭解馬華穆斯林所處的,所謂五大「文明」,究竟是「文明」抑或「文化」的問題?以及是「衝撞」、「矛盾」、「融合」,或者……的問題?

城市與偵探: 雷蒙‧錢德勒冷硬派偵探小說中真實與想像空間之探討 / The City and the Sleuth: The Exploration of Real and Imagined Spaces in Raymond Chandler's Hard-Boiled Detective Stories

李岳庭, Lee, Yueh-ting Unknown Date (has links)
雷蒙‧錢德勒為冷硬派偵探小說的開山始祖之一,其文學地位卻不限於通俗小說大家。 其簡潔有力的文學筆觸及對於現代美國社會的深刻批判,讓他名列當代美國代表作家之列。 在錢德勒的筆觸下,洛杉磯城被深切刻畫成重要性不亞於偵探的重要主角。 故此,我在本論文將探討錢德勒對於洛杉磯身為美國現代大城的空間呈現,試圖找出其再現對於美國城市文學與偵探小說的積極影響。 在第二至第四章的本文中,第二章處理私家偵探與其出沒的洛杉磯之間的關係。 我發現漫遊者的概念也可被應用在冷硬派私家偵探的明查暗訪,這兩者在顯示現代城市的現代性方面,都是代表性的謀介。 透過漫遊者偵探的私家之眼,真實與想像的洛杉磯同時歷歷在目,而勒婓伏爾與索雅的空間理論為理解錢德勒筆下洛杉磯真實與想像的城市空間再現的一大利器。 故此,第三章運用索雅的第三空間概念來探討錢德勒的空間再現,發現其筆下墮落之城的種種暗黑角落,都是第三空間的再現,因為它們都顯現一種被宰制的空間呈現,別同於洛杉磯被大力推銷為夢想之城的想像空間。 第四章處理另一個被忽視但重要的第三空間。 藉由私家偵探親身探索洛杉磯城中不同族群的空間,我發現這些空間也是另一種第三空間的呈現,因為這些空間亦屬於被宰制壓迫的空間,而錢德勒對於洛杉磯城的空間再現並未遺忘這些他者族群被壓迫的空間,故此更能證明錢德勒不愧為刻畫現代化美國社會的文學大師。 / Raymond Chandler is a prestigious detective-story writer and the founding father of the hard-boiled detective fiction school, but he is not limited to this sub-genre of the crime fiction. His laconic style and the socially critical depiction of Los Angeles elevates him as a great writer in literature, high-brow and low-brow. Los Angeles city in his depiction becomes another protagonist of Chandler’s Philip Marlowe stories. In this thesis, I attempt to adopt a spatial reading of the Los Angeles city he depicts, so as to explore the meanings of the real and imagined spaces and their possibilities of resistance for future interpretations. Besides the first chapter as the introduction and the last chapter as the conclusion, in Chapter Two, I will first compare the private detective to the flâneur, thereby discovering the contribution of these figures to the discovery and representation of modernity in modern cities. Furthermore, I will utilize Lefebvre’s and Soja’s trialectics of spatiality to examine the real and imagined spaces in Chandler’s novels. By doing so, in Chapter Three I argue that Chandler’s vivid spatial representations of Los Angeles, especially the dark side of the city, are actually the real-and-imagined Thirdspace that represents the dominated spaces against the promotion of Los Angeles as a dream city. In Chapter Four, though Chandler’s spaces convincingly reflect the modernity of Los Angeles as a modern city, I further discover another possible site for the space of representation in his stories: the space of the racial Other. This discovery of another Thirdspace proves Chandler isn’t as much a racist as alleged, and it is the counter-space that provides the possibility of resistance for many future hard-boiled detective fiction writers of different ethnicities, and this can explain why Chandler’s hard-boiled detective has been massively appropriated.

跨國企業子公司的角色演化及擴展-以奇異塑膠台灣子公司為例 / Multinational subsidiary evolution: The case of GE Plastics Taiwan

焦慧萍, Chiao, Vicky Unknown Date (has links)
本個案分析以奇異塑膠台灣子公司為例,說明在面對各跨國公司區域整合紛紛將將區域總公司設在中國的趨勢,台灣產業外移,奇異塑膠台灣子公司如何避免被邊緣化的威脅? 說明台灣在2000年初、電子組裝產業由OEM 轉型為ODM,及雖然生產線外移但是產業仍將研發連同規格制定仍舊保留在台灣。而奇異塑膠台灣的子公司經理人如何發揮他的創業家精神,利用這些規格制定留台灣優勢的因素、還有他的敏銳的觀察力發現電子產業的國際與大中華區域之間的價值鏈,善用他與總公司與姊妹公司的良好關係兜售他的創意、取得母公司的支持資源、而培養奇異塑膠台灣子公司在電子組裝產業獨特的能力,進而對在中國的姊妹子公司做出貢獻。而這ㄧ連串的主導活動奇異塑膠台灣子公司不但沒有被邊緣化,反而子公司因此轉型,子公司經理人運用他的創意制定“台商規格制定的生意的平台“使子公司的地位在電子產業處於更重要的策略角色,組織不但未被縮編、還因此增加人員、且獲得總公司的認可,更將重要的電子產業的全球角色成員編列在台灣及ㄧ系列的獨特資源。 筆者也將此個案與歷年的文獻做比對,讓個案更有學理的基礎,可以有信心的用本文作為跨國公司在台灣的子公司做為發展的參考及勉勵,並且個案所述的價值鏈及台商規格制定的生意的平台是可以套用在任何國籍或跨區域需要規格制定的產業上。希望這個成功的模式可以幫助別人。 / This case study uses GE Plastic as an example to illustrate how a Taiwanese branch prevailed when facing the global trend that international corporations, including Taiwanese firms, restructured their district headquarters to mainland China. Taiwan GE Plastic general manager leveraged Taiwan’s unique advantages on product specifications to gain strategic importance and supports from its global and regional headquarter. This manager realized several facts: first, although Taiwan moved its manufacturing components to mainland China. Taiwan kept its designing capabilities in-house; second. Greater China needs Taiwan’s capabilities to complete the value chain and generate profits; third, she maintained favorable relationships with the global headquarter and China regional headquarter. In lights of these facts, she sold an innovative concept to the global headquarter and attained resources to create a platform that kept Taiwan GE plastic relevant. This “speciation-dictating” platform enabled Taiwan GE Plastic to dominate its industry and contribute enormously to its sibling, the China branch. Not only wasn’t it marginalized, Taiwan GE Plastic placed itself in a key strategic position and gained recognition from its mother headquarter. This platform is not bounded by a particular industry and can be used in many other domains. Practitioners from other industries in Taiwan may gain insightful implications from this case and reposition their Taiwan branches in a vantage point.

後冷戰時期北韓存續策略模式之分析:1989~2009 / The analysis on the pattern of DPRK survival straegies during the Post Cold War era:1989~2009

施志平, Shih Chih Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖對於北韓在後冷戰時期進行看似複雜與矛盾的內外政策進行分析,並整理出其規律性並予以模型化。而本文發現北韓應付生存危機首重外交與經濟政策,其規律性展現於:當外部危機出現惡化時,北韓外交政策會傾向使用邊緣策略;但外部危機出現好轉的時,北韓外交政策則會傾向使用妥協策略。另外,北韓經濟政策也出現一定的規律性,但其策略的採用必須同時考量到經濟與政治因素。而北韓經濟策略的規律性表現於:當經濟危機出現好轉時,但當局有政治考量的情況下,經濟策略將傾向使用計劃經濟搭配爭取經援,且對經濟改革進行限縮的情形;但經濟危機出現惡化時,當局的政治考量出現(或必須)退位,此時經濟策略將傾向於使用計劃經濟搭配爭取經援,並且進行經濟改革,或放鬆對經改的限縮。而本文依照上述所觀察出北韓外交與經濟策略的規律性,建立出分析模型,並以此預測出北韓未來可能採行的策略。 關鍵詞:北韓、外部危機、經濟危機、邊緣策略、妥協策略、計劃經濟、爭取經 援、經濟改革、受限縮的經改 / This paper tries to analyze and modelize the policies of the DPRK which look like complicated and paradoxical. It explores the DPRK puts emphasis on the foreign and economic policies to deal with he risks of her survival, and her policies or strategies can be formulated into a pattern. The pattern of her foreign strtegies shows that the authorities tend to engage in the brinkmanship after the economic risk getting worse, and they also tend to conduct the compromise after the economic risk getting better. Futhermore, the economic policies of the DPRK also shows the pattern. However, the political and economic factors should be considerated in the pattern. It shows that the authorities tend to engage in the package strategies including planned economy, aid-seeking and reform with restriction when the economic risk gets better and political concern exists. On the other hand, they tend to conduct the package strategies including planned economy, aid-seeking and reform without restriction when the economic risk coming worse and political concern diminishes. According to the pattern of foreign and economic strategies, it can be constructed the model and predicts the responses of strategies by the DPRK. Keywords: North Korea (Democratic Republic of Korea, DPRK); external risk; economic risk; brinkmanship; compromise; planned economy; aid-seeking strategy; economic reform; economic reform without restriction

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