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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

原住民大專中輟生學習模式之研究:南澳鄉碧候部落為例 / A Research on Learning Pattern of Aboriginal College Dropouts:

吉渥絲˙拉娃, Ciwas.Lawa Unknown Date (has links)
中輟,一直是近年來被廣為討論的議題,特別是在台灣屬於少數民族的原住民,其就學的學生常因為許多不利的因素,造成其學業成就低落。因而原民學生中輟率,和漢人比較起來,比率較偏高。在台灣,礙於我國對義務教育的定義,對於原住民大專學生中輟的研究更是有限,並且多以如何促使原住民學生融入學校體制中的學習問題為主。類似的研究總是試圖引導原住民學生回歸教育主軸,因此筆者欲尋部落中與學習相關的生長過程,企圖追尋學生在部落中的學習價值、動機、內涵與教育體制所認定的學習兩者間落差為何。 / 部落學習的環境中,包括家庭教育、同儕學習、部落環境、社會環境。然而部落傳統學習方式下,學生學習習慣的養成過程及偏好,卻在一般研究其教育環節中隱而未現。筆者欲藉此論文看見以家庭教育、部落教育為主的中輟生生活面貌,企圖了解部落學習的樣貌。而這樣的學習是無法用簡單的因果導向為論文內容,因此本文切入角度十分多元由部落經濟、家庭教育、同儕關係、傳統文化學習、宗教信仰等面向述及,欲意探究碧候村原住民中輟生的輟學因素。本研究以歸因理論為架構,以質性研究為取向,採用半結構性訪談、深度訪談等研究方法,探討碧候部落原住民中輟生對自己輟學的歸因歷程。 / 並認為傳統學習與學校學習的落差,來自教科書內容,而其中隱而未現的是主流價值觀替代部落中實用導向的學習價值,教材中並早已決定何未有價值的知識,這與原住民從小生活價值學習取向相異甚鉅。以及學校同儕間與部落生長環境不同的人際互動,部落孩子的直言,與戲謔遊戲卻常引發學校體系師生對立情況,部落所慣於展示的群體力量,被看成是擾亂學校風紀挑戰師長權威的矩動。部落裡,以實用性為主的學習學習動機不同於漢人社會教科書所教導的取向,並且從小對自然理解、對生活需求的認知都是來自部落智慧而非書本式的課外讀物,自然而然對閱讀並不感到興趣。而這一切都是在做中學,並非像教科書先給予我們預防性的知識,這都是與部落學習差異處。 / 部落與補習班的距離,以及家中所可以提供的資源性,甚至部落的師資再再都展現部落學生在面對城鄉差距間學生的弱勢出外就讀後,人際相處模式或課業教與學的不同,所需獨立面對、承擔,甚至改變的各種習慣都是需要長時間調適的,並不若外界想像的容易,而這些弱勢還層遞著原住民世世代代對gaga生活規範的價值觀,何謂人生的價值,因此才造就中輟。 / 沒有祭典的部落,gaga的概念由傳統價值觀濡化基督宗教價值觀,例如,男女關係的保守,以及努力遵守gaga的人可以通過彩虹橋(今為基督教天堂),使得他們不想汲汲營營於書中的智慧,反而以遵守傳統規範為生活要點。這是源於過去歷史故事的集體記憶。而過去對人生的價值觀是人雖勤勞工作,但究竟不是主宰,一切耕耘的成果猶待神的賜予,所以在盡本份後,認為人事盡矣,其他的就只有期待神的裁判了。對部落社會和宇宙觀的典範都需遵守,尤其是兩性間更有嚴格的行為準則,對這些典範和準則如有違犯,也就是迫害整個群體的制序,違害全體安全,因此遵守人與人之間的一切準則,是其重要價值觀念所在。 / 這樣種種的價值觀,都是與社會大眾價值觀不同的。因此如何看見部落價值與主流價值的不同,進而幫助原住民學生可以肯定自己生活環境中,所賦予的價值觀,並在主流社會中自信的成長,是本論文的研究目的。筆者並企圖理清原住民之所以是原住民,不單單是因為血緣,更重要的是代代相傳的價值觀,這樣的價值觀來自家庭、同儕及部落。本篇論文所寄望的是幫助學校師長,連結原住民中輟原因的起源,進而看見多元文化的世界觀。 / 本研究已中輟學生訪談為主,也嘗試經由訪談部落學生的老師、家長和同學,以及部落中的耆老,企圖聯結受訪者對孩子的成敗歸因與中輟生的自我歸因之間的關係,以大致推論碧候部落原住民學生中途輟學的原因。研究的結果將可供關心原住民學童教育之家長、學校老師及教育單位參考。 / Over the past years, a lot of discussions have specially targeted on aboriginal dropouts. Because of many unfavorable factors, aboriginal students have poor academic performances. Compared with Han students, they are much more likely to drop out of school. However, few papers focus on aboriginal college dropouts. Such essays simply argue how to resolve their learning problems and call them back to the mainstream education system. I think otherwise. In their tribes, aboriginal students are cultivated and affected by its surroundings and its norms. They are influential but invisible in the learning process. What matters for aboriginal students is not only the genealogy but also the values passed down from generation to generation. In working on my paper, I aim to find out the relationship between what aboriginal students learn from their tribes and learning models of the current education system. My thesis takes dropouts of Pi-hou Tribe as an example and investigates such factors as tribal economy, family education, peer relationships, religious beliefs, and traditions learning. My study builds upon attribution theory, orients toward qualitative research, and adopts semi structure and in-depth interviews so as to explore Pi-hou-Tribe case. Finally, this paper can serve as a reference for those who are concerned with aboriginal dropouts in view of schooling education and as a starting point for further studies on related issues.


鄺采芸 Unknown Date (has links)
中國古典戲曲,不是一開始就以萬事皆備的形態出現。它是結合詩歌、小說、講唱、雜技、音樂、舞蹈等多項淵遠流長的系統慢慢演化而成的,其中任何一項都各自有其演進的過程。來自不同血統的元素在融合時難免會有相斥的現象,這也是戲曲先天體質的原罪。縱然戲曲的多元性顯而易見,作為一個獨立的生命體,作品自身內部的各種藝術因素還是必須建立一種有機的和諧關係。 若將戲曲元素作整合分類,可分立出「敘事—抒情」、「雅—俗」、「文學—舞台」三個對應組。這三個對應組雖彼此存在著相反的特質,但並非是絕對「對立」關係,而是相對的對應關係;而其彼此分流、對峙、滲透、轉化的現象,則是切入戲曲發展值得探討的議題。因此,本次論文將戲曲的對應關係,分別為這三組對應面,並由此延伸至劇作家與作品,劇作家與觀眾,劇作家與演員等多元對應關係,期待釐清戲曲運轉軌跡。 另一方面,明末清初,由於政治社會大環境的變動,以往戲曲由文人全面主導的現象逐步鬆綁,戲曲本質的缺點逐漸顯露。此時戲曲環境中的作者、導演、演員、觀眾,都發生相當大的變化,於是劇作家遂面臨更大的考驗。這個時期在戲曲創作及理念上有極高成就者,當推李玉、李漁、洪昇、孔尚任四家。此四人於明末清初之際致力於戲曲創作,李漁與李玉生卒年相近,代表文人以作劇為生,視戲曲為商品的新形態作劇態度。洪昇與孔尚任則常被聯袂並稱,展現傳統文人以詩文思惟經營長篇劇作的寫作功力,並造就後來文人難以逾越的高峰。 論文分五章敘述。第一章介紹傳奇由湯顯祖等所建構的審美風格,及由阮大鋮、馮夢龍、潘之恒所另闢的戲曲審美視角,並引出明末清初四大劇作家李玉、李漁、洪昇、孔尚任之劇作的時代定位。第二章分析四位劇作家作品的抒情、敘事表述手法。第三章探討四位劇作家作品中從語言、人物、題材到主題的雅、俗審美傾向。第四章描述四位劇作家作品中平面的文學手法與孕育其中的立體舞台表現風貌。第五章則將上述分析結果置於戲曲發展的時代軌跡上,看待四位劇作家作品於戲曲傳播、文本創作及對戲曲規範的態度。期能賦予其更精確的時代意義,並為清中葉後的戲曲發展現象,作更具體的背景解析。


簡基昇, Chien, Chi-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


吳瓊雯 Unknown Date (has links)
根據美國Morgan Stanley公司的研究指出,以普及5,000萬名使用者為基準,廣播、電視和有線電視分別需時38年、13年和10年,而網際網路卻只用不到5年的時間,在北美就達到5,000萬名使用者規模。可見網際網路已經成為成長最快的媒體。另一方面,全球網站的數目增加速度更是驚人,由1993年6月的130個成長到1998年11月的約352萬個網站,可見網站的經營已經成為一種Business,且將蘊藏龐大的商機,因此企業在面對網站經營的新興產業生態該掌握何種關鍵資源,便成為本研究所欲探討的主題。 本研究希望藉由美國成功的網站經營業者公司之發展過程,分析出網站經營業者在不同階段的發展過程裡關鍵資源為何、其特性為何,以及如何取得這些關鍵資源。一方面,為企業管理理論注入新的生命與內涵;另一方面,可以為網際網路這個新興產業中的網站經營業者提供從創意到生產產品,到公司成長階段所需的各項關鍵資源之具體描述以及作法,引導網站經營業者在快速的環境變化中,迅速掌握關鍵資源,以在網站經營業者中搶得先機。 本研究根據網站經營業者最主要提供之服務項目或網站業者創立時之定位將網站經營業者區分為「網路內容匯集者」以及「網路內容提供者」兩種型態,並分析網站經營業者在公司發展的不同階段中,關鍵資源為何,以及各項關鍵資源之特性和取得方式。 經由個案研究以及專家訪談,本研究經過事後的歸納、整理以及推衍,本研究得出下列之重要發現: 1. 不論何種類型之網站,在整個網站經營的過程中,都需要人才、資金、市場以及互補性產業等關鍵資源。但由於網站類型不同,這些關鍵資源需要的量以及階段將有所不同。 2. 不論何種類型之網站經營業者,提供專業、品質高、成本低、時效快的互補性產業,皆為公司發展之重要關鍵因素。 3. 不論何種類型之網站經營業者,市場的大小直接影響外界資源投入的意願以及該產業的成長速度。 4. 由於國家和文化的差異,將影響網站經營業者取得關鍵資源之方式。 5. 網站經營業者公司之發展階段與一般產業有所不同,網站經營業者早期進入障礙極低;另外,發展過程有一段non-profit之階段。 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 2 第三節 研究章節大要 3 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 網際網路網站的分類 7 第二節 公司發展階段之分類 13 第三節 公司發展階段之關鍵資源 28 第三章 網際網路簡介 55 第一節 網際網路發展史簡介 55 第二節 全球網際網路發展現況 59 一、網路發展指標介紹及定義 59 二、全球網際網路發展 62 第三節 我國網際網路發展現況 70 一、我國網際網路資訊內容發展 70 二、國內網際網路大事紀 71 第四節 網路產業發展概況 75 一、網路產業成員 75 二、網路業者演化過程 76 三、網路業者之收益來源 78 四、網路產業發展概況 78 第四章 研究方法 93 第一節 研究架構與研究變項 93 一、研究架構 93 二、研究變項 94 第二節 研究方法 96 第三節 研究個案選取與資料收集 96 第五章 個案分析 103 第一節 CNET(CNWK) 103 第二節 中時電子報 131 第三節 雅虎(YAHOO!) 152 第四節 蕃薯藤數位科技股份有限公司 180 第五節 個案分析 203 第六章 命題發展 209 第一節 網站經營業者起始階段之關鍵資源 209 第二節 網站經營業者成長階段之關鍵資源 220 第七章 結論與建議 229 第一節 命題之匯總 229 第二節 研究發現與建議 231 第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 235 第八章 參考文獻 237 一、中文部分 237 二、英文部分 240 / Abstract A research conducted by Morgan Stanley has pointed out that it took less than five years for internet to attract more than 50 millions users. For the same user scale, it was 38 years for broadcasting, 13 years for television, and 10 years for cable television. Without no doubt, internet has been the fastest growing media in this century. In the meantime, the amount of website increased even more dramatically in the last several years. The amount of web was 130 in June 1993, and was 3.52 millions in November 1998. The start-up of website has become a new business model, and could be foresee to have a great potential in the future. The focus of this research is to examine what is key resources in managing website business in such a new industrial environment. By examining the cases of successful website companies’ development process, this research analyzes what are the key resources in different development phases, what are their characteristics, and how to attain those key resources. On the one hand, this research wish it could bring some contributions to management theory in the understanding of internet industries, on the other hand, it intends to offer some insights about the key resources in different development phases for internet business manager. Based on the industrial environment and research described above, the research topics are as follow: 1. What are the key resources of the development of the website companies in different phases? 2. What are the characteristic of these key resources? 3. How do these website companies acquire the key resources they need? According to the services the website companies have provided, and the positioning the websites were founded, this research distinguish the website companies into two categories: “internet content accumulator” and “internet content provider”. In this research two kind of websites’ key resources, their main characteristics, and ways of acquirement have been examined separately. By conducting case studies and interviews, the research found that out of the differences in business models and the contents they provide, different kind of websites require different key resources in their development process. In addition, key resources in different development phases are diverse as well. The hypotheses of the research are as follow: Hypothesis 1: In the commencing phase of website company, key human capitals the content providers (in this research, they are originally traditional media companies.) require are more diversified than that of the content accumulator. Hypothesis 1-1: In the commencing phase of website company, the key resources in human capitals the content providers require are network technology, content production, and relevant management skills. Hypothesis 1-2: In the commencing phase of website company, the key resource in human capital the content providers require is network technology. Hypothesis 2: In the commencing phase of website company, the capital investment the content providers require is higher than the content accumulator. Hypothesis 2-1: In the commencing phase of website company, the investment of venture capital which is defined as one of the complementary industries of internet industry is one of the most decisive resources for content providers. Hypothesis 2-2: In the commencing phase of website company, the capital investment is not crucial for the portal websites of content accumulator. Hypothesis 3: In the commencing phase of website company, the decisive reason for the website company to devote the market is the scale of potential market, rather than that of existing market. Hypothesis 4: In the commencing phase of website company, the maturity of complementary industries is the key resource for the success of both two kinds of website companies. Hypothesis 5: In the commencing phase of website company, the investment of venture capital which is defined as one of the complementary industries of internet industry is one of the most decisive resources for content providers. Hypothesis 6: For both kinds of website companies, the young and dynamic-oriented CEO with technological and managerial background is the key resource in the grow phase of development. Hypothesis 7: For both kinds of website companies, the ability/opportunity to acquire capital in public capital market is one of the key resources in the grow phase of development. Hypothesis 8: In the grow phase of website companies, the investment of venture capital which is defined as one of the complementary industries of internet industry is one of the most decisive resources for content accumulator, Hypothesis 9: For both kinds of website companies, the scale of existing market is the significant factor for the speedy development of website company in the grow phase of development. Hypothesis 10: For both kinds of website companies, the maturity of complementary industries is the decisive factor for the speedy development of website company in the grow phase of development. Hypothesis 10-1: For both kinds of website companies, the maturity of advertising agency which is defined as one of the complementary industries of internet industry is the key resource for the speedy development of website company in the grow phase of development. Hypothesis 10-2: For both kinds of website companies, the maturity of content, product, or service providers which are defined as the complementary industries of internet industry is the decisive factor for the speedy development of website company in the grow phase of development. Hypothesis 10-3: For both kinds of website companies, the maturity of public capital market which is defined as one of the complementary industries of internet industry is the decisive factor for the speedy development of website company in the grow phase of development. Hypothesis 10-4: In the grow phase of website companies, the investment of venture capital which is defined as one of the complementary industries of internet industry is one of the most decisive resources for content accumulator. After detailed discussions in the research, we have come to some conclusions: 1. For all kind of websites, the key resources for the start-up and development include human resource, capital investment, market, and complementary industry. But the timing and the ways and amount of using those resources are diverse. 2. For all kind of website companies, the complementary industries which are able to offer professional, high-quality, low-cost, and time-effective products or services are the decisive factors for the start-up and development of website companies. 3. For all kind of website companies, the scale of the market directly affects the incentive for external resource devotion and the speed of the industry’s grow. 4. The website companies’ ways of resources acquirement are varied between national and cultural boundary. The entrant barrier of website industry is much lower than other industries. In addition, there is a non-profit phase in the development of website industry.

「原住民神學」、傳道人與異文化-以泰雅族長老教會為例 / The "Aboriginal Theology" Movement of Tayal Presbyterian Church

謝欣育, Shieh, Shin Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本文的主要議題就在於尋找「原住民神學」的著眼點以及它形成的契機。並試圖去理解「原住民神學」這個兼具探討信仰和文化兩方面議題的思潮現象。 一般傳統的神學並不將文化問題納入考量的主體,至今,原住民教會所提出的朝著「原住民神學」的思考方向,這個行動就呈現出一個非常有意義的社會文化現象,尤其是我們回顧早期原住民教會接受基督教信仰的歷程,其中就有各種相異文化的因素參雜其中,使人將此與今日「原住民神學」思潮的出現相互聯想;因此本文即從「異文化」觀點出發、透過探討原住民神學的來源,進行一連串假設作為方法的架構,從傳道人與異文化闡述彼此的關係,引證二者交互後產生傳道人文化立場的轉變,導致原住民神學產生的契機;進一步指出所謂的「原住民神學」具有很強烈的文化認同色彩,也因此他 顯示出了不尋常的社會意義與脈絡,在最後,本文將對它做一評估,指出它未來的前瞻性與將要面臨文化與信仰上的困境,以及這樣的討論將對現在學界認識的原住民信仰做一補充和調整。 因此,本文的第一章就先指出從傳道人的研究出發,來探討「原住民神學」這個代表思潮,他們與異文化觀點的學術關懷有著及密切的相關性。 在第二章中,討論傳道人與異文化彼此的交互關係,筆者以長老會的三大系統:宣教、教育和社會關懷來呈現二者的關係,從這種大範圍的、目前教會對於原住民教會歷史的觀點概述中,發現明顯地呈現異文化因素對這些工作的影響力,但是奇怪的是原住民接受新信仰以及新文化竟幾乎沒有出現衝突抵抗,導致我們看教會歷史的第一印象即是相當平順的過程。然後,真正的宣教歷程是否出於敘述的太過簡化,而掩埋了一些文化問題的蛛絲馬跡? 第三章,筆者進一步以大歷東和行更多的傳道人文本來建立宣教歷程的民族志,以這個宣教過程的民族志,企圖分析出當時各種族籍傳道人的文化觀點與行動,我們從中發現當時宣教的理念和方式的確影響了原住民社會,尤其是展現在社會行為上,看到這些改變的社會行為有的直接影響舊有的部落生活、而制度上本土化基本上則與當時政策令相衝突,甚至也引發國家干預傳教工作的現象、教勢發展受挫、傳道人權威下降等現象已經潛藏。 第四章乃由於歷史的限制,泰雅族本族傳道人相當遲才開始廣泛使用文字、傳播媒體表達其立場;在這個部份,筆者仍以文本分析來探究原住民傳道人的文化理念,藉此與前面不同族籍傳道人相對照,並試圖解釋彼此之間以及大環境的影響如何改變了傳道人的文化態度。由於文化態度的改變,使得「原住民神學」的呼聲也伴隨在本土化運動的實踐中浮現。 第五章前以現象來說明「原住民神學」的出現,就是傳道人文化態度改變的表徵之一;然後傳道人原本歧異的文化態度展現在信仰與神學領堿時,卻引起各種爭議,這些文化行動的展現,都是傳道人從神學的角度來試著探求本族人對於本族文化認同的程度。在這樣嘗試的過程中,目前這股思潮內也有另一種聲音的衝擊,在泰雅族教會內、基於在本色化中持守福音本質的考量,則展現出這股思潮的另一種面貌,這種彼此相互拉扯的力量使得「原住民神學」議題的思潮進行有著極為多變的空間繼續演繹。 在最後一章中,我們回顧長老會歷來的文化行動,可以用Victor Tumer所提出的「社會事件」(social drama)架構,來觀察與解懌。看「原住民神學」生成的整個社會環境,以「社會事件」─破壞、危機、救濟過程和解決再整合,四個主體概念嘗試著理解「原住民社學」在整個社會中展現的意義。我們歸納長老會的本土化歷程為兩次本土化運動,這兩次運動最主要的差異點在於第二次本土化運動開始試圖將本色化議題深化進入神學思考的企圖,藉著行動的實踐之後以及教會內部信仰思考的衝擊,而使得「原住民神學」議題的建構充滿多變的發展性。而這個理念架構也帶領我們發現傳道人自己逐漸形成的信仰與文化概念、他們與當代的大社會相連結的情況,甚至也受到世界性的原住民議題啟發的同時,原住民傳道人不斷與異文化、大社會的互動事件,正是一種社會的過程。

《遠離非洲》中的悅納異己 / Hospitality in out of Africa

李佳真, Lee, Chia Chen Unknown Date (has links)
艾薩卡•丹尼森 (Isak Dinesen) 的回憶錄《遠離非洲》(Out of Africa) 記載了她在英屬非洲殖民地──肯亞停留長達 17 年的心路歷程。在居留肯亞期間,丹尼森經營農場,並嘗試融入當地生活。然而,最後由於大自然災難衝擊,導致農場經營失敗,迫使她離去這個她賴以印證、再造自我的異地天堂。失意之餘,她在 1942 年重返丹麥,將這 17 年的經歷在回憶錄中娓娓道來。 本論文以雅克 • 德希達 (Jacques Derrida)「悅納異己」(hospitality) 的理論探討丹尼森的「虛構自我」(fictional I)──凱倫 • 布莉克森 (Karen Blixen) 在異地與他者相處的細節。她以客人的姿態進入肯亞,卻以農場主人的身份停留 17 年。由於身份的尷尬與模糊,使她自始至終都必須在罪惡感與焦慮中掙扎。這樣的模糊身份也直接影響了她身為農場主人所展現的待客之道。她一方面希望給予當地人「無條件待客之道」(unconditional hospitality),但另一方面又礙於殖民情境下的種種因素,迫使她不得不實行「有條件待客之道」(conditional hospitality)。布莉克森的模糊身份、處在異地的心境,以及與他者相處的細節都和這兩種待客之道的更迭交替息息相關。 布莉克森的農場是個「交會區」(contact zone),充滿不同文化的衝突與交融,也隱約存在著殖民情境下的階級氛圍。在此交會區中,布莉克森與農場上的當地人皆努力將其轉化為「安全地帶」(safe house),以農場的合諧為最終目標,企圖弭平因文化差異而造成的緊張與衝突。在對於流亡白人的接待上,布莉克森又試圖將其轉化為德希達式的「新城市」(New City),開放接受流亡到肯亞的白人。雖然最後「安全地帶」與「新城市」的理想都因農場經營的失敗告終,布莉克森的努力仍具有其價值;而理解殖民情境下種種理想的不可能性,也成為她旅行後的成長。 / Isak Dinesen’s Out of Africa, written in the beginning of the 20th century, is one of the modernist travel narratives which manifest the white settlers’ experiences in a foreign land. Dinesen spent 17 years of her prime time in Kenya, searching for a life answer only to find its ungraspability in the end. She returned to Denmark in 1942—a defeated homecoming—and rearranged her exotic experiences in the structure of a tragedy, a five-act play, and “telling a play” in front of her readers (Trousdale 171). With Jacques Derrida’s theory of hospitality, this thesis aims to trace how Blixen’s days in Kenya is characterized by her struggles over her own ambiguous identities as both the guest of the country and the host of the farm. As her stay in Kenya and her running of the farm are under the control of the colonial law, she hopes to compensate it with the unconditional hospitality to the Natives. However, under the colonial context, the hospitality she practices is constantly rendered conditional due to the possible problems dwelling in this “contact zone” (Pratt 6). Instead of focusing only on her possible imperial attempts in Kenya, this thesis hopes to explore more aspects of her role by tracing her interactions with the Natives. Although her farm is rifled with diverse cultural conflicts, Blixen strives to turn the contact zone into a “safe house,” a social space where all the members try to ignore the hierarchical system rooted prior to their encounters. She also tries to change it into a Derridian New City to welcome the white wanderers, and practice the two imperatives of hospitality in harmony. This ideal New City is an embodied projection of Blixen’s life pursuit as a colonial Odysseus, yet her struggles prove to be futile in the end. Dinesen’s act of writing—rearranging the memories in an elegiac tone—records her illusion in the beginning and her disillusionment in the end of the travel. Narcissistic as her ideal may seem, her efforts of bridging the cultural gaps and integrating with the native land cannot be ignored.

1945年中蘇東北問題交涉-國家安全與尊嚴的對抗 / A study of the negotiations between the USSR and the ROC over Manchuria (1945)

黃家廉, Huang, Chia-Lien Unknown Date (has links)

品嚐酸甜苦辣的「羅雜」滋味:論雅絲敏電影中的族群關係再現 / A study on the representation of ethnic relationship in Yasmin Ahmad' films.

周蔚延, Chew, Hui Yan Unknown Date (has links)
雅絲敏•阿莫(Yasmin Ahmad),是馬來西亞已故的電影及廣告女導演。其電影最大特色是反映出馬來西亞族群與文化多元性,賦予了馬來西亞電影真正的意義,除了受國內各族群觀眾的喜愛,也在許多國際影展上獲得殊榮。 雅絲敏的電影中有許多的情節,是在指涉馬來西亞社會中特定的情境與文化現象,有其獨特意義,極具研究價值。因此,本論文將以作者論態度和文本分析法探究雅絲敏的六部作品,包括《愛到眼茫茫》、《我愛單眼皮》、《花開總有時》、《木星的初戀》、《愛從心開始》和《戀戀茉莉香》,主要在於了解雅絲敏在電影中對於馬來西亞族群關係的再現。文獻方面,將對作者論、文本分析法以及族群相關概念及理論進行梳理與探討。另外,也將整理出雅絲敏六部作品的共通性,以確認雅絲敏的電影風格以及她在馬來西亞電影發展脈絡中所作出的貢獻與代表意義。 / The late Yasmin Ahmad is one of the most outstanding film directors from Malaysia. Yasmin’ films always depict the multiethnic and multicultural society of Malaysia, which not only attracted audiences from different ethnic within the country but also won many awards in the international film festival. It is important to think and understand the messages Yasmin trying to convey through her films. Therefore by using the auteur theory and textual analysis, this research will study the representation of ethnic relationship in all her six films, Rabun(2003), Sepet(2004), Gubra(2006), Mukhsin(2007), Muallaf(2008) and Talentime(2009). In order to provide background knowledge regarding the circumstances of Malaysia multiethnic society, this research also involves the theory of pluralism, ethnic identity, ethnic boundary, and stereotypes as part of the literature review. And also, this research will analyses mise-en-scène that was used to appear in Yasmin’ films to prove that Yasmin is truly a film auteur. Lastly, this research will conclude the unique film style which solely belongs to Yasmin and her contribution towards Malaysia film industry.

雅美語語態系統: 雙及物結構 / Yami Voice System Revisited: with Particular Reference to the Ditranstive Construction

黃婉婷, Huang,Wan-tin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討雅美語雙及物結構是否也有與英文,及其他語言如日語、希臘語、國語,一樣有與格轉換的語言現象。雅美語有一特別的強調系統可將名詞組移到主詞的位置上。在探討雅美語的雙及物結構前,必須先探討幾個問題。首先,研究名詞組的格位標記是否會因動詞的性質(動詞的及物性、動詞的論元結構)不同而有所改變,其次,提出論證證明強調系統並不適用於形容雅美語特殊的移位系統,而語態系統較能更進一步的形容此一名詞移位現象。最後,提出雅美語並不是一個作格語言,而是一個valency-neutral的語態系統。解決這些問題後,發現雅美語中也有類似英文中的與格轉換的語言現象,此一發現也驗證了Harley的提案,擁有“有”動詞的語言就會有與格轉換的現象。 / The aim of the present study is to examine the existence of dative alternation in Yami, a language with a rich case marking system, that is similar to Japanese and Greek which are both reported to have dative alternation, as well as very unique ‘focus’ systems that can promote any argument into the subject position. Several issues have to be addressed: first, the case marking on the nominal is investigated in four most commonly observed ‘focus’ constructions from various aspects including degree of transitivity, thematic structure, and event classes,…etc; second, the term ‘focus’ is misleading and is identified as ‘voice’; third, arguments against Yami as an ergative language and supports for a valency-neutral voice system are provided. Once these basic linguistic properties have been clarified, an examination of trivalent verbs shows positive evidence of dative alternation in Yami. Dative alternation is found with the two trivalent Yami verbs meaning ‘distribute out/give out’ and ‘mail’. This finding is in accordance with Harley’s proposal of the co-existence verbal HAVE and dative alternation, and also suggests that dative alternation is not a language-specific property.

原住民地區共用資源保育與利用之分析─以新竹縣尖石鄉後山的泰雅族部落為例 / Analysis of indigenous Conservation and Utilization on CPR:Two CPR Self Governing Cases of Atayal Tribe in Taiwan Indigenes

孫稚堤, Sun,Chih-ti Unknown Date (has links)
從共用資源理論觀點暨公共選擇角度而言,原住民部落資源與傳統領域土地乃一「封閉式共用資源」,若由原住民部落團體共有並自主經營管理,社群內部將可能透過個體的合作,創造共同利益,發揮傳統生態知識、善用在地組織,避免原住民地權流失,並進一步達到資源永續發展的目的。但由於受限於「經濟人」與「國家理性主義」之假設,且忽視了人與自然資源會相互影響、相互限制的事實,人們常引用Hardin(1968)的「共用地悲劇」,指出共用資源必將陷於過度使用的危險之中,最終肇致環境的退化。 為釐清此議題,本研究以新竹縣尖石鄉後山兩個具有共用資源自主治理個案的泰雅族部落為例,選取現今既有的「部落地景」、「河川魚群」、「森林產物」等三種形式之共用資源進行觀察;在時間上則以這些資源在保育目的下被部落共同維持開始,到被賦予促進部落經濟期待後的發展為主要的範圍。以新制度經濟學為理論基礎,藉由實證調查和比較,並經「組織中的個人制度選擇」、「社會中的共管組織」以及「社會生態系統」等三個層面的分析,討論有哪些因素影響個人遵守集體的正式與非正式規範?群體如何制定符合當地條件的共用資源治理規範,並維持組織的長期存續?而社會與自然生態之間的互動關係又是如何形成?冀以探討影響「以部落為基礎的自然資源自主治理」之內外部因素及其互動關係,俾提供後續共用資源管理制度設計思考的基礎。 / From the perspective of “common pool resources” (CPR) theory and public choices, the tribal resources of aboriginals and traditional territories are a “closed-access” type of common pool resources. If aboriginal tribes manage the CPR in a self-governing way, the communities may be able to, through the cooperation of individuals within, create collective interests, leverage traditional knowledge regarding the ecosystem, utilize local organizations in order to avoid the lapse of aboriginal land, and achieve the sustainable development of resources. However, people are limited to the hypotheses of “homo economicus” and “raison d’état” along with an overlook of the fact that mutual influences and restrictions lie between humans and natural resources. They often quote the essay “Tragedy of the Commons” by Hardin (1968), according to which common resources are under the constant threat of overuse that will eventually degrade the environment. To establish clarity on this issue, this paper uses an Atayal county with two CPR self-governing cases to observe three types of common pool resources currently seen today: tribe landscape, river fish and forest produce. The time horizon starts at the time point when these resources were placed under tribal management for conservation purposes, and ends at the time point when these resources are expected to prompt economic development. This paper conducts empirical investigations and comparisons based on the theoretical foundations of new institutional economics, and analyzes three aspects of these issues: choice of personal systems within an organization, collective management organizations in a society, and Social-Ecological Systems (SESs). This paper discusses the factors that affect how individuals conform to social norms, formal and informal. How a public choice is made to design the rules which are proper to local CPR situation and maintains the organization long-term sustainability? How do the interactions between society and the natural ecosystem come into being? By exploring the internal and external factors of self-governance of natural resources by tribes and the resulting interactions, this paper aims to provide a foundation for subsequent studies in the design of the management systems for common resources.

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