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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nu gäller det! Varför slutar då ungdomar utöva ishockey?

Thörnberg, Idamari, Tillberg, Markus Unknown Date (has links)
Idamari Törnberg & Marcus Tillberg (2011). Nu gäller det! Varför slutar då ungdomar spela ishockey? – En kvantitativ enkätstudie om fortsatt eller avslutande ishockeykarriär efter uttagningarna till distriktsförbundslag i Västerbottens län. (Now is the time! Why do teenagers stop playing ice hockey? – A quantitative survey study about continued or ending ice hockey career after tryout to Team Västerbotten) Bachelor Essay in Swedish. Umeå: Umeå University, Department of education. Abstract This Bachelors thesis is a survey study on why talented teenagers in the county of Västerbotten, Sweden dropout of, or proceed the sport ice hockey. The study was made in collaboration with the ice hockey association of Västerbotten to find out how many of the boys born in 1993 and 1995 that has been on tryout for team Västerbotten that quits and continues and the reason for that. A survey was sent out to 138 of the teenagers that had been on these tryouts to examine the reasons and opinions on dropouts and what action that needs to be made to prevent this. The response rate was 57 % and a possible reason for that can be that they who didn’t respond are dropouts. It turned out that most of the respondents is still playing ice hockey, just a few had dropped out and the biggest reason is the fact that ice hockey is fun no matter if they made the team or not. Furthermore the study showed that the there isn’t just one reason to quit or continue, it’ a mix of reasons.

Att lämna en kriminell gruppering : En studie om svenska kommuners arbete med avhoppare / Leaving a criminal grouping : A study of Swedish municipalities' work with defectors

Berneklint, Nicole, Olander, Alicia January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur ett urval av svenska kommuner arbetar med avhoppare från kriminella grupperingar, samt huruvida detta arbete är likvärdigt mellan kommunerna. Tidigare forskning som utförts inom detta område är främst internationell vilket tyder på att forskningsfältet är relativt outforskat i Sverige. De studier som gjorts tydliggör dock att avhoppare är en målgrupp i behov av ett omfattande stöd, då individerna går igenom en stor förändring gällande livsstilen under avhopparprocessen. Vidare visar tidigare forskning att avhoppare i stor utsträckning inte upplevt myndigheter som en betydelsefull del i att lämna kriminella grupperingar, samt att tillgången till det stöd som krävs varierar. De teoretiska perspektiv som legat till grund för denna studie är Luhmanns systemteori och Goldbergs förklaringsmodell, där begrepp som funktionell differentiering av samhället, interpenetration, strukturell koppling och självbild varit användbara. Det framgår utifrån resultatet att enbart 14 av de 26 kommuner som ingick i urvalet har ett påvisat arbete med målgruppen avhoppare, och det arbete som utförs inom dessa 14 kommuner varierar gällande typ av verksamhet, insatser och krav. Detta indikerar på att arbetet med avhoppare ännu kan bli mer likvärdigt i svenska kommuner. Resultatet i denna studie kan tillföra betydelsefull kunskap gällande arbetet med avhoppare, vilket således kan bidra till en vidareutveckling av det sociala arbetet med målgruppen.

Två sidor av samma mynt : En kvalitativ textanalys av två böcker skriva av tidigare medlemmar inom Scientologikyrkan.

Thelander, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze how two former members of the Church of Scientology describe their lives and the process from member to non-member. This will be achieved by answering how they describe their lives within the church and how they describe their process leaving the church. Also, by analyzing what crucial factors influenced their decision to leave the church. The study uses a qualitative text analysis to analyze two biographies written by two former members, Miscavige Hill and Tunedal. The study concludes that the two former members lives in the church differ. Of that reason that one of them grew up in the movement and the other joined as an adult. Also, one of them were an ordinary member of the movement and the other were a member of the very exclusive “sea organization” within the Church of Scientology. Furthermore, the result of the study shows that the process from member to non-member is a lengthy process, and that there are a number of factors that contributed to the members decision to leave the Church of Scientology, such as the church demands for donation and the church control over its members. The study demonstrates the need for source criticism, and to be critical of stories from both members and former members. Not everyone has the same experience of new religious movement and each member has an individual experience. Whereby there will always be different versions of “the truth”.

Vem är jag i Vi-och-Dem? : En kvalitativ studie av före detta medlemmar i kristna religiösa rörelsers upplevelser av spänningen mellan rörelse och skola. / Who am I in Us-and-Them? : A qualitative study of former members of Christian religious movements' experiences of the tension between movement and school.

Ljunggren, Emma January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this study was (1) to examine if people raised in different Christian religious movements have experienced a tension between the movement in question and the Swedish school system, if so, (2) how this tension was perceived, and (3) whether the tension have contributed to the decision to leave the movement. The study has been conducted through semi-structured qualitative interviews with six informants from four different religious backgrounds. The theoretical approach has been to analyse the tension aspect of Rodney Starks theory of church growth. Previous research about school discourses in religious education has been the base for analysing the school practice, while research on defectors experiences have been the base of analysing the informants’ experiences. The result shows that all informants have experienced a tension between the two contexts and that this tension is a contributing factor in their choice of leaving the movement. However, it seems that the movements views of the outside world are of more importance than the tension between the movement and the Swedish school.

Vägen ut från gängkriminalitet – professionellas perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om unga mäns inträde, exit, professionellas stöd och samverkan

Karlsson, Julia, Sällberg, Kajsa January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the present study is to gain new knowledge about the underlying dimensions related to young men's entry into gang crime and the support that young men involved in gang crime can receive from professional actors to leave gang crime. In addition, the purpose is to analyze the importance of collaboration between professional actors in order to help young men's exit from gang crime. The study has a hermeneutic perspective with a qualitative starting point. Several semi-structured interviews have been conducted with various professional actors who work in connection with young men who want to leave the gang activities. The study is linked to two theories, Ebaugh´s exit process and social pedagogy. The result shows that collaboration with different professional actors is important and something that our Interviewees bring up is that actors collaborate especially with the social services. Although there are already several initiatives and support, several affected areas need to be developed. In addition, factors regarding preventive work must be improved. Efforts must be made at an early stage to prevent young men from joining gang crime. The study is focused on the social pedagogical work because much of the work with young men´s exit is about creating motivation for change work. It is important that the young men feel included in their treatment during the exit process.

Att lämna en kriminell livsstil med hjälp av en avhopparverksamhet : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas perspektiv på sociala insatsgruppers avhopparverksamhet / Leaving a criminal lifestyle through a defector program : A qualitative study of the employee´s perspective on the defector program within sociala insatsgrupper

Engstrand, Alva, Karlsson, Moa January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att studera sociala insatsgruppers avhopparverksamhet i Stockholm utifrån de yrkesverksammas perspektiv för att undersöka hur de upplever att stödet möter deltagarnas behov samt vilka faktorer de anser vara avgörande för att hjälpa deltagarna. I studien användes kvalitativ forskningsmetod, där empirin insamlats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra yrkesverksamma inom SIG. Intervjumaterialet har med hjälp av tematisk analys tematiserats och analyserats utifrån tidigare forskning och teorin om sociala band. Studiens resultat visade att stöd, boende/en stabil bas, jobb/sysselsättning, mognad samt motivation var de mest betydelsefulla faktorer för avhopparprocessen, enligt de yrkesverksamma. Studiens resultat visade även att SIG kunde möta deltagarnas behov relativt bra men att särskilda behov var svåra att tillgodose. Studiens huvudsakliga slutsats är att avgörande faktorer varierar utifrån deltagarens behov, men att det finns några återkommande varav några kan förklaras av teorin om sociala band samt att SIG till stor del kan möta dessa behov. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the defector program within sociala insatsgrupper in Stockholm from the perspective of the employees to find out how they perceive that the support meets the needs of the participants and which factors they find crucial to help the participants. A qualitative method was used, where the material was gathered through semi-structured interviews with four employees within SIG. The interview material was analyzed and thematized through a thematic analysis and was then compared with previous research and social bond theory. The result showed that support, accommodation, employment/studies/extracurricular activities, maturity and motivation were the most important desistance factors, according to the employees. The results also showed that SIG can meet the needs of the participants relatively well, but that some were difficult to meet. The main conclusions of this study are that crucial factors depend on the needs of the participants but there are some recurring ones, some of which can be explained by social bond theory and SIG can largely meet these needs.

Vart tar fotbollsungdomarna vägen? : En studie om varför 15-16 åringar i Västerbotten väljer att lämna fotbollen

Eriksson, Simon, Ögren, Andreas Unknown Date (has links)
Eriksson, Simon & Ögren, Andreas. (2011). Vart tar fotbollsungdomarna vägen? En studie om varför 15-16 åringar i Västerbotten väljer att lämna fotbollen. (Where do the football youths go? A study of why 15-16 year olds in Västerbotten choose to leave football) Bachelor Essay in Swedish. Umeå: Umeå University, Department of Education. Abstract: This study was made on request from Västerbottens Football Association and treats the problem with youth players who drop out from football in Västerbotten, Sweden. Västerbottens Football Association has noticed that more and more players are leaving football at the age of 15-16. The purpose of the study was to examine the perceptions that youths in Västerbotten had about why they decided to leave football. Questions of why the youth players are leaving football and causes that could have made them stay was examined in this study. Also possible differences between genders were examined. The data was collected through a web-based survey where 40 youths answered. The results showed that the most common reasons of leaving football were lack of motivation and that they choosed another sport instead. There were a significant difference between the genders in some questions, for example more girls than boys meant that bad coaches had affected their decision of leaving football.

Processen att lämna ett gäng och en del av sin identitet : En kvalitativ studie om före detta gängmedlemmars exitprocess och kontakten med myndigheterna / The process of leaving a gang and part of one’s identity : A qualitative study about former gang members process of leaving a gang and their contact with authorities

Shalaby, Aida, Papathanassiadou, Irini January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to understand how gang members desist from their gangs and which role authorities have in the process. More specifically the aim was to discover turning points and find out how the former gang members themselves look upon the contact with authorities, for example social services. This study was based on five interviews and two autobiographies with former gang members. The interviews took place in a organisation for former offenders in Sweden and the choice of autobiographies was based on the purpose of this study. As the results showed, the most common turning points was social bonds, fear of prison, disappointment and traumatic events or experiences. Authorities did not have any impact on the decision of leaving the gang. Former gang members also indicated that they had negative experiences with the authorities. Based on the results of this study suggestions for improvement have emerged. Authorities need to have experienced employees, knowledge about gang members, have a flexible work method and a positive approach.

”Det är ungefär som att ta en alkoholist och skicka den in på systemet direkt efter vi är klara med behandlingen...” : Kvalitativ studie om avhopparverksamheter och deras behandlingsarbete / ”It’s like sending an alcoholic straight into the liquor store after their treament is done..” : A qualitativ study regarding defect support programs and their treatment work

Naame, Petra, Fahlström Andersson, Natalie January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur avhopparverksamheter arbetar med avhoppare med fokus på behandlingsarbete samt återintegrering. Vidare ville vi även undersöka vilka faktorer som ansågs vara väsentliga i beslutet att vilja lämna gängkriminalitet. Studiens teoretiska referensram baserades på tre huvudteorier: Exitprocessen, teorin om differentiella associationer samt stämplingsteorin. Studiens empiri är framtagen genom fyra separata intervjuer med socialarbetare där samtliga är verksamma inom avhopparverksamheter. Studiens resultat indikerar på att familjebildande, traumatiska händelser eller utmattning av livsstilen är betydande faktorer i beslutet att lämna gängkriminalitet. Vidare framkom det att behandlingsarbetet inte skiljer sig markant mellan de olika avhopparverksamheterna då majoriteten av behandlingen syftar till att skapa en beteendeförändring hos individerna i fråga. Detta innebär att förändra tidigare destruktiva beteenden som etablerats hos individen som en konsekvens av kriminalitet. Respondenterna anser enat att det finns stora svårigheter med återintegreringsarbetet gällande avhoppare. Svårigheterna visade sig grundas i att hitta sysselsättning, bostad och andra vägar in i samhället. / Criminal groupings are a diverse social problem that affects the society both economically and on an individual level. The aim of this qualitative study was to examine how defector support programmes work with defectors, especially focused on treatment work and reintegration. Furthermore, the aim was to explore which factors were considered significant in the decision to leave a criminal group. The study's theoretical frame was based on three main theories: exit-process, the theory of differential associations and the labeling theory. The empirical study was produced through four separate interviews with social workers, all of whom are professionals active in defector supporting programmes. The results of the study indicate that starting a family, traumatic events or exhaustion as a consequence of the lifestyle are significant factors in the decision to leave criminal groups. In addition, it emerged that the treatment work does not differ significantly between the various defector supporting programmes as the majority of the treatment aims to create a behavioral change. The respondents unanimously believe that there are major difficulties with the reintegration work regarding defectors. Difficulties were found in getting an employment, finding residence and other ways to reintegrate.

Konsultationsteamet : - Arbete och samverkan / Konsultationsteamet : - Work and Cooperation

Kongshöj, Nathalie, Norén, Tilda January 2022 (has links)
Både internationellt och i Sverige har gängkriminaliteten ökat stadigt sedan 2000-talets början. Gängkriminaliteten orsakar stort mänskligt och ekonomiskt lidande, både för de direkta offren och för samhället i stort. Utifrån denna problembild har insatserna varit många för att stoppa gängen däribland interventioner för att få individer att lämna/hoppa av kriminella gäng. Verksamheter som bistår individer att lämna kriminella gäng benämns som avhopparverksamheter. I Malmö finns bland annat avhopparverksamheten Konsultationsteamet, som består av socialsekreterare och poliser och riktar sig till kriminella individer med en stor hotbild och som är i behov av att flytta till en ny stad. Teamet genomför initialt en utredning av avhopparens motivation och hotbild som används som underlag för ett officiellt beslut om insatser. Efter beslutet flyttas avhopparen till ett boende i en annan stad. Aspekten av samverkan har aldrig tidigare studerats i relation till Konsultationsteamet och dess arbete. Därmed syftar den aktuella studien är att undersöka de verksamma aktörernas, i.e. socialsekreterare och polisers, upplevelser och erfarenheter av arbetet inom Konsultationsteamet. Fokus har lagts på informanternas upplevelser av samverkan inom Konsultationsteamet samt samverkan med andra aktörer som deltar i arbetet med avhopparen. Studien syftar även till att studera vad för upplevelser och erfarenheter anställda på boendena har på arbetet och samverkan med Konsultationsteamet. Resultatet visar att arbetet och samverkan i Konsultationsteamet överlag upplevs fungera mycket bra. Informanterna som arbetar på boendena uttrycker även de att arbetet och samverkan med Konsultationsteamet fungerar bra. Vidare har det noterats att kvaliteten på boendena kan variera mycket vilket upplevts vara ett problem. Kontakten med Socialtjänsten skulle även kunna stärkas och förbättras då det noterats vissa brister i rådande kontakt. / The problem of gang criminality has increased substantially both internationally and in Sweden since the beginning of the 21st century. Criminal gangs cause a tremendous amount of harm and suffering, both physically and economically, to the victims of the crime and to society as a whole. The efforts to stop these criminal gangs have been many. Among the interventions aimed to stop criminal gangs are exit programs which aim to help gang members leave their criminal gang. One example of an exit program is Konsultationsteamet in Malmö. Konsultationsteamet is a form of cooperation between social workers and the police. They work with gang members who have an increased level of threat targeted against them and who are in need of a relocation in a new city. The team initially conducts an investigation of the gang member's motivation and the level of threat targeted against the gang member that wants to leave. This information is used as a basis for an official decision on interventions. After the official decision, the gang member is relocated to a new city. Konsultationsteamet has been studied before. However, the aspect of cooperation has never before been investigated in relation to Konsultationsteamet. The aim of this study is therefore to study the informants' experiences of the work in Konsultationsteamet, i.e. the social workers and the police officers. The focus has been on the informants' experiences of  the collaboration within Konsultationsteamet as well as collaboration with other actors who participate in the work with the exit programs. The study also aims to investigate the experiences of the employees, who work at the accommodations where the defectors are placed about their thoughts on their work and cooperation with Konsultationsteamet. The results shows that the informants at Konsultationsteamet are very satisfied with the work and cooperation within the team. The employees at the accommodations where the defectors are placed also express that their work and cooperation with Konsultationsteamet is working really well. Furthermore, it has been noted that the quality of the accommodations where the defectors are placed can vary greatly, which is perceived as a problem by all informants. Finally, the results also shows that the contact with the social services could evolve and improve more, as some  shortcomings in the current contact have been noted.

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