Spelling suggestions: "subject:"behavioral economics"" "subject:"ehavioral economics""
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ALTERNATIVNÍ PŘÍSTUPY K PODPOŘE ZDRAVÍ / Alternative approaches to health promotionKlesla, Arnošt January 2010 (has links)
The economic concept of health is defined as an ability to fully utilize human capital. The health promotion shall procure healthy lifestyle among the population. It also appears as the most efficient way to prevent diseases, in particular the non-communicable diseases (NCD). Economic analysis of human behavior offers the explanation of the rational choices as well as the decisions with bounded rationality affecting people's' health conditions. The Czech population health development analysis shows tendencies to careless approach in this area, that is illustrated by the increase incidence of sick leaves caused by NCD in higher age categories. Application of the health promotion in Czech Republic may be significantly improved by the outcomes of economic analysis of human behavior in these regards. Incidental issues are to be analyzed by the methods of logical deduction logical deduction, comparative analysis and empirical results of the statistical survey. Synthesis of the findings and conclusions of the analysis is the starting point for the modeling of health strategies, policies and programs promoting health in the Czech Republic. The main hypothesis is supported by the outcomes of this analysis with regards to the applicability of the economic analysis of human behavior on the health promotion and its positive macroeconomical impact on the current medical system sustainability. The primary contribution of the thesis consist in formulation of specific outcomes of the economic analysis of human behavior for the health promotion concept development. A secondary benefit is the proposal to measure personal productive incapacity in time by the indicator of work incapacity. In this context, the risk of non-infectious diseases impact deepening in older age categories of workers in Czech Republic is emphasized
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Philosophical-Methodological Problems of Economics: Project of Economic Phenomenology / Filosoficko-metodologické problémy ekonomie: projekt ekonomické fenomenologieSvoboda, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
In recent years, the economic approach to human behavior has been challenged by contributions of cognitive science. Thus two methodological strands in economics disagree with each other: the objectivistic approach favors the methods of natural science; the subjectivistic approach takes the teleological structure of human action as its cornerstone. It is argued that the position of the latter has been undermined and often degraded to a mere instrumentalist tool because it builds upon the primitive version of the teleological structure. Its deeper realist analysis is needed, which is the task for economic phenomenology: it identifies invariant pragmatic structures of human action, with various degrees of their anonymity. If the economic approach is founded on those structures adequately, then both rational choice theory and bounded rationality theories become compatible, as they differ in their degrees of anonymity only; they both belong to the body of the (subjectivistic) economic approach to human behavior. Economic phenomenology also offers a solution to the phenomenon of inconsistency of human action which is documented by cognitive sciences as a proof of human irrationality. The thesis shows that once the decision maker's description of the choice is allowed, inconsistency may disappear. Consistency is a matter of thinking, not acting. Therefore, a conceptual analysis of human thinking is needed. An example of the analysis is presented. It concentrates on the phenomenon of Self and works up the concept of the horizontality of Self. With this concept, inconsistency of human action is derived as a natural characteristic of our being-in-the-world. Inconsistency of human action is a pragmatic structure of human action, which even allows the decision maker some intentional control.
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I en stödjande miljö är hälsosamma val enkla val : En kvantitativ studie om konsumenters upplevelser av hälsosamma livsmedelsvalOlofsson, Terése, Pettersson, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Introduktion: Ohälsosamma matvanor är en av de största riskfaktorerna för ohälsa och förekommer oftare i socioekonomiskt svagare grupper. Tillgängligheten av livsmedel påverkar både vilka kostval vi gör och hur mycket vi konsumerar. Marknadsföring påverkar tillgängligheten och används för att styra konsumenternas livsmedelsval. För att främja hälsosamma val behövs stödjande miljöer med tillgängliga, prisvärda och hälsosamma livsmedel. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka hur hälsosamma livsmedelsval har samband med konsumenters upplevelser av dagligvaruhandelns bidrag till stödjande miljöer för hälsosamma livsmedelsval. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign tillämpades. Datainsamlingen skedde genom webbenkät vilken länkades till informanter via sociala medier. Deskriptiv analys användes samt positiv oddskvot för att belysa det salutogena perspektivet. Ett p-värde på <0,05 ansågs signifikant. Resultat: Respondenterna (n=346) var kvinnor och män över 21 år. Majoriteten var kvinnor i medelåldern, med högskole- eller universitetsexamen samt medelinkomst. Konsumenter som väljer hälsosamma livsmedel har samband med sinnesstämning, naturliga livsmedel och tillgänglighet. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att hälsofrämjande insatser riktas mot hela samhället och stärker medvetenheten om hälsosam kost. Då studien visade samband mellan konsumenters upplevelser av dagligvaruhandelns stödjande miljöer och hälsosamma livsmedelsval, bör hela livsmedelskedjan medvetandegöras om hur folkhälsan påverkas av stödjande miljöer. / Introduction: Unhealthy eating habits are one of the major risk factors för unhealth and occur more frequently in low socioeconomic areas. The availability of food affects both the dietary choices we make and how much we consume. Marketing affects accessibility and is used to guide consumers' food choices. In order to promote healthy choices, supportive environments with available, affordable and healthy foods are needed. Aim: The aim is to investigate how healthy food choices are linked to consumers' experiences of the grocery retailer's contribution to supportive environments for healthy food choices. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional design was applied. Data was collected with a web survey. Descriptive analysis applied as well as logistic regression analysis and positive odds ratio was used to illustrate the salutogenic perspective. A p-value of <0.05 was considered significant. Result: The respondents (n = 346) were women and men over 21 years. The majority were middle-aged women, with a college or university degree and middle income. There is an association between consumers who choose healthy foods and mood, natural foods and availability. Conclusion: It is important that health promotion efforts are directed at the entire society and strengthen the awareness of healthy eating. As the study showed a correlation between consumers' experiences of the grocery's supportive environments and healthy food choices, the entire food supply chain should be made aware of how public health is affected by supportive environments.
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Das Nutzererlebnis als Erfolgsfaktor im digitalen Vertrieb: Eine neuroökonomische und verhaltenspsychologische Untersuchung für den Absatz von Wein im Internet. / Optimierung des Nutzererlebnisses mit Neuromarketing für den Verkauf von Wein im Internet. / The user experience as a success factor in digital sales: A neuro-economic and behavioral psychological study of wine sales on the Internet. / Improving User Experience with Neuromarketing for online Wine distributionMerdian, Peter 26 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Tid är din vän, impuls din fiende : Coronapandemin ur ett börspsykologiskt perspektiv / Time Is Your Friend, Impulse Your EnemyFernström, Lovisa, Vikstrand, Ellinor January 2021 (has links)
Börsåret 2020 har varit ett unikt år som präglats av ett kraftigt börsras, men även en historiskt snabb återhämtning. Det unika händelseförloppet härrör ur en pandemi orsakad av ett coronavirus, vilket skapat nya underlag för studier av investerares beslutsfattande ur ett börspsykologiskt perspektiv. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga vilka börspsykologiska faktorer som indikerats hos investerare under pandemin. Intentionen var att undersöka huruvida det förelåg samband mellan börspsykologiska faktorer och investerares beslutsfattande. Studien har främst tillämpat en kvantitativ metod i form av en tvärsnittsdesign för att uppnå generaliserbarhet, men har även inslag av kvalitativ forskningsdesign för att erhålla en djupare förståelse. I syfte att besvara studiens forskningsfrågor har en statistisk analys i form av bivariata och multivariata linjära regressionsanalyser genomförts. Resultatet visar att samtliga undersökta börspsykologiska faktorer indikeras hos investerare och att det existerar ett flertal signifikanta samband mellan faktorerna och investerares beslutsfattande. Vidare har studien uppmärksammat en problematik i investerares självuppfattning och brister i de tillämpade testerna för börspsykologiska faktorer. Slutligen har en modell framtagits i syfte att bistå med underlag som kan öka förståelsen och medvetenheten inom ämnesområdet och således skapa bättre förutsättningar för rationella investeringsbeslut. / The stock market during 2020 has been a remarkable year that has experienced a major marketcrash, but also a historical recovery. The unique course of events derives from a pandemic causedby a coronavirus, which has generated new data for research of investors’ decision making from abehavioral finance perspective. The purpose with the research was to map biases which havebeen indicated by investors during the pandemic. The intention was also to investigate whetherthere were relationships between biases and the decision making of investors. This thesis hasmainly applied a quantitative method in the form of a cross-sectional study to achievegeneralizability, but it also has elements of qualitative research to obtain a deeper understanding.In order to answer the research questions, a statistical analysis in the form of bivariate andmultivariate linear regression models has been applied. The result concludes that all theinvestigated biases were indicated, and several significant relationships between the biases andthe decision making of the investors. Furthermore, the research has shown two problematicaspects. The first is the self-perception of investors and the second is the weaknesses of theapplied tests for biases. Finally, a model has been developed with the aim to contribute withuseful research that can create better conditions for rational investment decisions through anincreased understanding and awareness in the area of behavioral finance.
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The good, the bad, and the framed : A study of behavioral economics and the framing effect on tobacco free snusMuleba, William January 2020 (has links)
This study sets out to explore attitudes and intentions towards nicotine product goods and how it is affected by the goal framing effect. The presence of this effect has been shown in the advertising of both green products and everyday products. The aim of this research is to explore whether or not this also holds true when it comes to unhealthy products, more precisely tobacco free all white nicotine products. A quasi experimental study was conducted with the use of a fictitious brand of All-white tobacco. All 63 participants in the three different experimental groups of the study met the mandatory age requirement. One of the three groups received a positively framed advert, another received a negatively framed advert, whereas the last group acted as the control group and therefore received a neutral advertisement stimuli. All participants submitted their answers on a questionnaire created for this study, which was validated using Cronbach’s alpha and factor analysis. The results suggest that the use of goal framing is beneficial when advertising nicotine product goods. Both positive and negative goal-framing showed a greater effect on purchase intention and product attitude than the control group. The negative goal-framing advert proved to be statistically different than the control group when measuring product attitude. Furthermore, the positively framed advert showed a statistically significant difference in effect on both product attitude and purchase intention compared to the control group. The findings suggest that positively framed goal-framing has an effect on both attitudes and purchase intention, compared to the neutral stimuli. The negatively framed goal-framing had an effect on attitudes, compared to the neutral stimuli. The practical implication of this study could possibly be that when constructing advertisements for tobacco free snus products, it could be preferable to make use of the positive goal-framing effect in order to affect the consumers purchase intention and attitude towards the product. This study has confirmed to some extent that the framing effect is a factor prevalent in the advertising of tobacco free products. For further research it would be highly interesting to delve deeper in comparing positive and negative goal-framing in order to find further evidence of which one has greater effect on consumers.
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Hur nudging kan minska matsvinn och främja cirkularitet : Konsumenters upplevelse av nudging i relation till klass II-produkter inom dagligvaruhandelns e-handelAlenbrand, Michaela, Johansson, Karin January 2021 (has links)
Problematiken med matsvinn utgör ett globalt hållbarhetsproblem och konsumenternasbeteende har identifierats som den främsta bidragande faktorn till problematiken. En minskning av matsvinn måste ske för att en övergång till och utveckling av cirkulär ekonomi ska kunna realiseras, vilket ses som en direkt nödvändighet för att uppnå en hållbar utveckling. En förändring av de val konsumenter gör vid inköp av livsmedel ses som avgörande för att uppnå en minskning av det matsvinn som uppstår inom dagligvaruhandeln. Produkter med annorlunda utseende, kort utgångsdatum och skadad förpackning benämns som klass II-produkter, varpå en stor andel av dagligvaruhandelns matsvinn uppstår av just klass II-produkter. E-handel av mat har ökat drastiskt och utgör en viktig handelsplattform där det behövs åtgärder som syftar till att uppnå en förändring av konsumenternas beteende och val av livsmedel. Nudging utgör ett verktyg som används för att influera beteenden i en bestämd riktning och har identifieratssom en potentiell åtgärd att implementera inom dagligvaruhandelns e-handel, för att influera konsumenter att ta val av produkter som i en förlängning kan leda till minskat matsvinn. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla förståelsen om vilka möjligheter och utmaningar det finns vid användandet av nudgingverktyg inom dagligvaruhandelns e-handel, för att influera konsumenters val av klass II-produkter. Val som i förlängningen kan leda till minskat matsvinn och utveckling av cirkulär ekonomi. För att utveckla denna förståelse, har vi utformat ett experiment som simulerar en fiktiv e-handel av dagligvaror, där olika nudgingverktyg implementerats i relation till klass II-produkter. Detta experiment har genomförts av studiens elva deltagare och därefter har dessa intervjuats. Den teoretiska bakgrunden om matsvinn, beslutstagande och nudging har ställts i relation till det material som samlats in genom intervjuerna, för att därefter användas för att besvara studiens problemformulering: Hur upplever konsumenter nudging i relation till klass II-produkter inom dagligvaruhandelnse-handel? Studiens resultat visar att konsumenternas upplevelse av nudging i relation till klass II-produkter inom dagligvaruhandelns e-handel, beror på konsumenternas preferenser, erfarenheter, förväntningar, konsumtionsmönster och ett antal demografiska faktorer. De största utmaningar och möjligheter för dagligvaruhandelns e-handel ses ligga i konsumenternas erfarenheter och preferenser, samt förverkligandet av transparens och tillit.
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Impact of ACA’s free screening policy on colorectal cancer outcomes and cost savings : Effect of removal of out-of-pocket cancer screening fee on screening, incidence, mortality, and cost savingsTogtokhjav, Oyun January 2023 (has links)
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide as of 2020. Early detection and diagnosis of colorectal cancer can greatly increase the chances of successful treatment and can also reduce the cost of care including treatment. It’s shown in recent years that the colorectal cancer screening rates have slowed nationwide which impacts the new diagnoses of colorectal cancer (CRC) and the ability to treat it at an early stage to avoid increase in mortality rate. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the Affordable Care Act 2010 ‘s policy to remove colorectal cancer screening fee for adults aged 50-75 on screening, incidence, and mortality rate of colorectal cancer using panel data model and employing sequential recursive system of equations method. Since a decision to get screened is an individual’s choice, this study explores methods to increase colorectal cancer screening rate with the help of behavioral economics theories. Results of the study show that Affordable Care Act’s policy to remove colorectal cancer screening fee has a significant impact on both colorectal cancer screening and incidence rates. The ACA’s policy is associated with an increase in colorectal cancer screening rate while associating with a decrease in cancer incidence rate. Relating to the colorectal cancer mortality rate, an effort was made to examine the effect of the Affordable Care Act's policy to remove colorectal cancer screening fee on the overall cost savings resulting from lives saved. However, since this study found no significant impact of the ACA's policy on the mortality rate of colorectal cancer, further exploration in this regard was not pursued. On the other hand, studies conducted to increase colorectal cancer screening rate by applying behavioral economics methods have shown that default method with an opt-out choice and financial incentive with a loss-framed messaging methods are proven effective. Therefore, these methods can be investigated to design and implement a nationwide initiative.
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[pt] O presente estudo busca analisar o comportamento do investidor brasileiro
em diferentes ambientes de taxas de juros e compara esse comportamento com a
teoria tradicional de finanças e as finanças comportamentais. Além de dados
quantitativos disponíveis do mercado de capitais brasileiro, o estudo desenvolve
uma pesquisa qualitativa, observacional de campo – de autoria dos autores. A
pesquisa de campo busca adaptar para o mercado brasileiro o trabalho de Yoav
Ganzach and Avi Wohl (2018) A Behavioral Theory of the Effect of the Risk-Free
Rate on the Demand for Risky Assets que sugere que taxas de juros mais baixas
mudam a propensão a tomar risco por parte dos investidores. Esse tipo de
abordagem vai de encontro ao que sugere a microeconomia clássica, segundo a
qual, o que importa é o prêmio de risco, ou o retorno superior ao retorno sem risco.
Dito de outra forma, segundo a literatura clássica, o nível de retorno livre de risco
não importa. O presente trabalho reproduz experimentos no mercado brasileiro
visando compreender se prêmio de risco é uma variável relevante ou se o nível de
juros altera a forma de se investir. Além disso o trabalho busca entender se há
distinção entre investidores de varejo e de alta renda. / [en] The present study analyses the behaviour of brazilian investors in different
interest rate environments and compares this behaviour with traditional theory of
finance and behavioural finance. In addition to quantitative data available from the
Brazilian capital market, the study develops a qualitative, observational field
research – authored by the authors. The field research seeks to adapt the work of
Yoav Ganzach and Avi Wohl (2018) A Behavioral Theory of the Effect of the
Risk-Free Rate on the Demand for Risky Assets that suggests that lower interest
rates change investors propensity to take risk. This type of approach goes against
what the classical microeconomy suggests, according to which, what matters is the
risk premium, or the higher return to risk-free return. Put another way, according to
classical literature, the level of risk-free return does not matter. The present work
reproduces experiments in the Brazilian market to understand whether risk premium
is a relevant variable or if the level of interest changes the way of investing. In
addition, the paper seeks to understand whether there is a distinction between retail
and high-income investors.
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Leva här och nu : Ungas privata pensionssparande fritt från psykologiska fallgropar / Live here and now : Young people's private pension savings free from psychological pitfallsAndersson, Malin, Di Luca, Valentina January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: De yngre generationerna, individer födda efter år 1990, står inför stora utmaningar och riskerar att erhålla sämre pensioner än dagens pensionärer, vilket ställer höga krav på att inkludera ett privat pensionssparande. Trots att det privata pensionssparandet i dagsläget är mer aktuellt än någonsin är det fortfarande ovanligt förekommande bland de yngre generationerna. Att individen kringgår ett aktivt beslutsfattande gällande sin pensionssituation innebär att agerandet avviker från den rationella teorin och livscykelhypotesen. För att komma närmare verkligheten och göra de underliggande resonemangen mer beteendemässigt realistiska bör teorin anpassas efter praktiken och större hänsyn tas till beteendepsykologiska bias. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att skapa en ökad förståelse för de yngre generationernas inställning till och agerande för deras privata pensionssparande med utgångspunkt i en analys av de beteendepsykologiska biasen kort- och långsiktigt fokus, självdisciplin, övermod och social interaktion. Metod: För att säkerställa att studiens insamlade empiri kunde uppfylla studiens syfte med stöd av den teoretiska referensramen genomfördes åtta kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med individer från de yngre generationerna. Under djupintervjuerna med respondenterna uppmanades de att reflektera över sin upplevda verklighet för att på så sätt möjliggöra ett sammanförande av teori och praktik och därmed göra förståelsen för pensionssparbeslut mer verklighetsförankrad. Slutsats: Den goda inställningen och den därmed uppkomna sparviljan bland respondenterna återspeglas inte i ett gynnsamt agerande då ingen av de tillfrågade i denna studie ännu har inkluderat ett sparande specifikt till den privata pensionen. Det kan konstateras att de faller offer för beteendepsykologiska fallgropar. Studien påvisar att lusten av att leva här och nu i kombination med att det kortsiktiga tänket är mycket starkare än det långsiktiga, motarbetar ett pensionssparande. För vissa är detta en konsekvens av deras självupplevda bristande självdisciplin och för andra är det en influens av övermod som motarbetar. Vad gäller social interaktion ger respondenterna tecken på att den både kan anses vara främjande eller motarbetande beroende på förmedlarens framställning och egna agerande. / Background: The younger generations, individuals born after 1990, face major challenges and risk receiving worse pensions than today's pensioners, which places high demands on including private pension savings. Even though private pension savings are currently more relevant than ever, it is still uncommon among the younger generations. The fact that the individual circumvents active decision- making regarding their pension situation means that the action deviates from the rational theory and life cycle hypothesis. In order to get closer to reality and make the underlying reasoning more behaviorally realistic, the theory should be adapted to practice, and greater consideration must be given to behavioral psychological bias. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to create an increased understanding of the younger generations' attitudes and actions regarding their private pension savings based on an analysis of the behavioral psychological bias of short- and long-term focus, self-control, overconfidence, and social interaction. Method: To ensure that the empirical data collected by the study could fulfill the purpose of the study with the support of the theoretical frame of reference, eight qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with individuals from the younger generations. During the in-depth interviews with the respondents, they were asked to reflect on their perceived reality in order to enable a merge of theory and practice and thus make the understanding of pension savings decisions more reality based. Conclusion: The good attitudes and the willingness to save among the respondents is not reflected in a favorable action as none of the respondents in this study have yet included any savings specific for the private pension. It can be stated that they fall in these behavioral psychological pitfalls. The study shows that the desire to live here and now in combination with the fact that short-term thinking is much stronger than long-term thinking counteracts pension savings. For some it is a consequence of their self-perceived lack of self-control and for others it is an influence of overconfidence that counteracts. Regarding social interaction, the respondents give signs that it can be considered both promoting or counteracting depending on the mediator's framing and own actions.
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