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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


NATALIA PEREIRA LIMA 28 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] O estudo em tela integra o campo temático da gestão escolar tendo como foco de sua investigação a atuação da liderança escolar, representada na maioria das vezes, pelo(a) diretor(a), no contexto da pandemia do Covid-19. Buscou-se inicialmente identificar na literatura o conceito e as tipologias da liderança escolar e como estão associadas com a autonomia e com os resultados educacionais, tendo como referência principal os conceitos de Liderança instrucional e liderança distribuída (Leithwood e Sun, 2012; Spillane, 2005). Complementarmente foi feito um levantamento da produção nacional e internacional recente sobre a gestão escolar no contexto da pandemia. Por meio de um estudo de caso, de natureza qualitativa, foram investigadas as experiências da gestão de duas escolas públicas municipais de São José de Ribamar (MA) a fim de compreender como os gestores escolares mobilizaram diferentes recursos e desenvolveram ações para responder aos desafios gerados e intensificados pela pandemia no que diz respeito a garantia do direito à aprendizagem dos estudantes. Integra-se à pesquisa, a análise documental, entrevistas com supervisores da secretaria municipal de educação, diretoras e professoras, além de dados do Censo Escolar (2020) e dos questionários contextuais do professor e do diretor da Prova Brasil (2019). A análise foi construída a partir de três categorias: o contexto sociocultural, estrutura e organização de cada escola, percepções dos diretores e dos professores das escolas sobre o perfil e as ações desenvolvidas pela gestão escola e pela rede durante esse período. Os achados deste trabalho indicaram, inicialmente, uma considerável centralização das ações da secretaria com pouco espaço de orientação pedagógica para as escolas e diretores em contraste com a relevância do papel dos diretores para a reorganização da rotina escolar. Neste último aspecto, observou-se que o processo requereu a colaboração dos professores e apontou para uma liderança mais autônoma, distribuída e instrucional em um dos casos. No outro, indica uma escola dependente das orientações da secretaria e uma liderança focada nas questões mais administrativas. Pode-se perceber que, se de um lado os diretores desenvolvem diferentes ações e mobilizam recursos diversos conforme sua experiência, formação e conhecimento, de outro, a falta de formação e de apoio do órgão central se constitui em um dos maiores obstáculos para o desenvolvimento de sua autonomia e liderança. / [en] The study on screen integrates the thematic field of school management focusing its investigation on the performance of school leadership, represented in most cases by the principal, in the context of Covid-19 pandemic. Initially, we sought to identify in the literature the concept and typologies of school leadership and how they are associated with autonomy and educational outcomes, having as main reference the concepts of instructional leadership and distributed leadership (Leithwood e Sun, 2012; Spillane, 2005). In addition, a survey of recent national and international production on school management in the context of the pandemic was carried out. Through a case study of a qualitative nature, the experiences of managing two municipal public schools in São José de Ribamar (MA) were investigated to understand how school managers mobilized different resources and developed actions to respond to the challenges generated. and intensified by the pandemic regarding guaranteeing the right to learn for students. The research includes documentary analysis, interviews with supervisors of the municipal education department, principals, and teachers, as well as data from the School Census (2020) and the contextual questionnaires of the teacher and the director of Prova Brasil (2019). The analysis was built from three categories: the sociocultural context, structure and organization of each school, perceptions of school directors and teachers about the profile and actions developed by the school management and the network during this period. The findings of this work initially indicated a considerable centralization of actions in the secretariat with little space for pedagogical guidance for schools and principals, in contrast to the relevance of the role of principals for the reorganization of the school routine. In this last aspect, it was observed that the process required the collaboration of teachers and pointed to a more autonomous, distributed, and instructional leadership in one of the cases. In the other, it indicates a school dependent on the guidelines of the secretariat and a leadership focused on more administrative issues. If, on the one hand, directors develop different actions and mobilize different resources according to their experience, training, and knowledge, on the other hand, the lack of training and support from the central body constitutes one of the biggest obstacles to development of their autonomy and leadership.

Are Attitudes towards COVID-19 Pandemic Related to Subjective Physical and Mental Health?

Khachatryan, Kristine, Beutel, Manfred E., Stöbel-Richter, Yve, Zenger, Markus, Berth, Hendrik, Brähler, Elmar, Schmidt, Peter 12 December 2024 (has links)
In this paper, we investigate the relationship between a person’s psychological distress, subjective physical health and their attitudes towards the COVID-19 pandemic. The evaluation was performed on the basis of data from two waves of the Saxon Longitudinal Study, carried out in 2019 (pre-pandemic) and 2021. The number of study participants in both waves was 291. We tested in autoregressive cross-lagged models the stability of the respondents’ health status before and during the pandemic and reviewed their influence on attitudes towards COVID-19. Our results show that COVID-19-related concerns are controlled by subjective physical health, while pandemic denial is linked to psychological distress. In an unknown and critical situation, with limited control over the situation, the strategy of avoidance or suppression may be used by individuals for protection by psychologically downplaying the stressor and danger.


[pt] A indústria de turismo foi fortemente afetada pela pandemia do Covid-19, que se alastrou rapidamente por todo o mundo, causando a interrupção mais severa da economia global no século XXI. Sem vacinas e com capacidade médica limitada para tratar a doença, as intervenções não farmacêuticas foram a principal estratégia adotada pelos países para conter a pandemia, resultando em restrições globais de viagens e reclusão domiciliar. Diante deste cenário, pesquisadores de turismo pediram uma resposta proativa em termos de planejamento de gestão em tempos de crise, visto que pandemias têm um impacto destrutivo devastador na indústria de viagens e turismo, principalmente para as pequenas empresas. Esta dissertação descreve os impactos sofridos por uma pequena empresa familiar brasileira de turismo durante a pandemia do Covid-19, as percepções dos empreendedores durante a crise, bem como as estratégias seguidas pela empresa e seu relacionamento com clientes, adotando o método do estudo de caso. A resposta à crise utilizada pela empresa é avaliada e comparada com a literatura. Com base nas descobertas, são extraídas as conclusões do estudo e feitas recomendações para futuras pesquisas. / [en] The tourism industry was strongly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which spread rapidly around the world, causing the most severe disruption of the global economy in the 21st century. Without vaccines and limited medical capacity to treat the disease, non-pharmaceutical interventions were the main strategy adopted by countries to contain the pandemic, resulting in global travel restrictions and home confinement. Faced with this scenario, tourism researchers asked for a proactive response in terms of management planning in times of crisis, as pandemics have a devastating destructive impact on the travel and tourism industry, especially for small businesses. This dissertation describes the impacts suffered by a small family-owned Brazilian tourism company during the Covid-19 pandemic, the perceptions of the entrepreneurs during the crisis, as well as the strategies followed by the firm and the relationship with customers, adopting the case study method. The response of the firm to the crisis is evaluated and compared with the literature. Based on the findings, the conclusions are presented, as well as suggestions for future research.


[pt] Desde fevereiro de 2020 a pandemia gerada pelo novo coronavírus SarsCoV-2, vírus gerador da doença COVID-19, tem causado muitos óbitos, principalmente nos grandes centros urbanos. No Brasil, um dos estados mais afetados foi o Rio de Janeiro que, apesar de todas as ações feitas para mitigar o avanço da COVID-19, chegou em 01 de março de 2021 a uma taxa de mortalidade de 206,9 por cento, que corresponde a aproximadamente 207 óbitos a cada mil habitantes. No entanto, os municípios do RJ foram atingidos de maneira distinta, onde a cidade menos afetada alcançou 9,7 por cento e a mais afetada 331,3 por cento. Estudos prévios da literatura especializada indicam que a principal razão desta discrepância pode ser associada à fatores relacionados a população, renda, educação, saúde, economia, território e ambiente. Portanto, esse trabalho tem como principal objetivo identificar os principais fatores socioeconômicos, sociodemográficos e de acesso a recursos hospitalares que estão associadas a taxa de mortalidade oriunda do Sars-CoV-2 nos noventa e dois municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro com base no modelo de Regressão de Poisson, no período de 01 de março de 2020 a 01 de março de 2021, contabilizando 12 meses. A partir do modelo escolhido foi possível detectar que dez dos onze fatores analisados influenciam na taxa de mortalidade. Sendo os fatores, Índice de desenvolvimento humano municipal (IDHM), Renda per capita (RDPC), Percentual de pobres (PMPOB), Produto interno bruto (PIB), Taxa de frequência bruta ao superior (T_FBSUPER), percentual de aglomerados subnormais (PER_AGSN), Densidade demográfica, Número de leitos hospitalares do SUS por habitante, Número de leitos hospitalares totais por habitante e Número de respiradores por habitante. Assim, os resultados obtidos com base nesses fatores analisados podem auxiliar na criação de ações mitigadoras mais direcionadas e eficientes, de acordo com as características dos municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro. / [en] Since February 2020 the pandemic generated by the new coronavirus SarsCoV-2, the virus generating the disease COVID-19, has caused many deaths, mainly in large urban centers. In Brazil, one of the most affected states was Rio de Janeiro, which, despite all the actions taken to mitigate the progress of COVID19, reached on March 1, 2021 a mortality rate of 206.9 percent, which corresponds to approximately 207 deaths per thousand inhabitants. However, the Rio de Janeiro municipalities were affected differently, where the least affected city reached 9.7 percent and the most affected 331.3 percent. Previous studies in the specialized literature indicate that the main reason for this discrepancy may be associated with factors related to population, income, education, health, economy, territory, and environment. Therefore, this work has as main objective to identify the main socioeconomic, socio-demographic factors and access to hospital resources that are associated with the mortality rate from Sars-CoV-2 in the ninety-two municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro based on the Poisson Regression model, in the period from March 01, 2020 to March 01, 2021, accounting for 12 months. From the model chosen it was possible to detect those ten of the eleven factors analyzed influence the mortality rate. The factors being, municipal human development index (IDHM), per capita income (RDPC), percentage of poor (PMPOB), gross domestic product (GDP), gross attendance rate to higher (T_FBSUPER), percentage of subnormal settlements (PER_AGSN), demographic density, number of SUS hospital beds per inhabitant, number of total hospital beds per inhabitant and number of respirators per inhabitant. Thus, the results obtained based on these analyzed factors can help in the creation of more targeted and efficient mitigating actions, according to the characteristics of the municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro.


BRUNA MARIA FERREIRA SOTERO 17 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação irá tratar as questões sobre o trajeto que faço indode casa até a universidade, que se deu durante a pandemia do COVID-19e as recentes medidas de flexibilização. Descrevo o uso que faço do transporte público detalhando os dois modais utilizados por mim durante o percurso até a Universidade: BRT e MetrôRio. O trajeto tem muitas coisasa contar que enredam entendimentos de distanciamento não só físico, mastambém social, que separam os dois meios de transporte aqui propostos. O plano de fundo para as análises feitas diz respeito à mobilidade da minha vida, que aqui tratarei como atravessamento de portais. O primeiro portal éa mobilidade pessoal, portanto, também social, feita através dos estudos na PUC-Rio. A segunda trata-se de uma mobilidade urbana através do transporte público, onde consigo atravessar os abismos simbólicos dos seus dois lados, sair da favela em que moro para ir à Zona Sul da cidade esuas nuances próprias. / [en] This work will deal with questions about the route I take from home to the university, which took place during the COVID-19 pandemic and its recent flexibility measures. I describe the use I make of public transport, I will be detailing the two modes used by me during the journey to the University: BRT and MetrôRio. The route has many things to tell that entangle the understandings of distance not only physical, but also social, that separatethe two means of transport proposed here. The background for the analyzes made concerns the mobility of my life, which I will treat here as portals crossing. The first portal is personal, and therefore also social, mobility through studying at PUC-Rio. The second is urban mobility, through publictransport where I can cross the simbolic chasms on both sides, leave the favela where I live to go to the South Zone of the city and its own nuances.

Dynamik der Ausbreitung von COVID-19 in Deutschland

Kobe, Sigismund, Schiller, Wolfgang, Vargas, Patricio, Vogel, Eugenio E. 18 April 2024 (has links)
Seit Beginn der Pandemie Anfang des Jahres 2020 werden statistische Daten erhoben mit dem Ziel, die Ausbreitung von COVID-19 zu charakterisieren. Grundlage der statistischen Analysen bilden die Zeitreihen der täglich erfassten Anzahl von Neuinfektionen. Die Dynamik der Pandemie lässt sich als Trajektorie in einem Phasenraum visualisieren. Dieser Zugang und ein Vergleich mit dem mathematischen Modell des logistischen Wachstums ermöglicht eine Analyse der Wirksamkeit von Maßnahmen und liefert Hinweise für eine Optimierung von Strategien zur Eindämmung der Virusausbreitung.:1. Einleitung 2. Zeitliche Entwicklung der Infektionszahlen und logistisches Wachstum 3. Pandemie im Phasenraum und log-log-Darstellung 3.1 Dynamik der Pandemie bis 02.03.2020 bis 27.06.2021 3.2 Dynamik der Pandemie von 28.06.2021 bis 02.06.2023 4. Diskussion 4.1 Datenerhebung und statistische Auswertung 4.2 Zeitliche, räumliche und sachliche Analyse der Daten 4.3 Schlussfolgerungen und Ausblick 5. Anhang 6. Literatur / Since the start of the pandemic at the beginning of 2020, statistical data have been collected with the aim of characterizing the spread of COVID-19. The basis of the statistical analyzes is the time series of the number of new infections recorded daily. The dynamics of the pandemic can be visualized as a trajectory in a phase space. This approach and a comparison with the mathematical model of logistic growth enables us an analysis of the effectiveness of measures and provides evidence for optimizing strategies for containment of the virus.:1. Einleitung 2. Zeitliche Entwicklung der Infektionszahlen und logistisches Wachstum 3. Pandemie im Phasenraum und log-log-Darstellung 3.1 Dynamik der Pandemie bis 02.03.2020 bis 27.06.2021 3.2 Dynamik der Pandemie von 28.06.2021 bis 02.06.2023 4. Diskussion 4.1 Datenerhebung und statistische Auswertung 4.2 Zeitliche, räumliche und sachliche Analyse der Daten 4.3 Schlussfolgerungen und Ausblick 5. Anhang 6. Literatur

Vägen framåt! : Vårdnadshavares upplevda inflytande i förskolan under och efter COVID-19 restriktionerna. / The road forward! : Guardians' experienced influence in preschool during and after the COVID-19 restrictions.

Samuelsson, Ellyon January 2024 (has links)
Under Covid-19 pandemin hamnade samarbetet mellan förskolan och hemmet på sin spets efter att restriktioner infördes i verksamheten. Denna studie syftar till att försöka förbättra förståelsen för hur vårdnadshavare upplevde sitt inflytande i förskoleverksamheter under denna period.  Min studie utgår från en livsvärldsfenomenologisk teori och insamlandet av empirin har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Nio vårdnadshavare intervjuades och deras svar analyserades genom analysmetoden Tolkande fenomenologiskt perspektiv (IPA). Från analysen framkom det att vårdnadshavarna upplevde ett behov av stöd och kommunikation och kände sig isolerade och mindre delaktiga på grund av pandemins begränsningar. Detta påverkade deras mellanmänskliga relationer och upplevda inflytande. Det visade sig att socioekonomiska faktorer och tillgång till resurser som teknologi och språkförståelse spelade stor roll i deras möjligheter till delaktighet och inflytande. Studiens slutsats lyfter att det finns ett stort behov av att utveckla mer motståndskraftiga kommunikationsstrategier inom förskoleverksamheten. Detta för att bevara en stark koppling mellan vårdnadshavare och pedagoger, särskilt under krissituationer. Strategierna behöver utvecklas till att inkludera vårdnadshavare med olika modersmål och socioekonomiska bakgrunder. Studien lyfter också vikten av att etablera tydliga riktlinjer för att hantera kriser, då den nuvarande läroplanen inte lyckas upprätthålla vårdnadshavares inflytande. Slutligen understryker studien att ett bibehållet eller ökat upplevt inflytande bland vårdnadshavare leder till ett ökat engagemang i att möta personalen halvvägs vid problem, vilket underlättar en positiv dynamik genom krissituationer. / During the Covid-19 pandemic, the collaboration between preschools and homes was put to the test after restrictions were introduced in the operations. This study aims to improve the understanding of how guardians perceived their influence in preschool activities during this period. My study is based on a lifeworld phenomenological theory, and the collection of empirical data was carried out through semi-structured interviews. Nine guardians were interviewed, and their responses were analyzed using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method. The analysis revealed that the guardians experienced a need for support and communication and felt isolated and less involved due to the pandemic's limitations. This affected their interpersonal relationships and perceived influence. It was found that socioeconomic factors and access to resources such as technology and language understanding played a significant role in their opportunities for participation and influence. The study's conclusion highlights that there is a great need to develop more resilient communication strategies within preschool operations. This is to maintain a strong connection between guardians and educators, especially during crisis situations. The strategies need to be developed to include guardians with different mother tongues and socioeconomic backgrounds. The study also emphasizes the importance of establishing clear guidelines for handling crises, as the current curriculum fails to maintain guardians' influence. Finally, the study underlines that maintained or increased perceived influence among guardians leads to increased engagement in meeting the staff halfway when problems arise, facilitating a positive dynamic through crisis situations.

Covid-19 pandemin och dess verkan på offentliga platser : Har Covid-19 pandemin haft inverkan på hur människor förhållit sig till offentliga platser?

Ghaderi Andersson, Halala January 2021 (has links)
Restriktioner som har förelegat under Covid-19 pandemin har påverkat stora delar av våra samhällen. I Sverige har invånarna blivit uppmanade att hålla sig hemma i fullaste mån, arbeta hemifrån och minska sina sociala kontakter. I sin tur har vanliga beteendemönster till och från arbeten ändrats och relationer till offentliga rummet har påverkats. Detta arbete reder ut hur Covid-19 pandemin har påverkat användandet av offentliga platser med hjälp av en enkätstudie. Arbetet undersöker om det finns skillnader bland olika könsgrupper i användandet av offentliga platser under pandemin samt vilka platser som varit mest attraktiva under pandemin. Studien innefattar även kvalitativa inslag för mer djupgående analyser. I studien visar det sig att grönområden har varit mer uppskattade än offentliga platser som torg, där våra sociala umgängen tidigare ägt rum. Skillnaderna mellan könen är i stort väldigt små men det finns lite olikheter i brukbarheten av offentliga platser. Troligtvis kommer vanor som har skapats under Covid-19 pandemin fortgå och vi behöver se över våra offentliga platser så dessa är brukbara även under pandemier.

Situationsanpassad digital krisinformation : design för beteendeförändring under Covid-19 / Situational digital crisis information, : design for behavioural change during Covid-19

Hansson, Elin, Emilia, Gustavsson January 2020 (has links)
Coronapandemin i världen är ett faktum. För att minska smittspridningen i samhället, så bör individer följa regeringens samt myndigheternas rekommendationer. De restriktioner som är gällande i Sverige den 14:e maj är lindriga och under denna pandemi har offentliga platser, restauranger och butiker varit fortsatt öppna (Krisinformation.se 2020). Folkhälsomyndighetens (2020) strategi går ut på att platta ut kurvan så att hälso- och sjukvården upprätthåller en tillräckligt hög kapacitet för att vårda svårt sjuka patienter. För att minska smittspridningen är det av betydelse att enskilda individer följer rekommendationerna om att hålla avstånd, tvätta händerna och inte besöka äldre över 70 år (Folkhälsomyndigheten 2020). Forskning inom IKT pekar på att denna form av information och kommunikation relaterad till kris bör riktas långsiktigt och även inom andra kanaler än sociala medier (Soden & Palen, 2018). Inom detta område har nudging blivit en allt mer utpräglad metod för att motivera individer till beteendeförändringar inom specifika situationer Caraban et al (2019). Att informationen är tydlig och pålitlig är av stor betydelse (The Lancet, 2020). Kvalitativa Intervju- och observationsstudier pekar på att det finns ett behov av att motivera och påminna individer om att följa restriktionerna även utomhus. Genom att situationsanpassa offentliga skärmar och addera sensorer, så vill denna studie verka för att motivera individer till att följa Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer (2020). Designen föreslår en situationsanpassad digital krisinformation som placeras i offentliga parker under coronapandemin. Konceptet innebär att nudga individer till att hålla avstånd i parker och på så sätt bidra till att minska smittspridningen i samhället. Designen tar hänsyn till tidigare forskning inom IKT, nudging och berättande visualisering. För att sedan bidra till forskningen genom att representera en ny metod för hur digital krisinformation kan förmedlas under pandemier. / The global Corona crisis is a fact. Individuals should follow the government's recommendations to reduce the spread of the virus in society. The Swedish strategy, which still remains at the date of 14th of May, means that public places, as well as restaurants and shops, are kept open (Krisinformation.se 2020). The strategy according to the Public Health Authority (Folkhälsomyndigheten 2020) is to flatten the curve so that healthcare can manage to take care of individuals in need of intensive care. In order to reduce the spread of the virus, it is important that individuals are following the recommendations on keeping distance, washing hands and avoiding necessarily contact with elderly over 70 years (Public Health Authority; Folkhälsomyndigheten 2020). Previous research in ICT science indicates that this form of information and communication should be used long term. Research in ICT points out that this form of crisis information should be used also in other channels than Social media (Soden & Palen 2018). According to the scientists Carbal et al (2019), nudging has played an important role for motivating individuals to change behaviour in a particular situation. Qualitative interviews, as well as observational studies, indicate that there is a need to motivate and remind individuals to follow the restrictions even outdoors. This essay aims to motivate individuals to follow the recommendations of the Public Health Authority (Folkhälsomyndigheten 2020). This essay suggests a situation-based design that passes ordinary digital crisis information placed in public parks during the Corona Pandemic. The concept involves nuding individuals to keep their distance in parks, and reduce the spread of the virus in the society. The design takes into account previous research in ICT, nudging and Narrative visualization. Furthermore, this essay aims to represent a new method for how Digital Crisis Information can be disseminated during pandemics.

Organizational Resiliency: How A Midwest Community CollegeManaged Student Success During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Bowler, John Patrick 15 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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